It's a snowy day here in NW Arkansas! It's been snowing all day long!

I am cursed with having 100% gray hair - thanks to family genes. Therefore I have been blond for about 10 years (my hair is naturally VERY dark) and I have to get my hair colored every 4 weeks. Well - I stretched this time out to 8 weeks and it was getting rough. I got desperate and put some Clairol roots touch up on my hair but it had a twinge of orange. :-) (Hello BOZO the clown!)
I got to get out and get my hair done today. I've had the same hairdresser for 12 years and I love her but she's 30 minutes away so add a 2 1/2 hour appt, plus an hour drive - it just wouldn't work to be gone that long. So I went to a new place in town. And it went fine - but it's kind of sad that I took a before and after and they look almost exactly the same. Sigh.
Secretly - I was glad Scott got a little glimpse of what my afternoons are like! ha!
(I hope ya'll know that I don't care if she cries 24 hours a day - I'm so thankful to have her. There is not a MINUTE that goes by that I'm not counting my blessings)
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Directions: | |
Cook the rice according to package directions minus 1/4 cup water. Let cool. Bring 2 cups water and 1/2 tablespoon salt to a boil in a medium saucepan and cook the shrimp for 1 minute. Drain immediately and set aside. Heat the butter in saucepan and saute the pepper and onion until soft, about 5 minutes. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. In a large bowl, combine the rice, soup, 1 1/2 cups of cheese, shrimp and vegetables. Add salt and pepper to taste. Mix well. Spray a 9 inch square aluminum cake pan or an 11 by 7 inch glass casserole dish with vegetable spray. Place the mixture in the pan and top with remaining 1/2 cup cheese. Bake for 30 minutes, until bubbly. |
(I've been sent these lately and these families really need to be lifted up)
(I've been sent these lately and these families really need to be lifted up)
Rare chromosone disease -
Little baby needs a heart transplant and family can't afford it and insurance won't cover it:
Patrice lost a son at 37 weeks last year and just delivered a son today that has a rare skin disease:
Little Katie has severe brain damage from Group B strep and a number of strokes:
Owen was born with half a heart and is waiting on a transplant
Praying for all those on your prayer list!
I just love your blog. Little Harper is just gorgeous :)
It sounds like Harper might have colic...since its the same hours everyday. I know this sounds really, really weird... but have you considered taking her to a chiropractor? Some specialize in children and babies. My CP has like a 98% success rate with colicy babies, and I can say from personal experience with my niece/nephew that it is a COMPLETELY different child!
You, Harper, and your husband are continually in my prayers!
P.S. I'm 21 and am beginning to fight the grey hair battle - I'm losing horribly!
You look great.
I just got a haircut that my husband said I needed.
I told my stylist I would be back probably within the month I need hair color badly. I have been stretching the time between coloring due to finances but this is one thing I need done unless hubby wants people to think that when he goes out with me I am his grandmother.
You do look great!!
We always called those hours in the late afternoon "The Witching Hours". Nothing seemed to calm my kids down. Hang in doesn't last long. :)
I was commenting some while the "babes" was in the hospital, but I think I got lost in the shuffle.
She looks beautiful, as do you.
I just sarted coloring my own hair after paying big $$$ for the last few years ... it's not hard at all and it's 10 bucks
carry on
Your hair looks great to me! I always get nervous going to new hair places though:) Sending a prayer up for those on the list!
I got the grey hair gene, too, I'd look like Randy if it weren't for Kathy, the most talented hair dresser in Fulton County!
Harper is beautiful. It just takes a little time to get everything sorted out. Maybe she's like me, a little cranky because it's still cold!
I think you look adorable in BOTH pictures! I do understand exactly what you are saying about your hair, though! I stretched mine out 6 weeks this last time and I was MISERABLE!
Kelly, Harper just gets more adorable every time I see her! I am so sorry that she is having a rough time between 2 and 5 each day, but this too shall pass!
Thank you for sharing the shrimp recipe. Our grocery store had shrimp on sale this past week and I bought 2 bags and I was wondering what I was going to do with all of those shrimp! This sounds delicious!
Have a blessed Sunday!
Helpful husbands are the best, aren't they!! I wouldn't be half the mom I am without my husband.
Since I started reading your blog (a few weeks ago) I have loved your hair. So, I thought it looked good before the color - and it looks good now. I'm sure getting out of the house and being pampered was really nice.
I use the bottle for my greys...I just detest dropping $100 at the sight of my loving father's genes! :) I use Nutrisse...and conditions my hair so nicely...I had my "purple-ish" days until I found my color!
I found Patrice and Matt today...and of course you were the first comment on their blog - their story makes me ache!
How can Harper get cuter eachday? Why don't we?
hugs - kbs
I love your new hair color! The *before* picture looks great too, but the new color is really beautiful! So good that you got to get out and get pampered a bit. Thank the Lord for helpful husbands. I don't know what kind of Mom I'd be without my better half.
Harper's fussy afternoons are SO normal and I promise will begin to lessen in time. In a few months afternoons will go much better. I believe it's referred to as the witching hours. Just know, almost every other Mom out there with a new baby is dealing with the fussies at the exact same time! Strange, but comforting.
Hi Kelly, The pictures of Harper are adorable. Did you ever think a toothless smile could be so cute? Your hair looks great. At least the new place didn't butcher your hair and your have to hide until it grows out. Next time will be better since they have done it before and will be familiar with your hair. When I first saw the pictures I thought maybe you had bought one of those crazy hair bump things. HA.The shrimp casserole sounds great. I'm with Scott on his idea of paying the Sunday school class to continue with meals. And he should keep Harper. He contributed half of those chromosomes and should experience the good with the bad.
Keeping you in my prayers in GA
Harper is just adorable!! I am going to check out the blogs you shared with us...and lifting them up in prayer!
Hey Kelly & Family,
The Hair color looks beautiful on you. And , I just have to say that the 1st photo of Little Miss. Harper looks so cute. Ya'll are in my families thoughts and prayers. Please , Don't hesitate to e - mail me if ya'll need anything. Or if Harper is napping and you need to talk to some one ya'll can always e - mail me anytime . Here is my e - mail address for you.
- Randee
I still think your hair is matter what! :)
Harper's pics today are stinkin' precious!! Oh, I just love her more and more everyday! I seriously doubt that's possible, but just know that I LOVE HER SOOOOOOO MUCH!!
Oh, and I love shrimp so I can't wait to try that recipe!
I will definitely be praying for all of those you added tonight!
Love you,
Jess :)
Sounds yummy! I'm making a similar shrimp casserole my MIL gave me the recipe for yesterday. Sounds like Harper has cholic - she'll grow out of it - really nothing you can do now, but my little guy went through the same thing. BTW - I think your hair looks great! Praying for you and your requests! Nite!
Kelly, you are gorgeous! A little hair tweaking can make a huge difference.
Harper is adorable in those pics!
I'll be praying for those families.
So glad you are doing a prayer list!
Knowing first hand what it's like to lose a baby, I will be praying for these little ones!
Harper is adorable as always and that recipe sounds good, I'll have to save it for after the quads are here and I have time to cook! That should be in about a year!! haha let's hope not!!
I still see you as a brunette. Since I just started "seeing" you again recently, the blonde is new to me. I had to give up my hairdresser when I had Abigail. I didnt color my hair, but just the 30 min drive there, haircut, and drive back was more than I could be away. I resorted to mall cuttings for years (and usually had very bad hair as a result :)
Now a friend of mine (who is a stylist) comes to my house and does it :) Find yourself one of those!
You're hair looks great!
Love this photos of Harper.. she is a doll.
Thanks for sharing, those listed above are all in my prayers!!!
Oh the roots! Mine our brown but I still do not enjoy seeing them! I think your hair looks great though! I loved my first hair appt after Brody was born. I really appreciated getting away for those 3 hours!
Thanks for the recipe! My husband and son love shrimp. I'm going to have give this one a try! Give Harper hugs from the Watts Family.
Many Blessings,
Amanda,Gene,Kansas,Trinity, & Logan
Love your hair. My before and afters always look the same. I always say I will do something new and then chicken out. Praying for those on the prayer list:)
I actually went from having beautiful blonde hair to dying it back to my natural color because I just couldnt make the hour+ trip to my hairstylist and didnt want to try someone new...I actually like the dark hair, but I miss getting out and being pampered. I have SERIOUSLY considered getting my nails done or something!
That recipe sounds delish! Ill have to try it!
Praying for everyone on the list!
OOH! This sounds like a recipe a former boyfriend's mother used to make. I'm going to give it a try. But, a question - is it a Rice a Roni-ish package of wild rice?
Hmmmm the crying from 2-6....I'm telling you, Anderson would cry alot in the afternoons and we would constantly listen to music all day long! It really helped! :)
I got my hair done today, too! However, it's REALLY short..TOO short. But, atleast the cut is cute so it will grow out well.
Also, I have been need of some dress clothes lately so I took you up on your advice and visited Wal-Mart. Last week I got one shirt 6 bucks (that was a deal) and a pair of pants for 30 at New York & Company. Today I got 2 pairs of pants for 11 dollars each and two shirts for 14 dollars each! Lets see...two items for 36 dollars or four items for 50? Wal-Mart wins. I was thinking about you as I picked out my clothes.
"Yes, Kelly would were that, it's so cute. Pick it up."
Have a great Sunday:)
I think a barely-distinguishable before and after is actually a compliment to the hairdresser--she did a really nice job of matching your existing color and making everything look uniform. Isn't the point of good hair coloring to make it look natural? I thought so...
Can't wait to try the recipe!
Ohh so cute grinning!!!!!!!! That recipe looks WONDERFUL!!!!!
Kelly, I am so surprised! Patrice Williams is my niece, and I don't think she reads your blog. So imagine how stunned I was to see you linking to her here! That was very bizarre for me! But thank you so much. They can use all the prayers they can get. Jonah has a long road ahead of him, and we are praying so hard for him.
Thank you so much for asking your readers to pray for my little Katie!!
She is doing wonderfully well right now and I really do believe that it was the prayers of many that made it all possible.
Katie is also having some grumperella days lately. Hopefully we'll both have giggly, smiling babies next week! THAT'S what I'll be praying for. Kidding. Not really. I'm serious. :)
Thanks again! Harper is so sweet and I LOVE following your blog. I found it the day that she was born and feel like you're all family!
Hugs from Kristine & Katie
That first picture of Harper must have been taken when you told her that her Nonny was coming to see her on Monday, right????
Can't wait to see her !!! (And you and Scott too, of course!)
Just a few minutes out can make a huge difference! I'm in desperate need of a haircut but haven't found the time to go yet.
Praying for all of those you mentioned on your blog and of course your precious Harper!
Your hair looks great! Harper is precious as always!
Everytime I read about Harper's diva moments...I think about my kids and how much they cried during those hours. You seem like you are taking it so much better than I did...I thought I was going to lose my mind. I didn't (well not all of it anyway) and my kids are great perfect kids when it gets bad and you think you are going to lose your mind, just know you are not alone...
Your hair looks adorable..I guess there wasn't much to change! Harper has stolen our hearts and we just adore her!
I am tempted to go out and buy Owen a bunch of monogram clothes, but I just don't know if a little guy would dig that or not?!
Thanks for mentioning Owen and spreading the prayers for him. His heart is out there and he'll get it someday. I just hate that another family will lose their precious angel.
Your hair looks great!!! I also loved seeing the pendant I made for you and little Harper. I'm so glad you are still enjoying it. You look so precious!!!
So many heart-wrenching things to pray for!!
If I remember correctly, my kids had the worst times during those hours of the day, too... but I think it was over with by the 3 month mark.
Have you heard of Robert Craig haircolor? It's being used in salons in New York... and you can order it online for like $10 a bottle. It's permanent color and it's VERY gentle. I bought some and tried it and I loved it. They have a free online consultation and you can click on "Ask Karin" for personal advice. I HIGHLY recommend it and I'm EXTREMLY picky about anything I put on my hair. You can find him at (Let me know if you try it!!)
I as well have been cursed with the gray hair gene, i don't know how bad it would get if I let it go, I'm afraid to find out! I felt so guilty while pregnant with Fionn getting it done, so i just tried light highlights to mask as much as I could, and it still didn't work!!
I just tried to go all dark again(literally last week) and I can already see some silver popping out! I can tell you it seems to come back in faster the older the kids get, so be prepared!!
Fionn has been super tasty winey this week due to his top two teeth coming in, and all I can say is "God Bless You" to the makers of Tylenol! I've only given it to him once or twice, but it does the trick!
Love the pictures of Harper, isn't happy time the best part of the day? Fionn went through the same kind of stage when he was small, it wasn't colic, but it sure was somethin!
Praying for her to work through it quickly, and for all the other sweet babies on the prayer list.
ps. keep the snow, please! :-)
Just dropping by to let you know that there is a giveaway at
I handmake all the creations. :)
Awwww, Kelly, your hair looks beautimus :o) That recipe looks SOOOOOO good :o)
What precious pictures of Harper!! I'm sorry she has been so fussy. Hopefully she will settle down soon. Your hair looks nice too. I know it made you feel better just to get out for a while.
Love & blessings from NC!
I got your thank you card in the mail today :) your soo welcome for the bank for Harper, i hope she saves lots of money, but I bet all she has to do is ask mommy for anything she wants lol. God is always good.
Harper has a beautiful smile! Of course, we all knew she would.
I got you thank you card in the mail this week. I hope we can get together this summer for lunch one day.
I will pray for those requests you listed.
God bless you, Scott and little Harper!
Your hair looks great. And Harper gets cuter everyday. Your days sound all too familiar. My first born cried (no screamed) during the same hours everyday. Turned out his "colic" was actually caused by lactose intolerant. After six months of screaming, I finally experimented with a hypo-allergenic formula (kept pumping in case it didn't work so I could return to nursing). But it worked like magic. He was a new baby! We called the Similac Alimentum formula "liquid gold" b/c it was so expensive ... but it was worth it to ease his painful cries! Still to this day, he drinks a lactose intolerant milk and has a very sensitive tummy!
Food for thought. Good Luck Mommy! Enjoy everyday that she is still little ... it flies by!
So I have been "stalking" your blog since right after Harper was born and you made your way to Tulsa (where i'm from!). My preschool class at Asbury UMC made Harper cards and my co-teacher brought them up to you. I just wanted you to know how amazing I think you are and how you have such an positive outlook on life when all this negative was thrown at you. I love reading your blog and watching all of the fun outfits you are dressing Harper in! Thank you for letting all of us in your life and sharing your story with us!
God Bless!
Heather Horton
Even though your hair looks really similar, it looks really shiny and healthy! :) Glad you were able tog et out.
I just made that casserole of Paula Deen's last week! It was yummy!
i can't wait to try this recipe. it sounds so yummy! i also just sent you a email :)
take care mama! -tara
I love the comment from your momma! She sounds exactly like my mom~all about the grandbaby now~oh and of course us too~RIIIGHT MOM!! :) Praying that Harper settles down for you! Olivia did the same thing and the only thing that worked was to hold her really high with one hand under her back and one under her butt and bounce her up and down~she loved it but our arms were sooo tired by the time her fussy time was over! She is absolutely beautiful!
I couldn't see much difference but that doesn't matter. If you're happy, that's what counts!
And I think it's always good for fathers to spend some time with their kids...helps them understand a little better of what the moms go through! (she said with an evil grin...I've got 6 kids....)
Continuing in prayer!
Ephesians 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Prayer Bears
My email address
LOVE reading your blog! Your little girl is just too cute!
Cute pics! It does sound like Harper has colic. My son would fuss and cry from 2-6 every evening. Our pediatrician recommended the Happiest Toddler on the Block. It gives great ideas--the 5 S's--for keeping a baby happy. This worked with our colicky son. Most colic goes away by 3months, I hear, but our son had colic until he was 9 months. LOUD music helped our son, too. I would crank up the country music station on the radio and he would quiet down and fall asleep. Good luck, it's a tough situation but it will be over before you know it.
I think it's good for daddies to get a glimpse of what daytime life is like with a baby. (: Every baby has a fussy time of day...she'll grow out of it.
Right now my struggles aren't with a crying baby but rather a baby that gets into EVERYTHING! Watching him is definitely a full-time job and can be very trying but I never forget what a blessing he is to me.
Even if your before and after shots look similar at least you got out of the house for a while!
Sweet, sweet picture of Harper. Glad the new salon worked well. I changed awile ago from a half hour hair commute to a place two blocks away and now I the "new" place is home.
Prayers for all the little ones and their families.
Wow, that dish sounds so good! Harper is so precious and that was so sweet of your husband!
Your hair looks great!
But I know what you are going through....fussy babies are stressful! I know I love my baby, but some days are difficult to get through! LOL I was glad when my husband could experience the fussiness the first time!
When my little boy had colic, I thought I was going crazy. Everyday for four months, he screamed at exactly the same time. I would usually last 5-6 hours and nothing could be done for him. It was heartbreaking. After repeated trips to the doctor, I was desperate for some relief for both of us.
Someone recommended Baby's Bliss Gripe Water. I was reluctant at first, but eventually tried it. I gave him a 1/4 of the recomended dose and within 15 minutes he was asleep. We never left the house without it again.
Oh your hair, looks cute ANYWAY you do it!
I love that you take time to show other families in need of prayer! Also good to hear that Harper is doing so well. I loved her Razorback attire!
I got my hair highlighted at The Edge Studio and this guy did a great job!
Yep, I'm not reading all the comments so it's probably been said 60 times before, but it's probably colic. Some people swear by stuff called "Gripe Water"...but we tried it ONCE and it gave our son such horrible tummy pains that we didn't try it again. Plus it smelled very strongly of pickles because it has dillweed in it. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it, but other people have had wonderful success with it. I'm trying to think back to the things we DID do, but I think I've blocked it out because it was suuuuuuch a stressful time! I know we played music and swaddled and bounced and sang for HOURS a day. He outgrew colic pretty quickly... I want to say by about 3 or 4 months we were pretty much down to about 30 minutes to an hour a day. You WILL look back at this time fondly one day...heh. :) OHHH I remember... we were bottle feeding at the time, and we switched to Playtex Drop-Ins bottles... that was what almost completely cleared it up!! You could try that if you're bottle feeding at all....
Both of those Stamps girls are looking awesome! I have to be careful not too look at that first picture of Harper for too long at once - can't risk my heart melting all over my keyboard. :-)
Love ya'll! Hope your Sunday is going great!
I will pray for the families in need AND I will be trying that recipe!
Also, I have heard orange juice can be a culprit with screaming you drink a lot of it? Maybe even one glass can set it off.
I have cut out milk, as I was told it can be the root of far no real word on that.
It's ok to complain about the crying- we know you still love her!! It is just a phase and it WILL get better!
I think I may have to try that recipe! My stomach is growling!
I love your blog. I am visiting for the first time this evening and plan to continue to re-visit. Maybe it is the part about being completely gray. I have been coloring my hair since I was 18 and am pretty certain that my natural color is mostly gray, as well.
Whatever the reason, consider me a follower.
you look great!
Hi Kelly! This is Mary Avery's mom, Dana Maxwell. I have been following everything you have been going through (even before Harper was born)and am so thankful you have beautiful Harper!
My first baby got Group B strep and almost died. He was in the NICU for 2 weeks, out of town, so I know what you and your family were going through. We prayed for all of you and Jenna's family too. My heart just broke for y'all as I was soooo afraid of the possible outcome. But I can surely see how God used your situation for His Glory, just as God used our situation for His Glory, just in a different way. Our guy is now 29 years old, good-looking, never meets a stranger, but has mild Cerebral Palsy and some vision problems. But smart; hearing and memory we would all wish for, and the biggest "ROLL TIDE" "GO BAMA" fan in the world!!!! (sorry Razorback fans)
Glad you enjoyed the casserole Mary Avery brought - we love it too! She is such a good cook (mostly self-taught), even though I taught Home Economics for years. She did not want me to teach her things, but she is talented and smart enough to figure them out herself!
But I wanted to know how you liked the "Truffle Pie"? I made it for them once when I was in NWA for a visit - it is so easy and gooey! YUM!
You and Scott are such good parents and I look forward to seeing and meeting y'all at church when I am up for a visit!!
I'll go visit the sites you named for prayer request. (so sad)
You Sunday School group is so sweet to keep bringing you guys food. The shrimp dish sounds pretty yummy.
Glad you all are doing well.
Hey, I know what you mean about getting your hair done and it not looking too diff. from the "before". Oh, for the love of us girls getting our hair done.
Give Harpers some kisses from the Baker's and tell her we're thinking of her mommy and daddy during your "crying" does sound like she might have colic. Isn't their some sort of miracle blanket for that? I'm thinking so...thankfully none of our three had that issue.
Yum...that recipe sounds good! I'm all about some shrimp! I'll be making this one.
I remember how HARD it was to plan my salon trips. My hairdresser is about 45 minutes away, and when Amelia was tiny and BF'ing so often, I just couldn't really be away from her for that long. So my sweet husband would get off work and come sit at the salon with Amelia, and I would nurse her while my color was setting!! He hated it, I know, but he was sweet enough to do that counts in my book! You are right...YEA for helpful husbands!
I agree with other poster about the 'witching hours.' This is when breastfed babies, especially, like to 'cluster feed.' There IS a reason for it - it makes your body increase and/or keep up with milk supply for the nighttime shift.
I found that nothing helped the baby was just a matter of time and once it was gone, the most beautiful milky skin appeared and you'll just forget about the acne!
ALSO I have a shrimp casserole question...does one use PLAIN wild rice or one that is in a package with seasoning (like Near East, etc). Thanks!
Your hair looks great--it always looks great! I think I can speak for everyone reading your blog that we all know you love being a momma and the hard days are no fun for anyone--no matter how thankful you are to be one. It is tough and tiring but it's never seemed like you took a minute of it for granted...and that attitude is what we have to have to make it through the rough patches! God is good to remind us of what a blessing they are in the midst of the screaming :)
so i love the lighter color, but you look fab in before and after 'cause you are too cute!
i wanted to say thanks for doing the prayer requests for the kiddos...i've been visiting them and praying and have linked up with andie grace's blog and done some techie help, making them a button and being a part of their daily prayers...all because of your prayer requests....thanks!
What a sweet smile Harper is giving y'all! Such a cutie, praying for the people that are on the list.
Don't feel bad about complaining about the crying. Of course it does not mean that you are not thankful to have her. The crying is so hard. My son used to cry from about 5-8 every night and it really was so stressful to me. Thankfully, it went away right when he turned 3 months so this too shall pass. It just seems like forever when you are in the middle of it though! Do make sure to take time for yourself though. It will make you much happier.
What a cutie!
I totally get what you're saying about not loving coming out of a hair appointment looking almost the same....I'm always did I just pay for!
I, too, get frustrated if I can't see a noticeable difference! I think you look great before and after!
And, thanks for linking to the prayer requests...
Good for you for getting out! You need time for YOU. Your hair looks great. Believe me, I understand the 3 hour appt!
It always makes me feel better to get my hair done.
As always, Harper is a doll!!!
Thanks for linking to the prayer request.
Hi Kelly, I already commented on your great hair, but you said it was snowing there and had to share this. We had snow today in Macon, GA!! I have about 1 inch of snow in my yard. I took my dog, a standard poodle, out for a walk-about this evening and she wasn't sure about that white stuff in her yard.She walked on the edge of the road leaning over to sniff the ground looking for her spot. She finally walked on to the snow and tinkled, but she didn't like it. After all, who wants to ruin her pedicure. The schools are closed tomorrow and the news is telling every one to stay home. All the grocery stores are sold out of milk and bread. You would think we were stocking up for a seige. Now all you who have snow on a regular basis can laugh at us who have no idea what to do when one single snowflake falls. Bundling up here in Ga. Donna
I don't think you look very gray or old enough to be gray!!! I am glad you got out and had some time for yourself though! Love, Carol
Cute hair cut! I think the color looks great. I was laughing at the 4 weeks thing. I used to go to the same hairdresser when I was in college up until we moved here. I drove an hour to see her but then after Shelby was born I couldn't do it. She would laugh at me and say I needed to come in more often to do my color. Finally she showed me how to do it! ROFL I still do my own color. Now I have a new hair stylist b/c my old one moved to TN. She often asks if I am seeing another stylist behind her back. ROFL
I know that I commented yesterday, but just have to tell you awesome our Lord is, and the wondrous ways in which he works. After reading the prayer requests, I went and read about Laith, and prayed for him last night to find a hospital where money was not going to be a problem. Guess what, he did, and he's right HERE in Pittsburgh!! He came all the way across the country, to our wonderful group of doctors!! I have already emailed his family offering any support I can give! I just wanted to share with you.
I hope that you all had a beautiful Sunday together, and I can't wait to see more pictures of Harper!!
I am a mommy of 2 kiddos and have been following your blog for quite a while. I "feel" your pain with the crying. My daughter(now 9 months old) did not cry but SCREAMED her first 4.5 months of life. My only relief was God gave her the gift of sleeping through the night at 6 weeks old. She was put on Zantac and Reglan at 2 weeks old for reflux. She would actually choke and practically turn blue so we knew it was not just colic. She had 7 ear infections in 5 months and had tubes put in. Had pH Probe done to see how bad reflux was. Went from 1.2 to 8.2 in seconds. Doctors put her on 3 different reflux meds. Only Prevacid worked. If Harper TRULY has reflux, I would keep her on her meds and try to wean her off once she is more upright(like when she can sit and starts walking). It will make her a happier baby. Also, we learned in month 4 that Reglan causes stomach pain so was another source of the screaming.(Imagine the feeling when you have horrible heartburn and do not take anything for it, that is the pain the reflux causes our poor babies.) Just one Mom's experience of a reflux baby to a possible another.
Harper truly is a blessing and such a beautiful GIFT! Congrats again!
Hey Kelly- just wanted to assure you that you are a 100% normal mama with a newborn on your hands- hang in there! Your first month "fog" started a little later due to your Tulsa stay and things will begin settling down before you know it. And what a beautiful smile Harper has!
Praying right now!
Psalms 36:5-7 Thy mercy, O LORD, is in the heavens; and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds. Thy righteousness is like the great mountains; thy judgments are a great deep: O LORD, thou preservest man and beast. How excellent is thy lovingkindness, O God! therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings.
Prayer Bears
My email address
my kids are always bad around 4-7 as well. seems like they know your tired and daddy is not home.
You look beautiful---as always!!! Harper is so adorable! My kids always had a hard time around that 5-7ish time!!! Hang in there---as she gets older, things will get so much easier--10 weeks seemed to be that magic time for our family! The new born stage can be difficult!! Just snuggle her close and enjoy every moment! It will be gone in a flash!!
Hey Kelly! I had my hair done this weekend too. And, like yours, you can't tell a huge difference, but it just feels better!
I love to see all the pictures of Harper! She is just precious!!
Ahhh I love trips to the hair dresser!! It can make your day, I go this Thursday!!
I love the picture of Harper smiling, it is a joy to see her face, you are lucky that you get to wake up to it everyday.
Hi Kelly! I am a new reader! Just found/read your blog yesterday (from a link on a friend's blog)...and I love your blog! You seem like such a bright light in a dark world!! Isn't it awesome how God can use the internet/blogs to bring Glory to His name!
I saw that you live near Brason ( I think)...brought back memories for me b/c I was a counselor at Kanakuk when I was in college at UGA! Have you heard of Kanakuk? We had many counselors from Arkansas there as well...
I love all your monogrammed things for Harper--so cute--I have an 11 month old baby boy, so the cute hats and pink are not on my radar these days! Ha!
Just wanted to say "hi"! God bless!
Kelly, your hair always looks so good! I've recently decided to go blonde..I'm really picky about "fake" blonde hair, so I was wondering what you get done to your? Is it hilights? or an all over color? So, glad you could get out of the house for a bit! Harper is the cutest! I love reading all of your updates!
Kelly-- I read your blog regularly, but have yet to comment. Thank you for sharing your blog, I enjoy reading it, and try to do so daily.
In regards to Harper's acne, I think you said you're breastfeeding, right? My son, Kaleb had the same thing happen, and it turns out it's a cow's milk intolerance. I've had to cut dairy out of my diet almost completely. The lactation nurse says he should outgrow it eventually... Typically, rashes/acne like that are related to whatever YOUR diet is. See for more Breastfeeding information!
Oh, also, Harper's fussiness could also be related to cow's milk protein intolerance (that's the offical term, from what I'm told! LOL)
Dido on the Chiropractor comment.
And, please pray for this sweet family as they say goodbye to their precious baby girl today. We love you Gracie!
I love the picture of smiling Harper! FYI, Your hair does look brighter in the pic on the right:)
Kelly, Harper is beautiful. We've been praying for you all along this journey, although this is my first time to comment. May God continue to bless your sweet family. It is awesome to hear how he has been working through you to touch the lives of so many. He truly is amazing in his ways, although we don't always understand them. Grace and peace to you today!
First, Harper is a sweet beauty. Have enjoyed your blog since Harper was born and keep you all in my prayers. My "baby" Ashton, now 17, used to cry for several hours late each day. I found that giving her a bath during that time period soothed her and settled her down. Just a thought...
Is Harper getting in her afternoon nap? You want to aim for 3 naps a day - usually about 1 - 2 hours after she woke up, she should go down for a nap...three times until she finally goes down for the night. I read Dr. Weissbluth's book on sleep (I don't agree with his methods, but his description of sleep and napping needs is right on in my opinion).
Poor harper....sounds like she may have a touch of colic...same hours pretty much every day! There is really nothing anyone can do except love on her. It should pass soon though!!! Hang in there. She is beautiful!!!
Kelly ~ Harper is adorable! I love to pop in on you girls and see what she is wearing daily! I love new recipes! Can't wait to try it! Thanks for sharing! I'll pray that you will have a peaceful evening!
Kelly ~ I tried it! Yummo!!! It was a HIT! Thanks!
Prayers are a powerful thing, and we need to be praying more for one another. Thank you for being such a wonderful witness for Christ Kelly, I don't know who is more beautiful, you or Harper!
do you mind letting me know if you use frozen shrimp or buy it free. Love making recipes with shrimp and this sounds so good but never know what kind to buy. Thanks for the great recipe
Love your site and what you do in God's name. You will have stars in your crown one day. I wanted to ask you to post this to your website for prayers. I don't know this family, but I know some of their friends. My heart aches for them and now as a mother, I pray even harder for them and I pray for the health of my child or should I say children (in july)as well :) Zoe is a little girl who in the last few weeks went from perfectly healthy to having been diagnoised with neuroblastma cancer. Right now the cancer is not operatable. It is located around some major veins and arteries in her tummy. Her mom and granddad are both doctors and Zoe is going to Arkansas Children's hospital. Here is the site, so you can get more information and sum this up better than me. Thanks for kelly's korner and your recipe site. God Bless.
India Weatherly (Fordyce, AR)
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