I have to be honest - we have had a ROUGH week. Harper sleeps pretty good at night and I'm so thankful for that but there are NO naps during the day and if I'm not nursing her - she's SCREAMING. It's been wearing me out.
So I am doing a couple of experiments. First off - I think she's been hot and miserable so I'm not bundling her up as much and I also took her off her reflux medicine last night and today. My pediatrician said I could wean her and from some things I've read - that could be what's making her fussy.
Now I don't know if that's why or not - but she slept SOO good last night and then she took a nap this morning. I just had to take a picture. (She has aquaphor on her head - that's why it's shiny - I'm taking another suggestion). ha!

I've been watching so much TV that I'm close to ordering a lot of things off of infomercials. Like the snuggli blanket or these "bump its". They just might me the secret to good hair - what do you think??? ha!
Have a good weekend everyone!!! Love all of you!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 232 Newer› Newest»She is just too cute for words. I'm so thankful to God everytime I read your blog that He has healed her. It's just amazing...
She's too cute!!!
Love that smile!!!
I've always wondered how those bump things work!!!
Loving those smiley pictures!
what a sweet angel!!!! and an empty laundry basket to match! what a HAPPY friday indeed!!!!
You don't even need words to make me smile! Thanks for sharing the things that bring you joy today!
She is soooo precious. I have been following you since you left Tulsa. So glad Harper is doing well.
i have never seen those bumpits. crazy!
happy friday!
She is just precious! Looks like you have been doing some housework??
I am working on your bibs. Had to order some pompoms...you know, everything is cuter with some pompoms!!
Have a great weekend!
Shannon Willcutt
That beautiful face always makes me smile :o)
Yay for Friday!!! Hope you have a great weekend!
She is absolutely beautiful! I love reading your blog...it makes me happy. :) I hope you and your precious family have a great weekend!!
i was wondering if the multipurpose spray worked.. i too have been watching lots of tv.. being pregnant all i do is work and go home and lay around and watch tv:)
Love the harper pics.. so presh:) gets cuter by the day:) if that is possible bec she is alreayd the cutest!
Happy 6 week Birthday! :)
So glad you have had a good day, Kelli and Harper! My little girl was on reflux medicine and we ended up taking her off of it also. She spit up all over everything and we had to do several outfit changes each day because of it, but she seemed much happier!
(From one breastfeeding mom to another, it DOES seem like they want to nurse constantly, but it gets better...promise!!)
that's so weird...the first time i opened the blog there were only pictures...then the second time the words came up...either way, i understood you:
a sleeping baby= time to clean the house
happy six weeks sweet girl!!
Hang in there Kelly (on the crying bit).My boys were on Zantac and Reglan for reflux and were very cranky on it. Prevacid worked great for us. But I eventually could wean them off the prevacid once I got all the dairy out of my system.
You're at the peak of "colic" It will get easier!!
Look at your sweet baby girl smiling at you! I am so glad she is having a better day today. I hope the experiment works for you! Looks like it is "so far, so good".
Happy 6week birthday Harper!
Chele, KS
So glad that you are having a wonderful day! Hope your weekend is just as sweet as she looks. Take care~
I found your blog about the week before Miss Harper was born, I have loved reading your blog and check it frequently (daily basis) my husband calls me an addict to blogs! Your little girl is so beautiful, I have a 13 month old and I feel like I was just home on maternity leave with her!!! Enjoy every minute! I do have a cleaning tip for you. For your shower use a magic eraser instead of a sponge and the grime just rolls right off!!! No scrubbing required!
I am really tempted to get the bump-it! I was talking to my husband about it yesterday and he laughed at me! Harper is just as gorgeous as ever!
Ahh. Empty laundry. I sometimes ask God not to put me in charge of doing any laundry in Heaven:).
Kelly, Harper may be warm blooded. They say that babies really need no more coverings than we do as adults. No too are alike, that is for sure.
She is pretty in pink though!
She is so cute. Are you going back to work or you going to be stay home mom??
Awww...she looks so happy!!! I'm glad to hear that she's having a better day and doing well!
Doesn't it feel so good to catch up on things.. like laundry & cleaning.... who would have thought...
Harper is looking gorgeous again today... Sounds like your little family is getting into the swing of things.
She really is such a gorgeous baby!!
I'm glad you've had some time to clean and get a break today. Hopefully she'll start to give you more time to do that!!
Thank you so much for this blog. It has really become such a bright spot in my day! Today is my first comment but I just had to comment because I've been addicted to the infomercials too and if you get a bump it - you'll just have to let us know if it works!! Take care and God Bless.
Happy 6 Weeks to Harper! I'm so glad she slept AND napped - good for her and you! She's just so cute.
Thanks for posting about the Pledge stuff - I just saw the commercial yesterday and was wondering if it really worked...now I gotta go get some!
Have a great weekend!
When my son was about 4 weeks old, I too took a picture of our empty laundry basket and sent it to a ton of people. I was sure they all thought I was insane but I was so proud I didn't care!
I can't wait to see what you think of the bump it. And I've been wanting a snugli for forever. :)
I am soo jealous that you are done with your laundry. I always have it to do. BUT I can't wait till it is baby laundry. I don't think I will complain. I need to get that pledge. I am glad that you did a post on it. I am always scared to buy new things. Harper is still as cute as ever!!!
Glad to hear things are continuing to improve!
My husband got me the Snuggie blanket for Valentine's Day (romantic, I know) and I love it. The only problem is it is so long that I have to take it off every time I want to get up and get something. I guess that means I need to learn to sew!
From one premie Mom to another. I agree on them being too hot and making them fussy. NEVER EVER put a t-shirt on a baby!!!! Remember, what feels good to you to wear in the house is just enough for them. Some of the med's that they had Harper on when she was in the hospital can give her some grumpy moments even weeks later. Also, find some comforting music to play in her room 24/7/365 this will help her relax. We found this out really quick! My daughter wanted to nurse constantly, non stop. My Pedritrician said she was using me for a pacifier. I bought one of every brand of pacifiers on the market and she finally liked one. Then I bought one of every color so it would match all of her clothes. I hope that some of my experiences will help you. Us Mom's MUST stick together!
Only Through Him,
Joy Tubb
Been following your blog for a while (since Angie asked us to pray for baby Harper!) And wanted to delurk to offer a suggestion about Harper's skin. My baby girl (now a year old) looked just like that after I used J&J babybath/shampoo on her and even thought Aquaphor would get rid of it, it'd come back when I bathed her again. So someone recommended that I try California Baby Shampoo (Target has it) and it's been wonderul! Her skin cleared right up and it's never returned. I also use Cetaphil on her face exclusively, there's a wash and a lotion. Both are great! I was at a loss for how to fix it because my two sons never had skin issues. She just must be a sensitive little lady!
I read your blog often (most daily), but rarely comment.
Harper is so precious and I hope that by weaning her from her meds that she sleeps more for you and is a happier baby all around. Mommy needs rest too. I am continuing to keep you in my prayers.
Thanks for the advice on the pledge, I am going to try it.
As for the snugglie...if you are short like me, they are more of a nusense than anything. (too long and bulky) But that is just my opinion.
As for the bump it...I really want to try this. So IF you get it, PLEASE let me know what you think. ;)
When do you have to return to work?
and enjoy the resting time.
Oh sweet girl...happy 6 weeks!!! So glad you got a little break this morning, and praying for you that things will get easier. Love the pic of the empty laundry basket...the only way I'm gonna see something like that around here today is if I wash like 6 more loads!!! Too busy in crochetland most days to notice the pile up, terrible I know!
Hi Kelly.
Question...are you going to "bump" your pony or "rock" your bob?!!! I just had to ask, b/c I have not seen the infomercial for the "bump it" and after googling and watching the ad had a good chuckle! Since I am the queen of flat, fine, hair I might need to purchase a "bump it" or finally learn how to properly "tease" my hair as they did in the 60s!
Harper is just adorable!
No cleaning tips, but I do remember the pediatrician telling me that it is NOT uncommon for the colick to kick in around 3 weeks and last until 6 weeks (if not longer). They are beginning to get acclimated to day versus night, waking for longer periods, etc. Hang in there...this too shall pass.
I'm so glad she napped for you--it DOES feel wonderful just to get a few things done around the house and feel a small sense of accomplishment!! I LOVE an empty laundry basket--such a treat!
I'll have to try that Pledge. I always try to get by with using the wrong cleaner for things--like Clorox wipes on the mirrors, and it just leaves a greasy film.
Have a good weekend!
Ok on the baby acne, only wash her face in warm water. No soaps of any type. Her skin can be irritated with them. The Aquaphor is awesome! Only use it sparingly. I think sometimes it is better if you don't put anything on when they are broken out until it gets really bad.
Such a sweetie pie! Just want to pick her up and NEVER put her down! :) Glad she has been so good day! It makes for such better times!! :)
Love you,
Jess :)
Oh, gosh, I am so sorry it's been so rough!!! I hope she stops being so fussy soon and/or you find out what is bothering her!!
THANK YOU for the recommendation on the Pledge! I absolutely *hate* having to tote around my glass cleaner and my Pledge AND my paper towels! This would definitely simplify things. (Off to do a Google search for a coupon, as I'm sure it ain't cheap...LOL)
Yes, I can believe you took a picture of your laundry basket! That is a huge accomplishment. (Plus, I take pictures of absolutely everything. You just never know!!)
:) I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
She just looks so sweet. Happy 6 weeks!! I'm glad today was a better day for y'all.
What in the world is a bump it? If you try it you have to let us know if it works!
Def. going to have to try that pledge!
Harper just keeps getting more cute everyday! :)
You are funny.....
An empty laundry basket, what's that? That never happens in a house with two kids and two adults.
And the pledge....its the LOVE LANGUAGE for cleaning in this house! Not only does it smell great it actually works for everything every day.
I think we should totally do a commercial for it...don't you know how much sag national commercials pay?
Glad baby girl gave you a break and got in a good nap...she needs those.
She is soo sweet. A lady in my office has a bump it and its really cute on her. I'm thinking about getting one. I will have to try that pledge stuff. Have a blessed weekend.
I commented before on the lovely baby acne. :( Try Eucerine. My girls' faces were horrible (and yes, baths did work) but Eucerine helped the acne AND the cradle cap. Just wait til she gets that! We tried the greasy Aquaphor, too, and it did just that-made 'em greasy!
Good luck. :)
Oh, and the laundry is a HUGE accomplishment. I've gotten it all done maybe twice since my girls were born, and then the next day there are pileS. Ugh.
Hi I have been reading your blog for a long time and I am so happy Harper is doing better! I also have a Harper but he is a boy and also a twin!
I was just reading about Harper's bad days and the screaming. All three of my boys went through the same thing while on reflux medicine. I am not sure what she is on but if it is Reglan....it caused my boys TERRIBLE PAIN!!! As soon as I took them off, they were a thousand times better! We invested in the Tucker Sling and Wedge, which you can purchase online and most insurance companines will pay for. It is like a miracle for babies with reflux. Hopes this helps and your baby is beautiful!
I just ordered the Bumpits! I didn't even know they exsisted but they are exactly what I need! I love how my stylist fixes my hair but I can never get that bump like she does with the blow dryer! What a cool idea! Thanks! And that baby girl is as adorable as ever!
Hey Kelly-
Talking about Harper getting too hot, we where in the same boat with our little 9 mo. old when she was born. She weighed 10lbs. 3oz. and I kept swaddling her at night and keeping those blankets tight around her. Our Kara Brooke was really fussy + colic and finally it occured it me that she was getting hot, after I quit doing all of that and started just laying a blanket across her...man oh man she was sleeping like a "BABY"! I guess our big girls just get a little bit more warm than others.
She is absolutley beautiful and I love watching her grow! Aren't they just a JOY!!??
The Bump It really does work!!!
My friend got it to use for her wedding... It is pretty neat and actually stays put in your hair!
The only downfall is, IF you have fine or thin hair...it more than likely will not work. (You can see the teeth sticking out... and/or it looks very obvious you have it in your hair).
BUT, if you put it far enough back and have somewhat thick hair...It's awesome!!!
I'm so glad we was better today and napped. My kids were both on reflux medicine. Zantac to be exact.
Hey, what are Bumpits? I've never heard of them.
I went through the same thing with my little girl. She started at about 3 weeks, and it didn't end until about 3 months. She never napped, and I thought I was going to lose my mind! It's encouraging to read your blog and know that I'm not the only one. She's still not a big napper now, but at least she can play enough to keep herself happy. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!
I have loved reading your blog...it makes me miss the newborn stages just a little bit. Here's a little secret - the first 2-3 months of a baby's life are CRAZY. If you can make it through that, it's smooth sailing. As I'm typing this, my 15-month old is waking up from his nap. So sweet. :) Just hang in there!
Thank goodness for sleep and let me tell you seriously the naps are way underrated!!!! Allie cat naps...I'm talking like 30 minutes max a couple of times a day and it can drive you crazy very quickly!
Love her pics...she just gets cuter and cuter if that 's possible!
Harper is too cute for words. Addison is doing the same thing. (she's 6 months this week!) I think hers in because since she had the AWFUL RSV she's been kinda stuffy! I feel your pain about nursing. Caden (my almost 3 year old) tells me to nurse her everytime she cries. HA...even he knows!!!
I've been following your blog since Harper was born and praying for y'all - God IS good! My girls and I LOVE to see Harper in her pretty outfits and hairbows!
I'm so glad she's been happier today. My second daughter was a micro-preemie, weighing only 1lb. 13oz. She came home on Reglan and Prilosec - they both made her fussy.
Also, though, since you're nursing, Harper might have been going through a growth spurt this week to trigger your body to make more milk. They can happen at any time, but they are VERY common at 1week, 3 & 6 weeks, and also at 3 & 6 months. Just a thought....
So glad you got some cleaning done. Have a GREAT weekend!
God bless,
Hooray for catching up on Laundry...it is a major accomplishment...don't you just want to shout it from the top of a mountain!
I broke down and bought a Snuggie, but it was at Kmart and it was only $14.99! I just love it!
I have never heard of a bump it! That's good stuff. I love infomercials for the bad acting along. Oh, yes.
And Harper is precious. She is just a beautiful little girl!
I totally understand the laundry thing. I am a tad bit obsessive about my laundry. I only do it one day a week and it consumes that evening that's for sure, especially with five living in my house, but I always have such little stress the other six days because I know we have clean folded clothes.Keep trying things to help with the fussiness, you are a great mom and I'm telling you one day you will wake up and think wow, the fuzzy phase is over. I was told that the phases last 4-6 weeks. And didn't you say she is 6 weeks today:) maybe that will be the charm.
ok- i'm dying for the "bump-it!" if you get one, you'll have to tell me if it works! YAY for a sweet happy baby today!! She's absolutely beautiful.
Can you imagine wearing that bump-it thing in your hair and then it falls out or something? Oh my gosh that would be so funny...
Welcome to the six week mark! You made it! I really think the first 6 weeks are SO HARD. But then it starts to be smooth sailing! Congrats on the clean house and done laundry, what a great feeling that ism isn't it?! Have a great weekend!
Okay so someone may have already said this but, just going to throw it out there. My daughter Kili was on prevacid for reflux it made her sooooo much more cranky even after colic ended. They have switched her to zantac-we have only had a handlefull of spitups in the past few months and she is much happier. I'm so sorry about the all day crying. Kili literally did not cry for about 20 minutes a day until she was about 3.5 months. She only slept 3 hours at night, and unconsecutively. I thought I was going to die, especially when I had to go back to college. It is awful in the moment, but I pray the rough spots will pass quickly.
Hope you have a great weekend! She is so cute and yay for catching up on laundry, that's all I have been doing today!
I don't think anyone will mistake the fact that Harper's a girl, not with all that pink! (pink, and more pink!) :) so cute.
i am loving every single word and picture in this post. i am a faithful reader, but don't comment very often. you are so funny and sound like you could be my best friend. we have so many of the same thoughts.
anyway, wanted to share my cleaning tip with you. i use mrs. meyer's countertop and all purpose cleaner. they are fabulous!! they will make your kitchen and bathrooms smell so clean and fresh with little effort. my favorite scent in basil, but the lemon is great too!! happy cleaning!
Rachael Ray had bump-its on her show one day in the last few weeks...they seem to really work!
She's a doll :) Oh and I love the Aquaphor despite the shiny greasy feel. It works great on diaper rash and skin irritation. I just bought a new bottle lol. Hopefully you find a solution to the fussing! Have a wonderful weekend!
Harper is Beautiful! I hope you have a fabulous weekend.
She is too precious! Love her smile!=] Have a great weekend!=]
With that smile how can you NOT hold her? LOL! She's adorable Kelly.
I love Pledge Multi Surface, its one that I am ALWAYS using (I used to use the other one in the plastic spray bottle, I love the way that smells).
My everyday is about speed cleaning (with four boys between 1-8 years old it's the only way). I allot one major chore (like vacuuming or dusting or mopping) to each day during the time that the kids are napping. I do laundry everyday, so it doesn't overwhelm me at the end of the week. Doing the major chores only takes about 20 minutes and then I just tidy up for about 30 minutes and I've got at least an hour of me time while the kids nap (they usually nap 2 hours). Hope that helps.
AND DON'T YOU JUST LOVE AQUAPHOR??? It's like my remedy for all skin irritations! HAHA!
She is adorable :-)
So sorry your week has been rough - and so glad today was better. I have been there, and it always seemed when I was at the end of my rope that God gave us a good day.
I wanted to share some scripture that I typed out and put around the house for me to see when we were in those hard, "screaming baby" days. I still look at them when I need encouraged, but we have so many good days now, I don't look as often.
Psalm 127:3
Psalm 139:14 (I substituted my baby's name in here)
Isaiah 41:10
Philippians 4:13
Proverbs 3:5
Hebrews 13:5
1 Thessalonians 5:18
I don't know if they will help you like they helped me, but I know that nothing encourages more than the Word of God.
Hope the good days keep coming!
My little boy screams when he is too hot. He even kicks off (violently) covers in his sleep.
My son took meds for reflux and the day he quit taking it was the fist day of peace for all of us! I know he had to feel better because he sure quit screaming almost instantly. We learned a few tricks to help with his reflux without using the meds. He was my youngest of 4 so I wasn't afraid to try things. I just knew the meds made him miserable. I have prayed so much for all of you and I am so happy everytime I see a picture whether she is smiling or crying. You are so blessed
Hearts and Hugs
Marie Wimsett
I SOO want to try a "bump it" and get a PRETTY ponytail...it could do wonders for those of us blessed with thin hair that live in the South and want some big hair. (Big pretty hair that is!!) I'm glad that thinds are settling down, praying that they continue to do so.
Yay for some sleep!! They go through so many stages too where they nap for short naps, then nap long naps and then no naps and then the cycle starts again! Always keeping us on our toes! ;) I will definately have to try the pledge! I would love 1 thing that does multiple things! :)
And girl! I told my husband last time I saw that for the hair that I wanted it. He looked at me like I was crazy but I think it would totally work! Let me know if you get it and if it does!! hehe :)
She is just precious and I am so glad you are able to get back into the swing of things and life is becoming somewhat normal again but of course, more joyful with such a sweet girl like Harper now with ya'll :)
she is so sweet!
my little boy was like that at first - screamed unless he was eating or sleeping, it seemed. but (and i know this doesn't sound like much consillation now, but you'll be amazed at how quickly time flies) 4 months old was magic. i've heard lots of moms say that at 4 months old it was like the babes finally figured out that even if i'm a little hungry right now i WILL be fed soon and it's going to be ok and the mom's finally figure out how to "do life" with their babes.
but you'll figure it out!! no worries!
Hi Kelly, I love your blog...I had a "hot blooded" baby to this day he still is (I am too)....my doctor told me dress the baby the same as you, if your wearing one layer than do the same for the baby....what I always looked out for was making sure they are not in a breezy area...it did help...she is beautiful!
What a sweet precious baby girl!!! I hope the trend continues and you have a restful weekend...I know you must be worn out!
What a sweet precious baby girl!!! I hope the trend continues and you have a restful weekend...I know you must be worn out!
I just praise God, everytime I see her sweet little face!
I don't have kiddos yet, so I don't have any advice on how to juggle the cleaning and babies, but it sounds like you're doing well! :)
Get ready for the 6 week old's breast feeding marathon! This is one of those growth spurt times, and I remember feeling as though the baby was an extension of my breast! She is so beautiful!
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. You will come to love this little guy when Harper is a toddler and there is toddler funk all over your house!!
Hey Kelly,
The snuggie is so great! Actually, my husband was so sweet and tried to get me one for Christmas. SOme how, some way we ended up with 10 (buy one get one free thing, and my husband accidently typed in the wrong quantity that he wanted...very silly). If you want one I will gladly send you one from our stash. Just send me your address.
Love your blog,
I'm sorry that you've had a rough week. My youngest son screamed for 10 months and woke up every two hours at night until he was three. As for the reflux medicine he took it for 10 months and literally pulled his hair out from severe headaches after I took him off the medicine he was like a different child. It will get easier, he also liked "white" noise when he slept.
Breast milk. To help with her complexion put some breast milk on a cotton ball and rub her face with it. This also works with little scratches that she might make with her fingernails.
She could have also just gotten through her 6th week growth spurt. My kids went through that around 3 and 6 weeks. It was horrible. I was just one big boob. She is just adorable. Good for you taking the picture. You can look at the picture in a couple of weeks when you don't remember the last time it was empty.
Glad you are having a good Friday! I have been wondering about the cleaner- I will buy some this weekend!! Hope you have a great weekend!!
Hi Kelly ~ glad you're having a productive Friday! That little girl has the most adorable smile...she's tooo cute for words!
I'll have to try that cleaner..anything easier is okay in my book!
Have a great weekend!
Your daughter is lovely! I, too, had a larger baby and breastfed and she screamed all day from 2 weeks to 10/12 weeks! It is so tough, but it does become a thing of the past, I promise:) My daugther also slept very well during the night. I could not figure out what was wrong with her and my homeopathic pediatrician recommended Gripe Water! I would shoot a little of that in her mouth when screaming, she would let out a big burp and be one happy baby. It really was my own personal miracle and I wish I had known about it immediately. I bought mine at Whole Foods but it see it now at Baby's R Us. It is all natural and safe:) I didn't think my daughter had a digestive problem or needed to burp, but sure enough that was the problem. I also recommend California Baby Products for your daughter's skin. Calendula Cream from them or any other brand at a natural store is also a real miracle worker on the red rash/break out. They have wonderful ratings on www.skindeep.com. Some of the very best! There body wash is all natural and great for sensitive skin. Everything else caused my baby to break out big time! My homeopathic pediatrician loves Cal Baby so much, she sells it in her office:) Best of luck! You are gonna keep loving that little girl more and more each day:) Enjoy!
I love that last picture. She is just a doll! Praying for calmer more peaceful days for you both.
I'm going to have to check into that Pledge spray =)
I try to do all of my cleaning without chemicals and I have these antibacterial microfiber cloths from a company called Norwex. I absolutely LOVE them and all you have to do is wet them, wring them out and you can use them on everything!
awwww a sleeping baby is a "happy mommy" :) hahah she's adorable! i can't believe how much she's grown!
Ok, so i was SECONDS away from ordering a Bumpit set.. omg.. that is AMAZING AND WOULD TAKE SOOO MUCH LESS TIME IN THE MORNING TO DO MY HAIR AND PLUS, i never can get that perfect heighth/bump I want and see everyone getting so now everytime i see perfect "bumps" i'm gonna know their secret.. i still may order one of these. haha.. i dunno.. haha... maybe a "knock off" will come about in walmart. ya think? haha
She is so beautiful! God is great!Love your blog! Just wanted to tell you that my pediatrician says "weeks six is the peak of the crying, and that babies will usually never cry as much after week 6 as they did before. So if you survive week 6, you are home free!" He says it has something to do with when they really wake up to the world. Also, both my boys were on zantac and reglan...it made my second very cranky and restless. Good luck with everything!
I have some bumpits, I was a dork and purchased then but I think my hair is too thin! If you have thicker hair they may work better! I am going to resell them on ebay since that's where i got them from, didnt want to pay full price.
have a good weekend!
Ah those few moments during nap time are so wonderful!! Congrats on the laundry! Sad when that becomes a huge, photo worthy accomplishment, isn't? :o) I feel your joy & excitement!!!
I don't remember reading about Harper having reflux but my little Andrew suffered (as did we all!!) with it for 6 months. I cleaned up more puke than I ever thought I would and the medicines never really seemed to help him. But if they are helping, don't dare mess with it. He also had diarrhea and I was changing like 8+ blowouts a day until we found out he also had a cow's milk protein and soy protein allergy. Their little bodies are quite sensitive. Andrew was getting cold at night and waking up so parenting really is a lot of trial and error.
Still praying for Harper and your family here in NC!
She is so, so, so, so pretty! I'm so happy that she slept good last night and took a good nap this morning! Don't you feel like supermom when you get to the end of the laundry pile?? Ahh, it's the little things. Getting time to run (literally) through the house and get it picked up and put back together while baby is sleeping is one of the things you probably didn't realize would be such a huge accomplishment! haha! From one momma to another...I know how HUGE that is! ;o)
I have honestly considered that hair thing. I'll let you know if it really is the secret to ridiculously fabulous hair.
Happy six weeks, Big Girl!!! Y'all have a wonderful weekend!
I get so excited every time you post new pictures of Harper! She is so beautiful!!
Thanks for the "Bumpit" info. That is exactly what I need! After seeing them here on your site I did a little web searching. Do you have an Ulta close by? I read on a few blogs that they have a similar product for around $7. This one actually has "hair" wrapped around it so it stays hidden under your real hair. I am so going to get some of this stuff asap! Thanks for informing me that such a thing existed!!
Hope you have a great weekend!!
I think I might fall victim to the "bump it" maybe not the biggest one, but definitely the smaller two!
Yay for sleep! My oldest... who is 7 yrs old now, was the same way about being bundled up. She hated it. Didn't like to be swaddled or dressed in warm clothes. She was born in FL, when she was 2 months old, we came to NC for a visit & it was cold & snowing. She screamed every time I bundled her up to go out.
I'm glad Harper is making some changes for you.
Oh & I just tried that Pledge duster with cleaner... I really like it. ;o)
Aww - she's so precious, Kelly! I have to tell you, my daughter was the same way until she was right about the age Harper is now. She spent ten days in the NICU, so by the time she came home, she was almost two weeks old. She didn't really sleep much...and when five weeks rolled around she threw these SCREAMING fits! I thought I was going to go insane...in fact, I called my mom in tears at 6 am one morning and she came immediately to my rescue. She just watched her while I slept and even helped me figure out how to use my crock-pot and ask my husband for help in the evenings before he went out biking. She was a life-saver...and by about 6 weeks, my little sweetie was back. She's the happiest little baby and I love her to pieces. Glad to hear it's getting better for you too!
I cannot believe Harper is already SIX weeks old! WOW!
Those bumpits are hilarious!! I have never seen those!!
Glad that you had a good day! I am hoping to get caught up on laundry today myself. My little one is having one of those no sleep days herself!
oh my goodness. you have another version of my little girl (who's now 3). when she was 5 weeks, we thought we would take her on a beach family vacation. everyone told us she would just sleep and sleep. no, not my child. she screamed her head off, constantly. i called her "the screamer" and thought that when she started talking, she would have a raspy voice as a result of all her screaming. when she turned 7 weeks, i decided i had had enough. i got out my baby wise and baby whisperer books and came up with a plan. i put her on a serious schedule, making her sleep in her bed (as opposed to my arms!) during the day, waking her for feedings, so i could maintain her routine. it was hard, but so worth it. it took about a week or so for her to catch on that this was how we were going to operate together and it's been great ever since. her days were so predictable and i think it helped her to know what was "next". even though it was hard, the alternative was hard, too (listening to her scream, me being frustrated and tired and daddy being clueless.)
good luck to you, though. you are doing a wonderful job as a mother, i'm sure of it. plus, she's a doll!
Happy 6 weeks Harper! I'm sorry it's been a rough week :) I had a friend who took her daughter off her reflux medicine and felt like she got a new baby! I hope that works for you. Good tip about the pledge multi-surface cleaner. Always good to hear about timesavers! Hope you guys have a great weekend and hope it's full of a smiling baby and naps :)
Look at that precious gift from God. howww adorable. :) and the bump it thing works!! my best friend has it and her hair always looks great.
I wanted to order one of those hair clips also...let us know what you think.....I might get one also.
HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hooray for empty laundry baskets, hooray for clean houses, and most of all, hooray for sweet, smiley miracle babies!!!
My daughter was the same with the eating non-stop and no naps. I didnt much done either. Dont over do it take time to rest if you do get her to rest.
I want to buy a snugli too they look so nice and cozy. I am going to ask for one for next christmas if I dont buy it sooner.
Take care of your angel . I love seeing new pics of her and to hear she is doing so well!!!!!!!!!
My cleaning secret: only do enough to get you by!
I love seeing your cutie!
I want the bump-it!
Those last two pics are priceless. An empty laundry basket is a good thing!
Keep your respective cleaners in their rooms. I realize that this might mean a few bottles of the same cleaner, but it saves time running from one room to another.
Make yourself a target list for one thing of cleaning each day. Even if it is only a 10 minute block of cleaning each day, it makes a huge difference!
We did Aquaphor and the Little cheeks or tiny cheeks or something like that baby chapstick from Gerber. It worked very well.
Good luck!
Wow, 6 weeks! You might find that she is screaming less during the day. Growth spurt weeks are on the "3s" - 3 wks, 6 wks, 9 wks, 12 wks, etc. Week 5-6 was the fussiest for my son, and after that he was the happiest baby! It's true - they need that 'fourth trimester' to feel comfy and happy in their skin...(I found 'Happiest Baby on the Block' to be a very helpful book). She is simply precious!
Genevieve in CT
Naps were hard for us until he was 3 months old....know that isn't encouraging to hear!! He HATED to take a nap, but was miserable if he didn't. I started lying down with him and nursing him, so at least I could take a nap! Once he turned 3 months, he stated napping REALLY well. A great book is "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child".
She is SO beautiful!!! The first 6 weeks are the hardest, then it slowly gets easier. All of a sudden they're 5 months old and full of personality. I cried and called close friends ALOT during that early stage.
Have a great weekend!
She is such a beauty!! I am glad she slept so you could get stuff done around the house!! I don't have kids, but I haven't had mch time latly to clean since I had finals in college and reports to write. I am sooo looking forward to cleaning everything now that I have tim!!
Her baby acne is looking a lot better in the last pic!! Whatever you did it seems to help!!
I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend!!
I just saw the infomercial for those bumpits and loved them!! I actually forgot them name so thanks for posting about them. I wanna give them a try since my hair is very fine and does not like to fluff! :)
Wow, she is beautiful! 6 weeks, man time flies! My daughters were on Reglan for reflux and that is known to make babies fussy, so I asked if we could try a different med and we switched to Zantac. You talk about a difference between night and day, it worked miracles on one of my twin daughters. So if Harper was on Reglan then yes, I truely believe that it could be the medicine causing her to be extra fussy. Now one of my twins is still really fussy but some babies just are so I havce accepted that, but it is nice to only have one of those instead of both! You should read the book "Happiest Baby on the Block" it really gives some good info and helps you understand what babies go through as newborns. Hang in there, mine are now 9 months old and I am truely missing those fussy needing held all the time moments!
K, first, I've followed your blog for a while. I'm so glad to know that Harper is doing better. Praise God! Second, my hubby got me a Snugi for Valentine's kind of as a joke, I LOVE IT! You for sure need one. Now, for cleaning tip, I can't live without my swiffers and Clorox wipes. They both help with those quick cleaning touch ups!
This is only the second time I have ever commented on your blog but when I saw the bumpits I couldn't resist! I am a stay at home mom and Bumpits saved my life or my hair at least! I LOVE them!!!!! I usually only wash my hair every other day due to the fact that my nine month old DOES NOT sleep EVER!!! They take a lil' practice but after you get swing of it they can turn flat messy mom hair into cute stylish I have a nanny hair!!!! Harper is adorable!
Oh my goodness! That Smile Picture is awesome!
Harper is just too sweet!!! Seriously reading your posts make my day!! =) I'm still praising the Lord that she's finally home! It's been a journey & I'm glad to join you in prayer - and praise! when I can!!! Much love on this Friday!!!
I know I'm just one of the hundreds(or more) that read yoru blog every day, but I have really enjoyed watching your little Harper grow. She is such a pretty baby!
It does feel nice to get some cleaning done and laundry done during those oh, so precious naps!
My son was such a hard baby, cried a lot!, and didn't sleep much. He is 9 months now and is doing much better, but I thought we'd never get through those first few months.
I think I may have mentioned before, but I highly suggest some type of "baby wearing" device. I prefer a sling or wrap to the Baby Bjorn. But whatever is more comfortable to you. Elliot loved being in it and it kept him from crying all the time. And I could get a few things done while "wearing" him. Do you have anything like that?
Good luck with figuring out how your days are going to go.
Such a sweet baby. I must say I am a little jealous of the empty laundry basket:) My son had colic and he kept me up day and night. I used the snuggly thing mentioned and they do help a lot, especially when you need to do some vacuuming.
I just wanted to add that my daughter to this day (she is 5) NEVER liked being bundled up. Once we realized that, she was such a more peaceful baby! I never mastered the swaddle and I am glad!
P.S. - Harper is getting cuter by the day!
My cleaning tip...I keep paper towels and multi-purpose cleaner under both bathroom counters and in the kitchen - so much easier to just keep up with spots/etc...when it is right there.
Can't wait to see you March 14th...or sunday the 15th! I know Harper wants another set of napkins.
6 weeks - second growth spurt! This too shall pass! Keep the faith! She will want to nurse ALL THE TIME!
rachael ray had those bump it's on a testing segment & they totally worked!!! BUY IT!! hehe Thanks for sharing those gorgeous pics!! xoxo
I'm not too nice either when I'm hot...she just doesn't realize how popular and mother approved layering is....she'll learn one day!
love that smile.
She is just so precious!!
The people that make bump it's are from the town I live in!! Fresno CA. I've been wanting to get some as well.
I'll have to try that Pledge Multi Surface. I've also got some Green Works multi surface that I really love. Once I got over the smell I was able to love it. No chemicals. :)
She's just too cute! Who do y'all think she looks more like? She's a gerber baby for sure! I just saw a commercial for those hair things last night :) They look pretty handy but what happens if you forget you have it on and hit your head on something????? OUCH!
Bless your heart! I can totally relate to the screaming baby! Even now Ethan does a lot of crying (it must be their temperments!). I just recently figured out how to curb A LOT of that though. I recently read somewhere, babies under 6 months need to sleep every 2 hours and when they get cranky they are over stimulated and it is difficult for them to wind down. So I keep that in mind during the day and put him in his swing every 2 hours and most the time he will go to sleep. He will only sleep in a swing during the day. The days I'm home all day and follow that regimen during the day are so much better and less crying!
Also Colic Calm does wonders!
I know you've recieved a lot of advice...but really give this stuff a try!
I'm seriously considering getting a bump it...I think we are watching the same infomercials. I really want Brayden to get off the Reglan and the Prevacid...I think it would help him too! Glad you had a good day!
Bumpits! That is so funny. I saw the commercial for them the other day. You will have to let us know if they work if you order them.
Harper just keeps getting cuter, Kelly!
Happy 6 weeks, Harper!
That was the turning point for all 3 of my babies. It got so much easier, almost overnight!
Harper is so cute. Look at that smile!
Hi Kelly,
I think your screaming days are going away. Babies cry the most at 6 weeks of age. Enjoy her.
Love your blog! And I love your posts, especially when they're about pretty little Harper!
So funny to see your post about the Pledge cleaner! I just bought some and did all of my cleaning with it today. Gotta love a cleaning product that does it all!
Hey chica, I have a bump-it. They are amazing, I've actually blogged about them a couple times and posted some pics. You should def order some. They are great for days when you don't have time to fix your hair too. =)
oh, yay! i love cleaning products, and i've been wondering about the new pledge! i'll have to give it a whirl.
my new cleaning trick i just ran across? we have linoleum, and i mop it with water & ammonia, but after i sweep and before i mop, i spray a little windex in the corners of the floors where "gunk" can build up at times. it loosens up the dirt and makes it so much easier to mop! also, i'm currently in love with the libman wonder mop!
i also LOVE dusting my baseboards! nothing says "clean house" to me like clean baseboards. so i dust them with my Swiffer duster. i use the long, bendy one and i don't have to bend over!
the empty laundry basket? priceless!! good for you!
She gets more beautiful by the day!
It's funny that you mention aquaphor. I used it on my daughter too. She had a lot of baby acne. At one point the pediatrician told me she had eczema. So I used aquaphor and dove soap. They said for her skin the regular baby soap was too harsh. I couldn't believe it. We also switched to Dreft. I know it is expensive, but it helped a lot. Thanks so much for posting about where you find the cute bows.
DON"T get the snuggli blanket! Way tooooo static clingy and cumbersome! I got it as a gift, and it's a mess...... : ) Cute pics!
Yay for productive days! They are few and far between at this stage. DO NOT get those bump it's!!!!! Just say no! :-)
Oh Kelly, I have been reading a really long time but have never posted to you. I want to tell you that I am so proud that you have battled thru with nursing Harper. I am going to board my soapbox and say stick with it. I had the worst experience ever getting my first born to nurse. But something took over and I was determined we were going to do it. She cried all the time, I rarely got a shower unless someone was her holding her and it almost drove me nutty! We tried everything too, not so many clothes, we opted to use the Miracle Blanket which I swear by and it was like a new baby someone dropped off at our house. I nursed her about every 90-120 minutes. My husband thought I was crazy and so did my mom. Around the clock we went for about the first 8-12 weeks and finally after so many hours on my knees praying it all just worked out. I used the Miracle Blanket until my daughter out grew it and I nursed her until she was 2!!! Thru this whole process nursing Harper will be one of the greatest, hardest, most rewarding things you will do! I can look at my 4 year old sometimes and see that look in her face she used to have when she would gaze at me while nursing. It is priceless!!
Get two bags-paper, re-usable grocery, whatever. Put everything in the house that needs to be put away in one. Put everything else that needs to be thrown away in the other. Transfer to trash. Put away the other things as you have the time. In the meantime, the clutter isn't there anymore!
Love it!! I am so glad Harper is getting some sleep during the day. You know what my Grandma use to tell me "God made dirt and dirt don't hurt" Don't kill yourself trying to do housework. It really isn't worth it (trust me it will be there tomorrow), but I understand how it feels good to accomplish something!! Harper is getting prettier and prettier every day!!
Oh, I hope that weaning Harper off of her reflux medicine makes for a much happier little girl! (And momma!)
She is just adorable and I can't believe that she is already 6 weeks old!
Hope you have a blessed weekend!
My daughter cried just like Harper and my doc said to put her in the bed at nap time and let her cry!! I was terrified and it broke my heart!! I promise 3 days later and 9 months ago we have a very sucessful 3 hour nap everyday! I oly wish I had done it earlier. My daugter is VERY hot natured too, we stopped putting socks and footy outfits on her and it has helped her soooooo much. My mother freaks when I take her out with nothing on her feet but it makes my baby comfortable and that is all I need for MY sanity!! It sounds like Harper and my baby have the same kind of attitude!!!
My daughter cried just like Harper and my doc said to put her in the bed at nap time and let her cry!! I was terrified and it broke my heart!! I promise 3 days later and 9 months ago we have a very sucessful 3 hour nap everyday! I oly wish I had done it earlier. My daugter is VERY hot natured too, we stopped putting socks and footy outfits on her and it has helped her soooooo much. My mother freaks when I take her out with nothing on her feet but it makes my baby comfortable and that is all I need for MY sanity!! It sounds like Harper and my baby have the same kind of attitude!!!
I adore that child!! (And her Momma!)
She is just so "unchable"! My daughter was the exact same way. If she wasn't nursing, or sleeping she was breaking the sound barrier. Be not discouraged for you are not alone. I remember getting so frustrated.....I would always try to turn the situation into me as the baby and God as the parent. It's pretty sobering :) And keep in mind that (easier said than done) is is OKAY to put them down and let them cry. I couldn't bring myself to do it until about three months but you aren't being a bad mother. Sometimes they just need to cry! God Bless!
Such a sweetie! Can you believe it has already been 6 weeks? I can't, but then again, I'm not the one staying up with her at night! Isn't it even better than you imagined??
I love the multi-surface. I starting using it in Decemeber and I love it! I use the purple. I think it smells so good and I feel like I can get more cleaned in a shorter amount of time.
I know it feels SOOOO good to have the laundry caught up!!
Wow, I had a lot to say tonight!! Haha!!
Love SC Johnson products!!! Shout is my fave, mixed with Biz it will get out ANY AND I MEAN ANY stain. My girlfriend works there so I get to go to the company store once in a while! Ziploc, Off bug products, it rules!
I have a Snuggie. You can get them at Walgreens for $15.
I love the bump its =] they are amazing.... and Harper is so cute. she seems like such a good baby. im so happy for your family and i just wanted to tell you that ever since reading your blog for the first time i have had such an amazing relationship with God. Thank you so much! Harper is such a blessing.
I can definitely believe you took a picture of an empty laundry basket! All moms can relate!
Harper is getting more and more beautiful by the week! I know you do this already, but whenever I'm feeling overwhelmed by the reality of having a child :), I just stop and thank God that I even have that child to be stressed over! It certainly improves my attitude quickly! You're doing great!
Bless your heart... 2 of the 3 of mine were screamers and ate all of the time. I truely believe it was because of reflux!
My youngest little man Ben was on Reglan (for reflux) once we stopped this medicine... he stopped screaming all day long... he did best on just prevacid....
However, on the flip side Reglan worked wonders for my middle man Zac! As long as your peditrician gives you the O.K.... experiement. With this one, I gave on prevacid in the morning and one at night... that seemed to help too!
My oldest Nate ate all of the time and was a major chunk! He screamed all of the time, looking back I'm positive it was undiagnosed reflux!
Hopefully sweet Harper just doesn't need that ole medicine! She is such a princess! KMO
buy a snuggie!!! best investment ever...was having trouble sleeping and now i don't wake up in the middle of the night. its great!! and my dog loves it too...
Hi Kelly! I too am I new mother and have had my share of 'fussy' weeks! My little Sophia is 5 months now and I can tell you it only gets better. I think that 6 weeks is when the fussiness and sleeplessness peaks. We started Sophia on the Sleep Sense program at 8 weeks and I truly think it works miracles! All my friends have used it and all our babies sleep 12 hours at night and 2-3 good naps during the day. I have the pdf file if you want me to e-mail it to you I can. Just e-mail me at beachwedding53107@gmail.com and I will send it to you.
Harper is a beautiful angel and I love reading about her and seeing those adorable pics! Blessings, Venus
I LOVE Pledge Multisurface, but I use the wipes. A little more costly but very quick! The only other suggestion for Harper if she doesn't seem better is try some Mylicon. Gas can be horrible and keep them from sleeping, make them think they are hungry. make sure to burp her often. Just because she is breastfed doesn't mean she doesn't get air in and doesn't mean she cannot get colic. Good luck! Harper is beautiful and inspiring. I am so happy you had a good day!
P.S. I've thought about the bump-its, but the Snuggi--same as a robe turned around backwards! My 6yo has been wanting one, so I gave him a robe I've never used, but it on him and told him he had a Snuggi. hasn't asked for one since! :)
You are precious! Hugs to y'all!
Love the pics, and as a mother of 3, it doesn't look like baby acne, it looks like heat rash on her face! If you are warm, then so is your baby, we have seen so much from tv etc. that babies need to have tons of blankets and be cuddled up, but not always the case! Try Gentle Naturals Baby Eczema Cream, works like a charm!
Congrats on the cleaning time. Do you find that you get a lot done when your time is limited? I waste a lot of time when I don't have a deadline. I'm working on changing.
The baby looks precious as always.
She is a cutie!
I read every post, but try not to comment so you don't have to read all of them ...
just wanted to say that my secertary uses the bump it's and her hair is great ... she let me borrow one last week and it didn't work for me ... you have to have THICK hair for it to work ...
PS I ordered lots of stuff in the first 6 weeks of both of my babies!
Happy 6 weeks to Harper--it is amazing how Gog healed her. What great pictures of your little one. Thanks for you blog, I really enjoy really all about your family.
please let us know if the "Bump it" Works. I have been wanting to buy it. :)
I also have been looking at the peeler that's advertised on the food network... darn it... what's it called. It does EVERYTHING! HA!
OK, nothing worse than advice.... but I had great sleep problems with my first and read a few books that guided me some with the 2nd. I kind of took a little from each book and I wasn't a strict follower of schedules by the clock (too rigid). However, this "routine" helped me a lot, eat-wake-sleep. Also, I found out I was keeping the baby up too long in between naps.
The books are, Babywise, The Baby Whisperer, Healthy Sleep Happy Baby
Okay I am laughing so hard right now because those bump its have been taunting me too! lol. I wonder if they actually work...I cant honestly see it...But Oh if they did!?
I'm sorry that you had a bad week but am very thankful that everything is going better today. I'm glad to hear that you were able to get things done this morning while Harper napped. I do the same thing when my girls nap. Since I have two little ones who are a bit older then Harper we usually have toys laying around on the floor. So what I do is try to pick up around the house. Put all toys away, any loose papers that need to be filed and throw away the mail that piles up on the counter. I find that if every thing is put away it makes me feel a little more organized and ready to tackle things like dusting and vacumming. :)
So glad she has settled!! XOX she is adorable! Hope she gets to meet Brayden soon :)
Kelly..cleaning tip...SWIFFER DUSTERS..they are the best! And you really don't have to use dust spray. They save lots of time for cleaning. And of course the other wonderful thing.. chlorox wipes!
When I first started reading today's post, and read that Harper was sleeping at night, but screaming in the day..my first thought was REFLUX! Then I kept reading.. I'd put her back on her medicine..if its ok w/ the Drs. Both my girls were on reflux meds. My oldest had it worse, and she had the same sleeping patterns. She was on her meds until she was 9mos.
Take it easy!
Hi Kelly- my son was 9lbs 12oz when he was born and was NEVER happy. I did not nurse but it seemed like I was always feeding him. When he was not eating, he was screamin so when he was 4 weeks old, I started putting baby rice cereal in his bottle and that did the trick. Me pedi said it wouldn't hurt or really help him since it would go right thru him but it gave him the sensation of being full. My best cleaning weapon is my Haan floor steam mop - LOVE IT. No more srubbing floors.
Well- just thought I would try to help. Harper is just as cute as can be. I love her little hats.
Take care
Harper is so precious! It's so funny you put the "Bump Its" on your blog. My hubby and I were watching TV tonight and saw them on the tv and I said," Wow babe, I would like to get that!" he just laughed and said " Yea if you want to look like your head is mishapped!" I just had to laugh! I will have to try the pledge, because with two children under 3 I need ANYTHING I can get to cut out cleaning time! Good for you on catching up with the laundry. I WISH I could be that lucky!
Oh, and PLEASE hang in their with the nursing thing. I so can relate to the hungry baby that only wants to eat and cry, but it is truly the best thing you could ever do for her! There were so many times I wanted to just give up because I thought, this is too hard and I can't do it any longer. Through all the struggle though, I made it 6 months and was so proud of myself. You and Harper can do it. You are TOUGH GIRLS!
My word! Your baby girl is so yummy :)
So glad you were able to get so much done today! I can't believe she's 6 weeks already! Wow...time flies.
she has such a sweet little face. bless her heart. you're doing an amazing job. thank god that everything is going well. take your time and try not to get overwhelmed =]
She's so adorable. I pray for God to give you all the strength you need Mommy and for Him to cradle little Harper so that she will sleep peaceful for you and when she's awake will be a happy baby girl.
I know you may not believe it but this time will pass quicker then you know.
Love ya
She's just to sweet for words!
Kelly! Congratulations on having such a productive day, I know it must feel so good to get so much done...all the while watching a beautiful,precious sleeping Harper!! You guys have a wonderful weekend!!!!
Yay!! NO laundry! I never knew it was possible to have so much dirty laundry until I had a baby! They don't seem to keep their spit-ups to themselves so everyone has to change clothes...haha. Glad you're feeling so good.
Reading your post the other day and then again today about Harper's hot streak makes me giggle remembering my "introductory period" with my firstborn. He too was often very cranky and screaming and since he was my first I tried everything. Then after a friend suggested that maybe he was just hot and I unbundled him (in August!)--he smiled for the first time! He turned into the happiest baby alive after that. Still to this day (he's 10 now) he HATES to be hot. He is often heard to say, "Uh Oh, I'm gettin' hot Mom, you know how I hate to be hot, I can't stand being hot" and we ALL scramble to help him be cool. It's funny and it's not at the same time. God wired him with a low tolerance for anything over 75...I'm sure he'll move someplace cold when he can! :)
Sorry you had a bad week, but it will only get better and better as she gets older. You'll see. You will look back on these days and wish she were tiny again. We are never satisfied, are we? She looks beautiful!! Love & blessings from NC!
Harper is so precious! Just had to let you know I have the thinnest, finest hair on the planet and the Bumpit works! Barrettes and clips fall out but not this! There's even a little one for bangs or maybe for Miss Harper when she gets some more hair (haha). Anyway, keep the great posts coming!
hi, i am somewhat new to your blog (i started reading it when harper was born and my family began to pray for her)
i just wanted to let you know, you are not alone it the fussy baby all day. i have a 13 month old son and when he was a newborn he was very fussy ALL day, he also was on reflux medicine. I just longed to know someone when he was little, that didnt have the "perfect" baby. I longed to know another mother who had very frustrating days with a screaming baby. I just wanted to be that person for you. Good luck with everything and I am so happy she took a nap and slept good for you!!!
I use Murphy's Oil soap (one cap to one big spray bottle) or Mrs. Meyer's (same proportions) all purpose for just about everything. Counters, floors, tables, whatever. I usually just mist glass with whatever and then wipe with newspaper... but I don't have much glass... I can see how that would be a pain if I did.
and ya know... 6 weeks is prime time for another growth spurt. And I think bigger babies just spurt all the time. Mine sure seemed to anyway!
I'm not sure if anyone has suggested this..but I'm guessing they have! I just haven't had time to look at your comments to see...but have you thought about doing a chiropractor for your daughter? I'm not kidding...everyone that i know that has had a colicy/fussy baby that has gone to one for their baby, it has done wonders!!! Your Dr might not like it..but some chiropractors specialize in infants...its worth a try!! It's amazing how many out of wack things can happen to those little bodies.
ok, i've never commented before, but i HAD to today. i REALLY want a bump it! i'm always trying to create the "bump", but it eventually falls. i am defn buying it. i will let you know! lol!
also, i'm jealous of your empty laundry basket. its not crazy that you took a picture of it. i'd be proud too. i'm a week behind. UGH!
Asher has the same napping problem. He sleeps great at night, but not during the day! I swear BabyWise, Dr. Denmark, The Baby Whisperer...all the "experts" have no idea what works with my boy! I'm just doing Dr. Julia's Method now which is "get him drunk on breastmilk and carry him around in my Moby Wrap all day" :)
if you order a bumpit - PLEASE blog about it - I have been wanting to order one myself!!
I am glad she is feeling better.
That medicine was not agreeing with her.
My daughter got really fussy too when she got too hot. they really do not need much clothes on in the house. I use to bundle mine up too much when I took her out, and someone told me that would make her sick more than less blankets.
She is a pretty little baby. You are blessed.
I highly recommend the book Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Marc Weissbluth. According to the book, you can start getting Harper (or any baby!!) on a solid napping and nighttime sleep schedule beginning at 6 weeks old. A friend recommended this book to me and it made a huge difference in how I thought of my baby and sleep. Like everything else, we have to TEACH our babies to sleep when they are tired--I never thought I had to teach something that now seems so natural to me!! Naps are really important both to babies and parents, so I hope that you are able to get her on a good schedule that works for you both. She is growing up so quickly and looking more and more beautiful every day!
So glad you had a good day. I have a video called "The Happiest Baby on the Block" that I use for work. It really is a great video with lots of info. You might also look into an infant massage class.....it is wonderful and relaxing....even to an older child.
I don't know how you keep up with the laundry! I haven't been caught up in months! I am too busy trying to get other things caught up or trying to cathc Aaron.
Hey I love your blog and Harper is too cute! You dont have to order the snuggli blanket i think you can get them at walgreens.... Atleast here in TN you can :-D So i would try there first
kelly, she is more beautiful by the day! about the infant acne...i always used plain white dove bar soap on my kids. it seemed to take away some of the redness and it dried it a little quicker to me. i washed their little faces twice a day i think. but it will be there probably 4 to 6 weeks. it's just your hormones working out of her system.
I love a sleeping baby!!! I imagine you really do right now. (I promise - it gets better!!)
That last picture is just so darn cute!!
I'm getting caught up on Little Miss Harper! I am lovin' all these bows!!! And, her outfits - so adorable!! I will always praise God for what he's done with your precious lil' girl!!!
She is so adorable. Plus, she is smiling a lot for only 6 weeks! That's great!
First- Harper is too cute for words! Yummy cheeks!
Second- have you tried a fan or some other sort of white noise? I was a nanny for years so I promise it is not out of nowhere. A fan or white noise machine thingy can really help settle restless sleepers- both babies and adults alike.
ahhh, the snugli, our 4 yr old was sick for several days a few weeks back and partook in a few too many cartoons...and commercials, and he has decided he wants a snugli, blue, eith the batman logo!
btw...harper just gets cuter and cuter everytime i see her! didn't think that was possible!
never heard of the bumpit.... would love to try the pledge.... the snuggie is a backwards robe. Happy 6 week birthday Harper! You get more beautiful each day!
Hello Kelly, so I have been checking your blog since your little Harper was born. She is beautiful! I have had two good babies and 1 fussy one and I know how hard it can be. I also know that you would be willing to try anything! Well I have my babies/kids feet zoned (a natural healing) sometimes they can find some things wrong with your baby that other daughters can't (example: kinked neck, etc) that could be upsetting your little one. Also I would put a drop of Lavender Oil (get it at a health food store) in their tub water at night to calm them and then I would rub their feet with lavender oil/almond oil mix. I know all of this sounds crazy but it honestly helps. My one last thing that I found that helped me tons was the Secrets of the Baby Whisper book. I love their concept of putting babies on schedules, I can't let my babies cry it out and this book doesn't suggest that so I really like it. Good luck with everything! Courtney
She's looking good.
You're sounding good.
God is good!
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