We started this early summer BEAUTIFUL day by taking a walk this morning with Kacy and Wells. Such a great way to start the day. Then it was home to get cleaned up and dressed up for our 4 month doctor appointment.
Harper did very good at the doctor. She weighed 14 lbs and 2 oz and was 24.5 inches long. She is between 50-75 percentile so she is just a normal girl. She has met all of her developmental milestones and we couldn't be happier. The only two things I was so concerned about - her skin and her sleeping have gotten so much better that I didn't even have to discuss them. (She slept 8 straight hours last night and just woke up for 20 minutes and was back down for another 3 hours!) I really believe she has had so much trouble sleeping because her skin was making her miserable.
Oh and what we are doing (now take note - different things work for different babies - so this may not be your solution) - we take a quick lukewarm bath every night to help with itching and get the skin moist before we "cream up" but we only use soap every 2nd or 3rd night. I have a prescription steriod for her creases when they get fire red and I'm using the equate version of Eucerine - the really thick cream in a tub. I just cream her up 3-4 times a day and her skin is absolutely perfect right now. I'm hoping it will last.
Also after discussing it with her doctor - we have decided to wait until she is 6 months (or older) before we start cereal/solids. She is getting all she needs for now!

Also - congrats to my friend Heather on the birth of Avery Kate today - she is an answer to many prayers and the first praise on the prayer blog!
You both look so cute today! Love the purple flower in your hair!
Yay for a Summer day, Daddy visiting @ the dr's office, nights of peaceful sleep for all, naps & shopping for toys (that exersaucer looks like a good find!), and healthy beautiful babies (yours & your friend Heather's). Such a great post!
Glad to hear that Harper is healthy and well! And yay for sleeping through the night!!!!
Eucerine was a lifesaver for my little girl when she was a baby! Even at three, we are have on-again, off-again scalp issues, but the Eucerine calms it down.
Happy Birthday to your beautiful baby girl! She is adorable :)
Glad the dr appt went well and she is sleeping! So happy that you found the trick for her skin!
We have the same Exersaucer! Our daughter LOVES it! I joke with her though to stay away from the pig ... we don't want swine flu in our house! :)
Harper sure is a cutie!!!
You look so pretty in the color purple! Harper is such a little doll and looked precious in her outfit for the doctor!! Yay for a great doctor's visit!!!
Kelly - I had the same type of problems with my baby boy's skin when he was first born. It was REALLY rough and we did the SAME thing. We use 1% hydrocortizone cream and/or ointment on his skin everyday as we're putting on lotion and we get SO MANY compliments on how beautiful his skin is! You do what works for you and don't worry about couching it so someone doesn't comment about you doing things wrong, etc.! You started this blog to document your life, and you shouldn't have to change that just because you have some loud mouth readers now!! haha (I am one of those readers, but people need to realize that we ALL parent differently and that doesn't make any one person wrong!) Great job raising your miracle baby mom!
Cute pictures!! Loving your purple dress and hair clip!
So glad the cream is working. That is awesome! I'm sure Harper will love her new toy!
I'm so glad that Harper's skin has improved!! I hope it will last too, but just in case she has anymore trouble, here's something you might not have tried yet:
For those lukewarm baths, try bathing her in oatmeal water instead of just plain water. Just boil oatmeal in water until the water turns milky white. Strain the oatmeal flakes and the water is good to go (once it cools of course! Ha!).
I have a friend who moved up to the New England States a few years ago. She does not have sonic. How said is that?
She actually blogged about them putting in a sonic close to her in Boston.
We make sonic a part of our day everytime we are out during happy hour.
I must say, Harper is one little cutie pie!
You just glow while holding her in pictures. So happy that you finally have your sweet girl.
Hey Kelly - I am a child passenger safety technician - looks like you have the harness in the slots of the car seat above Harper's shoulders. They need to be in slots that are either at or below her shoulder level to keep her safe. Pop those back down to the lowest slot on the seat to correct that.
She's looking great - so long now!
I am so glad that Harper's skin is better. My son battles with it and it can be so uncomfortable. It took us a couple of different Rx's before we found the perfect fit for him. He is almost 4 years old and we still battle it behind his knees and elbows.
We've been slammed busy lately so with the rain and cancelled football practices I've been able to catch up on blogs. Harper is getting so big! Adorable!!
I'm sorry to hear you are having an issue with a rude blog reader. I think that person needs to just stop reading your blog if they have issues. Wow, the nerve.
Have fun! I think we are doing a Sonic run on Wednesday for happy hour! LOL
Yea for good nights and no more itchy skin! My little one had the same problem and it still flares up occasionally. There is a blog you might want to check out that is having a photo contest. I think you should enter one of your pics of Harper. It is iheartfaces.blogspot.com.
Sleeping all night, woohoo!!
I love that you've joined your daughter with the flowers in your hair! You guys are so adorable
Harper just keeps getting more and more adorable! I love seeing what outfits you have her dressed up in everyday. And, I loved the purple on you today!
I can't wait to see pictures of Harper in the exer-saucer!
you and harper are both beautiful!
Harper is so precious and yay for sleeping through the night! Super exciting!
I'm so glad I found your blog. It was recommended by another friend of mine from AR. I enjoy reading about Harper. She is precious! We used the exact same skin treatments with our daughter! Will also had some skin problems that were related to food allergies, so it's probably good you are waiting. I hope the good sleepin keeps up!
we waited till she was 6 months before starting solids! I will do the same with all my babies, no matter how much my well meaning mother and step mother try to convince me otherwise. :)
Hurray for the sleeping better and clear skin! We too are finally getting to enjoy some nice weather and I am thrilled (we just had 8 months of winter). Glad her Dr.'s appt. went well.
Kelly~ I am a nurse in a skin/wound care center.. we see lots of babies with skin issues eczema, and the like... here are a few suggestions
1) We reccomend to all of our patients that children under 2 years only get bathed 2-3 times a week the water really breaks down their fragile skin
2)you may want to check into getting an Rx for a cream called atopiclair it is a non steriodal cream designed for ckildren with atopic eczema it is safe to use on babies and will create a skin barrier so that she has less of a chance of her skin breaking down and therfore not needing the topical steriods as much
3)I'm not sure which topical steriod your using maybe nystatin or something like that, however what doc's fail to mention is that long term use will actually thin the skin.. there is another one you could get if you don't allready have called protopic it can be used on babies and is actualyl safe enough for use on the eyelids...
all just thoughts I wanted to pass in your direction, sometimes Doc's are in a hurry and don't list all of your options
Hope this helps
Yay for Harper and your family! It's so great that her skin is better and her sleeping is as well.
Prayers answered!
As a mom to a little guy with eczema, we went through the same thing and thankfully he too is all clear and baby beautiful.
May I make a suggestion about the cereal once you start adding solids? Our pediatrician and dermatoliogist both suggested eating the oatmeal rather than the cereal because one, the cereal can constipate a little, and two, the oatmeal is less allergenic-which is important for our skin sensitive bebes. It's only a thought, and doesn't need to be taken to mind, but since I've been where you are I thought I'd throw it out.
Take care!
Hey Kelly
My oldest son had really really bad skin and he was also on a prescription steriod and they gave him a prescription for the itch when he was a baby he would NEVER sleep more than an hour at a time we also did the whole Eucerin thing! Now he is 3yrs old and has NO skin problems at all!! YAY His skin cleared up by the time he was 8 months old.
So hang in there
I'm so glad to hear that things are going so wonderful! I wish I had known about Eucerin when my son was a baby. We just had topical non-steriod cream. It worked OK but not as good as it sounds like your regimen is. He is 13 and still has flare-ups everyone so often. I wonder is it would work on older kids too.
Congrats on the great dr. visit. It's so nice to go hear that your child is right where they should be. Glad Harper slept through the night again. Fresh air and sunshine can do the trick!
You and Harper both look so cute! It made me smile when you said Harper was making dinosaur noises! haha! I wish it was warm here, the weather has been nice but it got kinda Cold!!!
I think it is so cute that you dress up for the doctor visits! It seriously has never occurred to me because in the past, it has been so painful to even GET an appointment on base.
harper you get cuter and cuter everyday!! :) i just want to hold you your so precious. have a great day kelly & harper
Yay for Harper for sleeping through the night. Hope she loves the exersaucer, my daughter has the same one and loves it.
I know this is so random. I haven't left a comment since I was awake in the middle of the night when Harper was first born and couldn't sleep because of her. But I just wanted to tell you that my children LOVE to "check on Harper" every day. I have a four year old and 2 year old and they both climb in my lap when I'm sitting at the computer to look and touch "har-har" as my 2 year old says. Literally, they rub her face in the picture on her header.
We are a few of your biggest fans!
One of mine has had skin issues, too. One part steriod to one part eucerine is my solution, too. Glad you have discovered it, too.
Also, the memories I have of my little girl at 4 months are some of my absolute sweetest of her life. Enjoy this time and soak it all in.
Hope you continue to get good rest. A well-rested mommy is good medicine for many, many things!
Love to you from Mississippi.
Carly Winborne
I just had to say....Y'all look so cute with your lil flowers! Aint' it great to be a girl! Hugs and smiles your way! Im needing a sonic now....
OH! Love you in purple-simly divine!
Sleeping through the night is a huge celebration at our house. (we have four kids) Celebrate !!!
**Our kids came to us #1 daughter (after five years of trying), #2 son adoption from Korea, and #3 and #4 twin boys late 30's blessings (but surprise)
So glad her skin is better...
Deborah Seay
Arkansan living in Hong Kong
We go to the same doctor! My kids love those rooms!
Glad to hear that Harper's skin is doing better. :)
I'm so glad her appointment went well!! Praise the Lord for her sleeping and skin improving!! I'm also happy that you talked to your doctor about waiting on the solid foods. I think it is a great idea to wait, because they really are getting all they need right now! You and Harper both look beautiful as usual!!
she is such a doll. and...can you please tell me where you got your cute flower for your hair?! i think that would be the perfect summer accessory! :)
I love your purple dress! It is so pretty! I'm glad things went well at the doctor's visit!
Kelly, Miss Harper was a doll all dressed up for her Dr. appt. as usual. So glad all is well and she's healthy. Ireland just turned 7 months and I have yet to start her on solids. I get alot of "you haven't gave her anything yet" comments. I don't know why it bothers people so bad as long as she's getting what she needs and is satisfied and we're both happy with it and so is the Dr. then why does it matter. I tell people she's strictly just breastfed right now and half the time they look at me like I'm crazy. Oh well. I know as a mom I'm doing what's best for her and before long she'll get those solids when we're both ready.
cute dress & flower clip harper! your mommy looked pretty too with her flower clip!
i'm with ya kelly on holding off on cereal. my daughter was allergic to it & we waited 6 mos as well. so many moms try to rush into that so dont let anyone tell you you're wrong to hold off! you're not alone!
cute exersaucer! she's gonna love that!
Hi, thanks for sharing your gift from GOD. I am of "granmotherly" age, but all I have is BUSTER. He's cute, but has four legs! (His mommie is our gift and we love her, too.) And, we used Eucerin with her rashes 28 years ago. Advice...continue to savor every moment and please, please, keep sharing with all of us!
Hi Kelly,
Glad the dr. visit went well and Miss Harper is right on schedule with all her milestones. Y'all looked so cute all dressed up for the dr. Times change...my dr. started my son on cereal at three months, of course this was back when the earth was flat. When Harper does start to eat, Dawson will be policing the floor under that spiffy new highchair. Does he get to walk with you and Harper?
Keeping you in my heart in GA.
p.s. I don't think you have an accent. You sound just like me!
We used Burt's Bee's with our son and all went well. Their products are almost all natural. I have been told to steer clear of products containing petroleum. Just a thought... I love to keep up with your blog. We would be great friends in person-I'm sure of it!!!
Let us know how it goes with the exersaucer!!!
LOVE the dress! Harper is growing so beautifully!
Thanks for sharing your life with us!
Eucerin worked for us for awhile. When the weather gets warmer, it might not go over as well. Something to think about.....if the weather is warm and she's not having an eczema flair up. Aveeno daily lotion works great as a non-greasy frequent lotion for the warmer (and cooler) months for us here in Indiana.
Aren't you glad everyone is here offering you unsolicited advice? ha
You guys looked super super cute!
She's so beautiful! Glad she is doing well! The Mango limeaid is really good at Sonic, I know you like your diet coke though :P
Kelly...Harper is beautiful! I've been reading your blog since last fall and I've finally started my own blog! I can't wait to read more about Miss. Harper!
I love you two and your big flower bows!! I don't think I could ever pull that off, but you do it so darn well.
I bet you are right that her skin was making her miserable, I am so glad that is cleared up. Knock on wood, enjoy your sleeps. Have fun in your exersaucer.
I'm so glad to hear you decided to wait until 6 months or longer to start solids! We waited until 8 months, and skipped most purees, Finnegan now eats anything you put in front of him (and he completely self feeds!) with no issues (he is 11mos, and still nursing as well).
Sweet Harper looks so cute in her pretty dress. =) Her skin is so clear and beautiful. Oh don't you LOVE the idea of gettins more than two hours of sleep at a time? I'll never forget the first time Bradyn slept for five straight hours. I woke up and was flipping out! Your such a good little momma! I love the video of Harper laughing in you last post. It made my day! It's amazing to see God's hand in her little, young life. Thanks so much for sharing your pictures and videos. It's great to see this little bundle of joy we all prayed so hard for when she was first born. God is SO good!
Glad Harper did so well at the Dr! :) Grace had that same saucer and she LOVED it!!! We actually just pulled it back out of the garage and she still loved the music it plays, and the little chicken spin wheel!
Glad I'm not the only one who likes to have the family looking cute for Dr. visits!!! Ya'll are adorable.
Just a warning: Those exer-saucers are a PROJECT to put together! Whew! It took me a couple of hours once I got started... hahah! But my little guy loves it, so that's all that matters right!?
Hi Kelly,
I am a happily married twenty-something from Silver Spring, Maryland and I just love your blog.
I wanted to let you know that I think the world of you. Reading your blog has changed my life in so many positive and wonderful ways. Thank you for sharing and showing the "blog world" all that you have and love. You have a beautiful family and your blog is truly a gift.
Thank you!
Good choice on the exersaucer. If you get one that has too many gadgets it can overwhelm the baby! I learned that one the hard way!
Oh my goodness--YOU are way too cute!! What a beautiful little wife/mother you make.
I am a new mom myself and I am now inspired to look my best when I go out next time! ha.
Of course Harper is adorable too....as always!!
That is the prettiest flower dress! :)
What a sweet photo of her.
WOW for a doc who actually FOLLOWS the advice of the AAP. Many still say 4 months even though the recommendation is now 6. Supposed to wait until the gut is closed and there is no way of knowing when that is. I was going to share all that when you mentioned starting cereal, but then stopped myself b/c I didn't figure you needed to be preached at. But you are right... she is getting all she needs right now. There is more nutrients in breastmilk than in any other substance. I didn't give cereal to Isaac or Elijah and held solids off until a year. Not saying that is for everyone, but there *is* evidence to support that the longer a baby is exclusively breastfed, the better.
6 months is awesome. Kudos to your doc and to you!
I love, love, love Harper's dress. Could the two of you be more cuter today? Uhm...I don't think so.
I'm glad everything went well today at the Dr. apt.
I waited until 6 months to start cereal as well! It worked perfect for us. Although each age is amazing, the 4 to 6 month stage was my favorite with my daughter! I hope you enjoy this special time with your precious daughter.
Eucerin is awesome. And I'm in Texas...we use it all year long. The hot weather didn't bother the use. I have gotten my son down to one application a day. The steriod cream is a must for the bad patches. The bad patches should go away, then you won't need to use it as much. Just when things flair up.
Harper is soooo cute!!
My goodness , don't you both look pretty, I love the bows, I think the first picture of Harper in her pink dress and bow might be the best one yet, heck, they all are!!!
Happy you are getting some sleep and I bet Harper feels better rested also,
I have been blogging for a while now and have found your blog through "friends of friends." I have to admit that I LOVE reading about you and your sweet family. I have only been reading for about a week now, but I think you are so wonderful and your sweet Harper, couldn't be more adorable.
I was so excited to see that you went to the Island of Kauai in Hawaii! That is where I am from and grew up. I also read that you stayed at the Princeville Hotel and I grew up close to that town in Kilauea (where the lighthouse is). I lost both my parents at a young age and actually was able to have one of my wedding ceremonies on Kauai, right on the pier of Hanalei Bay(which is where I spent many childhood days & where my parents ashes were scattered) Long story short,I believe the pics of you were taken on he Hanalei Bay as well. I loved the pictures of you "early pregnant" with Harper in Hawaii and it made me think of my home and my parents! Please keep blogging! I love reading!
We didn't start Lauren on solids till 6 months either - for my boys it seemed like they wanted solid food NOW from the moment they were born and haven't stopped eating since! Ha!
Good news with her checkup and tell Harper to have fun with her saucer - that was a BIG hit at our house and a lifesaver for me when trying to fix dinner!
It's so funny you compared her to a pteradactyl because that's EXACTLY what we'd call our son around that age. Pteradactyl Terry was his nickname for quite some time. He was SO loud! ;)
I'm so glad that Harper's skin is doing so well! My little guy has similar problems. We have found a good treatment with hydrocortisone and the Walmart brand of Cetaphil. Glad you found what works for you! Don't let up, even though it seems to do better. As soon as we take a day off the "lathering treatment" we are back to square one!
Enjoy getting a full night's sleep! That is such a big milestone! Being grateful for a full night's sleep doesn't make you any less grateful for Harper...it makes you better rested to take care of her!
Enjoy the exersaucer..and how much you can get done when she's in it!!
Awww, you both have flowers in your hair!!
Hope she enjoys the exersaucer. We got a jumper/entertainer one and it took him TWO months of being in it everyday to figure he could jump and then he was happy as a lark to be in it. ha!
Sitting here with my Sonic Route 44 watermelon slush.....YUMMY! Do you have the ninty-nine cent stickers there? The one where you buy it for ten dollars after New Year's...then you can buy unlimited Route 44 drinks for ninty-nine cents ALL YEAR LONG! I love my drink sticker. lol We're best friends.
The Equate cream is fantastic. Both my boys have skin issues. Especially bad when they were babies and toddlers. Might get them a little greasy, but that stuff works! I use it on my feet, too. Slather it on before bed..don't rub it in all the way...then put socks on. When you wake up your feet will be really soft!
Okay, I know you're going to think I'm a total nerd, but I hop on and read here when I can, so I feel I MUST tell you. I'm sure you already know, but please don't put little Harper in her exersaucer too much! Any "baby trap" like that can prohibit their little developing bodies. Floor time is the best for their muscles to develop properly. I'm just saying ...
Please don't think I'm mean, it's just my job ... working with babies ;) But you guys look cute as ever, by the way!
Isn't it wonderful when your baby sleeps?? Such a wonderful milestone!
I'd like to make a comment about the eczema. My daughter must have a different "strain?" than my son. We would get her's cleared up with a cetaphyl/steroid combo for it to come back with a vengeance 1-2 days later. How frustrating! The doctor says she must be prone to yeast infections...on her face! Yuck! He prescribed another cream that did the trick. So don't be afraid to follow up with your doctor if you need to.
Take care!
Sounds like a great way to take care of her skin. .. PERFECT JOB, Mom!!
You go girl...I am so proud of you for telling whoever left you a mean comment to either hush or stop reading. I think you are a wonderful mom and a wonderful witness for the Lord. I am about to have baby #4 and while I am so grateful to God for my children I do not look forward to being up at night either. Keep up the GREAT work and I can't wait to hear more from you:) Tammy
What a lovely photo of your precious little flower. So glad to hear Harper's skin has recovered so well.
Fun, I've been eying a certain excersaucer myself, they are growing up so fast! I had to have a talk with Asher about growing up and how he needs to slow it down so Mommy can enjoy him when he's still too little to run away from my kisses and hugs. I love Harper's dress, so cute!
Dear Kelly
Please take no notice of nasty comments. You are too nice a person to allow these miserable people to dampen your spirits. You are entitled to say whatever you like on your blog, and you are certainly entitled to be happy about a full nights sleep. Anyone who doesn't like what you say, should direct their attention to other blogs. You do not have to explain yourself to anyone. Thank you so much for being a beacon of light in so many people's day, and such an inspiring christian. You have inspired so many to rekindle and deepen their faith, and you are truly leading people to the Lord everyday. May your days and nights be richly blessed.
Here I am again two comments on one post, whoa! I stumbled on this site and they have the cutest felt flower headbands:
http://babyfrills.blogspot.com/ and I immediately thought of you. So I thought I would share.
I love the flowers on your and Harper's hairs!!! :) She is such a cutie!
Hi Kelly!
Harper is a doll! So glad that her skin is doing better! Just wanted to post a warning - my youngest sister had lots of issues as a baby/young child and my mother used a steroid cream on her as well. It worked, but thinned out her skin to where now, as a young adult, she has had many problems. Don't want to scare you, but see a dermatologist and get second/third opinions - the cream is great but I think it is sometimes over-used!
Hey Kelly! My son had eczema on his back, just little patches and every once in awhile a little patch on his face. But his pediatrician recommended that Equate version of Eucerine and it worked wonders. I still use it when it flares up! She looks so cute in her pink dress and you in your purple dress! I'm enjoying the weather up here in West Virginia, wish it were a little warmer like where you are! But it's sunny so I'll take it =)
You will not believe what I just did! I did a search for your blog because for some reason it was missing from my favorites and it took me to your January 16th post where you announced Harper was in critical condition. As I didn't notice the date right away my heart completely dropped and instant tears filled my eyes and I instantly started praying. I then noticed the date and was so relieved. This post put me at such ease to know that she is perfect and healthy. It is so amazing to think how God healed her so quickly only four short months ago. Enjoy your day and give kisses to Harper for me. My heart is still racing. LOL!!
Yea for great summer like weather!!!
We just got the same Exersaucer and my son loves it! I hope Harper has a good time in it!
Sacramento, CA
I love reading your blog...although I never comment:) I know I know...lame! My daughter had horrible eczema as well and I even used a cream from the drug store...I think I had to get it from the pharmacist...but it is used with burn victims. It was called Elta and it worked a miracle on her! You are so going to love that she can be in the exersaucer. It brought tons of fun to my four little ones...and a break for me:) Keep writing...'cause I love to read your posts! You are a blessing!
I e-mailed you earlier about the lotion...for soap for kids--Equate has a great baby wash/shampoo combo that is tearless---no perfume/no dyes! I still use that on my 6 year old! I can't use anything else. Then on my skin I use Dove hypoallergenic! Just another little tid-bit that might help!
I have been reading your blog for a long time and Harper makes me smile everyday! She gets cuter and cuter:) I am from Arkansas, now living in Texas so reading your blog helps me feel like I'm "home"! Random question...I noticed that your friend Heather just had a daughter named Avery Kate. That is my daughter's name!! I am a HUGE fan of monogramming myself so this would be a great way to be able to hand down Avery's monogrammed clothes! What does their last name start with? I know very random! My blog is private so email me at aprilkjackson@yahoo.com. Thanks!
What a cutie patootie!
Mommy to 6 soon to be 7!
She must have been the cutest baby at the doctors office, I love that outfit.. So glad her skin is doing better.
My son loved his exersaucer when he was little and his Johnny jump up thing. He was a jumping machine and had the little muscle legs to prove it :)
Our Dr. in N.C prescribed a steriod cream for our daughter, and our Dr. in FL said tto stop using it because it bleaches the skin. He was right, and as soon as we stopped using it, and startes using Skin Food by Weleda (a thick cream in a green tube) , the white patches went away. Just a little fyi. By the way, Harper and Mommy are beautiful!
Oh congrats on her sleeping so well! That is awesome! And I am sure her skin will start to behave better, soon! I am glad you found a combo of things that work for her though! And, I love that you get her all dressed up for the Dr.! That is adorable! and I love that dress that YOU have on. You both are beautiful!
Kelly you and miss Harper both look so beautiful. I was lauging so hard when I read you describe her as your teradactel because I call my daughter the same thing. They just love to hear their voices (and so do their mommies). God bless and wahoo to Harper sleeping through the night.
I just have to tell you something that my pediatrician failed to tell me about steroid cream. I did not find this out until my daughter (now 3 yrs old) started going to a dermatologist. Use the steroid cream very sparingly because it actually thins the skin. And once it does, it's much like stretchmarks - there's nothing to do for it. They made fade, but they never go away. And her derm-dr. actually gave her the LOWEST does of steroids where he said it was more common for ped-drs to give a slightly higher dose. He also said to help her sensitive skin to use only fragrance-FREE products. Up until then, I had only used baby products. But he said some of those have the same ingredients as "adult" stuff, they just put a different label on it. And just because it smells "baby" doesn't mean it's not irritating. Her derm-dr recommended ALL free & clear laundry detergent - DOVE frag-free soap & frag-free Eucerin lotion. He said the key to keep the skin well-hydrated & free from dyes & fragrances. My daughter has SUPER sensitive skin. Just thought I would share from one mom to another!! :) Harper is just PRECIOUS!!! Congrats on being a SAHM!! It's the best job in the ENTIRE world!!! :)
Kelly - I follow your blog and just LOVE your updates about you and Harper! I am a teacher and am getting married in less than a month, but I am an aspiring stay at home mom (someday hopefully!) :) I thought of you the other day when I saw a commercial for this show.
I recall a post in which you mentioned that they should make a Real Southern Housewives show! You may have to add this one to your DVR!! :)
Seriously, could you three be any cuter?!? I absolutely love the flower in your hair, purple looks great on you!
I also love that sweet smile of Harper's! She is such a little doll.
I am so happy that she is healthy and doing so well! God answered so many prayers for her. She's truly a miracle, and blessed to have such amazing parents!
Perfect day!
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