(I just wanted to state for the facts that I didn't mean to offend any of my Texas readers with my previous post - it was all in fun. I was born in TX and my brother and SIL graduated from UT. But I was raised to hate the longhorns. And it still feels good to beat them - I'm not going to lie. But I love Texans on a personal level! :-) )
So I went to the doctor today.
She's on call tomorrow so she told me if I wanted - she would induce me tomorrow.
Scott couldn't go with me today so she told me to call him and think it over. We decided to wait and just let nature take it's course a little longer. I don't want to go too early and end up having to have a c-section or something and as much as I want to meet Harper - tomorrow just sounded so sudden!!!! So we are going to wait and go back next Wed and if I haven't had her by then - I'll ask to be induced either Thursday or Friday. Some things are going on tonight (that are not to be discussed over the internet) with me that make me think I may not make it until next Wednesday. Stay tuned.......................
So I went to the doctor today.
She's on call tomorrow so she told me if I wanted - she would induce me tomorrow.
Scott couldn't go with me today so she told me to call him and think it over. We decided to wait and just let nature take it's course a little longer. I don't want to go too early and end up having to have a c-section or something and as much as I want to meet Harper - tomorrow just sounded so sudden!!!! So we are going to wait and go back next Wed and if I haven't had her by then - I'll ask to be induced either Thursday or Friday. Some things are going on tonight (that are not to be discussed over the internet) with me that make me think I may not make it until next Wednesday. Stay tuned.......................

And lastly - my brother and SIL recently started a blog (yes - the whole family has made it into blogging) and I think you might like his latest entry on banana nut bread. I think you'll quickly see who the "nut" in the family is.
I think I better finally go pack that hospital bag....................................
P.S. Please keep praying over all the girls on the prayer list - even the praises (there are some you don't even know are praises yet) - one of the 14 I have told ya'll about it is having a scare and I know she would really like prayer. As you pray over the names - you will cover them all!! Thank you for your faithfulness!
HOW EXCITING!!! :) :) :)
love those leggings....Haper will never have a bad outfit day.
this is wild - I had SUBWAY today. seriously, haven't had subway in months...and a sandwhich sounded so good...and iced tea. I even updated my facebook status to read "Kate is impressed by Subway Iced Tea"
interesting article on ABC's nightly news tonight on c-section inducement - I agree wait as long as you can.
Ohhhh...I am staying tuned!! HOW EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am praying for your family Kelly! =-) Enjoy your Subway and put your feet up!!
Kelly...I'll lift you all up in prayer! God has blessed you guys...and you wear it well ;-)
Hi Kelly! I've been a "lurker" for quite awhile... i've tried some of your recipes, YUMMY! I thought it was time I comment... I've been dying to check your blog every day when I get home to see if you've had that sweet 'lil girl of yours yet. I hope you have a speedy and easy delivery! Kelli
So exciting! Thanks so much for your blog -- its so fun and such a positive/inspiration thing to read. Sending prayers your way for a safe and easy delivery!
I have been lurking on your site for a while now! I thought I would finally comment and let you know that my husband and I are praying for you! I can't wait to "meet" your sweet little one. She is so blessed to have you and Scott as parents. I just know that we would be good friends if we ever met!
Oh, and wait until the 10th, that's my birthday! Good luck!
Lea Ann
Why did I almost just cry? Why is my heart pumping so hard??
Kelly, I just can't tell you how precious and beautiful this time is going to be.....Harper's arrival. It will mean more and more to you with each day that goes by.
Its almost time!! I'm praying for you. I hope you can sleep.
I"M SO EXCITED!!!! Just relax and enjoy this last little time!!! And that outfit is TOO CUTE!
Praying for you!
I'm praying you'll have a clear "yes" or "no" as to whether to head on in! Blessings!!
Hi Kelly,
I was induced at it wasn't fun at all. Ultimately I ended up having a C-section because my son's head was so big. I pushed for 5 hours straight and when he was delivered, no cone head at all.
Walk, walk, walk, and have some spicy food if you can tolerate it. That will definitely help. I can't wait to hear.
Love, Gina averycj.blospot.com
I check every day to see if she is here! You are so close!
My niece has leggings like that and she looks adorable in them!
Good luck over the next week!
So let me tell you that I took a nap today, and dreamed that you were going to have your baby tonight! Guess we shall wait and see!!!! She's going to be here sooo soon!
Oh maybe tomorrow is the special day... even without being induced!! Or maybe its tonight! How exciting! Hope your doing and feeling ok :) Thinking about you!!
Hey girl! I am so excited that you think things are moving along and Harper will be here soon! I'm praying for an easy delivery for you and I can't wait to see Harper in all her girly girl cutie cute things I've seen on your blog over the past several months!!! :-)
Oh, how exciting! I hope this is it!
Horay!!!! I will be praying for all of you. Maybe tonight will be the night!!! Oh now I wont be able to sleep, hehe. I will be checking back on yall so if you see me over and over....well you get the idea. Hang in there~
Hi Kelly, I was induced for every one of my four children....my body is incapable of going into labor i guess. It was fine...I actually think it was better for me because the surprise of water breaking and having to find last minute childcare would have put me over the edge. Inductions are no big deal in my opinion.
I hope you are feeling better tonight. Can't wait to see that little Harper.
I'm excited to hear "some things are going on"!! She will be here soon! Praying for you!
Subway was my "last meal" before my daughter was born ... maybe it will be your lucky meal too:)
Ooo! So exciting...Harper could be here anyday now! You all are in my prayers! I was excited to see "some things are going on"-it made me remember when I had Anna-Claire- "some things started going on" on a Wednesday evening and lasted through the night and we had a beautiful baby girl by Thursday at lunch! ;) So YES PACK YOUR BAG! :) heehee! Praying for you!
Oh my gosh! I am all excited now. I hope she comes soon. I will be thinking about you and praying for an easy delivery if there is such a thing.
I think that it's great that you didn't go with the doctor and get induced tomorrow...even though it finally came to that with both of mine, I loved the weeks before and after my due dates because you wake up every day and think.."this could be the day!" I love that!
I had two inductions because my kiddos would have stayed in forever. Both inductions went very smoothly. Just remember...no matter how she enters the world it is going to be the best day EVER! Praying for a safe and healthy delivery for both you and Harper.
I am so excited for you Kelly!! Maybe Harper will be coming tomorrow even without induction? Keep us updated, and I am praying for y'all!
Eek! I'm so excited! And those baby legs are so cute. I can't wait to "meet" Harper!
Oh, Kelly! The time is so close!!! On the edge of my seat waiting to read the words, "I'm in labor!!!" or "Harper has arrived!!!" Praying for you!!!
How exciting for you guys! I keep thinking each time I check bloglines, and you've posted, that you are in labor, or she is here already.
I will keep you in my prayers, and hope for a quick and safe delivery....Just remember to order the epidural early;)
You two will be great parents!!
such a special moment is about to be shared between you and your darling husband. may God grant you peace and much happiness as the love you two have shared is about to overflow your cup of life. many blessings and happy prayers are being asked for your family!
I have just found your blog through Bring the Rain and I am having so much fun following your soon to be arrival! I just had a sweet little baby girl about a year ago, so I feel like I am re-living all that fun, exciting and yet anxious time. And it's funny, my blog is titled keelyskorner- kind of funny hugh? Well, I will say a prayer for you tonight and like everyone else said, just relax and get rested for this wonderful gift God is giving you and your husband!
hi kelly! we don't know each other, but i've been following your blog for about a trimester now :) is that stalker-ish? haha. i hope not! i came across your blog through a friend of a friend's blog..and i visit your blog daily. ANYWAYS..i just wanted to introduce myself and tell you a belated congrats on the baby and wish you good luck--you're gonna love being a mommy! i can't wait to see pictures of your beautiful baby girl :)
Oh, yeah! Sometimes those doctor "checks" will send you to the hospital.
And, most everyone knows who the real NUT is in your family... the one who put the hot sauce on the edge of my V8 can at work!
I have two girls and was induced with my first and went on my own with the second. Although the induction wasn't bad (just lasted ALL DAY) going on my own seemes much easier. I think you made a good decision. God will bring her or give you a peace about inducing when the time is right. I have been following your journey since the very beginning. I absolutely can not wait to "meet" your precious Harper. Get you bags packed and RELAX!! Praying for you.
HOW EXCITING!! :)) relax & enjoy your next couple of days being pregnant.
waiting is so hard but it's a wise decision. my first one came on her own and it was the best delivery.
Know that I am praying for you. I am also praying for a quick, easy delivery. Keep us updated.
PS- You are going to LOVE LOVE LOVE those BabyLegs. They are all my Emma and Caroline wear. Isn't that something? A two-year old and a two-month old can wear the same BabyLegs?! That is why I love them oh so much! :-)
Can't wait to read those precious words "Our Little Girl Harper is Here!" Thinking about you and your family!
Why am I so nervous and about to freak out? I'm not even having this baby!! Haha!! Oh, I'm getting oh so excited! It would be perfect if Harper decided to come on her own tomorrow so the Dr. Seale could deliver!!
Those leggings are the coolest! My friend had some really cute ones for her little girl and I thought they were so cute!
Okay, it's funny how excited I am and all the anticipation over Harper coming! I have a feeling it's soon!!!
YEAH!! This is such an exciting and special time for you and your husband. Cherish every moment. I am so excited for you! You are all in my prayers!
How exciting!! Good Luck with delivery when things start to happen the natural way. Enjoy every single precious moment!! Can't wait to see your precious little girl.
Oh Kelly, I am so excited for you and your husband. Harper will be here soon! Get good rest tonight! I'll be checking the blog often :)
WOOHOO!! That's awesome! Sounds like things are moving right along! I agree with the girl who said that the doctor checks can move things along, that's what happened to me. Good luck, I can't wait until we hear that your sweet baby girl is here!
I am so excited for you Kelly!!! Relax and enjoy ever moment she will be here soon!!! I will keep you in my prayers!!!
You are smart to wait and let nature takes it's course! Good luck to you and can't wait to see Harper's sweet little face!
Sounds like it will be any day now! How exciting!
I will share that my middle son was stubborn, still is. LOL My doctor wanted to induce and I said to wait......the 'little' guy came over a week late and at 9 pounds 3 oz. Ouch! So don't wait too late, ok! The good thing is that Shelby came on her due date (she was induced b/c I had gestational diabetes) and she weighed in at 7 pounds. What a difference a little over 2 pounds can be! ROFL
Do a lot of walking that will help Harper come naturally too. :)
Wow--tomorrow did seem so "sudden" even though it could be that on its own! My friend Allison went to the doc for one of her later check-ups and they told her to go straight over the the hospital to check in (she had some cause for concern though--they had to do a c-section immediately), anyway, when she called, I laughed and didn't believe her! It took her a few minutes to convince me that she was really at the hospital!
I love that onesie--cute cute!
I'll have to check out C's blog.
Yay! I just know you are going to have her tomorrow on your own! The day before I went into labor, I had pains and didn't even realize they may be the beginnings of labor! LOL
No matter what you choose as far as induction goes, the main thing is meeting Harper and I know she's going to be the most precious thing! I can't wait!!
The Harper update is so exciting! Come baby, come!
(For the record, all of us Texas Aggies are glad you beat Texas, too:)
Saying a prayer for you!!! :)
Good idea to hang on and let nature take it course! Good Luck!
We're Aggies and we hardly ever get to beat the Longhorns, so I appreciate the Hogs doing it for us!
I can't wait to hear how this week unfolds for you!
Oh my goodness...I'm on pins and needles! I'm glad you waited. I don't think we had much choice but to induce with Lowrey...she was just too comfortable in there, but that was a LONG day. As someone who has done it both ways, it is definitely a better experience to just go into labor. But any way she comes, it is going to be a blessing. Can't wait to see her face. Actually her whole body! Ha. Love you much. Try to get some rest.
AHH I am so excited that she is almost here. WOW, she could have come today? It seems like just yesterday you were telling us that you were expecting.
I am glad that you like the gift. All of my friends love the leggings.
I had a note in there but it was kind of emotional so I didn't out it in there. This week has been hard. I go see Dr. Hinton today...
I am praying for you and Scott.
I had a crazy dream about you and your family last night! Bryan and I met you, Scott, and your parents and you were taking us on a tour in a huge suburban. You were still pregnant and wearing stirrup pants!! You got hot and sweaty and insisted on changing them! It was so strange!
I just can't believe Harper is almost here. I think your pregnancy zoomed right by!! :)
its officially countdown time then!!!
Gosh, I hope you're feeling OK. All of your blog followers can't wait to "meet" Harper, but, of course we want you and her to be healthy!
How exciting!!! I'll keep sending special prayers up for you all.
My daughter was given the same option. Her due date was Nov. 25 and on her appt. that day, the doctor told her that she could be induced the next day, if she wanted to. It was tempting because it would have been the day before Thanksgiving. But, she was decided not to because she didn't think that she should determine her baby's birthdate for convenience-sake alone. She was doing fine but only dialated 2 cm. All of those horror stories of 20+ hours of labor was in the back of her mind, so she thought she'd give the baby the chance to get things started on his own....as long as there were no problems for either of them. Well, she made an appt. with her doc for the following Tuesday, one week later. She went into labor on Monday, Dec. 1 and delivered a beautiful, healthy little boy. I hope your decision is the right one for you as it was for her. I check everyday for the arrival of Harper. God bless!
Hi Kelly.. just checking in on you and Miss Harper. I hope you are feeling wonderful and getting plenty of rest. You too Scott... you are going to need it. ((hugs)) and blessing heading your way~
YAY, almost there Kelly!!!! Can't believe eshe hasn't made an appearance yet. I wish she'd hurry up :) LOL!
And looking at the Subway just made me REALLY hungry, haha!!! :)
On your poll to the right, I'm voting for Sunday, so her b'day will be 1/11 (sorry, I'm a number kind of gal!)
Hope you're feeling good!
Praying for peace of mind for both you and Scott. Please know my prayer is for everything to go well and I cannot wait to see your beautiful baby.
Blessings today and always,
Matthew 21:22
I can't believe the time is almost here :)!!! Praying that these next days go well...whatever may happen.
p.s. We went to the doctor on February 6th and they told us to be at the hospital the next morning for Vance's induction. I know what you mean by sudden...LOL!
STOP! Please do not get induced on a Friday. My dad is a dr and told me when I was pregnant with my first that they would try to induce on the Friday before I was due to keep from delivering on the weekend. I laughed and a few months later was induced on a Friday. You do not want the weekend staff IF YOU HAVE A CHOICE.
I did not have a good experience either time. (2nd time baby was too still and I was going in for monitoring daily so I agreed to another Friday delivery. I survived and my children are healthy, but please wait until Monday. (Just so you know, my dad was a well-respected, high-profile doctor in our town and I had the best suite and flowers from the hospital administrators).
That being said... Wait until the full time nurses are there. I had a nurse pulled from another area and my other nurse kept having to go ask someone else when I had a question. I was given bad advice at least twice. When my first son was put in the hospital at 3 days for jaundice (more frequent with inductions), I wandered to the delivery area and talked to some of the nurses, they were shocked at what wasn't done and what I was never told.
Sorry to go on like this, but wow, did I learn my lesson and learn my dad is smarter than I think. Even in my 30's!
Hi Kelly, I've been reading your blog occasionally since finding you on Bring the Rain...it's so thrilling to read your posts as you await the birth of your sweet Harper!
I just wanted to chime in with the recommendations to avoid being induced if at all possible. Generally speaking, it is a much easier process if nature is taking its course rather than your body being suddenly forced into labor.
I wish you all the best -- Harper's birth day, whenever it comes, will truly be one of the most joyous and profound experiences of your life and I pray that God will bless both of you with good health and safety.
Take care!
Good choice on waiting it out. I know so many people that have been induced and ended up having an emergency c-section.
Go take Dawson on a long fast walk. I worked out for 2 hours the day before I had the Prince.
I try not to offer unasked for advice but I'm making an exception to my rule. = ) DO NOT BE INDUCED. Every person I know (myself included) who has been induced with the first baby ended up with a c-section. I've had 4 sections. You don't want it. It know it's hard to wait. But the risks of having a section jump big time if you are induced. Babies come when it's time. Due dates are NOT exact.
End of unsolicited advice. = )
I just love reading your blog and can't wait to see that sweet baby girl! I was induced and everything went absolutely perfectly. However she comes, it will be the greatest day of your life! Congratulations. Enjoy every second of it, because before you know it, she will be 6 months old...and growing so fast right before your eyes.
I'm glad to hear you decided to give Harper a few more days to cook...when she's ready she will let you know!
I LOVE those little leggings!
Gook luck!!
I happened upon your blog through my friend Val, you seem so sweet and I too am praying for your sweet Harper's arrival! My husband and I had a rough road before we were blessed by our sweet baby girl....she is now 16 months old!! God is so good just enjoy every minute!
Good for you for waiting; I know it's so hard to wait those final couple of weeks, it makes me so anxious to feel that the baby could come ANY minute and then...doesn't. All the women I know who have been induced who have also gone into labor naturally with other babies tell me that induction is much harder than just letting it happen; the contractions are regulated by drugs, not your own body, and the pace seems to be much more difficult to cope with. I went into labor naturally with both of my boys and it was so fun to see the mounting evidence that we would meet our babies soon! I'm praying that you will have a peaceful birth experience and that you will find labor empowering and meaningful :) You can do it! Your body was made for it! I know first labors can be hard, so I'm praying that no matter how your labor goes that Harper and Mama will be healthy, which is the most important thing :)
Hi Kelly...so excited to hear when baby Harper makes her grand entrance!! I went 5 days over my due date with Brooks and wasn't in a rush. I wanted him to come when God was ready for him to.
I just wanted to let you know that you, Harper, and Scott are in our prayers!! We can't wait to see her sweet little face :)
I have been reading your blog for a while now and can't wait for you to have your sweet baby! But as long as I've been reading your blog, I just realized the other day that your due date is January 12. My due date with my daughter Paige was January 12 and she was born on her due date! She turns 2 on Monday!! So I think it would be cool if you have Harper on that day!
Praying you have an easy, uneventful delivery. By the way my first daughter, Audrey was born on her due date too (April 15, 05)!
Can't wait to hear the news!
Emily in Iowa :)
pregnancy and childbirth...not for the faint of heart! I can only imagine what it is that makes you think you won't make it 'til next Wed!
First off when I saw you had 76 comments I was in awe if I get one I am excited! haha Can't wait for you to have baby girl Harper! Let me know if you need anything I would love to bring you a lunch or dinner if you need something!!! Before or after she is born just whatever!
Praying that Harper will make her way here, on her own, soon!
No offense taken! We longhorns can take it! ha!
We are waiting anxiously for that exciting call telling us we are officially Harper's aunt and uncle!
love you! Carrie and Chris
Oh thanks for the update on the prayer blog---I am praying now!!
Ooooh!! This is all so exciting!! Can't wait to see little Harper :)
I'm glad God has been answering prayers for the women who have been trying to have children. It would be great if God answered some of the prayers for the single women seeking a Godly husband as well.
Hope your delivery goes smoothly.. any day now!
I found a Harper sweater for you! :)
Wishing you a quick and speedy delivery and a happy healthy Harper!
good for you for being able to turn down the induction fairy!
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