I wanted to share our birth announcement with you! I wish I could send one to every blog friend out there but once again - recession and stamps aren't cheap. ha! I loved how it turned out - we had it made here. She also did our Christmas Card this year.
Well - it's almost march madness and Arkansas will not be making the tourney and football season is a LONG way away and the Stamps can't STAND baseball (no offense) but I thought it would be fun to break out a little Razorback spirit today!

I have two bits of good news today -
1. It is going to be almost 70 degrees and sunny today (hello spring - we've missed you!) so I may get Harper out for a very short walk today. (goodbye cabin fever)
2. There is a RSV shot for kids like Harper who were born preemies or had lung issues. It is EXTREMELY expensive. (Like blow your mind expensive) They are supposed to have 5 - one for each month of RSV season. She got one in the hospital but we had to get insurance to approve for the next one. Our dr's office called today and we were approved and she will get it tomorrow. This is a huge blessing because it will keep her well and we were NOT expecting to get it covered. I'm hoping while we are at the dr's office to sneak her on the scales and see how much she weighs. I want to make sure she is gaining now that we are home.
Hopefully one day - they can come up with a RSV shot that all kids can afford and get.
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm lovin the team spirit!!!!! :o)
Even from my sooner heart - I think you both are adorable! much love from sooner country!
RSV is very scary, I am so glad she will be protected!
The birth announcement is adorable ")
So adorable!! I love it!
She is truly beautiful! I love reading about you guys. I'm so happy that you were approved for the RSV shot. The announcements are beautiful. Thank you for sharing your amazing story. You are such an inspiration to all of us!
SO CUTE!!!!! I love Harper's announcement! And thank God your insurance covered the shots...that is great news!!! :)
Have a happy Wednesday!
Haha I think this is the first time I've ever seen less that 80 comments on a post, which means I got here early haha. I love your blog so much and I'm so happy that Harper is healthy! Your blog is my all time favorite - I wish mine was this good!
God bless you,
You're lucky they have a shot for RSV now. When my eldest son was born he was a preemie and contracted RSV. He was in the PICU for three very long weeks. And thank goodness your insurance covered it!
AMAZING NEWS! Yes, that shot is super high. Bentley also has to get one ever month to help protect her heart. I don't know what we would do without it. She has been getting them since October I think and let me tell you the girl has gotten one tiny runny nose that was no big deal. Amazing, just amazing! Glad Harper gets to also have the benefits of this shot. She's such a cutie!
Birth announcement is so cute!
We live in MO not far from the Arkansas border. My grandparents are in Huntsville. I really enjoyed the article in the Baptist paper. My fatherinlaw is a Southern Baptist Pastor and my husband is a youth minister.
I have really enjoyed following your story and seeing what God has done in your lives.
It would be great to see a shot for all babies against RSV. I have a 7 month old little boy who has it right now and is on breathing treatments. He has been very sick but is getting better everyday. Think we will be getting out for a walk today as well since the weather is so warm.
Have a great day!
So thankful you were approved for the synagis. It is a wonderful thing but SO expensive!!
She is absolutely a doll!
You two look great today! I'm so glad that you may be able to get outside. It helps so much to just take a short walk and the babies seem to always like it.
I'm so happy that insurance is covering this shot. What a blessing! Hope you can find out how much Harper weights now.
You both look adorable!! She is just beautiful! Yay for getting approved for the shot!
I was born and raised in Little Rock so it does my (now) Texas heart good to see that little Razorbacker!!! So cute.
And now I'm going to try out my Mac photo booth. I've been missing out on that feature!!!
God is continuing to answer your prayers! Oh, what an awesome God!
Harper is beautiful and girl can pull off a hat like no other!
Love the pic of you and your girl! What a relief that insurance approved the shot! Praise God!
Harper's birth announcement is very cute.. Thanks for sharing your little one. Enjoy the sunshine and walk.. maybe someday spring will hit the Northwest
ADORABLE! I have really enjoyed keeping up with your blog the past several months and prayed so hard for ya'll while Harper was in the hospital. I'm so happy to see how well you both are doing!!! You have really inspired me to keep up with and do more blogging!!!
Go Hogs =)
And thank goodness for the insurance!
Nothing makes me love her more than seeing her in Hog attire!! Can't wait till football season!!
I don't want to get banned from the blog, but I'm a HUGE Longhorns fan!!! HOWEVER...seeing Miss Harper in her outfits, I'd totally consider switching sides *wink*
<3 She's adorable!!
what a blessing!!! Synagis IS SO expensive!!! Our twins are receiving them and they doctors are going on and on about how great they are. So far... NO RSV! We are huge synagis supporters! :) Love sweet Harper's birth announcement!
Praise the Lord for great and amazing medicine!! :)
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the birth announcement!! Some of my most favorite pictures (like I can seriously pick favs when I love them all) on one card!!! TOO CUTE!!
Have a fabulous day and we'll talk soon!
Love you,
Jess :)
I just found out on Monday that my 6 month old has rsv. We live in Colorado, so everyone's kids are sick all the time. I just thought he had a virus. He's getting worse, so we are headed to the pediatrician again today.
Harper gets bigger every day! They grow so quickly.
I wish I had bows like that when my daughter was little.
I love the little razorback fan!!! She is soo cute! I am so excited about the shot, when insurance helps it can be a big blessing!
You ladies have fun on your walk!!!
So cute!!!! I'm jealous of your weather as I am sitting here in cold Chicago. I am loving all these cute outfits!
Congrats on the great new!
PS- My son had baby acne around first month and it lasted about 5 to 6 weeks. They say just leave it alone, and let it run its course. We put nothing on it and his skin looks perfect at 4 months. I know it is not good for pics, but it hardly shows up in them. Gotta love those hormones. LOL
Love the announcement and all the Hog gear! :-) So glad that your insurance is covering the RSV shot! Also glad I got to read your post before I had to go into a work meeting.
I just wanted to tell you a little more about that shot. When I say Bentley got one tiny runny nose, I wanted to tell you more.. We have to also be overly protected with germs, but I do have two older children that are around other kids at school I can't take them out of school so germs come closer to Bentley than I would like (we have hand sanitizer stalked up in this household).. Not only that a couple months ago colds have be passed around between my two older children, my husband, and me.. not once but TWICE. It was bad for all of us (I don't think I have ever been so sick before), we were very sick and I was very scared for Bentley. But she got NONE of it. She stay perfectly healthy the whole time. She got her runny nose about a month later and I got so scared, so I ran her to the Dr. and they said it was nothing it would be gone in a couple of days, no need to worry. And it was gone in a couple of days. So seeing this first hand amazes me. I love that shot and I am so thankful for it and that my insurance cover it. So I am absolutley THRILLED Harper will be getting this, there are so many benefits to having this. I just wanted to tell you from experience how good it is!
PS.. cute cute card!
Synagis was a blessing for our twin boys born 7 1/2 weeks early. RSV season runs from October through April. The shots for the boys were about $5000 for both per month. Insurance paid all except about $300 per month. They have had them for two seasons and then the March and April they were born (they were born in March 2006). It protects againist RSV but there are NO guarntees. Our bbf twin daughter got it the shots and then got RSV when she was one year old and passed not long after. She was also a preemie.
The announcement is darling and so is Harper! We have been praying for you guys here in Alabama and will not stop! ;) Blessings all the way around! God is so, so GOOD, all of the time!
those pictures are ADORABLE!!!!! Yay for insurance covering the shot!!!! xoxo
Love, love, love the announcement! We must have the same favorite pics of Harper because you used all of my favorites! Yay for taking a quick walk! When does she get off house arrest? :-)
So adorable Kelly! She looks good in RED!
I love the birth announcement!!! So precious! SHe looks adorable in her Razorback gear! I'm so happy to see her doing so well and growing so big. Cannot wait to see how much weight she has gained.
The birth announcement is adorable!!!! Enjoy your walk today! Great news about the RSV shot!!
Very very cute!! (The announcement and the ourfit!)
I have to tell you my husband is now in love with the baby hats with the big flowers on them. The other night I was looking on Etsy and he said "I want to look at the baby hats!" All thanks to your sweet little Harper. =) I've shown him some of her pictures and say "this is the baby I've been praying for".
And that is GREAT news about the RSV shot. What an answer to prayer! How much longer are you on "house arrest"?
What a treat to get back from the gym and find a new post...with pictures!! Harper is so beautiful and so is her Mama!
Praise the Lord for the RSV shots, what an answer to prayer!
Always adorable pics!! I was a nanny for a baby with preemie/lung issues and he had to have the $1000 shot. But luckily their insurance covered it! God is great!
What a cute announcement! I love the verse at the end. I didn't read through all the previous comments, but I've got a baby acne trick that I swear by... even though it sounds weird, it worked for both of my kiddos. Express a bit of mommy milk onto a cotton ball 3 or 4 times a day and wipe it gently onto Harper's skin. The acne should clear up in no time. Sounds gross, but the antioxidants in the milk work like a charm!
My daughter who had a very similary first few weeks as Harper also got those shots. She got 6 of them and each one cost over $2000 a shot. (yeh, insurance!)Yikes! But, she never got RSV. She did get a cold about a week after she got the shot...not sure if it was from being in the doctor's office or what. Glad she is doing so well! Thanks be to God!
Your birth announcement is sooooo cute!
Love the team spirit...you look great BTW. (:
Praise the Lord for his provisions!!!
She is too cute! I'm so glad her shot was approved!
Well, the VOL in me wants to "boo" the Razorback outfit, but since it's you and Harper, well, I just can't help but love it!! (Sadly, it looks like my boys will also not be in the tourney this year, sigh.)
I love the announcement! Glad you guys are getting out of the house today... don't forget Harper's sunglasses :) !!
You guys are so cute! I love the name Harper!
Both twins {born in October and barely 4 lbs and 6 weeks early} had to get that same shot! We were suppose to get it the second year, too! I had to pass! It is soooo flippin' expensive {and the more they weigh - the bigger the dose!]
And your birth announcements are great! I really like them. She does a great job!
Even though I am a Tennessee VOL fan I LOVE Harper's outfit. So cute!! Praise God for giving you favor with the insurance company for her shot! Have a great day!!
I sure do love those birth announcements! Precious! Love the hog spirit, too! It just doesn't get any better than the SEC, does it? Praise the Good Lord on the RSV shots, too. He is good, and He provides!
I love the birth announcement and Hog outfits! They are adorable. I have been reading your blog for awhile now and I love it! I decided last night to create my own blog!
Christa- Magnolia, Texas
If Harper wasn't so cute, and you so pretty, I'd have to say something ugly about those nasty Hogs!
Boomer Sooner,
Brent (Abby's Dad)
PS. I guess I ought to shut up after that last bowl game loss.
Get a look at that girl! She looks GREAT.. and so do you mom. No worries.. Harper looks like she is growing just fine! Love the announcement.. just awesome!!
Glad to hear Harper will be protected - my son gets the new RSV vaccine which is given orally at the 4 and 6 month well baby visits.
Both Hog fans are looking awesome! And the birth announcement is just perfect!
She is so stinkin cute!!! I am lovin all of these cute little bows! I NEED A GIRL!! LOL!
God gives us such blessings! Congrats on the shot i know things like that are sooo important!
Cute pics in the Hogs outfits! I love the birth announcement...super cute. Wonderful news about the RSV shot. Can't wait for pics of Harper on her first stroll on a beautiful Spring-like day.
her birth announcement is precious!!!!!
Love that sweet baby girl! She gets more and more beautiful each time we see her!!! And you look FABULOUS! I hope to look like that when I have a new baby to look after!
How is Harper's skin? No matter what-- still beautiful! :) ~Rachel
RSV - the biggest preemie parent fear! The boys didn't get approved their second Winter, but God was so gracious.
We almost all get RSV, but it can be fatal to those with compromised lungs. We had two cases in the church nursery last Winter.
Love the outfits. It is so much fun to see Harper, the little fashionista!
Cute onesie! My son had to get the RSV shots it was going to cost us with our insurance $320 a month but luckly we got some financial assistance that paid all of the expenses but two weeks after his first shot he got RSV but it was just a very mild case since he had got the shot. It was awful though I felt so sorry for him but he is still getting his shots every month for free.
What great news that Harper is getting the shot! That sounds weird, being glad about getting a shot...She has been through so much!
It looks like the Stamps fam was having a good time supporting their team!
I love the birth announcement ~ beautiful!
Her announcement is so sweet! I just love that you included some photos of her NICU days on it. I love, love, love baby announcements! Thanks for telling us about where you had it done...there are some CUTE ones over there. I'm going to have to remember that for the next couple months....
A "little" razorback spirit?? That's an understatement! You look so good, Kelly! I was so pitifully ragged-looking after Amelia was born! Do you feel as good as you look? I hope you do!
That's great news for y'all and the RSV shot being covered by your insurance. Isn't it AMAZING, and so totally unrealistic, how expensive some of that stuff is??? Amelia had a hideous diaper rash when she was tiny, and the cream they prescribed initially wasn't covered...8 oz. for $150!!! I felt so bad because I had taken her to the ped. and said "I'll do whatever to get rid of this rash on my poor Amelia!" and then I got to the pharm. to pick it up and thought "Yeah right!" FYI: I ended up putting her in a vinegar & water bath and in two days her two-month-long rash was completely gone!
She is so adorable:)
A girl after my own heart!
The birth announcment is beautiful!
Very CUTE announcement!!
It has been a real joy for me to check in on your lives throughout the good and bad times :)
I love reading your blog but this is the first time I have commented! I am going to add it to my blog roll! SUCH a great read!
My son had heart defects and Open heart surgery twice. He also got the RSV shot. Don't worry about sneaking her on the scales.The RSV shot goes by weight and so they will weight(and probably RE-weigh) her each RSV shot to ensure she gets the proper dose! And YES that shot is expensive...and gets MORE expensive EACH time! She will probably get it next winter too since she will be under 1! Stinks for our cuties to get shots, but OHHH so great to not have to worry as much! Great Blog Kelly! Glad I found it and was able to pray for you all! God Bless!
My sister and brother in law have to fight that RSV battle with the insurance EVERY month!! It's just insane!!!!
What a beautiful birth announcement! LOVE it!!!
Cute pics of the two of you too! You look fantastic!!!
That is such a cute picture of you two! She's even got an adorable little rump haha! :) Congratulations on the vaccination... that is fantastic news.
I love the birth announcement. It is too too cute!
Congrats on the shots! Love the birth announcement. As for your last post on the baby bumps, my daughter had them and we put Aquaphor on her face and it helped alot. (If you don't know what that is, it is made by Eucerin and you can find it at Walmart/Target/drugstores with the lotion.) I know it seems counter-intuitive to put lotion on a breakout---but a friend suggested it for my baby (who is now 3 1/2---I wish they'd stop growing up!!), and it worked wonders.
My son was not a preemie but ended up with RSV and almost a week in the hospital. He's 10 now so this was before the shot was available. I too wish that this shot could be made available to all babies.
She is adorable rocking her sports gear..lol!!!
You are making me wish I had a girl. (I have 3 boys) All the bows and outfits are too cute!!!
I love the announcement, very cute!!
our lil guy got RSV shots for 2 seasons. Your right they are not cheap:( They will weigh her before the shot-the dose is based on weight-at least it always was when my guy got it.That shot is a blessing. However it does have side effects-but there worth it,and not every baby gets them.
Love the clothes!!!!
We have done the RSV shots for our twins and yes, they are insanely expensive. It is great that you were approved. Oh, and the larger your baby, the more expensive because of the dose. It is so worth it because (knocking on wood), my girls have been healthy all winter and I've heard from so many friends whose babies have gotten RSV this year. We are waiting to find out if we get approved for one more dose, since technically RSV season lasts until March!
Love the card ... very cute!
I just want you to know that I have been reading your blog since Harper was born. What an inspiring story. You are so beautiful as is your little girl. I am the mother of four children, and try as I might, my 'blog' stories are never quite as fun to read as yours are.
Keep it coming :)
Super cute pictures of you and Harper! I am so glad she is doing so well!
Haha! She is sooo cute, we have some similar outfits but they are KENTUCKY BLUE! We are headed down to the SEC tourney in Tampa in a couple weeks...never know we may meet up with the Razorbacks! I think the only Razorback I am a fan of though is Harper! ;)
(Maybe we need to send her some Kentucky Blue!!!)
Prasie God for the blessing of the insurance! The pictures of you 2 are so stinking cute.
Oh Kelly I'm so happy your insurance approved the RSV shot. I cried when I got the call that our insurance approved Ellie's RSV shots. She was born 6 1/2 weeks early. She has been sick very, very little in her 4 years. It was a real blessing
I dont think we'll ever get tired of seeing pictures of Harper... I'm always excited to see what she's wearing!! Move over Suri Cruise!!!
Good news on the shot - we were SO careful with Lauren and somehow she still got it, I will never forget how scary it was to watch my daughter gasping for breath and our 3 sleepless nights in the hospital last year.
She sure looks cute in her outfits!! And those bows are darling!!
Your announcements are PERFECT....and those pictures are so cute.
Thank you for always sharing Harper with us. I don't think we could ever get enough.
Hope you are getting some rest.
I have been following your blog for awhile now and had to comment when I saw the bit about the RSV shots. That is AWESOME!! My son will be 2 next month and has been battling RSV for a little over a week now. It is horrible-I can't even imagine how it'd be with an infant. Harper is beautiful. I love getting my "girly" fix with all of her cute bows and clothes! =o)
Yeah for Synagis! Our baby boy was approved this year too (6.5 wks early). They get x amt of Synagis per kilogram that they weigh, so good news for you...Harper will have to be weighed at each appt : )
Your announcements are awesome!
Kelly those announcements are gorgeous! I also love your team spirit! We are Oklahoma State Alums and our boys are always decked out in ORANGE for game days! So I get you on that! Praying that RSV shot does its job, our baby just got tested for it yesterday! Praise God he doesn't have it, some other virus instead!
That bow I so stinking cute! I wish it were socially acceptable to put boys in hair bows! Ha :) Love your birth announcements!
What a gorgeous announcement! Congrats on the vaccine approval from insurance- what a blessing. My youngest had a stay in the hospital with RSV last year, at only 10 weeks old. She ended up fine, thank God, but it's great to know that the little ones with the highest risk have this safeguard to rely on.
Oh Harper ~ I just love all your bows! And that little onsie..so adorable!
What does RSV stand for? I'm glad the insurance approved it...way to go!
Love the bow and Harper's birth announcement is just way too cute! The picture of both of ya'll is just adorable! Glad you two get to get out and go for a walk. We were supposed to get that sunny weather over here today too, but so far it has been gloomy! Happy Wednesday!!
I work for a pediatrician and we give RSV shots, and if its anything like we do you'll DEF get to put her on the scales! The dr.'s have to calculate their weight so they know the dosage to give! It's such a blessing to get the Synagis covered!
Great pictures and fun updates!
Thanks for continuing to share your blessing with us all.
Are you nursing? I know you mentioned her weight gain and just wondered how it's going if you are! I used to have to tickle my kids to keep 'em awake for at least their first two months!
Yeah for nice weather. Upper 50's here today and thunderstorms tomorrow - boo hoo!
Continued prayers!
She just keeps getting more adorable! And you look great. And those announcements are Harper perfect :-) I am jealous of your warm weather, it is rainy and blah here in AL. That is great news about insurance covering the shot! We have been fortunate that our kids have never needed it. But you are right, hopefully, one day something will be available that everyone can afford.
I loved the card!!
Harper is going to be one cute cheerleader at the Hog games this year!!!
RSV is certainly scary! I'm so glad y'all got approved.
My son got the shot since he was born 8 weeks early. But my daughter was only 5 weeks early and you have to meet at least 3 risks to get it paid for. Well, she meets 2. If I said "yes we smoke" (we don't) then we could have had it. Can you believe that! So, I have major cabin fever, but I would probably be just as careful even if she did get it.
I'm so glad you guys got approved! Our Eli has had 4 of the shots so far and gets his last one next week. So far they have kept him well- praise God! Also, they weigh the babies before the shot, because the dosage is based on weight. So you'll definitely get to know how much precious Harper weighs.
I had a preemie little girl and thank the lord her RSV shots were covered. I think they were a $1,000.00 for each shot. And once she got heavier they had to give her two shots each visit. The nurse will actually weigh Harper each visit to make sure they give her the right amount of medicine. Side note: we never saw the doctor when we got these shots. My doctors office said by just seeing the nurse, you don't have to pay any co-pay. Hope all is well.
I have been following your blog since harper was born and praying for your family! My daughter does synagis also and has since october... Because her older brothers are buble boys. It is a blessing. We have had 2 ear infections with the shot but that is nothing compared to RSV. My daughter also doesnt feel much like eating the day of the shot
I love that card!! So stinkin' cute and thanks for sharing the website!! I was just getting ready to blog about spring and March madness!! Come on spring!
Oh my goodness...you have got the cutest baby girl around! I love all the bows. The bigger the better.
Speaking of RSV: That is a very scary thing, when my daughter was 5 weeks old she got RSV and was in the hospital for 6 days. Very Scary! She is a very healthy 8 year old now! Praise the LORD!!!!!
She is so cute in her little hogs outfit! I am so glad ya'll are able to get her the RSV shots. I'm a nurse in a PICU and we are swarmed with RSV! I'm glad at least some babies can be protected:)
Cute birth announcement! Blair is also getting her synagis shot tomorrow! We have had issues with ours and insurance too. They cover it, but the pharmacy and the insurance company get their wires crossed on the approval every month! So glad that it worked out for Harper!
Yay for american idol tonight! And top chef! Do you watch it? I wish they used better language, but I love the cooking!
Yeah for Synagis!! (the RSV vaccine) It literally saves babies lives! I work in both a Pediatric office and on the peds unit at a local hospital and I see the poor little babies that get RSV. I agree, I wish that all babies could receive the vaccine! That probably won't happen for a while seeing the vaccine is about $1200/dose. Since the vaccine is weight based, they will most certainly weigh her too! Good Luck and hug your little miracle!
everything is so very adorable!!!
Love the birth announcement! That is where I got mine made too. Small world! You can view mine on my blog. I didn't know they had a shot for RSV. My little girl is 6 weeks old (she was born January 13 this year). She got RSV when she was about 3 weeks old. It was very scary. I wouldn't want anyone to go through that.
I am SO glad Harper was approved for the RSV shot! I was so worried about her since it is RSV season and my baby cousin had it in the past! Praise the Lord!
Such a cutie. Love the back of the onesie.
beautiful birth announcement, she is such a cutie.
yeah also for her being approved for the rsv shot
out little one is getting this, they do weigh her before the shot and that determines how much they get, from what i understand.
Love the HOGS outfit. Sorry you hate baseball. I always was a sucker for baseball players.
We opened the sandbox today and maybe when I get home from working out, we will hit the park. Love these beautiful days and fresh air for little ones.
What great team spirit!! We are like that in our house ... except we bleed orange :) We are a huge University of Texas family!! My sons nursery is all UT! :)
Great pictures!!
That is great news about the Synagis shot. My preemie girls got approved for it too. They got their first two and after the second one they came down with a scary looking rash they called target lesions. So watch for any changes and fever. They did tell me it is very uncommon to have a reaction to that shot, but mine sure did. Which also meant they weren't allowed to have it again. By the way the Razorback outfit is too cute!
that IS a blessing! my daughter, Natalie, now six weeks old, was very sick with RSV when she was two weeks old. It was scary... glad your little one is protected from this! ~Kimberly
LOVE the birth announcement!!! She is so precious and I'm glad she's able to get the RSV shot. God is good!
That IS such great news Kelly! And the Razorback gear was so cute even though I am a HUGE Texas fan!
Love and Prayers,
Praise God for health insurance... isn't it AWESOME!?! :) I'm glad your's is covering the RSV shot. Sorry Miss Harper. :( It's worth it! ;)
Baby Maverick was diagnosed with a heart condition and lost his battle yesterday. His Mom is a fellow blogger and though I don't know her personally, my heart aches for her. I couldn't imagine...Please keep her and her family in your prayers. Maverick is her fourth child and I can't imagine the grief and confusion his siblings are going through. You can read his story at http://babymaverick.blogspot.com. Thanks for the prayers.
PS-Harper is a doll!
Many Blessings,
Amanda Watts
OMG that last picture is THE best one I've ever seen!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!
Three words for you....WOO PIG SOOIE! So glad to see she was laying on her D-Mac jersey for one of the pics. You are raising that girl right!
Oh Kelly, the birth announcement is just beautiful! I always love Harper's bows! What a girly girl she is going to be.
So happy to hear that insurance is taking care of the RSV shot. Harper needs all the protection she can get.
Hope both of you have a nice walk in the beautiful spring weather today.
Did you ever get a chance to pick up Harper's gift that was delivered to your office? I have something else to send but don't want to put you to any trouble of having to go pick it up.
Love the birth announcement! I love the Hog attire! Too cute! I love going to the Razorback baseball games, but not to watch the game! I just love going because it usually means the weather is nice and I enjoy sitting out in it. I spend the entire game talking and I never know the score. Josh just yells at me when he wants me to duck!Haha!
That's wonderful that she gets the shot!
You can totally tell in the first Razorback picture that she is going to love being a Razorback!
Aww gotta love the Hogs! Only us Arkansans get it! Don't love the baseball, either. But she looks precious in her outfit! Go Hogs Go!
That IS good news! Praise God that Harper will be able to have the shots she needs to be healthy.
Her announcement is beautiful...she is one precious little girlie girl!
PRECIOUS birth announcement--LOVED it--I've looked at it 100 times! :)
She is absolutely beautiful. You look good too. You look happy! Wonderful and praise the LORD!
God has it all under control for Harper. He has a plan for her and you watch and see if not EVERYTHING is taking care for her always!!!
Bless you.
So Stinkin' Cute!!!!
Totally agree with you on the RSV vaccine. I am going to give you a little FYI---SAVE THE APPROVAL! There is a reason, but won't go into it here. So glad that she is going to get it. When does RSV end for you?
Love the outfit. Looking forward to the little cheerleading one when she is toddling around.
Little Harper is so beautiful!!
So glad that she is doing so well and so happy for all of you!!
God is so Good!!
The birth announcement is just the cutest! What a sweet little girl you have! She's very photogenic!!
YEAH for the RSV shot! Thank you Lord!
I must say that I am very jealous it was in the 70s for you today!! It is 42 and rainy here in Michigan! Enjoy your nice weather and please send it my way!!
That annoucement is the cutest thing I have ever seen!
Razorback stuff is so cute, love that pic on the jersey. (though I am a Dawg through and through, alumni and all) - And... letting you know I'm "borrowing" your favorite verse for Harper. We've waited 10 yrs on baby Cole who should arrive June 2nd and it seem so fitting. There were 2 others (James 1:7 & 1 Sam. something I can't think) but your Ephesians verse speaks to me since we weren't expecting a biological baby any longer, being approved for adoption and all.
Just sharing
Her outfit makes me want to call the Hogs. I'm loving it! I can't wait till Football season!
I'm so glad she's getting those RSV shoots. My little girl had a mild case of RSV this winter and it made me sad to see her feel so bad. I'm with you on one of these days having an RSV shoot for all kids.
Kelly, she is just looking so sweet these days and so are you by the way!! You give me great hope girlfriend!! How are you feeling?
love the announcement. love it all...
and from a preemie mom...rsv shot is worth every penny.
Even though I am most definitely not a Hog fan ( Go Dawgs! ) I still must say you and Harper look adorable in your team spirit!!!
I love the baby announcement, Kelly! And all the fun little outfits you've been dressing Harper in are adorable...she is a gorgeous little girl! Hope you are doing well.
The birth announcements are adorable!
WOOOOOOOOO, PIG SOOIE!! Love the Hog gear!!! That is so awesome about the shot! One of my biggest "soapboxes" in life is how expensive some medicines/medical treatments are...and they are necessary!!!
Now you have me in the mood for football-too bad we have to wait so long!!
I am very happy to hear that you are able to get the shot covered. It's very hard on a baby to get RSV. My son got it but thankfully he was born on his due date (12/25). Three weeks of pure you know what! I slept with him in my arms at night because he had a really hard time breathing and had to sleep upright. Keep getting those shots!!
I'm so glad she will get the RSV shot. My son spent over 40 days in the hospital on the vent and with serious respiratory complications and RSV and the insurance wouldn't approve him for the RSV shots! Made me soooo mad!
Your Harper is an absolute doll!
Awww to cute! Love the birth annoucements! Love her big bows!!!
LOVE that birth announcement! What a huge blessing about the shot!! RSV is a nightmare! Let us know if you ever hear it is available to all kids!!!
I was wondering if you had heard about Synagis! She probably will get weighed at the doctor b/c next month they will want an updated weight to figure out the dose. Sam had it his first and second winters and was perfectly healthy. This was his first winter without the vax, and he had RSV. FYI, the needle for that vax is bigger than most, so it may bruise or bleed. It is SO WORTH IT though! Stay healthy Harper! And I love the announcement!! Those eyes!
I have had 2 preemies and the RSV shot is WONDERFUL!!
Love your birth announcement, it is adorable. Thanks for sharing with us. Glad Harper can get her shot. Enjoy getting outside with Harper is only for a short walk. Love & blessings from NC!
I love the birth announcement..thank you for sharing it with me!!!
So glad that Harper got approved for the shot. Lucas had RSV when he was a baby and we ended up in the hospital with him for a while. Doesn't insurance drive you crazy sometimes :)
Oh that's so good that your getting the shot! My baby at 2mo got RSV and spent 4 days in the hospital. It stunk! She was a preterm baby too, so congrats!!! Oh and was the weather not awesome today!!! I'm in Memphis and it was SO SO SO nice here!
Kelly, she is just SO sweet. I miss seeing you at church!!
OUCH!! That's sort of harsh..Thats too bad about the baseball. We L-O-V-E baseball. I epecially love the Texas Tech Red Raiders. My nephew plays for them and I have two little boys that play as well. Maybe you should give it another chance...
my daughter has received the rsv shot every month since october (thank the lord) and harper will be weighed so they can get the correct dosage for the shot. she looks great.
Bailey got an RSV liquid stuff. We didn't have to pay for it! Maybe it was not the same thing...?
definitely be thankful that you got approved for the RSV shot! i had a 29 week preemie, but because he incredibly came through the NICU without any major problems, they said he didn't qualify for the shots and because of it we spent some scary times back in the hospital that winter.
Love the outfits and the announcement!!! I'm so glad she's getting the RSV shots! My lil guy was hospitalized with RSV for 10 days when he was just 10 days old! With everything Harper has already been through, it's a blessing that she gets these! :)
You two are adorable. However the Duke Blue Devils reign in this girl's heart! :)
My son was 6 weeks premature, born in Oct at the very beginning of RSV season...he's had to get a shot every month, and will get his 6th and final shot in March. Our insurance did cover it, but our copay ended up being $350.00 per month!! But I'm still glad we got it, and wish that it were more affordable for everyone. :)
Pig Sooooie!!!!
so cute. it almost makes me want to like football.
I am so happy about the RSV shots, for both of our twins the shots were $7500 each girl, each month for 6months!!! YIKES so glad that yours were covered for your sweetie. Ours were too thank goodness. and GO HOGS!! I only say it for my sis and brother-in-law.
I LOVE the birth announcement and the Hogs get-up! Too cute, and she is just growing like a little weed!! Such a big girl already. Thank goodness for vaccinations!
Go Hogs!! Such a cute outfit! I went by our churches newsrack tonight to see if ABN was out yet but it hasn't come in. I'll be watching for it.
Harper definitely has too big a fan club for you to send announcements to everyone.
Hard to believe that an insurance company actually came through for once...thrilled that she'll be getting the vaccine!
Continuing to pray as always!
Psalms 31:9 Have mercy upon me, O LORD, for I am in trouble: mine eye is consumed with grief, yea, my soul and my belly.
Psalms 31:14-15 But I trusted in thee, O LORD: I said, Thou art my God. My times are in thy hand: deliver me from the hand of mine enemies, and from them that persecute me.
Prayer Bears
My email address
Harper looks so cute in her Razorback gear. :o) The birth announcement is beyond beautiful--love it! Also, wonderful news about the Synagis insurance approval (HUGE relief).
I think you look GREAT!! I know I didn't look that together when my girls were 6 weeks old. You gals are too cute!
Send some warm air up north. We are ready for Spring!
i love giving the team you love props :) our daughter was born just after the alabama/arkansas game last year...i remember going through labor watching the game and giving a 'roll tide' here and there. each saturday after that marked a new week in life and an alabama game...so naturally all her 'week' photos are of her sporting her favorite team. harper is just so cute...i am so happy for you guys!!
As always, thanks for sharing photos of your pefect, healthy ray of sunshine.
Your birth announcemnt is precious. I used to have tons os Stampin' Up! supplies and paper, but it was all stolen... along with my heart because it is what I made homemade cards, announcemnts and scrapbooked with. I'm an office supply junkie, so designing note cards was right up my ally!
Think I'm going to take up quilting now... sounds like fun.
Praising God today for your perfect miracle, thanks again for sharing your life with us!
She is beautiful. I love the bows. The razorback outfit is too cute!
Hello Kelly - this is my first time writing. I had a preemie too - born at 33 weeks, so I've been where you were - NICU and all. I've been praying for you all and am so happy Harper is doing well. My son is almost 3 now and I am so blessed at how well he has done!! The nurses and doctors in the NICU are angels, heaven sent for sure. We did the RSV series the first year and opted out the second year because he was so healthy. Thankfully our insurance approved it as well. I'm 31 weeks pregnant and so far so good. I've been having pre-term labor issues since 29 weeks, but am getting so much extra care now that I hope to make it longer with this pregnancy than the last one. I have the best OB. He is practical and intelligent, yet he also knows his hands are guided by the Lord. We have wonderful talks about Faith at my appointments. I pray that your family continues to receive God's blessings. All the best to you all!!
hey kelly! seriously 70 degrees?! i am SO jealous! :) with jim's possbible job move we are looking SOUTH, i can't wait! i LOVE harper's announcement! just lovely! not offened that you guys don't like baseball, just bummed! :) it's the only sport i understand and like. ha! i would love to upgrade to the 5D, i use the 40D. although i do believe it is 10% camera, 90% lens!! :) so what lens do you use most? i stick with the 50mm 1.2 (red rings rock!!!) -tara
I have never left a comment before -- but I have really enjoyed following your story and seeing God work in amazing ways! I wanted to leave a quick comment to let others know there is a RSV vaccine now. My 2 1/2 year old received it as an infant. It is an oral vaccine. They have to start it at their 2 month well baby check in order to get all the doses in. They need 3 doses before they are 6 months old. It is not a guarantee that your child will not get RSV -- but it lessens the symptoms so that hopefully they will not end up in the hospital. It worked for us! He didn't have his first "sick" visit until he was over 18 months old. Our insurance covered it also! RSV is a scary thing! Our pediatrician hold us it is the #1 reason infants are hospitalized.
Kelly, that little Harper is just THE MOST adorable baby, I could just eat her up! I'm still so happy and thankful for all that God has done for your family. It blesses me every time I stop by here! xo
Hey! My first daughter was born at 32 weekds and she qualified for the synagis shot - so thankful - we had a home health nurse come to our house once a month with a portable scale and give her the shot so we didn't have to take her to the germ-infested PED office every month during flu/RSV season. WE live in Alabama, so the coverage may be different, but it's something you may want to check into. LOVE your blog - you are both so beautiful, inside and out!
Woo pig sooie! That is AWESOME!!! ♥ I can't want to see your blog this Fall :D
The birth announcement is so adorable!
EXCELLENT news about the Synagis shot being covered. They are outrageously expensive! We're actually on our second season of shots because of Cadence's heart conditions. Getting coverage for the second year is nearly impossible so we felt extremely blessed to get it covered. Especially since she finally grew a little and now gets two vials a month.
RSV season and the forced "hibernation" can be hard, both for the parents who have to stay in and the friends and relatives that don't understand why you can't bring the baby out and about. I pray that you are surrounded with friends and family that understand your need to keep Harper from being exposed to anything. This can be such a battle for some parents.
Kelly, I must say I am addicted to reading your blog. I love getting on and seeing pictures of Harper all dressed up... She is gorgeous.. not to mention I love all the bows. I have gotten several for my little Sophia and I love putting them on her!
Loved the birth announcement! Love all the cute outfits and bows. Oldest kept pulling them off of Only, so we didn't get to use many of them. She's just beautiful.
Isn't it a beautiful day today! Enjoy it while you can, I heard that it's supposed to much cooler on Sat. We live just south of you in Van Buren and Harper was born on my daughter's birthday! I'm so glad that your insurance covers the shots for RSV.
cute pictures!!! isn't it absurd how expensive that shot is and to think that some insurance companies won't pay for it. in the long run it's cheaper then a hospital stay!! good news is that Vanderbilt ( the hospital I work in) is currently doing a study on RSV to help develop a more affordable vaccine! yay! glad everything is going well!
She is so adorable! Even if she is a hog. We're SC Gamecocks.
Praise God for the shot being covered.
Enjoy this day that the Lord has made!!
I don't recall how I had come across your blog, but I did. I have been following along for a while now and I think Harper is just the cutest little thing.
So glad to hear she was able to get the RSV shot. My son ended up getting the RSV virus not once, but 3 times when he was little. It is definitely not something to mess with. His hospital stays would range from 3 days to 1 1/2 weeks. Anyway, take care of the little beauty.
Elaine from MT
You look soooo cute and wonderful!!
Just wanted to tell you!
I seriously can't get enough of Harper! I show her pictures to everyone, I feel like I know her! :) Also, I am so happy that you are going to be able to get her the shots! :)
Woooooo Pig Sooie!
Woooooo Pig Sooie!
Woooooo Pig Sooie!
Sorry, just had to get that out!
She looks adorable in Razorback red! (no surprise:)
Have I missed the post about where the adorable onesies came from?
She is tooo cute for words!! I love her bows! The only thing that could make it cuter is an Auburn Tiger on that onesie - but not by much - she is an adorable little miracle :) God Bless!
Love the announcement! It turned out very cute. :)
she looks like a natural in her razorback attire! do you know a good website to get cute arkansas smocked dresses and big bows? i need to get some for a friend. thanks. god bless!
I LOVE your birth announcement and I LOVE the the miss piggie in her razorback attire! If we have a miss priss you will have to tell me all of the ins and outs on where you get Harper's stuff! Although, I do not think she will be able to be permenently dressed in Hog gear (like her mommy and daddy would like her to be!) since our livlyhood is the Baylor Bears right now! I am glad it is warming up in NWA. We are already in the 80's. I miss NWA and seasons so much! Hopefully walks will grow on Harper!
My daughter was a preemie and had to have the RSV shots, they wanted her to have 4, she got 2 and that was all due to the cost. She ended up never getting RSV (Praise the Lord) but man alive, why are they so spendy?!
I love the birth announcement!! She is just precious! Enjoying your blog everyday!!
Praise the Lord for insurance-so very happy they approved the shots for Harper!
Thank you for sharing her. =)
God Bless,
Lynn in TX
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