Yesterday we took our very first trip to see Harper's grandparents (my parents).

We were greeted by a sign at the front gate!!!!

Do you think this little girl is loved?

Her new favorite thing is for us to put pallets of blankets on the floor and we let her lay and roll around with toys. I love to sit down there and just hang out with her. Here she is hanging out with her grandparents on the floor.

We got there around 1. Travelling with a baby is a whole new ball game. Gone are the days we could just throw a few things in the car and take off. It takes careful planning and timing of feedings and a WHOLE lot of things for a quick overnight trip. But Harper did so GREAT! She slept the whole way both ways. She obviously wants us to take her on more trips.
Here I am enjoying a late lunch! Diet coke and chips and homemade salsa included! :-) It was nice to take my time eating instead of shovelling food in as fast as I can for once. ha!

Harper's grandparents bought her a new highchair for their house and they put it together and we let her sit in it. She really liked it as you can see.

Me and my girl (I just realized I'm sitting in a cheerleader pose! I guess I'm trying to teach Harper early).

One of Harper's FAVORITE things is when daddy plays "rocket" it with her. He lifts her in the air complete with sound effects and she just smiles and smiles. She also likes for daddy to let her "ride the pony" on her knee.

Flying through the air

Harper got to meet her great aunt Linda and uncle Bob. (my mom's sister). They came over for dinner last night.

My parents live out in the country and it's so nice to just outside in the peaceful woods. Scott was rocking his baby on the front porch. I just have to tell you that he is just the best dad. He is so good with her and it just thrills me how much he loves her.

Mom cooked us a delicious dinner last night. Harper was sitting at the head of the table. I think she can't wait to graduate to "real food".

I love her so much that I can hardly stand it sometimes. She was just precious this weekend.
I think in this picture she is saying "C'mon Mom - quit kissing me"

This morning we went to church at my dad's church. I was so glad for everyone to see her because I know that the whole church prayed for us so much when she was sick. Of course my dad TRAUMATIZED me by making me bring Harper up in front of the whole church to show her off and thank them for praying for us. I almost started crying out of a mixture of embarrassment of being up there and thankfulness for the prayers of all the members.
This little boy, Luke, is the son of a guy I grew up with. He is a little over 2 weeks older than Harper. Mom wanted to take their picture together and Harper was infatuated with him. She just stared and then starting holding his hand. I think daddy and grandpa were going to have a stroke - they are obviously going to have to pull out the shotguns early because Harper is already liking the boys. I thought it was the cutest thing in the world.

We ate mexican after church and then came home and took a few more pictures before we hit the road to come back. Here are Harper and her grandparents.

A family portrait. Don't you love how daddy and daughter are matching??? Where is my pink?

She loves her Nonny

It's really too bad that her grandparents don't love her or pay attention to her. ha! In a few weeks we will be travelling down to see her other grandparents. We are making that trip with Laurie, Steve and the girls. You might want to go ahead and say a prayer for us now. 3 babies and 4 adults on a 6 hour trip (it could be about 9 hours with all of us).
It's raining here like it does EVERY single memorial day weekend and we have a leisurely day planned for tomorrow. I'm hoping to catch up on some housework and I think Scott has some projects on his plate also. Hope you all have a nice holiday!

One last thing - PLEASE pray for my friend
Katie. She is 26 weeks pregnant with a little girl Reese. On Friday - they found out she has meningitis encephalitis or an infection in the brain and is having brain swelling that is so painful she is on morphine. They flew her to Little Rock and she is on antibiotics and so far the baby is doing fine. Please pray that they can get Katie over the virus and that the baby will go full term. You can get updates on
Hillary's blog or her SIL's
Shannon's blog.
Update: She is having no improvement and is on oxygen now - the doctors are very concerned about her. PLEASE PRAY!!!!
DAR-LIN. Every last picture and every last word. What a great weekend!
I do believe that next to my own two girls, your little girl is about the most precious baby girl I have ever seen. Isn't God good?
It is sad that her grandparents don't adore her or pay her any attention! ;) My parents are the same way with my girls. Never pay them any attention. NOT!!!!
I am so glad your first road trip went well. Ours was so traumatizing I have thought about never doing it again.
Precious family. I LOVE your white blouse. Super Cute- as usual!
I enjoyed seeing all the photos of Harper and her family, Harper is sure doing some growing,
I bet your Dad had a big smile on his face as you walk to the front of the Church with Harper.Its wonderful to see the results of prayer!!!!!!!
My sixteen month old, Henry, loves your blog because of all the pictures of Harper. Blessings!
Ohhh looks like you had so much fun! I had to laugh at the daddy daughter matching... because before i even read that part i thought "oh how cute, Kelly matches Harper's socks"! LOL Thanks for sharing, they're gorgeous!
Harper is way too cute! I love her outfits and yours.
looks like a fab weekend! the sign on the fence is HYSERICAL. oh Judy - is all I thought! I bet she was beside herself to have Harper and Harper's parents at their house. Like you said, I just so wish Harper was loved?!?
Happy day - kbs
HI Kelly, Glad your week end went so well. The pictures are great, especially the one of Harper looking at her Nonny. Grandkids are so great! Spoil them and then send 'em home. Hope your friend is going to be ok and the baby is full term. Prayers going up!
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.
GIRLLLL-YOU'S lookin' SKINNY! Love the pic of the little bit of spit dripping out of Harpers mouth while she is flying-PRECIOUS! Your aunt Linda is a babe! Praying for your sweet friend!
harper looks so happy to be at her grandparent's house! i bet that's how it will always be.
you look fantastic! i am feeling so fat right now. i think i have gained weight after i lost that first bit of baby weight. i think breastfeeding is making me eat a ton!
going to start walking more this week.
What beautiful pictures/memories from your first road trip to Grandma and Grandpa's house. I love those photos of Harper with her grandparents -- too sweet! They're all great photos--glad you had a great time and a safe trip!
Happy Memorial Day!
Lynn in TX
P.S. will keep your friend Katie in my prayers!!!
Precious new pictures! I love that brown shirt with striped pants! And Ive been praying for Katie also. I love following her blog too and couldn't believe the sad news. Have a great Memorial Day.
praying for your friend Katie!! harper is soo sweet & you look great! Sending lots of blessings for a great memorial day! :)
looks like you had a great visit with your family. You took some great family pictures. Harper is precious!!
I just loved all of the pics of Harper. She is beautiful! I will keep Katie in my prayers as well! I hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day!
My my, Harper is just growing up right before our eyes. She looks so grown up in that high chair doesn't she?? Have a great Memorial Day!
That picture of Harper and Luke is just the CUTEST thing!
Seriously, Kel...I know I tell you this in about every 3 out of 4 comments I leave you...but I just have to (HAVE TO) come see you guys sometime!! I can't stand looking at all of these precious pictures and not being able to love on her and squeeze her. Oh, too adorable!!!
I'm so glad the trip went well! :) Yay for big girl, Harper!!
Have a marvelous Memorial Day, sweet friend!
Love and Hugs
I was beginning to think you had dropped off the face of the posts for two whole days! :) Love Harper's outfit..and your hair is cute too!
I'm over here in central AR this weekend too! Wish the sun would make an appearance...
That is the cutest picture of Harper and Luke!! Harper is even more beautiful in "real life".
I love that your parents made a welcome sign for Harper.
How sweet is that sign? I love the pictures! Harper is such a lucky girl to have ALL of you in her life!
I ADORE the picture of Harper smiling at your mom... seriously! It totally made my heart smile! You should print it up BIG for her... It would make a great canvas for your parents house!!
These pictures are so very good. I love her brown outfit! Love the picture of Harper smiling at your Mom!
You have a very beautiful daughter, I have followed your blog since she was born. I am glad to see that she is so happy and healthy. She is really adorable. I will pray for your friend, what a terrible time she must be going through.
ooooo! where'd you get that awesome pearl cocktail ring? i love it!!
What sweet pictures of your visit to your parent's house. Just wait until she's three and begging to go there by herself. That's what my son has been doing all weekend! It's going to be such a blessing that Harper will grow up being so loved by her grandparents. And it's wonderful that she has such a wonderful Christian heritage!! I hope your next car trip is as successful as this one.
I also wanted to mention that my sweet little cousin Olivia (who is listed on your sidebar) went to be with Jesus on Saturday morning. The grief is almost overwhelming but we are so thankful that Jesus has taken the sting out of death. It's almost too much sometimes to read about so many children suffering and dying, but at the same time I am so thankful for the support and prayer that Olivia has had because of the blog world. I know that it's the prayers of so many of your readers that have sustained her mommy and daddy. Thank you for listing her so that people could pray! God is using your blog in a very special way to help hurting families and women who are longing for children. You've got quite a ministry and I'm sure it wasn't one you asked for but I am so thankful that you are letting the Lord use you in this way!
Each picture is cuter than the one before. I'd see a picture and think it was as cute as could be and then I'd see the next one and that looked even cuter. Your parents must have been so thrilled. My dear friend's niece is expecting a baby in October and we are all so excited that we will have a baby at Thanksgiving with us.
My prayers for Katie and baby Reese!
The sign greeting Harper is just too sweet! And not only did your hubby match Harper in that photo, but your Mama did as well in the one above it! Your whole family is stylin'!!!
Definetely praying for your friend - I had meningitis encephalitis last March (had to wean my then 15 month old) and I do not wish that pain and fear on anyone!
What a great weekend! I'm sure your parents LOVED having you and that sweet girl there!
I love the pics and I think your family pic is beautiful. Daddy and Harper in pink and you in black!!! It is pretty. Glad you had such a great weekend! I live so close I'd love to meet you in person!
Call me crazy, Kelly, but this blog made me cry. Yes, it did. I get to see my parents and let them meet my little (ok, big!) 9 month old in 4 weeks from today. I am so excited I can hardly think straight! Your mom is precious, I've been reading her blog. Love, Sara
Continuing to lift up prayers! Adding prayers for Katie! That sounds so scary!
1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.
Prayer BearsMy email address
The picture where she is saying "Quit kissing me already!" is so darn cute - they all are!
Sending prayers Katie's way...for her and the baby!!
Everytime I see those darling pictures of Harper, I remember all the prayers I prayed for her and the first picture you posted with her eyes OPEN at the hospital. Now those eyes are so full of joy and laughter! What a blessing. RE: Harper and Boys. My oldest daughter recently married my best friend from high school's son. Man: that was an EASY one! There is something to be said for marrying guys where you know the entire family. Maybe there was something to that arranged marriage thing. (Kidding.) (Sort of.) Thanks for a great post!
harper is so dang cute!! i think she gets cuter each day :o)
the sign 'welcome harper' is precious...
where did you get your black dress you wore in the pictures at your parents church? it so cute...
praying for your friend katie and baby girl reese!!
Harper is getting so big and she is simply precious!! Gotta love her smile : )
What a cutie!! Your parents look they are having so much fun with her. Happy Memorial Day!! I am praying for Katie and the baby.
I have another friend who asked for prayer for Katie and her baby. She apparently graduated from Arkansas Baptist where my friend is an athletic trainer. I think they also knew each other from Ouachita. Anyway, definitely in our prayers. Your blog is precious...not sure if you have ever read any of my comments but my husband knows you from Ouachita and I just found your blog! Harper is gorgeous!!! I read everyday! We are Arkansans at heart!!! =) We miss it a lot.
We traveled from NC to CA last summer with a 3 month old, 2.5 yr old, and 5 yr old. I can anticipate your pain! :) But it was a lot of fun, too! As for your pink, I'd say you didn't need any because holding a baby is like having one huge accessory! That's a GREAT family picture!
CUTE pictures! Harper looks like she's loving time at her grandparents!
And, I love that white shirt you're wearing in the top pictures. The ruffles are so pretty!
Awe, looks like you guys had a blast! Love the photos and will keep your friend and her baby in my prayers!
I love seeing all of the pictures, what a great weekend you guys had! I love it when I don't have to shovel food in my mouth too and can just take my time!! :) The life us moms lead! Hope you have a great day!
That's so sweet that they made a sign to welcome Harper!
Sorry to hear about your friend Katie. I am following her updates on Shannon's blog. Praying!!
I loved this post! Grandparents are the most wonderful blessing! Some of my favorite childhood memories involve my grandparents. Before you know it, Harper will be spending the night at her g-parent's house and loving every minute of it! I especially liked the pic of Harper in the high chair...she just looks so pretty and happy!
Glad you had a chance to get out of town! It's kind of nerve racking taking that first trip because you never know how they'll do, but they always seem to surprise us and do really well! (or least mine did!)
I love the picture of Harper holding hands!! "First Love" lol
You have such a beautiful little family!
Gorgeous pics, as ever! :)
LOVE all the pictures. Harper is just too cute.
SO MUCH FUN!! I love all your pictures and how simple you are. The best times are spent together, relaxing, with family!!
Harper is getting so big!!
What a fun sign! We live in St Louis, but my parents still live in AR (Russellville to be exact) and they always have us call a few blocks befre their street. Then they run out of the house and are waiting in the driveway for us - waving like crazy! In the summer, they have also been known to turn on their bubble machine as well. My two wee ones love it!
I hardly ever comment, but I just cant belive how big she is getting, and how adorable is the pic of you kissing her! I love reading about her and your family, she is so precious! It makes me wish my baby was still small, she is almost two I cant belive it!
Hey, Kelly... I have read your blog for a while - I actually found it through Katie's blog. Katie's mother-in-law and my dad are first cousins and were best friends growing up. Our family has been praying for them... thanks for posting the prayer request.
Hey Kelly,
Isn't it the greatest thing in the world to see you parents LOVE your baby girl so much. My parents are the same way about my kids.... Kinda crazy about them, which is WONDERFUL! I've heard my dad say on more than one occasion that grandchildren are God's gift for raising his own kids in the way of the Lord.
I didn't have a great relationship with my grandparents as a kid but having my parents as inlove with my kids as they are more than makes up for what I didn't have.
God is GOOD!!!
Thanks for sharing... I LOVE reading your blog!!!
I loved all the pictures. It looks like you had a great weekend. Have a great Memorial Day!
Magnolia, TX
Great pics!
Praying for Katie!!
Kelly you look great!
I see you got Harper some of the monkey line from gymboree :) Did you happen to pick up the shirt I emailed you? It will be perfect to wear on Father's day!!
What a sweet family!
Prayers said for Katie.
Love the family pic! The black and pink is perfect. I will be praying for your friend, Katie.
PBS for your friend Katie. I'm sure her Dr's have considered this but pre-eclampsia can cause brain swelling & thus severe headaches like she is having. When I had it IV morphine just barely dulled the pain.
The only "cure" for Pre-E is delivery but if the antibiotics aren't working, I just wanted to offer another possiblity than meningitis. I am a volunteer with the Pre-E foundation & their website is very helpful.
I read yesterday on Shannon's blog about Katie and have been praying for her. So scary, esp. since she is pregnant during all of this. I cannot imagine.
I love the sign your parents put up on their fence welcoming Harper! HOW SWEET!! And the PRECIOUS picture of her and her Nonny! Y'all couldn't have posed that any better! I love when candids turn out like that.
And I'm loving your giant pearl ring. I love anything and everything "pearl." And big jewelry. Haha!
My parents have the same high chair at their house for our little boy, Carter. Glad the trip was fun. I'll pray for your friend.
The baby is getting more and more beautiful..I was gonna let you know aveeno works wonders for skin conditions also.My son had problems and his Dr..Told us to use worked great.It looks like you have the problem worked out with Harpers skin.. Just thought I would let you know n case you run into more problems.. I just started a were one of my many insperations.. and your mom also.. I woul love it if you stopped by..I have had 0 long does it take to get readers?
Blessings .
Harper is getting so big.
I will be praying for your friend.
Oh Kelly! I will pray for your friend! My Father in law was so sick with Myloencephilitis 2.5years ago...they didn't think he would live. But not only did he make it, he's almost 100%!! Only the LORD himself could have done that! May God be gracious to her and her baby!!
Love every single one of these pix Kelly...she is just beautiful!!!
Absolutely praying for your friend.
Thanks for sharing with us so we can pray for all of them.
Hugs and blessings,
That brings tears to my eyes to read about your friend. I will be praying for her and the precious baby she is carrying.
All those pictures are too cute. I am glad the trip was easy and fun for everyone.
What a great weekend for Harper!
Praying for your friend Katie. I read Shannon's blog and have been keeping up with their story.
What a great weekend!!!! Wish we could have been at church Sunday to meet Harper, too! Mom told me that your Dad called you up front and I said, "Oh, poor Kelly, I bet she nearly DIED having to go up in front of everyone!" :)
Praying for your friend--how scary!
I love everything about this post!!! Harper looks so cute and happy on her trip ! (So does her momma!)
So glad you had a fun weekend...Harper gets cuter and cuter each time I see a picture!
P.S. Praying for Katie!
We really enjoyed getting to see you at church this past Sunday. My son, Matthew, was SO excited to see "baby Harper" that we'd been praying for, too.
Much love, hugs & kisses to you, Scott, Harper & of course, Dawson!
It is really a shame that no one loves this baby. I love all the great pictures!
Oh my goodness. She is beyond beautiful. And I loooooooove her name!
Great post! Sweet, sweet pictures.
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