WARNING: If you have a weak stomach - don't proceed........but it's my blog and well - I think I want to remember what this looked like.

Isn't God amazing? How does he make our bodies do this? I never imagined my stomach stretching this far out - but it did! The whole thing is a miracle.
(Yes - I got the "line". I guess that comes with being dark skinned and dark headed (naturally). I remember seeing "the line" on TLC on "A Baby Story" for the first time years ago and it horrified me - I had never heard of such. I've heard it goes away??????)
I thought I better update or you would all think I was in the hospital.
Still here. Harper is going to be fashionably late. She knows how to make an entrance. :-)
So we are in our pj's -ready to watch the big game.

Or the Sooners????
I know I have a lot of both fans who read this. Good luck - but you know the SEC is going to take home the crown for the THIRD year in a row! :-) Gator Chomp!
Oh and I put up a new poll since it has to be sometime in the next week. And the forecast is showing snow for next Friday so something tells me that's when it will happen! :-)
I'm Sooner Born and Sooner Bred,
and when I die I'll be Sooner Dead!
Go Oklahoma!
Go Oklahoma!
what an AMAZING picture! crazy to think the little one in there will talk back one day...NEVER, not Harper! You just show her that picture when she smarts back. :)
CUTE!! Oh, and you have a line...I'm so jealous...I wanted a line so badly with Amelia, and I never got one. I don't reckon I'll get one this time either. Preggy bellies are so cute...except when I look at mine...hahahaha! Those jommies are cute, too, by the way.
I know, I keep checking your blog throughout the day, waiting to see the "We're off to the hospital!" post! I'm on the edge of my seat, Kelly!
You'll be a skinny minny again before you know it!
Oh my gosh!! You ARE about to pop! Harper, come soon! You look fabulous!
I'm rooting for the Gators!
I LOVE your tummy pictures( I really miss those days--seems like ages ago!!). Enjoy your time and rest.
January 10th is a great day (my husband's birthday).
I can't wait to read THE big announcement post in the upcoming days!! ;)
You look great! You really do. I also got the whole line thing- but also stetch marks! You are blessed to have escaped those. Can't wait to see who has been living in there! :)
you look amazing......what a miracle. God is good. Good luck with Harper. I will be stalking your blog to see when you go into labor. I am glad I have not missed the "big" post. Courtney
OK The Pear, PJ's ROCK. You are so cute!!
This is a BIG game in our house. We are rooting for the Gators all the way!!! My husband and 2 year old daughter wore their Gators gear today, showing off thier pride. :)
You look great! I remember looking something like that a little over 6months ago. Very soon you will be holding your little girl in your arms. Praise God!
I love your PJ pants!! I adore pink and green! Mind sharing where you got them? :) Lot of fans for both commenting, I could care less, but our old neighbors are Gator fans and Tim Tebow is an incredible witness for Christ, so I am pulling for the Gators.
You really are going to pop!!! Bless your heart!!! I am checking the blog several times a day for news that you are in the hospital. Hang in there!!
You look amazing!! My favorite number is 15 so i'm thinking next Thursday!! As for the game, i don't care either way, just hoping for a good game. You're close to meeting your daughter, how exciting!!!!
Rebekah Courtney
Absolutely beautiful...you escaped stretch marks...so jealous...my stomach looks like it was attacked by a wild animal:( I can't wait to see the post when she arrives!!!
AWWWWWW, you and Harper are just gorgeous! Enjoy these last few days of being pregnant. Soon, you will holding that little miracle in your arms. It's such a great joy! Thanks for posting, cuz I've been checking so many times today. Can't wait to meet you and the Little Miss Harper some day.
You will be so glad you took those pics! Wish I would have, however with my line came many stretch marks...YIKES!
Hang tight. We girls love to be fashionably late for everything. That will be your life as a momma, so she is just training you!
Can't wait for the "she's on her way post"! I probably checked the blog at least ten times today! I bet you are so excited!
Best wishes and know we are all praying for you!
God Bless!
Chele in KS
Loving your pj pants as well-they are adorable-as I'm sure Miss Harper is going to be! You have a great attitude about her arrival, seem to be taking it all in stride- I was a little neurotic toward the end. Hang in there!
For the record, Vol fan here, so as much as it pains me, we are cheering for the Gators tonight and the SEC!
Praying for you these next few days!
You know I hate the sooners, so it's GATORS all the way! You DO forget what that belly looks and feels like. It's that way with everything in pregnancy...which has always made me so sad.
Before I got pregnant this time, I thought "If this ever happens, I am going to write down and take pictures and remember EVERYTHING!" It is just so amazing! God is good...I voted for Saturday, by the way! (THIS Saturday, not next!!) I am just thinking it will happen sooner than later.
Love ya!
That's a BEAUTIFUL belly!!!!
AND you KNOW that I'm GATOR!!!
Since OU blew out Tech big time, I can't believe I'm admitting to rooting for the Sooners this game. Ahhh-well!
You're precious! She'll be here soon! I can't wait for that post! :) && I know you can't wait to hold that BEAUTIFUL ( because we all know she will be) baby girl in your arms! :)
GO SOONERS GO SOONERS...BIG 12 Big 12!!!! I could only cheer for the Razorbacks in the SEC, even then it would be hard for me to go over to the 'dark side'! Darn, we just missed it on 4th down...oh well, at least Stoops isn't backing down (here we sat saying, go for the field goal)!
You will be so glad you took those pictures...I regret not taking more belly shots! It's something you want to document and remember!
There's just nothing more beautiful than a pregnant belly. It really is a miracle. What's an even bigger miracle is how it can shrink back down to normal so soon afterwards. I'm still rooting for today/tonight for Harper to come!
Hi Kelly! What a precious baby belly! Not a stretch mark! You will be so glad you have these pictures. The positive side of Harper waiting: further away from Christmas - It can be hard when your birthday is too close to Christmas... anyway - I am checking on you often! and yes, we are watching the game - since LSU isn't in it this year - i am neutral! I am cajun - what else can I say :)
Love the belly picture! I waited for my belly button to pop and it never did! Always want to know what it looks like in there hahaha!!
I hope she comes on the 12th! Thats my Birthday :)!!
Thinking about you!
There's nothing cuter than a largely pregnant girl!
I don't think your belly can stretch much further. I'm thinking she's going to be big (more than 8#). Just a guess.
Gators all the way!
Love the belly too.
Good luck with the last week or so. Can't wait to see Harper.
I feel like I am about to pop and I am only 22 1/2 weeks! I have no idea how I will still teach when I am 39 weeks! I think it is amazing you are still teaching! You look great. When did you belly button pop out? I don't want mine too, but I am afraid it will eventually. Yours doesn't look like it sticks out! I've seen some that stick out through the shirt...I don't want that!
Your belly pictures are AMAZING!
BTW... I'm decked out in my Gator gear! chomp chomp!!!
I don't care who wins the game really because I already lost our bowl game pool, and my team, Clemson was really disappointing in our game! Your belly looks great Kelly!! :) Thanks for sharing! I can't wait for Harper to come! I voted for Sunday!
Lovin that BIG baby belly. I must admit that you do look like you are ready to pop. Harper must be nice and comfy cozy in there. Did you perhaps do a belly cast? I did one at 9 months and was so glad that I did...a great keepsake!!
Gator baby! :) Even Shelby wore her orange and blue hairbows to school today! Chomp! Chomp!
The funny thing about being all stretched out like that is that it does go back to normal. It's hard to believe that when I look at my tummy it used to be like that! :)
Cute pj's!
Amazing and a little tan looking too. :) I don't even know you and I am so excited for you. I am a little stocker looking to see if she's come yet.
GO GATORS!!!!!!!!!!!!
A proud UF alum :-)
I see zero strechmarks-- YAY! You look great, and we're so excited for you :)
GO SOONERS! Let the Big 10 keep their record! But I ♥ Teebow. :)
You got the line! I've never had that. It is SO amazing that God made this all possible! I've thought about Eve before and how CRAZY the pregnancy experience must have been for her--no books to read, no one with previous experience, etc.!
Ahhh, that belly picture brings back memories of my stretched and tight belly with that "ready to pop" feeling from last year at this time.
Good luck !
You look amazing! So glad you posted...I was wondering!
you look great! what's even more amazing is when she comes out you'll marvel at how she ever fit in there.
I was lucky enough to not get 'the line' But my best friend did, and yes, it went away. Almost immediately. I have very dark hair, and olive Italian skin, so I'm pretty surprised I didn't get it. Along with my ob being surprised. Haha.
You look great!!!
I'm due in Feb. SO CLOSE!
YEAH!! Our God is pretty amazing how he put this all together! Can't wait to meet your new little one!!
Aw, I just love that cute belly! God is amazing!! One day I'm going to get to see those everyday day (ultrasound tech!)
I'm SOOOO ready to "see" Harper!!!!
GO GATORS!!!! SEC all the way!!!! :)
Where did you get the super cute wedge boots in your 39 week photo? I've been looking for some wedge boots that are pretty simple (without all of the buckles and bling).
Gators or Sooners...hm...not sure. :)
thank goodness you updated. I have checked in several times today just in case Harper was here.
first things first...love your blog. not sure how i found you but i've enjoyed 'going thru' your pregnancy with you. i cannot have any more babies so i live vicariously thru my girlfrineds and thru the blogs i stalk :O). i think your belly is adorable and you will be glad you took pics. i love your jammie pants too. super cute. oh by the way, we do the gator chomp out here in colorado. go gators! come on tebow!!!!! waiting anxious to hear about little miss harper.
YOu are a brave woman! I, too, think the pajama pants are great! I am also looking forward to the blog that lets us know she is truly on her way. Good luck and take lots of hospital pictures!! You are going to be a great mom!
Wow! I think the outie belly button means you are D O N E! LOL! I remember those days and I got the dark line too. It goes away though. Harper is adorable already! :)
that's a gorgeous "kelly belly." haha...i crack myself up. actually, i guess it's a harper belly...your name just rhymes better. can't wait for your beautiful little miss priss to get here...i love reading about your experience & can't wait to see what she looks like. best of wishes & God's blessings!
Love the belly pictures...good for you for taking them, I regret not doing it with the 1st three. I finally did somewhat with the 4th...I knew I was going to deliver her the Friday before Easter so my kids painted my belly like an Easter egg. I love looking back at them!
I'm going to have to say Boomer Sooner, Boomer Sooner!! We are Mizzou Tigers but I need to keep the wins in the Big XII Family!!! :)
I love seeing prego bellys! Thank you so much. Having a shirt or something over it just isn't the real thing. I used to love looking at my belly with both of my kids. I'm blonde and I've got "mayonnaise skin" (as my hubby calls it!) and I got the line with both of mine. I'll be praying for you!!! My friend, Kristin, that was due had her baby. She was induced on Monday morning at 9:00, but Cayden didn't make his entrance until Tuesday morning at 4:08. I haven't talked her to but they were supposed to come home from the hospital today. I pray your labor is MUCH easier than that. It should be if you go into labor naturally. Inductions are difficult. I have 3 sisters. My mom had natural births (no epidural). She was induced with one of us and it was her hardest labor. Hopefully, you won't have to be induced and Harper will make her own entrance!!!
My heart skipped a beat when I saw the title of this post, because between the title and last night's post I thought you had Harper!
Harper has got to be running out of room in there!! You are so about to pop! :) You should have seen my belly with twins!!! But I didn't get any stretch marks, either! We must have really "stretchy skin"! :) God really is amazing that your body can stretch that much. And then the line goes away and everything goes back to normal!!??
I hope she comes this weekend! I voted for Saturday.
Can you believe there is a little baby in there?! Once she's out you won't know how she ever fit!
your belly makes me smile ear to ear! i can't tell you how glad i am you shared those pictures beautiful momma-to-be!
You look fabulous!!! I love those great big ole tummy pictures because you will forget what you looked like. Its a complete miracle.
Hang in there. Praying for you!
I absolutely love the tummy picture! God is truly amazing!
Yep the line goes away. One night Steve looked horrified and said,"Is that HAIR?"
What a beautiful belly!!!
Yes, Go Gators, I guess. As a Vol fan, it's hard to type those words, and darn near impossible to say out loud.
your belly is beautiful. You are right, it is such a miracle and i LOVE it!
I have a question for you. I LOVE your idea of bringing gifts to the hospital for your nurses and I think I am going to have to copy you :) I am thinking of just a candle or something. If you don't mind me asking, what are you giving and how many gifts are you going to bring? I am pregnant with my second but cannot remember at all how many nurses we had. It seems like there was a lot!!
Thanks Kelly! I am just so excited to see a blog update with baby Harper's picture this week!!!
CUTE belly! Check my blog for a laugh (and a much less cute belly post)!;)
Oh girl. I read the title and warning before the pictures loaded and didn't know what was about to come up on my screen! :) You look great!
The line goes away, but it takes a little bit so don't freak out when it is still there after she is born.
SEC all the way baby!!! Gators just got a TD!!!
And the National Champions are...
THE FLORIDA GATORS!!! 4 National Championships in 4 years!!!
It's GREAT to be a Florida Gator :)
I am praying for you, Scott, and Miss Harper :) I hope that you have a smooth delivery (whenever that ma be!).
No stretch marks???!!! You are so lucky! I don't have the line, but do have the stretch marks!
I love that you took the picture...you'll love looking back at it! It IS amazing what our bodies do.
Those pictures made me smile ear to ear!! Precious, my dear, just precious!!
This is such a special time, that you can never get back. Make the most of it, and rest as much as you can. After the baby comes you are going to need it..I can't wait to see her and what she loooks like. Are they 100% Sure it is a girl, someone I worked with thought hers was a girl but it ended up being a little boy and she named him Parker.
Good luck.
I think she is ready to come out now! I still have my line and mine was not very dark when I was pregnant. I read that it can take about six months for it to go away. I'm half way there and it has faded some, but I can still see it! At least I lost the belly even if the line stayed!! haha!
Kelly I am so glad you posted those! They brought the biggest grin to my face and tears to my eyes!!! I know I didn't "meet" you until after you were already pregnant, but I know what the wait feels like, and I can only imagine how amazing it must all feel. Such a miracle!! To God be the Glory- GREAT things He has done!!!!!
Praying for you =-)
Those are AWESOME pics! You will be so glad you kept record of it later. Isn't God so creative?
BTW- I posted the news today:)Thank you so much for your help in the journey!
I'm a Longhorn, so really NEITHER, but if I HAVE to choose one, then I pick the Gators!
The linea negra does go away after the birth and after all the hormones even themselves out.
Stretch marks (which appears you DON't have!) fade to a silvery color.. but don't leave... at least mine haven't...
Good luck in the last few days of waiting for Harper!
Thanks for sharing your belly picture! I had "the line" with my first daughter, Maggie. She'll be three in April and it's still there, but lighter. I'm now expecting girl #2 (in June) and the line is already getting darker. I always hated them, but there are worse things!
I never lost my belly button, but my belly was more spread out. You look like you are carrying Harper ight in front.
Best of luck as you and Scott wait for your special arrival. Thanks for sharing everything with us!
Wow, you are definitely about to burst! Hang in there!
Well, as a Georgia girl, it's very hard to say "Go Gators," but I'll always root for the best conference in the land - so go SEC!!!
It is amazing what our bodies are capable of isn't it? I got the line too, only mine also came with lots of stretch marks.(ugh)
I had to vote for the 10th, that's hub's birthday...the big 32!
Can't wait til your big announcement. We are all waiting to meet Harper!:)
Even your tummy looks cute!!
I am a Rollins girl from Florida and have to say that I was so over the Gators and Noles from living there for so long!! All of my friends were die hard one way or the other and my college did not even have a football team. I do love the SEC though!!
Praying hard for you, Harper and Scott!! How does he feel about the delivery? Is he ready??
Trust me, by the looks of things it's not going to be long!
I think the body is the coolest thing God did....
Every time I see a new title on your blog, I'm thinking - is that a code for Harper arrived - & when I saw the word POP - I thought, this is it!!! We're so anxiously awaiting!!!!
That will be me in 12 weeks.
I am so excited to hear about Harper.
You look great!! AND, yes, the line will go away! Did you know you can have a *mold* made of your stomach? It's just like getting a cast on your arm...they use the same stuff and make a mold for you to keep forever. Borders on being kinda weird...but some people treasure that! Just thought you might like to know. GO FLORIDA!!! (I think we could be BFF'S). angela
Hi Kelly,
Love your pics. I think most women get the linear niegra. I am very fair skinned and had the line with both pregnancies.
Congrats Gators!
Dear Kelly,
1. I love your blog
2. You are so beautiful!
3. I love the drawings of you,
Scott,and Harper at the top of the page. Harper's mouth is so adorable!!
4. Can't you hurry up and have her?!?!I'm just about dying here! ;)
I got the line too, though it was more pronounced with Abigail than with the boys. Who knows if it had anything to do with her being the first, a girl with a TON of hair (had so much, you could not even see her scalp), or just random. I had the line with the boys, just not as dark... and it DID go away, but not entirely. A tiny bit of the lower portion remained.
I sure hope you go into labor on your own. I get a little scared when first babies are induced.
oh, and have you thought about doing a belly cast? I did one with Isaac and Elijah. You can get the stuff at a craft store... don't need a kit. Let me know if you want to do one b/c there are some steps you need to take or it'll hurt.
Tuesday Child is full of Grace...so I voted for the 13th!
Best wishes girly...oh, and my line went away! :)
Amy in Texas
Oh I am jealous of your stretch mark free tummy!! Too cute! I know how you feel - It is so weird seeing my stomach stretched out this much!
Kelly...you look so great! What a great belly. God is so amazing! I had the line too...with both...and I just want to warn you that it will go away, but it took mine a few months to completely disappear! It finally did! I went late with both my kids so I know exactly how anxious you must be!! I'm going to say that you will go into labor over the weekend...I just have a feeling!! Can't wait!
Stop it Stop it ~~ you are the cutest thing with THE cutest belly line. I loved my line too.
Thanks for posting these pics ~~ so great!!!!
Gator Chomp ~~ Oh Yeah Gator's Chomped!!!!! ~~ just sayin' =)
Have a Blessed day,
Hello Kelly, You are really brave to post the belly pictures. But thats great, you will only be P.G once with little Harper. And you'll be glad you took these photos. I think she will come on Monday the 12th,2009. Just think God knew what was down the road for you & Scott way back in the past,God's timing isn't always ours & its your time to love all that motherhood has to offer. Please share lots & lots of photos with us out on blog land when she arrives, as you can see you have allot of followers that are looking forward to Harpers arrive. Yep, today is your last day too work. I know you thought this day would never get here, ha!!! Who all are you having in the delivery room with you? Was really wondering. Best wishes Kelly, Karen Barnes= Jessica M's mommy.
You are so cute Kelly! Thanks for posting the pic! I have never been pregnant...yet...but it's good to find out about some of these things ahead of time (lines etc:)!
You look so great! I'm so excited to see Harper...she's going to be so beautiful!
1. Go Gators and Go SEC!!! Flint wore his Gator shirt last night. I would not fit into mine so I just wore orange and blue-HA!
2. I have the line and I, too, am praying it goes away!
3. What does Scott think of the bare belly being exposed on the internet?!?!? That was my first thought when I saw. I was laughing out loud thinking of him shaking his head!!! (that is what Flint would be doing!)
4. Where are your cute jammies from? Apparently, I need to get a couple of sets for the hospital stay?!?! No one has ever told me that, but I just notice it in everyone's pics! Will you email me and let me know?!?!
5. I am anxiously checking your blog all day every day hoping to see that you are at the hospital...I am praying for you and Harper's safe arrival!
6. Lastly, of course it will snow next weekend!!! My NWA Baby Shower is on Saturday! I am going to start praying for NO SNOW!!!
Sorry this post is so long!
I definitely rooted for the GATORS!!! Whoo hoo!!
Aw, cute pregnant belly! Hard to believe that there is an actual baby in there--God is amazing and what He does! Your PJs are soooo cute! You ahve great style. Praying for you and sweet little Harper.
For a second there I thought my hubby had snuck a pic of my belly on the internet. =) Is it a problem that mine looks almost exactly like that and I have a month to go? Hmmm. LOVE the pear pjs! Where do we find them? Most of mine are too tight now so I've gone to my hubby's t-shirts! You look great and I'm SO excited that you are so close. Can't wait to see pics of Miss Harper.
January 12 was my dad's birthday, so I'm going to go with that date!
The line will go away, but unfortunatly, the muscles usually don't go back to where they were before! Welcome to the club!
You look great! I LOVE your belly!
In full disclosure I need to add to my comment about getting induced on a Friday. I encouraged you to not get an induction for various reasons and still feel it should not be a first option. That being said...I had an EASY!!!! delivery!
Just to encourage you, I went in early Friday morning at a 2 (I had been a 2 for 2 weeks). Had the epidural around 9:45. Water broke after 10. I was checked at 11 and was at a 4. Delivered a healthy baby boy at 12 with 4 pushes. I didn't have a hair out of place, didn't break a sweat and my lipstick still looked good. FYI, I put on full makeup that morning and touched up my makeup right after my epidural. Might sound vain, but those pictures circulated through bunko groups and church functions for weeks. I decided even if I felt fat, I could feel pretty. :)
Enjoy this season. I actually miss it!
Yes, God is good and is doing good all the time. ~Amanda
Off topic but I forgot to say "YAY" for your last day of work!
I love reading your blog (found it through a Christmas tour). I wish you the best with delivery and bringing home your precious Harper. She is going to be one lucky baby! I got just as big as you and your line does not go away for a while but eventually it will! God Bless you and your family!
I think those pictures are absolutely amazing. Maybe I'm a weirdo but I loved seeing them. It allows me to experience pregnancy through you!! Bryan was sitting with me when we checked your blog and he said "Wow! She's gonna go anytime!" We are so excited for you!!!!
I might be a freak, but I love the belly pics! It is crazy to think that there is a full term baby in there!!! Hope you are having a great last day of work!
Enjoy these last few days!! I had that line too, it slowly fads. I think mine took 3 months to go away!
Not too much longer :)
You look beautiful!! Love the cutie belly pics!! Harper will love seeing those in another 25 years too.
Beautiful pictures Kelly!! Little Harper is growing!!
And gooooo GATORS!! So glad they won!!
I've been reading your blog off and on for a while now and was wondering who made that painting with the verse and monkey on it for Harper's room. I love it! Let me know through my blog or you can e-mail me @ timandhaleywilliams@yahoo.com
Go Gators!!! I am so glad they won and made the SEC proud ;)!
Wow...you are definitely ready to have your little bundle of joy :). I can't wait to meet sweet Harper!
Kelly Love your blog. Oh I got the line...and I don't want to freak you out..but it stayed for like six months!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Waaaaaahhhhh! Hope Harper comes soon. You are an adorable prego!
Hey Kello Bello :)
Your belly is tooooooooo cute! I'm lovin the pics! Now if only Harper would make her grand appearance :)
and GO GATORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Precious!! There is nothing gross about a pregnant belly- only miraculous! I got the line and loved it- it made me feel more pregnant, since my stomach didn't get really all that big... It took a lot longer to go away than I was expecting, but it finally did.
There's just something about a pregnant belly that is so cute (WHEN IT"S NOT YOUR OWN). You have the perfect round belly. You're so lucky because that is all you are is belly. I keep checking, along with the many others, to see if there is a post about being at the hospital. We're all so excited to meet sweet Harper.
line or no line, pregnant bellies are so amazing! I can't wait to see little Harper!
YAY for the Gators (not something I usually would say, but I'm an SEC girl!)
Too cute. You're a brave girl.ha ha! Let her come when she is ready. You don't want any complications. I'll be praying for you!
You look great! No stretch marks!! I keep waiting for you fb status to say: "On our way to the hospital"!!
Even though we don't know one another face to face we are sisters in Christ or if you have been on the LPM blog, siestas in Christ, and God has been laying you on my mind to pray for you. I really hope you get to hold Harper in your arms tonight as well as Harper's daddy and grandparents. :)
ok.. so i know you dont know me (or probably half of the people on here) but I read your blog regularly. Im Jennifer and I just had my baby girl Hallie (its pronounced Allie with an H... so many people call her Haley.. aaaaahhhh drives me crazy) about 5 months ago myself. I love reading your blog and think you are so stinking cute!! I was really hoping you would have Harper on the 6th bc thats my birthday. But she will come soon enough! I just tell you to get your sleep now. It is so much fun having a girl.. Anyway just wanted you tell you that the line will go away in a couple of months and it looks like you were fortunate,like myself, (whew) to not get stretchmarks. Keep up the blog. I love reading it!!
I'm fair skinned, light hair and eyes and have 3 boys. I didn't have any line w/ my first 2 but the 3rd time I had "the line" and it was gone immediately after birth. Go figure....but I was so dang proud of that line the 3rd time around...I just thought it was neat.
I really wish I would've taken more pictures of my tummy...don't relaly know why I didn't. I loved, "Well, it's my blog..." My friend and her husband just had a baby and he wore a homeade t-shirt that siad, "Giving birth is not for the mentally weak."
yep the line WILL go away! John Lleyton is 5.5 months now and it has been gone for a while!
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