How fun are these shirts???? Jill at sent these to us! I love them!!! (Do you know how hard it is to take a self picture of yourself and a 3 month old???) Oh and I went to bed with my hair wet so when I woke up I had curly hair. I curled it a little extra - what do you think? Just wanted to show I could change things a little. ha!

Tomorrow - I am going to give away a pair of vintage style baby shoes like these - go here to see how you can win. You have until 5 p.m. tomorrow!!!
Don't forget you can also win an awesome unique toy on the same place - that ends tomorrow at noon!
I'm so excited to have all my family here tomorrow - my parents, brother, and sister-in-law! I'm hoping for good naps today because I have a lot of cooking/cleaning to do!!! I'll have recipes to share this weekend. Oh and I plan on trying several of your low fat recipes - I went the easiest route with angel food cake and strawberries yesterday and tomorrow I'm making low fat banana pudding!
P.S. Laurie just called to tell me she had had one of the worst mornings of being a mother yet. I won't give it away but she was just here so I could take pictures of someone who may or may not have cut her hair all off. I'm hoping she will post about it today so you will have to check her blog out later. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. (Since it's not my child - I mostly laughed until I cried!) Bless her sweet heart I love her so much. She told Laurie on the way to my house "Kelly is going to be so sad". ha!
Love your hair like that! Very natural! Love the t-shirts aswell. Harper is as adorable as every!
Have a blessed day.
Oh, I love the shirts.. I love anything sparkly!!! And I just adore your blog!! By the way, the curls are great!
Holy Canoli im number 1 !!!! (and number 2)
LOVE your hair.. i like it the other way too... but it's nice to change it up a bit.. cute pic of you two!! the shirts are adorable.. congrats to ur God given beautiful family!! ;)
Your hair is fabulous! The tees are super cute, too! :)
Love your hair like that!! It looks adorable! I'm in LOVE with those shirts! I want to order one now for myself and my daughter...too cute!!
I love, love, love the bow holders!! We live in Texas and we love big bows and Big Hair!! You guys are the sweetest!!
Love your hair, it looks BEAUTIFUL! Love the shirts too, just told hubby that's a great Mothers Day gift!!
Love the shirts and your curly hair! ALOT! So cute! Your friend should start her own business, cause I love the bow holder!!! Adorable!! I love giveaways! Gonna check out the website!
Love the hair! :) That is such a cute idea for the bow holders!
Cute shirts! Your hair looks cute, too! With all the feeling I can put into Times New Roman typeset, I am SO SORRY for Laurie. Truly. (moment of silence) I'm not sure which is worse, "worst mornings of motherhood" involving poop or scissors.
Your hair looks Awesome ! You girls look adorable :)
Your hair looks great! That's a fantastic self picture with Harper :)
Love Love Love how *natural* your hair looks. I mean LOVE!
You're both adorable!
I love your hair like that!! It's very cute, I wish I could do that. I think the picture turned out cute even if you did it yourself. I read Laurie's blog as well, can't wait to hear about what happeend.
Very cute to both!
Y'all are the prettiest girls on the Blogs!
LOVE the curly hair. :)
Hi Kelly!
I came across your blog back when your precious little girl was in the hospital. Your faith that God would see her through, and bring her home to you, was so amazing and inspirational. You leaned on His strength and he got you through each and every {rough} day. When Harper pulled through, and you posted about her progress, I was in tears. Now look at her...growing up so quickly...she is a DOLL!!!
It is so evident that you are a wonderful mother, an amazing wife, and a great daughter, friend and source of support for so many people. And based on the number of people who follow your blog, many others feel the same :)
I just wanted you to know that your light definitely shines. Seeing how dedicated you are in your relationship with God, and sensing your sweet disposition, has really caused me to reflect on how I can sharpen these two areas in my life.
So thankful to have found your blog, and so happy that Harper is a beautiful, thriving baby girl who brings such joy to your life...
- Jessica
Your hair looks fabulous!
Hello Kelly, I have been following your blog for some time now...I cant tell you how happy I am for you and your adorable family! Its always such a pleasure to check on your blog. I just FINALLY decided to start my own. Take care and God Bless!
Your shirts are precious! Love your hair, too!
This is my first time commenting on your blog, but I read it everday! Harper is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen! I loved the tshirts, and I LOVE your hair curly! It's always good to mix it up a little bit. Take care of you & sweet Harper. Have a blessed day!!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the hair...I was actually on the phone with my sister telling her all about how precious it was with the curls!!!
Oh, and yes, I love the shirts too!!!
Wow- hair looks fabulous! and I want a shirt....hoped you used my banana pudding recipe...
have a great time with you fam- take lots of we had to tell you that!
I am having difficulties posting a comment on your review blog...I would like to enter a chance for both giveaways, the shoes and toy...
My favorite toy would be haba - building blocks eeny, meeny, zoo!!
The rag doll shoes are by far my favorite...
I love your hair like that!
The t-shirts are adorable! Harper is beautiful just like her momma!
San Angelo, Texas
Love the shirts. You girls look so cute!
Oh my gosh, girlie, I LOVE your hair like that! Love it straight too! You and your mini-me look so cute!
Those shirts are too cute and I love the bow hangers :)
Those tees are so cute and I LOVE your hair like that. It is a VERY nice change. You should wear it like that more often (not that there was anything wrong with it before)!
I adore your hair! It looks good curly. I'll pray for good naps today! Have a great time with your family.
Oh Kelly ~ I love your hair like looks great! And I just love that little Harper..I can't believe how she's growing!
Hi Kelly! Your blog topics are just too fun! Love, love the different do! I don't change mine up much, but have my eyes on some cute headbands on ETSY (seller sheabay...and FYI...I would wear as a hair band w/ a cute pony tail...NOT on my forehead..although the model looks like a doll)! I feel for your 6 year old cut my 3 year old's hair...only 1 side! Thank goodness for BIG bows! There have been many times that I just had to laugh at my children b/c if I didn't laugh, I knew I would just sob! :-)
Your hair is beautiful no matter what, but this look works for you, too! Those shirts are super sweet!!! I can't wait to read about Laurie's "hairy issue" later on today. :)
You're hair looks great! Love the matching shirts, too cute.
I think your hair always looks great. I like the curl too. You are a beautiful person inside and out and I'm blessed by you every day!
Love your hair like that! It looks so quick and easy to fix, which is a good thing for a busy mommy.
you and harper look so cute. loving the hair!
I got a few headbands for Isabelle when she was born but she didn't wear them much!!!!! It took a long time for them to fit on her head (she was born weighing 5 pounds 4 oz) but by the time they did, she didn't like them on her head!!!!!
My 1st thought when I saw this post was how cute your hair is. LOVE IT! Harper is cute too.
I do love the hair and Harper is the cutest thing ever!
oh my goodness - I love your hair!!! I also love the shirts - and Harper's jeans...they are way too cute! Hope your weekend goes well with the family! :)
You look beautiful!!!!! Love all of Harper's girlie things!!! She is adorable!
curly is my fave so far!!!! so so beautiful!!!! you are darling, kelly. & miss harper, well, she is the sweetest! what special tees you have to share!!!!!!!!!! xoxo
Okay - I love, love, love the hair! I hope that smarty pants hair commenter dosen't have anything to say:)
Love the t's, too!
And...Hootie was one of my faves as Hootie and the Blowfish and now he sings country and is sooooo good! And the fact that he is from SC like me dosen't hurt either.
And one more thing - the rooster lamp in the background of your t-shirt picture is awesome - I have been looking for one like that for my kitchen!
I love your hair!!! I hope that when I have kids I look as put together as you do!
Cute photo..although I'm not a big lover of babies in's too severe for little girls.
Love your hair "au natural"
Before I got the part about your hair, I was thinking how cute it looked in your picture! Love the tees too!!!
Your hair looks fantastic. But you always look so great, put-together and happy.
Enjoy the time with your family.
Loved your hair before I even read the entry - you look great - lost the weight already? Arms look good too! Of course, I didn't "know" you before baby, but I can tell you're getting in shape. Your face looks smaller - so you go girl!
Love your hair and those sparkly t-shirts!! Too adorable!
Love your hair ! YES !
i love the shirts! and your curly hair.. i think you should do it curly more often!
and thank you for the links to the bow holder makers.
looking forward to your recipe!!!
Love, love the hair! I wish mine could do that! Definitely works well on you! Harper is adorable! I think she gets cuter everyday!
I LOVE the hair! So cute!
Your hair looks cute wavy! :) And the shirts are beyond adorable.
Love the curl, sexy mama.
Love your hair but you are soooo beautiful that I love it the other way to. I think it is gorgeaous behind your ear also!!!!! You are a GREAT mommy (coming from a SHAM of 4) I love your pictures of Harper and all your activities. I just started blogging this year I wish so badly I would have known about this years ago. Harper is a lucky girl and you are one lucky mom.
Hearts and Hugs
I LOVE the curls. I was curious how curly your hair is naturally.
Poor Laurie. I have a couple of memories that, at the time, were just devastating, but now that I look back on them, they're funny and precious. She will too.
You two are so adorable! I love being a girl, also. I really do like your hair with the curls, it looks so soft! But it always looks great!!
I LOVE your hair that way, so cute!
Cute outfits, too.
love the hair!
the kid is pretty cute, too! ;)
stacey in missippi
Very cute hair and t-shirts! Harper looks like such a little diva with rhinestones (maybe you should get out your bedazeller?!)Ha ha.
I love your hair like that- it looks great! You and Harper look so cute! :)
You look AWESOME! I love the shirts too.
Thumbs up on the hair. Sure Anon will like it as it isnt tucked behind your ear ;o) ;o)
Katie, Texas.
Your hair looks gorgeous! We curly haired people are always trying out new approaches. I feel like my hair is so unpredictable though!
Love the shirts too!
Jill from Twinkling Tees is my good friend from college. What a small world! I have a shirt that says Brandon's Mommy too! I love her shirts.
I LOVE your hair like that! :-) those t-shirts are too too cute -- love it! Harper is the cutest!
You guys look great!! I am a big time sucker for babies in jeans. There is just something so .. I dunno, grown-up about it! She is a doll, as usual.
Kelly-your blog is such fun to read! I've enjoyed it so much since your precious Harper was born (I found you through Annalee). I think your hair is great curly (very soft looking)AND straight--your fortunate you can mix things up a bit! I have a request: when you're posting your new recipes, would you please include your recipe for (OK, let me try to say this right) dipped red velvet balls? You posted them on one of your blogs, but I didn't find it on your recipe blog (although the cupcakes look YUMMY). I'd love to serve them with traditional petit fours at an upcoming shower. Thanks so much!
Your hair looks fabulous. You both look so cute in your matching bling!
Oh my heavens!! Are you guys cute or what?! I love that!
And I LOVE your hair like that! I think it's hip and fun and it makes you look young!!!
Super cute hair!
Love the HAIR!! This is coming from a hairstylist!! ;)
LOVE the shirts too!!
Such cute shirts! I love your hair!!
I LOVE your curly hair. So cute for something different!
Your hair looks GREAT with a curl in it! Bon and I love this curling iron called a "ginalli" you will have to google it! It is awesome! Those shirts are so cute too...bling bling! <3 Becky
I love suspense! Oh and BTW, your hair is totally adorable!!!
oh my goodness! Kelly! YOU LOOK GREAT! Seriously! Love the hair! =) And you & harper. Oh! Almost brought tears to my eyes! So precious! Lovin' it!!!
Hope your day is amazing!!!
From Seattle,
Krista Lynn
Love the t's and your hair. Both are adorable and so fun!
Love the hair and the shirts!
you guys are so cute. the hair looks great! :)
LOVE THE HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love the hair!!
love, love the curly hair!!!! great summer time look!!!
I love your hair like that. Harper is too cute in her little jeans. My girls have lots of hairbow and headbands as well, but a baby girl can never have too many!
Your hair looks great!!!! Cute shirts, too!!
I LOVE your hair like that! At first I thought you two had an outing at the hair salon!!
Just in case your weren't sure (heehee)'re hair looks super cute! Have a great day!
I linked to your blog through Jenna's. She is a friend of mine from college. I've been following your story off and on (we've had a lot of drama with our little one as well and been in and out of the hospital!) and have been in prayer for yall! I just love reading about you and your little Harper. She is so precious! Your t's are fabulous in this picture! Just love 'em! Take care!
I LOVE your hair!!
I have a curly hair which I hate! I wish I have a straight hair like yours! That way you can fix it whatever you want to! Curly hair is so difficult to fix.
You're so beautiful & Harper is too!
I love the shirts! What a great idea!
Definitely lovin' the hair! You do not want to know what mine looks like if I sleep with it wet. YIKES!
Yeah...don't get too attached to your daughter's hair. You never know when she will wake you up with about 4 inches less than you last saw her with. And don't ask how I know. Ask my 12 year-old who hears about her 2 year-old antics occasionally.
Tell Laurie it grows back. {Although I didn't want to hear that 10 years ago! ;)}
Both you and Harper look so ADORABLE in your matching shirts!!
Ooooh, your hair is cute!
Love the hair!
i am loving your hair curly!!! You and Harper are both just adorable! Hope you have the BEST weekend with all your fam!
That is a cute picture! I love the hair and the shirts. AND her headband!!! SOOO cute.
love your hair like that! you two look so pretty!
Oh my dear. I recently heard about your blog shortly after you delivered Harper (she is ADORABLE). I immediately started praying for your family.
I am a mom to micro-preemie twins born two days apart. Grace was born (naturally) on August 15th 2007 at 1 lb 4 oz, and Faith was born (c-section) on August 17th 2007 at 1 lb 3 oz.
We were in our local Childrens Hospital for 5 months before they came home. They will be two in August.
We share the same Heavenly Father. Creator of us all. I just wanted to say Hi from Washington. And I just absolutely LOVE your hair today.
Don't we all just need one REALLY good hair day??? Today is definately yours.
In His name
Love your shirts. The hair looks great. I can go to bed with my hair wet, but somehow it never looks like that!!!
Those shirts are adorable!!! So many hair bows for a such a sweet girl! Yes, being a mom to a little girl is so much fun :-)
LOVE the hair!! And the pic you chose for Harper's baby dedication is just perfect!
Kelly I LOVE your hair! Mine is long and I am trying to work up the guts to cut it all off for summer! Seeing your hair today makes it a little easier for me to see myself with short hair, LOL! Love the outfits, so cute!
LOVE the shirts, and your hair is SO sassy!! Lookin good, my sista!
Have a great weekend with the fam!
Love your hair, 1st thing I noticed.
Looking longingly at the girly accessories and saying over and over "it's ok, i'm going to save so much money when cole arrives in a few weeks ;)"
the hair is VERY in and works for you!! and easy!!?? i love it! harper melts my heart. the outfits are cute....!!!!!!
Love the matching shirts - too cute! And I really like your hair like that - gives it a little extra "oomf"!
Seriously, I think you have the most beautiful baby girl I have ever seen. What more can I say? ha. her face is priceless.
You both are too cute in your matching shirts! I just saw Harper's Razorback bow in that pic and I love it! You really have a bow for every occasion! Have a wonderful weekend with your family!
Just when I didn't think you could get any cuter! I love the hair and the shirt. LOVE LOVE LOVE them. Great post. :)
I love you hair! The shirts are adorable. I have a 3 year old so I know that my time is coming with the scissors. I guess it would depend on if I could cover it up or not whether I would laugh or cry. Probably cry!!!
the shirts are cute... but your hair is DARLING! very cute alternative when you're in a hurry!
Ok, your hair looks AMAZING like that!!!! You should always wear it that way! Its softens and frames your face so lovely..the old style looked a bit harsh for your face. this is sooooo much better!!!!
Love the matching black outfits! I never thought id say a baby girl looks good in black ..but she DOES!!
And, umm Miss Harper looks sooo grown up!!
You HAVE to go check out
for the BEST news ever on little April Rose!!!
GOD IS GOOD! What a testimony! It totally made my day!
Okay, I LOVE the shirts! But the first thing I noticed was your hair! It looks awesome! But it always looks good. You guys are precious.
The shirts are so cute! I just read that you went to OBU on your profile, and so did I! I graduated in 2005, so we might have missed each other. Anyways, your daughter is adorable!!! (I also left a comment on your giveaway!)
You are both adorable, and I went right over to get matching shirts for myself and my 3 year old girlie.
Love your hair, both ways -- I hope that annoying rude commenter anonymous person backs off!
You are a blessing, Kelly!!!
I like your hair like that!! You look fancy!! Love the shirts too. I may have to get one.
Love the shirts and your hair!!!
I LOVE your hair curly! It looks so good!
I have always liked your hair curly so I like it better this way! Love ya girl! Dea
Wondering what size shirt you got form Jill?!?! I want to order one but not sure on the sizing!
Awwww, you and Mini-Me are so adorable in your matching shirts. And I also noticed your hair first thing. Looks great, as usual. Went by your Mom's blog yesterday and she had posted the salsa recipe. Yummo! Can't wait to make that. Tell Laurie to just laugh and get over the hair cut, because it probably won't be the last. My sister gave herself a new 'do as a child, but my son came home from HIGH school one day with a new haircut. His friend had shaved the sides with the dog clippers and he had a pony tail in the back, sort of a GA. mullet i guess. With kids, there is never a dull moment, thank goodness. Have a good time with your family. I will have Harper withdrawl until you are back in cyberspace.
Keeping you in my heart in GA.
I love your hair curly and your matching shirts-so adorable!
I love the hair! It was the first thing I noticed. Second thing I noticed was you are looking even more fabulous these days! Then I noticed the adorable shirts :)
Your t-shirts are too cute!!
Oh. my. dear. goodness. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your hair like that {and the usual way too!}...but seriously, when I looked at it I thought, "oh wow, she spent a few extra hours with a curling iron today and it looks fantabulastic!" That's wonderful that you just woke up with it looking like easy is that?! :) Yay for new found {easy} ways to wear our hair!
Love the shirts, they are adorable!
Your hair looks nice too, you suit being a curly girl...not that I'm biased or anything!? :P
I love those shoes. The nursery my daughter did for her boy trips was a vintage theme. It was so much fun looking in antique shops for things to use (books, toys, clothing) I loved the things at the site but for some reason, I could not enter the contest (sometimes there is a glitch when it requires that info).
Enjoy your time off.
Hey Kelly,
I am on board for you taking a break! You need a little "me" time. And yes, I LOVE your hair in this picture! It is a great look for you!!
Get some rest on your time off!!
LOVE your hair like that!! Enjoy your blogging break!
LOVE the Hair... sad you won't be around for a week. This is my morning routine to read you!!
Kelly, Your hair looks awsome! I never had a problem with how you normally wear it but the new look is very CHIC!
That is the cutest pic ever! I can only imagine how hard it was to take it btwn postioning camera, holding Princess Harper etc. Y'all both look like supermodels! Have a fantastic weekend and enjoy your vakay from blogging! We'll miss you!
Love your hair! So cute!
You and Harper are both beautiful! Love the T-shirts! You are lucky, you can wear you hair curly or straight and both ways look great on you! Enjoy you Blog-cation!
Love your hair!!! This is a great picture of the two of you.
I'm loving the curly hair! (and NOT because your normal hair style is boring!) It's just really cute and flattering. You should go a little curly more often! And, the t-shirts are super cute too!
Love the hair! It's adorable!
I bet 'anonymous' likes your curly hair! Ha!
Love Harper in jeans, too cute:)
Your hair looks so incredibly cute like this!!
Love the cute. And your hair looks always looks great, though! Very cute!
you girls look so cute! love your hair!
I love your hair! You girls look so stylish your shirts too!
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