and now here is the REST of the story.......................

Scott got Dawson for me for Christmas the year before we got married and he has been my baby ever since. I love that little dog so much. We have spoiled him and treated him like a human baby for the last 6 years. Everyone told me .....up until Harper's birth......"once Harper is here - Dawson will go to the back burner" and I would say "You are crazy.....he will always be our baby".

Well, Harper came and I understood what they all meant. Now don't call the SPCA on me - Dawson still gets daily walks, rides in the car, sleeps right between Scott and I and lots of love and attention. But he definetely doesn't get our undivided attention like he did before. He has been so great with Harper and I try so hard to include him because he looks so sad when I wheel the stroller out and leave him behind. But handling a dog and a baby on a walk is next to impossible. He gets his leash all tangled up in her stroller every 5 minutes and every time we have to stop for him to pee or sniff - Harper gets mad that we aren't moving. It's a nightmare.

We have always taken him on trips and I have carefully planned his food and put blankets down in the back seat for him and laid out his leash and treats. We have planned stops on our trip just for him to get walked.

But then it came time for our first trip with Harper. I spent 2 days planning out everything we needed for her. I got up hours before we left to get her and I ready and feed her and time everything just so. And unfortunately - we just threw Dawson in the front seat thinking everything would be great. No blanket covering the seat, no thoughts of potty breaks for him. We just wanted to get to my parent's house without waking up Harper. ha!
About 45 minutes before we got to my parent's house....Dawson started pacing in the front seat and doing an excited whine. We both thought he was just so excited to be almost back in the country where he spent a month when Harper was born. I couldn't believe he recognized the road and was already that excited. Well - about 5 minutes before we got to their house - we found out he wasn't exactly just excited to be there. He had "to go". And he had "to go" BAD! All the sudden - he exploded diarrhea all over the front seat. All over Scott. All over everything. And it was the worst smell we have ever smelled in our life. I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. Then he started jumping all around in it. I can't even tell you how gross it was. I called my parents and said we would be pulling up in a minute or two and we needed them to run outside immediately and grab Dawson and take him for a bath at the shop and bring lots of cleaning supplies outside.
(We have leather seats or the car would have been ruined. We scrubbed and scrubbed and I think we are okay. )

So yes - we love our sweet daughter SO much. But we also love our little dog.
And next time - we will pay a LOT more attention to him.
Especially when he starts whining in the car.
Oh what a bummer!! Been there and done that for my little pup and would do it over any day....dogs are just like kids!!!
Well, you'll never forget Harper's first trip to her grandparent's house.
Eeeep!! that does NOT sound like fun at ALLL!! Poor Scott!!! Aren't you so glad you weren't driving????
Yeeeuck!! Poor Dawson too!!
Great photo there of you and Harper -- you both look gorgeous!!!!
Oh Kelly, I'm sorry but that made me laugh. What a horrible scene it must have been. I've had my dog vomit all over me in the car but diarrhea - that is the worst. You will never forget that ride!!
THAT was sooo funny! I'm still laughing!!
oh no, but i couldnt help laughing too
Oh my gosh! That is terrible, but I was laughing so hard at the picture! Our Gus does not get undivided attention anymore either, but we haven't put him outside at least!
Whew! I was afraid you were going to say that you were giving him up. If that doesn't sway you, nothing ever will. LOL!! Oh dear.
That is too funny Kelly. Sorry to about Dawson. I was thinking about you guys and what you planned on doing with Dawson for your 1st trip. Glad to hear your story. The pictures of your trip are great!
Oh my goodness. What a nightmare. That's EXACTLY why I insist that my husband put both of our dogs in kennels when we travel!
Oh my goodness! What a mess that must've been! And stinky too! Ewwww...
That post might be my favorite of all time! After blogging about our "crazy dog" and his place in our family, I totally understand where you are with Dawson. Our Bailey is low on the totem pole in our house even though we count him as a child.
Hilarious! Glad you made it out unscathed!
omg! That is terrible!!
Hey there, I've been a lurker since those first days of Harper's arrival, but I just had to weigh in after hearing this one! That is just AWFUL!
And hilarious. Sorry! :o)
We've endured canine (and human, for that matter) projectile vomit in the car, but not explosive diarrhea! Truly, I don't know which is worse; but, really, who in the world wants ANYTHING bursting forth from any orifice IN THE CAR???!!!
Love stopping by here - that little gal is ADORABLE!
It's funny, but not funny! Poor doggie! That kind of stuff happened to us, too with our doxie named Turbo. You aren't the only ones! :) I cannot imagine the stinch. LOL! But sounds like you all made the best out of the situation. Is Dawson a Bichon? He reminds me so much of our little Bichon Scooter. But -- we had to find him a new home b/c he eventually needed more attention than we could give him, and he didn't care for our oldest son too much. Dawson sure is a cutie. And Harper -- well, she's just the cutest thing EVER!
wow! love your heart kelly. my carson did this once in my car. ohh sweet puppies. =] hope you had a great memorial day
Oh my goodness I seriously laughed so hard. I know that sounds horrible but it was just too funny. Hope you got the car all cleaned up and still had a great weekend. When you got to go you just got to go!
An idea for how you could take Dawson with you on walks would be to put Harper in a front pack or sling. That way there isn't anything for him to get tangled in, and when he stops for potty breaks you can just bounce lightly to keep Harper feeling movement. This has worked for us so far.
And I love the road trip story!! :)
We have experienced the exact same thing. Our little Bentley was our princess before Avery came and though she still is very, very important, she is no longer the center of attention. We took her on a road trip last year with us and she had one of those accidents. We were very aware that she had to go but she couldn't hold it long enough for us to stop :( I know the feeling. We had to drive with that smell for several hours even after cleaning it. Yuck! I felt so badly for Bentley. Your Dawson is so adorable. He will find soon that it is much more fun to have a little playmate than being the only "child." Soon enough, Harper will be chasing him around and be his best friend :).
Yikes! We have to drive over 5 hours to see our parents and take our 3 little dogs with us. We've never had that kind of accident, but traveling with pets has certainly been interesting.
Sorry but that is too funny. I love the last picture of Harper that you posted. She is so adorable!
I couldn't help but giggle when I read your story! I totally understand! We have two yorkies who were our first born and very spoiled before our little girl was born. Things change thats for sure. I also told myself that I wouldn't let it but it just happens. They went everywhere with us but now they stay with a dog sitter. I would always walk them but as you said two dogs and a baby stroller is just impossible! A baby changes everything!
oh my gosh! i can't imagine! i'm sorry, but i had to laugh :)
I am laughing SO hard! Not at your struggle, I'm so sorry that happened to you! I am laughing at the reminder of my husband's and my first married trip together! Our "baby" girl Mylie (our Golden Retriever) we also "excitedly whining" about 1.5 hours from Breckenridge, CO. Turns out she gets motion sickness in the mountains and she continued to vomit 8 times, for 90 minutes, in my BRAND NEW SUV! I was so upset for my baby girl, my car, and for me cleaning up piles of vomit while my poor husband was gagging on the side of the road, lol! I'm glad you all made it safe and sound even if you were needing a bath!
Gross...what a story.
Poor Dawson,poor everyone.
That is so funny, thanks for the Monday night laugh!
I felt the same things before my baby came with my weimaraner. He was my love. Everyone told me the same things. Only now I get it.
He has acted out a bit, but love the baby. It seems like a 3 ring circus at my house, but its interesting. Our dog still get to sleep with us and gets lots of love too. So facinating to watch your heart change and shape into something new....but there is enough love for all these babies.
Well what do you do!?
Sometimes those gross and weird moments in life are the ones you remember and cherish the most. It's nothing you can't fix!
I love your blog!!
Oh no that is so gross but so funny all at the same time. We are thinking about getting a dog but now I'm not so sure. I don't think about trips and stuff like that so maybe we will hold off for a while. I really want a little Yorkie though. We will see!!!
oh my! I laughed and then felt bad for laughing! Poor thing!
Forgive me for laughing, I feel so bad that happened cause I would have been upset, but that made me laugh. Was it cloth or leather interior? Hopefully your car doesn't still smell! Love the last picture of Harper! Thanks for sharing that story!!
Kelly, I can't help it but that is pretty funny! Kuddos to your very patient and devoted husband! I can't imagine getting doggy diarrhea all over the car let alone me!
LOVE the pic of Harper at the old fasioned looking(reminds me of pics of me as a baby).
Blessings to you this Monday evening :)
Poor little bebe =( I had a similar experience with my boxer, except it was vomit. and it wasn't the husband. it was me. boo.
I've been a lurker (don't ya just love that word?) for a while now, and I love reading your blog!
Your little girlie is too cute!
Great memories to laugh about later, haha!
I am laughing my hiney off!!!!! you have just confirmed my gut feeling that has been telling me DO NOT GET A DOG even tho my little boy would LOVE one. i can handle kid poo, but dog poo?? on ME? and my car? the dog would have been left on the side of the road at that point. i am reminded that i am just not a dog person. thank you.
I'm sorry for laughing! OH NOOOO!I can not believe that! Poor everyone!
Reminds me of me.. and my 3 loves-My GORGEOUS Saint Bernard-Karmy and my 2 horses whom I spent HOURS with before the 6 littles came. I had 4 babies at once then the horses would get loose and be 4 miles away. I was helpless. We finally got rid of the 2 horses about a year ago but Karmy has taken a back seat to our 7 kids-I tell her every morning on my 6am walk, I will be back to normal ONE DAY! I hope she understands.
Oh Kelly!!!! (and bless poor Scott's heart to!)
ewww, gross! I am not a dog person. I own a dog, but I am not a dog person. No way would that dog be back in the car with me!
Next time I'd be puttin' some Pampers on that puppy! haha.
Thanks for sharing....I was traumatized for you. ewwwwww.
Melissa Roark
This made me laugh so hard that I literally had tears streaming down my face. All I can say is Bless Your Heart - I hope you were able to get it all cleaned up! Perhaps you can alter one of Harper's diapers for the next trip - little 'Doggie Depends.'
I have a Maltese, so he is a little dog just like yours and I had the exact same thing happen to me. Except our dog was in a pen in the back with our cat because we had fleas at the time and we were fumigating (sp?) the house. Our dog had explosive poop all over himself, the cat and the whole back of our car. The worst thing was we couldn't go home, so we stopped to get a bite to eat and we left them in the car with the windows rolled down till we could!
bless you little hearts! i bet you'll be more tuned into dawson in the future! what a memorable first trip to grandma and grandpas!! hopefully harper won't be scarred for life!!
Oh man that is just wrong that he pooped in your car! Did your car bounce back from that?
I'm sorry....but it is so funny too!
I am sooo sorry to laugh at your expense but I am going to go ahead and do it anyway, LOL!
I know what you mean about walking the dog and the leash getting tangled and little one crying when stroller stops...daily occurance at our house!
beautiful bottom pic of harper! was that with yalls white screen yall made? i've been anxious to hear about how that's working or if yall ever tried it out!
oh that's awful! hilarious, but awful.
That is a laugh/cry moment!!!
I am cracking up!!! My first 'baby' is a 6 pound yorkie named Chesney. When we first got him my husband traveled alot for his job. I had quit working to go to grad school full time so I was home alone with Chesney for most of the time. He was and is my first babe so I totally get it with Dawson. I am sure it wasn't funny at the time, but for years you will be able to look back and laugh!
Oh that's so gross and horrible!! And yet as a momma to a very spoiled puppy child myself, I am laughing out loud! I have so been there too. Poor Scott!
I LOVE that last pic of Harper. It is beautiful!
I couldn't help but laugh about the Dawson situation.
OMG! That's awful! That just happened to a man I work with on a trip with is dog. Thankfully, my dog has never had any sort of accident in the car. I probably just jinxed myself! And she, too, has taken a major backseat since we had the kids. She barely even gets walked anymore. I feel bad, but I just don't have the energy for her AND the kids, and they come first.
Oh no!! Hahahaha That is sooooo funny! Dog poop is the worst smell!!!
Oh my gosh, I didn't see that coming. I expected a potty break but not an explosion. Poor Dawson and your husband and your car!
And I thought getting pooped on by a bird while driving last week was bad! Poor Scott and Dawson!
However, thank you for the much needed chuckle. Even if it was at their poor hearts expense!
A large part of me wants a dog so badly for my 2 kiddos (age 2 and 4). A larger part of me says I'm nuts!
Any time I get the urge to adopt a puppy, I'm going to recall your story. I love our neighbor's dog more than ever. She comes over each night for supper (because we're grilling on the deck), and leaves when we go in for bed. We enjoy many of the perks of a dog, and none of the draw-backs!
Too funny.
I'm sure that was very gross, but it was so funny! What a sweet dog, it sounds like he tried so hard to make it until you got there.
That made me laugh! Though I'm sure at the time it was just Nasty... I can't imagine how you'd ever get that smell/mess out of car upholstery.
Thanks for sharing the story!
And I love the b/w photo of Harper - what a cutie!
I know it must have been sooo gross and disgusting at the time- no one likes to clean up poop, but I'm sorry it's one of the funniest stories I've ever read on a blog, and I'm still chuckling!!
All I can say is wow! Hope you got the smell out!
Stopping by to let you know I'm here praying!
Isaiah 26:3-4 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength:
Prayer BearsMy email address
OH YUCK, BUT hey, on the brighter side of things, at least you were only 5 minutes from your parents!!! ;) I know what you mean, our dog was our "baby" until our baby arrived. BUT, we sure miss her now; we had to leave her in with my husbands parents while we've been living in Germany but we are moving back to the states next month and I can't wait to have her in our lives again even though now we have 2 children.
And as far as it being hard to take both Harper and Dawson out, I can confidently say that it will get better...EVERYTHING is harder at the stage you're in now! At least for me things get a TON better after the first year. And heck, sooner than later, Harper will also be giving Dawson attention (some being appreciated more than others). :) You are a great MOMMY to both your babies!!
Have a Wonderful Day!
oh my! Poor little Dawson :(
I am the same with our little Addie kids yet, she's definitely my baby...
It will be interesting to see what happens when/if we ever have kids!!
That is too funny! Poor dog and your car!
Oh no!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, but that is so funny AND my worst nightmare!
It's so funny that you posted this. I have heard that saying so many times, and now as I temporary lie in the hospital to be with my son all I think about is my dog back home and wonder if he thinks I left him for good. Our in laws and neighbor take care of him when my husband is here, otherwise he sees him b-4 and after work before he comes to the hospital to be with Evan and I. I love my dog Sedona so much--he is our first baby!!! Can totally relate! Please say a prayer for Evan, his next surgery will be this coming Mon the 1st to reconnect his intestines. Harper is sooo beautiful! I love that they have the same b-day! haha
Also... I will share this post w/ my husband because I def. want leather in our next car!!! Been begging for years now! haha
I had my own doggie disaster today with him vomiting all over the carpet not once but twice so I feel your pain !!!
Leather can be hot in summer and cold in winter altho most leather seats come with heat now days. I will take my chances with cloth. I had a similar disaster a month ago, she vomited in the car, I was in the store just a minute to pick up pictures and when I came out, oh the smell. It ran between the seat and seatbelt, so it was not easy to clean. I'm glad it worked out for us both tho.
We have a family pet too that was SOOO our baby before our kiddos. We have also had the "accidents" in the car on the road on trips to Arkansas to see grandparents. The last picture of Harper is ADORABLE!!!!! Hey, I am wanting to get some cute Razorback onesies or something for my 2 month old. I saw Harper with some cute stuff on. Do you know where I can get anything? I looked online and can't find anything. OH, and yes, I am married to Brice. He said that he remembered you but that you look different (hair color!) =) He's a good guy but hey, I am sooo unbiased! =)
Oh no!! That had to be aweful. Such wonderful memories to laugh at later:)
What a great picture of Harper. I love black and white pictures so much.
Poor little Dawson!!! Poor all of you!!! :) hahaha I can totally relate. Our baby isn't here yet, but I know about doggie accidents in the car. I love your update on how things are going juggling the baby and the fur baby. I'm sort of dreading it, too. My dogs just give me the saddest face.
What is sad is I have actually had something like this happen. Except my dog is 90lbs! Pacing, Crying we were almost home and I thought he was excitted. Yeah until he exploded all over the back of my RENTAL car! (HA!!)
Oh dear...this is not good...we are about to buy a dog for our 10 year daughter and we take a lot of car trips...hopefully this was a one time thing:)
You win! Or maybe Scott does. That is G.R.O.S.S.!
ack i'm so sorry for all of you! that had to totally suck! (i was going to put stink but.... well the punn was just NOT a good one under the circumstances)!
Thank goodness you had leather seats!
I'm so sorry that happened... Poor Dawson. :(
LOL, can't help but laugh, Will be a trip you will never forget but life is so good when you are building memories,
Harper's b/w picture deserves to be hung on the wall,is the best one ever, Oh dear, I have such a hard time picking a favorite , She is a cutie for sure.
I'm not alone! I too unfortantely put my dog on the backburner... However, you are alone on the doggy diarrhea (thank goodness!)
I got my dog, Wrigley a little over a year before I had Chloe. Immediately after she was born, all my attention was focused on her. (She had an 11 day stay in the NICU).
I'm happily to report, however, that I think I love him more than I did before. He has become such a great big "brother" and truly loves Chloe!
I hope its the same for Harper and Dawson!
Oh my goodness. That had to be ROUGH!
This last picture is absolutely beautiful and precious!!! I love it!!!!!
I took our beagle on a 1 hr car ride when she was a puppy. However, I had fed her a bite of hot dog before we left showing my mom how she could roll over. The treat did not make it.......and we didn't have leather seats.
Oh no! I can't imagine how awful that must have been (to smell & clean up)! I'm sorry that happened.
Oh that is such a bummer, you try and get there with no crying baby and you end up with a huge mess. Glad it all came clean for you. I love the picture of you and Harper and I really love that white top your wearing, very cute.
Poor Dawson, how bad he must have felt!!
Check out The Dog Whisperer on National Geographic - he taught a couple how to walk their dog with a stroller the other day.
As another mama (both of the human and furry kind) I have to admit that I truly laughed out loud at that one.
Poor Scott... and poor Dawson too! (I know my poor Sophie would have been dying of embarassment!)
Poor dawson! and poor Scott! my husband might have lost it if that happened to us!
What a nightmare for y'all! fiance would have freaked out! Scott must be a tropper!
okay, I am literally laughing out loud!!! That is one of the grossest and most hilarious stories ever!!! That will be one you laugh about for years to come, I'm sure! I guess Dawson knew what he needed to do to be "heard." :) And, Harper and Dawson are both looking adorable as ever!
OH my gosh. Wow. See if anyone can top that story. I would probably laugh and cry! Poor Dawson! It's so funny though!
Dawson knew something you all didn't....that there was a "Welcome Harper" sign and he was left he just decided to create his own "Grand Welcome"!
I'm laughing, but I can only imagine how it was NOT a laughable scene! Glad you had a good rest of the weekend!
Oh My word!! That has got to be the funniest thing I have ever read in my life!! Bless your hearts and bless dawson's too!! WoW!! And you all thought it was memorable just to take Harper!! LOL!
I love your blog but have never commented before. But I love my dog so much - he is our baby. We don't have kids yet but already people are telling me he will be forgotten once we do and I am determined to prove them wrong. When I first started reading this post I thought you were going to say that you guys were getting rid of him. So glad you aren't - keeps my dream alive! ha! Really sorry about the accident...been there, done that!
PS. I have a neice named Harper! And your Harper is precious!
I laughed until I cried reading this! Bless you car! It may never be the same!
Oh my word! How gross!! I am glad you guys got it all cleaned up though! I cannot even imagine that smell. THANK GOODNESS! And, aren't you glad YOU weren't driving!?!?! Sorry Scott! That is just awful!!
Oh, there's nothing worse than that! Yuck. Glad you survived it!
OH, Kelly, I hate to admit it, but as a reader, that was HILARIOUS! :) At least you were really close to your parents' house...can you imagine otherwise?! Oh my goodness. And at least it was on Scott and not you. ha ha. Hope you're having a wonderful day!
You crack me up! Sorry that happened! Makes a good story though! Harper looks so precious!
oh my gosh!!! that is hilarious but very disgusting. :)
OOOOH NOOOOO! That is sort of hilarious...sorry Scott! Can I ask, how long is Harper now? Asher's having his check up on friday but I still think he's really short. He was in the 0.3 percentile for height 2 months ago. I think they threw in that ".3" to make me feel better, haha!
Oh gosh! Before our son was born, our 14 year old black lab was our world. That didn't stop when he came (obviously, a 14 year old lab requires a lot of attention). We used to have to pull over to stop her from just going to the bathroom in the car. She passed away in December, but he still asks about her every night. Dawson is going to be such a great playmate for Harper!
By the way, I came across this:
and thought you just might have to get it for Harper!
I love your blog! I'm always checking in on you guys and my kiddos love the pictures of "that cute baby."
I don't know how to email you but... I’m wondering if I can give something away on your blog. I make custom signs. You can see them on my blog, or at my etsy shop (madebychelle)… either way, I would love to give one away on you site.
Chelle cnlanderson AT
Oh no! Poor Scott, I'm sure Dawson didn't mean it. I like the last picture of Harper, she gets cuter every day!
Oh my goodness!! I just laughed and laughed when I read this. Poor poor Scott! LOL.
I also wanted you to know we are still praying for Katie! Any news??!!!!! That is a nightmare!! Oh I feel so sorry for you. But believe me, I have had so many situations like that in my life!! I feel your pain!
My kids always get grossed out when I tell them my stories of the kids in my class throwing up all over the place or having some kind of accident in their pants. But I really think I'm immune to it now. I've seen so much throw up and poop in my life between four kids, four dogs, and hundreds of students!! haha
Oh my, that happened to me once...your poor little puppy! I treat my shih-tzu like she is a baby and my sis and her hubby do too and they are about to have a baby...oh boy. The explosion was the worst thing I had ever ben through too, so I feel your pain on that!
ok first... ew! I'm so glad he was in the front with y'all and not in the back with Harper! How awful if it had gotten on HER!!
and second... I know exactly what you and they mean about animals not being 'your baby' after you have your own baby. I was the biggest dog fanatic you'd ever seen until I had children. Then reality set in and I realized, no, they are not people. I am nothing of the dog lover I used to be. I still like dogs and I still want a bulldog... some day. But my perspective has totally changed.
Oh. My. Word! Bless your heart! I would have just died right there in the back seat. I'm so glad your seats are leather or else they would have been ruined. He's lucky you love him so.
OH my gosh Kelly this post had me ROLLING. Ahhhh thanks for sharing the WHOLE story! :)
Oh no!! Definitely a lesson learned ;-) Love that last pic of Harper...just precious!
That is the greatest story ever! I will so remember that when Avery gets here with our little Pickle! ;)
oh girl, i was gagging for y'all just imagining the scene and smell! so glad the trip was still loads of fun.
LOVE the picture of y'all looking at each other! Super sweet, and you can tell she loves you a ton!
Oh No!!!
We had a much less drastic incident when our chocolate lab, Bailey, was a puppy. She had bad diarrhea, but it was contained to the basket she was riding in in the back seat. A lot easier to clean. Hopefully you got it all out. :)
LOL!!!! I know one day you will look back and laugh, although probably not Scott! hee hee :)
You just made my day with that story!
Bless Dawson's heart! That is soooo funny but terrible!
Just wait until you have another baby - I remember thinking I COULD NOT love another baby as much as my first - but you do - love just GROWS.
Poor Dawson. I'm sure he felt so bad! On a side note, how do you keep his fur so white? My daughter has a Bischon (sp) and has trouble with the "rusting" around her eyes...
God bless your sweet little family - =]. Hugs from Alaska! L.
Kelly - I've only commented a few times before, but I read almost every day. This post, however, couldn't go without a comment!
First of all, we had a white dog that was our baby before we had kids too. We heard the same statement and said the same thing. 3 kids (soon to be 4) later and he's now living at my parents house and I hardly even speak to him when we go over there. Sadly, it's a big change from 9 years ago. Everyone understands and it's completely normal, so don't feel guilty.
As for the accident. I am SOOO sorry. I can't even imagine how disgusting that was, but it made me laugh so hard I'm crying. It sounds like something that would so happen to us. All you can do it laugh and use it as a great story -- just like you're doing!
Great stuff, so very sorry Scott. I even called my hubby in to read it and he said the same thing, "That's awful! Poor guy. That sounds like something that would happen to us."
Hope the car is smelling better, thank goodness for leather!
Harper is such a beautiful little girl. Enjoy every second. They grow up so fast.
OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!! That is terrible! And terribly funny! :-) HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I even had to call my mom and read her that one! We both cracked up together. That's sure to be a memorable 1st trip to grandma and grandpa's house! Girl, I am gonna crack up all day everytime I think about that!
I totally understand:) I have the same exact feelings about Sassy...she still sleeps in between us, we still take her for walks and she still loves to "Go for a Ride", and we do try to include her in all that we do, in fact we tried to take her to cafe de monde this weekend, but Sassy wasnt welcome:)ha!!! she continues to take June's toys and doesnt know why I take them away from her...and she just loves her sister:) it has been a huge adjustment...Harper just gets cuter and cuter by the day!!! I still continue to pray for you and your family and I have enjoyed reading all about your journey and am looking forward to reading much much more
Mel, your pal in new orleans!
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