Yesterday Harper and I went on our first walk.
Go ahead and add that to the list of things Harper doesn't like. Don't all babies like walks in the stroller?????
We walked for about 20 minutes and for the last 10 minutes she was screaming her head off. I think half of the problem was I had her bundled up like there was a snowstorm outside and it was in the 70's and she got hot. She is very hot natured. If I put her on her bouncy seat and cover her up - she always kicks her covers off. She can't stand to be hot or to have a dirty diaper.
I think she gets that from her Aunt Laurie. (not that Laurie has dirty diapers but she doesn't like to be hot or dirty). (Now that I think about it - who does?)

So today we went to the doctor for the RSV shot. She wore one of my favorite outfits - "Daddy's little monkey". My BFF Laurie got that for her.

How cute are the socks and the pants? The monkey on her pants match the painting in her nursery. ha!

She was really good at the doctor. She screamed when she got the shot but calmed down quickly. They DID have to weigh her and my big girl weighs 11 pounds now!!! She really is a chunky monkey! I was sitting in the waiting room and a lady came in with her daughter and looked at me and said "So I read your blog........" ha! I told Scott I better start acting nice wherever I go because you never know who is watching. ha!

This sweet girl,
Jessica, reads my blog and always send me the nicest comments and e-mails. Who would know I would have a friend in South Dakota?!? She sent Harper this today! I cried when I opened it Jessica!!!
Just FYI - 1 Peter 2:9 says "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." Aren't you glad to be called out of the darkness into the light??? Oh, I am.

And last but CERTAINLY not least - before Harper was born - I ordered some girl scout cookies and today my friend Jennie brought them over to me. SAMOAS!!! The best kind ever. I had to immediately hide them because I could eat them all in one setting and I will NEVER lose this baby weight. What is your favorite kind of girl scout cookie??? And how many boxes do you normally buy a year???

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 215 Newer› Newest»Harper is SERIOUSLY the CUTEST BABY! ever! Love the monkey outfit.
Girl Scout cookies are dangerous! We normally get 4 boxes, 2 thin mints, 2 samoas. Didn't get any this year, because that is the only way we can have enough self control not to eat them all!
Harper is ADORABLE! And I can tell you are chersihing every single minute with her.
I've had an interesting blog-fan encounter...in the bathroom of an Alabama Football game. She came up to me, introduced herself and said she reads my blog...from 2012 miles away.
I only eat Samoas too. I freeze them...much better that way.
Thin Mints are probably my favorite, but Samoas rank pretty high up as well :). My son is a Boy Scout, and although their chocolate caramel popcorn is great, I would just love it if he could sell the cookies instead!!
Our son with Ds had RSV shots when he was a baby in 1999. I was so thankful for them, even though he screamed everytime, they were a blessing!
Ooo, my fav cookies are the peanut butter ones! Yum!
Harper is adorable in that outfit...and yay for making it through the shot!
The little sign is SO precious. How fitting!
Thin Mints are probably my favorite, but Samoas rank pretty high up as well :). My son is a Boy Scout, and although their chocolate caramel popcorn is great, I would just love it if he could sell the cookies instead!!
Our son with Ds had RSV shots when he was a baby in 1999. I was so thankful for them, even though he screamed everytime, they were a blessing!
I didn't buy any this year but I love, love, love the carmel delights! I am going to have to hit up that stand they set up at WalMart each spring.
Oops! Sorry, I posted my comment twice!
She is such a cute lil gurl. My fav GS cookies are thin mints I got like 12 boxes. But Thats so i can have one a month. lol
I like the Caramel Delites! My husband is an elementary school principal, so we always end up with lots of boxes from different students!!!
Cute Harper! Sometimes my little Addison isn't a fan of her stroller either...so I understand your frustration!
That outfit it too cute. I laughed when I read your post about the walk- my son HATED walking in the stroller, I have no idea why. He eventually came around
I have a love-hate relationship with girl scout cookies- I don't even like having them in my house. I will seriously eat a whole box in one sitting!
Beautiful and I LOVE that verse! Very cute! You have such a sweet family! Its been so great reading your blog over the past couple months! :)
I'm a thin mint girl, myself. I put them in the freezer.
I am a big fan of your Chunky Monkey! I am glad for you that Harper was covered for that shot. I appreciate daily pictures of her and her outfits. She's too cute!
Harper is a cutie! :)
Aww...the little monkey outfit is adorable, and the sign is so sweet :-)
I love that monkey outfit...sooooo cute!!! Glad that things went well at the doctor and you were able to find out her weight!
Thin mints all the way!!!
i love girl scout cookies too! and how cute is that outfit!! i love the little plaque too!!
Harper looks adorable in that monkey outfit! Although she looks adorable in all her outfits! She is looking fantastic!
Gosh, choosing just one GS cookie favorite is impossible. I love the thin mints, but the iced oatmeal ones are great too, and of course Samoas! Mmm!
We didn't order any this year, too busy with other things and forgot about them. Sad times lol!
(I feel like I can comment today because there aren't already 200 and you may actually read it!)
A good rule of thumb is to dress your baby to the extent you are dressed.
And the girl scout cookies -- well, that's a little raw since I didn't know anyone to order from this year. Here's hoping the GS's are selling outside of one of the Wal-marts this year!
Favorites? Samoas, definitely.
Kelly! In case you didn't know, Dreyer's has a limited edition Girl Scout Cookie Ice Cream and they make a Samoa one! I died and went to heaven when I saw it. I am 8 months pregnant.. and yes, I had to restrain myself from eating the whole carton in one sitting. :-)
Thin Mints!!!!!!! I can only buy one box!!!! I would eat everyone I could get my hands on! I am so glad you got to take Harper out yesterday.... I loved taking my babies for walks. I really miss that!
Glad to hear the doc visit went well. I have been reading your blog since the day Harper was born and praying as well! She is soo precious, thank you for being faithful in updating your blog so we can see how well she is doing!
As far as the girl scout cookies it THIN MINTS for me. I limit myself to one box cause bad things would happen to my hips if I didn't!! HA
Samoa is the best, absolutely. And the most fattening.
My granddaughter is five months old and just topped the eleven pound mark! She's long and lean, like her mama (my daughter-in-law).
By the way, my favorite picture of Harper is the one in the onsie with the ribbon as a belt. Love it. The girl has a sense of style!
Harper is just the cutest and I love the little girl clothes...I especially loved the Razorback outfit. My husband played football for Arkansas many moons ago.
Every time I read I post from you, I just say a prayer of "Thanks for the Miracle"!
Her sweet smile makes my day. And I love the Mint GS cookies and could eat an entire box in one sitting, so I try not to buy any.
I love Harper's monkey outfit - so cute!
I didn't order many girl scout cookies this year because they were taking orders in November, usually it is in January so I thought they would be selling again but I was wrong. Now I sad because our 4 boxes of Thin Mints have been long gone...I heart Thin Mints!
Don't feel too bad. My son used to scream on walks around the neighborhood and I always felt like people were looking at me like I was crazy! Eventually, he began to enjoy the walks - the first months are just such an adjustment for these little ones.
Harper is just the cutest! My Little A hates her stroller, too. Go figure!
I got my GS cookies yesterday, too. This year, we cut down to 6 boxes. We are trying to watch the sugar around here. I plan to take them to get-togethers and have hubby take some to the office. My favs are the Thanks-A-Lots... basically chocolate covered shortbread. Yum!
You have more than one fan in South Dakota...I love your site and love watching Harper grow.
And I love Samoas, as well. I ordered three boxes of cookies this year, one of which was, of course, Samoas.
Oh, Kel...I'm so sorry about the Bible Verse. I guess I should've done more thorough research before sending it! However, as I said in my note, I did get it at our Christian Book Store and you'd think they'd have that one correct. Well, I still think it's perfect for Miss Harper and I'll just pretend that it goes with 1 Peter 2:9. :)
I also can't believe that H doesn't like walks!! WHAT???? Crazy stuff that is! However, I guess in all honesty...after getting to know her and how she works a little bit...I suppose I could believe that she wouldn't like walks! That little monkey!!
And...SAMOAS ~ THE BEST!!! LOVE them, as well! I just know we would be the best of friends if we actually lived somewhat close to each other!! Someday though...someday, we will meet IN PERSON!!
Until then, sending lots of love and TONS of hugs!
Jess :)
Awww!! She is adorable!!!
No, Audrey doesn't like her car seat that much, so I can imagine that she wouldn't like to be strolled around in it either. But, she does loves to be held! I think it is sooo funny that someone at your Pediatrician's office recognized you and Harper and reads your blog!! That is hilarious!!!
Lilly has the same onesie! We call her our little monkey. Like the carmel delights...never had teh samoas.
I think Harper is going to be an actress because she looks at the camera like a pro!
I'm not sure what the name of my favorite Girl Scout cookie is, but it's the one that's peanut butter and chocolate! (And I don't buy cookies every year, thus not knowing the name!)
Lovin' the monkeys!
I can't believe no one said Tag-a-longs! YUM, YUM!
I have memories of a very similar walk with D in his stroller when he was just a newborn...screamed his head off!!! I was worn out and just wanted some fresh air but little man was NOT interested!
Samoas are my absolute favorite! We haven't bought any this year...but I have chocolate chip cookies almost ready to go in the oven. :)
Samoas are my true favorites too, and I like the lemon ones..I've ordered a box of each this year!
Harper is such a doll!
Ooh, definitely thin mints and peanut butter patties!
I wish I knew some girl scouts!
Loooooooooove Girl Scout cookies! My mom gave me several boxes. I ended up giving them away after eating a few cookies because I knew I'd eat them all too quickly.
Cute outfit as always.
My favorite cookies are thin mints and tagalongs. Mmmmmmm! This is the first year ever that I actually know a girl scout since I was one myself. I ordered 6 boxes. In the past I relied on the table outside Walmart. I like to freeze them too. Plus they last longer that way. I am jealous some of you got yours already. Hopefully mine are coming soon.
How sweet is the monkey outfit! I love trefoils and my husband loves tagalongs... and we bought at least two boxes from every girl scout at church!
It is so good to read your blog and read nothing but happiness! I had left a comment a while ago when Miss Harper was in the hospital and just checked back today and she is so beautiful! I, too, had my baby girl in the biggest bows ever...she is 9 now and refuses to wear anything but braids! Her hair is 24 inches long!! I did not get a chance to order girlscout cookies this year, but if I would have they would have been THIN MINTS!!!!! Have a great day:)
Thin mints all the way :) I bought 4 boxes this year and we are down to 1 box...haha!
Harper is precious!!!
Samoas are definitely the best. Thin Mints are good too thought. They never last long around here! My daughter never liked the stroller either but she loved riding in her carrier or sling. I started out with a pouch sling and now we have a Beco Butterfly. She loves the Beco. When she was little she liked snuggling up with me and she could also look right up and see me. Even at 9 months she loves the Beco and usually falls asleep when we go for a walk.
Awe she looks so cute in her little monkey outfit! It was 90 in TX today...in FEBRUARY! crazy weather! My fave are the thin mints, I like stick them in the freezer and then eat them.
Hi Kelly! I am a long time friend of Erin Freeze. I have so enjoyed reading your blog! I have prayed, prayed, prayed for precious Harper! She is just a doll! My little Ava Jayne is very excited that you introduced us to Etsy:) We, too, have learned to be very patient and wait for the blessings that God had in store for us. We lost our first daughter, Maddie, when I was 28 weeks pregnant. As for the girl scout cookies...I ordered two boxes, samoas and tagalongs. After eating about 10 cookies within an hour. I thought it was probably best that I just throw them away!!! So I did...maybe that will spare me the 15 pounds I was about to gain.
Somoa's are my fave because you always want somoa! I love that joke too.
Harper is as pretty as ever!
I just got my cookies too...I orderd the peanut butter and chocolate cookies, thin mints of course, and some chocolate chip cookies too! YUM!
Lemon is my favorite. I love lemon anything!!
Good rule of thumb for Harper as far as temperature: Dress her like you would dress yourself!! (or pretty close to it!)
She is still so precious!!
I am a thin mint girl myself. I know very boring but they are my favorite. I love to put them in the freezer and eat them cold!! The lemon ones are ok and I recently tried the peanut butter ones and they weren't that bad either. :)
I love the outfit!
I love Samoas too, but are they now the Caramel Delights? I love 'em. I bought two boxes. I could eat them in one sitting, and in fact I'm eating one of my other favs - Thin Mint! I bought 4 boxes... and wow, they're expensive now! I was a Girl Scout and they used to be $2.00 a box. :)
She is so cute. And my little girl hates dirty diapers and being hot too. From the very beginning, she always let me know when she was dirty. And now, she's big enough to start taking off shoes and socks when she's hot. She always takes off the left shoe and sock first.
Oh, and Samoas are by far THE best girl scout cookies EVER.
Thin mints definitely.
I can relate to the kids who hate the stroller, my 16 month old STILL hates it!!
Well, even if H hated her stroll, at least she looked super cute for the outing! :)
Oh, I'm sad that I missed girl scout cookie sales!? How did that happen? Someone probably knocked on my door and I probably hid and pretended not to be home, like I usually do...so I guess that serves me right! ha! I think I like every kind. The shortbread kind rank toward the top though.
Yum. Bakerella recently had a recipe that was sort of a copy of them. Yum!
Your little one is just too cute.
My little nephew (born shortly before your daughter) is very much a Mommy little guy. Although I have to say he was cooing and telling me and my mother (Gaga--grandma) stories this afternoon.
TAGALONGS!!!! All the way!!!
Most definitely Samoas! I buy 2 boxes at a time and refrigerate them! They are delicious cold.
YES-my oldest daugther completely disliked going on walks when she was new. She still doesn't like wind on her. Now, my 2yr old-loves it???? Who can tell their little quirks.
Thin Mints by the truckload.... ha ha ha (i have a 5 and 2yr old, and STILL haven't lost the baby weight!) In fact, I lose weight while pregnant, and gain after??? Who can gifure that one out? I was going to ask how you stay so thin!
Oooh...I love the caramel, pb patties & thin mints! I always order too many & end up bringing them to work so I won't eat them all at home!
I know babies who did not like their strollers. One hated all things with straps & the other preferred to be held until she got older. Can you take her for a walk a sling or soft carrier? She might like that.
Cute pictures!
so glad she handled her shot so well. fyi... when they get older and KNOW they are supposed to cry over shots, they cry for 10 minutes. Talk about working it. :)
Favorite is somoas. We usually get one somoas and one thin mint.
she is so cute! maybe her outfit should say, "daddy's little chunky monkey"
i love the samoas, too. we only order 1 or 2 boxes.
I love the PB ones but I don't buy them so that I am not tempted!
A) Harper is ADORABLE!! She gets more beautiful everyday!! B) I have NO favorite GS Cookie!! I love them all equally!! C) I buy at least one box from every girl in my church and the school I work in as well as the kids who ring my doorbell and I usually buy a box or 2 or 4 from the GS who set up a table in WalMart parking lot!! Bad news is I have a tendency to over-indulge good news is I have girl scout cookies well into April and May (long after yours are probably gone) :)
My first son (who was also a very high maintenance baby who hated the bouncy seat, the swing - everything) also screamed his head off when I tried to take him for a walk when he was a few weeks old! He also did not like his car seat until he was much older too! This kid is fantastic - now 3.5 years old, but man was he a challenging baby, so I feel your pain! ;)
Thin Mints are my fav. girl scout cookie - we ususally order about 10 boxes of cookies - can you believe we didn't order ANY this year!?!?!
Definitely Thin mints! I can eat a whole box at one sitting too! *x*
I just want to say thank you for sharing your life, wisdom, great recipes, and your awesome faith with us! I look forward to your posts every day. Harper is absolutely gorgeous! I am honored and happy to pray for such a beautiful family.
and PTL for the RSV shots being covered!
*prayer warrior from wisconsin*
My baby girl is the same way, very hot natured. People always try to bundle her up and snuggle and she gets so flushed and unhappy. Old people are always judging me for not having socks on her but when she is fussy and red faced, I know she needs to cool down!! :)
Hi Kelly, I know you get a ton of email and I dont expect you to write me back but I have to know where Laurie bought that outfit it is the cuttest ever... I love reading your blog, I am the mother of a 3 year old daughter and she is the light of my world You dress Harper much like I do Sofia...:)
Love the outfit and that little sign is absolutely to die for! So cute!
xo, *S
My son Bryce would not ride in the stroller while I was on maternity leave. He would scream and fuss everytime. I had planned on walking and working off the weight but a big nopers on that one. I love girl scout cookies...thin mints and trefoils. Harper is doing great. 11 lbs!! WOW~
I had the Dreyer's ice cream last year, and it was good, but not enough cookies in it. Make a shake for yourself and toast to your beautiful baby.
And I buy 8 boxes, but husband only knows about 4!
And as far as that baby weight goes, enjoy your baby, and let God handle the rest!
Samoas are my fav. too. The secret to making them last longer?? The freezer! Seriously, not only do they last longer physically, but when you take one out to eat it, it lasts longer in your mouth, too. Try it! I only eat them this way now!
And love the monkey outfit!
W/aloha, Ash
I usually receive a box of thin mints from my mom every year!
Harper is growing so fast already. Maybe she will like the stroller ride the next time. We buy 3-4 boxes a year (I would buy more but I would just eat that many more!). The rest of the family varies what they order but I ALWAYS get Thin Mints for myself.
Hey Kelly! My son Landon hates to be hot too! and he also has those same socks except they are blue. Have a blessed day.
i'm not sure if I've commented before. Harper is too cute! i love her little hat with the bow.
I ordered some cookies at work, but the order form was just out on a desk and I don't know the girl whose taking orders (on another shift), so I don't even know if I'll get them. I picked some up at a little stand the other day. I love thin mints and my husband is a Samoa guy. I didn't buy any peanut butter kinds (tag alongs and do si dos) this year because of the scare.
Around here, they're not labeled with their real names except thin mints, tag alongs are peanut butter patties, samoas are caramel delights, and do si dos are peanut butter sandwich cookies...lame!
Yep - samoas are my all time fav too!
Usually stroller rides are the beginning of the return to sanity! Although I could see where being too hot would make me fuss too! :)
That is all I ever get. LOVE them. I also like Do Si Dos and the regular ol Trefoils... but since I love Samoas so much, I don't want to 'waste' a box on anything else!
For the past several years I have not had anyone ask me to buy :( If I ever see a girl scout selling I just about run her down telling her I want to buy... but lately, I don't even see them anywhere.
I am dirty and hot right now! It is gross outside. i am so proud of that outfit. She makes it look gorgeous!
Daddy's Little Monkey!! I love it!!! My (future) child will definitely be sporting that little outfit!!! Too stinkin cute!!! ;D
Somoas are my favorite too! Unfortunately, Our cookies were delivered the same day I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes -- boo! Love the pictures of Harper! She is precious!
My favorites were the Lemon Coolers but they no longer have those here (not sure if they even still make them). But I do like the new lemon falvored ones. I think they are Lemon Chalets. I also love Do-si-dos!!! I usually buy a box of each because I don't need more than that and if they are in the house I will eat them!
Love your blog! I have been praying for you guys and I am so happy they Lord has blessed your family!
OH Kelly I have to tell you this!!!
I had over 400 boxes of girl scout cookies in my house at one time!
My Emma is 7 and is in Daisy's (Girl Scouts for 5-7 year olds) and I am cookie mom this year. My husband is driving me crazy!!!! Every day he wants to open another box. LOL
I have to say my favorite is Samoa's and I love them frozen!! That is the BEST!!
About Miss Harper~ She is just beautiful in anything she wears! She is just the most preciouse little monkey ever! I check in on her EVERY Day! And I show her off to everyone that comes over. My mom doesnt have a computer but everytime she comes to my house she asks me to pull up your blog so she can see Harper!! EVERYONE LOVES HER! :o)
Oh she is just adorable! Clara gets so hot too! It's 88 degrees here...I think she'd rather be naked today!
I love Harper's expressions in all the pictures! What a character!
Harper is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! I love looking at her pictures each day. If only I could be that good to update our blog with Emma!!!
Girl...SAMOAS are MY favorite and unfortunately I ate WAY to many of them today...I figure if I eat them all quickly they'll be gone and I won't have to worry about eating them anymore! :)
Where did Laurie get the Monkey outfit from??? That is SO super cute!! I myself have already given into the evil that is Girl Scout Cookies. I only bought 2 boxes but have already blown through one box in 4 short days. YIKES! Not good for the waist line! My favorites are BY far the thin mints with the Samoas coming in 2nd!
Hopefully Harper will come around to the stroller, bouncy seat, etc. She is so stinking adorable!!
Sarah in TX
I love thin mints and peanut butter patties.
I love the monkeys!
Harper was probably ticked that she was so bundled up and couldn't feel the wonderful breeze on her skin ;)
We went to the park yesterday and blew bubbles and eatched fish and gave the fish our sucker by accident. It was wonderful and I loved smelling the the fresh air and sunshine in Aaron's hair when we got home.
i LOVE samoas and so does my husband, but i only buy one box of them...i would seriously eat the whole box.
as far as the stroller goes...my daughter was easy and liked anything. my son was more picky :) he liked the stroller sometimes, but i could never figure out why some days he'd be fine and other days he would scream the whole time. he definitely hated it when i would stop...always had to keep moving with that one.
I love the Harper pics when she sticks her tongue out! So precious!
Tagalongs all the way for girl scout cookies! Jeff ordered 6 boxes last year, and I definitely ate 5 of them! I warned him to hide them and he didn't listen! I cannot resist them!
You are not alone in the "Baby doesn't like her stroller" Club. Mine hated it too - until about 4-5 months, and now he loves it. There is hope! :)
I love the updates on your life with Harper.
I love that Monkey outfit!! She is too cute and getting so big.
Oh yes...about the Girl Scout cookies. My husband orders 2 boxes of Thin Mints for himself and I normally order a box of Peanut Butter Patties and a box of Caramel Delights. Yep, they are back to the old names this year - did you notice that?
I am like you though...I could eat a whole box of Samoas in 1 setting too : ) Mmmm yummy!
The little monkey is looking adorable!! Laurie did great on that cute outfit. As for the cookies we both like the thin mints.
Samoas are definitely my favorite! I'm so glad to see how healthy Harper is...and so darn cute, too!
Such cute monkeys on the socks! I love that :)
So...Samoas...definitely my favorite! I also love Thin Mints, Tagalongs, and Trefoils. I think I've bought five boxes this year!
We love GS cookies here! We ordered 20 boxes this year! Bad, I know. But I plan on freezing them. Really.
Sam's pedi has these flavor sticks. They look like plastic tongue depressors, and the end has just a little bit of sweet flavoring. He calms down every single time they give him one after a vax. I ask them to bring them with the shot. lol It's great b/c it calms them without a sugar overload like lollipops!
She might like you wearing her when you walk. You could try that.
Mary Catherine hated the stroller...early on. Not so much in malls/shopping areas, but when I would try and take her out for walks in the fresh air. I don't know for certain, but my thinking was that it was just over-stimulation (the sounds, smells, bumps; so much for the high dollar Graco stroller with shock abosrbers and a time & temp clock! LOL). Truth be known, I was probably overdressing her as well...first-time mommmy thing! She eventually grew to love outdoor strolls!
Love the Samoas, Thin Mints, Peanut Butter, etc., etc. My hips do too!
Mine is Somoas, but I don't buy any. Ever. Very bad idea for me to have them around!
When our guy Fionn came home from the NIC-U he hated anything...but being held! I have a sling called a MOBY wrap, and he's 9 months now and still LOVES it. Some days it was the only way I got anything done when my husband was at work. He was good tempered the whole time he was in the nic-u about us putting him down, but once we were home, game over!
LOVE the monkey line, but then again, i have loved almost everything from the Gymboree girl line since our daughter was born almost six years ago!
Don't feel bad about the girl scout cookies, you can NEVER eat just one!! I didn't dare buy any boxes this year since i'm serious about returning to Pre-BABIES weight!
We're still reading up here in the 'burgh and are rejoicing in how well Harper is doing!! I absolutely ADORE all her hats and headbands!! Thank you for sharing her! I don't comment as much as I want b/c I know you are inundated daily with so many comments, but am still reading and praying for your beautiful little girl!!
btw, our Fionn went today for his Synagis shot as well, LOVE it, LOVE it, LOVE it! He has not been sick one day since he left the NIC-U thanks to it!! Thank goodness your insurance covered it! I can almost bear the monthly injections because he has not been sick at all!!
My cookies will be in next week, Friday I think. I ordered 4 boxes. I love caramel delites and thin mints. If you crave thin mints in between the girl scouts' sales, Keeblers Grasshoppers are about as good. :)
Kelly, I've been following your blog for a little while now and praying for you guys but I haven't commented before. Harper is truly beautiful and precious. I love her new princess sign. My 9 month old daughter hated walks in the stroller for awhile too. Then she only liked it when my husband pushed her! My favorite cookies are Tagalongs and Samoas and last year when I was pregnant I ordered 13 boxes so that didn't help with my baby weight! Your blog is great and so is your story! What a wonderful testament and inspiration!
My husband and I bought SEVEN boxes...for just the two of us. And they're almost gone. OY! We're going to Cali in a month and I want to look good -- what were we thinking?!? Samoas are my weakness too.... :)
I LOVE THE PICS! :) SOOO CUTE. & about the cookies, if my husband would let me i'd buy stock in them, caramel ones. hmm my fave!
Samoas, definitely. And I have eaten a whole package in a day.
And don't you think Harper may be used to just a diaper after spending her first days in "nothing but"........
xoxo, Julia
She is such a doll.
And i dont blame you if you ate a whole box of samoas in one sitting because i would too, they are my fave as well.
Oooh, I LOVE samoas! And, thin mints. In fact, I just had a few too many of them.. eeek!
And I must say, Harper is just so adorable!!
I love thin mints (straight from the freezer) and tagalongs... but I didn't buy one box this year! I'm getting fine in 2009... it's written on my fridge, but unfortunately not my heart yet. Pray for will power... wish they sold that at Wal-Mart!
Harper is SO precious! So glad you were able to get the other shot. I have two nephews that have been victims of that nasty curse...it's ugly!
I with ya...Samoas! We only bought one box because I knew I would eat them all!
Harper is adorable!
I thought the same thing when my son screamed all through his walks! I would get all excited to go out, just to be home 10 minutes later because of his crying. She'll grow to love them though, promise.
I've been reading your blog for a while now, and praying for Harper, and she just keeps getting sweeter & sweeter! My son was 9lbs 14oz when he was born, and I just loved getting him weighed and hearing he was in the 90-100th percentile. Just more to love!
Definitely Samoas, hands down!
Don't feel bad...my baby doesn't like stroller rides either. She doesn't like to be confined in the carrier. I have given up walks...at least for now, unless I can go alone...which never happens! As for the GS cookies...thin mints and caramel delights! Yum! We've been good lately and have only ordered 2 or 3 boxes a year...although this year we haven't bought any...yet.
Love Harper's monkey outfit...so cute! I LOVE LOVE Samoas...they are so yummy! BTW...I was at Wal-Mart yesterday checking out the ice cream and noticed Yarnell's (I think...i was looking at so many lol) has a special Girl Scout line of ice cream and they had SAMOAS!! I am definately going to try that out!!
I like tag alongs. I am really reluctant to share this but my daughter used to be a girl scout and I was her proud leader! She always set a goal to sell 500 boxes of cookies or more! She was ambitious to say the least! One year she came to her dad with the saddest puppy dog face because she was short of her goal. Dad came to the rescue and bought 80 boxes of cookies! We had a freezer full of girl scout cookies! No room for anything else! Just cookies! We usually buy at least 10 boxes but this year haven't bought any! I am losing weight for a wedding in 4 months! No cookies for me! Even if those girls are so stinkin cute!
Samoas are the ultimate. I got to share one with Jackson for the firs time yesterday. It was like coming full circle.
Oh yeah, Somoas are the best. This year we ordered three boxes. Love all the cute outfits. Glad Harper did okay with her shot.
These photos are adorable!!
I bought 7 boxes this year...and you're right...Samoas are SO the best cookie!
This fat girl likes SAMOAS!!!!!!!!
She is so adorable.
I have no reason why but my mom order 25 boxes.
Harper is such a cutie. Keep at the stroller....she will get used to it...I mean, you will eventually be given the all clear to get out in public and the mall will be calling your name!! :-) I think you are right, she just got too hot and got fussy...try again! Girl Scout cookies have come and gone around here :-( and rather quickly and hiding them would have done no good. I heard someone at work say you could freeze them but mine didn't last. I saw that Edy's makes a thin mint ice cream that I am tempted to try!
How funny about being recognized in public...guess you are blogger celebrity! I get patients that recognize me and then I feel bad when I don't remember them. lol
She is so cute in that monkey outfit!
ooooh Samoas!!! YUM!!! Those and the tagalongs are my faves!!! I stuck mine in the fridge and they're patiently waiting for me when Lent is over :)
Harper is so adorable! My favorites are cold thin mint, followed probably by Samoa's. I have bought 4 boxes so far this year, but they keep selling them until March 13th! :-)
Harper is the CUTEST!! She'll like going for walks soon - too hot, too cold, babies will always tell you what's wrong! Sometimes it feels like it takes longer to get ready for the walk than the walk itself!
We don't buy the cookies around here - I do wait patiently every year for the Samoa Ice Cream from Dryers....OH.MY!!! Goodness in a gallon. I only will buy ONE gallon, because it is that good and I would eat as much as I bought!!
You goof - how can you hide cookies from yourself???? lol You need your hubby to hide them for you! To pic a fav is hard, but I really love those Thin Mint ones - have a bite for me. :-)
The thin mints are AWESOME!! Harper is cute as can be!!
yeah it was a while before Ethan enjoyed walks!
I ordered 4 boxes this year....I'm to get mine tomorrow and will have to hide them too haha! ThinMint!
Love the outfit.
My goodness she's changed just in the last few posts.
Chunky Monkey indeed.:)
(Mine was too!)
She'll learn to love walks, it's the being straped in that drove mine nuts.
Nice to hear you both got out and about.
Kelly, what's that like being "recognized?"
I like thin mints, but they have to be put in the freezer. I usually end up buying a good bit. I own a convience store, and the girls come in and of course I buy from all who ask, its only fair. Harper is such a sweetheart! God Bless!
talk about cute!
she's so cute. sorry she's fussy in the stroller. my first baby hated the stroller and the swing and the car seat, but by the time she was 6 months old she was happy and so sweet. she just had a rough time in the early months. it will get better.
Oh I love her monkey outfit, mainly because I love monkeys..lol
THIN MINTS all the way!!! Especially good when frozen! Yummmo!
just wanted to add that my newborn daughter also had some of that "baby acne" and I stole a hint from one of the comments left on your last post and it WORKED!!!
I just expressed a little breastmilk and dabbed it onto her skin and let it dry. It totally cleared up by the next day! So thanks to whomever left that comment on your site! I am thrilled!
The monkey outfit is GREAT! I love those socks! I always was dressing Amelia up, too, like it was flippin' zero degrees, and she is about as hot-natured as they come. She would have those little fits till I would take off a few layers! ;o)
Tagalongs, tagalongs, TAGALONGS!! They're my FAVORITE OF ALL!! I never thought I liked Somoas till I put them in the microwave and got them all hot and messy! MMMMMMMMM! I love GS cookies...I have to buy a lot because just one box just looks so small, esp. when I am eating them and they just disappear real fast...
I love your blog and have been reading it for the past three months. Praise God for Harper and your wonderful family. You are a blessing to many. I wondered if you ever turned your blog into a book and if you did what company you used. I want to put my blog into a book but don't know who to use. Thank you and God Bless. Enjoy your cookies! Hilary
I love the cute little outfit. It's appropriate that it says "Daddy's Little Monkey" because I think Harper looks JUST LIKE Scott in the first picture in that outfit!
BTW-My favorite kind of Girl Scout cookie is Thin Mints! Mmmmmm!
Harper looked too cute for her walk, the monkey are adorable! I love thin mints, but a box of samoas should be on their way to me next week!! They are just too good. Kinda like lay's chips, you can eat just one! Have a great weekend!
Yummy Girl Scout cookies - I love Tagalongs and Samoas. My hubby bought me one box of each, so I am set!
Harper looks adorable in her little monkey outfit!
Those hats are the cutest things ever. Every time you post new pictures I think to myself "I wonder what hat Harper is going to be wearing this time", and every time they make my heart melt. What a cutie she is!
Love the monkey outfit and love Girl Scout Thin Mint's:)
We'll work precious Harper into the baseball diamond eventually:) She'll be throwing out the first pitch for the Hogs before you know it!
And yes, we love you anyway!
Blessings always,
Samoas are my VERY favorite, and sadly, my mid-pregnancy self has somehow managed to make 2 boxes disappear from our house in 1 weeks time! Sad...they were so worth the extra couple of pounds though!
On walking with babies, mine used to scream his head off in his stroller too, it was so bad that I never walked him in the stroller w/out a sling or a front carrier underneath it to put him in WHEN he decided to lose his mind. I was never content to just ignore him, it stressed me out!
And lastly, I'd die if enough people read my blog to where strangers recognized me in public. I am so bad about leaving the house in a rush w/no make up on...YIKES!
I have a few boxes on their way too. I ordered the new lemon kind this rotation. Looking forward to what they are like!
Have a great day!
My babies were the same way they very much disliked the stroller in the beginning, but now they are fine with it. Harper will come around.
I too love the Samoas! I could totally eat the whole box in one sitting if I let myself. I usually buy about 2 boxes a year one of Samoas and one of the Thin Mints.
Samoas and Thin Mints are my favorites and I usually order 2-4 boxes...... each time I encounter a Girl Scout, SO that ends up being roughly a dozen boxes ha!
She is just too cute! Love those big, expressive eyes.
My favorite Girl Scout cookies are Samoas; but I limit myself to two boxes a year. I can eat a whole box by myself in one sitting.
I also get one box of Thin Mints each year. They make the best chocolatey-minty cookies! I like to put them in the freezer and eat them icy cold.
I LOVE Girl Scout cookies! We got them from one of the girls in my husband's classroom this year. I sent my list with him one day and told him to tell her that she is my favorite student that he's ever had! For some reason we had fall sales here instead of spring sales.
Samoas are the BEST!! Zach ordered some, but not any Samoas....I was so sad.
Aww what cute photos!
Yum. Those cookies look good! I just started as a Pippins leader here in NZ (very similar to Girl Scouts) and our biscuit selling day is March 7th. I suspect I may be developing an addiction in the near future! :O
My little ones never liked the stroller either, until they were older (6 months or so)..... but the sling was brilliant!! You could give a good sling a go, they're great for going walking,and for using at home for some hands-free peaceful-baby-getting-stuff-done time!!!!
Our little one definitely did not love walks for awhile. We had the walking with a screaming little girl experience for awhile. We just kept trying and now she loves walks. (She also was a screamer who was soothed by the vacuum cleaner.) Glad you got some good weather and got to get outside!
Love the monkeys, so cute.
I love all girl scout cookies, but the Tag-a-longs are my fav. I order the somoas and thin mints for my husband and son who eat them before anyone else can. I hardly ever order my fav. because that would be detrimental to my figure.
We call Girl Scout cookies different things where I'm from (but the same cookie) so Peanut Butter Patties are my favorite, though Thin Mints right from the freezer are a close second. (I think Somoas are Carmel Delights to me). I don't buy any cookies anymore b/c I WOULD eat them all in once setting.
And my nephew (almost 3 and a half) never would ride in a stroller, grocery cart, etc. He always wanted to be held or walk himself. He doesn't know how good he could have had it!
love-love-love the monkey outfit...actually, i like anything pink...since i am surrounded by blue with my two boys :)
and girl scout cookies are delicious...samoas are my weakness!!!
i'm sure your walks with harper will get better...
i am looking forward to spring as well....i love the fresh air :)
I won't tell you that I bought 4 boxes the day they started selling them last week and they're already gone :) That's just our first round too..I mean really they only come out once a year so that's my excuse! Glad you got the RSV shot and everything went well...and that she's growing so well!!!! Yay for 11 lbs!
I LOVE the outfit and the sign! Can't wait to meet Harper and for Caleb to meet her. They will have fun in the nursery together! Jake said the same thing about them...I was saying how they are exactly (except for one day) a month apart and he said so if they get married she will be Harper Harper! That made me laugh while we were waiting in the hospital!
Oh my gosh. She looks SO much like Scott in the second picture!! So precious!
Wow!D 11 pounds, good girl!
Harper is as precious looking as ever.
I'm waiting for my Girls Scout cookies AND samoas are my favorite too.
Enjoy the cookies!
Thin mints. I didn't get a single box this year...I'm working hard to get the last bit of inches off from #3. Were you ever a Girl Scout? I was a Brownie and loved my uniform. I dropped out though when I had to sew buttons on cloth.
Kelly, I share your story all the time and hope you don't mind. Harper is beautiful. My mom and I started following your blog the day you had Harper. Mama will call and say, have you heard anything new on Harper? I will give her the update. It's like we are family, but I guess we are sisters in Christ. BTW ~ I love thin mints fresh out of the freezer.
Samoas are the greatest! I have two boxes of those as well as a box of the Trefoils coming my way!
I'm with you Kelly-Samoas all the way...too bad they are called "caramel delights" now!They will always be Samoas to me! Emily has a similar Monkey outfit from gymboree from last fall's line-super super cute!!!
Just an idea about the stroller! My first two children absolutely hated their carseat and car rides. It was horrible...we wouldn't go to certain places if we knew it would take awhile to get there in the car. The minute the strap was clicked they flipped out...so an idea is if you are just going for a walk to just lay her in the carseat not strapped in her stroller. As for our 3rd child..she is a GEM in the carseat..she loves it! Thank goodness!!
just wanted to share that your blog encourages me everyday! I love reading about you and little Harper she is gorgious! Thanks for keeping it updated! :)
Oh I remember those days. Diapers I can't fix. Mine all hated to have on drop of wetness, but on the good side they were all potty trained before 2.
When we walked in a baby carrier in the stroller and they could see me they wanted to be held.So, I tried to walk as soon as they walk up (happy) and pulled the canopy over far enough so she would not see but see her toys. She is as adorable as usual, Happy strolling and good luck!
Samoas, Samoas, Samoas!!!
Lord help the Samoa that gets in my path. It is not long for this world (and the same goes for all it's little Samoa friends). :-)
Love the monkey outfit and love the cute little monkey who is looking so cute wearing it!
are you sure that is baby acne? It looks more like Pickly Heat around her eyes... I did the same thing with my first child, but you may want to lay of the layers a little....;)
She is such a doll!! And thanks for getting Jenna that email.
I meant prickly heat
Hey Kelly,
Harper is super cute as always:) My son...also in the NICU HATED walks in his stroller....loved to be outside but hated walking. All he wanted to do was EAT. So we would walk to the park eat..walk home and eat some more!
I love samoas..carmel delights..whatever they are calling them...they are YUMMY!! I always buy about 5 boxes each year!
We have different cookies in our area because there are two different bakers for girl scout cookies. We got a new one this year called Dulce de Leche and they are out of this world. I broke down and bought 4 boxes of them and cut back on our usual order of 4 Tagalongs(peanut butter patties to you). We have 3 girl scouts so cookies are a way of life for about 2 1/2 months around here. First selling like crazy then booths and deliveries. That will be you soon enough. The time will fly by and before you know it, Harper will be a Daisy girl scout and you'll have your own source for cookies!
Oh, poor little hot thing. Maybe next go round, you can shed a few layers.
Glad the doctors visit went well today and the monkey outfit is quite darling. Love it!!
Girl Scout cookies, my favorites are Thin Mints (I keep 'em in the freezer) and the Peanut Butter cookies.......Oh, I love them both so much!!
My little McQuinn (18 mo. old) thinks Harper is a cutie pie! Well, she is.
my daughter sells girl scout cookies and by far the samoas are the best seller (and my fave). I bought 10 boxes and we ate every one in like 3 days! lol.
She's adorable! I love that outfit.
My daughter also hated stroller rides. Only once did she fall asleep in her stroller and I didn't know what to do with myself. I was at the mall and just sat on a bench, looking at her. I couldn't believe she had gone to sleep! LOL!
Okay,so I just googled the Samoa cookie because I have never heard of that one and I buy Girl Scout cookies every year.It turns out that the Samoa is called Carmel Delight here in the midwest.And the carmel delight is my favorite!I thought that was funny!I am so glad that your sweet baby girl is doing so well.God is so good!And she is so beautiful!Love~Tasha in Indiana
I think there will be Samoas in heavan - Delicious!
I did eat an entire box myself - over about a two day period. I refuse to buy anymore.
Cute pictures! I am going to buy one of the hats from your bow lady for my new little cousin.
Hey Kelly...I have so loved reading your blog and keeping up with how little Harper is growing. Even though I've never commented, I have been following your blog and prayed for Harper while she was in the hospital. So, I am due in 2 weeks and girl let me tell you, I knocked out a whole box of tag-a-longs last night. That's going to fair well for me at my check-up tomorrow on the scale. Thanks for all the awesome blogging...keep it up!
Samoas are the very BEST!!! You're a local celebrity!!! Did you ever think that in a million years....soon we'll be seing you on Oprah!!!
I swear Kelly- A baby should NOT be this cute!!!!!!!! :o) haha!!!! I love Thin Mint girl scot cookies, those are my fav!!! :o)
that monkey outfit is soooo cute! I'm glad you and Harper got some fresh air on your walk. As far as girl scout cookies, eat a lot for me!!! I'm not allowing them in my house (I will eat box after box). xoxo
There is a reason that Samoa's only come out once a year... the obesity problem (and economic problems) would be a lot worse if they were sold year 'round. Now I wanna tear into the 2 boxes in my kitchen. I've been holding off for the last week. ENJOY! Eat them now, so you don't have to lose the Samoa weight down the road. :)
Harper looks cute as always! That monkey outfit is precious! I love Samoas and the Tagalongs (peanut butter and chocolate). These cookies are NOT helping me trying to tone up. I eat one or two, and then want two more! Glad you were able to take Harper out in the sunshine!
Hi Kelly, I went to the mailbox today and my ABN newsletter was there. I knew that photo as soon as I saw it. It was a great article and will continue to bless those that are not involved in the blogging world!
I am a GS leader so we order lots of cookies. My fave is Samoas too!
In that second picture Harper looks just like Scott. Isn't it funny how their little faces and bodies just change?
monkey love!!! it's so cute to see that precious face smiling and in her element! yeah!!!
and i got some cookies going on over here, girl. we are bringing them in...and i'm so having a hard time not eating all of them at once!
Just wanted to say...
1) Harper is so stinkin' cute!
2)Park absolutely hated his stroller for the first 6 months, but after that, he did tolerate it if it meant getting to experience walks around the neighborhood. Harper may still be a bit small, but one thing he LOVED was walking the neighborhood in the Baby Bjorn, but only once he was big enough to face outward.
3) Hang in there because babies with strong opinions turn into people who are leaders and who are not afraid to stand up for what is right. Plus, I think they help us to become REALLY good parents!
Much love to your sweet family!
So, I totally know where you're coming from with the stroller thing. Grace HATES the stroller. She hated it when she was little and she still hates it now. She wanted to be up and out where she could see when she was little and now she just wants to be out so she can go go go!
She's also very hot natured...like her Mama! She would never keep a blanket on either. No swaddling for her...
I also love pretty much every kind of girl scout cookie! The Caramel Delights are probably my favorite, and the thin mint!
Stopping by to let you know that your family is always in my thoughts and prayers!
Psalms 31:24 Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD.
Prayer Bears
My email address
When I put on my FB status that I wanted people to pray for my friend Kelly's baby I had at least 5 people write me that they read your blog. At MOPS last Friday a girl there told me she read your blog too. I am enjoying the celebrity status of knowing you -ha! I guess I need to act nice everywhere too to be worthy of your friendship :)
Hey, it's Catherine Asher above, I'm not sure why Google doesn't put my whole name anymore!
SAMOAS!!! YUM!!! I buy too many boxes to even mention!! I do buy more than one kind though!!
Harper is getting so big & she is just so cute!!
my daughter doesn't like the stroller as well, so i carry her most times (in a moby wrap) and we can go for walks forever!
hope she's doing better:)
oh she is too cute!!
so glad she did ok for her shot!
thank you for taking the time to update your blog!!
my favorite girl scout cookies are caramel delights ...yummo
Oh Kelly ... Harper is changing so much in just one short month! And 11 pounds ... Holy Moly ... what a cutie pie! ANd I love the moneky outfit ... where's did she find that? THanks for sharing your beautiful baby and her miracle story!
Rebekah and her girls!
Samoas are my fave too! We bought 10 boxes this year.. I know, right?!
I'm glad that all went well at the doctor's and that you got to find out how much your little girl weights! I love thin mints and I'm so glad that we did not get any this year because I am still trying to lose that last 6 pounds of baby weight. I know that I would not lose a pound if those were in the house!:)
Hi Kelly ~ I just love Harper's outfit..that little girl has the most awesome clothes...tooo cute!
My favorite cookies are those thin mints..can't get enough of them! I have to freeze them...that's the best!
Have a great weekend!
Jon and Sherry Rivers(K-Love) were just talking a couple of days about girl scout cookies being packaged smaller this year. Sherry was excited because she could sit down and eat the entire box and not feel so guilty. So have at it Kelly. Indulge yourself.
My fav are frozen thin mints. Yum!
Peanut butter patties are my favorites. We usually buy about five boxes each year, including those and thin mints.
It's so funny that you saw someone who reads your blog! I was in Wal-Mart once and I saw someone whose blog I read. She was there with her two adorable boys. I didn't say anything to her because it seemed kind of stalkerish to me!
Mmmmm....Samoas!!! They are fabulous. Husband and I got impatient waiting for Girl Scout cookies in December so we found a recipe and made HOMEMADE samoas. There were wonderful too!
I am so happy that the doctor's appointment went well and that she is gaining weight :)! She is just BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mmmmm....Samoas and Thin Mints! That has been my late night craving lately ;)!
Hi Kelly - my name is Andrea - and I am the one who saw you yesterday at the Dr. Sorry if it was "stalkerish" to say I read your blog! I would have talked to you more - but amazingly we were called in as soon as I finished my daughter's paperwork (that is a miracle at the Dr.).
Harper is adorable! I am so happy everything has turned out so well!!
I love to see her pics daily with her adorable outfits. And it amazes me that you find the time to blog everyday! I fall behind all the time on my blog!
As usual, Harper is irresistable in her adorable outfit! :)
Samoas are also my favorite kind of GS cookie. I didn't buy any this year b/c I'm trying to lose weight. We have some here at work that I'm trying to resist, though!!!
:) Thanks for making my days with your precious baby girl's pics. Have a great weekend!
I'm seeing more and more of Scott in here with every picture!! She's so darling and those clothes...well they are over the top cute!
I think you've just hit her "baby acne" cause....heat! Dress her as you are dressed. We all DO have a tendency to overdress our youngin's...something about a little baby that screams "swaddling"! You'll find her happy place...just keep experimenting, but I'd suggest taking off a layer if it's not freezing.
You're doing a wonderful job!
Addie did this same thing! When she was about 4 weeks old I decided to venture out for a walk in the neighborhood b.c I was determined to spend my maternity leave getting the baby weight off! Well 5 minutes into the walk she started screaming, she HATED it!! I practically ran home out of fear that someone was going to think that I was a horrible mother b.c i KNOW You could hear her through the whole neighborhood!! HA So im glad to know that Im not the only one this happened to!! Needless to say, this put a damper on the workout regimen! Good news, she will get better, Addie now LOVES walks!!
I absolutely love Thin Mints but the Tagalongs come in a close 2nd. I could eat the entire sleeve of Thin Mints at one sitting!
Tagalongs!! YUM!! We bought 2 boxes this year, and they were gone in 2 days. Oh my gosh.
Your blog is like a breath of fresh air every day, I love it. It's like having a friend to chat with. :)
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