Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Cover Girl

Harper and I have something exciting to share with you today!

A couple of weeks ago - someone from the Arkansas Baptist State News Magazine e-mailed me and said they would like to do a feature article on our story. It came out today and look who is on the cover!
All of you who prayed for us are included in this story so you have to go read about it here!!!
I thought they did a great job telling our story - it made me cry to go back and re-visit it all!

Harper is crying for two reasons today:

1. It's Fat Tuesday (mardi gras) and she thinks someone is making fun of her weight ha!

2. She has had beautiful skin until this weekend and now her little face is all red and broken out. I know it's normal to get baby acne but hers is pretty bad. Does anyone have anything that helps that??? Bless her heart.

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Because of Love said...

Wow! Look at your beautiful answer to prayer! And I LOVE that hairbow!

Robin Lynn said...

My little boy Cade got it a little bit too. I made sure to not put very much lotion on his face unless there was dry spots and I cleaned it often with a warm washcloth. I cried over it. So believe me I know how it feels. It goes away very quickly.

Harper is such a doll!!

Rachel said...

Excellent! Something to look forward to in an upcoming ABN!

Because of Love said...

Oh, and for the baby acne, mine baby girl had that too. They told me hers was partly heat rash and to not bundle her up so much. I also used Aveno baby on her and it helped with both dry skin and bumbs.

pcb said...

We all knew Harper was famous! When my babies were that age, the doc recommended washing face with Dial soap three times a day. Yep, regular Dial. Don't know if they even make that anymore. I suspect it was the antibacterial agent in it that he was really recommending. I'm sure there is something more 'modern' now but it worked almost overnight for mine.

Jo said...

Hi Kelly. Congrats again on Harper. She is just a doll. I have been following you since she was in the hospital, and you've been in my prayers every day. My apologies for not commenting prior to now...as for baby acne, what worked for all three of my kiddos was a clean, warm washcloth gently over the skin, followed by a thin coating of Aquaphor. Cleared it right up :). Continued positive thoughts to you and yours...Jo in WI

Crystal said...

THE COVER!! Look at that beautiful baby girl!!

Off to the the article..

Karen Needham said...

Wow! I cried reading the article about Harper and her awesome parents. What an encouragement your family has been.

Karen Needham

Mary Beth said...

Cetaphil will clear the baby acne right up!

Gill said...

Oh Harper what a cutie pie you are! Even when being sad!
congrats on being a cover girl though! hehe.xx

Traci said...

Don't worry about the acne. She's probably just working out all the medicines she had in her while she was in the hospital. Every time my youngest got an ear infection as an infant she got baby acne a couple of weeks later- my grandmother swore it was the antibiotic "working itself out" - of course the dr. said it was unrelated, but it only happened after antibiotics! Sometimes the grandmothers know best! Congrats on the cover girl!

steelefamily said...

I love, love, love reading about your little blessing, Harper. Someday, my little boy, Turner (8-8-08) may be calling the hogs with her ;). For the baby acne...I use Cetaphil to wash baby because its so gentle..and over the counter hydrocortisone cream really helps the redness. My little guy is a scratcher and it seems to help the itching with it!

Rebekah said...

Oh what a great article Kelly ... I was crying right along with you and the 1000's of bloggers who prayed for your Sweet Harper!

As far as Baby Acne goes ... I wish I knew ... My baby Charlotte who just turned 8 weeks old has broken out all over her face this week as well! I will read the comments and hopefully find something for her relief as well ..

God Bless!
Rebekah and her girls

Anna said...

Aw, the first of many tears to cry over acne! She is still adorable in spite of it, though :)

Jennifer said...

That is so neat that her story is featured in there! My parent's get the magazine, but I just usually read it online! I always love finding OBU info out in there!!:)

We didn't have the baby acne issue, so I can't offer any advice. I do know that Harper is just adorable in her pink with the new boppy cover!!

Unknown said...

Awww - sweet baby! I used a little tiny bit of diaper cream on my little guy and it worked to clear it up. They say not to put lotions and stuff too much on babies when they are newborns because it messes up their skin's ability to generate it's own oils, etc. So impressive - she's not even a year old and she's famous! :-)

Anonymous said...

can you please add me to your prayer blog? i can't get your email address to open. my husband and i have tried for 1.5 years to have a baby. i'm so thrilled that God worked a miracle for you. harper is beautiful. congrats- miranda allen

phillips phamily said...

Warm washcloth + Baby Aquaphor= LESS baby acne!

Marci @All Things Wonderful said...

Congrats! What a wonderful story for the ABS News to tell. Can't wait to read it.

Crystal said...

Oh and Bentley's cheeks did the same. I just made sure not to put lotion on them and it went away within a few days.

Patty said...

What a blessing!!! It was an honor to pray for Harper!! I am still praising God every day for healing her! She is soooo cute and I have the picture you shared w/ us yesterday on my sidebar. :)

jag said...

I LOVE California Baby Calendula Cream. They have it at Babies R Us now. It's great! We don't have too much of the pimple thing, but we have VERY red, splotchy skin and it seems to instantly heal it. Apparently, you can use it for lots of stuff, including cradle cap. Wish I had it when we were dealing with that. She's so beautiful!

mittelmommy said...

What a beautiful right up and testimony! God is so good! Continueing to praise God for all he has done through this!

Rachel said...

Aww... She is beautiful! My little Claire has baby acne too. We are using regular unscented dove soap and cetaphil lotion. It seems to be clearing up!

Cynthia said...

Cortizone 10 worked for my baby! And the pediatrician said it was fine to use!

Brandi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rach@In His Hands said...

Harper, the Cover Girl - I love it!

Poor thing...I hope others have some good advice to help her skin! ho

Brandi said...

I am sorry to hear about Harpers baby acne. My son Landon had it when he was about a month old. We used Aquaphor and it went away pretty quickly.

Steffani said...

What an amazing picture! (they all are).. but the cover is absolutely breath taking!!!

Both my kids had baby acne but it did go away. Our doctor didn't recommend anything for it and it did clear itself pretty quickly.

Rach@In His Hands said...

Oops, at the end of my comment, I meant to add that I HOPE she isn't too bothered by her skin....NO fun!

Val, Brax and Harper said...

sometimes i would put a little neosporin on brax's baby acne. i almost had to tie my hands together to keep from popping his little pimples! (i'm a picker) i think it pretty much just has to run it's course--it will go away before too long. she's still gorgeous!!!!!

Carrie said...

What a great article! It made me cry a little, reading the whole story again.

The baby acne is an unfortunate thing that she just has to go through, but it will clear up soon!

William, Megan and Avery said...

Kelly, she is such a cutie! I was on the cover of ABN in 1983 (or 84) with my grandpa... my dad was a writer/photographer for the ABN! Maybe we should start a club :)
We got lucky and have avoided the baby acne so far... but it looks like you're other readers have great advice!


Michele said...

She certainly makes a beautiful cover girl! Precious!

Sweet Carolina Bride said...

She's so precious!

Hillary said...

Loving the article!!! What a beauty on the front cover!!

I miss you too!!!!!!

Holly said...

What an awesome article!
I agree with the person who suggested Cetaphil. :)

ally said...

My son had a bad face and doctor recommended only washing it a little bit with a mild soap and then I used Aveeno baby. Cleared up in a few days. Gentle and worked great. Harper is so adorable!!!

Unknown said...

great post! she is a doll, read the article as well!
not sure on acne... Coen never really had any. She is even cute when she is upset ;) Congrats on the mag cover again!!

Jude's Mom said...

My son got the red splotches and baby acne too. It showed up around 5 weeks of age and went away a few weeks later. It went away on its own, so don't worry. And know you don't have to do anything... it WILL go away. :-)
What a cutie you have.

rhilborn said...

My mom and doctor both recommended regular washing of the face ( I use Burt's Bees Baby Wash) and then keep it moisturized. Spit up and pretty much any sort of irritant (dry skin, slobber, etc...) made my little one break out in spots for the first few weeks. I got it under control by keeping a washcloth around and eventually switching to a natural wash and lotion regimen. And his skin was less sensitive once his pigment really started to come in.

Anonymous said...

I've heard of using breast milk for baby acne...?

Congrats on the article!

Kylie said...

What a beautifully written article! That is so exciting that even more people will hear of God's healing in Harper!

My daughter had severe baby acne as well. It looked a lot worse than it really was- she wasn't bothered at all! I just kept her face clean and dry (no lotion and patted dry from drool and spit up) and it went away on it's own in a few weeks. Now she has beautiful clear skin. There's really not a lot you can do except just wait for it to clear on it's own! :)

Jen said...

Our Pediatrician has always told us to use a little hydrocortisone cream on any acne - it takes the red out, and it's always worked really well on my kids!

Linda said...

What a great article Kelly. Harper is looking so pretty even if she is dealing with some baby acne. I remember my kids having it too but can't remember what we used for it. It did not last very long though.

Anonymous said...

Uggh - my babies had that acne terribly! Unfortunately I think time is the only cure. Love the pictures and your blog.

Jess :) said...

Love the fact that Miss Harper made the COVER of a mag. already! That just goes to show you...how incredibly amazing and special she is! Well, like we didn't already know that one!!:) Anyways, I'm so excited about that. Hopefully you can figure out something to work on Harper's face...but I've just got to say...again...I LOVE her to pieces NO MATTER WHAT ~ just like I know you and Scott do, as well! It's just a major bummer, I know, but seriously...she is toooooooo precious! And NO ONE, in their right mind, could ever make fun of her weight!!

Have a great night!

Love ya

Bethany said...

My little girls both got acne...bad! Anyways, I used Aveeno baby wash on them it it cleared up in about two days. I'm sure you're already doing this, but washing my shirts in Dreft also made a BIG difference. Those are my best tips. Of course, she's beautiful no matter what :) And when she's crying, you can't even tell!

Amber B. said...

The baby acne is so common--my best advice is to leave it alone. Don't scrub it, don't try to put anything on it. That makes it worse. It'll go away soon!!

Beth Herring said...

Kelly - i love the cover girl photo! Unfortunately there is nothing you can do for the baby acne. You really just have leave it alone or it will get worse. One thing I did do, was to use Baby phisoderm instead of the baby wash until it cleared up.

In Him,

The Stain Family said...

Oh my. Why didn't you tell us to grab some tissues?? :) It's amazing to see how many lives Harper has already touched at such a young age. She is so fortunate to have such God fearing parents.
I don't really have any advice for the acne other than Aveeno is a great baby product..fragrance free, etc. My baby boy had a mild case. In fact, he has a tiny scar on his cheek from a big one (yuck!)...I never touched it, but for whatever reason it left a tiny scar??

Meghan said...

First of all, Harper is gorgeous! I was thrilled to hear how big she was as my sweet LITTLE princess was 9 lbs 3 oz at birth (thankfully much more petite than her 10lb 2oz big brother)!

Regarding the baby acne, my sister's pediatrician recommended a Mustela product (found at Babies R Us) which worked for us http://www.mustelausa.com/phisiobebe.html. Good luck - we all know it is hard to feel good about yourself when sporting a blemish;-)

FROGGITY! said...

Happy Mardi Gras!

She's precious!!!

Baby acne usually goes away before they're 3 months or so... don't sweat it! She looks fab!

Ashley said...

Kelly- Your precious Harper is so beautiful and most definitely a cover girl! I learned about your blog through Angie Smith's blog. I have been praying for Harper and will continue to pray for all of you! Your story is so powerful! I am due with our first baby girl any day now, her due date is March 6th. We are thankful for your prayers as well!

Erin said...


The Peterson family said...

hey, Kelly- I know you will get tons of advise on this.. my 8 month old got it horrible! She is our 3rd and our other 2 did not have one little bump. Our Pediatrician said to just keep it dry and use a damp wash cloth with only water on her face because you have to be careful using anything else on such a young baby on the face. He said it was my hormones thru the breast milk. She still is a beauty!!!!

Unknown said...

GREAT PICS and article! LOVE FAT TUESDAY-especially since I'm on a diet :(

Anonymous said...

Around 8-10 weeks old, my daughter had the same thing. The pediatrician recommended washing her face with special soap, and lotion; however, her's just seemed REALLY bad to me (a first time mom too!). Her face just looked red and swollen. It started with the bumps, but continued to get worse. Finally after three visits in a week, I made an appointment with a dermatologist. It took him about 5 minutes to come to the conclusion that my sweet little girl had severe EXCEMA. After assuring me that it would be okay, he prescribed an steriod ointment (non-generic was just over $100 for a toothpaste size tube). Within 8 hours, my beautiful baby was back. To this day (she just turned 2 in December), we use cetaphil cream on her every day and that seems to help with any patches she has. We no longer use the ointment - although we probably could. Sometimes it can be something as simple as bathing her in something. My daughter was okay at first on the Johnson's & Johnson's from the hospital, but later it just made her skin worse. Now we just use Mustela - it has an amazing smell. I hope, after all you have been through, that beautiful Harper only has a case of mild infant acne, but the reason I share my story with you is that you have to use your intuition sometimes. I knew something was wrong and cried about it for hours (my husband was back at work and we were home alone!), but despite what the pediatrian kept telling us, I just couldn't accept it. And thank goodness I did. Best wishes!

Bader said...

I used a Mustela product on Alyssa and Annelise. I forget what its called but it cleared their skin right up. The same bottle lasted for both girls. I got it at Babies and Beyond in Fayetteville.

Mark and Mandi said...

My little girl broke out with baby acne right at one month old too! I don't know if it actually helped but I switched from Johnson's baby wash to the Boudreaux's Butt Paste baby wash. It went away after a week or two with a few flare ups here and there! She is the EXACT age for this to start happening- I worried too!

Vicki said...

Kelly, I left a couple of messages while yall were in the hospital, but I'm sure you had sooo many there was no way for you to read them all. I found your blog while you were pregnant and have followed it since. You are amazing and I know God is so very proud of you as are your parents I'm sure. This article made me cry all over again....and it messed up my make-up......again! I have a habit of messing up my make up when I read your blog! Harper is adorable and I'm so looking forward to watching her grow. I have one grandson who is 10, but I absolutely cannot wait to have a granddaughter. I hope she is as pretty as Harper! Please don't ever stop sharing your faith, it would be such a shame for people to miss that.


Anonymous said...

Kelly, that was an amazing article and you did such a great job!! Your story is a powerful one and should be told over and over again. Miss H is lookin' FAB as always! Love the end about why she is crying. I'm sick today with my first sinus infection EVER in my life and that made me laugh... thanks I needed it!! Hugs, Nina

Jessica Miller Kelley said...

My daughter is just shy of 4 weeks, and I'm amazed whenever I see a pic of Harper in her big bows and hats--my daughter hates hats, for whatever reason, and fusses when we put them on her!

I read somewhere that breast milk can cure baby acne (and a million other things, apparently). I'll need to try it too. Kate has acne, but until you asked for advice, I totally forgot I'd read that!

Amber said...

My little guy has very sensitive skin and has been diagnosed with excema. We have cortisone cream, but you're not supposed to use it on faces. We also wash him with cetaphil and slather him with cetaphil cream 2x a day. It really helps. Unfortunately, skin issues are always worse in the winter. Don't use Aveeno products w/ oatmeal. It makes it worse (i learned the hard way!)

Billy, Lindsey, and Family said...

I used Aquaphor or Vanicream for both my daughters. I know Aquaphor I bought at Wal-Mart. It helps give moisture. If it bothers her at all I would put socks on my girls hands because the little mittens never stayed on! Good luck and God Bless you and your family. Lindsey

Elaine said...

Keeping it clean with a warm wash cloth and putting a little bit of aquaphor on it so it doesn't get chapped helped my baby's face clear up. Aquaphor is an all around great product. We use it for every diaper change and my little girl has never had even a spot of diaper rash. It's a petroleum product so it won't absorb into her skin (which is good if you are concerned about too many chemicals around your baby).

Jennie Ellett said...

My son had the same reaction and it was from a milk protein allergy. It could be baby acne but if it is severe they can do a simple blood test to measure if she has any allergies. Also, look at what you have been eating as to a clue... hope this helps and hope cute little Haper doesn't have what my little one did.

bellancharliesmama said...

my kids had terrible acne. we did nothing for our first except keeping her face clean and then used berts bees baby bee skin cream and it worked great, cleared it right up!
take care!

Ashley McWhorter said...

1% Hydrocortisone Creme!!! I have used it for all three of my babies, and it works wonders! They say also try your breast milk, but that never worked for mine. I swear by the creme. :)

Jessica K. said...

That is the most beautiful cover girl I have ever seen!!

I loved reading the article!! Your story is so touching. Through your story I have started praying. Now I pray for all of those sick babies, for all of those women who want a child so bad and have problems, I pray for all the doctors and nurses who give soo much to help and I also pray for those familes who have gone though loss of a child or loved ones.

It feels so good to be able to do this. I often feel like I dont have much to do in my life, not many friends, my family is far away. I want to give to people and it seems like prayer is the way for me right now.

I keep little Harper and you and Scott in my prayers and thoughts! You have an amazing family. You really should be so proud of you guys!!

Hugs from
Jessi (Germany)

Gracie Beth said...

Harper is already a covergirl...she is definitely on her way to being future Ms. Arkansas!

IAmDenise said...

Kelly, I have to say I have been reading your blog daily and praying for Harper Daily.

I cried reading the article today and I am happy you can reach out to those in need.

I am one who is struggling with Infertility and its tough and we are looking into adoption but they are so busy we are at a stand still even though I know its time to do it.

I will continue to pray for Harper and for you.

Anonymous said...

That article was great. How cool.
Also, my little one had baby acne and time was the cure. It didn't last all that long.

dave and jenn said...

She makes a beautiful cover girl! Congratulations!

Alison said...

Congrats to the little cover girl! Thats great! :)

Lucky in Love said...

Congrats on the article!! She is just precious!

The Rileys said...

Congrats on the making the cover! That is precious...My husband and I prayed for you guys each night while Harper was in the hospital! We too struggled with infertility and ended up going through IVF and had our miracle baby in May 2008! Life could not be better! About the baby acne, he had it terrible when he was about 1 month old and we have a family friend who is a doctor and told us to put cortizone (fluocinonide cream usp, 0.05%) cream on it! It was gone within hours! I keep the cream at my house at all times. Hope this helps!

Waller Family said...

It will pass. My little girl had it too really bad. I think it bothers us more than it bothers them. I would just keep my little girls face clean with a washcloth, but it really will just go away all of the sudden. Harper is beautiful.

the n said...

God is already doing so many great works with her!! I can only imagine the life she will lead! Just makes me smile!

The Carpenters said...

Seems like my girls broke out overnight, but baths really did help them. Good luck. This, too, shall pass! :)

Amanda said...

yes! my little one got baby acne really bad and it lasted probably about two weeks, until finally i found something that made it go away. We put Aveeno Lotion for Dry Skin and Eckzema (ok i don't know how to spell that!)... but it worked right away. In the next day you could tell that it was working. It wasn't completely gone though for about a week. You can find it in the baby isle. :)

Terri said...

What a wonderful article and testimony of your faith.... Harper is the cutest.... she reminds me of my baby girl! Thanks for the updates!

Jill said...

She is so cute...even when she's screaming her head off! :)

allabouthebutlers said...


Hi! I've been following in Texas! Have you had her checked out for a milk allergy? Does she ever vomit after a feeding? This could also be a reason as to why she's been cranky.

I hope this helps. We now use Nutramigen.

Unknown said...

Wow! Harper is a model. Congrats!

My daughter had baby acne too and it just goes away. I wouldn't put anything on baby's sensitive face unless directed by a doctor. It will clear up before you know it.

Jennifer said...

She is beautiful. Great story in the magazine. I'm sure you will have copies for her baby scrapbook. :)

I was fortunate that the kids' didn't have the baby acne but they did get some baby bumps on their upper legs. I used the Arbonne Baby Care system....not the oil but the wash, shampoo, diaper creme, and when in the sun, the sunscreen. This stuff is beyond awesome. The diaper creme is the best out there. None of my kiddos had a problem with the dreaded rash but I put it on them each time I changed them, even without a rash. LOL

Meagan said...

WHEW! Girl's got'a set'a lungs, huh? lol.... I can tell in the picture she's going strong with that cry! I am so glad to hear things are going well and that her story is being shared!!!

Melinda said...

That is so wonderful. Jesus be praised!!!

Paige said...

That is so awesome! What a great story and what great photos! You would have made Clinton and Stacy proud with your attention to detail for both yourself (and RIGHT after delivery) and to your precious answer to prayer!

Love all the pictures and updates and still praying for you guys!


tara said...

hey kelly! if greyson's skin ever seemed irritated a nice warm bath always seem to calm his skin now immediately. rest asure it will past! she is beyond cute even when she's having a meltdown. ;)
love her first cover pic! -tara

angie said...

Such a precious cover girl, even when she is screaming her head off!
Great article and such a testament to the power of prayer and faith!
The ECMO made me think... there is a little girl that I have been following through a friend (they are "heart friends", meaning they both have heart problems and have connected through blogging) and she is in desperate need of prayer. She received a heart transplant Sunday and the heart is "bad" and is not supporting her body, she has been on ECMO since surgery and is awaiting the miracle of another heart. I don't know them, they don't even live in my state, but I can't stop praying for little Gracie, just like I couldn't stop praying for Harper. I thought you might like to pray for her also.
Their blog is www.thegledhillfamily.blogspot.com

Thanks Kelly, for sharing your sweet baby with us and for sharing your unwavering faith in our Jesus that loves us more than we can all imagine!

Val said...

My daughter had it and out grew it but we had to make sure and rinse her clothes and blankets twice after washing them with dreft and making sure not to use any softner. Also we couldn't use regular lotion - more like an ointment - she has since outgrown it - but if it starts itching her she might start scratching up her face. Keep those finger nails trimmed best you can so she doesn't cause an infection.

Carrie said...

1 word Aquaphor - it worked like a charm for my daughter Charley - give it a shot - it comes in baby - but the they are both the same! :) You can get it at walmart


The Dorns said...

put a litle breastmilk on her face it has natural curing agents. It can even help heal a cut or scrape you might have.

Lea Ann said...

She is too cute!! That story was beautiful. I enjoy so much getting to read your blog, it is so encouraging.

Anonymous said...


And it's true! Your beautiful family IS an inspiration!

None of boys have ever had baby acne, sorry I can't help you there... all I can think of is light patting on the skin after baths and hydro cortisone, light clothing to allow the skin to breathe.

Good luck and thanks for reminding me it's Fat Tuesday! (as if I needed a reason! LOL)

619 Barnett Blvd. said...

What a beautiful girl!!! My daughter had the acne too, and my pedi said to use 1/2% cortizone cream and it dried right up!!!

lots_of_love_four_kids said...

Congratulations on Harper's first cover! :) (She's so beautiful she'll surely be a model! )
We were talking about baby acne this morning at MOPS- and one of the moms said that her pediatrician told her to rub honey onto baby's acne- (just to NOT let him eat any!!) it will be sticky- but she swears by it!!!

Hope her sweet little face will feel better soon!

best wishes and God Bless-

thejennings said...

First off, Harper is precious!! For the baby acne, my little girl had it really bad and the pediatrician told us to use Johnson and Johnson Baby Wash. It dries it up lickity split and her beautiful skin came back in no time! Cheap and easy!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...


I love your posts...and I love the pictures of your girl. The article was great. What a miracle.

Hope you get some sleep today. Sleep depravation does not bring out my best personality.


Adrienne said...

The article brought tears to my eyes! What a testimony! My Jonah gets the baby acne too, I don't do anything and by the next day its usually almost completely gone. They just have such sensitive skin, I guess its easily irritated. Harper is a doll!


adorable miss cover girl!!!! :)

about the baby acne my baby nephew got this when he was 2 months and the doctor told them to wash his face with skin care baby.. actually here is the web site, run it by the dr first.


Rebecca said...

What a wonderful story!

My daughter had it badly too. Her dr. said it is not quite like adult acne & needs to be moisturized. Before talking to him I was afraid to moisturize it & make it oily.

The other thing is time. It will clear up soon!

redpoppy007@aol.com said...

A star in the making! Watch out Hollywood.
Wonderful story, they should make a movie and put it on lifetime about your struggle and your little Harper.
I love the sassy bows and hats, she is adorable..

Ms. Salti said...

Well, look at you Miss Thang! I'm so happy that it all turned out so well!

The Proctors said...

Love the picture of Harper on the cover!! So cute! Both of my kids had a little baby acne. I just washed their faces with warm water because I had been told that the soap would irritate it. It cleared up pretty fast. It's sad to look at but, her face will be super smooth before you know it!

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Today's bow is my favorite yet!!! Too cute!

Sarah said...

What an awesome story! We used 0.5% hydrocortisone cream. The only place we could find it was Walgreens, and we live down the road from NWA so I'm not sure if it will be the same case there.

Melissa said...

A cover already!? How exciting! Harper is cute as always and I love her bow!

Unknown said...

Eucerin Aquaphor always worked great on Andrew.

Niki said...

A cover girl already?? I'm sure it will be one of many!! She is such a doll:)

Debbie K. said...

My daughter had bad baby acne when she was 5 weeks old (about 27 years ago). The pediatrician gave us a cream. It didn't take long to go away. Don't know what they do now. She is so beautiful. I love all of her pictures. God Bless all of you!!! ((Hugs)) from SE Alabama.

ClintandGina said...

Harper makes a beautiful cover model!!!

Melanie said...

You've probably had this same advice given several times, but I'm too lazy to read all the comments to see.

Anyhoo.....My little guy (baby #3, all boys) had very sensitive skin. I stopped using all the baby washes and lotions and only used DOVE SOAP. I just used the plain ole bar soap, it's in a blue and white box. Then if his face needed it I would use Lubriderm or the store brand that matched. (Lubriderm was recomended by our Dr.)I also used the Dove for his hair to. Also if you haven't already you might want to use Dreft or All free and Clear for her clothes and stuff.

Tara G. said...

Great story! And what a blessing- others are doing some scrap booking for you!

Mostly, I left baby acne alone and it cleared up quickly. Someone mentioned aquaphor- that's great stuff to prevent chapping when it's cold and windy.

Rachel Johnson said...

Hi Kelly. Harper is so cute and I totally hear you about dressing her up in all those cute outfits and nowhere to go. I felt like I was dressing up my babies just to go to the grocery store!
Anyway, I have twins that will be two in April and a 3 month old. We have been through the baby acne. My ped always told me not to put anything on it, but I always feel better with a clean, freshly washed face so why wouldn't they? I used Phisoderm Baby Wash and would then put Aquaphor Ointment on some of those red, rashy, dry spots. Those two products seemed to help a lot! Hope that helps. Good luck!


momofgirls said...

Aquaphor works wonders! It looks really slimy, but clears up most infant skin issues very quickly! Hope it helps beautiful Harper!

Anonymous said...

I am not sure if someone else has posted this yet - but if not then the best remedy that I have found (after 4 kids) is unscented dove soap - just lather a little on a washcloth and wash her face with it. It will take it away in a day or less!

erika said...

It sounds like you have the baby acne end covered. Try mixing desitin, aquphor and maalox together for the diaper rash. I usually use about a tube of desitin as the "base" and then mix in the maalox (liquid) and the aquaphor until I have a pretty thick consistency. If you don't want to use any desitin, you can just aquaphor and maalox together as use that. I don't know what kind of diapers you are using but you could also try some without chlorine-we like 7th generation best but there are some others I have heard good things about too. Good luck!

Unknown said...

both of my boys got baby acne very bad at 4 weeks. i had to use ALL free and clear laundry soap and NO DRYER SHEETS. We actally couldn't add dryer sheets back until they were over a year. That really helped.

Great article! Harper looks great!

Doodle Bugs said...

the cover shot is precious!

Laura Jo said...

I have been following your blog and finally decided to leave a comment! I prayed and prayed for little Harper and am so grateful for all the answered prayers. What an incredible ministry you have right at your fingertips! It has even inspired me to take advantage of opportunities on my own blog to share what God does in our family's lives. Thank you for giving me something else to read and another adorable (and adorably dressed) baby to watch grow!


Doodle Bugs said...

Oh and the article was even better!!

Lauren said...

I have a feeling this will not be the only magazine cover in her lifetime! She is beautiful!

We've Got Scents said...

She is the cutest and most prayed for Cover Girl I've ever seen. The article moved me to tears....so much to be grateful for.
Blessings always,
Matthew 21:22

Carrie said...

It's hard to believe the magazine cover and the howling yowling baby are the same girl! So calm in one, so...NOT calm in the other, and more importantly, so sick in one and so HEALED in another. What a blessing that this sweet baby girl is going to grow up always knowing the power of prayer in her life.
Baby acne...can't help you there. Dog issues, I'm all over it.

Katie said...

I love both pictures...but the wailing one is my fave (of course..hehehe!) You still look awful tee-tiny to me, Miss Harper! (The bigger the bow, the tinier you look, baby girl!) Will she let you tell us how much she does actually weigh now??

That is so neat about the article in the Baptist mag! I look forward to reading it.

As for the baby acne...Amelia had it for a few weeks, and I was so annoyed by it!! I was so tore up that her pretty face had all that on it! (So vain, I know.) Someone told me - I know this sounds crazy - to put breastmilk on it. I don't know if that's what actually helped when I did it, but it didn't last long. I just would put a little on her face (since I was *always* leaking anyway), and it dried really quick.

Lisa said...

I think you have a problem! That little beauty queen of yours is just as adorable when she is screaming as she is when she isnt! Deadly Combo! You guys are in trouble! I smile each and everytime I see her pics. Gods hands at work! Warms the heart!

Michelle said...

Aquaphor is the best for baby acne. It seems counter-intuitive, since it looks like Vaseline, but it clears it up pretty quickly.

My daughter had lots of skin problems when she was a baby and no matter what it was, Aquaphor worked on it.

hgodwin said...

Look at little miss priss! Haper is such a mightly little warrior for God already! You'r testimony is so inspiring and I hope it continues to draw people to God everyday!

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

aww what a beautiful cover girl. Again I love the bows, she wears them so well. My son had the baby acne. I can't remember if we did anything special for it, except continuing to wash his face every morning and night. He also had sensitive skin so we used the sensitive baby lotion. The good thing is it usually only lasts a week or so.

Jennjilla said...

Aww, what a gorgeous cover girl!

Cetaphil wash and Aveeno products are what we used to tame Sawyer's HORRIBLE baby acne. Honestly, though, you just have to let it run it's course. It shouldn't last too long...

Rhonda Rae said...

If her baby acne is wore then normal you might want to only use baby aveeno stuff.

The France Family said...

Your blog is such a blessing Kelly! Oh and I made cake balls this weekend for friends and I am the talk of our social circle because everyone LOVED them! Thanks for the AWESOME recipes!!

Sa-Sea said...

Love your blog and your beautiful baby!!!! Love her! I was sooo sad when my daughter got baby acne, but it went away fast enough. don't rub it too hard so you can avoid scaring. :)

Anonymous said...

That is so very exciting! CONGRATS!

Donna said...

Hi Kelly,
Wonder if all these cures will work on 57 yr. old acne.LOL.
I have my Spice Sacchet lip pencil, and my Sonic diet vanilla coke....waiting for the magic to happen....
Harper is beyond precious on the cover. You have now had two great articles written about y'all. Congrats!
Keeping you in my heart in GA.

nancygrayce said...

Kelly, it is a small world after all! Stella Prather who wrote your story for the magazine is my first cousin's daughter! I have been following your blog daily and praying for Harper (and all of you) so when I saw her name on the article it was amazing!

Harper is beautiful and my children are so old that I can't remember what we did about baby acne! :)

Beth said...

Just like clockwork...Gracie got it last week...I guess it was baby acne, her mama and I thought it might be eczema. It felt dry and bumpy.

I love her boppy cover! She looks so cute in it!

AKat said...

Harper is so adorable, what an amazing story!!!

LuAnn said...

What a wonderful witness of your faith and trust in our Lord Jesus Christ. And showing his undeserving grace we receive daily. Thanks Scott & Kelly

Kristin said...

I am still in awe of Harper's story and the miracle of her life and how beautiful of a testimony it is! Wonderful article....I feel so proud and I don't even know y'all! I love that she had her little hat on because of the story behind it. Thanks so much for your comment on my blog the other day.

Deidre said...

How precious! A Cover Girl!
God is so good!

Okay, for my girls (both had baby acne pretty bad), the doctors said there was nothing I could do, but I bought Aquaphor soap and lotion (has the consistency of vaseline). It worked GREAT and cleared it up in a few days.

Staci said...

Wow! What a great testimony! God has some mighty big plans for little Harper!!

Lazy Mom Leslie said...

My daughter had that, we thought. They said to just wipe with a wet cloth. It just seemed to get worse and worse. More scaley than bumpy. It ended up being eczema, not acne. So don't hesitate to question if you don't think the diagnosis is on track.

Amanda said...

That is AWESOME, Kelly!

Anonymous said...

what a cute covergirl!

Amy S said...

Ok my son had it and I used this bar of soap called "BASES"
from Walmart not in body soap section more like in the lotion- facial soap area...it worked GREAT!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!

Chari said...

How wonderful about the article!!

Love the crying picture!

Cathy said...

What a wonderful article...very accurate from what I recall reading on your blog...such a tribute to you, your husband, your families and especially Harper. It had to be so hard for you to re-live those days (it certainly was for me!) but what a beautiful outcome. That little girl is a star!

Sorry...wish I had a remedy for her sweet little red face!

Heather said...

I just love that beautiful cover girl! That is so special that you have the article to keep and show her someday....more testimony of God's blessings and faithfulness!!
Connor got the baby acne, too....it goes away in a couple of weeks at most, I think. It is sad, though. But I promise her skin will be back to clear SOON!
(I think they tell you to not use soap on there, but I cann't remember for sure!)

Michelle said...

I see a tiara in that little girl's future, maybe Miss America!!

J. Shelton Photography said...

Try Aquaphor on her ance. It cleared up my daughters in two days and she had it baaaaad. GL!

Cari said...

i hear Arbonne's baby products clear it right up. i hear that's the only thing that works. good luck and congrats on the beautiful cover!

Jennifer said...

I wouldn't do anything for the acne, baby acne is a way that the baby releases the pregnancy hormones that is left in her body from you...it will go away, somedays will be worse than others. There is nothing that will "take away" this until that hormone is gone!! the worse thing is when you use something that may be sensitive to there skin and they burn...then you will have a bigger problem than acne that will gone within a couple weeks:)

nurse from TN

Rebecca CA said...

Breastmilk : ) just rub a little on its a miracle elixir.....

Amy said...

Hi Kelly,
I just love your blog and have been following it since Harper was in the hospital. My little boy had acne too and I was told by a nurse practioner that it was from my hormones during breastfeeding. She advised my to wash his face with a warm washcloth each time after nursing him. It cleared up pretty fast.

Townsends said...

ARBONNE!! The Arbonne baby line is the best!!! My daughter had rotavirus for several MONTHS and the ONLY thing that kept her diaper rash clear was the Arbonne diaper cream. Nothing else helped!! The body wash and lotion is great for acne and cradle cap!!

Tessa said...

both my kids got it really really bad and the ped told me to use the eye cream that they put in there eyes when their born on it. most hospitals will give that stuff to you when you leave so i would check in your stuff that you got when she was released

Emmy said...

Precious! Sweet Cover Girl! Loved the article! Awesome!

angel grandma said...

Love the pics, she is adorable. My new granddaughter had "acne" and her mom was breastfeeding. She was drinking milk and when she stopped the rash went away. Recently she started supplementing with formula ( she is 5 mos.) and used milk based the rash appeared, she switched to soy and it immediately went away. Just a thought!

DietCokeStraightUp said...

This is such a great story!!! I am so happy that Harper is home and safe. My boyfriend told me I received your "Thank You" card. You're so sweet to send that!

kasey said...

I breast fed my first baby, and she got baby acne. My pediatrician told me, it was because I breast fed and it had something to do with hormones? She only had it for the first few months and then it went away, but alot of her first pics, the poor little thing has acne!

Melissa said...

I don't know anything about baby acne, but I just had to let you know that Harper is just too stinkin' cute! I never put the big hair bows on my girls (just not a big bow person,I guess) but your bows and flowers make me wish I did.

Mary said...

What a great article! You and Scott did glorify Him with the way you trusted and glorified Him during that horribly scary part of your lives!

Amanda R said...

I just put a little breast milk on the spots on my sons face and they seemed to go away. Harper is a cutie pie.

Chelsea Rae said...

Well I didn't read all of the other 165 comments so if this has been suggested numerous times I'm sorry! My dd had baby acne really bad as well, it was horrible! If you express some breastmilk and rub it on her face a couple times a day it will clear up quite fast. It was the most effective thing I found!

Jennifer said...

Aquaphor is the miracle in a bottle my little girl is 2 and we still use it for everything. She has eczema now and it works like a charm!

Watkins Wackiness said...

My hair dresser told me just this weekend that her brother used Desitin (yes the diaper rash medicine) on his acne when he was a teenager and it cleared it up!!! You might want to try it since it is safe for baby skin!! Heck, i'm almost 30 and still fight acne!! Its horrible!! But Harper is still beautiful!!!

Alli said...

1. Awesome about the magazine!!!!
2. She has the CUTEST crying face!!!

Lana said...

This is so amazing! Harper is just so adorable!

CJ said...

Breast Milk helps a bit, but I found "Glaxal Base Lotion" to work the best and lots of my friends used it too. Even after the first day or two I found my daughter's skin was much better! BTW, Harper is SUPER cute! Blessings.

Bec:) said...

Hi Kelly,
What a great article! This has been an amazing time for you. Have you had a chance to take it all in yet? Not only have you been through a personal struggle but to experience such a connection with the body of Christ. Even sitting this far away, when you really examine it, nothing short of AMAZING! Isn't the Lord faithful. We are not always sure of the path He has for us to walk but it is always reassuring knowing He is by our sides holding our hand through it all.
From one sister to another,
Bec Harper

Elizabeth said...

oh, kelly you are so funny. i love your sense of humor. i can't wait to read the article. i will tell you that harper has brought me close to Him than ever before. i was always someone who just went to church on sunday and that was it. i am now doing daily devotionals as i read through my bible and just wanting to learn more, more, more!

Stephanie said...

Oh I'm going to read the article now! well after I comment of course. I love the pics..even the crying one. I always feel horrible when I take pics of them crying but I do want some of them since they obviously aren't always happy :) I know the acne is a pain right now but it will go away..try not to use alot of lotions on it and just keep it clean..it'll heal pretty quickly!

maryanne420 said...

hi kelly,

i wouldn't put anything on her face except to clean it with just plain soft cloth and warm water and your breast milk (squeeze some out and apply it on her skin). the acne is from your hormones. the milk has a lot of healing properties that may help it.

she is just gorgeous and is the perfect cover girl for that magazine.

Robin said...

I just love Harper in her "designer hats!" She is just delicious!

All Things Family said...

Someone may have already said this, but if you squirt breast milk on the baby acne spots, or pump and just rub some on, it helps. I did that for my son, and for scratches, as well...seemed to work. I know it sounds odd...I scoffed when I heard it!

Erin Parker said...

Kelly, I hear ya on the baby acne. My little girl's face was completely, and I mean completely, covered in Baby Acne when she was 3weeks old. There wasn't a spot of clear skin on her face. My pediatrician told me to use 1% hydrocortisone cream on it and it cleared it up in a few days. Whenever she gets a good break-out, I use the hydrocortisone, and it works wonders.
Hope this helps!

Perfectly Imperfect said...

Loved the story!!

And your cover girl is just so gorgeous!!

katiebous said...

Hi Kelly:

I have never posted on your blog before but have been following it for a few months now. I wanted to comment on the baby acne because we have a 3 month old and he had pretty bad baby acne early on and I took him to the Dr. for it and they recommended a special bar of soap that you can get at the pharmacy (you don't need a prescription) called ZNP Soap....here is a like to the website on it: http://www.skintreat.net/stiefel.html. It worked great for our little guy and he was acne free within a few days. You just use a little bit on a wash rag. The soap is around $8 a bar but lasts forever. It did make his skin a little dry but lotion fixed that. I hope that helps!
P.S.-Harper is one of the cutest babies that I have ever seen!!

Jenny said...

My son had horrible acne and nothing we tried would clear it up until we tried AQUAPHOR. That stuff is a miracle in a tube! It's really greasy but we only apply it at night. It looks just like vaseline and works wonders for baby skin. Give it a try!

Lindsey said...

Are you nursing?? If so this will help----I drank acidophilus milk (or took the acidophilus pill--over the counter in vitamin section). I didn't know about it with Mary Margaret but was told when I had Harper Jane. I was kind of skeptical at first but all was well. I discussed it with her doctor. Below is the definition of acidophilus:


a bacterium that is used to make yogurt and to supplement probiotics

Good luck!

P.S. I have loved seeing all these sweet pics of baby Harper. Keep posting them. She is absolutely beautiful. What a sweet blessing!

Al's World said...

Loved the article, they depicted it so well..I could tell how you felt just by reading it! I agree with the meds comment. She is so beautiful, what a blessing!

Annie said...

What a wonderful article! You have a beautiful baby girl & a beautiful testimony too!

Kristin said...

Cetaphil- even the WalMart brand- works great. Just wet a washcloth and do a gentle little scrub and rinse with the cloth. A friend of mine who has 7 children let me in on this secret and it worked great for my girls! I love keeping up with your going ons each day- Such a beautiful, precious girl you have been blessed with!

MindyMac said...

Both of my kids went through bouts of skin issues on their faces. My daughter broke out at Christmas when she was 8 weeks old! I was so upset! Anyhow, with her, dry winter air apparently made it worse, so wiping her face with a warm washcloth and putting Cetaphil cream (from the jar) on really helped a lot. A humidifier helped too. My son's was so awful that I took him in to the dr., and it turned out to be something called seborhea (sp???), which is really ugly baby acne looking stuff! They told me to put an anti-fungal on, and it cleared it up quickly. So bizarre! All that to say, you could have your pediatrician take a peek if it's really bad, and they might be able to offer some good solutions! The good news is that it DOES go away! : )

Susan said...

It's been said already, but hydrocortisone really helped! I know you're probably thinking...what happened to my beautiful baby girl? Well, of course we mamas know they're still beautiful, it's just all the people who look frightened when they look at our little beauties! I felt very "vain" for breaking down and taking her to the doctor for it, but I couldn't stand it...it looked like it hurt, and truthfully, it hurt to look at it!
If your docor says ok, I imagine the hydrocortisone would clear it right up...and she'll be back to normal!

Kristen said...

Use a really mild sopa like Cetaphil or Aquaphor - and cut back on the lotion. That is what worked for us - but really the acne goes away very quickly on its own, it's just not too pretty for a week or so I found!

Great article. I still am amazed at the blessing God has poured upon your family. What a year this has been for you so far!

Lindsey said...

My sweet baby had it and we didn;t do anything. The doctor said it just goes away. He is 10 weeks and we are clear!

Harper looks so sweet on the cover of the magazine!

Carrie said...

Aveeno for babies both the lotion and baby wash did wonders for my little ones. My sister only uses the oatmeal wash, no good smells in it though and her daughter had the worse case of baby acne I have seen. We no longer use anything but the aveeno baby. The lavender lotion smells great and my kids' skin is so much better.
Congratulations on your first magazine article Harper!!!

Karen L. said...

don't stress over her baby acne...i've yet to have or see a baby that hasn't had it "bad"...wash her little face with a warm wet washcloth and be patient...it doesn't last long. you don't want to risk adding any soaps or lotions because it could get in her eyes. she is still beautiful!

The Garners said...

Kelly, this article is so wonderful and such a neat opportunity for even more people to read about God's work in your family!

All the pictures of her are so cute! Thank you for being willing to open up your heart and share your story with so many--it's neat to see God using you and doing great things!

King J's Queen said...

Wonderful article! Your family is so blessed.

Our daughter had the newborn acne too. Our pediatrician told us to use plain Dove soap, which was the same thing they used in the hospital, and just wash her with it once daily. Throughout the day, we just used a warm washcloth for cleanups. It cleared in a few days, maybe a week at the most.

Maybe she's *really* crying because she wants to wear something blue, or purple, or orange, or cyan. Or, maybe she wants a baseball cap, or a feather boa. You know, it could be her way of expressing her taste in baby fashions!

Lauren said...

Kelly- what a beautiful article. What a testimony Harper is!!!!!Love ya'll :o)

Lisa said...

I honestly love your blog. Crying because of Fat Tuesday and baby acne - ha! :)

Carolyn said...

breastmilk is the best option. I would hesitate to use anything else as their skin is so fragile.

Amber Filkins said...

Congrats on the feature, Kelly!!

Saylor had really sensitive skin {well, she still does} and hers broke out a few weeks after birth too.

Good old vaseline would be really sensitive for her skin. Hydrocortisone works too. And the doctor also told me to put breast milk on it.

Hope that helps and gives you some options!!

Sarah said...

Both my babies had baby acne and with the second one the doctor recommended hydrocortisone. But use the .05% not the 1% because it is gentler on baby skin. I have loved keeping up with your blog and am so blessed to see God's hand on everything!

Jamie Antisdel said...

lurker delurking here. our daughter adali had it really bad once she came home from the nicu. our home nurse told us to try dove sensitive skin body wash. within a few days it was completely cleared up. i still use it on her face and she is almost a year.

ps harper is a doll.

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