We just got our dinner delivered and I'm laughing because everyone was instructed just to drop it off on our doorstep and ring the doorbell and leave like the UPS man. It's funny to open my door at night and see food sitting there.

Please tell me this is not a new trend!!! I'm getting old and out of style and I'm trying to at least not wear MOM jeans. But when I get back in the real world - will I be wearing Air Jordans unlaced????? HELP! If they bring back big hair - I'm OUT!
Are you watching and who do you like so far????
Please tell me this is not a new trend!!! I'm getting old and out of style and I'm trying to at least not wear MOM jeans. But when I get back in the real world - will I be wearing Air Jordans unlaced????? HELP! If they bring back big hair - I'm OUT!
Are you watching and who do you like so far????
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 249 Newer› Newest»She has the most gorgeous eyes ever!! Always love the Harper pics! And oh please let those shoes not be a trend. I'd take the stirrup pants before air jordans again.
We're eating her up!! Keep the pictures coming:) You probably have to change her every other hour to get all her cute little clothes in! And I'm with you - oh Lord please don't let those shoes be in style!!
The shoes? The shoes? What about those awful pants!!!!
But that little Harper, always the fashion girl!
love seeing all the pics - she is adorable! And yes, those yucky shoes are back - my 7 year-old wants them badly and I am putting my foot down :)
Go ahead and have a virtual fashion show. As fast as babies grow you've got to put them in their cute outfits before it's too late! And I'm hoping for big hair again since mine's thinning in my old age! I remember you from college. We both had equally dark and wide and tall hair!
We love being indulged by Harper! She is so precious & I know you're itching to show her off...so, bring on the pictures!!!
Like, totally, for sure hoping the 80s aren't coming back...I threw away that skinny curling iron and Rave hairspray a long time ago!
Blessings~ Rebecca
Shes beautiful Kelly! And we love seeing all the pictures!!!
Harper is just so adorable. :) I love the pictures. I can't wait till I have a little one to dress and take pictures of.
I have to say that so far, my favorite is Danny Gokey, we'll have to wait and see.
P.S. I got your Thank You card yesterday. It was so sweet. :) Thank You! (Is that weird to Thank You for a Thank You?)
Love the pictures. After weeks of praying for her, it is so good to see her healthy....She is a doll
I agree! Her eyes are beautiful! She is beautiful! Love that you are posting pics! Keep them coming! Oh and I am a fan of Danny Gokey! He is sooo good!
Love the Harper pics. I can live vicarously through you, since I'm done having babies and had two boys. I love seeing what fun things she will have on next.
Aren't girls fun to dress up? I sure do miss those days. We did hats and head bands, and when she got hair - all sorts of cute piggy and pony tails. Enjoy it while you can. They do eventually get their own since of style which can make even the strongest mom cringe!
Thanks as always for sharing. She is adorable!
Cute, cute, cute!
American Idol...I like Anoop. :)
I enjoy the daily pictures of Harper! I also liked the "mom jeans" line!
I could just stare into those beautiful eyes for a LONG time...so keep the pictures coming!
I LOVE your style the just the way it is...PLEASE don't start wearing Air Jordans unlaced. haha!
Kelly-I came across your blog the day you went into the hospital to have Harper. I have been checking it everyday since just to make sure that she came through everything okay and honestly because you and Scott are SO DANG PRECIOUS!!!! Harper is the most beautiful baby girl I have ever seen and I have enjoyed getting to know you and her via your blog:) Glad she is sleeping better!!
Much love and God Bless-Brooke
You just keep right on sharing your fashionable girl with us! As a mom of boys I'm enjoying seeing a cute girl fashion show. Just remember you'll have us all addicted so you still have to post pictures when she is off house arrest!
And I don't watch Idol, but that outfit is more than bad!
Harper continues to be gorgeous! :)
And I agree....fashion is hideous right now. I refuse to wear mom jeans or hightops. I just will not go there. :)
Well, I'm definitely watching Idol, however...with my travels to see my little nephew, some episodes were missed. I had to choose...DVR Biggest Loser or Idol. I had to choose BL! :) I know you can understand!
Thanks for the pics. I knew they had to be coming since you added them to Facebook! :) Love it!
Love you,
Jess :)
-I think she is GORGEOUS! I love all the outfits and bows!!
-Those shoes (and skin-tight pants) were horrible!
-I liked Alexis, but I really like the guy who lost his wife (but I can't remember his name!!)
Don't you worry about posting all the pictures of your sweet baby girl. There are hundreds (if not thousands!) of us out there who are just gaga over that precious little one! She's absolutely beautiful and is a true miracle! So please, keep on indulging us! :)
I've been following your blog for awhile, and you do NOT have beady eyes! :) You and Harper will be such a cute mother/daughter duo when you can finally take her out and show her off in all her cute clothes!
I agree - the shoes are awful! And the pants!
Harper is a doll - and I've never thought your eyes were beady!
Kelly, it's so FUN to see all Harper's outfits! I especially love the "hair accessories"...absolutely adorable! Always fun to visit your blog!
Oh sweet Harper is yummy! I love the pics! Thanks for sharing.
You crack me up! Those shoes were awful!!
I like Danny and the pink hair girl.
Keep sharing the outfits because I love looking at Harper's cute clothes and it is so much fun seeing Harper!
Harper is looking cuter and cuter by the day!
I watched Idol last night and oh my goodness, it wasn't just the shoes - that whole outfit was HORRIBLE!
If I had to pick favorites - for girls it was Alexis and for guys it was Danny.
We enjoy seeing the pics of beautiful Harper all dressed up! Keep them coming!
Harper has the cutest onesies I have seen! Oh MY WORD! I love it!
as far as American Idol... I like the guy whose wife died not long ago... I think he is one of if not the best one.
I am so happy to see Harper doing so great. I know you are blessed and so thankful. I have a favor, if you would pray for my daughters baby. You know how she is feeling right now. She is trying so hard to hold on to her faith, but its getting really trying. My grandson will have open heart surgery on Friday if all goes well until then. Its really scary, but I know He is in control. Thanks, Debbie
I love seeing her in all her little outfits and headbands!
Kelly I am thoroughly enjoying each and every Harper pic, so keep em coming!
My husband asked the same question about the shoes! Ha! I was too busy multi-tasking to pay attention to what they were wearing on their feet.
Indulge away! I love, love, love seeing her pictures. She is the 'Picture' of all pictures. And yes, I am watching American Idol. I'm not crazy about any of the funky stuff...just give me a good voice, a good look, a good personality and I'm right there. I'm going to withhold my choices until I see everyone!
Don't stop with the pictures. I'm loving it. I have a son he's six months and I love him to death, but I don't get to experience bows, hats, and adorable girl cuteness (maybe someday). She's a doll.
Harper does have the most beautiful eyes! Your pictures make me smile!
Harper continues to be the cutest ever... really, I don't gush over babies often. She's going to be spelling her name for you soon. I love all the personalized stuff!
I don't watch AI, and when I first started to scroll to the picture, I thought your were posting something from the 80s.... YIKES. I am noticing some crazy shoe trends at the local middle school when I drop my daughter off!
I give up on Idol after they get rid of the REALLY bad ones. I don't have time for tv every night so I jsut catch up here and there. That whole outfit was pretty bad.....were they doing 80's music?
I love the pictures. So funny that you dress her up every day. if you don't she may never get to wear everything, they grow fast!
Enjoy the sleep now. Little man is 3 and likes to wander to our bed in the night. I am so tired this week from lack of sleep.
I don't blame you for taking all the pictures. I took over 14,000 pictures of my little miracle baby as of his 2nd birthday and burned them all to discs for safe keeping.
She looks ADORABLE and trust me... I use to do the same thing...dress Cameron up in something cute and pose him or just take close up after close ups after close ups and then some of him from a distance. Yep, my camera knows what he looks like from every angle : )
As for those shoes on that gal from American Idol - WHOA, those gotta go!! I am not watching it right now because I watch Criminal Minds at a later time , but what are you thinking about The Bachelor? Oh - I so hope he picks Melissa, but would prefer if he is gonna pick Molly to just go ahead and pick Deanna over Molly (lol). I just don't care for Molly at all.
Ok, enough of me jabbering. Enjoy your evening!!
Thank you for sharing all of that cuteness with us our here in the blogosphere! Harper is darling! An absolutely perfect and precious little baby. And I love all of those outfits and bows! Many blessings to you and your family.
You know that you would LOVE the big hair! I have looked through your facebook pcitures and you rocked big hair for sure!!!:)
Harper is soooo sweet! And I love that your friends are ditching dinner at the front door! They are probably peeking in the windows before they leave to see if they can get a glimpse of Harper! Haha!
she is soo cute!!
love her style!!
and my favorite on idol is :
danny- i love a good story and He has a voice that He uses for God's glory.
He is a music pastor!!
I prayed the EXACT same prayer for my daughter regarding my beady eyes!! God is good though, my little beauty has her daddy's eye shape by my dark color, a perfect blend! It's okay to have one shallow prayer every once in awhile. :)
We like Danny Goeke and Alexis Grace!
I LOVE love love all of the cute pictures you post of Harper...keep them coming! She is a little miracle, and she gives me hope that someday I will have my own little miracle to take pictures of!
As for the Air Jordans, there is NO WAY I will ever wear those...no matter how "trendy" and in fashion they become. I will just have to be the fashion outcast. Shoes can make or break your outfit, and those are just...ick. (Although they do look kind of comfey!)
You are killing me with all these adorable clothes!
Could you please post about where you get them all - especially the monogrammed ones?
Or you can email me! I am having a girl this summer!
Thank you for sharing your darling little one with us. Just a question, if you have another girl will her name start with an "H" so that some of those beautiful outfits can be worn again? I raised three beautiful girls and we did hand-me-downs so I guess my brain still thinks that way.
My daughter prayed for all three of her children that they have long lashes as she has shorter sparse lashes. I don't think it is shallow to pray for beautiful eyes for Harper, cause it just makes them so much easier to gaze into. What a cutie.
What is up with her shoes? How about what is up with those pants?!? Maybe I'm just jealous because there is no way I could wear them. Nah.. I don't even think that's it!! I like Danny...Girls haven't impressed me yet!
Harper is a doll...enjoy the quiet time while you can!!!!
And yes I so saw those shoes too and became very concerned....it's like back in the days of the 80's and Run DMC...
I LOVE the cute pics!! She is just a doll! Seriously you have a sweet munchkin on your hands! I'm so glad she is sleeping so well for you! :)
Yes those shoes are AWFUL! I'm not sure yet who I like but I'm with you. I'm trying hard not to look 'momish' and heck some of the styles out there are just not gonna work!
I like the UPS food drop off comment. hehe thats awesome :)
She's too cute. I am really liking Ricky Braddy but I guess we'll find out in a few minutes if he's through!!
All I can say is that I love Harper's bows!...gotta get some like that for my niece Kensley!
I've not been watching American Idol...I'm terrible about tv shows..although I do like that one!
Blair and I also have regular shut in fashion shows! They're fun!
AI -- I like Ann Marie, David Gokey, and the oil rig guy! Anoop is good too, but I don't know if he's the star type.
Harper is so cute! I just adore her little outfits! Where did you get that bow so cute! I can't wait until I have a little girl I can dress up! I love Alexis Grace! I made a few things for another Harper today check them out www.valuedembellishments.etsy.com :)
I'll look at pictures of Harper everyday. :) She is adorable.
You are cracking me up!!! Even Todd noticed and commented on her outfit, and he is a GUY in every way!!! (He never talkes about people's clothes! :))
I love that onesie with the "H" and Harper just has the cutest clothes, the sweetest face, and of course, the BEST mom!!!
I know I speak for all the blog world when I say we never get tired of seeing pics of that baby girl all dressed up!
Okay, seriously...Harper is the sweetest baby I have ever seen! I love seeing the new pictures every day! Thank you for bringing a smile to my face :)
Oh - and not just those shoes - what was up with her ENTIRE OUTFIT!?!?!?!? Too funny!
I LOVE the pics with sweet Harper. She's precious, and I just crack up at your Mommy sweetness with her cute clothes!!!
I LOVE Michael the roughneck - he's my man - other than Pumpkin, of course!
She is just too cute!! Love seeing Harper in her cute outfits on here!
And on AI- so far we are liking Danny! (the church music leader who lost his wife)
So I had more problems with the clothes last night than just those shoes. What is up with the tight leggings that are shiny??? Those are worse than running tights!! I must be getting old! And seriously the girls should have worried more about their singing than their outfits because the guys had way better vocals!
I think I'm more concerned about those hidious pants. I don't care how thin I get....I would NEVER put someting like that on my body. Seriously.
On to a more serious note....don't get me wrong...we love you and Scott....but we can't wait to go to your blog everyday to get to see new pics of Harper! Infact, maybe you could offer a contest: the "cutest" Harper outfit and bow. We could all vote. Maybe one contest per month?...Just a fun thought!
oh my! I don't think you're shallow at all. I was so afraid I wouldn't think my baby was cute and I so wanted a cute baby. He really turned out to be precious!! But I don't know if that's "mommy talk/mommy thoughts" or if he's truly a cutie. Boy's got some lashes, that's for sure!
Harper truly is a beauty! She has absolutely the most gorgeous eyes! We are all so glad she is doing so well.
Alexis and Danny on Idol.
Hated the shoes!
Oh I just love pics of sweet Harper! Makes my day!
Don't stop taking pictures of Harper, she brings a smile to my face every time I see her.
Oh and enjoy those meals while you can!!
She is just a doll! Of course you have to dress her up- and it will be fun for you to have pictures of all of the cute little precious things that she wore as a newborn!
And yes the shoes are bad....but the pants?!! OH MY WORD they are just terrible! They remind me of leggings that I had to wear for cheerleading as a freshman... I hated them then and still do now!!
I was laughing so hard when I saw this. That's what I thought.. Is she seriously wearing those shoes right now?? haha
I LOVE Danny Gokey I hope he wins!!
We all love the Harper pics. She is adorable and you take the best pictures! I love the cute big bows and all her cute clothes!
I love all the pics of sweet Harper all dolled up. She is so precious. I love all the hairbows as well. Keep the pictures coming. I haven't been watching American Idol but I do not think that trend will be coming back. hehe. Happy Wednesday!! Hope your feeling good too.
Karah from Tx
Harper is just so gorgeous! I love all her pictures! Keep em comin!
She is so beautiful (your daughter, not Crazy Shoe Girl!)
I was so appalled at the outfit and the performance last night, I had to put my hands over my eyes. I thought her "trousers" as they called them, were horrendous.
Kelly- You can put picture up of that sweet baby in all her glory everyday!! I love them! We still pray for you and your baby girl here at my house. My 2 1/2 year old, Anderson, loves to look at her and say "That's Baby haaper!"
So glad to see your life is returning to normal!! What a miracle baby!
Love the outfits - keep them coming. I love seeing your pictures.
And the shoes yes they have to go.
Kinda remind me of sleepers my daughter had 10 years ago.
Blessings to you and youe family!!!
Harper is so beautiful! Keep those pictures coming. I agree that I am out on the unlaced high tops, too. YIKES! Glad Harper is sleeping better. I promise there is light at the end of the tunnelof crying, sleepless nights and days. Enjoy that sweet angel!
What a cutie pie!!! Hugs and kisses to her.
Oh my goodness she's a gorgeous baby!!! My little one had a hair bow like that when she was little!! I bought it on ebay!! TOO CUTE!!
I love seeing pics of Harper all dressed up. My baby is 4 and I miss her being a baby. Enjoy every minute of it. I have shared your blog with several friends and they're alway asking me if there's anything new with Harper when they can't get online.
Thank you for sharing her with us.
I love seeing Harper dressed up in all her cute clothes, monogrammed or not! LOL You can count on me to look & enjoy them! She's such a cutie =]
Love the pics....she is so cute! I have been checking in on your blog lately and your daughter is a CUTIE! Io precious! I am so glad that she is healthy and doing so well!!
I TOTALLY agree w/ the shoes - I'm out too! w/ the big hair too!
I love Danny Gokey! I love his story and his personality!!
I have been following your blog for quite some time and never commented yet! I have praying for your family and Harper during that time also. So glad she is home and doing well and you can dress her up in all of her beautiful outfits and bows. I have two boys...girls clothes are so much cuter! Harper is so adorable in all of her monogrammed clothes! As for American Idol...I am a fan of Danny!
First, we love to see photos of Harper. Don't you ever hold back.
Second, I find the drop and run procedure with food hilarious. Obviously, we understand and want to keep Harper from germie ermies, especially in the throes of flu season. My daughter K- didn't go shopping with me until she was 3 1/2 months old. She was a winter baby, was born cocaine positive (as her birth mama made not good choices) and it was a huge risk with her immune system. Cabin fever did set in from time to time, but I would leave to go to the store to just walk around. Often, I wouldn't buy a thing!
Last, the shoes-- I remember when that was in style when I was in junior high and early high school. (I graduated in 1991.) Hopefully, that funky shoe trend will go back out, as well as the words stamped on the butt of pants phase. Eeee-ghad!
Hi Kelly
Keep taking those pics of Harper. I want to see her in all of her outfits! LOL she's the cutest baby ever :)
I have an American Idol question. Did Jackie Tohn try out to be on American Idol 7 (last year)? Was she the crazy gal with red/pink hair and when rejected flipped the camera off? Does anyone remember?
loving the pictures! I have serious baby lust these days. I can't have anymore babies, not like I don't have enough. I am glad she is sleeping for you :). Enjoy the dinners! I got those with my last three kids, they were awesome, and such a blessing.
She is a doll and we love the pictures! As far as idol, I like DANNY the best! I hope he wins he is my number one pick!!!!
You could never post too many pictures of Harper in her little outfits! She is such a little dumpling, and I love to see her little outfits. She will be little for such a short time, take as many pictures as you can. You will treasure each one in the future!
I'm a huge Anoop fan. He didn't get put through tonight but I'm hoping for a wild card spot!
I had to laugh out loud when you talked about people leaving dinner on your doorstep. We are in the same boat! I hear the doorbell ring, seconds later no one is there, but there just happens to be a lovely plate of dinner.
It's so hard not being able to "share" your little one in person. I am dying for warmer weather and summer months.
Harper is just the most precious thing ever! Aren't girls great for dressing up?
Look at that pretty little diva! :) i bet harper could show that girl a thing or two about fashion
Harper is beautiful... I'd be doing the same thing. Love the big bows, but somehow I think when she's older she's going to ask you "mom, why in the heck did you put those big bows on my head!?" lol.
As for American Idol... I say what's up with that hideous outfit!!!??? The shoes just send it over the edge! lol
Hi Kelly:
I found your blog and have enjoyed reading about Harper. She is a doll. My friends and I have been praying for her. So happy to see how well she is doing. You are such an encouragement to me as a strong faithful Christian women.
As for American Idol - I'm for Danny !
Be Blessed,
I don't think I could EVER get sick of seeing Miss Harper's cuteness!!
Oh, and those shoes..well Pastry is coming out with big crazies like that..I say yuck!
And I love the little alexis grace chick...and the danny with his cute geeky glasses!!
Love the sweet Harper photos. Keep 'em coming! I can relate to being unable to travel outside of the house with baby. Our sweet Mary was born with 2 VSDs (they closed up by her 1st birthday, thank goodness) but we were advised against taking her out in public initially (at least until she gained some weight and by then it was RSV season!) The funny thing was, when I had baby #2, I still wouldn't leave the house with him for about 6-weeks b/c I was so germ-phobic. (We did take him to Mass on Sundays, but that was about it!). I don't know why, but nothing grosses me out more than to see newborns at the grocery store or the mall. (I think it's b/c my sister is a nurse and not only has she shared how colds/diseases are spread, but has told me ICU/NICU horror stories!!! Hang...spring will be here before you know it!
We all wonder... what is Harper wearing today. Thanks for sharing her photos with all her fabulous clothes. It is always a blessing to see the healthy baby we prayed so hard for!
I am LOVING the pics!!!! The grandparents are the only ones who love them, so keep them coming!!
keep the pics coming!! we love them...she is such a doll. I am so happy for ya'll. HUGS!
I love her cuteness pics so you can post all you want! I know how it is to feel like you have four walls closing in on you and mine is just because I have four at home and getting out just to "get out" is not an easy option anymore :)
Let me tell you..if they bring those shoes back..I'm in trouble..I'm just be out of style if that's what they're going to do. I love Danny..I think he is great so far..at the end tonight when it was between he and Tatyana..I about flipped! She drove me insane!
Oh Kelly, keep those pics coming...we do love seeing them. Everyday, whether at work or at home, I check to see if you've updated your blog! =) Harper is just as precious as can be. Am so happy for you that she is sleeping better, as you should get some rest now, too.
For American Idol, I'm not sold on this girl in the picture and definitely don't like the pants or shoes. My favorite I'd have to say so far is Danny Gokey. =)
God Bless,
Lynn in TX
I'm with you on the "funny preggo" prayers. While I was pregnant with my daughter I prayed that she would look like this one specific baby from a Huggies ad. Lo and behold-put her in his little suit outfit and it would look like the same baby. lol
hahahaha I thought the same thing about the shoes... and also, the pants. But she was a lot of fun. Sad she went home tonight. Anyway, I looooove Danny Gokey. Love him. That's about it for now. Oh! And Felicia Barton is a friend of a friend. So when it's her groups turn you should vote vote vote!
On to more important things :) Harper is precious. I love the second picture. She is just beautiful. I am so glad that she has been doing so well.
I continue to pray for you and Harper and your family.
Great pictures of Harper - she is just beautiful!
I picked the three that moved forward on Idol tonight. Should be a pretty good season. Now all we need is for Lil Rounds from Memphis to get voted into the top 12 and I'll be happy!
Have a good night!
Karen Needham
Bring on the pictures! We will never get enough of the sweet Miss Harper. What is up with those shoes!!! Not to mention those hot pants. No thank you~
Kelly, I actually remember some of your BIG HAIR and as I recall, you wore it with such pride!!! lol. The shoes, even if it was the "in" thing, why would anyone want wear them? Who cares?
Kelly, I actually remember some of your BIG HAIR and as I recall, you wore it with such pride!!! lol. The shoes, even if it was the "in" thing, why would anyone want wear them? Who cares?
Love the sweet Harper pictures...keep them coming!
Ditto on the shoes...crazy...I am a Gokey fan!!
I'm more worried about those pants. Not on this body, sister.
Harper's fashion is becoming a part of my day now. I love seeing what she is going to be wearing next! I love seeing these pictures of her and knowing that you are all doing so well.
I have totally enjoyed all the pictures of Harper and I don't blame you a bit! She will grow out of them before you know it so photograph away!! I am sure you are feeling cabin fever but it is flu/cold and RSV season still and it is best to stay in and be safe! As for American Idol..I found the outfits hideous and distracting! Even the men's shoes were bad! I think the only two that were 'ok' were the two guys that sang country!
As I said the last time I wrote, I check the blog "EVERY DAY" for new pictures. I even show them to my mom everytime she comes over!
We ALL love Harper!!
I love seeing her all dressed up! She just gets cuter and cuter!
I haven't really been following AI, but I'm with you...those shoes better not be a taste of what's to come. I may very well just choose to be out of style if that's the case!
Though I've never met Harper, I'm in love with those big eyes!! They are so sweet!!
And David Gokey is definately my fav on AI.
Keep the pictures coming, please!
Love the pictures...keep them coming.
I think that hair bow is my favorite so far of the ones she has worn. LOVE IT! She is absolutely beautiful.
She's precious and I love the pictures.
I think big hair should come back. Big hair with the really big teased bangs and the load of hairspray that made hair so hard it could crack. Those were very good times.
Thanks for sharing all the new outfits with us day by day! I love seeing Harper each day and can't wait to see what she is wearing. There is something about baby clothes that I love!(or maybe it's just the babies in the clothes:)).
she is gorgeous!! what a blessing!
Dress her up all you want you deserve it! She is gorgeous!
I watched the first episode of AI and that was it!:(
Haha I laughed at those shoes last night too. Well being from Memphis I'm voting for my Memphis girl Alexis Grace, I love her. I'm going to vote as many times as I can for her I think she is the best among the girls. But for the guys I really like Danny he is so humble and I love his gruffy voice. JMHO though. I'm loving AI this year.
I think the shoes are the least of her worries!!LOL
Your daughter is absolutely beautiful!
I just love checking in on little Harper. Gets me excited as I am expecting a lil girl in April. Our second actually! :) I had been checking your recipe page lately, hoping youd find my comment about the cookies you made. Did you make them & freeze them? I think its such an awesome idea!
LOL! And I'm here wearing heels and hating EVERY minute of it, hoping against hope that unlaced Jordan's would PLEASE come back in style for the sake of my poor tootsies! :)
Loving the beautiful pictures of Ms. Harper. She's a heartbreaker for sure!
Hi Kelly, been a follower ever since I stumbled on your Pray for Harper button. She is so adorable and I enjoy seeing your pics. Not sure how to ask this or even if it is proper and I'm not sure if I missed the post on what was the explanation for all of Harpers struggles at the hospital?
I am so happy to see that you're all doing good and enjoying your cabin fever. Just think, by the time the weather gets better you'll be able to take her out to show her off.
And yes, I watched AI last night! There were some bad acts. Danny Gokey has been my fave since the beginning, just wish his buddy Lamar would have made it through. And I agree with those shoes, u-g-l-y. But she doesn't seem like the type of girl that I would follow her style anyway. ha!
take care and keep showing off your daughter. I have to chuckle when I see how many things she has with her name or initial on it. I also just ordered from Melissa's Monogramming. Cute stuff. If you need some cute veggies for Harper check out my nieces home made items. I'm sure some day she'll have a cool little play kitchen.
I LOVE seeing all the pictures! That girl is in fashion!:)
The shoes and the pants... ugh!! Can we get anymore 80s? SPANDEX??!! Anyway, I like Sarver and Gokey. Their stories touched my heart, and I fell:) I even voted for the first time EVER last night!! And I must admit that I kind of wish Del Torro would make it, for the drama;) Am I evil or what?! I wanna know what she's really made of.
Has anyone told you how adorable Harper is lately??? Just gorgeous, she is.
I'm still not caught up on Idol since our power went out... but I've got shows recorded to try and view soon. Tomorrow night is Survivor...
I've seen a few women at the gym wearing sweatbands on the heads... Jodi and I are wondering if the hi-top Reeboks and leg warmers are coming back?? You don't want to go back to the big hair days??? You were good at it!
The shoes are in out here in CA....but definitely NOT with that horrible spandex outfit. And keep on posting pics of Harper...she is GORGEOUS!
we are totally rooting for danny gokey around here!
and i am NOT rooting for any of the a.i. outfits so far!
i am however cheering for more and more pictures of harper modeling each and every adorable thing in that closet of hers... too, too cute!
I am loving the pictures. Harper is just beautiful! The bows are awesome. Our precious little girl has been sick this past week which really makes me feel so helpless. It's amazing how fast things change with babies! Avery will be 10 months this week and it seems I can barely remember that first month so take lots of videos, too! I love seeing Harper doing well. I know the sleeping must be a huge blessing :) After the first 3 months, everything will get SOOOO much easier. I promise!
It just makes me want a girl of my own, seeing all those adorable pics of Harper. She is so sweet. I am home with my 4 month old boy and love to dress him up too. Of course we don't do hair bows, but hats.
I enjoy checking your blog daily to see Harper and watch the excitement of her new little life unfold.
Isn't she just an ANGEL! So beautiful and I am sure you are having fun dressing her up! I think she does look like you :) Just precious! And yes-those shoes are h-i-d-e-o-u-s!
Please keep the pictures coming! What a cutie pie. I love the black, white and red from your previous post.
Gorgeous big eyes!
My favorite idol so far is Danny! I wasn't very impressed with many of the others last night.
Looking forward to more modeling by little Miss Harper!
She is just so cute I can't even stand it!!! I love all of the bows and headbands. Having a boy, I missed out on that!
And I don't watch AI--I used to, but I just got so fed up with it. And those shoes just confirm it for me!!
those shoes are horrid! I kept thinking she is a grease something mix...but...uh, no! Harper has beautiful eyes!!! xoxo
Have to come here for the daily Harper cutness. Absolutely love the second picture!
Oh I love seeing pictures of sweet Harper, so please continue to indulge me!! She's so precious!
I don't know about that girl's shoes either! But, I do LOVE Danny and I hope he wins this year!
New kids at work are showing up with the crazy shoes.
I love the photos of Harper, she is such a beautiful baby!!!
Beady eyes?!! Where did you get such a thing? You are beautiful and so is Miss Harper. What a little doll baby in all her cute clothes. Keep the pictures coming. I had two boys, so I'm enjoying the fashion show. All of us blogger Aunts want to see every outfit and every bow. I'm glad I'm at an age where I don't have to worry about the latest fashion trend, especially if it's going to be those shoes!!!
Your Dad's blog cracks me up. When is Dawson coming home?
Keeping you in my heart in GA.
I enjoy the pics of Harper so much. I did the exact thing with my little girl. She had way too many outfits and grew so fast, so we had to have photo sessions throughout the day each day, too.
On American Idol, I am liking Danny Gokey. Lily, my 2 year old little girl saw him tonight after last night and said Dokey..it was so cute and I couldn't believe she remembered without me saying a word. I am happy with the three they chose tonight. I have a secret crush on Michael Sarver..my hubbie doesn't know, lol..
I am lovin' all the outfits!!! She is just precious!
Harper is so Wonderful! I look forward to the daily dose of sweetness - Please don't stop sharing! Love all the accessories she has! You are raisin' her right:)
Danny is my favorite on Idol!
Can I just say that Harper is literally ADORABLE! It is ridiculous how freakin cute she is! I am so happy things are going well for you now. I prayed many many prayers for lil Miss Harper.
Please keep doing fashion shows with her. We blog stalkers love it! ha!
I am OBSESSED with Idol...my fav is Danny Gokey. I love his story and his voice is out of this world.
Be thankful for the UPS food delivery! There is nothing like being a tired new mama and having people stay forever when they've brought you food. I'm so proud that your church is being good to protect Harper.
I LOVE Danny Gokey so far.
Harper is beyond precious. The daily photo shoots are so much fun. All of these clothes will be outgrown so soon anyway, might as well get them documented.
Kelly, please feel free to show her off to us ANYTIME! What precious eye candy! ;)
Oh, and I LOVE Harper's baby bedding. I'm from Mobile and live just a few miles away from "Polka Tots" but I had never heard of them until your blog! I fully intend on using them when we have a baby!
A blog is the perfect outlet for you- I know I'd go insane if my little one had all that cuteness and no one could see it! :)
Kelly, I love seeing pictures of Harper! She is so precious!! After all, she is like my Grandchild. I have shed many tears (happy and sad) for that sweet little girl!!! I have 2 daughters (20 & 25), so it is so much fun to re-live their time as babies through your darling Harper. It is fun to see Harper and remember how they were as babies. Enjoy every minute of your time with Harper as it goes by so fast. She will be in college before you know it. I'm not kidding!!! Glad you are being pampered with yummy dinners, even if they are just "appearing" on your doorstep. Sorry you can't have visitors yet, but try to get out as much as possible and let Scott babysit for Harper. Father/daughter time is so special!!! As for the outfit on Idol, it was horrible. I am behind on watching, so I need to catch up this weekend.
Enjoy sweet Harper and keep those beautiful pictures coming!!!
Love & blessings from NC!
Love the Harper pics...and her clothes are adorable too! :) AI is really crazy this year...don't konw what's going on there. My girl Ann Marie got booted out tonight (I had suspected from last night's performance), so I don't have a fave right now. Though I think Gokey might just win the whole shebang. He can really sing. I've forgotten who I liked in the other groups so I'll have to tune in next week to be reminded! :)
I love the daily dress-up pictures of Harper! She's a doll and has such cute clothes and bows--it's fun to see what she's wearing each day!
Whew--that whole outfit on A.I. gave me the creeps. I'm by no means stylish, but that was just scary! I told Lane it looked sorta "Minnie-Mouse-ish gone really wrong!" So far, I like Alexis Grace and Danny G?. Do you like the 4th judge this year?
I prayed that Graham would get the cute dimple that Dan has when he smiles. Graham was 20 minutes old and my mom rushed back to my room to tell me he DID! He'd be a cute boy without it, but God pays attention to the details! I love that you prayed for big eyes - I think that is sweet. Keep the outfits coming, we hardly had Lauren out to show off the first 3 months so we took lots of pictures of her modeling too!
I am cheering for Danny Gokey right now and wondering if anyone else is old enough here to think that that girl was trying to be Olivia Newton John in Grease? ACK!! I've done all that once, I think my 30's is too old to start it again!
Thank you so much for posting the photos of Harper. I check your blog every day to see any updates-or new clothes! She is a BEAUTIFUL baby!! (Beady or big eyes!)
American Idol...her whole outfit was a_w_f_u_l!!! The top half looked like she was ready to go out while the bottom half looked like she was on her way to the gym. (Especially since those are the ONLY place that those leggings should be allowed without something covering the behind area!) I choose to think we're not getting old, we just have style and know how to dress modestly!!
Oh-and my pick for American Idol??? Danny Gokey ALL THE WAY!!!
~Jaime Westcomb
(Found your blog through Angie Smith's...LOVE how you both give glory to God in all things!)
Kelly, I love seeing Harper in all of her cute outfits. They grow out of them so quickly, it's like a race to get them all worn and the really cute ones photographed. I love doing photo shoots with my kiddos.
Soph was looking at Harper's pics yesterday and remarked at how big she's getting! :)
I got a kick out of the drop and run meals and yes... the 80s are back, and they are catching on! Didn't we learn our lesson first time around??
I can't believe you have 145 comments already! I've been checking all day and I missed a couple of hours and there are 145. OK, Kelly, I love your blog. My little girl (finally reached 8lbs) is just a couple of weeks older than your baby Harper (love her name by the way) and I can't take my baby out either since she was a preemie. We get to go to the doctor and that is about it. So, I love reading your blog. It makes me feel in touch with the rest of the world even though I'm home. I love the precious bow. I've been looking for one of those bands. Where did you get it? Keeping writing, I love reading and looking at baby Harper.
I love seeing Harper all dressed up so keep the pics coming!!
And my favorite by far is Danny Gokey. I don't know how many times I voted for him last night, at least 20!! I want him to win the whole thing. His voice reminds me of Michael Bolton (yes I admit I did love Michael Bolton when I was in middle school lol)
We just found out today that we are having a baby girl!!! Seeing Harper at home and in all her cut clothes gets me so excited for our little sweet blessing to arrive. Blessings to you.
Harper looks adorable all dressed up! I love her rhinestone "H" onesize! Keep the pictures coming she is just too precious for words!
My favorites on AI so far- girl: Alexis..can't think of her last name.
guy- Danny Gookey.
I was laughing when that girl came out because it made me think of Olivia Newton John's "Let's Get Physical" video because those girls pants look like leotards they are so tight! It looks like a workout outfit to me!
haha, I don't know what is up with her ENTIRE OUTFIT!! What was she thinking?! She is beautiful.. but.....
and I have never seen a baby with more embororied clothes than Harper- she is beautiful! :)
I just wanted to tell you that Harper is one of the prettiest babies I've ever seen. My little girl weighed 10 lbs 3 oz, but is only 26 lbs at almost 3 and a half. I would probably be changing her outfit 5 times a day and taking pictures of everything! She has the cutest clothes and hairbows!
She is adorable... I've been reading since a few days before she was born and I am already LOVIN' seeing all the pics. It so makes me want a baby girl bad!!! And I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Danny on AI!!! I will not do big hair or the shoes girl!!! :D Have a happy thursday with your beautiful baby girl.. BTW, her eyes, gorgeous!
I rarely watch TV, but I happened to have your page up on my computer when 13 year old DD kissed me goodnight. She noticed the picture and you asking about the shoes. She quickly said she doesn't get it, either. So, if a 13 year old also doesn't get it, that speaks volumes!
Harper is a gorgeous as usual. Please move to Oregon so she can be in my preschool class!!!!
Never got into Idol...give me a good Biggest Loser show any day of the week! It's so inspiring!
Always love the pics! Keep 'em comin'!
Know that I'm here praying!
Isaiah 43:1-3a But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour...
Prayer Bears
My email address
Not just the grandparents, we like them too!!!
The pictures are great! Keep 'em coming! She is the only baby I know that has an entire wardrobe dedicated just to her! Harper-wear! Gotta love it! She is beautiful! As for American idol fashion....times are tough...apparently so tough we have to bring the 90's fashion bag! As you said, God cares for the details. Start praying now because who looks hot with mile high hair and air jordans?
Hi Kelly - You and Heather should coreograph a fashion show for Harper and Morgan Kate. Both of your post were about clothes and not being able to take them anywhere to show them off. You are so right though, we grandparents love the pics! THey are two beautiful little angels!
Have a good day - Kathy (Morgan Kate's grandmother)
Harper could teach her a thing or two about fashion. Keep it simple- no ugly shoes- and something to bring attention to your pretty face- like a bow!
Keep those pictures coming, I just love them. She is so adorable and I just love all her pink outfits. To cute!
Oh my lands...the shoes, the pants, the tub-top, the belt, the song...it was just horrible!
I love that you all let us get a glimpse of Harper in all her CUTE outfits! I'm LOVING the bows, hats, headbands...ADORABLE!
I really enjoy seeing all of Harper's outfits--she's already the most sylin' baby I know. My neice is almost 1 and my sister pretty much throws her in a plain onesie and calls it a day--boring!! She is such a beautiful little girl, whether she has your eyes or hubby's. Thanks for sharing with us. By the way, I'm pulling for Danny Gokey. Can you imagine hearing him sing at church every week?!
I hope they are not the trend either, but even if they are, I think that the Mom status makes you exempt. At least I hope it does! My favorite, so far - by far is Danny Gokey. Reminds me a little of Robert Downey Jr. - who I am not a huge fan of, but I just love Danny and his story. He has such an awesome voice!
Please keep posting pictures of Harper Kelly! I started reading your blog right after she was born, I have been praying for her and am praising God with you for all He has done for your family and how He used your situation to touch so many lives and to bring several to Christ! I really love the cute pictures, she is adorable! I have 4 grandchildren, 8,7,5 and the baby will be a year old Feb 27! I am very blessed!
My heart is HIS throne
Sheila Johnson
Berea KY
Dear Mom
And just when do I get to come home and resume my role as "firstborn"?
Love, Dawson
I check everyday to see Harper's outfits!! Please keep them coming:)
The American Idol outfit looked like Minnie Mouse meets Mick Jagger! UGLY!!
Have a blessed day with your sweet family.
Harper is just beautiful! You are doing a great job with the pictures too! It helps that you have an adorable daughter to take pictures of!! I've been watching American Idol (I watch everything :)). I really like Danny!! I believe that next week is when the guy from Conway is performing (Chris Allen). I hope he does well!
I love the new pictures of Harper everyday. She is so beautiful. I hope everything is going well.
Those shoes have GOT to go!!!!! I am happy with the 3 picks for top 12 so far. I love the chick with the blonde and pink hair :o) And Kelly, can I please baby-sit Harper???? haha!!!! :o) She is tooooooo cute for words!!!
I love seeing Harper's new pictures everyday. We did the same thing when we brought Ethan home from the NICU, I couldn't take him anywhere and like you said, had a closet full of clothes! I really don't know who I like on Idol yet?? From Tuesday night's Idol, I think Tatiana really surprised me, of course I'm still shocked she made it this far!
I log in to just see pictures of beautiful Harper! She a precious gift from God. Thanks for sharing your days with us.
I have not been watching, but when I first saw the picture you posted I only saw the top part and I thought she was going to be wearing a cute dress. Then I scrolled down and what a shocker...I don't get that outfit at all!
Harper's eyes are beautiful, just like her! I love to see sleeping babies...I think it is so funny how most sleep with their arms up like that. My son always did that and sometimes still does...it always takes me back to watching him sleep as an baby.
Harper is gorgeous!!! Never apologize for posting pictures of that sweet baby...bring em' on! :) Yes, I'm watching and those shoes got me too...I thought her performance was awful! I'm liking Danny Gokey.
I came upon your blog the day you had Harper. We have been praying for your family and were praising God when Harper was able to come home. What a little miracle!
Harper is just a doll and I have enjoyed her daily fashion show. She has a great wardrobe already. Your daily commentary makes me smile.
As far as Idol goes.. I love Danny Gokey. I love this raspy sound to his voice. He just seems like a nice guy. I did like Alexis Grace as well - she has a unique quality to her voice as well. I am looking forward to the next group of 12 next week.
in love with harper's dress up pic of the day! since it's still rsv/flu season, i still can't take my preemie twins out either... so our days look just like yours- ha! eat, sleep, play, read books, sing songs, and play dress up for the camera!
i about died when i saw Jackie's outfit!!! y-u-c-k. we're loving AI as usual and our vote over here is danny!!!
I won't ever wear unlaced shoes, no matter how styling they might be. But I pray nightly for my naturally big hair to be back in style.
What precious pictures and I don't blame you one bit...eat, sleep, change and change into all of those CUTE clothes! She is definitely model material:)
Very thankful for your dinners being left at your front door...I am sure you are enjoying everyone else's cooking:)
Blessings today and every day,
Matthew 21:22
I'm watching and LOVE Danny Gokey! I think the guys are stronger this year. I like Michael (the roughneck) a lot too!
Harper is a doll and I'm so thankful that she is well!!! Congratulations!
I love to see Harper's "fashion shows", she is just precious!!
I have just started following your blog and I have to say Harper is a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl. You are in our prayers and I am glad she is home.
I absolutely love looking at all the cute pictures you take of Harper. :) I have a little girl myself and I see all of these cute headbands that you have for her and it makes me want to buy more of them for my little girl. I love them!! Keep all the pictures coming.
Love the bow, so cute.
What is up with the shoes? My question is what is up with that whole outfit:} S-C-A-R-Y.. I have not started watching AI yet, because I can't bring myself to watch the auditions. 2nd cup of coffee said that was over so I will begin watching now:)
She is absolutely stunning! Thank you for indulging us! Who doesn't want to see a miracle baby be beautiful every day?! :)
As for Idol- I have been a loyal fan since the beginning but just can't seem to get "in to" this year... I do agree those shoes are hideous!
Thank you for indulging us w/ Harper's pictures. I understand what you mean about wanting to show off or at least use all of the new outfits. I definitely have had many a photo shoot w/ my three.
The "Air Jordan" look, well I'm hoping that it won't be a new thing...I will not be sporting them I do know that. Big hair....me either.
My faves on Amer Idol right now are ....
1. The young mom (w/ the little girl)...she has blonde hair w/ some pink in it. I really like her (ready for her to get rid of the pink).
2. The guy that is a children's music minister/teacher. Really like him as well.
I think it's impossible for you to post too many pictures of pretty Harper! I give you permission to post as many as you want...we love it! ;o) She really is a *pretty* baby, Kelly. I can't wait to watch her grow!
At least if big hair comes back, you'll be good at it!
I love the pictures. You could put triple the pictures and we would all still stop by every day to see her. Keep 'em coming!
You're little one is adorable! I just found your blog a week ago, so you may have already said this... but where did you find those great, girly headbows? Did you make them or buy them? Adorable!
She is gorgeous! :)
I agree about your assessment of the shoes... eegads!
I love the last guy who got through. :)
Oh how sweet is that picture! And yes the old school shoes are coming back. I have grown to like them and just bought my husband a pair for Valentine's (not the high-tops, just the old school style). As for American Idol, from the 36 that have gone so far...I LOVE Danny Gokey, as does everyone else, and Alexis Grace, shes from here (Memphis). Glad you guys are still doing well, keep the precious pictures coming!
Harper is such an angel! Thanks for giving me a much needed baby fix each and every day.
I like how you are making good use of your closed cabin (ie "house arrest") time...keep dressing up that sweet baby! She is precious.
I am loving Danny!!! I nearly cry everytime he sings. I'm crazy!!
You were meant to be Harper's mom!! Enjoy every single second of it! And take those pictures!! Keep them coming!!
How Amazing! I am new to the blog world and was initially shocked at the number of people that follow your blog.........but as i began reading it, I now understand. How amazing your faith is, how beautiful your daughter is and how strong you seem!! Thank you for letting "strangers" into a little piece of your world. You make me want to be a better person and I am starting today!! Thank you!
I always love the Harper pics :)!
My favorites from Tuesday were Danny and the cute girl with pink in her hair. THEY CAN SING!!!
Harper is just beautiful! She does have incredibly pretty eyes, too! I'm not watching Idol, but before I could check out chick's shoes, I had to get past the pants. WHAT? Is? That? I'm out, too, with big hair, air jordans, and the like. Not gonna happen.
Harper is just SO gorgeous. She has quite the collection of bows and stuff!
As for AI, I am partial to Danny. I really like him!
I thought the same thing about the shoes-they scare me ! Especially with the fitted pants.
I love checking your posts to see the cute pics of Harper-often if I dont have time to read ,I just check to scroll through and see the pics.
We too were confined to our house when our preemie came home on oxygen-err,its no fun. How nice to have people make meals-we ate a lot of fast food:(
She is so cute!! I am happy to hear that she is sleeping now so that you can catch up on any sleep you missed.
I was watching American Idol, but haven't seen the last two. I hope that is not the trend...And if it is, I just hope that it never makes it as far South as Florida! *smiles*
I love seeing how cute this beautiful little girl looks in all her very fashionable clothes. I think you should take a bunch of pictures and do a fashion show for us. She would at least get to wear her clothes for a cute picture :o) Hope she keeps growing so beautiful and God Bless you and your family.
I’ve been reading your blog for a while now but I’ve never left a comment before. I just want to tell you that I love all the pictures you post of Harper. She is beautiful. I check your site a couple times a day so I can get my Harper fix!
As for American Idol, I'm not sure what that girl was thinking. I think my jaw hit the ground when she came out wearing that outfit. My favorite so far is Danny Gokey. I think he has a very unique voice.
My mother-in-law said they had 80's big shoulder pads at fashion week. I just got rid of all of mine. By the way, my youngest turned 15 1/2 today and we are going for the permit. I love seeing the pics of Harper! I work in the church nursery to get my baby fix.
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