Monday, March 02, 2009


I got to go to church yesterday and it was WONDERFUL!!! Scott kept Harper and she slept the whole time - I even went to Sunday School. Harper had a great day yesterday! She was so happy and slept a LOT! She has only gotten up once the past two nights and last night I thought she was going to sleep the whole night. I jumped up like a rocket when I woke up and realized it was almost 3:30 and she had been asleep since 9:30!!!

I really think taking her off her reflux meds has done the trick - she has been SO much better!!!
Isn't she cute???
She got this precious shirt from this etsy seller who made it for her! LOVE, LOVE!

Harper got some VERY sweet things in the mail the last few days and I had to share a few (because let's face it - baby stuff is SO FUN!) - this dress is SO precious I can hardly wait for her to get big enough to wear it. This sweet girl, Kory, in Alabama sent it to her and also sent me a bunch of yummy recipes on recipe cards! I thought that was so fun - and you will probably see some soon popping up on my recipe blog!
Abbie wanted to make Harper some bows and she asked me what colors I would like. I told her I didn't have any black or green so she made these - aren't they cute?? Love the black feathers!!!
The Fletcher family sent me a package full of goodies that were SOOO precious including the cutest drawing their 8 year old daughter drew of Harper. I'm saving it for her. These burp cloths were TOOOO cute!
Haley and Tammy Dale in VA sent me some very cute bows and this outfit. They knew I would be so proud because they bought it at Wal-Mart and then had her name put on it!! You are SO right - that is genius!! :-) Right up my alley!

Last night I went to Wal-Mart and when I got home, Scott said he DVR'd something he wanted me to watch. It was Extreme Home Makeover. I rarely watch that show because it makes me cry too hard. Scott was tearing up and told me it was about a family in TX who had their home flooded but the special thing about them was their youngest son had been in the NICU and the mom who is a photographer now goes and takes pictures of the babies in the NICU for the families for free. They had families on whose babies had died saying what a precious gift that was. You can watch the episode here - grab some kleenex first.

And then pray for the family of Gracie. She was born sick, just had a heart transplant and has been on ECMO and is not going to live. My heart breaks for them. As I look at pictures of her on ECMO and realize how close we eyes flooded with tears. I don't understand why our baby gets to live and others don't. Even when so many people pray........sometimes the answer is different than what is asked. I don't know the reason. But I still believe in praying and asking God for miracles. It's not our job to understand "why" is about trusting God no matter what.

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Keren said...

those black feathers are so awesome!!! Shes going to be such a stylish little diva (in a good way!)
Love love love it!

Lucky in Love said...

So glad you got to get out!

I think I love the burg cloths the best :)

capperson said...

Aww thats tuff is too cute.. I most def. love the dress and the burp cloths!!!

Kristine said...

I've been following Gracie's story since my little Katie was sick.

She is the most beautiful little girl! Her family NEEDS all of our prayers today.

Kristine said...

OMG...those burp clothes are TOO cute!

Channa, Oh its the Coachs Wife said...

Too cute! I have to find that dress!!

Josh and Jen said...

Harper's new clothes and burp cloths are adorable! Where is the dress from, I know it was a gift, but where would I find is so so cute!!!

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

Harper looks adorable, as always. I know she is looking forward to seeing her Nonny today. Such wonderful gifts you have gotten from sweet blogger friends. You are so blessed! I am so happy that you got to go to Sunday school. It is so nice to get out and feel normal, isn't it? Have a great week with your Mom.
Love & blessings from NC!

Jennifer said...

I have been following the stories of one of the families that the lady on Extreme Makeover photographed. The baby that was photographed was born with Trisomy 18. Here is their link:

Lauren said...

Oh my, this girl is spoiled, but she deserves every bit of it. She gets cuter and cuter everyday!!!!! :o)

Sarah said...

I'm so glad that Harper is sleeping so well at nights! Once that happens, you start to feel like a new person! :) She is the cutest thing!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm loving the new gear!

I watched that episode last night, and my heart sanked for all involved. I think the organization is called, Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep... what a great organization with volunteer photographers with strong hearts.

My heart goes out to Gracie and her family. What a difficult situation. I have no words to speak after reading their story, I can only cry.

Jess :) said...

Harper is just a doll!! I hope she's going to get to watch "The Bachelor" with you tonight!!! :) You know, gotta break her in early!

Adorable stuff you've gotten for her!

And so thankful that sweet Harper is here with you/us! She is an absolute blessing and it's so hard to understand why others don't get to stay, but that's why we just continue to put ALL of our trust in Him...for only He knows why!

Love you lots,
Jess :)

Amy said...

Thanks Kelly for posting about Gracie. I follow their family blog as well and I’m am just so sad for her family. I posted a prayer request on my blog, but it doesn’t get nearly the traffic your’s does, so I was happy to see you mentioned it. The family does need all the prayers today. I have been crying for them all day. I can't imagine, but in the end, I know this is God's will.

In other news, I have been following your blog for awhile and this is my first time commenting. Harper is a doll! I look forward to seeing new pictures of her everyday! Thanks for sharing your beautiful daughter with us!

hgodwin said...

Oh Kelly, after reading Gracie's blog for the first time I am in hysterics! I have such admiration for her strong family. I cannot even being to imagine what these last days are like for them, I don't think I could ever be that strong!

Oh a lighter note, Haper is just beautiful! Squeeze her extra tight today, and just thank GOD for how blessed and thankful you are, and I will do the same with my baby boys!

Brandi said...

That yellow dress is too cute!

Jacquie said...

Now that's a happy baby!!! You get the cutest stuff, too. Do you have a spare bedroom full of loot?

My heart breaks for Gracie's family. I'll be in prayer for them.

Have fun with Nonny!!

Alison said...

Harper is SO set with all the goodies and monogrammed things she's received! So cute! :)

tara said...

Thank-you for sharing Gracie's story, we will keep them in our prayers. SO glad harper had a wonderful day yesterday and that you got to go to church! just awesome! LOVE all her new things, thank-you for sharing!! -tara

Miranda said...

kelly, i have been following your story for several weeks now and have been praying for not only harper but your family, the doctors, as well as all the other kids and families in the NICUs all over the country. i watched EMHE last night and as soon as the story started, I thought about the road that your entire family has been on with Harper. I just hope and pray for continued comfort and improvements for years to come!!

-Miranda in TN

p.s. all the outfits and accessories that H has been wearing are completely ADORABLE!!!

Laura Marchant said...

My heart is breaking for that family. I am praying for a miracle.

Paula McKaughan said...

Kelly, I think Harper is getting prettier by the minute! I can't get over all the adorable clothes and accessories she has aquired! I have had the "baby girl fever" for the past few months or so...guess we'll see what the Lord has in store for us! My husband says "you know if we have one more it will be another stinky boy" (we have two of those already)! I would LOVE to have a little girl to dress up and play baby dolls with! I'm so happy things are going well for the three of you!

P.S. When is Dawson coming back home?

God Bless,
Paula, TX

Crystal said...

AWWW! She is so precious. Love Harpers new goodies!

I have been reading about Gracie for a while. Also being a heart mom it hit close to home. I have been in tears everynight reading her updates. It so hard to read about these things when my child has not went through open heart surgery yet. But I can't help but to follow these stories and pray constantly for them. Just like Harper, she is one amazing little girl.

Yes, we watched that show as well. In fact, I just got home from the store and my husband rewinded it wanting me to see it. It was very sweet and also brought on a few tears!


Jenna said...

I love that picture of your girl and all the prizes are just too sweet and cute.

Glad you got to go to church!! I know that did your heart good!

I watched the Extreme makeover last night too, and my word at the tears. That show gets me everytime too, but it was such a great episode. And such a beatiful house for a very beautiful family!

Hope you are having a good Monday, my friend!

Danielle said...

The Augustin Family (last nights Home Makeover) are a neat neat family. They were currently living in the townhomes in our neighborhood. The house that flooded was 1 mile from our home. It was devasting. Amber (the mom) takes the childrens school pictures at the church MDO that my daughters have gone to for 3 years. She has such a sweet spirit. I've been dying to see the inside of the house because of course we've all seen the outside. AMAZING!!
I love all Harpers monogrammed clothing. She is so precious.

Heather said...

I am going to have to go visit that Etsy seller now!! That shirt is so cute!! So glad you got to get out and go to church! Praying for these families, thanks for sharing so we can be prayer warriors for them!

Emily said...

AWWW!!!! I love all the little outfits! So adorable! You and Harper are looking so good! Praise God!


Immeasurably More Mama said...

I never get over hearing about a sick tugs at my heartstrings and calls me to pray hard. My heart aches for Gracie's family today and I'm praying.

Ali said...

Hey Kelly! I love the outfits that were given to Harper. Too cute. I'm sure she will be in those clothes in no time. I actually live very in the same town as the EMH last night.We are only 2 neighborhoods away from that house. It was so neat to have that happen in our town and even more breathtaking to hear the story and love that family has for others. Tear Jerker!!!

Jennifer said...

Love, love, love those burp cloths... too cute!!!

So glad little Harper is doing so well!! She is so precious in all her little outfits!

Jessica said...

I live in Tarrant County and my husband works for the FWFD and had heard through the grapevine that this was happening. We actually drove by the house after it was finished. TOTALLY AWESOME!

I thought of you and many other blogging mommies I follow when I watched this episode last night.

I've been following for awhile but this is my first comment! HI!

All About the Armes' said...

Harper is such a cutie, and that little t-shirt is adorable!

The Simmons Family said...

Harper is the best dressed girl EVER!! LOVE IT!! She melts my heart!! :)

Thanks for posting about Gracie! She's one of our dearest heart friends. Her and Owen's stories are almost the same. Same condition, both need transplant, and now we have to say goodbye. I don't understand why, but I just follow HIM!

Harper... how's you get so lucky to have such amazing parents??

The Milams said...

She seems to have changed so much already. Her coloring is different and she is filling out.

Love the pics and all the prizes.

Anonymous said...

So glad that you got to go to church and that Harper is starting to settle in. She is such a cutie!

julie & joe said...

Harper is such a fashionista! You're going to have to convert a spare room into storage for all her bows!

Shannon said...

Thought of your family while watching EHM last night too! So amazing to see how well Harper is doing, builds my faith over and over!

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

I have heard of the photographer. I use to work in Galveston for 3 months in L&D and was able to see some of their work. Their work is amazing! Such great gifts your got and I really like the Walmart idea!

Laura Ann said...

Kelly--that first picture of little Harper is the cutest and sweetest one of all. Look at that smile on her face...I bet you can't keep your lips off of her. She is so cute and sweet.

I am so glad to hear she is doing better without the meds...sounds like you have solved the problem. That is wonderful that she has slept the last couple night so well too.

You are a wonderful Mommy...hang in gets easier with time.

Looks like you have been getting lots of cute stuff for that precious little angel of yours.

Jamie B said...

Your baby is precious, and what a testament she is of God's love and answer to prayers. I just ran across your blog a week or so ago and I'm hooked...I just love your vulnerability and how you truly share the gospel every day with your story and life. Thanks!

Living for the Little Moments said...

She is soo adorable! and yay for such a sweet husband :-)

All About Me said...

All I have to say is I want to steal that little dress! LOL! SOOOOO CUTE!

On another note I commend you on how strong you are to post stories about other families in need. That story about Gracie made me cry so hard, and made me truly realize why not to take life forgranted. Just like I prayed for your little Harper I would do the same for any other mother and family in need.

Thank you for keeping prayer alive for those who truly need it!

We've Got Scents said...

Precious things for a very precious little girl. So very thankful she is doing so well:)
Blessings always,
Matthew 21:22

Heather said...

LOVE that cutie pie! So happy about her sleeping and you getting to go to church!!! And all those cute things....what a lucky girl! (You AND Harper!!)

Watts Family said...

That family on extreme makeover lives 20 minutes away from us. A lot of people from my school where I work were able to help build their house! How sweet was that family! I thought of Harper and the other sweet babies when I watched the episode. It made me cry even more. I sobbed to my husband and told him that I can't help but to feel guilty to have healthy children and I wish I could do more for those families...but there is power in prayer! Harper is getting so big...thanks again for sharing.

Many Blessings,


In This Wonderful Life said...

Adorable stuff!!!!! Harper looks so happy in that picture!!! I'll pray for Gracie's Family! Glad things are going good for you all :) xoxo

Katie said...

I was watching Extreme Home Makeover and I thought of you. What a gift that woman is giving to families with sick babies! Your blog is a gift to me- a reminder that God is the one in control. Thank you for your openness and candidness. Many blessings!

Anonymous said...

Its wonderful to see Harper's smiling face, she's adorable! I love her smile!
I love reading your blogs, it renews my faith in God every time!

Meg said...

I watched the Extreme Home Makeover that you recommend, it was awesome. As soon as it ended I contacted the photography bereavement service in my area to get involved. :) Thank you.

Megan {The Brick Bungalow} said...

She looks so happy!!! Taking her off the meds must be the thing! Not to mention such a loving family and all of her followers!

Alyssa said...

I looooooooooove the polka dot dress! so cute! (sometimes I wish grown up clothes were as cute as baby clothes! - wouldn't that be weird??) I can't get enough of this blog!

Caroline said...

everything is so cute! i love the black feathered headbands!

Ace said...

You look great, before AND after! Glad you got some time to yourself!

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

Aww she is adorable and that polka dot dress it soo cute. Can't wait to see her in her new bows. Praying for Gracie's family


i love the walmart dress! very very cute. put some black leggings on and she will be styling! (not that she isnt already) oh and that show gets to me everytime i watch it. i had to stop to, it was either that or flood my room with tears.

Rachel said...

This song has always helped me when the "whys" get me.

Dina said...


I don't know you personally but found your blog through another blog I read. I just wanted to let you know I really enjoy reading your blog and I am so happy for you and Scott and Harper. I am so glad that she is doing so well. Take care!

Fran said...

Last night when I was watching the show...."I thought I need Kelly's phone number to call her and tell her to watch it!!!" I'm so glad Scott saw it and DVR'd it for you.
I bawled like a baby.

That sweet baby is just getting cuter by the day.

Hugs from TN,

Taylor said...

Ok, I watched that episode of Extreme Home Makeover last night and cried and thought of you guys!!

I love the new little 70s style dress, and I'm so glad you're having a good day!!

Joan said...

Such wonderful blessings for people to send you such wonderful things =) glad to see Harpers is letting you guys get a little more rest. It will get better, I promise! =)

The Pifer's said...

Hi Kelly,
I know you don't have time for this, and I don't expect you to, but I left you a "Lemonade award" on my page. I just wanted you to know and everyone who reads my blog to know you were one of the women I admire and that I know when life hands you lemons you make lemonade! I love reading your post!!! You are truly an inspiration!

The Pittsburgh Hites said...

Hey Kelly,
Amber is a part of Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep as well, which is a National Organization of Professional Photographers who go to maternity wards, NIC-Us, Hospices, homes...wherever we are needed...I say "we" because that's also an organization that I am proud to be a part of! I'm the Area Coordinator here in Pittsburgh, and even though it's hard I can tell you, it is the most rewarding thing I could ever do. Our services are all free to the families, and if the families know ahead of time we even offer them a maternity shoot....
I just thought i'd tell you more about us. I would like to tell you that none of us have never had a baby in the NIC-U, or have lost a child, but that's just not true. We do it to honor our children, our friends, and to give the families a visual reminder that their little one was HERE, they existed, and the moments they had with them were REAL.
Unfortunately for me, when I read of Harper, i could literally picture your scenario without being there with you because of my experiences here. We are the only Children's hospital for five states that have an ECHMO. I can't begin to tell you how much harder it made me pray for Harper, and what a visual reminder for me of how great our God is to see her now, smiling and more beautiful every day. It makes the calls a little easier now, for I have faith that the end will not always be sad.
Thank you for giving that to me, and for sharing Harper. I love seeing her grow!
ps. sorry that I keep writing you novels!

Michele said...

Hi Kelly ~ I just love seeing those pics of Harper...her smile just lights up her face..she's such a cutie!

Very cute gifts you got...she is one lucky little girl to have so many friends!


Mrs. Joyce said...

I'm so glad you saw that episode of EMHE. My husband works with the Augustin grandfather and had "inside information" about the makeover and the photography. This woman has been known to leave her home in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve to do a photo shoot for a family whose baby has only a few hours to live. There were thousands of people who came to help the EMHE team, who were there to bless the Augustins. Just thought you might like to know that extra bit of info.

Always a Southern Girl said...

Harper is sooo cute!! I love that cute little dress. I am glad you got to get out and go to church. Still praying here in Chicago!

Renee said...

Oh, I think the Lord wants me to watch that home makeover show. So many people have mentioned it today.

thanks for the link.

It is so wonderful that so many will learn of the suffering that many families go through!

Anonymous said...

What thoughtful gifts and thank you for the links to check out....

Stephanie said...

I've been following Gracie's story and my heart just breaks for them tonight. The hardest thing for me is "why". I wish I was like you and could just have such wonderful faith. Things haven't been that easy for me fora while now. Your faith just amazes're such an inspiration.

Katy said...

Cute items my friend.

Ok, I saw Ext. Home Makeover Sunday night and thought of you guys ... it was an amazing story and of course I teared up as well. What a neat lady, and what a sweet sweet thing she does for those families. Wow! Their house was wonderful. I love that show.

give that little girls some kisses from us here in OKlahoma.

Shari said...

Hi Kelly! I have been following your blog for sometime now. I have prayed for Harper and still continue that she stays healthy! You are an amazing Mommy! I do have to laugh though. I think Harper will know how to spell her name backwards and forwards before she's two with all the clothes with her name on them. I'm just teasin'. So adorable though! Thank you for posting the prayer requests. I have lifted them all up each day. I am glad you got to get out! How refreshing!

Anonymous said...

Only the Lord knows why some are called Home and why some are left here...
Praying hard right now!
Psalms 18:28-33 For thou wilt light my candle: the LORD my God will enlighten my darkness. For by thee I have run through a troop; and by my God have I leaped over a wall. As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all those that trust in him. For who is God save the LORD? or who is a rock save our God? It is God that girdeth me with strength, and maketh my way perfect. He maketh my feet like hinds' feet, and setteth me upon my high places.
Prayer Bears
My email address

Janet said...

What a happy little baby you have there! I can't believe the number of photographs you post where she has a BIG smile! I think she's going to have a great sense of humour!

Kari Lynn said...

Well of course she is cute!

I went to Gracie's blog. My heart is breaking. I am so incredibly blessed with healthy children.

Becky said...

Kelly, I am not sure if you are aware or not, but you can go to the CDC website and see when the 'dangers of RSV' are not prevalent in your area anymore. Of course you will also be able to consult with the doc! Usually the isolation times for those at risk are from October-April.

Thank you for sharing about Gracie and her family. My heart aches.

roadrunner201 said...

I think you are right about the reflux medicine. My little Jude started sleeping longer when his kicked in. I remember doing the same thing you did the first time he slept longer than 3 hours. He sleeps right next to me, but I flew out of bed to make sure he was breathing.

Rach@In His Hands said...

I bet it felt amazing to get back to church to worship and see friends!

Yay for sleep!

Harper is by far the best dressed little girlie ever! :-)

BOWquet said...

Love the new items Harper got. She is going to be styling! :)

We are praying for you and all those families.

Chari said...

look at all those adorable Harper clothes!
Glad you are getting some extra rest during the night! Hopefully it will continue...
wow, I am praying for that family!

Amanda said...

I'm so glad you got to go to church!

The Walkers said...

I watched the same episode and cried my eyes out 3 different times. What a sweet family. My little one was on reflux meds for a month and she was so fussy/colicy and when we adjusted them she was much more content! Glad to hear Harper is loving life off the meds!

Crystal Oh said...

Praying for sweet Gracie.

I'm glad Harper is relaxing at home more and more. Good news for you too.

michelle said...

kelly could you add my friend Katye to your prayer list, she lost her baby at 39 weeks, due to a disorder that she had, come to find out her son saved her life, she has a blood clot disorder and the only way to find out you have this is to have a still born or miscarriage, they told her if it wasnt for him she couldve died by the time she was 30, she is 24. His name was Scout and Scout means the silent one, who protects...I thought that was so amazing how God works...this was back in December, so they started trying again and take there first test this weekend, my prayer is that the Lord will bless them with another baby. Thank you


TAFTY5 said...

Hey Kelly!
Just thinking about you today....
What the heck happened on the bachelor last night? That was crazy! I have anxiety from watching!
You must discuss this in your post today!!!;0)

Random Musings said...

I rarely watch that show but when I saw who it was about..

I cried the whole show.

I will pray for Gracie and her family... what a terrible loss

Patti said...

I Just Love All Of Harpers Colorful Clothes, She Is Such A Doll. I Was Looking @ Previous Posts And I Just Wanted To Warn You... DO NOT PURCHASE THE BUMP ITS! I Made That Mistake & They Are Terrible... They Are Huge (Even If You Order The Small Ones) I Can't Think Of One Person I Know With Hair Thick Enough Or Long Enough For These Silly Things To Work. Also, They Don't Stay In As The Commercial Shows, They Fall Right Out! I Have Passed My Own Set On To 3 Of My Friends, & They Agree They Do Not Work At All! :)

Lisa said...


You have so many cute things for Harper. I want to send you something--here is my email address.


Leah said...

Kelly, my daughter has reflux and we recently changed meds and I've noticed a real change in how fussy she is and isn't sleeping well at night. What medicine was Harper on that made her so fussy? Perri (my daughter) was on Zantac but it wasnt really working so now she's on Axid and man, is she fussy.

King J's Queen said...

She's looking so cute and adorable! Love the new outfits.

Leigh Ann said...

That dress is adorable and Harper is SOOOO cute! I can't wait to see her in person! :)

Amber Schmidt said...

Thank God for the inventions of GERD meds! I think it has saved many a mother's sanity... I would have lost it without it for my son... sadly enough when you end up with a kid whose intestines just don't function ever... reflux meds don't do it. Sigh.........

Harper just keeps getting cuter!!! :)