We have had a nice and relaxed weekend. Friday night we got Chili's to go and caught up on some home projects. Yesterday was kind of a yucky day outside so we mostly stayed around the house. The good news is the weather forecast is promising 10 straight beautiful days!!!!! I'm so excited! Here is Harper checking herself out in the mirror!
Last night we went over to eat hamburgers with Laurie and Steve and Steve's parents. The girls had fun together.


Last night she slept from 9 p.m. until 7 a.m. last night!!! We didn't do anything different so I have no idea how it happened!!! All I know is I woke up in a panic at 5 a.m. after I realized we hadn't been up. She is right next to me in her pack and play!! I could hear her breathing so I woke Scott up to tell him the exciting news!!! I was also in a lot of pain from the huge watermelons on my chest that are used to every hour feedings. ha! ha!
(Now I'll just go ahead and say this since I've already had one ugly comment. If you read this blog at all - you know that I could not be more thankful or grateful to be a mom and I'm thankful even when I get up every hour in the night with her. And like I said in the last post - I love that time with her and I will miss it when we aren't getting up anymore (and trust me - I'm sure I haven't seen the last of the every hour feedings). But getting up every 2 hours for 4 months will tire you out quick and it's a huge blessing and a BIG milestone to mom and baby the first time they sleep through the night and I have EVERY RIGHT to be HAPPY and EXCITED about it. I know there are tons of people who would love to be getting up with a baby because I was one of them and I continue to pray constantly for all of them - but I can still be thrilled for a full night of sleep!! And if you can't agree with that - please do not continue to read my blog. This is my blog and I will not continue to explain away every word I say and every decision I make.)
WHEW..........................I'm sorry. I had to get that off my chest. Now for something a little lighter............how about a video of the big 4 month old girl laughing!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 400 Newer› Newest»She is just adorable!!! xoxox.
I'm at the beach on vacation stuck inside with yucky weather. Cold and rain promised for the next few days. Wish I had your forecast...!
Congrats on the sleep! Isn't it funny that panic is our first reaction when we realize the baby hasn't woken up and cried? I remember doing that several times, and jumping up and running into my son's room to check on him. I'm so glad you got some rest though. What a blessing!
I don't know you but I love your blog! You are delightful and I'm horrified and disgusted that you would get ugly comments. Yuck! I hope those people do stop reading and I'm truly sad you have to explain such a common sense thing-like being excited that your baby reached a milestone!
Harper is absolutly ADORABLE! Sure makes me smile! YAHOO for sleeping ALL NIGHT Harper :)
How exciting!!! It makes a world of difference when you are able to get a full night's sleep! You will enjoy sweet Harper even MORE! :)
First of all CONGRATS on the nights sleep! That is the most wonderful feeling in the world and makes you feel HUMAN again.
Second of all, just because people would just give anything to get up all night, doesn't make it any easier:-( It's one of the worst twighlight feelings in the world. I'm still getting up every two to three hours with my 3 month old and it makes everything harder. I'm sorry someone wrote a mean comment to you. That's awful. You're a mom now and you have every right to be happy, sad, tired, etc. Without having to explain yourself. And that picture of Harper checking herself out is priceless!
Helen Joy
That has to be the cutest laugh EVER!!! Sweet sweet sweet!!!
Kelly, you tell 'em! You are obviously a really good mama, and appreciating a good night's sleep doesn't change that! If you ask me, some people just like to find fault, and a few may just be jealous. Either way. This is your blog, and you should be able to say how you feel without people fussing at you! You go, girl!!! Blessings, Becky G.
That picture of H in the mirror is so stinkin cute! I am so delighted she slept!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay for sleeping!!! :) My baby Kate just started sleeping more too! I know how grateful you are for your baby girl, just as I am grateful for mine.. and I certainly know how grateful you are for the sleep you received! I know I felt like a whole new woman when Kate slept more than 3 hours in a row! Harper is a cutie! I can't wait to hear my little girl laugh for the first time too!
That video is just so stinkin adorable.
My daughter has been sleeping through the night now for a couple weeks and I still wake up in a panic! I always follow your blog, but never comment, but just had to say that video is so cute. It's so awesome when you finally get to hear your little one giggling!
i love the giggles!!! it gets better and better! congrats on the night of sleep!!! i remember when my second slept through for the first time!! totally caught me by surprise too... and then i was too excited to go back to sleep and enjoy it!!! have a super sunday with your darling girl!
Big big congratulations!! You must feel like a new woman today! She is such a cutie patootie!
I read your blog daily & love your humor, your attitude & seeing all the new pics of Harper.
Whoo hoo for sleeping through the night - hope it's the first of many!! I do remember the first time my first slept through. I did the same thing - woke up in a panic & then HAD to go pump at 4 am to relieve the incredible pressure!! I can't believe anyone would have the nerve to leave negative comments. I love being a mom & am very thankful for my 3 girls but that doesn't mean I have to love every.single.minute of it & never have a single complaint!!
It's your blog - you keep on doing what you're doing. We love it!! :)
Harper is precious and I have 3 children and know exactly what you mean by being excited about the first time your baby sleeps through the night because you are absolutely EXHAUSTED & a little sad because you love the special bond you have with your daughter and will miss that time with her! You shouldn't have to explain yourself to anyone!! YAY for Harper for being such a big girl and God bless you and your beautiful family! :)
First of all let me say..."YOU GO KELLY!" It's your blog and you have the right to say anything you please!!
Harper is just a doll and the video is just precious!! Thanks for sharing with us!!
Robin :o)
It's really sad that some people just can't keep their mouths shut when they have nothing nice to say. I've been dealing with that on a personal level lately and I know how disturbing it can be...but aside from that...Go Harper! Such a good girl giving your Mom a much needed full night's sleep!
You for sure have every right to be excited about that! Way to go Harper! My little one just turned 3mo. and I am counting the days until he sleeps all night. I can't wait! :-)
Kelly, I read your blog everyday and it is one of my favorites by FAR! I don't comment often, but I wanted to say that you radiate Christ and his love through this blog.
I am so sorry that someone would EVER leave a nasty comment on here. I think what you said is perfect, and your heart of gratitude is evident in each and every word you write. With that being said, CONGRATS on sleeping through the night. It will be years before my husband and I have children, but I love reading about these kind of milestones in your blog.
Harper is adorable!!!! Thank you for continuing to share your precious family with us!
YEAH for sleep!!
Kelly- I love your blog. Just delete rude comments!
I am so glad you got a full night's rest! That is AWESOME! Both of my children have just started sleeping through the night and I forgot how much value all that sleep is.
Yipee!!!! I hope you have many more wonderful nights like that ahead. You and Harper deserve to brag about it and please dont feel bad to be happy. It breaks my heart that they have ugly people in this world to leave nasty comments. Your true friends here know your heart and that's all I need to say about that. Let them move on along ... As for me me I will laugh with you when you are happy and cry with you when your heart breaks. We will pray together and rejoice....thanks for ALWAYS being such a wonderful sister in Christ with me. Susie~
I am so glad she slept! My baby is 5 months and close but we still have a 3am party...
I am so sorry people say negative things to you on YOUR blog! Some people have no sense. I LOVE reading your blog and keeping up with super cute Harper! My sister works with a friend of yours and she is now a semi celebrity because she knows you! Keep the great blogging up! and if you have tips for a full nights sleep PLEASE SHEARE :) ha ha
Your Harper is beautiful and that video made me cry it was so sweet!
I am single and my biggest dream to be married and have a child and I just cannot understand how (or why) anyone could post anything mean or ugly to you it makes me so sad....this is your blog and we are just blessed to be a small part of your life. It is a blessing to see how God has answered the prayers of your heart. And it gives many of us HOPE.
I hope you know how many of us enjoy this journey with you!
Congrats on the sleep! It's totally something to be thankful for. You reminded me that when mine slept through the first time I woke up with milk all over the sheets! Oops! It was so worth it though. Ignore the tacky comments. Enjoy your sweet one.
oh that video was just the cutest...she is adorable =)
So Sweet!!! Sorry you had an ugly comment. I prayed and prayed for a little one and I am always excited when he decides to sleep all night and in his own bed! I am thankful for him everyday but I am a much better mommy when I am rested. Although, the 4 am serinade last night was cute and nothing is cuter than seeing his little eyes looking at me (right next to mine) in the middle of the night.
Here's to another full night of sleep for both of us!
LOVE HER!!!!! And wooo hooo! for sleeping through the night!! I remember the first time my first daugther slept through the night I woke up in a giant puddle of milk ha ha. You will miss those middle of the night times with her, but aaah finally sleeping again ROCKS! :)
Gosh, I agree with the thoughts expressed above! I have enjoyed reading and following along with your blog for the last several months - pre-Harper until now. I have enjoyed reading about your love for her, for Scott, for all things motherhood.... and I'm right there with you giving bloggy High Five's on the all-nighter!!! It's a wonderful thing! I hope it continues for you all!
Keep doing what you're doing, and enjoying life and all that the Lord has done for you!! You've been a fabulous, honest witness to all that He is and does.
Go girl!!
Congrats on a full nights sleep!!!!
This is my first comment, however, I've been following your blog for a while now. Such a blessing. Harper is so sweet and cute. :) Thank you for sharing your heart and life with us.
Yay, Harper!! That is so amazing!
Yeehaw! Good news regarding Harper sleeping through the night. There's nothing to be ashamed of wanting a good night's rest. Don't pay any attention to those negative comments. Satan sometimes leaves some pretty nasty things on my blog too. I just click the delete button and say,"satan be gone." Congrats to y'all.
Kelly! I'm SO happy that Harper slept all night! What a blessing! When Ridley slept through the night for the first time, I almost panicked that something was wrong! haha!
I can't imagine who would say anything negative about this...I don't claim to be super woman and I'm glad for my sleep and I know you are too! Our babies are incredible miracles and treasures and we love them, but our physical bodies do get sooooo tired and exhausted.
LOVE your blog!
Yay Harper!!! You're such a big girl giving your mommy a good night's sleep! Keep it up and maybe she'll buy you a fancy exersaucer to entertain you and wear you out during the day! Now do it again tonight so we can all rejoice with your mommy again tomorrow!!
yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you! Ethan started sleeping through the night right at 4 months and continued to do so for 2 months! It was woooooooooonderful. Now he wakes up 2 or 3 times during his 12 hour nights. I hope she continues to do so for you!!
I know the painful feeling!! What I started doing was pumping during the first morning feeding every morning and stock piling it in the freezer.
We love the video...it makes Ethan laugh to watch Harper!
Fantastic and wonderful! Celebrating with you that Harper slept through the night! Call me crazy, but now that my kids are older, in many ways there are parts of me that miss waking up in the middle of the night, but I probably would not have said that while walking through it. I have loved every stage though and am now enjoying my two middle schoolers and my eight year old. I had a friend tell me once, to always remember in the midst of whatever stage in parenting "it will come to pass"- parenting is so bittersweet as they grow up. Harper is really such a pretty baby! Enjoy your Sunday and lots of blessings to your family!
So did you wake up because you were laying in a puddle of milk, or because your "watermelons" hurt so bad and woke you up? :) They'll adjust, but that first night of sleeping through -- OWIEE!!!! Man, it hurts! :)
Adorable pictures. I do believe she's getting cuter and cuter.
I'm sorry you've had ugly comments. It's frustrating that people don't understand that you still can empathise with those longing for a child even while wishing yours would sleep through the night. That sleep depravation does numbers on you -- no matter how joyful you are about the cause of your sleeplessness.
I don't know about you -- but when mine finally slept through the night, I think I was MORE tired, because I realized just how LITTLE sleep I had been getting, and my body kinda kicked me and said, "Now THAT is more like it!" :)
Sleeping through the night is a HUGE milestone and one absolutely worth celebrating. I am sorry for people that leave ugly comments....I am sure it comes from a place of jealousy. But little do they know, the Lord has the same blessings for them that He has given you, it is just a matter of timing and acceptance!! Enjoy this time period, I thought 4-6 months was SO fun! Now my little one is getting more mobile (see my blog post today, ha!) and life is changing for me.
P.S. What remedy did you come up with for her ezcema? My little lady has it pretty bad and I feel so bad for her tiny arms when she wears little sun dresses....I need a cure! Help! :)
O Happy Day!! I remember when my kids first slept through the night. First I was in a panic just like you....then the happiness set in!! I hope it continues, but even if you get it every once in a while, that's still good!! Yay for Harper!
PS-You go girl! ;)
Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful blessings with us! Sleep is VITAL! You are much more equipped to enjoy your babies when you're rested! God bless you and your family! I truly enjoy a little bit of Arkansas from across the pond through your blog! :)
She is just so precious. I love her videos! :)
As for the nasty comments- this blog is for you and your family, and anyone who doesn't agree with what you write does not have to read it. You of all people are extremely sympathetic to those struggling with fertility, but it should not mean that you have to explain away every comment you make.
Harper is beautiful, and so are you....inside and out.
Yay! Big milestone!!
Yea for sleeping all night! It took my sweetie 4 months as well.
I love reading your blog. Thanks for sharing you life with the world.
<>< anna
Way to go, Kelly & Harper!! Yay for sleeping through the night!!
We know you're thankful for Harper and blessed beyond measure. It's your blog - it's your right to say whatever you feel (and you don't have to justify it!
Keep up the great blogging. Remember why you do it. It's not for the readers - its for you and your family! It's a great keepsake.
Be blessed today and always!
I've never left a comment on your blog but have been reading for awhile. Please continue to be yourself. You're a loving mom and you're a REAL mom. You're entitled to say what you want...especially when it involves baby Harper sleeping through the night. WOO HOO! That's a huge milestone. I'm sorry that there are people out there struggling and who are jealous...it just goes to show we need to continue to pray for them.
Happy Sunday!
Cute video! I'm glad you all had a great weekend. Blair has an exersaucer too and loves it. She also has a Precious Planet jumperoo and has a ball in there. I bet Harper would love that too. She's getting so big!
I hate that you feel the need to explain yourself to folks. It is YOUR blog, and you don't have to explain yourself to anyone. I didn't see anything wrong with your honesty about getting up at night. It IS tiring, but your talking about it doesn't say anything about the way you feel about your daughter. I read on another blog that one should blog like no one's reading, and that's exactly what I try to do. I blog to have memories documented and for my family who can't see Blair every day, and that's it! It's a shame that there are always people who have to be negative.
I'm so happy she slept all night! I remember that feeling of jumping up and checking, because they'd actually been sleeping! And don't explain yourself away! Every momma is *thrilled* when their baby sleeps- if they've been waiting on them for years or were surprised by them.
And Harper is a little doll giggling. Love it! :)
YEAH KELLY! I am thrilled for you. You so need your rest! Also, about ugly comments...I am so sorry that people do that. Your blog is encouraging and your honesty and humility are so refreshing. Remember always that this blog is YOUR blog. This is a place for your family and sweet little girl. You are so adorable and I just love you even though we've never met!!!
I can't believe anyone would make a mean comment about ANYTHING to you! Harper is a honey and I love your voice, it's so southern but in a really cute good way! And I mean it as a compliment!!♥
I don't think I have commented before, but I have been following since Harper was born! I am so happy that you all got a full nights sleeep! It is such a big milestone. I am sorry that people are leaving nasty comments. It's sad that people have nothing better to do than try to find fault in others. I am so happy that God has blessed you and your husband with a baby. I think some people need to not be jealous, but to understand that God has a special plan for everyone's life, whether it is to give them a child or not. Thank you for keeping this blog going and for using it as a witness tool for Jesus!
You go ahead and be THRILLED that your precious baby girl slept through the night. There is nothing in this world wrong with being excited about a good night's sleep, and nevermind someone who has something ugly to say about it. I hope there are many more nights like it to come for you and Harper!
Hooray for a night of rest! Good for you, Miss Harper! Keep it up! ;)
She is just more and more beautiful with every day. Friends of mine were asking the other day about "that baby you prayed/pray for all the time" and I was so excited to tell them how old Harper is and how great she is doing. Our God is amazing, isn't he?!
Love your blog even tho I don't often comment... I am always excited to see a post! :) Every mama, esp breastfeeding, knows your feelings girl. No bigger blessing than a long awaited baby but whew does it take everything in us to keep up! My 2nd didn't sleep all night for 18months... 10 of which were breastfed. I was one exhausted mama and I don't take a full nights sleep for granted! :)
Hi Kelly! I believe this is my first time commenting and I have to just first say I really LOVE and ENJOY reading your blog and especially all those adorable pictures of Harper! My questions is, can you tell me what worked for clearing up Harper's face? I have a 19 day old baby boy and he is starting the baby acne too. It makes me sad to see his face like this and would love any tips that worked for you!
Take care and keep up these adorable posts!!!!
Congrats on the full night of sleep! I've done it three times! I have three kids. And you have EVERY RIGHT to be ecstatic about it! :) Harper is soooooo adorable. I love the video. There is nothing better than the sound of a baby giggling! I'll keep my fingers crossed that you'll get another good night of sleep tonight!
Hi Kelly,
My name is Terry and I am NICU nurse in Medford, OR. I have been following your blog since your hospital days and find it refreshing.
Harper is adorable and I am so glad to see and hear that she is doing so well after being so sick, praise GOD!
Don't worry about what other people think, continue to share your beautiful daughter and her milestones as you feel lead and just enjoy her because she will grow way too fast.
Also, sometimes babies eat so frequently because they are going through a growth spurt and that so slow down.
GOD bless you and your family,
Love it! Been there! I'm thinking...Maybe it was the exersaucer that did the trick? ;) I'd be getting one very soon just in case! LOL! You are such a blessing to so many of us, Kelly - [Hugs]
You have every right to be thrilled by all your sleep last night!! Yay for Harper and her new found appreciation for sleep!
Yay for sleeping through the night! I remember when my daughter finally made that leap! We were so excited (and we paniced too!).
As far as nasty commenters...you tell em! It's sad how some feel it is their place to judge others and pick apart every word they say (or type). Keep up blogging about what you think, feel etc. because after all...this is your blog. And I enjoy reading it!
Pinch Harpers cute little cheeks for me! (They are too precious!)
That is a huge milestone!!! Now you (and she) know that she can do it so hopefully she will make that her new routine very soon. My son is 3 now but I remember how hard the sleep deprivation phase was...but I know he gave me more than 2 hours at a time by the second month. 4 months of that is unreal - and very trying. It doesn't matter if you are Mother of the Year - that schedule is TOUGH. So congrats on getting some extra z's and for telling it like it is regarding the comments. You just can't please everyone so no use in attempting the impossible. Just be who you are and don't apologize for it.
Please please please enjoy your sleep and don't feel guilty about it. It is so amazing what a good night of sleep will do for you. The first 4-6 months when my kids weren't sleeping through the night made for some of the longest and hardest days and one of the reasons I think we won't be adding any more babies. You shouldn't have to justify your happiness to anyone.
I totally know what you mean about those huge watermelons! Mine were in so much pain for the first week until they finally got used to it! I'm so glad she slept through the night for you!!
Thank you for your response...I will take your advice to heart! I have only been bathing her about every other day and found that was helping and we do have a steroid cream. I don't think Emersyn's eczema was as bad as poor Harper's though...Harper's skin looks fantastic, good job Mommy!! It is so hard to have this little one's well being rely solely on our diligence and persistence with lotions and creams...thanks again for your response, I know you get LOTS of comments from other women like myself who you inspire! :)
i love that video! i dont know if i have actually ever commented on here but i LOVE reading your blog! i enjoy seeing harper grow and i see just how thankful you are to be her mommy! its also special for me because i have a nephew who is about a month and a half younger than harper who is with my sister and brother in law in central asia as missionaries so i dont get to see him much so this helps me know what he will be doing in no time! :) keep up the great blogs - i love them!
My favorite part of the video is "Here comes the hand!" SO PRECIOUS!
A person that would leave a nasty comment like that obviously doesn't come here often, because anyone who does knows how long and hard you prayed to the Lord for a 4 a.m. feeding - before when Harper was just a twinkle in your eye, and especially when she was in the hospital. All you wanted was to be at home and up all night, instead of in the hospital, still up all night. Especially after all the dedication you had to single girls and mothers-to-be in the posts last week leading up to Mother's Day.
In short, you go, girl!
Praise God for a good nights rest! You both deserve it! : ) I know how tiring it can be to get up... you are a trooper!!
Harbor just turned 6 months... it gets even more fun!! Aren't babies such a blessing!!!
Have a great weekend!
YYYYEEEEAAAA!!! The most exciting part of this post for me ... the 10 days of good weather! I'm moving home on Wednesday ... and that means I can celebrate in that too! :)
Just being a little selfish. :)
Hope you get a few more nights of good sleep. You sure do look good for the sleep you've been getting!
Congrats on the full night sleep, you so deserve it and don't feel bad about being excited about it.
I love the picture of Harper looking at herself in the mirror it made me LOL. She looks so surprised! Thanks for sharing your life with us I only have one problem.....I wish you lived closer so we could get together!
YAY for sleep!!!
Ignore those who are rude. You have a RIGHT to enjoy a full nights sleep! :) Being a mommy is tough work! :)
YAY for you! I can remember when that happened with Raegen...I rushed to his room because I just knew something was wrong. Turns out he just enjoyed sleep more than eating! :) Congrats to you and Harper!! Hopefully you won't get any nasty comments...I"m still floored that someone told you they didn't like the way you wear your hair! ha! WHAT?! So excited for you and hopefully she will continue to sleep through the night. What a milestone!
I have been following your blog for the last few weeks! When my 3 month old slept through the night for the first time, I was so thrilled but for some weird reason, I really felt more tired. It took me several days to get used to the new sleep pattern.
Ok, I don't know what's cuter - your adorable accent or Harper's giggles!
Yay for sleeping through the night!! Elle was sleeping through the night by about 2 months so I don't know how you did it for four! You do have EVERY right to be excited!
sorry you have mean comments. that's just, well, mean.
i would be so excited if tess slept all night, but like you i'd wake up first and be miserable with my hard, full boobs. we can't win on that one.
Boo for ugly comments! Don't you just love takeout at home?
I saw on facebook a little bit ago that Harper slept through the night and was SOOOOO excited for you!!! You feel like a new person when you get that many hours of sleep in a row, don't you? Yeah, Harper!!! Keep it up for your mama!
Yay for sleeping all night! It is so funny how panicked you feel that first time you wake up before they do! Keep it up Harper :)
First of all....CONGRATS on a good nights' sleep! Second of all...well, I've said it before here and so have others...don't listen to those comments. I am very thankful we live with freedom of speech and of all places....YOUR blog should be whatever you want to say/write. Go girl!!!
You are exactly right! You have every right to be so excited that Harper slept through the night. That is terrific news. My little one just started sleeping through the night late last week. At first I was thrilled and then I actually started missing our middle of the night feeds and conversations. Ha! This weekend she has only woken up once. I couldn't be happier!
Harper is absolutely precious! I love checking in each day to see what you have written and of course to see pictures of her!
OF COURSE you should be happy Harper slept through the night! Don't let anyone make you feel bad about that, sheesh. Even though you love and cherish your child, exhaustion can set in! Sleep is good! hahah!
UGH IM SO FREICKEN IRRITATED THAT SOME LOSERS CONTINUE TO LEAVE RUDE COMMENTS! honestly i just cant imagine writing something rude on someones OWN PERSONAL blog (unless of course the blogger is talking about something really bad, inappropriate, you get my drift)... it just infuriates me...and dont worry, you dont need to ever explain yourself..i know it feels like you have to but you DONT! forget about those losers -- the more times you explain yourself, the more fun and joy they are getting because they are getting you worked up, ya know? i dont even know you and you are a FABULOUS mommy! :) whatever you do, PLEASE dont make your blog private because of some jerks lol i looove reading your blog :) xoxo Megan from WI
Precious, Kelly! Remember, you're the best parents she could ever have and you're only accountable to Him. You're doing a fantastic job and you're a dear to let the whole www peek in.
Oh Kelly, I hate it that you get ugly comments. I just wanted to encourage you and tell you I am SO excited for you that your sweet girl slept through the night! :) How wonderful! I'm sorry you get negative comments from people - how discouraging! Hang in there! I love checking in on you and Harper!
Congratulations on your beautiful baby's four-month birthday. May she continue to grow in the love of Christ each day.
Kelly, the number, scope, and uniformity of the proceeding comments, in addition to your faith, should assure you that you are indeed entitled to rejoice in the many blessings that the Lord has provided for you.
My prayer is three-fold: First, I hope that God grants you the peace of a confident and serene heart to turn away from hurtful comments without your giving them any credence or second thought. To respond to them will call out your supporters, obviously, but why? May Christ always be near to provide a clear validation that you are his called servant and that he has called you as his hand-picked guardian of his precious soul, your daughter. Second, I pray that all of us who seek to judge find Christ's peace. Finally, I pray you have many, many more nights of peaceful slumber :)!
God Bless You, Kelly!
YAY for sleeping all night!!! You have every right to be excited, ecstatic, thrilled, you name it!!
I don't understand how anyone could leave a nasty comment on your blog. You are one of the sweetest and most sincere people I have ever "met," and I feel incredibly blessed just to be included in your life through your blog. Good for you for standing up for yourself!
I will be praying for many more nights of rest! :) Thank you for sharing your life with us!
Adorable! Her laugh is so cute and it made me laugh too! :P
Congratulations on her sleeping through the night! :)
You have such a beautiful baby!
... and wedding ring! lol
... AND I love your accent so much!!!
You are an amazing mama and I hope I am half as awesome as you are when I am a mommy!
YEA!!!!! A full night's sleep will only make you an EVEN BETTER Mommy! Congrats!
She was born gorgeous, but I swear she is more beautiful in every picture you post!
YAY! I bet you feel like a new woman! Isn't it funny how you wake up in a panic b/c they've never let you sleep that long before? I remember that well! You go Harper!!!!
YAY! Set those ugly commentors straight!
So happy for your "stand-up for yourself" attitude and your precious baby that slept through the night! Yeah!!
So precious! Hearing them laugh NEVER gets old! It is what makes it all worth while... even the 2 hour feedings in the middle of the night! You're doing a great job! I remember when Jackson slept through the night for the first time... I woke up exactly like you did... thinking... oh my gosh... is he ok? Did I sleep through him crying? Is he still in his crib? Did he graduate from high school? (ha!).
the video is sooo cute and you have every right to celebrate all those hours of continuos sleep!!!
Yaaaaay for a full night's sleep!!! I'm so glad you girls were able to get some good rest and hopefully last night was the first of several!!!
She's just beautiful!!
cute cute pic of harper in front of the mirror! glad her eczema cleared up. that stuff is hard on babies! now why would anyone say something ugly about you being happy your baby is sleeping through the night?! thats absurd! EVERY mom should be happy when their baby does that for the first time because it's a healthy thing for them! nobody should take it as a mom not wanting to spend that extra time with them during the night & just complaining about it. but i know how ya feel about havin to defend every word you say! sometimes people got nothing better to do than twist everything around in a neg way! hope it doesnt bring ya down!
I'm so happy that Harper slept through the night!!! We get up around our house singing God's praises when our 10 month old sleeps through the night!
Loved the video of Harper laughing. You will never tire of hearing her laugh!
Kelly, I don't know you but I love reading your blog. Last night my 12 MONTH(yes, that's right 12 month old) slept all night for the third time in his entire life! I know how you feel! I finally let him cry it out. I struggled with doing this because I knew there were so many women who couldn't have children or had lost children. I thought that I was being selfish. How could I let my child cry just so I could sleep? Then I realized that in order to be the mother God wanted me to be I needed sleep. Twelve months with no sleep was making me extremely ill! It was affecting my marriage! So after much debating and praying I decided to do it and I'm so glad I did! Pleas don't feel like you have to explain yourself because you don't. This is your blog! Keep on doing what your doing! Your an inspiration to so many people.
Check www.craigslist.org for a nice used exersaucer if you don't already know to do that. Might save you some cash!
You are right. You don't have to censor everything you write in your blog. You need to keep it real. I'm happy for you to get a good, full night's sleep. That's the way nature intended it to be. It's good for Harper, and it's good for you! Congrats on two good things!
Continued blessings and sleep! You go girl!
Wow! Its pretty sad you have to validate yourself as a mom to Harper regarding what you do with her and for her. Babies sleeping through the night make for one happy mommy and an even happier baby. Keep up the good work...you're an awesome mom!!!
Kelly, That is AWESOME! It's a huge milestone and you have every right to be HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY! I hope that all your LOYAL readers will be supportive and excited with your on your journey as a mom! I look forward to reading your blog, it really helps me with my own journey as a SAHM of a 4 1/2 month daughter and 4 year old son. You are such a blessing and a WONDERFUL mother!
I've been reading your blog since Harper was born, but I haven't ever commented. So glad to hear that you both got a good nights rest! My 15 month old baby boy absolutely LOVED the video! He laughed right along with her!
I started reading your blog when your little girl was born and had to go back and read almost the whole thing from the beginning because your story is so uplifting.
You have the sweetest heart in everything you write about and I just want to thank you for shining your light. I'm so sorry you got an ugly comment, it is so ironic because you are clearly such an amazing advocate for those who are still waiting. You are so right to cherish each new little joy of motherhood without apologizing or feeling guilty. Harper is so precious and such a lucky girl to have a momma with a spirit as beautiful and encouraging as yours!! Congratulations on getting some much deserved sleep!!
Laura :-)
You go! Only a mom who hasn't slept in weeks can understand and trust me - I do! I'm glad you stood up for yourself!
Kelly, we weren't blessed with children, but i totally appreciate your blog and love watching Harper grow up. Do I feel badly every time I read your blog? NO! I am rejoicing with you over your sweet daughter and the blessing from God that she is. You DO NOT need to apologize or explain your posts. You are right, it is YOUR blog and others don't have to read it. I hope that you aren't discouraged by the negative comments, and you continue to share. Blessings to you.
Go Kelly!!
I hate that you have had an ugly comment...we are all just Moms who understand and relate to the EXCITEMENT of an all night sleeper!
Glad you stuck up for yourself! It IS your blog, you write what is in your heart!
Yippee, Harper...you go girl!
(don't sweat the small stuff..or people!)
not sure i'd go back to feeding her at night if you can help it...she's old enough and it's now obvious she's getting enough during the day to make it through :) i know you weren't asking for advice (ha), but i just know how awful i was without sleep, so we really worked on the sleeping thing with my baby. i'm SURE you'd get ugly comments on that one though -haha she's a doll, and you're doing great!
So glad you got a great night of sleep...ALL night! That was huge milestone for us when with each of our kids! Just makes Mommy, Daddy and baby so much more refreshed...and I think it is something all moms (and dads) get excited about. So, I am glad for you! :)
What a great gift sleeping through the night is!! Ava has slept 6 or 7 hours straight a few times and I just want to jump for joy when it happens :) And then I want to figure out why she slept so long and do everything I can to duplicate it!! Congratulations, I hope it continues for your sake :) I can't believe she's 4 months old already, but then again, I can't believe my little Ava is 1 month old either! What a blessing we have each been given...Enjoy every milestone Kelly!! From one sleep deprived Mom to another, sleeping through the night is definitely worth celebrating!
Oh Harper is such a sweetie pie, and her laugh is precious!!! I am glad you posted a video! i'd love to see more! By the way, I love your voice!!
Right on sista! We also went through hell and back to have our children and we love them with all of our hearts. That doesn't mean that we didn't celebrate when they were sleeping through the night. Anyone that can't appreciate the hard work of parenthood and the need for a good nights sleep is an idot! That video is PRECIOUS! Love it and your blog!
You don't have to explain yourself or apologize. I have been on both sides and when you are dealing with infertility everything hurts I have also been on the other side of happiness, joy, and thankfulness to finally have my baby and there are just some moments for all mothers that you just need some sort of break. It doesn't mean you love them any less or are any less thankful. Its just human nature
I remember the first time my little girl slept through the night. I woke up in a panic just like you did and then I thanked the good Lord. LOL!
Harper is such a cutie and she is growing up so fast.
Hugs and Blessings!
i rarely comment, but CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU!!!!!
i must say, i've never known the stress of getting up continually through the night, like you have. we were blessed with sleepers :) (don't hate me - haha!!)
Sleep is such a beautiful thing! Way to go Harper!!! I've said this before but I'll say it again...there's nothing different about you and other moms. You are going to experience and feel the same emotions whether you've experienced infertility or not. Just keep smiling and celebrating every milestone that sweet baby girl reaches!
Oh, happy day! Wait until your doctor says you can start giving her cereal - I always gave it to my babies in the evening and they slept all night after that - yay!
We love your blog - not sure why people have to be negative - I'm a true believer in "if you can't say something nice...THEN DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL." ~L
oh my goodness!!! I am thoroughly jealous of the sleep!!! Somehow, between the last month of pregnancy when I was up every hour to pee, and the first few months of a newborn when they are up every hour so to eat, that sleep deprivation becomes almost unbearable!!! Now granted, my little one is only a week and a half, so I have a ways to go, I realize, but I am looking forward to it, knowing that the day will come!! Hope it continues for you!
Kelly, remember to pray for those that leave you nasty comments. Pray that they will know the amazing God you and I know and pray that He will work in their hearts. I hope that no one else leaves you negative comments, b/c I know how discouraging that is to you. But, I hope that those people do keep reading, so that they can see your positive attitude and your faith in God and maybe one day they too will have the same faith and positive attitude!
Your blog brings so much joy and hope to so many, keep it up and don't let anyone get you down or make you feel like you can't share every milestone in Harper's life, no matter how big or how small!
Love that picture of her looking in the mirror at herself. It's like she is saying. Oh. My. Gosh. I am so beautiful! :) lol (and she is! :)
Sleep is good. I am having my baby any day now and nursing and I will be thinking of you as my hero if I can get to four months without quitting! :) haha
Harper is such a doll! I'm so glad you guys got a good night's sleep. Hopefully Harper keeps it up.
How awesome that you two slept!! You have every right to be thrilled about that!!! My firtborn didn't do it until she was eight months old - and then I think that God knew that I was at the end of my rope. :)
Yeah for both of you!! Isn't it amazing how you can feel like a million bucks after having a full nights sleep!?!!!
Hope that carry's on for you!
Yippity Skippity, Kelly!!
I waited a long time for my sweet baby girl, too, and cherished every middle of the night feeding, etc. But it was pure bliss the first time she slept through the night.
It is adorable that you woke up your husband to tell him that Harper was still sleeping : )
Rejoicing with you!!
How exciting that she slept through the night! I remember the feeling of waking up on my own in a panic and looking over to check and see if my baby was ok! But it such a blessing when they start to sleep through the night! I am so sorry that you would have to explain how grateful you are for Harper, it shows in everything you do and say on here, and I am so saddened that you receive comments that make you have to explain what is sooo obvious.
Glad to hear you had a nice weekend. Chili's sounds soo good! I need some chips and salsa ASAP!!!
ABSOLUTELY you have the right to be EXCITED!!!! AMEN! I remember when Connor did that- I did the same thing...freaked out (is he okay??) and then looked down in dismay and pain at the "watermelons!" ha!
I love you, Kelly. I have been thinking all day about all the people who will be praying for me tomorrow and I am so thankful you are on the list!!!
I'm having a baby tomorrow!!!!!
I think it's ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS that Harper and you got a full nights sleep. Yes it is a milestone and yes you should be happy about it. She is a gorgeous child and you are a wonderful mom. Delete all those negative comments and move on. You don't have to explain yourself to us period, but especially not about being happy that your sweet baby girl slept through the night. Sheesh!!!
Leanne in TN
You are an amazing mother and your blog has helped many people see God for the first time. You do not need to edit or explain any emotion YOU feel in YOUR experience in life. Please do not be discouraged by people who just want to be negative. Being thankful for sleep is something every mother feels. Be you. No edits. 99.9% of the world loves everything you have to say.
Yay!!! I remember when my little girl slept all night for the first time. It was MUCH later than Harper, but still incredibly exciting. Then she went right back to nursing all night, but it was great while it lasted. :)
Don't even bother responding to those silly comments. It took years to make my little girl, and I'm the first to admit that the first four months of HER life were the most difficult months of MY life. It didn't make her any less of a miracle. Nor did it make me regret having her. But it sucked, and I was sleepy. And it passed. We, as mothers, work very hard to raise our babies, and it's okay to say it's hard.
Love your blog! You remind so much of myself. Want to come down to ATL to visit us? :-)
Go Harper, keep it up!!!!! We're cheering for you. LETS GO HARPER!!!
YAY for sleep!!!!! Harper looks precious and refreshed from all her sleep!!!! haha!!! Love ya!!
She just keeps getting cuter and cuter! Sorry you're dealing with ugly comments again. I had my first experience of that this past week. It really hurt my feelings! I guess you can't always make everyone happy. I don't understand why people have to be so judgemental and just plain rude, and why some people feel the need to "police" the world. Oh my.
For the record, I would LOVE to have a baby but when that day hopefully comes, I know I'll be THRILLED when they finally sleep through the night. Way to go Harper for a FULL nights sleep!!!
Yay Harper! Yay Momma! Don't you ever feel like you have to explain yourself! This is YOUR blog and you should be able to say whatever you want!
Yay for sleeping through the night! My baby is three months and I feel the same way as you. I love my time with my sweetie but I am tired and will appreciate a full nights sleep when it comes. Harper is just beautiful.
I hope you don't change what you are going to say on your blog to spare certain people's feelings, because the things that you say about being a mom are so helpful for those who are NOT moms...I learn a lot from your blog about the joys that come from motherhood, and also about the sacrifices that you make to be in that position. You have such a heart for the childless and single already. Thank you for that!!
Kelly- Your daughter is so cute. I'm expecting my own daughter in August, and can't wait to see her giggle and smile and coo just like yours. I also can't wait to have her wear all the personalized stuff like lil Miss Harper (I have an embroidery machine and as soon as we pick a name...I'm going to go crazy!)
Anyway, I love reading your blog and how thankful you are for all the things in your life. I left you a little note on mine:
Yay, for a full night's sleep! Yay for the adorable laughs! Yay for clear skin!
Definitely do not apologize or defend YOUR blog...I probably already said this. You GO Kelly!
Love all the good news today!
Yay...sleep is such a blessing!! That is so exciting! I have a 2 month old, so I can definitely understand your excitement! Praise the Lord! And Amen sister...you don't need to explain yourself!!
Oh congratulations on Harper sleeping all night!! I can remember the first time mine did that and I just knew that something was wrong!!!LOL!! And you just don't pay any attention to anyone that leaves you ugly comments!! You are a wonderful mom and Harper is just so happy you can tell there is nothing bad about you at all!! You have a blessed day!!
I started following your blog when you had Harper through a friend. I have a 2 1/2 month old and so much that you tell about Harper is my little Claire in a nut shell. I wish we lived closer because I truly believe we could be great friends. If you want to email that would be great. I would love to learn any tricks you have learned for little Harper. My blog is also shannaelee.blogspot.com.email is slee0308@yahoo.com. Hope to hear from you, and congrats on Harper sleeping through the night, I cant wait to have that.
Congrats on Harper sleeping all night! It's great news and the video is precious!
Regarding the negative comments, ignore them or block them. There are some people who just can't be happy for others. This is your blog, you can do whatever you want with it. :-)
FYI Jennifer Garner was on Letterman last week and talked about how she gets up at night with her 3 month old and 3 year old. It's really funny, if you want to watch it, hop on over to youtube and type in her name.
That's awesome! You are right you have every right to be excited about that. My son was 6 months before he did that and you are right, it can tire you out soon! Congrats
Harper looks great as always
I got so spoiled by Kale - he slept 12-13 hours a night from 4 weeks on. Tyler was up 3x a night until he was like 2 or 3 years old... I thought I'd die trying to work with little sleep. Yay!! For Harper's milestone - and for rested parents.
I'm SO happy you said what you said. This blog is YOUR blog and I love reading "a day in the life"... it certainly wouldn't be the same if you weren't just keepin' in real.
Now, for the important stuff... please, please, please say I can hold Miss Harper next weekend!! I've been loving her from afar for 4 long months!
Amen to that!!! No need to apologize for anything you say on YOUR blog. I can completely relate to the no sleep. My daughter didnt sleep at all for the first 5 months. She cried non-stop due to colic and acid reflux. I came remember being so tired and exhausted. I love my daughter more than anything and am so grateful to God everyday for her, but I dont miss those crying days for one moment.
I found your blog when Harper was born and your "bloggy friends" were asking readers to pray for Harper. I've just been captivated by you and your beautiful family. I have prayed for Harper and am thrilled she so healthy and happy, and has SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT! Awesome! Cannot even imagine that people would leave ugly comments because you are happy your baby slept through the night. UGH. Don't ever feel the need to explain. On a separate note...your blog has quickly become my favorite, and how I wish I could go shopping with you!!! Ha!
So cute!
What a milestone! Congrats!
PS--I noticed you said to email you ?'s, but I can't seem to find your email anywhere! Can you send it to me?
Love the video, Kelly! Do you think you could share what cleared up Harper's skin, because our five week old is going through a phase of baby acne and it just looks painful for the little mister? You keep being real and boo on that mean commenter!!!
I loved the video! Harper is just so adorable!
YAY for a full night's sleep!
Some people have a way of wanting to rain on parades; they are so envious of your joy that they make a mean comment to upset you, and their goal is accomplished when they realize they've succeeded. I would encourage you in the future to delete rude comments without acknowledging them publicly (but praying for the commenter privately). I honestly believe any mean comments you receive are spiritual attacks to get you to shut down your blog. But if you do, think of all the people who may not hear about Jesus. You go, girl, and don't let one or two rude comments ruffle your feathers. You are so sweet and I know the comments hurt but I'll pray that you can let them roll off as you pray for those who persecute you. May God continue to be glorifed through your life and words!
She's perfect! A whole nights sleep is the icing on the motherhood cake! Congrats!! I remember the excitement of my first whole nights sleep, and the panic when you realize it happened too! Wonderful!
Kelly...don't worry about what others say. You have never complained about being a mommy you just blog for all of us to know what is going on in your life. I read you posts everyday and I have never seen anything deserving of an ugly post.
You are a great mommy and Harper is so blessed to have you as her mommy.
Love the laughing video. Thanks!
Upstate New York
You tell 'em!! You have every right to be worn out from getting up every 2 hours! I love my daughter DEARLY (more than I thought humanly possible), but that does not cancel out the weariness you feel. Congratulations on the GREAT night. My daughter did it out of the blue at about 3 months and miraculously continued it from then on, so I hope that Harper will, too! Love your blog. . .keep it up!
Thank God for sleep...it helps everything...for you and Harper, but especially for you:) Don't worry, we Moms got your back:)
Adorable! My one year old son watches this clip over and over (he fusses when it stops) he LOVES her laugh! Thanks for sharing your life, you are an inspiration!
She is an absolute DOLL BABY! Her skin is beautiful and I know that is such a relief to you to find what works for her and know that she is comfortable! You are SO right about a full night's sleep- we all need it to function and baby needs it too! I'm excited for you and this big milestone! I think you're a fantastic mom and I enjoy reading your blog! Thanks for sharing yourself and being such an awesome example of a precious Christian momma! Too bad we don't live closer- I know we'd get along great! You would SO fit right in with me and my friends!! ha!!
Harper is seriously the most precious thing!! I am so glad that she slept through the night, and that you were able to sleep!! What a blessing! Don't let ugly comments get you down girl. I love your blog!!
God Bless!
Anna - TX
YAY for Harper...and for you! My best friend has a 3 month old and when he slept for 5 hours one night (yep, as far as I know, just one!) she was thrilled. He doesn't really nap during the day either; mostly in the car or stroller...and home it's those lovely 10 minute sleeps. So...yay for a whole night of sleep. I hope she gets on a good schedule for you with longer periods of sleep b/c we all know that Mommy's want to love their babies the best they can...and that happens BEST when everyone is rested! harper is TOO cute with her little laugh!
Greetings, Kelly, from Cincinnati!
I am a long time "lurker" of your blog. I just love it!
I want to share an experience I had with nursing, as I think you may want to talk to Harper's pediatrician about this.
I did not decide to nurse until I was pregnant with my third child. I am so glad I made this decision, as I feel it is the healthiest!
Anyway, for NINE months, our Logan nursed every TWO HOURS DAY AND NIGHT! Like you, I did not mind this special time with my baby (Eight years later, I still kind of miss it!).
We were at his nine month physical and his doctor asked how nursing was coming along. My response was "Great! He eats every two hours like a champ!"
The doctor was shocked. It was then he told me my milk was no longer satisfying or nutritious, and I needed to supplement right away.
Fortunately, weening was a breeze, and he remained as healthy and happy as could be ... and started sleeping through the night!!!
Motherhood ... the proud profession!
You shouldn't EVER had to justify anything you put or say on your blog. I didn't think my son would EVER sleep through the night and I love him to pieces. I'm sure I complained a time or two...who cares?
You know there will always be SOMEONE saying something. If you want to do nothing but Harper on your blog then you should, or if you want to talk about sleeping through the night or diaper rash or nursing or WHAT EVER don't ever let someone out there that doesn't know you from a hill of beans control your blog. If they don't like what you blog about then they don't have to visit.
So happy Harper is feeling better :o)
YOU GO GIRL!! I am so proud of you for saying that!! Absolutely, it is a great blessing to have the child and it is ALSO a blessing when they sleep through the night!! I went through years of infertility and a late miscarriage heartbreak and I assure you I never prayed for a baby that wouldn't sleep ... I would have dealt with it, but that is certainly not the ideal!!
You are awesome.
Oh Kelly,
How precious is that???? You can tell how much she loves her momma and she just has that look like she wants to tell you out loud! These are just the best times ever. Thank you for sharing them with us!
You should not have to apologize, Kelly. It just burns me up that people leave ugly comments.
Many years ago, like 18 years during my junior year of high school, I was diagnosed with POF. Yes, there have been some sad times, but I am also thankful for having learned at an early age. I check your blog everyday and can't wait for new pics of Harper. And by NO means, do I ever get upset!
Thankfully, I AM the proud aunt of 2 beautiful nieces and a handsome nephew. So when I get the chance, I just love the fire out of 'em. When I have them on weekends I don't sleep soundly. So, when I read that you had a FULL night’s sleep I was SOOO happy for you and just HAD to comment. (BTW, this is my 1st time to comment on your blog after a year of reading.)
Here's wishing you more full nights of sleep and a fabulous week!
Oh, Geaux Tigers...just had to throw that in! :)
Shannon S
Adorable video!!!
I know what it is like to get up every 2-3 hours in the night because my twins did it for ...2 years!!!!! It was just awful and i was soooo sleep deprived!! You have every right to be greatful for sleep!!! Good for Harper!!!
I love this little video - in fact we watched it FOUR times. My kids got a big kick out of listening to your excitedness and watching and hearing Harper laugh! So Very Cute!
Kelly, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your sweet accent!
As far as the negative comments - SHAMIE on that person. This is your blog Kelly and you can say whatever you want.
As a Mom, you will find that people tend to voice their opinions about you or how you are raising your child every chance they get. There are times to walk away and times to set them straight. I am proud of you for standing strong and setting the person straight! You Go Girl!
Kelly, I am so excited Harper slept through the night and that you got a good night's rest!! Harper is such a beautiful baby girl! I love her laugh, thank you for the video! Happy 4 months Harper!
Woohooo for a good night's sleep and clear baby skin!!! I can remember the 1st time Emily slept through the night and had the same exact feelings you had (including the soreness on my chest....don't worry, your body figures things our quickly). Don't feel guilty for sleep for both of you! Every mom (and dad for that matter) needs/deserves a full night of sleep after probably not getting one for many many many months (even months before the baby is born due to a bladder being squashed by baby). Harper is such a doll and I just know she and my Emily would be fast little friends (if you can have Yankee friends.....we live in IL).
Take care and hoping for another sleep filled night!
Way to go Harper.....good girl!
Keep it up for your sweet mom and dad! Love your blog!!! Keep on typing and sharing...don't let any negative comment EVER discourage you!
love ya!
That is so awesome!! I remember the first time my child slept through the night I woke up & went to check on him!! That is awesome!! Harper is absolutely beautiful!! I love reading your blog!!
WOO HOO - you go girl!!! Do NOT - and I repeat, DO NOT let ANYONE put you down for the things you write on your blog. It just floors me that anyone would have the audacity to do that - but they do - to you and several other of the "young mom" blog writers I read. Shame on "them"!
Kelly, it is SO easy to hear your heart in what you write. Your blog is a bright spot in this old grandma's day. I LOVE IT!! And I adore your precious little Harper. I have giggled with her through this sweet video you posted today and just melted over some of the sweet pictures.
Today's post triggered some real "nostalgia" for me ... first, the picture of Harper in front of the mirror. That was my favorite way to entertain my youngest daughter 38 years ago. She LOVED it! And the "watermelon" comment - like I said, my baby girl is 38 but I can still remember the watermelons on the chest the first time she slept all night! Too funny - hadn't thought of that in years.
Today - that baby girl and I hosted a graduation party for HER daughter. We had an absolute ball cooking and preparing for it (had 40 people here for lunch) and it was a smashing success. There is NO end to the joy of a daughter.
Can you imagine far enough ahead to picture you and your mom 18 years from now hosting Harper's high school graduation party? Trust me, honey, the time will come FAR faster than you want it to. But, oh Kelly, the joy that waits before you in these years. I'm so happy for you. It blesses me beyond measure to see your heart for motherhood and how it reaches even beyond your own "nest". Consider yourself hugged today, sweet girl!
You have, quite possibly, the cutest baby ever! Don't listen to the mean comments because you are a great Mom and Harper is clearly a very happy, healthy, LOVED baby! I don't have kids, but if I had been up every 2 hours for 4 months straight...the entire state of Texas would hear about my first full nights sleep! Love your blog, it always make me smile :o)
That video is sooooo cute!!
PRAISE THE LORD for a full nights sleep!!! I know that feeling and it's wonderful!
I also wanted to say... YOU GO GIRL!!! Don't let anyone judge the way to do things! This IS YOUR BLOG and you shouldn't let anyone make you feel bad because you share your opinions on YOUR BLOG!!!
Don't listen to the negative... The majority of us LOVE all the things you have to say. KEEP IT ALL COMING!
Harper's video is so sweet. I know you love that laugh more than anything!
God Bless You Girl... You are a blessing!
Oh my gosh, I can not believe that someone would dare give you a negative comment because you want to be able to sleep more than 2 hours at a time! I love your blog and this is my first time to leave a comment - I am just so disgusted that someone would make you feel bad for being a human! We all know how incredibly grateful you are for Harper - but being beyond thankful for something doesn't make you any less human. You have the absolute right to want some of the harder parts of being a mom to get better and if you didn't feel that way you would make all us other moms feel like we were bad moms because we aren't sunshine and rainbows all the time. You are an awesome mom and inspiration to so many. Keep doing what you're doing and remember there are always those who want to make themselves feel better by making others feel bad.
I am so glad to hear that Miss Harper slept through the night! That is big news! I remember the early days with my girls when they finally started sleeping through the night and it was my boobs that woke me up instead of the baby, LOL.
Regarding rude commenters, I am so glad you addressed that. Why do people have to be like that anyway? You have the right to say whatever you want!
Well, hope you have a great week! I'm continuing to stay busy, so thank you soooo much!
Love ya!
P.S. Love the video!!!
Your post made me laugh! I did the same thing the first time mine slept through the night.... including the huge watermelons. I hope this is the begining of a new trend for you guys. Life gets a bit easier after they start sleeping through the night! I am SO EXCITED for you! :)
Don't you just feel like a new woman after a full night of sleep?!? Congratulations to Harper AND you for that incredible milestone! I hope she sleeps through the night more for you :) You will still enjoy every moment of her during the day and you'll be well-rested!!
I've recently found your blog and have really enjoyed it, especially show us where you live Fridays! Harper is adorable and congrats on the full night of sleep! My daughter will be 4 months this week, so it's fun reading about another 4 month old!!
What a sweet laugh! Congrats on a full night of sleep. Having a night to refresh sure does make the days a little easier.
The first picture of Harper is so stinkin cute! She's got beautiful skin! What's the comination you use?
Love the pic of Harper looking in the mirror, and the video is just too cute!!! Have a great week!
woo hoo harper, thats wonderful news.
my twins are 6 mos old and have been sleeping through the night (7pm-8am) since they were 12 weeks old, and i LOVE it.
sorry you get rude comments, its unfortunate that someone cant be happy for you.
i've noticed the rude comments i have gotten before are usually from someone anonymous. go figure
Don't you love people that seem to take joy in criticing others? You are doing a great job. We all know we are blessed, but you're right...you get worn down and if other moms can't support each other then who will?? Great pics!
oh yeah, care to share what you are using on harpers skin? all 4 of my boys have eczema, on the babies i am just using tea tree oil but i need something else, its not working that good
Sleeping throught the night is one of the best milestones!! You have every right to be thankful for that. I was thrilled to be a mom but the lack of sleep really wears on anyone after a while. You must be big time if you are getting rude comments! I guess that's just part of the territory but I don't blame you, I would not want to apologize for everything you do or say. Some people are so ridiculous or jealous or both! You are doing a great job. I think Harper gets cuter everyday.
Yay for sleep! I am so sorry that someone left you a nasty comment. It is obvious to all that you love your baby dearly and you are a wonderful mommy. Being a new mom is hard work and you are doing a great job! I remember when my daughter slept thru the night for the first time. I also woke and rushed to her in a panic, only to find her fast asleep, like a little angel. And then I had to get out the pump because I was so overly full! HAHA!
Here's to many more nights of restful slumber!
Girl...I am so glad you (and Harper) slept through the night. They told us that if Emma slept through the night one time, it meant that she could do it every night and to let her cry it out...don't know if you would be willing to do that or not but I will say...it really does work. :)
Lots of Love! :)
Your daughter is adorable:) Love the video- made my daughter laugh!
Yay for a night of rest for you and Scott! So glad that she slept last night for you.
And that video! Can't help but smile when you watch it.
Oh, and you be you! Don't worry about what other people do and say. That was one of the hardest lessons for me in becoming a mommy and a blogger. If you think it is the right thing to do, then say what you want and do what you want.
God bless!
That video is simply precious!! You will cherish that all of your life! It's ok to be thankful for a good night's sleep and I can't believe someone would be ugly to you over that. My heart goes out to any one longing for a child but being ugly to someone who was blessed with one isn't going to help anything. ?? I hope many more good nights of sleep are ahead of you.....and if not, enjoy them as you are now. My babies are 21, 19, & 17 and although I miss them being babies....I well remember loving when they slept all night! :-)
May God Bless you!
Too cute for words!!
Well, I do not know you personally, but i can definately tell you are so thankful for every moment you get with harper! I am so sorry that someone would say something tacky about you getting up in the middle of the night (my son ate every two hours for about 4 months also and i know i was exhausted) i am so happy she slept all night...it will make the days EVEN better than the glorious days you already have! thank you for sharing your blog with us...i love reading about you and your sweet baby girl!
Look at her looking at herself in amazement. Yeah for sleeping all night Harper. Isn't it funny how we wake up when they don't?:)
Love the mirror picture, the four month old pictures from yesterday, and that precious video!! What a sweetheart you have there.
Congratulations on a full night's sleep, may you have many more soon.
Please continue to write whatever you want on your blog! I would dare say that more people appreciate what you write than want to criticize. You are making something very special for Miss Harper to have in the future! What a great way to document milestones.
I wish you were my Mom
I remember that feeling of panic when they first slept thru the night, my baby is 10 yes 10 years old and I still sneak in her room and check on her...you are exactly right you have every right to be thrilled and even shout it from the roof tops that Harper slept thru the night...people are really silly...that's for sure....enjoy those moments with her because she'll be grown before you know it...
Sweet Kelly,
I know exactly how you feel about the frustration of having to explain yourself on YOUR blog---YOUR personal forum. It can be exhausting. I'm like you...I don't want to offend people, but with some people you just can't win. Anything you say will get turned around. So you just go right on ahead and do whatever you please....99.999% of the people who read LOVE EVERYTHING! Have a great day, sweet Kelly! Hugs to Harper from me and Evy :o)
YEA, HARPER!!! You let Mommy get a full night's sleep and gave her lots of laughing. You are a little sweetie!
Hello!! I found your blog and now I find myself checking it often! You're such an amazing person...and Harper is just adorable! I don't know her story though and I'm very interested. Can you tell me where to go to see the beginning..Thanks so MUCH!!!
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