I thought today I would give a rundown of a typical day in my life now - mostly so I can look back on how I spent my days with Baby Harper - so you may want to skip reading (it's long)
(or it could help give an answer to Scott when he asks me "what did you do all day while I was working?" ...... oh I kid - he knows better than to ask me that. )
Harper did get up a few times last night but she did sleep for a 6.5 hour stretch so that is still great!
7:30 - we get up (for the 2nd time - we were first up at 6 and went back for a quick nap) and I change Harper's diaper and feed her. Check my e-mail and blogs while nursing.
8:30 - we head out for a morning walk. Daddy has some dry cleaning he needs dropped off and since it's not that far and I can get there by walking through a neighborhood - I decide to just walk there. It takes us an hour to go there and back. It is SUCH a beautiful day. Seriously - every day should be sunny early summer day.
9:30 - Harper falls asleep on the walk back so I wheel her in the laundry room and park her so she can finish her nap. I make a mad dash to empty the dishwasher and fold some laundry and eat a snack because I'm starving after my walk. ha!
11:00 - I can't believe she is still asleep! I clean the kitchen good including scrubbing the oven
12:00 - uh oh......someone's awake! I change her and feed her while watching DVR'd shows that may include the bachelorette. I think I'm glad all my shows are ending - maybe I will get more done at night now. ha! Although I enjoy my time with Scott after Harper goes to bed and we watch our shows together.

4:00 - Harper fell asleep in the car so I bring her inside in her carseat and I'm ready to start working on dinner. Hmmm.......what shall we have? I'm thinking some kind of chicken?
4:15 - Scratch that - Harper is up and crying. I change her diaper and outfit because it's covered with drool and clean her up and it's time to eat again. She is fever free now!

4:45 - We ate, we had a HUGE blow out and once we got cleaned up we did a little playing together and laughing and tummy time. She rolled a few times (and got mad at me for making her) and then we moved to the bumbo. And then we had a big spit up and it's time for outfit #3.

5:30 - Daddy is home and we are trying the exersaucer again so I can make dinner. Exersaucer still not making Harper happy so now we have Baby Enstein and daddy to keep her occupied for a little bit. Once again - I just kind of make up a recipe for dinner. Stuffed chicken with garlic and swiss cheese and wrapped in turkey bacon and basted in worcheshire sauce. We'll see. I run and fold a load of laundry and start some more. How does one little baby seem to create so much more laundry???? Maybe it's the 3-4 outfits she wears a day???

6:15 - While dinner is cooking - Harper eats a little snack. From 6 - 7, she starts melting down which makes it tough to eat and watch "Deal or no deal". ha!
7:00 - Bathtime followed by "dinner" and bed

8:00 - Now it is adult time. We will watch American Idol, I will vote 5000 times for Kris Allen, have a quiet time, MAYBE try doing the shred, take a shower and go to bed.
And then it starts all over.
P.S. 11:00 - Up to eat.........may not be a great sleep night but I'll take it anyway!
Im voting a ton for Kris too! He's great. Love the day recap, totally sounds like ours in Chattanooga. My husband travels 4 nights a week so I'm solo most days :( But it sure is fun with my 6 month old girl, Lauren!!
Oh it is so great you are documenting these wonderful days! I hope many more are ahead. She is adorable...
Prayer needed for a little 9 year old who just unexpectedly found a tumor on brain stem. I don't have many details, she is a sister of a little girl in our gymnastics class.
Love the rundown of your day! Isn't it funny how it can seem so busy and then at the end of the day you feel like you haven't done anything? Harper is getting so big and so cute! Also, be sure to put the handle down on her car seat when you are driving. If you get in a wreck, it can really hurt her. You're doing such a great job!
I did this recently too. Some days I feel like I get absolutely nothing done, but when you look at all the little things you do as a mom, it is really a TON!
Never a dull moment!
What great fun a baby is! I used to love those morning walks and the quiet naps! Now my youngest literally talks my ear off! (she is 4 1/2). Enjoy this special time. Loved the recap! Have a great evening!
Stephanie in Utah
This makes me happier than I can even describe in words. :-)
You are rockin the momma-ness, my sista, and I am praising God for having you right where He wants you. You were MADE for this job, and your sweet heart pours out of every word about every hour of your day! LOVE it.
I will be voting for Kris too!! He is just too cute and sweet! Love the rundown of your day... and the fact that you cooked dinner after all that! :)
my days are fairly similar right now as i stay at home with my 3 month old baby girl. it's amazing how somedays it feels like you were busy the whole day, but got very little done. totally worth it, and so much fun! :)
Sounds like a lovely day! And look how productive you were! Now that I have two little ones it's impossible to get any housework done...but I remember when my youngest was a baby, my days were very similar to yours! Now we're out and about to the playground, museum, etc. and the baby just tags along.
That was adorable, thanks for sharing a Day in the life of Kelley and Harper!! So cute!
That's a full day! I have one in 1st grade and one at home and I NEVER know where my days go and I never seem to get anything done! I'm mighty impressed with how you spent your day!
What an awesome day! I'm impressed with how much you can get done! I went back to work when Will was 4 months and just getting into a good routine, so I felt like I never got anything done while I was home with him. Those first few months were crazy! You will miss those little baby days but they just keep getting more fun! At least until 13 months because that is where we are now!
Sounds like you have busy days :) I can't wait for the day when I can be a busy Mommy at home! I love Kris Allen too. I've been trying to vote, nut I can't get through.
Oh my she is so cute. I have been doing Shred for 10 days. I started Level 2 on Monday and it is really hard! But I am sticking with it because I want to be shredded! Good luck! yOU CAN DO IT.
My days are busy and sometimes I feel like I've swept the dining room floor a ka-zillion times but I wouldn't change it for the world.
Mommy to 6 soon to be 7.
love it! i once did a "week in the life" with pictures of what we do every day. it might have been boring to some, but i LOVED it...i know that one day i will look back and be so thankful that i have these memories down. (especially since i seem to be forgetting things at quite an alarming rate since i became a mommy!! haha)
sounds a lot like my life!!! riley (my 8 mos. old son), gets annoyed at me when I multitask while nursing him. I always try to do computer stuff while nursing, but even the slightest movements make him mad! :) Little booger. :) Doesn't he know his Mama hates to just sit still doing nothing?? :)
I'm thinking you should teach me how to dust and clean so quickly!
This all sounds so familiar, except add in constant screaming. Well, not constant by this point! How easily you forget about the big blow outs and outfit changes. It's only been a few months and I forgot! You are very cleany-I would just nap on the couch while she slept! Ha!
So how was the chicken? It sounds yummy...
That made me tired just reading about your day. What a cutie Harper is.
Go girl, shred it!! i am there with ya! It works better when you do it rather than sitting on the couch eating Baskin Robbins ice cream!! HA!! I just told on myself! Enjoy your night!
So cute!!
I'm totally with you on the laundry! I swear I am NONSTOP washing bibs for my little drool monster! Your day sounds so similar to mine--except Dom only naps in 10 min intervals! I miss those days when he would sleep for 2 hours straight! We don't have a Sonic up north so I live vicariously through you! And I'm Jealous!! Harper is lookin' adorable as usual!
I forgot how time consuming little ones are - my youngest just turned 18. I found bibs helped cut down the outfit changes when they were teething/drooling a lot........Jo
That's all you did??? All day long??? Come on! You need to find something to occupy yourself!
Just kidding! My baby just turned three months yesterday. I know exactly how you feel.
I'm exhausted for you. Lord, my work is so easy compared to you. But your work is so much cuter than mine. hugs! k8
oh...wow...i can't wait until next thursday when i get to be a ssahm (a summer stay-at-home mom--i'm a 3rd grade teacher). mm is 4.5 months old and i would LOVE to get to do what you're doing everyday...and i can't wait to next week! :-)
Sounds like a fabulous day! I am so jealous that you live close enough to town to walk! We live out in the country...which is nice, but it would be lovely to be able to walk and get errands done!
Your day sounds a lot like mine! Flexibility required! Those are some cute pictures, and you will love having this later. I can't believe how fast stuff slips my mind! I am glad my shows are ending too. I am vowing not to watch as much tv this summer. But for now, go KRIS! Have a great week...
What a great day! I think it's funny when other working moms ask us SAHMs what we do all day...it's amazing what you can find to keep you busy. My Noah is 17 months and now that he is into animals and playgrounds...it just gets better! enjoy!
I read your blog daily but rarely I wrote a comment.
I have similar days with my girls besides they are two years old. I do a lot of things each day and I feel like days have 500 hours. But I love being SAHM and I don't change that.
Hang in there because I know you love this new adventure in your life. God bless you and your beautiful family.
Cute pictures of Harper! Four months is such a fun age!
I just voted for Kris too :)
We're Kris fans too, all the way from Guatemala! Sure hope he wins! :-) Love your blog!
i am so loving your life right now too. i admit it--i am envious. i work four days a week, and while i do have a good routine going, it just never seems that there are enough hours in the day. i am thankful for my job.... but oh how i wish i could spend my day like you did! i think it's great that you documented a typical day... maybe i'll do one too. and i can't get over how great harper's skin looks, i am so glad for her.
What a day! Kind of sounds like mine right now! I laugh about how much laundry one 7 week old baby can make!
I was going to cook dinner but Ava changed my plans too! Plan B half price burgers at Sonic! Yummy!
I love every minute also, would not change it for nothing! I thank god for my little angel!
Harper is such a cutie pie! You are so blessed.
I voted for Kris too!!!
Such is a life of a SAHM! And I wouldn't have it any other way. I love my time with my little one (she's two and a half). It's the best job in the world!
Keep doing those day in the life posts... I have one from when Milla was 6 months old and I've referred to it at least a million times... here is her's... http://amelialynnfort.blogspot.com/2008/06/day-in-life-weekday-edition.html
It goes SO fast!
Dude! Watched American Idol. Voted for Kris. (Only got through three times so far!) Did the Shred. My hubby and I are on Day Six!!!
I LOVE reading your blog. Your joy overflows to all of us readers. You will love looking back at 'a day in the life with a 4 month old' later on one day.
The picture of Harper smiling in the back seat is ADORABLE!!!!
I wish the Boppy lounger and the Bumbo were around when mine were babies...but my granddaughter has gotten a lot of mileage out of them. Definitely two of THE BEST new pieces of baby equipment (and you and I both know a lot of what's out there now is unnecessary junk that just gets in the way).
I, too, hope Kris wins.
And I would love to see more of this type post. It was so fun to read and look at the pictures that go along with the story.
I went back to work from maternity leave a month ago, and it's going better than I expected. I'm a little jealous, remembering the sweet days of leave, but I've got to say, it's a good thing I'm not a SAHM, since there's no way I would clean like you do!
Hi Kelly,
Sounds to me like you had a great day! Enjoy her being NON mobile because as soon as she is you will spend what seems like your entire day making sure the floor is clean. I'll never forget crawling around my house on all fours trying to see what my baby would see, and to make sure that he didn't find anything dangerous. But amazingly he always did!
Every stage has it's perks... but all in all being a Mommy is without a doubt the GREATEST job ever!!!
God Bless you girl! Hope that exersaurcer starts to work for her soon! But don't worry if it doesn't... all those things on your to do list can always wait until tomorrow! Because Harper is going to grow faster than you can imagine... enjoy every second of her life!
I didn't know this until somebody just told me, but when using your carseat (in the car), the handle needs to be down behind the seat (for safety). I looked in the guide/install book and she was right! Just thought I would pass it on! (Maybe I should have read the guide better.)
We have the exact same car seat.
I just managed to get through to vote for Kris Allen after trying I dont know how many times. LOVE him, hope he wins because Adam seems to have that confident air that he has already won and although he does have talent I think Kris is so much more soulful and humble too.
Your day sounds like that sort of days I had with my first baby. Hannah had some really bad blowouts - bad enough a couple of times that I had to cut her out of a Gerber onesie!! I remember those 3 outfit days.
Katie (Texas)
Hi Kelly,
I have been reading your blog since right before you gave birth to Harper. She is so precious! I just love her little smile and all of her Super Cool Clothes! I just wanted to say that I am so glad that you posted a message to all of the people who leave negative comments or remarks on your blog. It's like our mom's always said, 'If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all'.
I read a lot of blogs where ladies are having to defend their previous posts. I don't understand why people feel compelled to share their negativety with the rest of the us.
Anyway, I have two children and I know how everyone thinks that they know best and they need to tell you how to parent.... I have heard all of the advice myself. And you know what? There really isn't a right or wrong way. I feel like parents know what is best for their own children. You are doing a great job and applaud the fact that you do so much for others, keep up with this blog and you are a stay-at-home mom! May God continue to pour his blessings over you and your beautiful family.
Sounds wonderful! This is a good idea...I should probably do something similar on my blog. (:
Girl, it's a workout within itself! She is precious, keep up the awesome job!
Such a cute post! You will LOVE reading back through these when she's BIG!
It IS tiring but wonderful, isn't it!? I was sitting in the chair in C's room feeding him his "dinner" tonight and I just put my head back on the chair and thought, "I AM SO STINKIN' EXHAUSTED!" It is so constant around here these days--every day just seems like a blur! But I wouldn't trade it for anything!
Hey Kelly, you don't know me but I read your blog through my friend in real life Laura Watson. I loved reading about your day. I have an 18 month old little girl and I was reminiscing about the days when she was Harper's age-it seems like yesterday. Thanks for sharing!
I love it!!! Hope to be a SAHM sometime in the future!! (need a husband first, though! :0)
i def remember those days of 3 outfits! i wish i'd done a daily routine post back when mine was younger. maybe i should do one now? i feel like everyone always thinks i do "nothing" as a SAHM & that's such an untrue accusation. keep rocking kelly!
Loved your post today! Such a typical day...brought it all back for me as a new mom!
I love Adam, (and he is from my city, San Diego) but Adam is gonna make it in the music biz no matter what...I became a Kris fan last week...and so I will vote for Kris tonight...
Sounds like a great day to me!! I loved reading this. We have some similar parts in our days.I leave Brody in his carseat in the laundry room if he falls asleep while we are out running errands! I'm glad to know I'm not alone!:)
I'm in college, so naturally I don't have any children but I LOVE THEM and I DREAM of being a SAHM someday! :) ...so it's really fun and educational for me to read about your sweet life with Harper and your daily routine. I'm storing it all away for the day when the Lord hopefully blesses me with sweet babies! Thank you for sharing! I know you do it to have as a memory...but I so enjoy reading and getting a glimpse of your life!
AND...because I love the little ones and am NOT ready to have my own...I do A LOT of babysitting and I remember reading one of the family's baby books and read that 4 months is one of the sweetest baby stages with all the laughing and cooing, and I remember one of my mom-friends shraing that with me too! And it looks like Miss Harper is as sweet as ever! :)
Cute! One of my friends puts bibs on her daughter almost all the time. That way she's washing the bibs over and over and not wearing out the cute outfits. I don't know if you'd want to do that or not since your outfits are so adorable!
These are some of the best pix of Miss H so far. She is such a darling! ...and your day seems like pure heaven to me. :)
xoxo Caroline
You are a busy bee!
Harper is just too cute eating her feet. :)
Harper is growing so fast! Thanks for sharing with us!
Many Blessings,
LOVE reading your blog! Your day sounds a lot like mine, but my little boy is 10 months old now..eek! Enjoy the 'honeymoon' period at 4 months! I had heard about it, but my little boy was crawling at 4 1/2 months and is very close to walking!!
Harper is a very lucky little girl as you are a wonderful Mommy!
Sounds like a fun day! I'm jealous..I have to work right now until my husband finishes his Phd and it's really hard because we have a 7.5 month old boy. I have also been meaning to do the 30 day shred! I ordered the DVD on netflix so I can try it out before I buy it. I don't have a blog but it would be fun to post before/after pictures...and by fun I mean motivational. Before pics maybe not so fun!
I love this because my days are almost IDENTICAL!!!! Including blowouts, random melt-downs, sneaking things in while naps are taken, and Sonic runs. Life is so good :o) Oh, and I'm serious about coming to visit you at some point. It would be ridiculously fun, promise :o)
Absolutely LOVE your day! It sounds like a dream to me! And yes, Go Kris Go! I have been voting all night...when I can get in! I sure hope he wins! Please pray for my HSG on Thursday! Love and Hugs!
Am I the only one who reads this and thinks "when did I give up on trying to keep things as orderly as Kelly is keeping them?" Dusted the whole house?- I would want a medal just for that I think. Was it after baby #2 that I gave up, or after #3... or did I just never have your drive and determination (and energy!)?
Ki - maybe you never had my OCD - it's slaying me!!!!! ha!
I'm voting for Kris as well. Adam is already a pro and doesn't need Idol to make it big...I just think it's not fair. Kris is the winner as far as I'm concerned.
I enjoyed reading about your day. Wait until Harper starts walking. Oh man. Chasing her around will be your cardio!
WOW.. I have a two year old and I am so impressed... I never get all of that done NOR can I keep up with it. :D Harper is so beautiful...
I loved your "day in the life" post. And I'm sitting here voting for Kris Allen. : )
Wow, what a day!
We are always safe when we're in the Lord's Hands! Praying!
Psalms 31:5 Into thine hand I commit my spirit: thou hast redeemed me, O LORD God of truth.
Prayer BearsMy email address
I have so much to look forward too come August:) I can't wait! And I hope I am as good as you are about getting so much done.
Thank you for sharing your day with us!!
Harper is just beautiful!!
Oh my goodness, you are so cute, what a great post!
Enjoy your evening and every moment of tomorrow with your sweetie!
I'm voting for Kris too!
I am so impressed that you manage to get so much done in a day. Kudos!
Thanks for sharing your day with us. :)
I really hope you read this! I can bet you $100 you daughter has food allergies. 3 of my 4 had them and it was really really really hard to pinpoint what it was, but when we did, their skin problems cleared up, their red eye's clear up, no more blow outs either! and all that crying disappeared! Sorry, I don't read often and this is just so random, but I'm so sorry you are dealing with a fussy baby! What did you eat for breakfast or your snack today? That would be the fussiness/spit up in the afternoon. Yes, and TMI but my kids food allergies were solidified when we noticed their poop being either tinged green (which can be translated as baby diarrhea) or have stringy mucus in their poo (which is protein). I know I sound crazy, but I just read your posts and it is EXACTLY what my life would be like dealing with the allergies & intolerances! God bless you!
thank you for sharing what a day in the life of a stay at home mom is like. i think often people think we sit on our booties & watch tv & blog (ok i do watch tv & blog but i as well am nursing & there's not much else to do while the baby is eating!). but anyways, thank you!
i think i probably sent in 75 text votes for kris. he's amazing. and not creepy. we'll see....
Loved reading this Kelly!
We have some CRAZY days- but fun ones!- with baby twins and homeschooling too. I don't think I could possibly chronicle it without a brain meltdown!
My baby did not like the exersaucer at four months but I bet she will within the next couple of weeks. Once she does.....I promise, you may hear the heavens open up momentarily with angels singing! It is a wonderful mommy helper.
Thanks for sharing :) I enjoyed reading about your day. You reminded me I need to give my oven a good scrub!
Ha! Sounds close to my day except I have two. You know that blissful moment when your baby goes down for a nap? Usually for me, the other wakes up right after I put one down. :) But...I wouldn't trade it for anything. I LOVE my kids, and have another one on the way!
Great post! So sweet. =) Being a mommy is a full time job and it's the best job ever!
Don't worry about Harper not liking the exersaucer. She'll LOVE it soon!! Those things are heaven sent. ;) Bradyn still loves to play in his and he's crawling around EVERYWHERE! He doesn't mind being stationary as long as he has something that makes noise and put in his mouth. They grow fast. Enjoy every minute!
Sounds like a blissful day! Mine is pretty similiar on the weekends with my 9 month old except she doesn't take as many naps during the day:) Darn!
Oh, I remember those days well. Pay attention cause they will be gone in a flash.
Now, about AI - I had a hard time getting through to vote for Kris - maybe that's a good sign.
I love him & his little Reese Witherspoon looking wife.
Enjoy your Wednesday.
I agree-once they hit 4 mos. life seems to get easier. :0)
Your throw together dinner cracks me up! Let's see...my throw together dinner is 1800orderingin!
i love seeing those pictures of ms. harper, and hearing about your day! My girls are 5 and 7 now..sniff..sniff... seriously though- at each stage, I just think it just gets better and better!! I, too, am an infertility mom (who struggled with sleep so i "get" it!) and I cherish every day!!
whata great and busy day sorry about teh fever . shots i'm sure . harper is getting so big god bless here. try to break yourself while she is napping mommy's need that break time too. i have a 9 yeasr ols and a three an wow the three is like having three she is one active mama so i hear you about never enough time .... your doing great !
I love reading your blog. Since you and Harper walk so much you should think about a jogging stroller. It is the best purchase I made. We take walks/runs all the time. James(now 13months) has been in one since around 4 months and loves it. We have a baby jogger with a swivel front wheel. Have a great day!
I love 'days in the life of...' You are a busy woman!
Loved reading about your day! I know these days, you may not see a lot of sleep but I promise you'll look back (even when she is almost 2 or 4, like my boys) and miss it when they were so little. Especially treasure it while you only have one baby. =) And you just gave the best advice ever to a new parent: it's not about you anymore, it's about the baby-be FLEXIBLE with your schedule!
And I'm glad you vote for Kris last night. I did the same!
Sounds like a perfect day. :) I'm happy things are going well for you.
This has to be one of my favorite posts! I enjoyed reading about your daily schedule. It certainly does seem like pure bliss!
Loved this post and all the pics! That onesie with the blue ribbon it awesome!! You find the cutest stuff for "H"! :)
And by gosh, if Kris does not win....it will be a BAD scene!!
What a perfect post. :) And just in case you have an "anonymous" commenter about Harper's napping, I say let her nap as much as she wants. I had a NP one time that told me Raegen was sleeping "too much!"...through the night and three, two-hour naps a day...I thought, if he wasn't sleepy he wouldn't sleep, right? :) I ignored her advice and he was a much happier baby. I think mama's don't get enough credit sometimes for their instinct.
Did you really vote that many times for Kris? There were some watch parties in Conway last night with prizes (TVs, etc.) to encourage participants to vote all night. One guy that was interviewed on the news had already sent 6,830 votes by 9p.m.!! And hoped to send 10,000 by midnight! ha We'll find out tonight! :)
Kelly I think this was the best post yet. I love how you got pics of Harper throughout the day! My days were that easy at 4 months too, I remember the constant change of plans as well! It's hard to believe that was 14 months ago!
My girls are pretty grown up now, but late in the afternoon when they were fussy and I was trying to get dinner fixed, I would take their clothes off.
Naked babies are happy babies!
I would turn on their mobiles, put thick towels down in their cribs and they would be SO happy. They would kick and coo for the longest time...
Besides giving me a few minutes to get dinner together, my youngest had skin problems too. Too much juice, an antibiotic or something and she'd get awful diaper rash - fresh air was just the thing to clear it up!
Kelly, I have recently started following your blog and am enjoying it. Harper is a sweetie and so lucky to have you as a mama! Four months is the start of one of my favorite stages!
I have four kids, none were good baby sleepers:(. We let them sleep when and where they would because we all needed the rest, kudos to you for doing the same. My 12, 9, and 5 year old boys all go to bed in their bed, at a proper bedtime, and sleep all night, so no harm done in not having a strict napping/nursing schedule. Personally, I think they are more secure because they were allowed to grow at their own pace, which includes sleeping. My youngest is only 17 months, so we'll see about her! She is my only girl, so different than my boys, but so fun!
You are doing a great job, you can see the joy in Harper's face and in your face. Keep up the good work!
I can't wait to have days like this. She is getting so big. I am glad that everything is going well for you and your family. I still pray for you everyday, and read your blog. Love the outfits!!!
Love hearing about your day.
Four and five months was my favorite. Then it did a big skip to 9 months...it's really fun right now!
I'm so happy for you!! She just seems absolutely perfect!
Kris is my pick too! Gotta vote for the Arkansas boy!
Love it!! You are preparing me for the fun days ahead. I can hardly wait! So much fun!!! Hope you are well!! ;)
LOVE that you included a list of what life as a stay at home Mom involves...it was really informative! Looks like you are enjoying every minute, and you should!
SO how many times did you ACTUALLY vote cause I only got through 5 times! I tried for almost 3 hours! I was getting so upset!
HAHA! You crack me up! Loved the run down of the day - makes me wish even more I could be a SAHM!!! You are so blessed! And YAY for Kris! I voted too and I sure hope he pulls out a WIN!!!
Wow...forgot how busy the days were when the kids were babies! Mine are 20 and 18 now and I hardly ever see them!
I'm a big Kris fan after Danny got voted off. I think I only got through about 10 times tho...he NEEDS to win..can't stand Adam's screaming.
Love the pic of Harper eating her feet!
I think Harper gets more beautiful everyday! Kelly she is just precious and it does get better and easier as they get older. It took Kinley awhile to like the exersaucer. We started out with about 2-3 minutes a couple times a day and worked up from there. We're up to about 20 mintues now which is really great!
Yea for Kris! Can't wait for the finale!!
I'm a new reader and I'm 5 months pregnant with my first. I'm going to be staying home with my little guy soon and one of my fears has been getting lonely and not knowing what to do all day...but this post was really encouraging and makes me feel excited about getting to be a SAHM!
I love reading your blog, but rarely comment. You are such a positive person, I think that sets you apart from the rest. Reading your blog is just addictive! And of course, sweet Harper is a doll!
Harper is so lucky to have you as her Mom!
Have you ever heard of blurb.com? it's an online site that you can create your own book. one of the ways to do it is by using your blog. As I read this with all of your baby moments, I can't help but think that someday you'd like to give her a baby book to have, or as a gift to the grandparents...
They're actually not too expensive to have printed.
What did I DO all day? Sat on the sofa eating bon bons and peeling grapes. What else would a stay at home mother do?!
Love your post today! Harper is so adorable!
I'm tired just reading that! I have a hard time getting the cooking and cleaning done and I don't even have a baby to take care of! Good job!
Thanks sooo much for sharing. I love looking at the photos, the feet one is great. You have inspired me to do more during the day...too much time on the computer!
This is so cute! Makes me want to be a SAHM!
SO MUCH FUN!!! Four months on they do so much more. It only gets better! Enjoy it all. Owen hated his exersaucer too. He wanted to lay on the floor (on a blanket) surrounded by chewy toys and just discover. We also like to lay in our bed with him, some toys and play.. he loves our room.
Life is so good! :)
You will treasure this post one day. My daughter (my first) is 13 1/2 months old, and I wish I would have done a "day in the life" every once in awhile during the first year. They just grow and change so quickly that these little things are so hard to remember.
Thank goodness you are a Kris fan...now I can still read your blog! :)
These kinds of days sound oh so familiar! I'm loving it too!
Where did you buy your yellow baby bathtub? And what brand is it? I want to get one that is gender neutral b/c I plan to have more children in the future, but I can't find that one online! My email is samantha.vermeulen@yahoo.com . Thanks!
This just made me laugh out loud:) All that goes into our days as a SAHM. Whew! I can so relate. You are better at getting the cleaning in. If you 4 months old...just wait. I loved 6 months.
Oh, and, go Kris!!!!!!
kelly, i stumbled across your blog (can't remember how?) several months ago right when you were heading to the hospital to have harper. Of course, i have followed the story ever since and have loved seeing how god has walked through each step with you. it is just a miracle that harper is the sweet, growing little girl that she is!! praise Him!
congrats on making it through the newborn stage! this is such a fun age because they start to get so interactive! i loved every stage with my son (who is now 1) but definitely found it more rewarding once he could interact more!
that's great she is sleeping through the night. just a heads up- 4 mo is a growth spurt stage. if she starts waking in the middle of the night again- don't panic, it doesn't mean that the STTN wave is over, it probably means she needs some more calories during the day. try to squeeze in one extra feeding for a few days and she should get right back on track with STTN.
i'm not sure why i am leaving this comment, it's not really like me, but as i was taking a walk with my son today, god brought you to mind and i prayed for you and harper and your ministry through your blog. i am a missionary in jordan and you have been an encouragement to me in my MOST important ministry- that of being a mom!
keep blessing others!!
What a momma! Skip this post becuase it's long...nonsense! LOVE reading your blog...every single post!
What a great idea. I think I might just have to steal this idea and post on my crazy schedule for memory's sake....but then I'd have to do a different one for each weekday.....that could be a whole week worth of posts....ha! NO one would want to read that.
Also - I just want you to know that I am so impressed that from 8 - 11 PM you got to watch American Idol, do your quiet time, have a shower AND do the shred, too.
AMAZING. I am so tired by 8PM - that I don't think I could do it. What an inspiration for me to get going!
have a great Wednesday!
The picture of Harper crying in the exersaucer is pricless!! Love the rundown of the day, great idea!
Sounds like Harper drools like my second son did - check out Colby Lane Designs on Etsy - the bibs were perfect for a drooler and so cool!!!
Sounds like the marathon nap and fever were a result of her shots - that always seemed to happen to my boys at the 4 month shot visit.
I've been a lurker for quite some time, following your story. Enjoy the crazy baby sunggling/changing days for they end too quickly.
Just a quick question. Saw where you have some of the Baby Einstein videos. Have you seen the Praise Baby ones? They are WONDERFUL. I was given a couple for my youngest daughter, and bought a couple more. Now she is almost five, and she and her older siblings (9 and 10) still LOVE watching them. We go to church about 30 minutes away from home, so we usually watch one on the way to church. Gets us in the worship mode before church. (They are one of those things that I actually enjoy listening too, and doesn't drive me insane listening to.)
Harper is just getting cuter by the day. So happy that she is doing well.
God bless,
Sounds like so much fun. I agree with being flexible, really that is all its about these days.
Ok so I voted for Kris as many times as I could, but why is it always busy? It doesn't seem far bc all those people are trying to get their vote in but it doesn't go through.
I think Kris should will, either way I am sure he'll get signed by someone and have a great album .
I am going to copy your daily routine on my blog (good idea), check out what we do during the day
It sounds a lot like my days right now (I have a 2 month old). Great post!
Soooo how was the chicken?? I am dying to know, cause all I think about is food! ;)
I love all her personalized outfits and bibs!! You must save it for me so I can buy it off you. My little girls names have always been Harper & Fuller. My boys names are Carter (who I have) and Parker
what a great idea to record the day in a timeline. it is such a crazy schedule with a little one, but will be fun to look back on one day soon. harper's face in the bumbo with her "H" onesie on is too cute!
I loved this! It reminds me so much of my life! My baby girl is 15 weeks old. Lately while cooking dinner I've been putting her in her high chair and she seems to enjoy it. She and I both like her being right in the kitchen with me! Like you, I'm loving my life right now as well. Just counting down the days until summer vacation so I can be home with her every day, all day!!!
What a great post, Kelly! :) It's so fun reading about other people's lives!! Haha, yep to the laundry... can totally relate to that one. :) your dinner sounds great.
adorable pics!!! you are a busy woman!!
What an adorable baby!...Christine
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