Nine months ago Harper came along and she stole our hearts and she became #1 in our home.
But we haven't forgotten this little white ball of fun who loves us unconditionally.

And tomorrow he turns 7!

Seven years of doggie kisses, walks, cuddles, love in his eyes, excited greetings at the door and begging for food.

He taught us how to take care of something besides ourselves and to be "parents"

Everyone told us when Harper came along - it wouldn't be the same. That he wouldn't be our baby anymore. We didn't believe them. He was our CHILD.

Sad to say - everyone was right. We love him dearly and he still sleeps with us and gets lots of love and treats and we try to do special things for him.........but he has taken a BIG back seat to his little sister. But he's handled it very well.

Happy Birthday Dawson Wagner Stamps! We love you so much! We can't believe you are already middle aged (49 in dog years!)
Awww... I LOVE this dog! What a stud :-)
That is so sweet - you haven't blogged about him much and I was starting to wonder if he was still around. Glad to see he's still an important part of your family. There is NOTHING like a family dog and Harper is lucky to have him!
I am laughing that your dog has a middle name! Funny. (oh, we had to give our dog away once our little girl came along, so be glad that he's done so well!)
Happy Birthday Dawson, you might be 49 but you still have a some good years left to play with little Miss Harper, Just wait until she learns to throw a ball for you to fetch, does she mess with your feading dish yet? She will !!!
You are a true Southern Belle, Kelly. A dog with a middle name! HIlarious!! (Our Chihuahua has one, too: Peanut Butter Burge)
From one Southern Girl to another,
Shelley (Mississippi)
That's awesome! I love reading about other parts of your life!!!
Dawson is one cute, loved, lucky doggy! My Luigi just fell in love and man is it a headache! Will he be getting any treats tomorrow?
Oh how cute! I am laughing so hard that your doggy has a middle name! You crack me up! I love the last picture with the reindoggy ears!
Happy B-Day Dawson Wagner Stamps! Ha Ha See still cracking up over the middle name :0)
Happy Birthday Dawson! So cute!
Check out my blog for a Bumbo Seat giveaway!! :)
SO cute! Happy birthday Dawson!
I love my dog too, she's so fun but she's getting old and slowing down. She love walks and cuddles. She never was a kisser though.
What a sweet post for a very special dog. Hope Dawson has a terrific birthday. He sure does look good for his age:)
Blessings today and always,
Matthew 21:22
I had a dog before I had my son, so I know the feeling. Now that my son is married it is back to being me, my husband, one dog and two cats... At times it feels that I have made a complete circl. Happy B-Day Dawson.
Omigosh - I just love this dog. He is SO cute.
I hope he has a super wonderful birthday, complete with tons of treats!
So cute! Happy Birthday Dawson!
Ha! Dawson Wagner!!?? Too cute. Love it! My dog's name is "Catcat". Go figure.
Awwww Happy Birthday Dawson. If our Madison would have been a boy her name would have been Dawson....9 years ago...hehe~
AWW what a cute post! Happy Birthday Dawson!
Hi KElly
I have one that could pass for his twin...lol..What kind is he? I love the middle name. Thank you for hosting the fall decoration party. Also tahnk you for stopping by my new blog..I am so new at this I dont waht I'm doing ..But I keep on trying..
Many Blessing's
Happy Birthday, Dawson. I am planning my "child's" 1st birthday next weekend (he's a short-haired miniature dachshund).
We have a little dog that we love dearly. She just turned 4 on the 10th. I know this sounds so silly but we sang Happy Birthday to her and got her a birthday gift too.
So cute - happy birthday to you, Dawson! You look good for an "old man"! ;o)
Wishing you the happiest of Birthdays Dawson Wagner!!!
He is such an adorable dog! I had a Bichon Frisce growing up and he was the sweetest dog ever...they are such a good breed. My husband and I have a little Boston Terrier and we love her so much...we don't know how it's going to be once we have a child. She's definitely our baby :-) By the way, I love that Dawson has a name - our dog's full name is Edith (Edie) Harlow :-)
Well Happy Birthday to Dawson!
My husband and I were just talking this week about our dog Daisy (because she is our CHILD right now) and how we can't understand how people give their dogs much less attention when they have kids. And, to hear you say it makes me sad because it's another person telling me that it is true, the dog that is number one will become number two eventually!
We didn't even know Dawson had a middle name......what kind of grandparents are we????????
We are just shameful!
Happy Birthday Dawson! We look forward to your next visit too!!
Mom and Dad
dawson wagner? i have a chloe wagner---wagner is my maiden name. too funny! i've been reading for awhile but i don't think i've ever commented. i love your blog! and harper is adorable!
Awww, this post made me weepy! You are a good doggie mom! Happy Birthday Dawson!
how cute! he is such a cute dog! we have two yorkies, a miniature and a teacup and they're our babies for now. After watching Marley & Me it makes me love them so much more! Happy birthday Dawson!
Is someone thinking Christmas with all of these cute Dawson holiday pics?!? Love his middle name by the way! You are so good with coming up with names!
Sweet post for a sweet doggy. So glad he adjusted well to life with a baby.
I just have to ask, what is that around your husband's neck in the first picture? Does he have a monkey on his back? ;)
We just had to let our baby go in August. She was 16 years old and she'd been my baby girl the whole time! I don't think she would have played much of 2nd fiddle to even a human child... but fortunately she never had to find out! :)
Happy Birthday Dawson Wagner! :) Thanks for making a post about him! :)
What a cute dog! (I almost called him a puppy, hehe - Sorry Dawson) And I am relieved to hear that he is adjusting to Harper well. My best friend just had a little girl and has a 4 year old yorkie and he's taken quite a liking to Kynlee Grace, he's quite protective!
Aw, he is precious! My dog turns 14 today! I can't believe how fast they grow up too! :) Have a great weekend!
Our dog was our baby too... and took a backseat to the "real" babies. She truly doesn't mind as she mothers them too! HA!!!
Our Sweet Sophie Roo... she has her own spot on my blog too! :-)
Happy DogDay Dawson!!!
So sweet! Our poor little Abby has been displaced by our two little girls. However, what she lost in our attention she has gained in attention and love from two little girls. Pretty soon Dawson and Harper will best of friends too.
I know exactly what you mean! My doggy Charger is our baby! We don't have kids yet but have been told the same thing! Charger is 10 but he still has lots of SPUNK!!
We had those same reindeer antlers for Charger! I have several pictures of him wearing it too!! SO fun!!
I love that Dawson has a middle name!! We middle name our dog when she's in trouble. She becomes PENNY LOUISE DOG!!! Otherwise she's just our precious Penny. I know EXACTLY what you mean about Dawson having to take a backseat. Penny went through the same thing 16 months ago (tomorrow), but she has handled it with grace. And, truly, I think my daughter may actually like her best of all out of our family!! ; ) Happy birthday, sweet puppy!
I Love it! I have 2 bichons who are my children until we have kids. I also can't imagine how a baby will one day change my relationship I have with my dogs...but I'm sure it will change.
Happy Birthday Dawson!
Happy Birthday Dawson!
wags to you, dawson!! (i love your middle name)
and you will be harper's best friend for years to come. just you wait!
Oh, Kelly! I thought this was your anniversary post and wondered what special part the dog played in the whole romance! ha! I am sure he played a very important role! Happy Birthday- he wears white hair quite well for being middle-aged!
Kelly you are so cute! Love Dawson's middle name. He gave up his only child role but gained a great playmate :)
Too sweet! Love the dedicated posts!
Awww, that is a sweet post! I love my doggies - Milton will be 6 next year & Billie Bean will be 5. It will be very interesting to see them with their new little brother :)
Have a great weekend!
<3 Bon
How sweet....Happy Birthday Dawson!!!!
Kelly, this is the year that Harper will get to put her own ornaments on your family tree! Remember this post you did highlighting the adorable personalized ornaments you got blessed with? :
Sooo cute!!
Happy birthday, you handsome fluff ball!!! You are TOO cute! :)
I will share with Dawson what is being said to me as I am about to turn 40: Middle age is not for sissies. ha! So true. You are looking good in your middle years, sweet Dawson.
not sure if you remember, but i emailed a while back telling you we got a bichon like dawson! we love him to pieces!
just wondering though, how do you keep him so clean and white. our little guy only goes out to do his business but ends up looking so dirty all the time.. especially under his mouth. Yuck! tell me your secrets! haha
and, happy birthday, dawson!!!
Happy Birthday Dawson! While Dawson took a backseat for you, the opposite is true for me. My kids are 21 and 19, but that mothering urge never lets up. So, last year I adopted a dachshund named Libby and this year we got a Morkie (Yorkie/Maltese) named Baxter. They are my "replacement" babies and love to be cuddled.
Dawson is such a cute! And what a cute name too! Haven't heard that one for a doggie before!! Hope he has a great b-day and get's extra treats! ;)
OH MY GOSH! Dawson is the cutest puppy in the whole wide world. Happy 7th Birthday baby! What a fantastic name! You just can't help but LOVE him :)
Happy birthday Dawson. I also have a Bichon, Cali who is almost 9. She takes a backseat to my 14 month old grandson when he is here. Love your blog and your beautiful little girl.
Bichons are awesome little dogs.
what a sweetie! I have 4 dogs, no children, but my Mom is always telling me I'm going to have a hard time when I have kids, because I baby my dogs so much! It's hard to think of anything else, because they really are my babies right now, ya' know? Happy Birthday, Dawson!
((hugs & blessings))
Happy Birthday, Dawson! Wish we could go to Sonic together and celebrate with some ice cream!
:) Your friend, Bogart Garner
Awe what a cutie. What breed is Dawson? Love the name by the way. I have a drawing over at my blog if you want to check it out. The bread is fabulous that I am giving away. have you ever tried it?
Happy Birthday to Dawson! He's absolutely adorable. Hope he had a fun day! :-)
pk @ Room Remix
i TOTALLY know what you mean- ohhh our BK *before kids* dogs are so precious and it really is so sweet to see them adjust well to babies! So happy he has been such a special part of your family. :)
We have a golden retriever named McKenzie who was just like Dawson. She was absolutely our child and #1 priority prior to having our son. Our world revolved around her...we never could have imagined that she would have to play second fiddle to anything. Well guess what, after just 14 weeks of having a baby in the house...look who is tuning up the fiddle. We still love her as our # 1 furry baby, but life is definitely different for her. I can totally relate!
Happy Birthday Dawson! Middle-aged...that's funny!!!
Isabel :)
How sweet. Hopefully he and Harper will be best friends.
I don't usually comment - I am what they often call a "lurker" but your post about Dawson was cute. I love my dog so much that I have started a blog about items that he loves/likes. Please feel free to check it out at:
Dawson, both I and my little man Hunter wish you a very happy birthday!
I have often wondered what will happen to our sweet Mini Schnauzer if a baby ever enters the picture...
It is hard to imagine anything/anyone taking her place :)
Your Dawson is a cutie - I think he and Addie would be good friends!
p.s. I'm having a fun Christmas giveaway over on my blog right now if you'd like to check it out!
aww so cute! and yes...he still is a baby in our eyes and not 49!!!
im glad to have come across your blog...hope you can visit me too
life 'round meNyou
earthy me
at a blink
I love it that he has a middle name.... too funny. Do you use it when he's been bad? :)
Happy Birthday to Dawson! He's so cute and so good--I'm glad that he has made the adjustment to 'brotherhood' well. It's natural that your dog would take a back seat to your baby--I would be WORRIED if this is not the case. :) I never grew up with a dog (my bro was allergic)--so I think it will be great for Harper (and any future siblings, wink) to have a dog in her childhood. May Dawson be happy and healthy for MANY more years to come! Have a great weekend! Go Hogs and Bucks (Ohio State) :)
Happy Birthday Dawson! It is amazing how dogs can give such unconditional love to humans even though we might not always give them what they want at the moment. Always love hearing about the little guy!
Kelly, I can't help but post on this one.We have a Yorkie that just had a birthday. Beau turn 15 on the 20th.Beau has been a true blessing to me.He has been my side for many many tough times and all he wants in return is my 100% attention.The story of Beau is as follows...while working in a middle school my good friend that was an art teacher there found out she had cancer. She knew her days were short so as a school family we asked her what she would like to have or go and see before she entered into the next world. She wanted a Yorkshire terrier. She just loved those dogs and thought maybe she could care for it while she was left here on earth. So again as a group we purchased her Yorkie,,,,presented the yorkie in a basket with blue ribbon,,,blue blankets...the whole bit. At the time he was only 2 pds. So she would take him with her for her treatments,...I would babysit the dog while she was in the hospital but would take him to her afterhours for visits. She loved this dog....when he would come into her presence she forgot her problems with cancer, she would forget her pain and just love on that little dog. She named him Hassell's Van Boug,,,,remember she was an art teacher.
She lived 9 months after she found out about her cancer. Up to the last day, she would hold and love on this dog. At her funeral her sister explained to me that she wanted me to raise and love the dog as she would....trust that has been done totally. Beau isn't like a dog....he believes he is a person...lol animals are very special. I am sure your dog is loved as much today as he was 7 years ago. Love your blog....Harper is a beautiful baby.
You are blessed.
Awww Happy Birthday Dawson!
Dawson is still loved.
We miss our Toby, the Wonder Dog. These photos make me smile and cry!
Dawson is beautiful!!! We also have a dog-child. He's now 4....and thinks he's human. Our fault. Not having kids--I guess we treat him like one.
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