Sunday, February 01, 2009

Technical Difficulities

In case you have forgotten her name or what she looks like - here is Harper today!
I swear she gets cuter and sweeter every day
This is our new home - the children's hospital. You didn't hear from us yesterday because the internet has been down. Mom and I are at the RMH doing laundry right now while Scott and Dad are watching the super bowl and trying to take care of Harper. (I just got a stressed out call from the new dad). ha! So I thought I'd do a quick update.
Yesterday- I got a visit from two blogger friends and two real life friends. Julie and Kate both came to visit us! We had a great time with both of them!
And Hillary and Josh came also! I was so excited to see them. We all went out for lunch! It was a nice break to be with such fun friends!!!
Here is the proud daddy and his girl. He is SO great with her. I never expected him to be this hands on of a dad. He is so in love with her. We just can't wait for the day we get her home and we can pick her up with NO cords or wires or monitors on her. It's so hard to scoop her up when she has so much attached to her.
Today has been a good day! Thursday night I stayed with Harper by myself. We did okay but she was up a lot - so I got about 2 hours of sleep. Last night Scott stayed with us and Harper slept the entire night long!!! She was so good! I'm so thankful that we get the practice of taking care of her in the safety of the hospital so when we go home - we will feel more confident.
Our doctor came in today and said we might take her off oxygen tomorrow and we could also start feeding from a bottle again today. She has been fed through a nose tube because her breathing has been a little too high but she is slowing down. This is me giving her first bottle - she took it really good. She took two feedings well - but her last two haven't gone so smooth. It's a slow process - but we are making GOOD progress!

Both sets of grandparents were here this weekend so Harper got a LOT of attention. She is a very loved baby - by both her family and all of you!!! We got the cutest outfit and hat for her that she will have to wear soon and the hat says "miracle". I'm wearing a necklace today that another blogger sent that says "miracle" - that is just what she is to us. Thank you God for this precious gift!
We got her a CD player with speakers for her crib yesterday and we have been playing praise music for her all day today. She loves it! I'm hoping God will give her the gift of music (it won't come from us so it will be a miracle if she CAN sing!)

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kate said...

it was such a wonderful day to hug you! happy week with your precious miracle! k8

Anonymous said...

I'm first?! Praise be to God for such wonderful news. By the way ... you look marvelous. You were meant to be a Mommy.


Kelli said...

She is so so beautiful. Praise the Lord for such a miracle!

Unknown said...

She is just an adorable miracle! You are just beautiful and beaming yourself :)

Anna said...

Aw, that little pink crib is so precious. She is a little doll! :)

Barbara said...

I stumbled on your site by accident and have been captivated by your beautiful daughter and your wonderful story of God's amazing love. I am very new at blogging and trying to learn from others but I had to let you know that I am praying for your family too. I am a grandmother, so I feel a special need to pray for the grandparents as well. You will remain in my prayers and I will continue to keep up with Harper's progress. If I could get your address, I would love to send a card or something. May His Peace continue to cover you through to the brighter days ahead. Be blessed, Barbara

Jenn said...

So happy that such wonderful progress is being made! Praise God. She is just too darn cute! And you look amazing!

Anonymous said...

Thank You so much for the update...I was so worried yesterday when there was no word!
Do you have any idea how beautiful YOU are?? You are an amazing new Mama!

The Speight Family said...

So glad to see things are going well. I love Harper's hat -- Emerson had one just like it!

And...... you look great!!!

Hope things continue to go so well for you all!

Paula McKaughan said...

She gets cuter and cuter everytime you post her picture!!! She's got the biggest eyes and perfect little lips! I'm still praying for the day her mommy & daddy get to take her home to her beautiful room! Kelly, you look amazing!!! Praying each and every day for all of you!!!

God Bless,
Paula - MP, TX

creative gal said...

Amazing!! What a cutie pie!! Praying for you to be home soon!

Anonymous said...

She is SO beautiful! I continue to pray that all goes well with all of you! Love and prayers from French Lick, Indiana.

Rachel said...

Harper is so beautiful! Praise Jesus that she is doing so awesome!!

Puttin' On The GRITS said...

She's beautiful Kelly and is looking better and better each day.

Angela said...

It looks like you guys will be pros before you get her home! I am so glad she is doing so well. She is a miracle...what a testimony you all have. God is so good!

ocean mommy said...

She IS more beautiful each and every day! We are still praying and each morning my girls ask to check on Harper, we are just thrilled to see what God is doing.

Praying that you all have another good night!!


Rathi said...

So glad you updated today! Love all the pics and the monogrammed hat is adorable! The picture of Scott and Harper is adorable as well!!! Hope you had a great weekend!!

Tristan said...

She is SO BEAUTIFUL!!! more everyday:)

You look fab. too!!!!!!!!

Gracie Beth said...

I am so joyful to see that Harper is continuing to make such great progress! Oh, Kelly you look absolutely fabulous!

Amy said...

You are right - she does get cuter every day. She has such sweet rosebud lips! And, I think she is really starting to look like her mama! Thanks for the update - praise God for his faithfulness. I'm always in prayer for your sweet miracle.

Anonymous said...

My daughter told me about your blog and your situation, and I have been an avid follower since. You have such a beautiful little girl and she continues in my thoughts and prayers. Just knowing she is in her own room is a major step! May you continue to have God's peace and just be able to enjoy your daughter. Love, Jan

Anonymous said...

I would like to share a little story with you to reaffirm the miracles God can perform...although you know first hand now.

My niece was born 2 years ago and suffered a series of strokes at birth. She was in the NICU for 2 weeks and it was touch and go. Noone knew what her prognosis would be until she was about 12 mos.

We spent 12 mos in fear and now, 2 years later, she is the most perfect fiesty and smart girl.

Her personality is a testament to the fight she had as a baby and her strength will carry her life as will Harper I am sure.

Good Luck with your beautiful baby.

Shannon Willcutt said...

I don't think anyone will ever forget Harper! :) She is cute as a little button!! You look great Kelly! Love your sweet necklace!! Always love an update from you!!

Take care!
Shannon Willcutt

Southern said...

she is just too cute!!!

Candace said...

What a beautiful little girl! She is so sweet! I am glad that you are able to stay with Harper and get used to some sort of routine. I know how difficult it is to deal with all the wires, and it makes you so thankful to finally be home! I will continue praying for you all! Give that precious girl lots of kisses! :) said...

Glad to hear everything is going well!! She looks fantastic! r

Perfectly Imperfect said...

Harper is absolutely precious!! I'm so glad she's doing so much better! I can't wait to hear that you guys get to take your beautiful little girl home.. You're all still in our prayers!!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you all. I think Harper looks a little like her daddy! She is beautiful. By the ways my sister in law Sarah Johnston found out she is pregnant this week. She is on your prayer blog. She is due the end of September. They were both told they had little chance of having a baby. God is sooo good. Take care of yourself along with Harper.

Tracy said...

Glad to see that everything is going well. I pray that you get to go home soon. God works in the most amazing ways. I am still so very touched (as I am sure you are) at the kindness of strangers (like myself). I don't know you from someone walking on the street but I am truly touched at people and the reaction from your story. It gives me hope that there are still good people out there! God bless you and your family.
Tracy in Arkansas

Immeasurably More Mama said...

Kelly, you look SO pretty holding your sweet girl and giving her a bottle! She IS a miracle and I'm so happy that God is choosing to work in her life the way He has been.

Jenna said...

My word, that sweet child really does get more and more gorgeous with each passing day! All these pictures are just precious! Continuing to pray for that sweet miracle girl! Love ya'll!!

This Little Hen said...

What a beautiful girl! Praise God for his mercy and love!

becca said...

Kelly, seriously... I don't say this about every baby... but Harper really is one of the cutest babies I've ever seen. They are usually still quite 'squishy' looking at this point and haven't started looking like 'themselves' just yet, but she sure does. She is a doll.

Anonymous said...

I've been checking on y'all everyday and so glad everything is going so well. She is so beautiful with those big ole eyes; she looks so alert that it doesn't seem like she is a newborn. I'll continue to pray for all of you.

Anonymous said...

Continuing to pray for your family, and your gorgeous miracle daughter!! :)

Twice as Nice said...

First of all I want to tell you Kelly, you look WONDERFUL! You can just see the joy :o)
She is more precious every time I see her. Just want to squeeze her :o) I'm glad you get to be more hands on so you will feel better when she come home.
You can tell she's daddy's girl already....sleeping through the night for him.
Give her a big squeeze from the Twins.

CathyParkerNC said...

Great job Kelly! Keep up the great work and you'll be home soon!

julie & joe said...

She is so beautiful. I am glad you had a great weekend! We are still keeping you in our prayers.

Nicole said...

I have been following your blog and I am so happy that Harper is doing so well! She is just a sweet baby. I look forward to your updates and your family is in my prayers.

Doodle Bugs said...

Look at those BEAUTIFUL brown eyes! She is precious!!!!

and yes, you do have a miracle :o)

Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...

Truly...she is more beautiful every day! So happy for the continued answered prayers for sweet baby Harper! Love her!

Kelly Gerken

Rikki said...

You are right she just keeps getting more precious everyday.

I hope things continue to go well and Miss Harper is home soon.

Prayers still going up in here Arkansas!

Amber said...

She is SUCH a beautiful baby!!!

Sue said...

Harper is absolutely beautiful...those lips and eyes are perfect. The problems today will be small compared to keeping all the boys away from her when she gets older!! I am so happy for you and know that you are giving God all the glory for this true miracle.

Bethany said...

She does have the perfect little face! And I love the pink crib ... could that be any cuter for a hospital?! At our hospital, we get metal cribs...ick. Praying she continues to get better quick!

Anonymous said...

you're right she gets cuter every day. she is just soooooooooo adorable and what beautiful big eyes!!!!

tootie said...

She looks so beautiful! It is so inspiring to see her doing so well. What a blessing to all!

Sarah said...

Harper is so beautiful (& cute too)


Such a cutie!! praise God for her :)

Jill Foley said...

That first picture is beautiful!!
Continuing to pray for your little princess.

Tara said...

You are totally right!! She is more precious by the day! Im so thrilled to see the update! Blessings!!

Aileigh said...

Oh Kelly... she is so beautiful! I am so glad she is doing well! Tell her to keep up the good work! I made mention of you guys in my blog. Check it out at if you have a chance!


Melody said...

I could just eat her little face up, her lips are scrumptious :)

I think she has your eyes!

Jennifer said...

Harper gets more gorgeous every time you post. She's just beautiful & a true miracle. Continuing to pray for all of you!

Greenville, SC

k and c's mom said...

Thank you for the update and pictures. What a cutie-patotie Harper is! God is good.

Hollie said...

Your baby girl is a precious little doll. She is beautiful! I have been following her story everyday! I am so glad the Lord is healing her tiny body! Your faith is a testimony to all!

Jennifer said...

Could she be any cuter?!!! I think she already knows how to pose for the camera!

You look wonderful!

FROGGITY! said...

Gorgeous gorgeous! Praise praise praise! :)

Kendra said...

Kelly, you look SO beautiful in the picture where you are feeding Harper...You are simply glowing =)

Jamie said...

I just found your blog, but I wanted to let you know that your baby is so cute! I am glad she is getting better.


Stacie said...

harper has beautiful lips! we don't know each other, but i have been following your blog after seeing a post on angie smith's blog about your delivery. i am a mother/baby nurse in asheville, nc and help get moms and their new families on their ways. (and sometimes just the moms when their babies are in the nicu.) i love that you selflessly asked for prayers for the doctors and nurses. (trust me, sometimes we need them!) may god continue to bless your progress!

Taylor said...

I just can't get over how absolutely beautiful she is!!!

Jennifer said...

Kelly, You look beautiful in the picture of you and Harper! She looks just as beautiful as her momma! I'm glad you had such a great day with friends yesterday. The hospital looks so nice, and I know you are enjoying being in that nice, big room. Praying Harper continues to improve and can come home very soon!!

Anonymous said...

To God Be the GLORY !!!
Harper is beautiful !!!!
I will continue to pray for all of you. Thank you for another wonderful post.
God Bless you all,
Ellen GA.

Unknown said...

She is so alert looking and getting more beautiful each day!

We have a baby girl in our town that I heard about today with her name-Harper-and she is sick too! I think she is at UAB in Birmingham, Al

The B's said...

Emma could not go to sleep tonight without seeing "Baby Harper" so...we had to come in here get the computer on so she could look and marvel at her "blog friend"!!! Now it is time to rock and say prayers for Baby Harper.

Much love!
The Branum's

Jill said...

Kelly and Scott: She is simply PRECIOUS! For all she's been through, she certainly looks alert and bright-eyed. Congratulations for "movin' on up" and I continue to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

God is going to use this little one I have no doubt, maybe she'll sing we'll just have to wait and see. So happy for you!

Anna said...

Harper is just so beautiful! Praise God for the miracle He has done! Still praying for you guys!

Anna :)

PS - Kelly, you look great! Definitely meant to be a Mommy!

Melinda said...

She DOES get cuter every day!! :o)

Is she the only one in the hospital that has a faux fur on her bed??

Too cute!

Brittany said...

It is so good to hear from you! I had gotten a little scared when I didn't see an update, but I figuered you were just enjoy that precious baby...especially since you get to room with her full time now! HOW EXCITING!! And to confirm what you said about her getting cuter everyday...that is SOOO TRUE!!!
I am continuing to pray for you all!

becky said...

such a beautiful girl!! and mama and daddy are looking great! she will be home before you know it and she'll be the strongest little girl!!

Anonymous said...

You had us worried there for a minute... no pictures for us to fall deeper in love with Miss Harper. Just wait till you get her home. You will be so busy falling deeper and deeper in love and diaper duty galore. Well have to get use to waiting on those post,hehe. Take care and get some rest!

Jordan said...

The picture of you and Harper is too cute! Love the outfit! She gets cuter and cuter everyday =] I'm still praying that she gets to come home very soon!

Hannah said...

She is beautiful!

Jenn said...

Her little face is just precious! I love seeing her different little expressions. She is a very special little miracle that God will most definitely use! Praise Him that He already has!!

Lisa said...

Kelly - Let me first of all tell you that you look great. You look so happy and like such a proud momma. As goes for that sweet girl of yours... you are right, she gets more beautiful and more precious every day. Glad to hear that things are still moving in the right direction. Praise God!!


Jennifer T said...

she is BEAUTIFUL!! absolutely perfect =)

Anonymous said...

Kelly, she is the prettiest little thing.Looking at you and her it's had to beleive she is only two weeks old. You and Scott look really good for what you've been through. You look as pretty as baby girl. I was just thinking that if you carry this story on through her life and have a book made, how great would this be to give her when her first child is on it's way. Love and Gods blessing still fall on all of you. Georgia

Sue Mom of Two said...

What a cutie patootie! I especially like the 2nd picture on today's post. Such beautiful eyes.

Samantha said...

she is just SOO adorable!

Jensen Journal said...

I got your blog from Big Mama and have been keeping updated on lil Harper. She is precious! My son Ethan was a preemie and in the NICU for 3 weeks. He came out eating like a champ and then slowed down and had a tube just like Harper...we went thru the same problems with slowly adding the bottle in and nursing. One day she will just start gulping them down and you will be amazed! What a wonderful loving family you are!

Heather said...

Oh, she is cute, cute, cute!!! I am glad things are continuing to progress....God is in complete control of that little miracle! We love all of you very much!

The Hibbard Family said...

She is breathtakingly beautiful! I keep wanting to go to those top pictures and look at her over and over again.

~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

She is so beautiful! Thanks for the great update!! :)

Jennifer said...

I just love the first two pictures, she is just precious!! Wishing you guys a restful night and a week full of hope and more promise!! God bless!

Angela said...

She is so beautiful and I love that you are a fellow monogrammer!!! lol Too cute! She looks so alert too!

G. said...

She. is. SO. beautiful! A true dollbaby, rosy cheeks and rosebud lips. What a blessing!

Staci said...

She really does get cuter everyday!

Jess :) said...

I love her! I love her! I LOVE her!! I don't think I can say it enough! And if you don't want to pinch, squeeze, hug and kiss her to pieces, I don't want you want to do?! :) Such a dolly! Plus, her mommy and daddy are pretty cute, too!!!

Thanks for the update from today! You are totally in your element, Kel, feeding sweet Harper! Awesome!

Until that very special day that we are blessed enough to meet ~

Love you tons and sending lots of hugs!

Jess :)

The Golf Widow said...

She is so adorable in her Harper hat. You both look great!

Steph said...

She is so beautiful! Glad to hear she is recovering by leaps and bounds :-)

Stephanie in Indiana

Anonymous said...

Kelly, I have been praying for you and sweet Harper. What an answered prayer today to see her looking so great! I am so thankful God is taking care of her!

Kim said...

Praise God! She is so beautiful. Harper is loved by A LOT of people. =) Still keeping you in my prayers everyday.

Julie said...

Kelly, I hope you will see this comment, as I know you get soooo many! I love how Harper is just staring at her grandparents so intently in these pictures! Precious!!! She is so alert!
Hang in there! You 3 will all be home before long! What wonderful memories you will all share from the thousands of people around the country that have been praying for you all.
~Julie from NC

Kristin said...

She's just too precious for words! So glad that you're now able to snuggle her!

Ronda said...

Harper is absolutely beautiful! I'm so glad that you and your husband are able to enjoy your baby girl. I'm looking forward to hearing when you can go home! :-)

jensoup said...

I'm so glad to hear she's doing well! I am a good friend of Becca's for many years,I found your blog the day after Harper was born thru a link on Beccas Xanga site.Our youngest was born at 27 weeks and spent 2 months in the NICU. We too saw how wonderful people can be,friends,family and strangers alike reached out and prayed for our "little miracle" that they had never even met.It was wonderful and terrible all at the sametime. Today he is a happy healthy 4 year old,looking at him you'd never know all that he has been thru in his short little life. Though he has the "personality" of a preemie as they say-it's the strong will they had to have to survive that always stays w/there personality:) Crazy as it seems, I sometimes think back and actually miss some of those days in the NICU~and the nurses,doctors and other families we met. Hang tough,God and your friends and family will get you through and Harper home. God bless!

Unknown said...

Oh, she is getting cuter each day! I still can't believe how alert she is. Those eyes!


Burt said...

I am so glad that you liked the necklace and pacie holders!!! We pray for you and your family every moment we get! Love you!

laura said...

She is just gorgeous, and you look amazing! Praying for you and thankful for Harper's miraculous recovery!

Amanda said...

I'm pretty sure I've never seen such a beautiful newborn.

Kelli said...

She is precious. I know you can't wait to be home! Still praying!

Colleen said...

Oh Kelly we could never forget Harper! You are right, she gets prettier every single day! I could just kiss that sweet face over and over!


Kara said...

She is so cute! I love the pink crib, fitting for your little princess! Still praying in NW Oklahoma for you and Scott!

Kara said...

I forgot to mention, not that you asked for music suggestions, but our favorite baby lullaby CDs are Praise Baby - I think there are 3 or 4 now, and I Can Only Imagine (baby lullaby version) CD...those are awesome! Our kids have had CDs playing at night since they were born, the oldest is 4 and we all love music!

Amber said...

She is such a beautiful little baby! Still praying for your family! Thanks for sharing your life will everyone!


Kathy said...

She is a miracle!! So sweet too!!

Kathy :)

Anonymous said...

Harper doesn't look like she has ever been sick. It's been wonderful to watch this beautiful miracle unfold. God bless you all.

Reading in Dallas

Anonymous said...

That first picture of Harper is gorgeous! She is such a pretty baby. You look great as well. Thanks so much for your updates.

Lilly, Reid, Matt, and Sara said...

She is just getting cuter every day! It is funny, you will think it you can't love her anymore, and then you will. We are still praying and praising God for the progress she is making.

Anonymous said...

Joy Unspeakable

Words and Music by Barney.E. Warren, 1900

1 Peter 1:8
"Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom,
though now ye see him not, yet believing,
ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory"

I have found His grace is all complete,
He supplieth ev’ry need;
While I sit and learn at Jesus’ feet,
I am free, yes, free indeed.

It is joy unspeakable and full of glory,
Full of glory, full of glory,
It is joy unspeakable and full of glory,
Oh, the half has never yet been told.

I have found the pleasure I once craved,
It is joy and peace within;
What a wondrous blessing! I am saved
From the awful gulf of sin.

It is joy unspeakable and full of glory,
Full of glory, full of glory,
It is joy unspeakable and full of glory,
Oh, the half has never yet been told.

I have found that hope so bright and clear,
Living in the realm of grace;
Oh, the Savior’s presence is so near,
I can see His smiling face.

It is joy unspeakable and full of glory,
Full of glory, full of glory,
It is joy unspeakable and full of glory,
Oh, the half has never yet been told.

I have found the joy no tongue can tell,
How its waves of glory roll!
It is like a great o’er flowing well,
Springing up within my soul.

It is joy unspeakable and full of glory,
Full of glory, full of glory,
It is joy unspeakable and full of glory,
Oh, the half has never yet been told.

Even tho the words were written long ago....How true they are for us today!!!!
Don't you just love this AWESOME GOD of ours....Love and Prayers, The Sessions Family

The Garners said...

I'm so glad it was a good day! The pictures of the grandparents peeking in on her are so cute and sweet...she has to know she is a VERY loved little girl! So was she already watching football with the guys!? She might be a sports fan too!

Anonymous said...

I am a nursing student at LSU in New Orleans. I have been following your blog and update myself with Harper's progress everyday. I just want you to know that children like her are why I am so committed to becoming a nurse. I am praying for her full recovery. God Bless from Louisiana.

Rachel said...

Just wanted to say a quick hello, I found you from Adrienne Flemings Blog. I also had a NICU baby, and understand how hard it can be. You are doing great! I can tell how much you love Harper! I pray that things continue to go well and that you get to bring her home soon.

I do want to encourage you to continue to pump and give her your milk. After, Emma's NICU stay she did not want to latch on so, for 13 months I pumped and bottle feed her. So, do not give up on breast feeding no matter what. It is worth it all.

May God bless your family

~*~Birdy~*~ said...

Look at that sweet girl!
I love her hat!
Imagine when she grows up and reads the story of her birth and days after! What a story she will read! SMileS~*~Birdy

Ryan said...

You are right- she is getting more and more precious! She was already beautiful, but those top pictures are like a little baby model!

Anonymous said...

You look so beautiful. Being a mommy totally agrees with you! Your little miracle is to cute for words. How wonderful that she keeps getting better and better and before you know it, you will be back home.


Katie W said...

Absolutely precious! It has been so wonderful to check your blog and see Harper progress. My prayers continue to be with you and your family.

Nancy said...

She looks like her momma!


I'm so glad she is doing well! She is beautiful and I think she looks a lot like her daddy! Lil' booger and I wanted to send Harper a couple bows so she can wear them with all her beautiful outfits. (you can check out my website or blog to see them) Where should I send the package?

Fran said...

Kelly...I just want to squeeze her she's so beautiful!!!

I'm always praying!

Katie said...

It's so great that you and Scott get to stay in a room with her. That is wonderful! I can't wait until she's off all the tubes and everything, too! Hope you get lots of good rest tonight.

She just gets more beautiful every day!

Tina said...

Harper is absolutely stunning.

Still praying for you all!


Anonymous said...

Awww, thanks for the update! Was a little worried when you hadn't posted since Friday, but I figured you were busy with your little princess. You're right; she does get cuter every day! She is such a beauty and a little miracle.

The Beauty Bargainista said...

Kelly, I am so glad she is doing good today, she looks beautiful! She truly is a miracle!!

I had my entire bible study group pray for her Friday night, and everyone is praying for you and your entire family as well as the NICU nurses, doctors, and the hospital staff!!

Crystal Chilek said...

Harper looks so great! I was missing the updates and glad to get on and see that you had updated all of us. We are still praying for Harper and praising God for this precious miracle! She gets more and more beautiful every day! What a mighty God we serve!

Heather said...

She really is such a pretty baby Kelly and I think she looks just like you. Praying you guys get to go back home soon with a healthy baby. Always praying for you and your little miracle.

Tammy said...

Harper does look sweeter and cuter with each photo that you post. I am so glad that all is going well! I will continue to pray for all of you.
Love, Tammy in Alabama

Seaside Prep said...

what a beautiful child!! God is so good! Yay for progress!!

Barefoot in the Park said...

what beautiful bright eyes harper has!

Lisa said...



Joyce said...

She absolutely does get more beautiful every day!! Loved seeing the pictures of the grandparents with her.

Laski said...

Harper's story just makes me so happy . . . so aware of God's countless blessings.

Coming each day to see how Harper is doing is such a wonderful experience.

I'm sure it is only a matter of time before you are at home, cuddled together on the couch, counting toes, singing songs and laughing with your baby girl.

tam7777 said...

She looks great. The process of weaning off the ox. takes alittle time --don't sweat it just enjoy the journey. Gods Grace always kicks in to do for us what we cannot do.

Lauren said...

Kelly- you are so right. She looks cuter and cuter with easy day and you look absolutely beautiful!! :)

Karyn said...

Seriously, Harper is the best looking two week old I have ever seen. I am glad her health continues to improve. Peace and joy!

Karen Needham said...

I agree, she gets more gorgeous every day.

Karen Needham

petrii said...

She is just so precious.

Continuing to pray,

Kristi said...

She is GORGEOUS!!!! Our family is rejoicing with you and the wonderful works God is doing. Continued blessings to all of you!

Jennifer W said...

She looks just like you! Beautiful!

Anna said...

She is a doll...everyday it seems you're getting closer to being able to take her home - how wonderful!!

Anonymous said...

So happy for all of you! Harper is gorgeous and adorable! I just want to squeeze her! Would you mind? :)

I love the grey sweater...where'd you get it???

amy (metz) walker said...

Harper is just precious and you look absolutely beautiful...being a mommy looks good on you! ;-) So glad to see continued good news and progress...God is good!

Melissa Stover said...

she is cuter every day! i love seeing the pictures of her.

Anonymous said...

Harper is really beautiful! I've been "stalking" your blog for over a year now via Jamie Garner's. I just love it, but I rarely get a chance to comment because of work. Our family here in Sheridan Arkansas have been praying constantly for all of you.
Hope you get to bring that sweet blessing home soon!

Anonymous said...

We just talked and talked about y'all tonight at the sunday school super bowl party...all good of course! Harper IS getting better but I know the slow pace is killing you. Just know that she is a miracle and she will get this feeding down sometime soon! It's just going to take time. I can't wait for you to bring her home to NWA!! She really IS beautiful, no doubt about it!

Makila said...

It's not just you who thinks she looks cuter every day! I was just thinking this morning that every time I see a new picture of her, I notice how much better her coloring is each time and much cuter she looks! :) :) Two smiles.

Lindsee said...

She IS so gorgeous. Such a precious newborn baby!

Sue said...

I am so happy for you and you are right ..she does get more beautiful everyday!

Have a goodnight!


Katie said...

Kelly, you are so right...she DOES get prettier (and I'm sure sweeter) every day! She just looks beautiful! Takin' after her momma! ;o) It is so wonderful to hear how well she is progressing. Bless her heart!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly ,
Little Miss. Harper looks super cute and as pretty as a picture in a frame!!! I am really enjoying reading the updates that ya'll put up when ever ya'll can get time . I hope all goes well with the rest of the week. I Love Ya'll so much. Keep up the good work. And keep the faith. I know that ya'll can. - Randee

Shelly said...

Way to go Harper! You are sooo darn cute!! You look like quite the little snuggler-and that's a way cute blanket that your sporting in your crib!

Praying you have a great week!

June Duehring said...

She is SO cute!

caknitter said...

You were blessed with a beautiful baby, but I think it also has to do with momma's and papa's genes.
Love all the pictures you're sharing with us. Thank you.

The Walkie Talkie said...

Kelly, I love your perspective and your wording. You have an art for storytelling. And you are such a natural mama! Love and prayers with lots of thanksgiving! Jenny Beth Walker

Updated by Lila Huggins (grandmother) said...

Oh my goodness! she is the cutest baby I think I've EVER seen. I'm praying for you all to come home real soon. I'm a grandmother of 8 so I know how they must fell about this precious girl and please tell them we are praying for them too.

Miss Lila in Atlanta

Amy S said...

she is PRECIOUS!!!

Shelley said...

She is just gorgeous! But of course you already knew that. :-) Love reading all of the positive news and progress she's making. She will be home with you so soon!

mrs shortcake said...

hands down, the cutest baby I've ever seen. My uterus is envious just looking at her! ;) What a blessing!

Unknown said...

You guys look so great! Harper gets more adorable everyday!! You look fabulous, kelly, and just glow when holding your precious gift!
I am so excited about you putting a cd player in the room. my boys loved music from day one. chopin is great and peaceful too! hope you get the gift we sent before you moved rooms. I know you and harper will both love the cd if you don't already have it!
God Bless and thanks for the update!

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

Harper is so adorable!!! That sweet face will melt your heart. She is such a beautiful baby!! I know that you could just eat her with a spoon! Did you ever believe that you could love a baby as much as you love her? A Mother's love for her child is amazing! I was worried yesterday when we didn't hear from you, but I'm so glad that nothing was wrong. Thanks for the beautiful picture. Love & blessings in NC!

Mommy (You can call me OM) said...

Thank you so much for sharing your sweet baby. I am amazed by how incredibly alert and obviously aware she is of her surroundings. She seems like an old soul, or at least advanced beyond her age. :) I'll keep you in my prayers.

april said...

So sweet to see all of you loving on that beautiful baby girl! Still praying!

Anita Grace said...

She is SO beautiful! That first photo you posted of her is priceless... and she's got perfect little lips! You are looking great too! Continuing to pray that both you and your husband feel confident in taking care of her and not anxious or worried for when you bring her home. The Holy Spirit will guide you both to be the BEST parents for your baby girl as you lean into Him. Blessings from BC Canada!

Shan said...

She is soo beautiful Kelly!

Whitney Vanderbilt said...

I love her sweet "Harper" hat! She looks so precious in it! I think she is going to love having her picture taken, she is just SO photogenic! The pictures of Harper is her grandparents are so dear- you can see the love twinkling in their eyes. I just know she will not be spoil one little bit ;) You are so lucky to have so many friends coming to visit and support you. I only wish I lived closer. You are still in my prayers. May God's blessings be with you and may Harper continue to improve day by day. - P.S. I went to the doctor several weeks ago and I too am having a girl :)

Karie said...

Harper gets sweeter and sweeter each day, by the way girl you look great.

Erin said...

SHE IS BEAUTIFUL! I can still to this day remember when they handed me the "Cordless" version of my daughter in the NICU! It is such a weird feeling to not be able to just sit and watch their vital signs on the screen... and it is scary once you dont have them there... but it gets better!
Keep up the good work Harper!!! YAY! God is GOOD!

Anonymous said...

just found your blog from someone elses'. your daughter is so beautiful!! she's such a doll :) i will be thinking of your family & praying for you all. thanks for sharing your story...

Melanie said...

Harper IS such a beautiful baby & you look fantastic, too!
Praise God from Whom ALL blessings flow!

Muffy said...

What a BEAUTY! I am so glad to hear she is doing better. Stay STRONG!

Dee said...

I am so glad to hear that Harper is doing so well. I stumbled on your blog shortly after her birth and have been captivated by her story ever since.

She is a beautiful little girl and the love that you and your family have for her is obvious from the smiles on your faces.

We may never understand on this side of heaven why this little princess started life with such a struggle, but rest assured that your testimony of faithfulness and obedience to God will live long after these difficult days have past.

May God continue to pour out his healing and blessing on Harper.

Mrs. Joyce said...

I check on you every day. I know how you feel with the tubes and wires, but the day of freedom will come. We spent one month in the NICU with our grandtwins, 4 days in the hospital for my daughter, then she and I spent a week in the Seaton House (Like RMH), then we started making the 50 minute commute one way from the house at all hours of the night and day. It was worth it all. They are so precious and healthy at 2 1/2 now.

Harper is so very alert, and she's obviously a fighter. All will be well.

beckylbranch said...

She is such a doll! I think she looks like you Kelly, she is so pretty :) Much love, Becky

Tara G. said...

So sweet!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to hear Harper is doing so well. As always I'll keep y'all in my thought's & prayers. It's good she is up & about...sounds like she is acting like a healthy 2 week old...keeping Mama up!! Enjoy it!! You are the best!! xox Melissa

Angela said...

Precious pics!! My son was hooked up to those wires/cords after his heart surgery for about a week when he was 5.5 months old. It was SOOOO nice when he was free of all those. Holding him again was heavenly. You will not be able to put her down!!!!!! :)
I'm sorry you've had to begin motherhood this way, but you're handling it tremendously. Praise God!

Ashley said...

Oh I just never get tired of seeing that little miracle of a face!

Anonymous said...

She *does get cuter every day! And those eyes...just the looks on your and your husband's face says it all. Oh..and the grandparents... even more!

Jon and Steph said...

She's just precious! Continuing to pray for you guys!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly and Scott, your baby daughter is just beautiful, such beautiful eyes. I am so very happy to hear of the wonderful progress she has and is making - such an answer to prayer, God is awesome. Thinking of you all and praying for your family
Love Catherine

Anonymous said...

I think you might be right, she does seem to be cuter every time I see her! :O

Shell in your Pocket said...

What wonderful pictures!
praying for you..sandy toe

Anonymous said...

What a sweet miracle!! Thank you for sharing this journey.

Gill said...

Little Harper is just a stunner. You are so blessed to have a daughter as cute as her! She has lovely eyes and her hat is waaay cute!
You and Scott are fantastic parents, she is truly blessed.

Aimee Larsen said...

YAY! I'm so excited she's doing so well. Just two weeks old? That little lady had been through alot in two weeks. So have you! You are in my prayres!

Anonymous said...

Before I even talk about how BEAUTIFUL your little Harper is, I must say that you look FABULOUS!!! You can see the joy all over your face. What a wonderful momma Harper has!!! Harper is soooo pretty. Her lips are just perfect and I LOVE her eyes. She doesn't have that newborn look like most babies. She is sooo alert and aware.

Praying God will let her go home to her new house and girly girl room real soon!!!!

Jenn in Louisiana

Molly W. said...

Ooo, great news! After 26 long days in the NICU w/ my baby I was so nervous to take her home too! You will do great and so will Harper, the Lord will provide you with what you need when you need it and he is watching over her outside the hospital too. :) It will be a great day when home coming day arrives!

Andrea said...

She really does get more beautiful every day!! Her skin tone is gorgeous & she has the most lovely blue eyes!!!

Anonymous said...

Not sure if you have ever heard of the Praise Baby series of CD's and DVD's, but I would recommend them as a great Praise CD's for kids...My daughter has listened to them and loves them...Glad to see she is doing so well! Praise the Lord!

Christy said...

Great to hear she is doing so well. I look forward every day to seeing the updates. I am still praying for you guys... for the transition, and for a smooth and steady recovery.
Prayers go out.

Rach@In His Hands said...

Look at those pictures...Harper is cute as a button! And you look gorgeous! I love the miracle necklace - perfect.
Keeping you all in my prayers.

Jennifer said...

She does get more beautiful every day! Praying that she will come home soon!

Anonymous said...

kelly you look absolutely beautiful and SO happy momma! i fully agree with everyone here, harper is getting more beautiful everyday! how is that possible? :)
hope you guys can feel the prayers, you are being lifted up many times during the day. keep smiling! tara from maryland (i'm thinking of starting of blog soon!)

Saskia said...

She definitely does get sweeter and more gorgeous every day... it's not you being a biased mum as I think she's beautiful!

I hope you have another good week filled with progress and 'firsts'!


Kelley said...

Your girl has some beautiful eyes! So precious! Thank you for keeping us so up to date with her progress.

By the way, could you pray for my friend Niki (and her husband Bryan). She suffered her second miscarriage on Saturday (this one at 16 weeks) and is, of course, struggling to understand God's plan.

The Allens said...

I can't believe how beautiful a baby can be!

The Hickmans said...

I have been without the internet for a while and I was thrilled to get on your blog today and see Harper's beautiful eyes!!

Sarah said...

She is so beautiful! And you look great, Kelly! The prayers and rejoicing continue...

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