My parents came in town tonight to go the Arkansas Basketball game.

They took us out to dinner and then Scott went with my dad to the game.

Can I just say that Arkansas basketball is BACK!!!!!!!! We have just beat two top 10 teams in the last week - Oklahoma and Texas tonight!!!! SO FUN! I moved to Fayetteville right after our 1994 national championship and basketball was so huge then. It's been on a downhill slope ever since but John Pelphrey is turning things around and I love it. I just wish I could have gone to the game but I'm pretty sure I'd be on ESPN as the girl who delivered a baby at halftime if I would have tried to waddle up to the arena. GO HOGS!!!

Scott took this picture at the end of the game!
Mom and I came home and watched "Biggest Loser" - did you watch???? It's going to be another great season. If you missed it - you can jump in next Tuesday - you won't be sorry!
And I'd just like to share that I found out tonight we now have 14 -
FOURTEEN - pregnant girls from the prayer blog!!!!! Keep praying! And if you are still on the list and having a hard time - know that we are all praying and you could be next!!!

I knew you would be watching the game and was a little worried you might go into labor!haha! Wasn't that awesome??!!
What are you thoughts on the little twist on BL tonight? I can't believe they sent 9 home!! I felt so bad for all of them!
Oh my! I forgot to say how great it is that 14 are pregnant!! WOO HOO!
Ahhhh - I forgot about Biggest Loser on tonight!! I've NEVER missed an episode till tonight!! Dang!
And yes, it is for Sunni!
How could I forget Biggest Loser tonight?? (I love your hair this length, by the way)
my poor Sooners...:)
love the 14 miracles from God.
I watched the biggest loser while eating animal crackers...something needs to change. The "grandparent" couple brought tears to my eyes. Not kidding.
hugs to you...k8
How exciting Kelly! Not long before the big day! Imagine delivering at a game! Haha! Sending love from Sunny South Africa!
The Biggest Loser was so good!! I can't wait for next week.
Delivery at the arena? This could be your ticket to lifetime box seat season passes, or honorary coach! When's the next home game? I say go for it! :)
Go Hogs~
Could you be any cuter?!?! I don't think so!! You just have such a beautiful glow about you and you always make me smile!!!
I haven't watched Biggest Loser yet...I DVR-ed it though and my plan is to curl up on my couch and watch it tonight!! I can't wait. That's another show I'm sadly addicted to. Oh well...love reality TV!!!
Thanks again for keeping us updated on all the latest!!
Jess :)
I don't think I've ever seen anything more offensive than that little slogan! OH, I KID! :) (Hook 'em, Horns!)
So, funny... I had a dream last night where I gave you all of the baby things we aren't using. Poor Harper! Going to be dressed in boys clothes now! (Does this whole paragraph make me weird??)
Anyway, I am so excited for you and cannot wait until she arrives! :)
Get some rest while you can, and avoid saying bad things about Texas! (ha ha!)
Take care!!
Kelly, I just want to say that it is wonderful that you have a prayer blog going. Prayer is so powerful and I'm sure the ladies are truly grateful for your time and thoughtfulness.
Can't wait to see Harper!
Kelli from Ohio
Oh my gosh - I'm cracking up over the little pic dissing on Texas. I went to Texas A&M and we of course call them t.u. - the two teams we route for on any given day are a) A&M and b) anyone playing Texas. (even though lately there is a third one too: c) anyone playing Texas Tech)
I hope that at some point in the next couple of months I can be a praise for the prayer blog too!
Yay for more praises! And Whooo Pig Sooie!!! Last night's game was GREAT!!!
It sounds like you all had a GREAT night ;)! I love college basketball so much and the fans are the best ;)!
Totally watched Biggest Loser... WOW! Am so anxious to see Finale Night!!!
GO HOGS! I am so impressed with our team this year!!! I am loving Cortney Fortson and Rotney Clarke! WOOT!
Tell you dad his new blog is wonderful. I put it as my homepage so I could start my day off right every morning. I LOVE it.
I have BL on my DVR. Will watch eventually!
It definitely will be another great season on biggest loser - but I can't believe the turn of events last night...so sad I think!
I love your blog and I think it is so amazing that you've started a prayer blog for all of these girls. Harper sure has a caring and thoughtful mom!
GO HOGS!! I have been a blog watcher for a while now. And just to add, I was 4 days late with my first child and was induced at WRMC. I worked until the day before my induction. I'm now a Hog fan in Wildcat country (KY). I'll be praying for you and your family for the days to come.
I just know one day very soon I'm going to click over here and see Harper has arrived and I'll just fall out of my chair with excitement!!!
Congrats on the win against OK. You deserve it. We were frustrated with them!! It's even better you beat Texas!!!
That is so encouraging to hear about another Praise! On Biggest Loser I was kinda sad that they sent 9 people home so soon. And what about the new theme song? The old one was the BEST ever!
Yay! For the 14 on the prayer blog! I have been praying for everyone!
I CANNOT believe they sent 9 home last night. I love getting to "know" the contestants and their personalities so I was really disappointed. There are a lot of people on there that need to be on the ranch...
I want to get into Biggest Loser this season but I have school and I am soooo desperately wanting a DVR, haha!! :)
Come on Harper, make your appearance already now would you??? :)
Have a wonderful day Kelly!
John Pelphry used to coach the team in Mobile, University of South Alabama!!! How random that you keep mentioning things about Mobile and the gulfcoast!-Erica
I cracked up at your "having Harper at the ballgame" comment! Jodi and I actually talked during our walk today about how hard it would be for you to go to ballgames at this stage of the game. That was a great game!!
PTL for 14 precious mommas-to-be!!
I LOVE that your ticker says FIVE days left...
2009 is the year of the Hogs!!! I have a feeling this is going to be a great year for basketball and football!
Now I am sure that you know but just in case, your coach for Arkansas is a Kentucky boy. Love me some John Pelphrey. I remember watching him back in the day playing for the cats. He has done a great job with that team. Congrats to you guys, but I don't think I will be saying that if they beat Kentucky when they play! I watched the game myself, well back and forth between the biggest loser.
i need a shirt with that on it! we may be the only Texans to hate UT...my man is an Aggie, so we always cheer for UT's opponent. :0)
thanks for making me smile this morning!
Hey! I totally watched the Biggest Loser- it was great! And 14 girls on the prayer blog...that is fabulous! Hopefully I will be a praise soon. Praying this cycle gives us our miracle baby!
I was so excited during the whole game! I wish I lived in NWA on nights like those.
So glad they won and so glad you had a fun night with your parents! They (and ya'll) are just so cute.
And although having a baby at halftime would have made for a great story, I think it was a good call to forego the game! Plus, had she been born there, you might have felt pressured to change her name from from Harper to Hooper and I doubt she would have appreciated that later in life. ;-)
My husband is a DIE-HARD UK (Kentucky) fan & he loves Pelphrey. He was hoping that UK would snatch him up, since he played for UK, but said that he can get some experience at AR and then move to KY in a few years ;) We were going to try to come for the AR/UK game on Valentine's Day, but the seats were so far away that it wouldnt have been worth the 5 hr drive!!!
Thanks so much for adding me to the prayer blog. I have been reading your blog for a very long time, way before you were pregnant with Harper. I just want to tell you best of luck! I will be thinking of you~
We were watching the game and SO EXCITED over here! Todd was there last week when we beat OU! :)
I am loving the praises.....God is just working, working, working! Praise Him!!!
Alright, alright...I have never watched the Biggest Loser, but you are really convincing me that I should!! I think I will tune in next week and join the fun =-)
14 girls!? That is SO amazing!! And SO VERY encouraging!!!! Thanks for always updating it and letting us know about the praises...it gives me hope =-)
Blessings to you Kelly!
What's this hating Texas for?????
I love Texas. And I happen to love Arkansas too!
Haters. Shesh! Texas ROCKS!
Congrats to the Hogs victory last night! I am U.T. Vols fan and I have been in shock since Bruce Pearl came to town. We have never had a good b-ball team but they are doing pretty good. :)
I am so excited and praising God for number 14!! 14 girls are now pregnant, all glory to God!!
YES! I watched BL! It really is going to be a great season! Boy, those trainers really have their work cut out for them!!
I keep checking your blog to see if there is any progress with Harper making her grand entrance. I am too excited for you. I think that the last few days are the longest. You just want to see that little face already. The body aching nights filled with lots of trips to the bathroom are alomost over. Within a week you will be holding/nursing your sweet baby and trying to find something good to watch on tv at 3am. It wll be a good trade off. :)
Come on Harper!!!
Thinking of you....
Steph in CA
Kelly you look so great for 39 weeks pregnant!! Can't wait to meet Harper. And yes, How 'bout them HOGS!!!
I never watch sports but I actually sat and watched the entire game with Lane last night and cheered and enjoyed it! I wish we lived closer so we could take Rhett to a game.
We recorded Biggest Loser--can't wait to watch it.
When do you go back to the doctor?
I'm so excited to read about a 14th praise!!! So neat!
I get excited every time I open my GoogleReader and see a new post from you.... I keep wondering will this be the post announcing sweeet Harper's birth?!?! :)
You have me watching the Biggest Loser now! My husband even watched it with me last night! It looks like it will be a good season!
May God bless greatly bless you in your last few days of pregnancy!!
14! praise God :) If the Hogs beat Texas then i love them! I guess i'm a cool kid b/c i hate texas, they beat my Buckeyes the other nighT!
14!!! That's so exciting!
As much as I love your blog Kelly - you can't hate so much on my LONGHORNS!!! I get enough of that now that I live in Ok! :)
I am so happy that the Hogs won, too! I posted the upside down longhorn, but your sign is so super cute!!
Oh Kelly, Kelly, Kelly! Isn't it enough that Texas played like doody, now you have to dis us too? lol It was a good game. I am not one to be able to sit and watch a whole game on TV but I was glued to the set. Can't wait to "meet" Harper!
ahem...some of your readers went to Texas! No reason to mock us openly. :-)
Mario and I plan to make it to a game this year...I used to love when Dad & I would go. i know you'll never believe this, but I think the last one we went to Dad got a speeding ticket on the way home and David Burris was with us!
That is AWESOME that there have been 14 girls! Praise be to God!
I know it is scary now that almost 40 weeks is here. Just wanted to encourage you incase you do have to be induced. I had to be induced. Everything worked out fine. One really great thing about it is you can get your epidural when you are ready so you don't have to endure lots of painful contractions :)
Keep us posted on Harpers arrival!
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