I'm thinking we will call it "Show Us Your Life" from here on out. I need to work on a button. If you are crafty or computer savvy and could come up with a fun button for us - e-mail me!!!
Today is Show us your wedding dress day! (Remember next week is show us your wedding party and flowers)
Hey Single Girls - join in the fun and show us your DREAM dress!
I can't wait to see your dresses. I love wedding dresses. One of my favorite shows is "Say Yes to the Dress" on TLC. I loved my dress but I'd love to go back and get a different dress in a different style. Too bad you can't get a new dress every years but keep the same groom! :-)

If I had to pick now - this would be the style I would want!
Your dress is so pretty. I would LOVE to get a new dress every few years....especially as I lose weight. I definitely want to renew my vows when and if I ever get skinny. LOL That's horrible. LOL
Strapless was very "in" 5 years ago apparently. :)
Very pretty dress. Style reminds me of my wife's. Almost 6 years congrats! We're halfway there, starting on our third!
Thanks for your sweet comment, Kelly! I feel so honored! Your dress is gorgeous! You had a beautiful wedding!
You look so beautiful!! I agree with you it would be fun to wear a sleek gown next time, but with the same groom!
Okay Kelly I have never posted before but I am a faithful reader from Beautiful BC Canada! I love your blog as I have found it a daily source of encouragement as I go throught the journey of infertility. Anyways ... I post because just YESTERDAY I was reading your blog and I thought to myself ... I wonder what Kelly looked like on her wedding day imagine my surprise when I went to your blog today! Crazy, cool moment put a smile on my face!
I love your dress! I didn't end up with a lot of photos either and definately no digital 10 years ago. We didn't even order any of our photos because I hated them all! I just have the small proofs. Oh well!
I love your dress!! SO pretty and you were a gorgeous bride!!
You looked gorgeous as expected! I'm excited to actually get to join in on a Friday for once! I am so close yet so far away to purchasing my own wedding dress...so I did a dream post!
So beautiful!!! I'm sad I'm one of the first to leave a comment... we're up for our 3:00 a.m. feeding! :)
You look stunning! My dress was strapless too. We will be celebrating our 5th anniversary next month. I kind of would like to have another dress too. Something simpler and more elegant. My dress was beaded and lacy completely and was really heavy!! Very beautiful though.
You looked amazing! I had a friend who got married in your "do-over" dress. It was gorgeous!
Hi, Kelly, Your dress is beautiful. 28 years ago, I sewed my own dress, my mom's dress, and 5dresses for the bridesmades and candlelighters. All this while teaching school and coaching the high school cheerleaders. What was I thinking, right?!
If anyone wants to see my dress it is #54...Mr. Linky will take you to my June 6th blog post...our anniversary. Take care ~Natalie
What a great idea! Love it! I think I will join in on this!
What a fun Friday linky party! I am going to join in again but I am not doing a separate post since I just posted anniversary pictures with the same pictures.
Hope you have a great weekend!
I love your dress and I totally agree on getting a new one every few years. Mine looks like the one you picked for your new style. I love it and wish I could dye it black and make it tea length so I could wear it more often.
I love your wedding dress, very pretty!
Can't wait to go check out all the other dresses!
Beautiful bride! I love your dream dress too! I have been married for 11 years, so I would also choose another dress. My girls just love to look at mine (in it's box) and both want to wear it. I reconstructed the top layer of lace from my mother's wedding dress and wore it for my rehearsal dinner, so maybe my girls can tear apart (and color) my dress to do the same! :) Lovely pix!
This is a fun one! I love your wedding dress too! :)
You and your dress look so beautiful!
I have a suggestion for "show us your life." Since you and probably lots of your readers, like myself, are big football fans, how about a "Tailgate/Gameday" week once fall gets here?
You looked so pretty in your dress. I SO agree about changing the dress every year, haha...wouldn't that be nice? Your second dress choice is also mine, I love it!!!
I have been married for 6 years, too!! We don't have any digital pictures either. Isn't it crazy how far technology has come in such a short time. Love your dress and your blog!
Beautiful dress! I got mine at Low's as well 5 1/2 years ago. We went December 26--the first big sale day. How hectic! I had no idea I was going to be undressing in the middle of the aisle and trying on! But it was a blast...and a steal! You were a beautiful bride. Love your veil!
Love your dress. I got my dress at Low's as well (I am originally from Searcy, AR). It is hard to believe there is such a magnificent bridal store in the middle of nowhere. Did you have to try on dresses in the middle of the showroom?
I have such great memories of going there with my mom and getting my dress on a rainy November day. I hope it is still open years from now so my daughter (who is only 2) and I can go there for her dress!
You look gorgeous! I think that big veil totally suits you!
You were a beautiful bride. You two look fabulous together.
What a beautiful bride! I am getting married and I have actually been eying that dress in the bottom picture! I probably will go with something more like what you had though because it is so timeless and beautiful! We actually might be going to Klienfeld at Christmas with my future MIL and future SIL and my mom to look at dresses (and hopefully find one!) We will have to see if that comes together!
Here I am uploading my pics to add to the list, and I'm crying looking at the events and people of that amazing day!
I was going to post my dream dress, being a single girl and all, but you posted mine as the dress you would pick now!. I just love that style with the V neckline and the lace. So pretty.
GREAT DRESS!!! I've been married for almost 12 years, and it seems that the dresses back in the late 90s just weren't THAT cute... at least MINE wasn't!
Kelly, I had so much fun going through my album- I do pull it out a few times every year because it's just good to remember a very happy day! I had to scan all of mine in, too and it was 9 years ago for us. You look lovely!
Hey Kelly, this is my first time to link into your fabulous blog, I think you do SUCH a great job, and as hard as you find it to believe I am just hooked, and can't wait to read what you have to say each day!!! You look gorgeous on your wedding day, as you do in every photo :), and I just think Harper is SUCH a cutie. Blessing from down under,
KE in Sydney Australia
You looked beautiful! Love your blog!! I have a little boy who is just behind Harper in age (born March 2). I love watching Harper grow and knowing new things are coming for us soon (i.e. food soon!).
I'm joining in on the fun. The dress you picked now is kinda like the dress I wore to my wedding only it was short.
Kelly, you looked so beautiful on your wedding day :)
Your dress is lovely! Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog. I'm going to be away on vacation next week so I just added our wedding flower photos to this week's blog.
Take care,
So I messed up my link and put the wrong one on there. Here is the link to my post.
I put my link in but it's not showing up yet. :( Does it take awhile?
Your dress is gorgeous by the way. Such a beautiful bride!!
Love your dress you look beautiful.
You look amazing!! Love the dress. :)
Kelly, I love the dress you wore. Very pretty. Also, I'm in the same boat as you with not having digital prints. My husband and I will be married for seven years in Sept. and we don't have digital either.
Isn't odd how you can still feel so newly married, or that your wedding wasn't that long ago, but them something like this makes you realize how long it's actually been? It's crazy!
Your dress is beautiful...your looks gorgeous!
your dress looks very awesome on you
I think your dream dress would look so pretty on you!!! By the way love the new blog page!!!
Beautiful dress! - - yours I mean ;O)
I read every single "Show Us Your Life" post but this is my first time participating. I don't have any digital photos either...amazing. And you look beautiful, as always, Kelly. Thanks for hosting!
You were so pretty! I wish I had digital pictures, too. I think we were 2 or 3 years too early for that. All I have is an album. We couldn't afford anything to frame. Pitiful!
Hi Kelly, this is the first time I have commented on your blog, but I have been following since Harper was born. She is adorable by the way. I love reading your blog because you live in NWA where I went to Grad School at U of A and I loved NWA. Such a beautiful and great place to live.
I had to comment today because I got my dress at Low's too. My in-laws live in Brinkley AR so naturally I had to take a look. Loved the pictures from you wedding, beautiful dress.
I wish I could participate in this one but my wedding isnt until October and I don't want to let anyone see my dress until then :) But you look beautiful Kelly! Love the video of Harper eating too..Just precious!
You're so pretty! I happen to love Say Yes to the Dress too and look forward to Friday nights so I can watch it-ha! And we have the exact same taste in dresses because if I was getting married soon, the one you picked that you like for getting married now is just what I would want!
Hey Kelly. I just adore your blog and sweet Harper too. I have my eye on tons of fun dresses, but my boyfriend would stroke out if he checked my page to see a wedding dress. The church secretary would have to revive him and NOBODY wants that.
Big "say yes" fan, too.
Have a great day :D
Kelly, you looked so beautiful on your wedding day and I love your dress! I also love your simple, but beautiful wedding cake! Great choice!
Your dress is beautiful and you looked gorgeous in it!
Hey Kelly! I usually don't participate in the linky events because I don't always have time to check out everyone else's blogs, but I totally love weddings so I had to join in on this one!
I totally get what you mean about wishing you could have picked out another dress. I feel the exact same way!
Thanks so much for sharing your wedding pics...you looked so pretty and soooo happy!
I love your dress! It's the same one I had. :) (Ok, not exactly, but insanely similar)
My husband and I have a silly tradition of taking our picture on our anniversary every year - with me in my veil and him in his top hat (yes, he wore a top hat at our wedding) Last year I was giddy and slipped into my wedding gown for the yearly picture as well. :) I love my dress.
I didn't link up, but I did just post pictures of my wedding day, as we just celebrated our anniversary this week.
Kelly, this was a great idea. I am enjoying seeing all the wedding photos today. I almost joined and it turned out to be the last day of houses. I'm still on the fence.
Your dress is beautiful and you look so pretty. Fun, fun, fun!
Beautiful pics! I got my dress at Low's too!!! Love it!! I've been married almost four years, and our dresses are pretty similiar. Grew up in MS, but live in AL now. Love your blog!
Your dress for very elegant and beautiful. And I'm not surprised. It is very "you." Love reading your blog and thanks for providing this opportunity for so many people to have fun looking at each other's lives.
Your pictures are beautiful! Keep the wedding focus going for a while, Kelly, I love it! Flowers next, then rings, etc. It's so much fun! Great idea!
You look BEAUTIFUL!!! I love your dress and the colors of your flowers. LOVE!! I love wedding dresses too. I think we should get new ones every 5 years and get to renew our vows. :)
p.s. Is that New Life Ranch?
You look gorgeous! Very happy bride. :) Have a great weekend!
Love Lows! I went to college in Searcy, AR and going to Lows was a right of passage!
Your dress is beautiful!!!!
I absolutely love Say Yes To The Dress. I swear I could be a consultant. I've gone along on enough shopping trips with brides...
Your dress was beautiful! I mention it in my post...but I almost bought a dress that looks exactly like the new style you picked. I still think its a beautiful dress. I love say yes to the dress! I watched one a couple weeks ago where the friend said she just wasnt excited about the brides dress. Oh brother! That show cracks me up!
Oh I agree with the getting a new dress too! My sister and I always joke about we need to get use out of our dresses so we're going to sit around and watch tv in them like they did on Friends! Lol! I love your dress very beautiful!
I would love to participate but I don't know how to do it....do I post my blog and then click on the "you are next"????
I don't think I'd pick a different dress....just a different body than what I have now so I could still fit in my wedding dress! Hahaha! (And I know that is something that is actually possible...just easier said than done unfortunately!)
Beautiful! YOu got some great photos there, Kelly! I wanted a strapless dress too but unfortunately my shoulder blades stuck so far out I looked like I was going to fly. So not good for a wedding...
I wanna play - but my dress is a secret!!!!!!
Absolutely beautiful Kelly!!
You look beautiful, as always!
I wanted to suggest a blog hop: what if you did one asking couples who have been married for a long time (15 years and up?) for their advice and perspective.
I've been married nine years and I have definitely learned a thing or two in that time. I try to counsel my friends who are just starting out, but I like hearing from those women who have been at it longer than me.
I think it would be a great service to us, as wives.
You were such a radiant and beautiful bride, Kelly!! Love your pictures!!
We didn't have a digital camera for our wedding either, sigh.
Hi Kelley! My name is Katie and this is the first time I have left a comment on your blog but I have been stopping in every day since you had your sweet little girl! I love reading your blog. You have such personality! Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that I love these Friday activities. That are just so great!
Oh, I just adore your dress!! It was beautiful! Maybe Harper will want to wear it someday???
Gawgeous dahling!!!
What sweet pictures! Thank you for sharing!
I don't have pictures to share yet, my wedding is on August 14th! My dress is simple, strapless, with beading on the front and the train. It bought it for $75 at a sale at a local bridal salon!! It is my dream dress. It was the prefect fit and length... no alterations needed. It was clearly meant to be.
Your dress was amazingly beautiful. Harper is equally as beautiful :)
I'm fairly new to the blogging world and I landed on your blog one by accident but I've come back everyday to read! I haven't commented until today and the reason I am is because I LOVE the wedding dress links. I'm getting married next May and am actually going shopping at Kleinfelds in NYC where they film "Say Yes to the Dress." So it's been a lot of fun for me to look at other girls dresses!
You have a great blog that is so enjoyable to read!
Beautiful dress!
Is it to late to play along? =)
You look gorgeous!!!! I wish I had some digital pictures from our wedding. I have a few scanned, somewhere!!!! I need to find them!!!!
We just celebrated our 6th anniversary (this past Sunday!) and our photographer was film only!
You looked absolutely beautiful! And I love your dress!
beautiful. i am single but i don't have a dream dress.
I am from eastern Arkansas and worked at Low's during prom season one year but I did get to help with wedding dresses some. Talk about fun but man those dresses were HEAVY! You looked absolutely beautiful in your wedding dress!
I haven't been motivated enough to clean my house so I could post for show us where you live, but my dress I can do!
So fun!
You were beautiful by the way.
What a beautiful dress, Kelly!! You look amazing in it!
Also, just wanted to thank you for how sensitive you are to the "single ladies". Not too many do, and I, for one of many, appreciate it greatly!
you were a gorgeous bride!
your "other" dress is super similar to my wedding dress. you can see it on the wedding of my blog and in the wedding pics.
have a great weekend!
Love all the wedding pics! Had to let you know that "chawed" has spread to East Texas. I'm the nanny to six kids from two different families. This morning when the four oldest and I were out and about in town I mentioned it to them and they had fun saying it for a while. I thought they had forgotten about it until this afternoon when we were talking about an awful trip to the library last summer and a little voice pipped up "Miss Lee Ann you were so chawed weren't you?" It might have stuck!
You look so lovely as I would expect. Harper is just so beautiful love that video, precious!
your dress is beautiful! i love the one you would choose now, too! thanks for hosting this...i love reading your blog!
Kelly -
I stumbled across your blog a few months ago and have so much enjoyed keeping up with you and Harper! Your wedding day looked so pretty! Sharing and learning about others' wedding days has been so much fun - what a great idea! Looking forward to next week.
Love your dress... and the great idea for another blog tour!
I love your dress and the photos. Thanks to Lucy's Kitchen for providing the link.
I definitely plan on posting my dress tonight so I'll be back.
This was such a GREAT idea. I have been following your blog for a few months and love it. My little girl was born January 6th, so it is great to follow Harper's adventures as the mirror my own daughter's.
My husband and I have been married four years in November and looking through the photos picking the best ones just reminded me of how happy we are and how much I love him! Thanks for the reminder...I sometimes need it!
I got married 6 years ago and my prints are the same way - no digital. I also hate that photographers were not doing all of the wonderful things then that they are now...i.e. photoshopping! :) Oh well, I guess that's the price you pay for getting older! ;)
what a pretty dress! i love this idea, and can't wait to go look around the internet for my dream dress. I'm getting married in November and have yet to officially go dress shopping! I can NOT wait to do it.
I would love to join in..but I might do so a little late. I am getting married in 2 weeks, so I don't want any spoilers out. So, I will drop you a message when I have pics to share! This is awesome, I love looking at wedding dresses!
Right on! Can't wait to see everyone's dresses! I'm such a girl.
Loved all the pics of wedding dresses. I burned my bouquet, threw away all pics and sold the china and crystal, but I still have my dress. I just loved it and it wasn't my pretty dress' fault he cheated, LOL. Girls need to feel like a princess sometimes and a wedding dress will do it!
I can't believe how many people responded to this. I love looking at all the different dresses and styles! Soo much fun! Brings me back to my "knot" days! :)
I can't remember what all you have on your list for "Show Us Your Life" but another topic idea is "Halloween costumes". I am in need of ideas for my Madeline. Thanks!
Wow, Kelly - I popped in to check out some more dresses and there are 617 participants this week!! Wow - I'm not even at 50, this may take awhile. :)
We have no digital pictures either and we've been married 5 years. Isn't it amazing how technology progresses so fast? We spent a full day scanning our photos in! I love your dress...so classicly beautiful!
Hey Kelly, wanted to post a YouTube video of a very fun wedding. Just thought I'd share it with you and your readers!
This is such a great idea. I am going to post my dress on Tuesday...so I can select a good picture.
I failed to post about this on my blog when everyone else was, but I am posting about it on Friday!
How beautiful!!! I love how sweet and innocent you both look. I was scared half to death b/c no had the "what to do on the honeymoon" talk with me. Since i was 27, guess they just assumed I knew?
I have had sick babies and just now uploaded pics to my blog at homesweetbentley.blogspot.com. Check it out!
Kelly I have to say thank you. Because I am still sitting here looking at wedding dresses I found a site that I had forgotten about and found the dress of my dreams. My husband and I are renewing our vows next year on our 10 year anniversary. Just wanted to say a huge thanks and I love your blog.
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