So I have been working on a few changes at our house. I bought this green furniture set when I was single and bought my first house about 8 years ago. We had been wanting to get something new but had planned to wait a while. And then some friends of ours got new furniture and sold us a leather couch and 2 chairs (one we put in Scott's office) for a great deal that we couldn't pass up. This is the BEFORE of what our family room looked like.And this is the after. New couch and chair. I got a new rug and of course the bar stools I already told you about. The room seems a little bigger now which is nice. That wall to the left of the window needs something. I'm thinking once Harper is a little bigger and I get one or two great pictures of her - I'll have them framed and hang on that wall in some big gold chunky frames.
This is looking from the back of the family room into the kitchen before:
And this is after. I'm happy with how it looks. The only other thing I want is some new things to go on top of the armoire that holds the TV. Right now there is some floral arrangement that I think is left over from Christmas. ha! So I'm scouting out bargains for that and then I'll feel really happy about that room.
I'm also in the middle of doing a makeover on another room but I can't show you it just yet. Don't get's NOT another nursery. ha! I'm re-doing our master bedroom but I have a few steps to go. Once again, I've been able to do a lot on a small budget so I'm excited! I think I'm going to like it. I'm also in the middle of packing up a lot of Harper's baby stuff that she can't use anymore like the bouncy seat and a few other things. It makes me a little sad.

P.S. LOVING the wedding gown posts. I'm on #30 so it will be fall before I get to the 400's but this may be my favorite blog carnival yet. Next week is the wedding party and flowers but feel free to include anything else like your wedding rings, your proposal, etc...... and then the next week will be reception pictures. SO fun! I thought it would easier to break into a 3 part series!
Sweet potatoes is a favorite around here! And I just love watching the video of you and Scott feeding Harper with that big grin she kept flashing and all the giggling...I find we are always giggling at our baby on videos when she is doing new stuff too. I love reading about little Harper!
Your family room looks great!
Try baby food books by Anabel Karmel. She is very good and her recipes are easy and tasty. She takes you all the way to eating table foods and beyond in some of her books.
I used cinnamon for both my boys baby food. They loved it. I never had a problem with it. If you are unsure, ask your Dr. Just remember a little is all you need. I actually found my babies ate better if the food wasn't bland. I would use a teeny-tiny bit of salt, pepper and butter in their veggies. Most parents will gasp and say "Don't you dare!" but my babies ate EVERYTHING and a little is all you need to make it yummy.
no advice on the baby food! but i love the wedding dress carnival. a few months ago my friends from church had a bridal party..we all wore our wedding dresses, or bridesmaid dresses, :) played shower games, took pics, shared our wedding photos.. it was soo much fun!
Dad and I have looked at that video of Harper about a dozen times....I can't believe how cute it is! Thanks so much for posting it....maybe more to follow????
Try eating some of the sweet potato yourself! They are filled with vitamins and it would eventually be good for Harper!!
I really like the new furniture! Of course, I loved the old set also. I need to replace mine since the kids have destroyed it all.
My kids will only eat sweet potatoes with cinnamon on them! Just don't use too much!!
Hi sweet girl! Thanks for the nice comment, your wedding dress was amazing too! Loved it!! You are so cute! Im glad I got to see you today too! We have to get the girls together in their Ralph Lauren matching outfits and take a few pics! ;)
Your new furniture looks SO good! The zebra rug with the bar stools makes a HUGE difference and changes the whole look entirely! Looks awesome sweetie! Keep up the good work!
I love the room makeover. I used to think all leather furniture was that crackly tacky kind, but then my parents got red leather furniture for their basement room and I LOVE it. I can't wait until we can afford to get some! Plus, it's awesome with a family because it's nearly impossible to stain!
wow! the family room looks fantastic! i love the cute rug!
I read somewhere to do no spices until 8 months. That gives their tummy time to acclimate to all the new foods! Aside from the fact that I wanted my daughter to enjoy the food without spice first. She LOVES sweet potatoes, and now the cinnamon added is like icing on the cake!
I love the new room! Those barstools look awesome!
I LOVE the leather furniture! I have been thinking of going that way in our living room. I am checking Craigslist for good deals.
Woo hoo, I love weddings!
I just started making baby food for my five month old. There is a website and it really gives some good ideas and receipes for babyfood. As always Harper is precious!!
I love the new room and those bar stools are fabulous!!
Love the room, love sweet potatoes, and loved the wedding dress carnival! It was a good blog day!
I felt like a TOTAL STALKER today because I kept coming back to your blog about a million times to keep looking at the dresses! It was fun though! Can't wait for next Friday because my 1st anniversary is Saturday, Aug. 1! It's bringing it all back to me!
Still loving your blog! Your "Just Wait...." post was about the sweetest thing I have ever read. It gave me the goose bumps. You are so good at putting being a stay at home mom in the perfect perspective (did that sentence make sense?) What I am trying to say is that your attitude and outlook is so refreshing and positive.
I was in LR for some showers this weekend for OBU friends and we talked about you! They all follow your blog! You are famous - next thing you know you are going to be speaking at Chapel!!!
Devin Bertram
I did the exact same thing with my boys when they were younger! I loved making baby food for them. I just steamed the sweet potatoes and then pured them too! They just loved them! We used a product that was like an ice cube tray but they were tiny sealed containers that were perfect size for feedings. Although once the boys got older and ate a ton it was harder making baby food because they ate soo much. It became a full-time job! lol
Love the room re-do! Great job!
New to your blog and love it! I made all of my little one's baby food up until she was able to eat solids. I never added any spices or seasonings to her food because I was told to keep in bland at first while her tummy was getting used to it. Obviously you know your little one best and if that would aid in her eating it... I'm sure a little wouldn't be a problem. My little one, now 19 months, will eat ANYTHING! And she never really struggled with eating baby foods I made for her. Obviously have to try them a few times before she was completely comfortable with them. Plums were a favorite at our house! But you have a little bit before you introduce fruit. Good luck! And don't give up on making her food... it's definately worth it!
It's so perfect! My husband wants a leather couch, but our living room has no corners, it's very difficult to place furniture.
Anyways - in the corner - you'll have a precious little kitchen set for Harper to play with.
Don't forget that as they get older, their toys get bigger. You'll trade that honking swing & jumper in for ride on toys & kitchen sets, and babydoll toys.
Our house looks like miniature babies live in it with our almost 4 and almost 2 year old girls!:)
Very precious!
Good for you for venture out of your comfort zone and making Harper's baby food. I didn't with my first because I was so nervous, but I decided to with my second and I didn't regret it. My favorite website is
I even made it a social event with another girlfriend who's son is only 3 weeks younger than my second son. It worked out perfectly we would buy things in bulk and then get together and have a baby food making afternoon while the kids napped. So much fun! I actually miss that time now that Jack is old enough to eat regular old food.
1. The room looks great! I want leather furniture, but we decided to wait until we move this winter- no sense moving new stuff twice in a year. We just now got the settlement for the $2000 of damage they did this last time. GRR!
2. I added formula/milk to the sweet potatoes and it gave them a creamier taste. When you do carrots, a little apple and/or rice makes the taste not so strong.
3. Ice cube trays are ok, but I liked using something like this better- Those little Tupperware containers were great, too. It just made it easier to grab and go.
Love the new room!!!
Your room looks AWESOME! So beautiful. I was so sad that I was number 150 or so on the tour :o( I'm so used to you posting on Thursday evenings. . .I just wasn't at my computer at the right time! Boo. But I am LOVING the wedding tours!
My suggestion would be to wait after she has the plain food a few days to add a spice or another flavor. My son was fine with applesauce, but got a rash when we added cinnamon. If I hadn't known he was okay with plain applesauce, I wouldn't have known which one caused the problem. We thought it was a food allergy, but after much testing it turns out he is just fair and his skin turns red from contact with spicy foods. ;)
I made all my own baby food and froze it in ice cube trays. It was great just to pop out as many as I needed.... Jo
That is easy! I need to just jump and try it. Hi, my name is Mo. I followed your blog while Harper is in the glad to see everyone is happy and healthy. God is good! She is so precious.
Looks good! Those couches are in great condition!!
Love the changes in the new room! The rug is so very cute!! I am a big animal print lover! :) And I really like the idea of pictures of Harper on that wall! Hope you have a great weekend!
Very pretty room re-do! :)
We have the exact same leather sofa from Ashley and enjoy it.
I would hold off on the cinnamon because you want the baby to just taste, and hopefully, like the food and not the seasoning. Plus there's an allergy issue you have to worry about. I cooked mostly everything my daughter ate at Harper's age because she was allergic to most additives in prepackaged foods. Plus, it was super easy and fun and I liked knowing exactly went into her body to make those little fat rolls so adorable.
Love your new furniture!
Love the room makeover!
I'm sure it's safe to put cinnamon in the sweet potatos, but I wouldn't. I really think she'll like them without the cinnamon, so why add anything? You know. Just try it a few times without and then if she absolutely won't it eat, then add for flavor.
I found a website that you can create buttons on it is:
You should go check it out!
I loved making my own baby food. At first I just took plain single foods - sweet potatoes, avocado, hardboiled egg yolk (not white), banana, etc. and mixed with breastmilk. After they got a little older, I just took whatever food I cooked for us and pureed it for them - spices and all.
I wanted to let you know I posted an update - and picture! of my pregnancy on my blog... saw a heartbeat yesterday!! God is go great, thank you for the prayers!!
Love the room make over!!!
I too didn't think making baby food was something I'd do OR enjoy. But I loved it! I did it for our 1st daughter.
Unfortunately #2 wasn't as healthy ;O)
I LOVED making baby food for my son. I was so sad when he started eating what we eat, and I no longer got to come up with new "concoctions" for him.
Cinnamon is ok to use, HOWEVER, with her skin problems she's had, I would not do it. My son broke out in terrible face rashes anytime we gave him cinnamon or anything that has any sort of "spice" in it. He's not allergic, but sensitive. Since she already has sensitive skin, I wouldn't do it. Maybe add just a teeny tiny bit of brown sugar into it *giggle*
Love the room makeover!
I never made any of the girls' babyfood, but if I have another one, I might try it!
Love the new living room. It looks amazing. Little Harper is so cute the way she flashes a big grin for her daddy. My little girl does the exact same thing.
I wanted to add, also, after 6 months of age, it is actually a good idea to start adding spices(as in flavors, not hot chili pepper! LOL) into foods (following the 4 day rule of introducing new things). It expands their tastebuds and helps them be open to new foods as they get older.
Again though, if your baby has allergies, you do have to be very cautious about things. I'm just speaking in general terms.
Our son is 2 years old and eats everything imaginable, including spicy mexican salsa, ethnic cuisines, and most recently chicken hearts in Brazil. (ick) I really think it is because of our early introduction to lots of flavors.
I love love love the room makeover, good job!
The room looks wonderful. I love sweet potatoes.
i love 'updated' room -- our styles are very much the same!!!
i made baby food for both of my boys til they were eating solids; is a great resource!!
i also use a VitaMix that is AMAZING for pureeing your food;
i didn't add cinnamon too my sweet pot. til my babies were 9 months old; also, if you are going for 'healthy options' -- i peeled my sw pot then steamed them and pureed w/the water left after steaming for taste -- just fyi!!
another favorite was making my own applesauce -- very cheap; in the vitamix you put cut up apples inside and puree!!!
i've got more recipes if you are interested.
What a difference in your family room! It looks so great!
I made all the baby food for my first baby. First let me say that whatever you decide to do will be fine! My opinion would be to leave out the cinnamon. She will love the sweet potato as-is (most likely, knock on wood) so why add anything to it? Also, you are introducing all these new flavors, it seems best to introduce single flavors, without seasoning, until you start serving her whatever you're eating from your meals. At that point, I wouldn't make her her own un-seasoned version, I'd just chop/mush up whatever you made for the family. But again, you are the mom, she is *your* baby, you get to decide because *you* know best!
Jennifer in OR
(and mom of three)
i get sad whenever i have to pack up a segment of my childrens' things that they've outgrown, too. it's one of the hardest things about being a mother!
and re: oreos...i laughed when i read that part. i'm eating Blue Bell cookie & cream as i type!
Thanks so much for leaving a comment on my blog :) Having a "blog-ebrity" leave a comment is like talking to a Hollywood celebrity :)
Thanks :) My day was made!
I would try giving the sweet potatoes to her without the cinnamon first to make sure there's no allergy issue, but then go for it! My son LOVED sweet potatoes or butternut squash with cinnamon. Even now he eats his oatmeal without any sweetener--just a little cinnamon and milk, and he loves it. It gives it a great taste with no added sugar!
I made lots of baby food too. I was given a lot of really ripe pears, so I made a ton. I'd throw a couple pear cubes into the microwave and then add cereal to it. Saylor LOVED it! I'd suggest putting breast milk into it instead of water though. Add all the nutrients you can! :)
Love the new living room set! :)
Love the new look family room. I think photos in gold chunky frames would be an inspired addition!
The new room it looks fabulous. I especially love those bar stools.
Beautiful room makeover! Isn't it fun to switch things out after a while...while doing so on a budget?!
Yeah for homemade baby food!
The room looks great. I love that rug. My lit bit is in love with sweet potatoes right now, but I'm lazy ~ just buying organic baby food. Maybe I should try my hand at making some?! :) Have a great weekend.
The room looks great, I love it! And making baby food is a breeze, we do it for our little one and she loves it! Sweet potatoes are a favorite here :)
The room looks great! I just love making changes in our house and have been working on a few projects myself.
I'm not 100% sure that cinnamon is safe. Every time I put some in D's applesauce he breaks out in a rash around his mouth. Just be careful and introduce it slowly.
I made all of my son's baby food when he was little. He loved it so much that he often turned his nose up at the jarred stuff, on the rare occasion that we would be out and I would attempt to give him some.
At first, I didn't add cinnamon to his sweet potatoes, but when he was a little bit older, I did add some cinnamon - he loved it! has some wonderful tips and suggestions. Another food that my son loved was pumpkin with some cinnamon.
Wow, the furniture is beautiful & looks wonderful with your window treatments too!!
Great job with the baby food! Put your left over sweet potatoes in your PANCAKE mix. I usually use a small bottle of the organic babyfood in mine...sweet potato pancakes are out of this world, my husband LOVES them (and my kids do too, but don't tell them it's good for them)! :)
Can't wait to see your new master bedroom makeover!
We have a great book called SuperFoods for Babies and Children by Annabel Karmel... We aren't doing solids just yet, but I have of course looked through the book a million times and it looks awesome. Just an idea for you :) You are really great at decorating... and keeping that house clean and tidy! My husband would be thrilled if our house looked like that!! Where do you find the time?!
Love the new couches! Lauren loves sweet potatoes. now I make fries for her out of them!
I had to laugh when i read "says the mom who ate 25 oreos tonight!" that is SO me...i try to feed luke (14 months) organic/natural things and not give him too many sweets...but there i am mowing down ice cream, drinking pop (which he ALWAYS wants and I tell him "its not good for babies" ha! like it IS good for me?! plus he's still nursing a little, so im sure he's getting it in a round about way) but anyways i just thought it was funny and TOTALLY understand about wanting your kids to be healthier...i think it may start changing my eating habits as he get older and realizes more that HE wants what I'M having, cause usually waht I'M having now isnt the healthiest...and I want him to eat healthy!
love the new furniture!!
Have you ever thought of Uppercase Living?? It is uniques word and scripture expressions you transfer to your wall. Comes in different sizes and colors. I don't sell them but LOVE them! Cute way to dress up your walls for not too much money. I think the room makeover looks great!
I make my baby's food as well and LOVE IT!!! It really is so easy and I feel like it tastes better! I make several things ahead of time and then just have to thaw a couple cubes at mealtime! So easy!
Hi Kelly,
I am a brand new blogger and my friend Kristen (Kristen's Palace) said "well the first person that everyone should follow is Kelly's korner" ... So I did! And I love your blog! I really enjoy reading up on Harper's accomplishments because my daughter is 4 months old. This helps me get prepared for what SHOULD be happening in the near future:)
I can see just how much God is using you to touch the lives of others... Isn't it amazing that He can use something like "blogging" to further His kingdom?
Keep up the good work and I pray God continues to bless your family. I know we don't diserve it but somehow the blessings just keep on comin':)
Lauren & Laelle (Lay-el)
p.s. Everyone asks me how to pronounce her name:)
Yummy sweet potatoes! I love the new furniture because it adds color to the room. I am excited to see the master bedroom when you have it complete. I love doing room makeovers every now and again!
I love the new furniture! We have a lot of family and friends that redo their homes quite frequently, and I am on the lookout for furniture that they might sell! I feel for you packing up some of Harper's things that she can't use anymore! I know you already are, but just be thankful that you get to stay at home with her and witness these little changing stages (they do happen so fast). I am SO glad you get to be a SAHM. By the way, I know you have a million blogs that you probably read, but if you send me an email to with the email info that you use to lon into blogger with, I will send you an invite. I would love for you to become a reader!!!
We made our own baby food too for all 3 babies. I read a great book called First Foods by Annabel Karmel. You might check it out! Another of our favorite foods is yo baby organic yogurt that is made with whole milk! The babies love it! Love your new look at home too!
I made all my children's food when they were babies (and still make all of it today that they are NOT!) and for the most part I used organic frozen veggies. They have more nutrition than fresh because they are frozen right at the source instead of shipped thousands of miles away. To bulk up certain foods, I'd add rice cereal or formula but I was told to NEVER add spices and especially not salt. Babies (and big people) don't need extra salt. By adding salt you condition them to enjoy salty foods instead of have a natural palate. Check out baby food jars in the store...they don't have salt added to the ingredient list for a reason. It's bad for you! As adults I can't imagine not salting a sweet potato or peas but that's not truly the best for babies.
I really enjoyed the babyfood cookbook called Sugar Free Toddlers and lots of healthy baby recipes from the web.
LOVE the new furniture and room. That big space empty space might be pretty with an architectural piece like a big piece of iron. I noticed someone mentioned Upper Case living words which would be neat too.
My daughter is now 8 months and I have always made her food myself. I steam everything then send it through my food processor. I make all of her food for the week on the weekends. I use the 4 oz glad containers to put her food in. That way when it's time to eat I just get out a container and and spoon and it is fast. I have tried everything and most everything has been successful. Cadence has never complained except for spinach!
I'm sure it did make you sad to put the baby things away. One chapter closes and a new one begins. Oh, and BTW, you might want to keep in mind when you're doing your redecorating that soon Harper will be toddling around and then you'll really be doing some redecorating! Have a nice weekend!
I don't have time to read all the previous posts so I'm not sure if someone has said the same thing. I made all my baby food and I don't think cinnamon would hurt her (a lot of baby food has cinnamon in it) however, you really should let her get used to how foods tastes without added a lot of extra stuff to it; at least for now. That way she gets the real taste of food without a lot of extra favors. Does this make sense? That is just my suggestion. My baby eats absolutely everything and she loves the taste of natural foods. This is wonderful because I do not want a picky eater!
Absolutely love the make over. It really makes your room look bigger. Love the bar stools. I have some in my kitchen, and I sit there more than I do my kitchen table.
Such a great idea! I need to get motivated to make my baby's food, but how do you find the time???
I love the new look! You are does look bigger. New furniture is on my list too. I have almost the same green couch as you had. I just don't know what I want. The bar stools are so awesome.
The room looks GREAT!! very cozy.
I have been wanting to make some baby food also, but havent found the time....SO this post was a good inspiration. I am not much of a 'martha stuart'...but even I could handle making the sweet potatoes!! ha
I wouldn't try the cinnamon just yet... my first four are all blonde and fair like Harper, and they also had a lot of problems with their skin, and I noticed that whenever I fed them applesauce with cinnamon, they would break out in a rash around their mouths where the cinnamon had been. When they got to the stage where they didn't get food on their faces anymore, they did fine. I know you aren't anywhere near the ranch dip phase with Harper yet, but we had the same problem with getting ranch on their little faces, too!! =)
LOVE the zebra rug!
Cinnamon is normally very good for you...a natural antibiotic I think?...BUT I know lots of little ones are allergic to it.
I didn't read through all of the comments, so forgive me if this is repeated.
I used cinnamon from day 1 when making baby food for my daughter, and now she'll eat anything with cinnamon in it. She loves it!
The idea behind not using cinnamon doesn't have to do with allergies, but with overpowering their senses. I would try the sweet potatoes first without cinnamon, then add a dash the second go around. That way you'll know if she dislikes cinnamon versus the sweet potatoes.
Making your own food is SO fun and rewarding. Enjoy it! And you don't really need any books or anything - is an excellent resource.
Have fun!
Next time, try adding breastmilk instead of water. I'm sure she'll like it even more!
Love your room make-over.
So much brighter & cheerier looking ! Good job !
The bar stools are FAB !
Jackie (Indiana)
I love the new rug that you put down! I think this really ties the room together nicely! I have been wanting to incorporate some animal print in my family room as well but haven't found the right pieces. It's so easy to overdo it. About the armoire topper,I have found beautiful things at Kirklands at really good prices. I get tons of compliments about them and enjoy shocking everyone by telling them what a bargain they were!
The room makeover is just beautiful!! You have excellent taste!
I'll have to make some sweet potatoes for Sophie! She loves them!!
Your house is beautiful! I LOVE your kitchen! are so easy to like because you seem to genuine. That is why you've been so successful! Have more make beautiful ones:)
You did such a great job! I LOVE the rug! Where is it from?
Hi, Kelly! I've been a longtime reader of your blog, but have never commented until now. Harper is just beautiful.
My son is 7, but I made all his baby food when he was a baby. I don't suggest adding anything extra to the baby food. I know people that have, but I strongly believe that you should allow your child to "taste" the true flavors of the foods at an early age. I did this with my son and now, at 7, he will eat anything (Brussel sprouts are one of his favorites). And, to this day, he need salt, pepper, ketchup, ranch or anything of those things to enjoy his fruits and veggies. He prefers the natural tastes of the foods. On the flip side, I have friends who salted and spiced their children's baby foods and, now, that is the only way they will eat them.
On a side note - not adding salts and spices to his foods actually made a huge difference when my son was temporarily placed on a renal diet due to kidney failure at age 2. Many of the things he was not allowed to have -added salts, sugars, etc - were things we already did without. Had we introduced him to these things as baby, making the transition to the renal diet would have been a nightmare.
My Kyndra loved sweet potatoes. I always pureed them with some breast milk instead of water to add those extra nutrients. I never added cinnamon though.
the room looks amazing! You are such a good decorator!
And making your baby food?! I've been too afraid to try, but looks fairly easy. I may give it a try one of these days. :)
Hi Kelly!!!
This is the first time I believe I have commented! I love Harper!! She is just precious! Since my daughter has a Milk/Soy Protien Intolerance. I am making all of her baby food this time around. I usually spend one day making food for a few weeks. Usually a month. I boil just about everything in minimal water and then throw it in my mini food processor. So far I have done sweet potatoes, apples, squash, banana's, peaches, avocado,
carrots, pears. I am a naughty mom and I add brown sugar and white sugar to a lot of her foods, but only because we are having some difficulties with her gaining weight. Needless to say, Cadence loves all of her food since its a bit sweeter than most!! Good luck! I actually LOVE making Cady's food! I find it to be kind of rewarding, knowing that I am making it the best I can for her!
So glad you're making some of your own baby food -- it is really easy and so good for Harper! I recommend "Super Baby Food" by Ruth Yaron. I don't go "all the way" with her stuff, but her book is a GREAT resource. I do make batches and freeze them in ice cube trays -- a great time saver. I wouldn't recommend adding any spices to the baby food, at least for a few months, but that's of course your decision. The babies don't know what they're missing, and I think it's best to get it in the pure form. Good luck with all of it!
I LOVVVVEEEE your rug!!!! Where did u get it?
You're not suppose to introduce spices until the 8th month. Since Harper is allergic to a few things, I would be very careful to introducing spices.
I have made all my baby's food. It is super easy and saves a lot of money. The site I found the most helpful is
your living room looks great. i just redid mine and it has similar coloring. i went from khaki wall color to silver sage from restoration hardware - very cool blueish/greenish color. would look GREAT in that room if you ever wanted to change the walls.
Hi Kelly! This is my first trip over to your blog, and I've only read this one post, but I like it! I have one baby (turned one year yesterday), and I made her baby food. I did add cinnamon to the sweet potatoes, and it's also safe to add a bit of unsalted butter. Actually the nutrients in things such as carrots are better absorbed into your baby's body if it's combined with a tad bit of fat (like the kind in unsalted butter). Experiment away! I had a wonderful time feeding my baby homemade baby food. I like the fact that it's just pure food (says the mom who can eat a 1/2 a bag of cheetos in one sitting!) I also want my child to be healthier than I am! I've enjoyed this post, and I can't wait to read more!
LOVE the new makeover! It looks great :)
I LOVE those bar stools!!!! The room turned out amazing!!!! Very nice!!
I am in the midst of packing away baby things too :( I need to sell most of it or give it away. My 7 month old (in 4 days anyway) just learned to get herself out of the bouncy seat and her swing. So, they haven't been used this past week. It makes me sad since she is the 3rd and last of my babies :(
Making baby food is so easy.... and I love that you can make combinations you can't find in the stores. Also, I know that the kids (I make it for two kids I babysit) are getting pure foods and no added "stuff". I bought a food grinder (Munchkin brand) for about $10 and LOVE it! I can cook up any veggies and grind them, most fruits I do fresh, but some like pears you need to cook. I steam a lot of it and use that liquid for diluting it, but don't do this with carrots because of nitrates (you can steam them but don't use the steaming water in the food). I've also found that the munchkin grinder will do things like brown rice, small pieces of chicken, and pasta. I make up bigger batches and freeze them in the tiny ziploc containers with lids. It really is so easy and fun... I would suggest going for it :)
what did you do with your green furniture? i would be very interested in buying it if you haven't gotten rid of it. how do people luck into buying used furniture that is in good shape?!
oh, and i would advise staying away from the cinnamon for harper's sweet potatoes, maybe put VERY LITTLE 'real' butter in them.
I love the barstools Kelly, we just bought similiar bar stools at Costs Plus World Market and we love them. They are so much more comfortable than our old ones.
I also had to tell you that I finally finished reading your entire blog in spite the fact that I may now be fired from my accounting job for excessive internet usage!!!! I couldn't put it down, you have been through so much with your infertility and Harper's birth. Praise to God that all of your prayers have been answered!!!
Good job on the sweet potatoes! About the cinnamon, I would wait to add it until you know she doesn't have a problem with the sweet potatoes, otherwise you won't know which it is if she has a problem. I just started making sweet potatoes fries and sprinkling them with cinnamon. My daughter loves then. Your living room looks great
I am new to your blog and I just love it! I love what you did with your family room. The rug really sets it off to a whole different look! I have a miracle baby also who is now 2 1/2 and I made her baby food which is alot more healthier without all the added stuff. I was told by her pediatrician not to add any spices or anything to the baby food. The bland the better. Since you just introduce one food at a time to make sure they don't have any allergies I was told adding spice could be an allergy amongst itself. I waited until my little girl was 1 year old before I added cinnamon. Hope the advice helps
I made the majority of Emily's baby food too and I really really enjoyed doing it. I steamed everything I made in the microwave or on the stove, waited for it to cool and then used the Magic Bullet to puree it all. I used the "So Easy Babyfood" book and it had a lot of great ideas for "recipes" (mixes of foods, foods broken down by age etc)and then made huge batches. Then I froze them in ice cube trays and then saved them in breastmilk storage bags. The cubes thaw overnight in the fridge. It worked great and it saved so much money. I felt like I was really doing something good for her too. I did not add any spices to her baby food and she ate everything just fine. Good luck!!!
Can I hire yo to come redecorate me living room? hehe... it's beautiful.. of course...
I have a 14 year old in addition to the 4, 2 and 8 month old ..
I have NEVER bought baby food.. yep, I was making Brandons food way back then! A freezer full of little cubes of mashed up stuff...hehe
You are doing great! Cinnamon is fine...just a pinch but but i would give it to her plain first...
I love oreos!! my hips don't...
I sniffle when I pack of Chloe's baby things too.. seems like it goes by faster each time.. .I even sniffle when the little boys move on to something new...hehe
I am a new follower, lots of my blog friends follow you as well and I am glad I found you through them :) Come check out my page, and my wedding dress!
Hey Kelly - I used some cinnamon in Amelia's baby food, and she did fine with it. She definitely enjoyed it more, that's for sure! I honestly cannot remember at what age I started dabbling with spices, because I was cautious and conservative (probably more than I needed to be) with what I gave her and at what age. Cinnamon supposedly has some health benefits. I think you would be fine to put a little in her food. Like I said, I can't remember exactly when I gave it to Amelia, but I know by 8 months she had had it. Another food that Amelia ate well and that was super-easy to make baby food with was acorn squash. Just slice it in half and bake it till it's soft. I just diced up some apples to put inside the cavity while it baked and mixed in some cinnnamon with it. That was (still is) a favorite. Have fun, and happy eating Baby Harper!
Hi Kelly! Good for you making Harper's food. I made ALL of greyson's food and plan to make all Luciana's too. Isn't it easy and yes, saves SO much money!! I waited until nine months until i added such items as cinnamon, onions, & leeks. Also doctors recommend waiting 8 months before introducing berries (because of allergies). Good Luck!!
It looks great. You know what would make the room look bigger? If you hung that curtain so that it was just below the ceiling. I felt weird when I did mine like that, because then they only covered a few inches of the window, but it made my room look so much bigger!
I love the new room! I was going to suggest doing a collage of Harper pictures! She is so cute and you have some really great pictures of her!
Hugs - Tiff
Hey Kelly! I made my own baby food and stored it in ice cube treys, too! I used Sunday as my day to destroy the kitchen and cook up a storm! I did applesauce, beans, sweet peas, squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, pears.... all kinds! And yes it's OK to add cinnamon... I often added some sugar, butter, or salt to their food (just a pinch, of course). But it was so bland without it. Good luck!
Love the room makeover...looks awesome!
Love reading about your blessed life!
Gadsden, AL
yay! i'm so excited to hear what's next on show us your life! recently being married I can't WAIT to put it all up for people to see! =) Thanks Kelly! oh, and your sweet potatoes look DELICIOUS! They are my favorite, but my husband hates them! =/ ugh!
I will have to try sweet potatoes next for sure. I have been doing mangos and my daughters loves them. Love the new living room!
Cinnamon is Super safe and she will love it. Also try some pumpkin mixed in with her cereal. She will love it; my son does.
Wow! Your new room looks awesome!! I've been wanting to change our house up a little, but I'm not sure where to start. ugh
About the cinnamon... I don't know if Harper will have a reaction to it, but my daughters did. It wasn't in their baby food, but in table food after their first birthdays. They would get a red rash around their mouths, like a heat rash, every time they ate anything with cinnamon in it until they were about 3 or so. Anyway, just wanted to tell you she may be sensitive to it if it gets on her skin. And we've all seen her wearing her food. =)
Your new furniture and room makeover looks really nice!
As far as cinnamon... I myself would wait. Riley, my son, is almost 11 mos, and I have yet to add too many seasonings/spices in his food. You just never know if they'll have a reaction. He has always loved sweet potatoes on their own. About a month ago I did start adding a bit of salt/pepper and garlic powder to his egg yolks. He hasn't had any issues with that.
I've made all of Riley's baby food and whenever I make a batch that seems too much to get through in a few days I freeze about 1/3 to 1/2, than that would allow me to slowly stockpile a freezer stock to use on days when I didn't want to cook or when traveling... Now that I'm experimenting more with "recipes" for Riley, rather than just one, plain food, I always make my husband try it to make sure it's not gross. :)
I didn't wade through all the comments, but I wanted to recommend a babyfood site to you:
I used it all the time making my own foods, and it has a ton a great information. Good luck!
I don't use spices here, but I want Amelia to get a taste of how good food is without using any seasonings. Once she's well-established, then I'll start adding them in.
Eek! It's
Sorry...wrong address!
I am allergic to cinnamon and was told by the specialist that cinnamon is a very common allergy. It caused whelps inside my mouth. I'd wait if I were you!! She's such a little dollbaby.
My daughter is 7 months old and I've made all of her baby food. I spent about 3 hrs one day and made 3 months worth of (all organic) baby food for $35. Every now and then I'll buy a new fruit/veggie and make some up to freeze. As far as the cinnamon...I'm not sure, I kept everything pure. Good luck!
So cute. I want those bar stools, where did you get them?
I too made all my baby's food. I used from the get-go; in fact, there isn't a day that goes by that I don't visit there site (okay, maybe a day or two goes by, but you get it- I use it alot!). I'd recommend that website! I used cinnamon in pretty much everything and Olivia ate alot better. I didn't do much research on it, but what I did do, said it was safe. I figured it was better and fresher than the jarred stuff anyway. Good Luck!
I have recently started reading your blog (LOVE IT) and from the first picture I saw I am loving your kitchen cabinets! I am preparing to paint my cream with a faux finish and the picture in my head is exactly what yours look like. Just curious if you painted them or had them done, or if they were made that way.
The makeover looks great. I always intended to make baby food but somehow never got around to it. As far as I know though, the cinnamon is safe...
My son LOVES sweet potatoes! Another of his favorites is Kiwi/Mango/Avocado. It is his favorite fruit mixture. I think he could eat it all day ha! Harper is just so cute! And I love your new furniture, granted I also loved your old furniture. We have similar tastes.
I like the makeover! It looks great! I really LOVE the new barstools! Those are my favorite part of the makeover. They were made for your kitchen!
We added cinnamon to sweet potatoes and applesauce around 7 months. Just a small amount in a big batch and Brody loved it. Our pedi said it was safe. We just followed the 4 day rule with spices as well so that we could check for allergies. has all that info as well in case you are curious about what is ok for her at certain ages.I always check that site when in doubt. Plus, they have some fun food recipes that I use as well.
Gotta know where you got the bar stools at? Love the new look. And I read your blog all the time. Harper is a doll!!!
Your changes are lovely! Thanks again for adding my prayer request to your list... God is good. I know He has a good & perfect plan for my community! Hope you have a great Sunday!
Sweet potatoes are my daughter's favorite:) is an awesome resource for making your own baby food.
I make all my daughter's food, and that site has been a lifesaver in giving me ideas and teaching me to how to cook things...some, like eggplant, I'd never even made for us before...but she loves it!:)
Sweet potatoes freeze great, if you ever do decide to freeze them -- butternut squash is another favorite that freezes and defrosts really well:)
I just found your blog, I have really enjoyed it. What a beautiful room. You have a beautiful family:) Many Blessings,
I like to add a little wheat germ to my baby food mixture just to give it a little added boost. Never added cinnamon, I'll have to think about that for this baby :)
mmmm i ♥ that zebra rug girl...
Try using formula or breast milk (dont know if you are breastfeeding) to puree the food instead of water and that will add flavor too...and extra calories!
They say not to use seasoning until around 8 months old. Especially with Harper's sensitivities, I probably wouldn't use them. I used to make all kinds of stuff on the weekends and freeze it in trays. I bought some book about making baby food, and it came with trays that had lids, so I didn't have to worry about other foods making it taste different. I'd label it and pull out a few cubes. I also started with all the veggies. I could make like a month of sweet potatoes at a time, but I used a food processor. Use very little water because it dilutes the nutritional value. I made those, squash, all different types of squash, beans, peas, tofu, avocado, spinach, apples, peaches, pears, plums, etc. It was fun and I was surprised at how much she would eat and what stuff she would eat. It also works out much cheaper...
I love the new look of your living room. Can't wait to see how your bedroom turns out. I am terrible at trying to decorate. Ha! Also just wanted to say how much I enjoy reading your blog. Very light hearted and FUN! Thanks!
Very nice changes, Kelly! And you were such a pretty bride.
Can I ask you a favor?? To please update my link on your sidebar with my new blog address?? I just moved to Wordpress & my own domain, so I'm trying to get everyone to change their links. I love that you send me so many readers! New site:
Thanks a bunch!
You can also peel and steam it and cut it into cubes and give her a chance to self feed. Have Fun!
The new room looks great!!
My baby is 11 mos old on Tues. :( Time goes by so fast! I have been exclusively breastfeeding but am now going to make her baby food. I made my son's baby food five years ago for him and loved how it transitioned him to table food because it all tasted just like what we eat as a family at meals anyway. He loved it too! I bought a book that was suggested for more/better ideas this time around called Super Baby Food. I am excited to read up on more ideas to use with this baby. Love your blog! Thanks for always sharing with us!
The first homemade baby food I made for Emily was mashed potatoes in the blender. She spit it out with a huge raspberry face. She was right; it was awful! Harper grows more beautiful every day. I just wanted to remind you about Crock Pot Wednesdays on my blot I hope you can join me. The first event is August 5, but Mister Linky is up and ready now.
I loved making my son's baby food! With his food allergies, it was comforting to know exactly what was in what he was eating- and it was fun, too! But he LOVED sweet potatoes. Hands down, his fav! Keep up the good work!
brown sugar is supposed to be ok for babies and supposedly a good remedy for constipation in babies! :)
Love the new furniture! It makes the room look warmer.
That is just the kind of furniture I am needing for my living room.
I used the for my baby food recipes. I made several foods at one time and froze them. We saved so much money doing this! In the fall I made pumpkin puree for Avery and she really liked it! I didn't put any flavorings in Avery's veggies unless she wouldn't eat them then I would try something like cinammon to help the flavor!
Love the make-over! I just ordered (and received) collage posters from snapfish. I'm sure the other photo sites do them too, but I framed them out in simple black frames and they look sooo good. Make my snapshots look like professional shots!
Have you tried any of those steamer/puree all in one baby food machines? I've been wondering if that would be worth the investment once we have a baby.
Lovin' the furniture, Miss K! I adore that rug, too - the animal print, funky one. I want it for my eldest daughter's room. She's three, but oh so fashionable! What little gal is not? ;o)
Yum to sweet potatoes...they're one of my Libby's newest favorites!
I don't have time to read through all the comments you already received, so I'm hoping you haven't heard this more than once. I've been making homemade baby food for 7 years now. The best book I found for telling you specific ages to introduce new foods (and exactly how to prepare and store each one) is Super Baby Food. It's a thick, purple book. Find it on Amazon. I'm pretty sure cinnamon should not be introduced until one year because it is a known allergen (like corn and tomatoes). It's especially confusing, because many baby food manufacturers have those exact ingredients in their "2nds" jars. Anyway, the book is a little outdated on some things (and the author is somewhat anti-meat), but all-in-all it's a good resource for getting through that first year of introducing foods. Hope this helps!
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