Here is Harper's dress up of the day. ha! (I don't let her wear those headbands and hats around the house - just a few minutes for pictures). She slept a good part of the day today! We had a good day.
It was also a good day because Scott kept Harper for a couple of hours tonight so I could go to a baby shower!!! I was SOOOOOO happy to see all of my friends. I could only stay for a very short time because it took me a while to get there and back but I was just thrilled to see everyone. I feel like it's been MONTHS since I last saw everyone. There are a bunch of cute pregnant girls in our Sunday School class and I feel like they all grew cute bellies while I've been gone.

Ginger, Elizabeth and Mary Avery

Our friend Robin made the cute cookies yesterday and then delivered her baby today!!! Congrats Robin and Jake on baby Caleb.

Michelle, Leah and Kacy

This is my friend Amy. She is having twin girls, Molly and Ruby. She also has a one year old named Ella Kate that is beautiful! I asked you earlier to pray for Amy - she has been having contractions and started dilating. She is 30 weeks - she needs at least 5-6 more weeks. I want her to avoid the NICU! Molly and Ruby will be in Harper's class - I'm excited for her to have sweet friends!

When I was little, my family lived in New Orleans. We lived there for about 3 years. Our neighbors, Shirley and her daughter Rachel sent Harper this precious smocked Razorback dress! I love it! She will wear it for the first game hopefully! I know ya'll are reading this - thank you so much! I remember as a little girl eating King Cake at their house during Mardi Gras. This time of year always makes me think about it. It's still one of my favorite things - I always try to buy one each year.

Awe, Harper is so precious!
Harper is growing so fast and is so very beautiful! Don't ya just LOVE having a little girl to dress up?? :)
Blessings to you all!
Oh. My. Word. I LOVE that hat!
Glad to hear you got to get out of the house and see some of your friends. Sometimes all it takes is a little "girl time" to make you feel normal again! :)
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the outfit for today. I enjoy the hats and bows on my sweet girl too. The bigger the better. She's getting big enough to take them off on her own though. Maybe Harper won't be that way and you can enjoy all the big bows, hats and flowers for months and years to come. She is so beautiful.
The dress is precious! Glad you got to go have some "grown up" girl time tonight.
Aww she is sooo beautiful!!!
and I will keep Amy in my prayers!!!
Love girlie time! So fun!
Harper is a doll! :-)
What a cute dress!!!! I always wanted to learn how to smock.
Harper is getting so BIG. I'm glad you were able to escape for a bit. being a mommy is wonderful but sometimes you just need a little time without children.
Our latest is singing "Jesus Loves Me" into a pretend microphone.
I LOVE Harper's outfit! Super cute and she will look ADORABLE in the precious Razorback dress!!!
Harper is just so cute and I love those tights. Very Very cute!!
She is just so precious...
Harper is soooo cute!!! We love her to death and are praying for y'all everyday. I am SOOO happy that she is doing so well!!!
Everytime I sit down at the computer Emma starts saying "see baby Harper, see baby Harper!" It is soo cute...so of course we HAVE to see baby Harper!
Much Love!
Love me some King Cake!! Goes real well with Slim Fast! Take it from a dieter! Ha!
So glad you were able to get out of the house. What a special treat when you have a new one! She is as beautiful as ever!
Too cute! I'm so glad you were able to get out for a little bit tonight! It's fun to see friends again, isn't it?!?! Everyone looks so adorable! Can't wait to see Harper in that dress!
Love you,
Jess :)
Love the outfit! I am so glad you were able to get out tonight and spend time with friends. Harper is adorable and growing so fast!
What cute cookies! What cute dresses! What a cute little Harper!
Absolutely love Harper's dress up for the day. She is too cute. Glad you got to get out with the girls even if for just a little while.
Harper is growing so much!! I will add Amy and her twins to my prayers!!
Each picture of Harper is sooooo adorable! Love the hat and baby legs in today's picture! It is so wonderful that you got to get out and spend time with friends. Letting out a happy "yeah!" for you.
I will pray for Molly & Ruby to stay snug & warm in their mama's womb for a little longer. My best friends in high school were twins and I loved it!
oh she is so beautiful, I love her little outfit, especially those tights!!!!
kelly- are those baby legs harper is wearing? i think they are THE cutest thing. hoping to do girly dress up photo sessions too! :) we will find out in 2 days....
so glad you were able to get out and see your friends! that little smocked dress is the most darling thing ever! have a blessed week!
Oh that Arkansas dress is so darling! She must have her pic made in that dress!!
Miss Harper keeps getting cuter! I love seein the outfit of the day! So does your friend call her little girl Ella or Ella Kate. My little girl's name is Ella Kate too, so it caught my eye...she'll be one next week:)
Harper's outfits are too cute! Glad you got to go to the baby shower! Will pray for your friend Amy and her girls as well!! Have a great rest of your week!
Harper should be the new Gerber Baby! She is adorable! I love her outfits! I am so glad that you got to go see your friends it sounds like there are babies, babies everywhere...I love it!
That is so funny about your friend expecting twins.....I had my TWINS at 30 WEEKS (although they were boys, not girls) and then along came my ELLA KATE a few years later! What a coincidence! We spent 4 long months with our twins in the hospital and I agree that the NICU is not where you would dream of your baby ending up, but there certainly isn't a better place around for incredible care.
What a sweet pic of Harper!! Tell you friend Amy that my name is Amy and I , too, have twin girls! They were born at 30 weeks and 1 day and did have to stay in the NICU, but God is so good- they are perfectly healthy now! Praying for those babies to stay in longer! :) amyowen831@yahoo.com
Harper is just too cute! I wonder if your friends feel like celebrities now, knowing that so many people read your blog! I wonder if they spent extra time putting on makeup and finding the perfect outfit, just in case you showed up with a camera. That's funny to think about, I know that I would!
I love Harper's outfit of the day!
My name is Kerri and I have been reading your blog since you had Harper. She is a cutie. I am from Slidell, La but live in Rogers now. Just thought I would say hi.
I am so happy that you got to get out of the house and see some friends, I bet it felt great to spend time with some girls!
Dave and I had a little chuckle over Harper's dress up today!!
That little Razorback dress is just so stinkin' cute!!!
mmmm! now my pregnant self wants king cake! :0)
Praying for your friend and her Molly and Ruby. I've got an Emme and Ruby that were born at 32 weeks. Totally agree.. skip the NICU!
I love Harper's outfit! She is adorable!
Doesn't it just make you SO REJUVINATED to hang with adults alone even if just for a bit-God...he knows just what we need! Give Harper a smooch from us!
Harper's tights are sooo sweet! Love it!
I was happy to go to my six week check up alone! being out of the house for an hour was so refreshing
I will keep your friend and her baby girls in my prayers :)
She is such a doll!!! Glad you were able to get out and have some girl time! Mommies need that :o)
That is the first smocked Hogs dress I have seen. Harper is just a doll. Every night when I get everyone to bed I come see what is up with Harper... I have been reading since she was born. Ever been through Woodlawn, AR?
Kelly, I just think the little photo shoots you do with Harper are just awesome!! I check your blog "every day" to see if there are any new pictures of that precious little monkey! She is just so cute! I love the hats and head bands!! The tights she has on it todays picture are just to cute. It is so hard to believe she is already a month old. I have 2 girls, one just turn 11 today and the other one will be 7 on Friday! Time flies when your having fun....
Good night Harper! Sweet Dreams!!
Love, Renia (Michigan)
That is the cutest stinkin picture ever! I LOVE it!
Harper looks so cute! I love that little dress! How adorable! I'm from Shreveport, LA and we have been having the parades here on the weekends too! I actually haven't had king cake yet this year and I keep saying I need some! I love it too! Well I'm so glad sweet girl is doing so good! She is precious!
Oh my word! Could she get any cuter? Kelly she is adorable! So glad you got to get out for a little while! I love seeing the new pics everyday! God Bless you guys!
Anna - TX
What a sweet baby!!!
Harper is so much more alert and focused than I would expect a one month old to be. She is so cute!
OMG that picture of Harper is ADORABLE!!!!
Those cookies...man, one day I hope I can have some turn out!!! They are too cute!
And that dress?!?! Please take pictures when she wears that one! (Like I even need to say that one! Ha!!)
Glad you had an easier day today and got to get out and have a little girl time :)
Okay, I am sure the women will want to scalp me for saying this but.....I, for one, am glad you don't cover that cute girl up with bows in all her pictures! She is so stinking cute, she knows she is loved without them and the really big bows, while they are well intentioned and beautifully designed, detract from her amazingly BEAUTIFUL eyes!! JMO The bows are cute though! :)
Harper is simply precious. I am so happy that she is finally home with her parents, where she belongs :)
They grow up so fast, before you know it she will be smiling back at you and trying to chat. Such a blessing, the little ones are.
Love the smocked dress! I smocked for my girls and enjoy smocking for my granddaughters too.
I enjoy reading your blog. :) I'm glad Harper is doing well. Our daughter is now 6 months old and began sleeping through the night at 7 weeks. I'd love to give you some helpful hints if you're interested! PS - I checked out your recipe blog too and hope to try a few soon.
- Beth in Jackson, MS
I love reading you blog it helps me to focus on the important stuff since right now my life isn't easy. Ilove all the girlly pictures of your daughter.My 3 daughters are older and don't ask my advice (one is 17, next will be 16 in a month, and the 9 yearold has aspergers and getting clothes that don't "hurt" her is a acomplishment in itself) and my son just is awesome and loves jeans and shorts. My days of cute clothes are done. Enjoy yours while you can it changes fast!!!!
Michelle Daniels (danielsfive.blogspot.com)
She's a cutie!!!
Harper is just precious! I love the outfit of the day. Can't wait to see what she wears tomorrow. I'm realy enjoying the fashion show since I had two boys. The changing table your Dad made is beautiful. What a treasure.When is Dawson coming home? He may sleep umder the crib and guard Harper. My dog guarded my babies.I agree she could be the new Gerber baby.
Keeping you in my heart in GA.
Cute dress!!! She will look good at the game this fall! Hopefully, we will be better this year!:)
I'm soooo glad you were able to be around some friends tonight! I'm sure they were just as glad to see you as you were to see them!
It's a privilege to be able to pray for your family!
Isaiah 40:28-31 Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding. He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Prayer Bears
My email address
Glad you were able to catch up with some girlfriends. Harper has some wonderful fashions to sport.
She looks like your husband, I think?? Adorable baby girl! Love all the pictures and dress up stuff.;)
Harper is so adorable!! I love that you dress her up in the cutest outfits!! And the baby shower looked like so much fun! Those cookies are beautiful!
Harper is beautiful! I love the black and white baby legs. Glad you got to get out for a little while. I hope your nights are getting easier.
Oh, how fun to get out of the house even for a couple of hours!!! The baby shower sounds like a perfect way to spend that very valuable free time. (:
LOVE the smocked dress!!!
I just wanted you to know how happy I am that your precious baby Harper is HOME!!!!! As the song goes, How Great Is Our God?! He is incredible!!!! I will continue to pray for your beautiful family! My heart is singing and rejoicing over you all being home and over Harper growing and blossoming each and every day. (And I especially LOVE seeing her in all of her beautiful outfits!!) Let me know how our family can send you all a little something special!! My e-mail address is pearlsandgrace@yahoo.com
He is SO faithful,
I love those little tights!! Do you remember where you got them? Anyway, Harper looks adorable in her outfit & headbands!!! I lvoe her new dress too!
I'm glad you got to get out of the house for a while. That is always so refreshing!
I just cannot get enough of her cute little outfits!! Being the mom of 2 boys it blows my mind how much cute stuff there is for girls! And what a mighty cute lil model you have there!!! What a blessing for you to be able to go and spend that time with friends...glad you had a good time! Will be praying for Amy that those precious baby girls will hang on a few more weeks!
That has got to be one of the cutest pictures of Harper! She is absolutely precious!!
Kelly- I'm soooo glad you got to get out for awhile by yourself and enjoy your friends.... How did Scott survive daddy duty on his own????? I'm sure he was just fine! Harper is getting cuter and cuter everyday!!! :o)
Hey Hey!!! I'm gladd little miss thing had a good day yesterday and you were able to get out of the house! Much needed, I'm sure!!!
We don't do the bows much around the house either..just when we're leaving or doing pics. Otherwise they constantly get in the way or come off especially when they're that little. Glad you were able to get out..sounds like you have a wonderful support system!
I'm so glad that you were able to get out. I'm sure Scott enjoy some daddy-daughter time with Harper! Love all the outfits Harper has been wearing.
She looks so adorable! Glad you guys are {maybe} getting into a routine now...
I read your blog daily and LOVE IT! I'm so glad that Harper is doing so much better and that you finally have the family you've always dreamed of. God is wonderful! =)
My question is this: I'm 34 weeks prego and have been searching for the tights similar to the ones that Harper is wearing in the picture. I'm not too crazy about the leggings (leg socks) w/ the fear that they won't be able to stay up. I'm looking for the one piece kind...if they have any. Which is Harper wearing and where did you get them.
May God continue to bless you and your family.
Harper is such a beautiful little girl!! I'm so glad I found your blog!
Hi Kelly.
I just wanted you to know that I have been following your blog since you were pregnant, and I prayed and prayed with you when Harper was born and was so sick.
Yesterday, my six year old daughter wanted to know who the beautiful baby was that I was looking at on the computer. I told her it was Harper. She said, "But Mommy! She's so beautiful! And she's not sick! That CAN'T be Harper!" I smiled, and told her that God had healed Harper and she was home and happy and healthy. And my daughter Reilly said, "I just LOVE God! He is awesome!"
Just wanted you to know that you and your daughter and your story has ministered in ways you may never know.
You're making me think of King Cake...yum!
I love that razorback dress. That will be perfect for the first game, and perfect for future Miss Arkansas. I love the white and black... I can't wait to show Jerrame the picture. He will be soo excited!
She is a DOLL baby! So precious... Love the outfit and that hat is precious!
Hey Kelly! I went to high school with Mary Avery and I have no idea how I found your blog, but I have been praying for you guys! I have a 6 month old little girl so I know how tough it can be when they HAVENT'T been sick, so I just want you to know I understand your frustrations and I am glad you have had good days lately! They just keep getting better and better. Congratulations on your BEAUTIFUL Harper and feel free to check out my blog. I made your enchiladas by the way, they were fantastic and easy, and my husband loved them!
Yay for a good day and a night with friends :)! Those cookies are absolutely adorable!!!
Oh My..I LOVE LOVE Harper's dress up for the day. Those leggings are adorable.
When I found your blog, It was just in passing on one of my blog-walks. I didn't know then that I needed to see it. My dad had a stroke 2 weeks ago (he's only 54), and while we sat in ICU, I just thought of how much faith you were having in your situation and how I needed to do the same. So Thank you. Your blog has been a true blessing to me and I know a God send.
She is changing every day! They grow too fast! That outfit is WAY CUTE!
I'm glad you were able to go to the baby shower for a little while. Just an hour or two out of the house (ALONE) always does me a world of good!
Love the Razorback dress--she's going to be precious in it this fall!
I am digging Harper's leggings! I wonder if those look as good on a thirty something girl as they look on her? She is still getting cuter everyday!
Harper gets cuter every single day, if that is even possible!! She is SUCH a doll! I am glad you all had a good day =)
Love those tights on Harper! So darn cute!!
Yeah!! You got a night out!! It was probably good for your hubby to have time with his sweet baby girl too! Glad you had a fun, but short night out! I love your blog and all the pics of Harper (Thank you to Angie from Angelica Grace Designs who turned me on to your blog!) I also love your recipe blog!! Your Poppy seed chicken is a hit in our house!! I am actually trying all your recipes, hopefully you can add more soon! ;)
Have a great day with your beautiful girl!!
Nina ~
Harper is one seriously adorable baby!
Harper is precious! i love the razorback smocked dress! so sweet! I am a New Orleans girl too-I was born there and lived there until I was 6! We ALWAYS have a king cake! so fun!
That outfit is too cute. I remember dressing my baby sister in cute oufits and matching headbands and hats, so much fun. I'm glad Harper is sleeping and getting into a routine. Looks like you guys have alot of fun. Have a great day.
~Molly P
As always - just love the outfit and of course LOVE the bow!!!
Can you believe how big she is getting? Beautiful!
Harper is adorable! Love that photo. Cute Razorback dress!
So, fun that you got to make it to the shower...fun! Those cookies are cute.
Harper looks as darling as usual!
I will keep Amy and her two babes in my prayers.
She's so darn cute!!! Although she might need a Georgia Bulldog dress. :)
I'll be praying for those sweet babies.
I love Harper's leggings! too cute with her "H" onesie! Glad you were able to get out for a bit. It does make you feel better to get out and see your friends, even if it is just for a little while!
I will be praying for those sweet baby girls!
She looks a little uncomfortable in the first pic. I know you love to dress her up, though. She could almost pass for a Georgia bulldog fan in those colors.
Yes, as I've said before, I'm a twin. We were born at 29 weeks, so I hope your friend avoids the NICU at all costs. My mom always says she never wants anyone to hsve to go through what she did. I'll continue to pray that all goes smoohtly for her.
Seriously... Has there ever been a cuter little girl?
Harper is so sweet! I just LOVE all those super cute headbands! God is so good... I am so happy that Harper is doing well and you got your happily ever after! :)
I just came over to catch up on your blog. I haven't made a visit in a while and didn't even know Harper was home! I'm so glad to see it and see and hear how wonderful she is doing! She's just as cute as she can be!!
So glad you got to get out of the house a little!
when I got to be home with my emily for 8 weeks, i dressed her up everyday! people kept telling me that her ears were going to stick out and she would have a permanent headband indention on her head. now she's 18 mo. old and will not allow a headband within 2 feet of her! do it while you still can. and i want you to post pics of harper's nursery! everything is so so cute!!!
we love the baby legs...my girlies all love them! and what a cute way to dress them...dresses up any stinking old onesie! and that smocked dress is shut up cute! love it.
That HOGS dress is to die for!!! Love it so much! Harper keeps getting cuter and cuter- if that is possible!
Love ya!
Hi Kelly,
I have been keeping up with your blog since Harper was born and I was asked to put you on my prayer list. I am sorry her first days were so scary. I do understand. My son, Luke, was born with a congenital heart defect (transposition of the great arteries) and had to have open heart surgery at 6 days old. He is doing well and will be turning one on Sunday...Praise God and believe in HIS miracles!!! I am glad you and your angel are doing well. I look forward to seeing her pictures. She looks just like you:)
Harper is getting big! Must love that milk!
PS. I wouldn't care if all you talked about on your blog was Harper...I love it!!
Hi Kelly you don't know me:) I saw a link to your blog on my friends blog back when Harper was only a few days old. I kept coming back to make sure she was ok. I even read it to my husband and we were both praying for Harper..now it seems your blog has just become one of the many I frequent. I didn't go to OBU but I grew up in Shawnee...small world. I am very glad your little girl is doing great and you have so much to look forward to with her. God Bless your little family!
Your daughter has the cutest wardrobe. I see that she will be a future fashionista:)
Harper is absolutely adorable!! I love all her cute outfits and hats!
Awww how I miss those baby days....
I LOVE that pic of Harper! She looks like she doing some aerobics for those chunky little legs! Ha! I just love her!!!!! Too cute!!!!
Love that adorable outfit on that precious little Harper!!!
Arlene (in Baton Rouge, LA--and I LOVE king cake! Happy Mardi Gras!)
Hi Kelly - I am a SAHM with 2 little girls and have been following your amazing story. I am so glad that you are Harper are doing so well. I wanted to send Harper some "everyday" clips that I make. How would I do that?
Hi Kelly - I am a SAHM with 2 little girls and have been following your amazing story. I am so glad that you and Harper are doing so well. I wanted to send Harper some "everyday" clips that I make. How would I do that?
I love Harper's outfit, how cute to put the pants under the onesie!
Kelly, Harper is so beautiful and oh so perfect. God is so good. We still love looking at all her pictures...Emma still says Harper, Harper every time she sees them...sounds more like Hopper to be honest with you.
I am so glad you continue to post pictures of your little miracle daily...I was a little taken back when I read that someone said they hope you don't turn this into a baby blog. Harper is your life and we all love hearing about her and seeing pictures. Please don't stop.
I hope all is going well. Continuing to read daily, commenting less because I am getting ready for my little man to arrive any day.
Vote me in for the daily fashion show! I love little girl clothes! And just think- if you have another girl, you'll get to shop all over again because she certainly will need her very own monogrammed clothing! Have a good day!
what a perfect dress for such a perfect girl!! :)
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