Today at 3:30 I started my maternity leave.
We had our house cleaned today (best thing I ever did was give in to having my house cleaned for the last few months of my pregnancy). Pretty much all I plan to do now is lay around and watch DVR'd shows and catch up on several months of magazines I haven't made time to read.
Today at 3:30 I started my maternity leave.
We had our house cleaned today (best thing I ever did was give in to having my house cleaned for the last few months of my pregnancy). Pretty much all I plan to do now is lay around and watch DVR'd shows and catch up on several months of magazines I haven't made time to read.

I don't think our families are as patient waiting as we are - you can tell from my parent's blogs here and here. I called my parents today and my dad answered like he was out of breath - I could tell he was hoping I'd say "start heading this way". ha! Scott's parents don't have blogs but they have been calling and e-mailing daily. Scott really wanted to call either set this week and ask them what was wrong with their phones - that we had been trying to call them and Harper had been born and we were heading home from the hospital. But that's a little too mean.

Oh and one more thing - found out about TWO more praises today! That's 16 answers to prayer in two months. What will the rest of 2009 bring? Don't give up hope - there are hundreds maybe of thousands of people praying for each of you!!!!!
Now is the time to sit back and relax. Rub that stomach as much as you can because that part will soon be over. By next week at this time you will be a mommy I'm sure!!
I LOVE watching pageants too!!! I was in one (and won..yes I am VERY proud of that!) I haven't been watching the countdown (shame on me!) but I hope to tonight!
Hope Harper comes soon. And my DH wanted to do the same thing to his parents when we were waiting for Madi...but I told him he might be in trouble with them for a long time if he did! LOL!
Hope you have a wonderful relaxing night. I keep checking in on your blog hoping she's coming.
Yes! Sit back, relax, and enjoy the quiet moments. And get plenty of rest! We received D the same day we got the call for him and I had not slept well the night before (can't remember why). I remember thinking, "Man, I wish I would have gotten more sleep last night!"
Harper will be here soon and your life will be made even MORE wonderful, but there will also be less time for yourself. Enjoy!
I found your wonderful blog through, I think, Boomama, last year. I am due with my second boy on the 26th, but I have been thinking I am getting close all this week. My first baby was born early during a full moon--so my husband and I are hoping he'll come this weekend. I sure hope the full moon works for you and Harper! You sound very prepared and organized, enjoy some down time now as you anticipate your miracle!
Hi Kelly,
I am finally de-lurking just to say how excited I am for you with Harper's arrival any day now. You can talk about her arrival exclusively on your blog-I wouldn't get tired of hearing about your feelings and excitement. I have three kiddos of my own (my baby is now 5) and I miss being pregnant and waiting expectantly for the newest memeber to make their arrival. Reading your blog has brought back so many of those memories, so keep sharin'! May God Bless you with an easy and safe delivery...My thoughts and prayers are with you many times during the day as I wonder if your precious Harper's arrival has begun.
Allie in AZ
Congrats on making it through your goal of working this far! I'm glad to hear you're relaxing this weekend. You're right! You won't have this kind of time to yourself for a long time. I pray that you spend the next few days in peace and praise. You'll do awesome in labor and we all can't wait to see photos of baby Harper!
A fan of your blog,
I just have to comment and tell you that you and both of your parents blogs brought tears to my eyes tonight....I can't think of a more precious family for little Harper to grow up in...I will continue to pray for you and Harper and anxiously await the post of her arrival!
You are absolutely right - the quiet time will be a thing of the past! How unique you are in today's times ... I just wonder how many unnecessary c-sections are performed JUST BECAUSE it was the "convenient" thing to do. My twin grandsons turn ONE tomorrow and their party is going to be at my house. I think January 10th is a GREAT day to be born.
Dear Sweet Kelly,
Every day I check in to see how things are going and if little Harper has arrived. It won't be long now! I really enjoy your blog.
Please know that you and Scott are in my prayers. You so deserve this precious miracle.
Enjoy these last few days!
Margaret, Virginia Beach
You are definitely SO RIGHT to just lay back and enjoy this time....your LAST WEEKEND without a child!!! :)
I am praying for you and can't wait to see "SHE'S COMING" as the blog title!
OH- and the praises on the prayer blog are UNBELIEVABLE and I am just in awe of how God is working!!! Praise Him, Praise HIm!
You look great! Praises to everyone. Can't wait to see your little one. I still have six weeks and although I don't want to go early, my ribs are very sore. Yes, enjoy the stillness. I thought the same with my son. I went home from work and said that if I had to have a baby I couldn't do it and went to bed. About 20 minutes later, my water broke. It has been nonstop ever since. All I wanted was one night of peaceful rest. I'll wait until they go to college! Best wishes.
Sounds like a perfect way to spend an evening, my dear! You know what they say - be still and know that she will come! :-)
Have a wonderful night...I am planning on watching Countdown to the crown as well! I missed it last week, but that show is where it's at. Love it! And love you, my friend!
OH! And by the way - I'm pretty sure you could talk about Harper all day every day and it would NEVER be too much. :-)
I love countdown to the crown! Last year I think they called it something different (but maybe not). I think Miss Arkansas is on the Pink Team this year. Woo-Hoo for your last day at work AND a clean house!
Yeah for you! I know you can't wait. I just wanted to thank you again for the prayer blog. It is so nice and comforting to know people are praying for me specifically. We just hope that this IVF works. God is in control!
so true!
God brought you this little one and He has the perfect time planned. So plan the perfect relaxing weekend and enjoy it! I will be Lifetiming-It and putting away least the decor not the celebration of our greatest gift! hugs to you - k
I'd LOVE to have my house cleaned. Isn't that a necessity when you reach the Empty Nest?? Sounds like a good enough reason to me.
I didn't realize the Countdown was on. I'll have to set my DVR.
Amen!! on the 16 answers! God is amazing!!
Sweet Kelly,
I keep checking your blog for updates....
We are praying for you in these last days! They are an awesome time to sit back and relax, spend time with the Lord and enjoy the quiet of the moment. Harper will be here soon and you life will be forever changed! You are an amazing woman of God and he has richly blessed you! Praying for you in Syracuse, NY. Danielle, Brad and Vincenzo
Enjoy your weekend and I think it is a great idea to sit and relax in your p.j.s and watch movies. I am so amazed at God and his faithfulness. Praise God for all the pregnant women!!
All those praises really warmed my heart!! WOW!! The power of prayer!!
Rest and enjoy your time, Kelly. You will be exhausted in no time, so take that moment while you can to catch up on rest. I find myself checking in frequently to see if there are any baby updates. I am anxious, too, for your big day! Be well!!
xxoo's from Shannon in PA
P.S. I am really enjoying your Dad's daily walk through the Bible. It gets my day going in the right direction. ;)
I have been following your blog for about 2 months now! But, I went back and read all of your posts! My good friend Leah McElroy had you on hers thats how I found yours. I know you are soo excited for Miss Harper to get here;) It goes by fast, my little boy is 19 months. I seems like yesterday that I was doing the same stuff. Good Luck! Push hard and Pray Hard!!! I had my husband sitting and praying the whole time I was delivering.
AManda SPain
The absolute best thing you could do for yourself in the last months is have your house cleaned - and the first few months after!! I don't have that luxury now, but I did when I was pregnant. Loved it.
Praise the Lord for answered prayers on the prayer blog. What a blessing.
Praying for you....
I bet Mack D. LOVES that show too! I was never in to pageants, but I always did kind of like watching Miss America because Dad was always ripping the contestants! Can you believe that?!
HA! I clicked on those links to your parents blogs...TOO CUTE!! My oh my this is one loved little girl =-). I am sure someday she will get a kick out of all this when you show her.
Enjoy the stillness and quiet...
Praying for you!
Hope you enjoy your last few moments before this precious little one arrives. Can't wait to hear the news. Praying for y'all!
Shogun was WORSE than the Sizzlin!!!!!! Please DO NOT drink Castor oil! We heard terrible things about that in our child birth class. Ha I know you are not, though.
how can we add a name to the pregnancy prayer list? i would love to add two dear friends that are trying to get pregnant
zoe, leave me a comment with there names and i will add them
Hi Kelly, enjoy your next few days before baby comes and enjoy some extra sleep. My Madeline is a year old and sleep is the thing I miss the most! Ah sleep! It's the little things that are such a treat for new mommies! I, like you & many others, was one that had struggles with conceiving. For me it was 6 years and 2 rounds of IVF to get just one fertilized eggie, but she was a fighter! Take care & best wishes to you & your hubby.
I am laughing out loud right now, because I can remember saying those exact words!
"(She) has to come out sometime!"
Isn't there something just beautifully comforting about those words?
I have been reading your blog for a couple of months now. I found you through a friends friend. I was surprised to see that we live in the same town and we go to neighboring churches. (We go to First United Methodist In Bentonville) I Just wanted to let you know that I love reading your blog and I am so excited to meet Harper. Hang in there the best is yet to come!
Thank you for being such a great inspiration.
Mary Bost
Kelly, I can't thank you enough for the blog that you created for those of us with infertility issues...each time I read about another person who is pregnant, it gives me a sense of peace. I know God will "answer" whatever form He chooses.
Yeah! You started your maternity leave! When I was pregnant (5 years ago :)) I started my leave on Friday as well but was planning on having 2 weeks of rest. Well, I went into labor on the following Monday evening. I never got that sweet rest! :) So take your time, read all those magazines and watch all those shows. That sweet girl will be here before you know it!
By the way, thank you so much for doing that pregnancy blog. I am on it. We have been trying to another child for 3 years now. I will continue to pray for everyone on it. It is so exciting every time you say their is another praise!!
16 praises is AWESOME! I was in that boat a year ago, but the Lord blessed me too. I pray daily for those women. God knows when the best time is but it is really hard for us humans to concept that. Praise be to GOD!
Good Luck on your coming delivery. Enjoy every minute of it because you will be like me 7 months down the road day dreaming of the delivery day. Nothing describes how neat it is when you hear your baby's first cry.
Tomorrow is supposed to be the biggest full moon of 2009, if the ol' wives tales are true you know what that means. Enjoy your day tomorrow. I truly cannot wait to read...SHE'S HERE!
I hope you enjoy a nice and relaxing weekend! I think you are wise to take full advantage of this time before Harper makes her long awaited appearance!
Put your feet up and enjoy some R & R!!!
I couldn't agree with you more! I loved being pregnant and it wouldn't have bothered me if each baby stayed in longer - heck, they could have drove out in a Honda and I would have been fine with it!
A friend of mine is a friend of yours from college and my friend told me about your blog. Confused yet? lol Kelly, you are such a wonderful person. I can't possibly imagine how blessed Harper is that you're her mommy. I've been reading your blog since September. I have a cute bundle of joy myself who is four and 1/2 months old. He is the joy of our lives. I wish you all the blessings and happiness in the world. You are such an inspiration to me and tons of other people. I wish you happy waiting! You'll miss being preggers. I know I certainly did. It's such a joy though once that little person is finally in your arms. I will be praying for you this week for a safe delivery and a healthy baby. Love and prayers,
Jennifer Henson
Oh my word! I just came upon your blog from Angie Smith's and have been reading your story! It is so amazing what God can do! Congrats on your sweet little girl - I will be checking back for updates!
You should deserve it :) I am so glad to hear about the praises!!! That gives me so much hope...I just KNOW that I will be on that list this year!
It is so cute that your parent's are so excited!
Enjoy resting and relaxin' this weekend! :o)
Hi Kelly-
Love your blog! Your family's excitement and anticipation reminds me so much of ours with the births of both of our children!
Lifting some prayers your way!
Crazy question, and I am asking this only because I am living in the world of paint chips, etc as we remodel some areas of our home. What brand and color is the paint in your family room? I really like it...wishing you the best.
Maggie in TN
Hope you enjoy your weekend and get lots of rest! Can't wait to "meet" baby Harper! :) :) :)
enjoy your last few days pregnant. i have a feeling it will be monday.. if not this weekend. :)
lol...your parents blogs are hilarious...esp. your mom' would think she was packing to have the baby herself..but i would probably be just as excited..i can't wait to lil miss and relax love! : )
Hi, I just wanted to say how much I love your blog. I live in a little town in Texas called Harper. They put out a "community newspaper once a week and I was thinking that if you wanted me too I will go buy a newspaper (they are only .50) and have the post office lady put a Harper Texas postmark on the top of it for you from the day she was born. You can reach me at Thanks for great reading!
You know it's funny, because about a month ago I was going to email you to ask you to list me on the blog as well, and then found out we were expecting on Christmas Eve!! So, even though I didn't get a chance to email you, I thank you anyway!! I keep checking your blog religiously to see if you've gone into labor...can't wait!
You have recieved an award on my blog Kelly! =]
You are so smart to relax, and just "enjoy" the waiting.
And I'm so glad for you that you got some helpers to help you clean! Mine are coming on Thursday...such a blessing.
Um, in later January, there's show on TLC called "Toddlers & Tiaras" coming on. I highly suggest you DVR it--I've seen it before, and it's ENTERTAINING.
I love your parent's blogs! Cracking me up and so sweet! Harper is one REALLY anticipated little blessing!!!!
First of all I have to tell you that your blog makes me laugh and smile all the time. I love your honesty and how you share. I just love people from the south! So much that I wish I lived down south will all of you. You remind me a lot of my friend Renee who is from Georgia.
Anyway, enjoy these wonderful, relaxing days. Just pamper yourself and enjoy the quiet. Soon your baby will be in your arms and you will enter another stage of life.
Thank you for sharing your journey and your wonderful stories with us!
I enjoy reading your blog, and this is the first time I have left a comment. I wish you a wonderful childbirth. It is scary the first time, but it is all worth it. I have a beautiful 2 year old boy, and we are trying for #2. It is taking a while, so we are trying to relax about the whole issue. Thank you for having such a wonderful blog, and I can't wait to see pictures of Harper.
:) Claire
Good for you!! Rest and enjoy the quiet for a little while longer :) You're right, she has to come out eventually and she will. Why be exhausted before labor even starts?? I am praying for you and Scott and Harper this morning, praying for a great weekend and a safe delivery in HIS perfect timing :) I LOVE hearing about the praises on that prayer blog...isn't God so good at showing us how to give Him the glory when He does something miraculous?? Thanks for starting that and for updating us as you hear from people. He is able!! You and I are proof :)
Blessings to you today!
Praying for you as you continue to anticipate Harper's arrival. I think I say it every time I leave a comment, but I can't wait to open your blog and see that she has arrived!!! Eager to see her sweet, little face and your proud, beaming mama face gazing into her eyes.
Ahhh well you said you wanted to make it to 40 weeks and that you did!!! :) I STILL don't have your package on the way, but you can't use it until Harper's here anyway. I can't wait for the message saying you're in labor! Thanks so much for posting about Kellsey's adoption the other day! :) I loved reading all the responses! We're praying for a safe, easy delivery and a healthy, happy Harper!
I'm tired of waiting so I know you are REALLY tired of waiting!!:) Maybe tonight?? Should I pray for that? Well, at least we know you she will be here this time next week!! Yay!
Kelly-Can't wait to "meet" Harper!! I'm praying for you! I don't have any kids yet so no advice here but take it easy and rest all you can because she'll be here before you know it:) Take care--Tammy *ohio*
We keep praying for you and Harper! God is so good, how wonderful about the 16 praises!
I agree...Relax and enjoy the last few days when she's all yours. Feeling her kicks will soon be replaced with kissing her sweet feet! As odd as it may seem I missed being pregnant once mine were born. I was thrilled to hold them, but it had been so long since I was "alone" again and I really missed feeling my special little nudges. (And then you will want to watch her sleep instead of reading magazines) :)
just checking in...still waiting??? Good Luck!
I cannot believe it is ALMOST here! I am checking your blog constantly to see if she's made her arrival!
kelly-someone stumbled across my blog and told me about one you have with prayer requests. could i possibly be added to that? i see you are days away from giving birth, so i dont expect it to happen for a while.
here is my early congrats on that baby girl!
You are such a smartie! It's so hard to be calm and restful in the last few days, but it's the best thing anyone could do!
I just recently read about Castor Oil. I don't know anyone who's actually tried it - do you?
Scott's idea was funny, but way too cruel to poor excited grandparents.
Ah!! 16 praises, that's so exciting!! Enjoy the quiet and still time that you have. Soon you'll have your little one! Relax, sleep, enjoy. Praying for you and a safe delivery!
I love your blog...just want you to know I am checking and praying for your upcoming arrival! Enjoy your rest...My baby boy came on his due date (not by induction) and I had started my leave a few days before. I was bored, but boy, that was much needed rest time! Best wishes!!!
Just wanted to tell you that this is like the 6th time today that I have clicked on your blog to see if there was an "were off to the hospital!" post =-)
thanks, kelly. their names are lindsay and kim. thanks so much for adding them to the prayer list!
It sounds like your plan of resting is just perfect ;)!
I love Miss America too, but I have not watched any of that show!
I am so glad you posted about the Miss America show- since they changed the title this year my Tivo season pass didn't pick it up. But thanks to you, I got my tivo fixed in time for Friday's show!
Yes!!! The Miss America Site is so cute, it has a little widget and info about all the girls. I was playing with the widget "crowning around" and I put a picture of my little Sasha in it, so cute!!!!
I learned of you from a post on facebook with James Spann. I have been praying for you all since last night! I know you are on the way to your baby girl and I know that God is the ultimate physician and he has his Loving hands taking care of your beautiful gift from him. I pray for the peace and comfort and the energy and strength for you and your entire family! I know that God has a purpose for all of this and he will reveal in due time! He may be using your beautiful Hannah to help touch and make an Impact on someone else's life! Tons of prayers coming your way!!!!
With love in Christ,
Alicia Teague
Odenville, AL
just saw your page and read your story...i am in tears,but i am praying for you and your all are amazing and your faith in God has just made me see that there are still people in this worl who turn to him and praise him in all will be in my thoughts and prayers. keep your faith,God is in control....always.
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