Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Date Night


Scott and I have the hardest time making decisions about important life things like where to eat and what movie to see.

My parents are coming Friday night to spend the night and keep Harper while we have a DATE! ;-) We are going to go crazy and try to do dinner AND a movie!!!

But the hard part is picking where to eat and what movie.

So.........if you have seen a good movie lately that you
recommend - leave us a comment and whatever gets the most comments - we will go with. (I really want to see "The Proposal". ) We try not to go to R rated movies so keep that in mind. Remember we haven't seen a movie in 7 months! And it could be 7 more before we see another one.

And if you are local and have a favorite restaurant - tell us that too - maybe we'll use your pick.


P.S. I don't know what this font is so big - but I can't get it to go smaller.


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Tisha said...

Haven't got a chance to see it, but I have heard great things about The Proposal from Men and Women....I want to see it sooo bad!

The Scott Family said...

I usually don't comment on any blogs--I'm just kind of a lurker :) But since you mentioned "The Proposal" I had give it my vote. My husband and I just went on a DATE last week after many months and we went and saw it and it was great. A wonderful Romantic Comedy. So thats my vote! Hope you enjoy!!

Pineapple Princess said...

Yes, the proposal was clean and cute!

Diane said...

The Proposal is very cute - the hubs took me to see it on my birthday.

There's also The Time Traveler's Wife that looks good.

Jill said...

the proposal is a cute movie...that gets my vote :)

Anonymous said...

I did hear The Proposal was good - however - Julie and Julia starts on Friday - it's about Julie Childs and the BLOGGER who blogged about cooking. I haven't read a review yet so I'm not sure the content (it's PG13) but it's about food and blogging - my two favorite things - can't wait to see it! :-) Have a great date!!

Laura said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Remi Lawrence said...

I saw The Proposal with my boyfriend of 5 years and he laughed just as hard as I did throughout the whole film! Great pick for date night, we really enjoyed it together!!

Amber said...

The Proposal is hilarious! A romantic comedy that is actually funny. That is what we went to see a couple of week ago - first movie since son was born 9 months ago! I want to see it again which is rare for me :)

Laura said...

We just saw The Proposal the other night and we both really enjoyed it!!!

Kendra said...

The Proposal is darned funny, but I do believe it's an R. I love anything Italian or sea food on our date nights. Or steak. Or Mexican. Heck, I'm just glad to get out, too, so who cares! Just make sure it has a fab dessert list!

Heidi said...

Well, since most commented on the movie and my husband and I don't see many "un"-animated movies these days and we don't go out much at ALL! But we are planning to go to Table Mesa Bistro in downtown Bentonville really soon. Maybe you've already tried it but I've heard great things about it!

SELSA5 said...

If UP is still out - go see it. It is amazing and just makes you feel good and grateful for your family.

valerie said...

We rarely go to the movies, but my friend said "The Proposal" is really good. Her 16 yr. old daughter has seen it four times. Her husband liked it too.

DON'T go see "Funny People"!!!
It's rated R and we didn't realize it was that bad and we got up and left. I'm just sayin' was vulgar.
Like I said, we rarely go to the movies and our friends had already seen "The Proposal" so we went to this one thinking it might be funny.

Have fun on your date night.

Giggles said...

THE PROPOSAL!! It was great! My husband who doesn't usually like movies like that enjoyed it too. It will make you laugh and cry (or maybe I am just a wimp!).

Lynette said...

I went to see The Proposal with a girl friend last week and it was hilarious, it did have one questionable scene with some near nudity though so I am guessing it was R. I have not laughed that hard at a movie in a while.

Auntie D said...

Go to the Proposal! My hubby and I both enjoyed it! I love Sandra Bullock!! It made a great date night for us!

dee said...

The Proposal is great! It WILL make you laugh and cry. The scenery is beautiful in it!!

Jessica said...

Ooh--my husband and I just saw The Proposal and really enjoyed it! It was funny and touching and had an adorable puppy in it--really, what more could you want???

Enjoy your date:-)

Alphabet Soup Momma said...

My husband and I have date night every Wednesday and we cannot wait to see "The Proposal", a lot of our friends say it a great movie! How fun to have a date night again - hope ya'll have a great time!

Heather said...

I haven't commented on your blog before, but had to chime in on such an important decision! You have to go see The Propsal. My husband and I loved, loved it. You will laugh - it was a great date night for us, especially when we don't get away that often either. Whatever you decide, have a wonderful night!!

Jennifer said...

Yay for a date!!
I vote The Proposal for the movie! It is really cute and Josh even liked it...probably because he thinks Sandra is cute! Ha!
For dinner, maybe PF Chang's if you are going to the theater at the Promenade. Or Bone Fish, since it is close, too.

Leslie @ Lamberts Lately said...

Oh I soooo want to see The Time Traveler's Wife...but I'm afraid to even ask my husband for fear of getting laughed out of the room. If it's coming out - you should see that! :)

AHolthaus said...

Kelly - I have 3 children and almost NEVER get to go to the movies, unless its a kid's movie. I went to see the proposal
(probably one of the only grown up movies I have seen in a year) and it was great. Really funny and cute, and a good romance!

Bailey said...

I am with everyone else...go see The Proposal! You won't be disappointed! =)
I'm a fort smith girl, yet I haven't been up to Faytown in awhile so I can't really suggest a good restaurant! Sorry!

I hope you two have a wonderful date night!

Audra said...

I haven't seen the movie, but David and I love Doe's on Dickson St. when we go out to celebrate. If you want something a little more romantic, we really like Bordino's too. It's definitely got a nice atmosphere. We also like Pesto Cafe if you want to eat great Italian. Ella's restaurant at the Inn at Carnell Hall by U o A is special too. Those are all in town, but there's also Copeland's in Rogers where we went on our first date....ok, enough.... there are just so many nice places around here....

Jeni said...

WOW we don't go to movies very often, unless you count the $1 summer movies with my kids during the week! haha But I'm sold on seeing this movie I think! Thanks Kelly for helping us ALL out on our date nights! and I ADORE Okra and I'm from MI!! CANNOT wait to make your new recipe cuz frying is so daunting let alone the fattening part of it! ha! MMM it's my favorite veggie of ALL!! and we do get Rotel here! haha

Leslie said...

The Proposal is a good date night flick! You should enjoy it if you like feel good, chick-flicks!

jenn said...

Loved The Propsal--my husband laughed more than I did! Have a great time! Not sure about your area--time alone in any restaurant sounds wonderful! I have a 5 month old and 3 others, so I would give anything to have a night out with the hubs! Enjoy, enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Oh, you should go to Mr. B's in Rogers. It is owned by the same people that used to run Herman's in Fay. It is in an old house across from the old hospital. It is such a quiet little restaurant and they have awesome steaks! Hope you guys have fun!

TeamRB said...

I say YES to the proposal. My husband and I both loved it. And as for the meal. Spice it up and take your time: one of my favorite things to do is get and appetizer from one place, a main course for the next, and dessert someplace else. You could even do dessert after the movie. But since you have the whole night... spread it out. That way you don't have to pick just one!
Yall have fun, I totally understand how wonderful date nights are!

Angie said...

The Proposal is a great movie! I hope you have a wonderful date night, enjoy your time with the hubs!

kbryan said...

Go to a funny movie first and THEN go and have a romantic dinner.

BooSheep said...

The Proposal was one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. I went with some girlfriends and I couldn't stop laughing (my husband was actually a little sad he didn't get to see it!)


Ashley McWhorter said...

The Proposal!!

Sallie said...

Have seen the Proposal twice....
so cute..! also Julia Child movie...since you like to cook!?

Barclay Kathryn said...

The proposal is WAY cute!!! It would be the perfect date night movie!

Faith said...

The Proposal is hilarious! I think you will enjoy it :) And also because I'm a teacher, I love watching the kids movies to know what they're talking about (or that's just my excuse ;)) and the new Disney movie G-Force is pretty awsome. Have fun!

Angela said...

I have never commented on your blog before, but wanted to tell you our new favorite restaurant in Bentonville is on the square.....Table Mesa. We live in Fayetteville, but drive up to this restaurant. I have heard The Proposal is great!:) Have a great date!

McFarland Family said...

K I can you the ones not to see...Star Trek and Harry Potter. My husband and I always take turns seeing the movies we like. He obviously picked the last two. I heard the Proposal was great as well as the Ugly Truth. Also, I am not sure if it is out yet but the Time Travelers Wife was a really good book and they are making it into a movie...just not sure when it hits the theaters. Have fun with your Hubby this weekend...good luck!

momofall said...

without a hesitation- The Proposal- I just saw it this week and it was the first movie I've seen since The Notebook, which is my all-time fav movie) and I saw it 4 times in the theater plus many times on DVD. It's a bit unrealistic, but isn't that Why we see movies? To live in another world for awhile? I think Scott would really like it too, Coach plays a part in it. Whatever you do, just enjoy every second of it. And, go for something really different on the food. Nothing real heavy, cause you are gonna have tummyaches from laughing at the movie. Congrats on your night out. Keep it up- it's soooooooooo important for ALL of you. God bless!!!

Tammy518 said...

Awww, how sweet! We rarely go to movies anymore even though our two kids are teens now. At first it was too hard when they were little, and now we're too old! LOL! I'm not sure what food you like/have available in your area, but we really love The Melting Pot. It takes FOREVER to eat there, and we would never take a baby or small child, but you might want to consider it for your big night out. Our parents have always lived approximately 12 hours away and didn't get to visit/help often, so take advantage while you can! I know you'll hurry home to your sweet girl no matter what you choose to do that night.

Melissa said...

I think you should go to Proposal and try Bonefish again! I think it would be great for the both of you or you could try FIsh City Grill!

Kimberly said...

The Proposal is wonderful!

Anonymous said...

The Proposal would be GREAT for date night..... :) cant wait to hear what you guys pick!! (err what we pick for you! hehe)

*megan from wi*

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! You HAVE to see the proposal! Was the best movie I have seen in FOREVER!! My husband and I had date night a few weeks ago and went to dinner and saw the movie. It was awesome! Hope you have a great time!!

Emily said...

Definitely see The Proposal. DO NOT SEE THE UGLY TRUTH. It was terribly vulgar and horribly offensive.

The Guess Family said...

My hubs and I had or first date day in 4 months last weekend. Baby refused to take the bottle for the sitter, so it will probably be the only one for awhile. Anyway, we saw The Proposal for 2 reasons. One, because I wanted to see it. Two, because it was the only movie at our theatre, besides the kids movies, that wasn't Rated R. It turned out to be great. We both loved it and got lots of laughs! Have fun.

Taylor said...

You should TOTALLY go see The Proposal!!! It is so incredibly good that I would pay to go see it again in the theaters!!

And as far as restaurants go....I love Shogun!! And we don't eat there very often because it's so expensive!

Good for you guys for having a date night!!

Elizabeth said...

The Proposal is great. Guys like it too, my Dad even thought it was good. Enjoy your date!

The Garners said...

Have fun!!!! I haven't seen a movie since C was born, so I'm no help there! Hope y'all have a great date night!

Stephanie said...

Loved the Proposal Kelly! Very funny and Travis loved it too. He was shocked I think :) Enjoy your date night, they are so needed with a baby!!

Cortney said...

The proposal was great. My boyfriend and I went and saw it and it was a great date movie! :)

My 3 Sons said...

I laughed so hard I cried during "The Proposal." A group of my friends and I try to have a girl's night out every couple of months. This ranks as the 2nd best movie we have seen yet!!

Rhyan said...

Ok! Lurker of over a year coming out for this one! I went on the WORST date of my life last week (I think I need to be added to your "praying for a godly husband list...HA) But we saw The Proposal and it was great!! The ONLY good part of that date :D Since you obviously have a wonderful man to keep your company I'm sure you will find it that much better! ;)

Ashley said...

Hi Kelly!

I'm in Siloam and my fiance and I love Mary Maestri's in Tonitown. It's delicious. Have fun!


Jolynne said...

The Proposal, its one you BOTH will love...Promise..Not to mention hilarious!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Enjoy your night out! The Proposal was a good one...I even think your husband may like it!!!

Amanda said...

THE PROPOSAL - YES! It had us laughing so hard at times...oh my word...and OUTBACK for dinner...they are running a special here for the $9.95 Outback Special...YUM! Now it won't break your budget! :)

Squirpy Momma said...

I think you've probably read it enough but The Proposal gets our vote too! Todd and I both loved it! Have a blast on your date and please don't wait 7 more months to go out the hubby is way toooo much fun!


Cara said...

The Proposal was so cute!!!!!!!!!!!! Great date night movie! Best movie I have seen since Slumdog Millionaire (which is also a must see but you can rent that one)
I loved Noodles when I lived in NW Arkansas. They had the best Spinach Artichoke Pasta.
I haven't lived there in 6 years so I am sure there is a lot of great new stuff!
Have fun!

Maddy said...

yall should go see the proposal its a great movie! Can you PLEASE email me back???

Holly said...

I laughed so hard through the Proposal! I think that is a perfect date movie. Try not to snort your soda up your nose like I did. Have a GREAT time!

Robyn said...

The Proposal!

dreaming in pink and green said...

The Proposal or The Ugly Truth. Everyone says The Proposal and if you want to see it, see it! It's really cute

Samantha said...

eh...I say Julie/Julia since it's about a blogger. ;)

joeybelle said...

The Proposal is so great! See it!!

Christa said...

Go see The Proposal! It is soo will love it! It's a great date movie too!!!

Hailey said...

I loved The Proposal, I would go with that one for sure :)

linda said...

The proposal was great!! Alot of fun for men and women.

The Riedel Family - Confessions of a Marine Wife said...

Like the majority of everyone posting, The Proposal is a great movie! Both my husband and I laughed continuously. It is only PG-13.

As for a restaurant recommendation, for your area, I really love Abuelos, Copelands, and Texas Land & Cattle (my fave)

Have fun!

~M~ said...

I saw G Force and it was a little corny but still cute!

Susan said...

the proposal!! best movie that I've seen in a while! You will laugh!!

TriciaNae said...

Do y'all have a Saltgrass??? Or a Texas Roadhouse? So yummie!!

And...go see the Proposal. It is really cute. The hubs and I were both LAUGHING OUT LOUD several times in the movie.

Anonymous said...

Proposal is great but I'm pretty excited about Julie and Julia coming out this weekend too...

Mallory said...

If I were you, I would definitely go see The Proposal! I think it was absolutely hysterical and cute. It's probably my new favorite movie.

So yes, The Proposal gets my vote!

Debbie said...

Proposal was a very enjoyable movie.WE really enjoyed...wished, I would have read the other posters comments before our last date together last week....
walked out of "funny people" and then because all other movies were "kid movies" we opted for "the Ugly truth" and walked out of it after just a few minutes too!
finally said forget it and got tickets for the refund......
Hope to see Julie....Julia this weekend.......Enjoy your date night!

Staci said...

We saw The Proposal. It was better than I expected and was totally a great "date" movie. So funny! Can't help with dinner since I am not local, but I say do something special and not so "family" friendly. Then it will feel like a real date since it probably wouldn't be some place you would take Harper at this age anyway.

Have a fun night!

Natalia said...

Sorry I don't have any movie suggestions. We don't get out to see movies very often. But one of the things that I love to do is to go see plays (community theater is surprisingly not bad). So I would suggest that maybe next time you have a night to yourselves, check to see if there are any local productions going on. Once we even went to a local high school's production of Sound of Music (one of my favorite childhood movies), we didn't know anyone in it, but it was pretty good.

Grami's girls said...

You MUST see The Proposal. It will make you laugh and it feels soooo good to laugh out loud!!!

Sass said...

Go and see The Proposal!! I made my hubby take me and it was a perfect date movie!!

Have a great date!
(haha that rhymes!)

Unknown said...

i think you and the hubby should go eat first -- then go see a romantic movie;

i def. want to see proposal!!!

date nights are so much fun -- i can't wait til my hubby gets home from iraq so we can catch up on a year of missed 'date' nights :o)

enjoy your date!!

Michelle said...

you HAVE to go see the proposal! it's the best romantic comedy i've seen in YEARS! :) such a great chick-flick..and men really like it too!!

Kristi said...

Girl, go see the will laugh, cry, blush, and just have a fabulous time. My husband liked the movie too!

Cheri said...

You HAVE to go see "The Proposal"!!!! You haven't laughed that much in a long time, trust me. Very Very Very good movie.

Have fun!

Jacquie said...

You know I LOVED "The Proposal"!! I'm waiting til the next weekend and Kayla and I are going to see "Time Traveler's Wife". I also LOVED "My Sister's Keeper", but it is SOOOOO sad... that may not be a good idea.

As for eating out - I thought you were an expert on all the restaurants in your neck of the woods.

Beth said...

I vote for The Proposal. It was so funny. My husband and I went to see it and we both were laughing so hard. Very cute.

Dana said...

I think I am your 88th comment so I am not sure if you will even read this :D..hehe But my husband and I go to the movies is our thing. So I would recommend The proposal. It was sweet...funny...and an all around good movie. Especially the parts with one of the golden girls..she is too cute. Hope y'all have fun!!

Sarah said...

I'm glad you said you don't want to see an R rated film, because I was going to warn you NOT to see The Ugly Truth. Way more sex and cursing than I thought would have been in there. Guess I'd better do my research before I go next time!

I haven't seen The Proposal, but I hear it's good. Have a wonderful date night.

Unknown said...

I so vote on the Proposal its awesome and even my husband laughed thru it. Also Chilis has that great $20 deal going on. You get an appetizer, 2 entrees and dessert for $20. Its a deal and there food is great. Tammy

Christy said...

The Proposal... Kelly, don't see My Sisters Keeper.. its a must see but not on your date night!! I cried from the first paragraph that was spoken til the end.... you want some romance, a comedy, and so forth not a tear jerker and someone loosing someone...

Lauren Eyadiel said...

DEFINITELY go see The Proposal. . .I went with my boyfriend and my mom and dad. . .both the boys and the girls just LOVED it -- it is definitely one of those "buy it" movies!!

Enjoy your night :)

Kylie and crew. said...

The Proposal!!! I've seen it twice!!! Once with my husband and once with my friend. SOOOO good and SOOOO funny.

Leah S. said...

The Proposal was the first movie that came to mind. We laughed alot...husb even liked it. We also saw Public can wait until it come out on video. Sorry Jonny!

Kara said...

haven't seen "the proposal", but i did see "500 days of Summer" and none of us (4 guys, 3 girls all in our late 20's to early 30's) thought it was worth the time or money, just not a good movie.

"my sister's keeper" is excellent, but probably not what you want for a fun date night, it is a major tear-jerker, i however really like those kind of movies and it ranks up there with my favorites.

i know this has been out of the theater for months, but if you havent seen it rent "7 Pounds", it was a great movie and left me really thinking about things.

enjoy your date!

Cayle said...

The ugly truth i loved!
but the dialect isn't clean. at all. haha

Steph said...

Here's a Link for the Focus on the Family review of "The Proposal." I always like to read the reviews before I go see a movie.

Anonymous said...

Go see The proposal! My husband and I had our date night last weekend and it was awesome!!! Hilarous!!!

Mandy said...

LOVED The Proposal! Didn't LOVE the ending (bit a let down after such a great movie) but the movie was hilarious!

SnoWhite said...

I haven't seen the Proposal, but would like to -- but the movie I would suggest is UP!

Phillips Family said...

My vote is for "500 Days of Summer". It is good...really good. And it makes you really appreciate being married and OUT of the dating game!

yeah for Date night! Both my parents and in-laws are always willing to babysit so the husband and I can have a date night. It is one of the best gifts they can give us. I highly recommend taking the time to have a date with your husband frequently. It is good for baby to spend time with someone other than parents and good for mom and dad to spend time alone. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

I have many "favorite movies", but when I saw The Proposal, it pushed all the other movies aside - The Notebook included! ;) It's not a chick flick. One second I was literally CRYING TEARS because I was laughing so hard, and the next minute I was crying because it was sad. There's way more laughing than crying, though, so if you guys want something clean, but hilarious, check that one out! :)

Steph said...

My husband took me to see The Proposal for my birthday and we both Loved it, you will laugh till you are crying!!! It not really a chick flick, it is just an all around good movie!!

I only know restaurants in Springdale and Fayetteville, not sure if that is where you are going.

But that is funny my husband and I are so indecisive as well, it just makes some things like eating out so hard, :)!!

Lynn and Jim said...

My Sister's Keeper!!
If it's still out. Even if you don't have a sister you'll be touched to tears to see the siblings' relationship and the bond between mother/father and daughter. Rent it if it's not playing any longer!

Anna said...

I recommend The Proposal. Very funny. On a side note, I baked some okra last night. It was delicious. Your recent post on okra made me crave it!

Lindsey said...

The Proposal! One of my new favorite movies and I think Scott would really like it too. Definitely NOT Igly Trith. Had to walk out on that one the language was so bad...and the story line was non existent.

Alison said...

You will not be disappointed if you go see "The Proposal" was great! My husband and I went to see it not long ago. Sandra Bullock and Matthew Reynolds were wonderful!
Enjoy your date night!

Love Being A Nonny said...

I LOVED The Proposal!! LOVED IT!! It was sweet AND funny. It IS a chick flick but hubby loved it too! It's a nice, romantic movie to see on a date night. Have a fabulous time. Do yall have a Mellow Mushroom? It's a wonderful place to eat if you do! Pizza, etc! Can't wait to hear what you decide!

Rosemary said...

Go see The husband and I both laughed soooo hard.
Wish I lived closer to give some suggestions on where to eat, but our favorite here in Dallas is Houston' yall have one of those????

Rachel said...

Oh girl, you guys have GOT to go see The Proposal. It is HILARIOUS and good for both girls and guys. I hope you have a great date night! :)

Lucy Marie said...

The Proposal was stinkin' funny. I laughed my head off. My hubby didn't go see it with me, so I'm not sure how a guy would like it but I think it's not overly gushy and humorous enough that a man would like it too.

MC said...

I am guessing you don't get to the movies if you really want to see The Proposal, you should go see that! And on top of that, it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good! I have always loved Sandra Bullock, and now I have a special love of Ryan Reynolds as well!

Unknown said...

The Proposal, for sure!! I've seen it twice...Hilarious! My husband went with me one of those times and he was laughing soo loud, lol! The next movie I want to see if Julie/Julia, which comes out tomorrow, yea!! I love The Next Food Network Star (so glad Melissa won!!) and they got to view it a couple of weeks ago and I've been dying to see it :o) Have fun on your date night!!!

Laura said...

There is a wonderful website called that is a Christian movie review website. It tells everything that is in a movie. My husband and I use the website before going to see a movie so we now what is in one and have not gone to see several b/c we read about them first. anyway-just thought you might like it!

sagreen125 said...

See the Proposal, even my husband enjoyed it. It is funny.
Remember that it will be being alone, just the two of you. I know when my husband and I go out, just the two of us, just being alone is the best part, and sometimes hitting McDonalds alone is nice.

Stephanie said...

I got to see Julie & Julia at a pre-release showing and IT WAS FANTASTIC!!!!! I think you would love it! It was clean, funny, and romantically sweet! I think there were 2 or 3 words that were objectionable in the entire movie! Loved it, loved it, loved it!!!!

Lynda @ SportsMadGirl said...

You have GOT to go see The Proposal. It is stinking HILARIOUS. I laughed so hard at parts I cried. I went with a group of girlfriends but I think the guys would like it to. It is just to funny not to like.

I'm laughing now just thinking about it.

Rachel said...

I loved The Proposal! It was great, but I am also a HUGE Harry Potter fan and the 6th movie installment comes highly recommended by me! Enjoy your date night!

Nicole said...

Oh my goodness you have to see The Proposal. It had me and my husband laughing hysterically!!! Its a really cute movie!!

Sandy said...

I loved The Proposal.

Jennifer said...

The time travelers wife starts friday...

Megan said...

The Proposal is quite possibly one of the best movies of all time!

Jill said...

'Up' may not even be out anymore; if it is, I highly recommend it. I know it's a children's movie, but it was the best, clean movie I've seen in a long time. There was laughing and crying throughout...

Stephanie said...

I would go see Julie and Julia, it starts Friday. I have to know...why no rated R movies?

bj said...

I have seen The Proposal twice and will buy it the minute it comes out on DVD. I strongly recommend it, Kelly.

Anonymous said...

Julie/Julia comes out tomorrow and I really want to see that. I think that this movie, although I have yet to see it, should be pretty good!

Happy Date Night (tomorrow)!!!

Mandy said...

Kelly, we went on a date last weekend and pulled over dinner and a movie for the first time since the baby. We had so much fun! I'm so glad you're getting a chance to go out!

Crabby's is my all-time favorite! If you have never been, the menu has very little seafood. They specialize in their KC Strip and lamb chops.

Movie...I wouldn't recommend The Proposal. We also don't watch R rated and are pretty strict about PG-13 even. I saw the movie on girl's night and I'm glad I did. Sandra Bullock is naked...a LOT! As a woman, I was even pretty uncomfortable. It is hilarious, but Scott might want to close his eyes? Clint said he had talked to some guys at church who had seen it and were suggesting that husbands do not see it. There's not a lot on right now. We actually saw Harry Potter and it was really good!

Have a great time on your date!!!

Melissa's Thoughts said...

Julie & Julia is coming out Friday night. It would be a great cooking/blogging movie. I heard that it's a great date night movie. I love that you guys do date night.

Living to Love said...

The Proposal FOR SURE! It was hysterical Brandon, my hubby, even admitted that it was good...the worst part for him was that I was laughing so hard I embarassed him!

Beachy Chic said...

I just saw the proposal - and while it was a little raunchy I still LOVED it!!! And I really think your hubby will like it too! There were quite a few men in there when I saw it and they were cracking up!!

Have fun!

Megan said...

The Proposal...definitely see that!

The Proctors said...

Definitely go see The Proposal!! We LOVED it!! Even Kyle laughed the whole way through. It's one of those movies that I would buy and watch again and again! If not that...and I'm not sure if you've seen the Harry Potter movies, but the 6th one is really good!

Jenni said...

The Proposal! Saw it, loved it, took my grandmother and she said, "that was the best movie I have seen in a really, really, long time."

Hilarious and awesome!

Stephanie said...

have fun! It's been 3 years since I've seen a movie....yes I actually did admit that. We have no life and no time :)

Angie said...

Julie & Julia is opening this weekend. The book was excellent and it sounds like Meryl Streep is great as Julia Child. AND it's all about cooking and blogging. :-)

Brianna said...

I don't normally comment either but had to put my vote in for The Proposal as well! It is pretty clean with a few inappropriate (yet funny) parts but a great date movie. I too hadn't seen a movie in 6 months and now have seen it twice in the theatre! My vote for dinner is always Mexican!

Caroline said...

W are going to a movie this weekend too, but I think we are going to see Harry Potter, for my husband. I don't know much about movies that are out now, but next week the Time Travelers Wife will be release and I am soooooo excited. But that is for next week.

I do have a resturant suggestion....PF Changs, it is so cute. If you go you should get the lettuce wraps for an app. And last time I went they had a special for app, 2 meals, and 2 desserts for $40.

Have fun, let us know what you do.

Jim and Cara Lea said...

Definitely check out The Proposal. Scott will be laughing as hard as you.. and it's not a mushy-girly-sappy type of movie. And the best part.. it's a pretty "clean" movie! Enjoy!

The Flowers said...

I don't know if you will get to my comment or not but I highly recommend "The Proposal" It one of the best movie's I have seen in a while. If you like Sandra Bullock in Miss Congeniality then you will LOVE this movie. It didn't have any suprise scenes (if you not what I mean) and harldy no cuss words...not to mention it was HILIARIOUS! Anyway, that's my vote! And I live in NC so I don't know what resturaunts are near you, but me and my husband love mexican! So I suggest that.

Katie Kordsmeier said...

I've seen the Proposal three time! Ha! I actually rarely go to the movies too, but they have matinee price all day on Tuesday where I live so my sister and I have had girl nights this summer! We also don't see rated R so there's little selection, but the Proposal is so funny! We laughed just as much the 3rd time as we did the 1st and I think your husband would like it too!

Unknown said...

I enjoyed the proposal. It is a little predictable, but it is a fun one to see.

Katie said...

Haha! I was thinking as I read "Kelly must be hard up for date night because she has typed this post in big, bold letters!" Haha! :o) I wish I could recommend something. I haven't had "date night" in over a year!! I have NO CLUE what is on at the movies these days. HAVE FUN! I'll live vicariously through you on this... ;o)

Annette said...

Now I know that The Proposal is suppose to be really great but I also heard that The Ugly Truth is hilarious and romanticish!!! I haven't seen either one but would probably pay to see the Ugly Truth and rent The Proposal!
Have fun on your date night!!!

Anonymous said...

The Proposal - it was so cute.

Anonymous said...

Defiitely the Proposal. It is really hilarious.

stephanie said...

My entire family (sister's, their husbands, parents, my husband's grandparents) recommended The Proposal for my husband & I on our date night. We LOVED it. It is just a fun, cute movie. I hope you choose to see it.
p.s. I Love your blog & all the sweet, fun things you do.

emily said...

The Proposal is great....and Scott will like it too! have fun!

The Jeffcoats said...

The proposal was GREAT my husband was dreading it cause he is a manly man ya know!!! He never stopped laughing through the whole thing it was great!!!! so i highly suggest that one. we dont have kids yet but that was our one movie for the next 7 months also! haha well good luck and enjoy your date!!!

Anonymous said...

The Proposal gets my vote too

Ms. Elaine said...

Proposal was oh so cute. I saw it with my husband, son and daughter in law last week. Of course with you being the cook, Julie and Julia might be a good choice as it is to be quite good. Have fun and remember the grandparents will have more fun than you and your husband getting to love on Harper!

Angela said...

The proposal was AWESOME! It was so funny....even the guys like it! ;-)
Have a great time!

Dawn said...

Hi, my girlfriends and I went and saw The Proposal and it was really cute. Not sure what the rating is on it. Another movie I thought looked good was The Ugly Truth with Katherine Heigl-not sure on that rating either.
My hubby and I just had a date night and we went and had dinner someplace new and then went bowling. I wanted something that was active and fun. Then afterwards we walked by an air hockey table so we played a couple games there as well.

We are slated to go see the Time Travelers Wife but that doesn't come out until the 14th.

Have fun!

Meggie said...

We just saw The Proposal, after not really being able to decide on a decent movie to see. (The hubby let me choose!) He made snarky comments the whole movie, but I thought it was pretty cute. It's not going to win an Oscar but you wouldn't be expecting it to. :)

When we visited my bro-in-law, my fave place we ate was Fish City Grill (or something like that) in that new, big shopping center place (The Promenade maybe?). It's a chain, they're all over, but I really liked our food!


The Mama said...

I don't comment often, but wanted to say that i hope you all have fun on your date night. we used to take those for grated, but now that we have so many little girls date nights are such a rare occasion. if i were going to be seeing a movie this weekend, it'd see julie and julia. i don't know when time traveler's wife opens, but that looks good too. i just think i'd convince my hubby to see julie before the traveler's wife.
good luck with it all and have a wonderful time.

Rhi said...

Julie and Julia opens on Friday!

Sarah Shalley said...

i've seen both the proposal and the ugly truth. the proposal is one million times better...maybe one funny nude scene and the language isn't too bad. the ugly truth has really foul language and is very crude. the plot is also very slow. i recommend the proposal. its the best i've seen in 2009. my husband loved it too!

jilljohnandhope said...

I am out of the movie loop, but I looove Bonefish. I got the Filet Minon with shrimp on my last date night and it was fabulous. My husband always gets that hot spicy shrimp whatever for an appetizer, and I will admit, it was pretty good as well. Enjoy your night out!

The Heath's said...

Go see The Proposal! You will not be disapointed! It is HILARIOUS!!! Have fun! Love your blog!!!

Meggie said...

AND Time Traveler's Wife doesn't come out until next weekend, the 14th. I am keeping a close eye on it, can't wait to see it!

Julie & Julia is a great suggestion too - even my husband suggested seeing it. I have the book but haven't cracked it open yet, I didn't even realize they were making a movie. It has Amy Adams and Meryl Streep - can't get much better!

Miz Jean said...

The Proposal was excellent. Only one or two bad words and very few vulgar moments...if any. I highly recommend it.

kaydubya said...

I don't know of any good movies out yet, but if you were going out next Friday, the 14th, I would recommend The Time Traveler's Wife. It looks so good! You should go watch the preview on you tube, it's enough to make you want to have a second date night!

Jessica said...

My husband and I went to see "The Proposal" on your one year anniversary last month. I have not laughed so hard at a movie in a long time. And my husband even LOVED it, and he usually hates any movie that's mildly romantic ;-) So I would definitely go to that one!

Erin said...

The Proposal is a great movie. My husband and I saw and and he really enjoyed it and I loved it. I think it would be a perfect choice. As for dinner how about some where different! I have no idea what is in your area though :)

Anonymous said...

The Proposal was soooo cute. I def. recommend it for a fun date night.

Crystal said...

The Proposal is fabulous! You should definitely go see it. It's hilarious. We went last weekend and I want to buy it when it comes out.

Southern Savvy said...

Yeah for date nights! I haven't had one in four months and we figured it was about time that we get a babysitter and just the two of us get out of the house! On Saturday, we're going to see the new Harry Potter at the IMAX theatre and eating at PF Chang's. I can't wait for those chicken lettuce wraps! Enjoy your date!

Paige said...

Go to THE PROPOSAL. It is definately your best best- cute, funny, no horrible language, and your husband will keep laughting too!! Highly recommended!!

Amy said...

Ooooh! Date Night! You have big plans for that night! LOL I always said we'd go to dinner and a movie but once we finished a nice dinner I'd be too tired to go to a movie. LOL

I've heard good things about The Proposal and I also think Julie and Julia would be good!

Have fun!

Paige said...

Sorry to post twice, but if you are not into rated R movies do NOT see the Ugly Truth. It has very vulger language and made me personally uncomfortable through most of the movie!

blair holman said...

i vote for the proposal...loved it!

blair holman

love your blog!

Page said...

The Proposal is so good! Well worth it and one of the best romantic comedies I've seen in a while. And up in NWA, I love Abuelo's and Copeland's. Bordino's is good but kinda expensive. I've heard Bonefish is good.

Unknown said...

yes, i love the proposal. I saw it twice and laughed the whole time

Stephanie said...

We don't technically live locally, be we spend A LOT of time in Northwest Arkansas cheering on our HOGS!

My recommendation for dinner would be Marketplace or Buffallo Wild Wings in Springdale, Copelands, Texas Land and Cattle or Mimi's in Rogers, and Doe's in Fayetteville. Hope you and Scott enjoy your date night!

trishandwade said...

Definitely see "The Proposal"!! It was the hardest my husband and I have laughed in a while. Enjoy your date night!

Sara Sexton said...

I have to vote The Proposal. It was so darned funny and even DH loved it!

Jennifer said...

DEFINITELY go see The Proposal!!! It is HILARIOUS! I'm not from your area so I'm out on where you can eat. (You seem to like Doe's) Ha ha!

Pam said...

I would love to see Julie & Julia. Table Mesa on the Bentonville square is great. We went there for our 10 year anniversary.

mkmom591 said...

"The Proposal" was really good and my husband really like it too. It is PG-13 but it does have an after-shower 95% nude scene of one of the characters.

stampsndeidre said...

The Propsal was fabulous! My husband and I got to do a date night just a few nights ago. We went to Chili's(exciting I know!)and then to The Propsal. My Scott enjoyed it, so I think your Scott will as well!

Haley said...

The Proposal is hilarious! My hubby and I saw it a a few weeks ago on our date night! Have fun!

Stephanie said...

Don't usually comment, but thought I would chime in.. as if Proposal needed any more opinions- but YES- my hubby and I saw it on our last date and it was great- just hilarious for both of us- the perfect date movie for sure!

~Sutherland Smiles~ said...

Kelly~ Just as everyone else has siad..."The proposal" was a great movie~ We too do not see rated R movies and this was absolutely hilarious . One I would actually purchase. As far as dinner. Go some where that means something... such as a place you all would go alot while dating. Heck...sit at a Sonic together in the car and just catch up. Any who~ have a wonderful time!

Nichole Fisher said...

I haven't seen The Proposal yet, but hear that it's good. I plan on seeing Julie & Julia this weekend. You can never go wrong with Meryl Streep.

Karah said...

The Proposal is a great date movie and also The Time Travelers Wife comes out on Friday I believe. I am reading the book right now and its wonderful. Have a fun date night :)

mk said...

I saw the Proposal and didn't care for it that much but it was pretty cute.

Saw Julie and Julia at a screening last night and if you are a fan of Meryl Streep it is not to miss. Very cute and I think husbands might enjoy it as well.

Cyndi said...

We loved the Proposal!!!! Have a great date night!!!

Kelley said...

I accidentally deleted my blog. It is now located at Please go there and see my latest post and help me get re-established!

Carman said...

The Proposal was so cute! My husband even liked it!

Marcie said...

My initial thought was The Proposal. I saw last weekend with a girlfriend but I know my hubby would've liked it. He's a sucker for a good romantic comedy. Have a wonderful evening out. Sometimes it's not what you see but just being together that is most memorable!!

Carry Grace said...

"The Proposal" is must see.

Cass said...

Definitely The Proposal!!! So cute!

Haley said...

Crabby's is the best date night or special occasion restaurant b/c it's not a kid-friendly place. You're not likely to be sitting next to a crying baby or fussy toddler. (I love children, but when I get the rare chance for a date night, I really want to get away!) The service is amazing and the food is really great too. Call for reservations and ask for Jose - he's the head server and he is the best server I've ever had anywhere. The menu is a little pricy, but totally worth it. If you're on more of a budget, Carrabba's is great too.

Shortcake456 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shortcake456 said...

guys, time traveler's wife is not out until Aug 14 (as listed on (unless it is different by state)

I'm hoping that is a clean one!

Crystal said...

The Proposal is great!! I think it will be one of my all time favorites now along with Sweet Home Alabama and Steel Magnolia's!! Hope you enjoy your date night =)

The Rice Family said...

The Proposal is hilarious! My husband and I loved it and would go see it again! The questionable nudity scene someone else mentioned- you see skin but no boobs or other private areas, I can't remember if it shows Ryan Reynolds behind briefly or not but that would be all and just for a second if it did. Other than that, very clean, and very funny!

Shortcake456 said...

Kelly, there is a website that I want to share with you that others may enjoy as well.


You can type in the movie that you want to see and it will give you the exact number of curse words, what they are, same for sexual content, violence, etc. This way you are knowing what you watch before you pay money for a ticket. They are not cheap after all!!! PG-13 is just as bad as rated R if you ask me.

Obviously everyone has different standards. Sorry to say, I can't endorse The Proposal for you. This is not in judgment of anyone else, this is just my opinion. Read the reports by Christian reviewers and you can make up your mind for yourself. :)

These two websites will give you just the information you need.

Have a wonderful date night, Kelly! Try not to worry about getting back early.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I just stumbled upon your site and wanted to say Hello to a fellow Arkansan! I'm a Reddie fan btw :) Cute blog!

Restaurant suggestion:'s delish!

ladybug said...

There is a great place in greenwood, Crystal?, and also the
Check it out...I've heard nothing but good stuff.

Ginny said...

In regards to The Proposal nudity scene:

"The pair is completely nude, and the camera captures all but the most sensitive regions of their bodies. In essence, the filmmakers show us everything, while not showing quite everything. "

That report also says God's name is misused 20+ times.

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