Thursday, January 15, 2009

Let it Snow Let it Snow Let it Snow

We woke up this morning to SNOW!!!!!!!!!!
It is SO cold. I think the wind chill is below 0! I'm so glad I had already planned to spend the day at home in my pj's. It was nice to wake up and not be stressed about driving to work.
Last night I made Harper a little red and white razorback tutu and of course I had to do a practice run on a doll. I'm so glad that after tomorrow I'll have a real life doll to dress up!!!!

My sweet friend Elizabeth called me this morning and wanted to bring us dinner tonight! I thought that was so thoughtful!!! She is a teacher and was out of school today so it was good timing!
She even put an "H" on top of the green beans - how cute is that?????

Our parents are on their way this afternoon to be here. This is the first grandchild on both sides and as you can imagine they are VERY excited. So they will be hanging out at the hospital tomorrow! We are going to bed early tonight to try and get some rest. I hope I can sleep. I'm so nervous and excited. As soon as I feel okay - I'll try to update ya'll tomorrow. Or maybe I can talk Scott into it! Either way - we will let you know how things are going and some time tomorrow you can see our little girl! Thank you for sharing in this most exciting time of our lives with us!

post signature


Anonymous said...

Blessings to you Kelly on the arrival of God's little miracle!

The Five Fares said...

Congratulations! I've been following your story for a while - and I had to comment, because Harper will be sharing a birthday with my baby, Charlotte, who will be one tomorrow!! I'll be praying for you tomorrow!

LWLH said...

YaY!!!! Harper will be here tomorrow! Get rest and good luck with everything tomorrow. i bet you cant wait to see your beautiful baby girl!!

The Writer Chic said...

I've been praying for you on and off all day. Can't wait to meet Harper girl tomorrow!

Perfectly Imperfect said...

I don't know if I've commented before but I love your blog!! I found your blog at just the right time in my life and your story has given me hope in my own battle for a family.. I'm so excited for you and your husband! I'll be praying for you all tomorrow and will be checking in constantly!!

Amy said...

You are SO in my prayers!! Can't wait to see you holding Harper tomorrow! :)

TriciaNae said...

WOW...snow!! I will be praying for safe travels for everyone (especially y'all in the morning). I just wanted to wish you the very best!!

MaierHousehold said...

Good luck tomorrow! Your life will be forever changed! You will have a love like you have never experienced for sweet Harper!

Congratulations and God Bless You, all the way from San Angelo, Texas!!!

ellen said...

I am so happy for you guys! I remember so well that feeling of "the night before". I wanted to get to bed early, but I hardly slept a wink. Wondering what she would look like, and how she would smell and just wanting to hold her and soak it all in.

I now have two (ages 6 and 4) so the "new baby" stuff has worn off around here. But I have so loved reading your blog and seeing how excited you are. It so reminds me of myself 6 years ago.

Little Miss Harper is one lucky girl! Enjoy every minute...

Becky said...

Can't wait to see that LIVING doll tomorrow. Your are in my prayers!

kate said...

so much love to you from one monogrammed lovin gal to another...I can't wait to see that sweet baby's face in YOUR arms!

January 16...that means her golden birthday is 16! Tell me you celebrate golden birthdays?

Lots of love...kate

Jenna said...

What cute tutu and what a sweet friend! Love the H-beans! :-) I can't believe the big day is only hours away! I will praying and praying and can't wait til that sweet girl is in your arms!!!

Love you friend! said...

good luck to you and little Harper. I will be checking your blog all day tomorrow.
You are going to love being a Mom, there is no feeling on earth like holding your baby for the first time. It was the happiest moment of my entire life.
I am so happy for you and your family to experience that joy.

Amber said...

The snow in your area is beautiful...we just had snow on the roof in Little Rock! I am a friend of Jill & Begina from LR, and that is where I found your blog...I have been following your pregnancy and am so excited for the big day tomorrow! Cogratulations!

Amy H said...

BEST WISHES for a speedy delivery. Looking forward to hearing how things went. I know you won't be online as much after she comes so I will be patient.

Mollie said...

The Hogs tutu is precious! You and your family are in my prayers -- what an exciting time for you all!

Anonymous said...

Snuggle up close to Scott and enjoy this last night alone. I would tell you to get plenty of sleep tonight but I know if you are anything like me... you will be wide awake! Just dreaming about what she looks like. How much she will weigh. How long will the labor you know those wonderful questions that you think about for nine months. Please know that I will be praying for all of you tonight and during the day tommorow. I just cant wait to see her in your arms. God bless all of yall~

Melissa said...

Good luck tomorrow! I will be thinking about you and praying as well!

Kristi said...

Oh, sweet one, I am so excited for you. I've prayed for you over and over again. I am blessed with two daughters. They are my best gifts next to Jesus! Tomorrow you will get to hold your precious Harper in your arms...delight! We can't wait to see the one that God has so wonderfully made! Blessings to you.

Rachel said...

Good Luck and try to get some sleep tonight!! You are going to be blown away how fast your life will change tomorrow, take in every moment!!!

Carly Winborne said...

How do i "squeal" through blog comments???!!! I'm so very excited for you because you have the exact same outlook that I did the night before I was induced. I hope you enjoy your little girl half as much as I enjoy mine.

I have since had another baby, a boy, but there's just something about that first one you'll never forget. Soak it all in, write it down, love every minute of it!


why am i sitting here sobbing? lol.. i'm soo happy for you & that harper will be here tomorrow. the package should arrive monday or tuesday they said, and let me know when you get it! :) good luck tomorrow, i'll be praying for you!!

Leigh Ann said...

Elizabeth is SO sweet!

I have thought of you ALL day and I know you will be the first thing I think about in the morning. I'll be praying. Congratulations, Kelly! I'm so happy for you!

Amanda Ledford said...

I am so excited for you and praying that everyone makes it in safe and that you have a fast and safe delivery and that Harper makes it here safe and healthy. :-)

Katie said...

Kelly, how exciting to have Harper come with the snow! Ha!

Enjoy your night! I hope you get some good sleep.

I'll be thinking about you tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I have been reading for a couple of months...and I am so excited!! Good Luck tomorrow and enjoy your baby girl!

Hopsy said...

I am SO excited for you and Scott!! I have been reading for a few months and have yet to leave a comment, but tonight I want you to know I am praying that all goes well! Enjoy your last night as a family of two and I cannot wait to meet baby Harper!

Anonymous said...

I am sooooo excited that I cried as I read your post today! Even tho' we have never met, I feel as though you are a friend and I can just sense all of the emotions you are feeling today! It is so exciting and to have both sets of grandparents is so very special. Mine are great to us and kiddos. Get some rest tonight easier said than done! It is like being little and waiting for Santa! You will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow as I pass out final exams to students. Then I will rush home after early dismissal to see the debut! Love, Kath

Marc and Charity said...

I hope you do get some sleep tonight, but I know I wouldn't!! I was induced with my second and I could not sleep a wink the night before I was so excited/nervous.

We can't wait to see Harper and the big smiles on your faces! :)

kinsey said...

i'm so giddy for you! saying some prayers and wishing you lots of luck!!!

Kelly Taylor said...

I can't begin to imagine how excited you are right now. I'm afraid I would be a basket of nerves! I will be praying for you every chance I get tomorrow. The tutu is adorable! Can't wait to see pics of Miss Harper wearing that outfit one day! I hope you and scott have a wonderful, peaceful night together to rest up for tomorrow. Lots of prayer being said for all of you.

Kayla said...

Oh, Kelly! I'm SO happy for y'all!! You are going to be amazing parents!

It looks like y'all got a lot more snow than I did. I want to have a snowball fight with Kale so bad I can't stand it!!

Harper is going to be the CUTEST little razorback in that outfit!!

I am praying that everything goes smoothly tomorrow! Can't wait to see a picture of the WHOLE family!!!

Crazy About My Boys said...

I am so excited for you and your husband! Hopefully you will be able to get some rest tonight! I too will be checking your blog numerous times tomorrow for a sweet picture of you both and your baby girl! You will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow! Congratulations!

Amanda said...

Enjoy your last night of un-interuppted sleep! I pray God's hand upon you and and your family tomorrow! Can't wait to see Harper! Good Luck!!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you! I am so excited for all of you!!!

Kristin said...

YAY, YAY, YAY!!!!!
Just remember to concentrate on breathing steadily, relax as much as possible, and whatever pain you feel will be gone as soon as little Harper is laid on your chest! I always felt like giving birth was truly the biggest accomplishment of my life. No matter what you may be nervous about, it will all come natural once she's here and remember that no Mom is perfect. It's okay to figure things out as you go, and I know you and Scott are going to be the greatest parents ever!

What a blessing your story has been to us all. We are so proud for you and I am SO excited to see pictures!

Can you tell that I just LOVE pregnancy and births?! Best wishes for a memorable, beautiful, and peaceful delivery tomorrow. May you feel God's love surrounding you and your family as you bring your little Harper into this world!

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers,

Kristin from TX

KLC said...

Guess harper wants to stay warm in your belly until afterthe snow! I don't blame her :) good luck tomorrow!!!

Fran said...

Well, my goodness. It's here. She's finally coming isn't she?! you know I'm praying all day for you. I bet I check this blog every hour. We will all be giving you to the Lord and praying His precious hand over you all.

So much love and excitement,

Lisa said...

Kelly -

Best of luck for a successful delivery tomorrow. I am sure you will do just fine. I am so excited for you and I am sure you are excited for yourself. Just enjoy the moment tomorrow as Harper enters into the world and cherish the moments as they will go by so fast and then you would give anything to re-live that moment again. I will be praying for you and Harper tomorrow and I can't wait to see her. I am sure she will be one loved little girl.

~ Lisa

Kelly said...

Can't wait to see the pictures of your beautiful princess. So exciting to think that she will be here tomorrow:-)

Thank you for sharing your journey, I have been blessed to witness your faith and joy in God's answer to your prayers.

Pierce Family Happenings said...

Thank you for sharing this exciting time with us-can't wait to hear of Harper's arrival tomorrow! Praying for a healthy and safe delivery for Mommy and baby. God Bless!

Anonymous said...

So excited for you both!! I've been lifting you, Scott & Harper up in prayer this week =) God Bless you all!

Joyce said...

Looking forward to pictures of that little angel who will change your life! Sleep as well as you can tonight. I will be checking the blogs as soon as I get in from school tomorrow! I will also have you and Scott as well as the new grandparents in my prayers tomorrow. I remember what it was like waiting for little Gracie, our first grandchild. She will be 2 in just a little over a month. My how time flies!

All of you need to savor every moment tomorrow as I know you will! God bless you all!

petrii said...

I've been praying for you and will continue to pray.

I'm so excited to see Harper!! YAY!!

Janelle said...

Can't wait to see pictures of sweet Harper! I know you are so excited, and it is a celebration of God's gift! I'm praying for y'all and know that you will do just fine!

Patty said...

I am excited for you!! I will be praying tomorrow morning. I am always up early having my quiet time. :)

The snow was pretty and nice to see. It is cold in Tennnessee but no snow. :(

I can't wait to see your sweet baby girl tomorrow.


Missy said...

oh kelly! i'm soooo excited for you. tomorrow is the big day. god keep his hand upon your family and only a joyful noise be heard!

C♥ said...

PLEASE let us know as soon as something happens :D

Immeasurably More Mama said...

Oh, I can hardly wait!!! This is SO exciting!

Flo and Grace said...

Wishing you a happy, joyful, fun-filled day tomorrow! Harper's going to be such a blast....enjoy every moment!

Anonymous said...

Kelly, I know you are so excited! I check everyday, so I am a bit excited too. Can't wait to see who Harper looks like! Will be praying for a smooth delivery and not too much pain!

Scherr Family said...

How exciting. I'll be praying for you. It's like Christmas day when you were 5. I hope you get some'll need it.ha!ha!

Heather said...

You know I will be praying for you all day tomorrow! I can't BELIEVE it is really here! Seems like just yesterday you were posting that you were pregnant! Blessings, friend! I am so SO excited for you!

Anonymous said...

so excixted for all of you! Please sends pics of sweet Harper when you can, can't wait to see her! best of luck to all of you and many prayers will be said!
Laura Colclasure

The Coach's Wife said...

Blessings to you and your family! I can't wait to see Harper pictures! She is one lucky girl! God Bless!

~aj~ said...

Kelly, my husband and I are so excited for you and Scott. You've been in our prayers and will continue to be as you welcome Harper into your lives! Words can't even describe how wonderful tomorrow will be for you both...congratulations in advance!

And good luck sleeping tonight. The night before my induction I wasn't able to fall asleep until nearly 3 am and had to get up at 5:30. Sleep deprivation began one day early!

Clark Family said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you await the arrival of your "lil" girl! Sending good wishes from Michigan!!!

Kelly | Fabulous K said...

I am SOOOO excited for you!! make sure someone gives us a play-by-play!! :)

Tina said...

I LOVE your blog Kelly! I just want to wish you the best for tomorrow. Your life is about to change in more ways than you can possibly imagine. The love that you will feel for Harper the minute they put her in your arms is just going to blow you away!!
Congratulations to you and your husband as you start your family together. You will be in my prayers!!

Colette said...

Good luck Kelly!

I am so excited to meet Harper so I really can't even begin to imagine how excited YOU guys are. I hope you can get some sleep tonight, but I doubt it.

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.

Traci said...

I have never commented on here before, but I wanted to let you know that I will be thinking about and praying for you tomorrow. Happy delivery!

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

Congrats and good luck tomorrow!! I am so thrilled to know you will be meeting your sweet Harper in less than 24 hours!!

Kendra said...

What a thoughtful friend!

I will be praying for you all tomorrow!!!!!!! And tonight, I will be praying you get some sleep =)
Can't wait to see Harper!!

Becky said...

Sleep well. Remember, you own your labor! Once Harper is born, you will be so amazed that she was inside of you. It is so incredible when you think about the miracle that God weaves within. Just so incredible.

I have to laugh at your snow! In Indiana, we have almost a foot of it! So beautiful.

Wifer said...

I can't wait to see pictures of Harper! My thoughts and love are with you guys:-)

Kristen said...

I will be praying for you tomorrow for a safe (and easy!) delivery! I hope all goes well for you and your new sweet Harper! (Good luck with the sleep, I can never sleep the night before my c-sections, I'm too excited!)

Lianna Knight said...

I am so excited for you Kelly...I'm not sure I'LL be able to sleep :)

Katie said...

Oooooh, Kelly! I just could squeal I'm so excited for y'all!! I cannot wait to see Miss H!! Y'all are being prayed for!

Cute beans! ;o)

ilovepink said...

I just can't wait to see her! You're going to love being a mommy!!!

Betsy said...

I am soooooo excited for you!!! Try to get as much rest as you can tonight...I know that will be hard though! I will be praying for you all day tomorrow. I just can't WAIT to see your litte sweetheart! :)

Jennifer said...

God Bless you Kelly! Tomorrow is going to be one of the most amazing days of your life :) Try and get some rest tonight. And we can't wait to see pictures of Harper!

Gracie Beth said...

Good Luck tomorrow Kelly! I will pray for you and Harper and that you have a quick and painless delivery! I will also likely be checking your blog constantly tomorrow! I am so excited for you and cannot wait to meet Harper on here!

StephanieG said...

You are literally hours away from holding your baby girl! I will be praying for a safe and painless (ish) delivery tomorrow and a healthy mama and baby.

Love the tutu!

Enjoy your last eveening as a family of 3.

Can't wait for the updates.


In This Wonderful Life said...

I'll be thinking about you and praying for you guys!! :)

monelle said...

I will be thinking about you and anxiously waiting to see Miss Harper! I am so excited for you, Scott and the grandparents!

TheFancyFritter said...

Yay Kelly! I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to see sweet Harper! I hope you are able to get some sleep tonight! :) Enjoy tomorrow and take in every precious moment! Can't wait to see pics! I'm praying your day goes well and you get through delivery with no problems.

Have a great relaxing night!

Kaitlyn said...

So happy you have been blessed with a bundle of joy and will meet her soon!

Shal said...

Congrats, so happy for you, and can't wait to see Harper! Take it easy, and praying for a safe and speedy delivery!

Erin said...

We will be thinking about you tonight and tomorrow all day!!! Cant wait to see pictures of the sweet little girl!!

Would love to know how you made the tutu!! I really want to make some and I just bought some tulli or whatever :)

The Garners said...

It snowed the night before Alexee was born too! We left for the hospital around 5:30 a.m. in the ice, but had no problems.

I've enjoyed your pregnancy journey so much, and I look forward to many many pictures and stories about Harper in the days ahead!

God bless!

J said...

I am so, SO excited for you!!! I can hardly wait for an update but know that you, Scott, Harper and the medical staff will be in my prayers!!

Lyndsey said...

I just recently came across your blog and I wanted to tell you how excited I am for you! Good luck with everything tomorrow, and get excited to be a MOMMY!!! :)

p.s. i LOVE all the adorable outfits you have, Haper is going to be a little fashionista!

Sarah said...

So, so exciting! I will keep you in my prayers tomorrow.
Congrats, and can't wait to see Harper!

Kelly said...

I'm so very excited for you! You will definitely be in my prayers tomorrow, I can't wait to hear!! Try to get some good rest tonight!

Kelley said...

I am so excited for you! This is such a special time. I am praying for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Kelly and Scott-Hope everything goes well tomorrow and me and my Scott are keeping you in our prayers! Good luck and try and get some sleep girl cause you'll need it!! Tam-*ohio*

Val, Brax and Harper said...

i have to tell you, ALL day long i've been thinking it was friday, wondering why in the heck we haven't heard any harper news. then i see this post, and i'm like what is she doing making tutus- shouldn't she be at the hospital???? then i realize, at almost 8pm, that today is only thursday.... DUH. good luck TOMORROW--FRIDAY!!!!

Angela said...

Good luck with the induction. I can't wait to see Harper.

Anonymous said...

HI Kelly Scott and Sweet Harper,

All Day, I've been checking in to see if there was any change from the plan - I'm glad to see you are still calm and resting :-) I can't wait to "meet" Harper tomorrow - I voted for Friday, Jan. 16, on the poll, because its my birthday :-) so yeah - I am so excited to receive such a wonderful gift on my birthday - the birth of your sweet baby who has been prayed for and dreamed of by you for so long. I am praying that your labor, delivery, and special first moments with Harper are all you have dreamed they would be. I trust God will give you the peace, strength, and tenacity :-) you will need tomorrow. Sleep well tonight - it may be the last in while ;-)
Hugs from Michigan,

Twice as Nice said...

Our thoughts and prayers will be with you all day tomorrow. We will be glued to the computer just waiting......:o)

Laura Ann said...

Sweet Kelly ~ The big day has arrived and I will be in constant prayer for you, Scott, your family, the nurses and Drs. that you will encounter. I am praying for a wonderful delivery & a healthy baby girl. Your life is about to change and you are about to experience love like no other. It is truly amazing and I am so glad God has chosen to bless you and Scott with Harper.

I can not wait to see all the pictures.

Your package should be at your house when you arrive home from the hospital.

I am so excited that you are about to be a MOMMY! You are so deserving of all the blessings that have come your way.

Jordan said...

It's supposed to be -30 with the wind chill at my house tonight, YUCK =[ LOL

That tutu is adorable! Harper will look so precious in it =]

Good luck tomorrow Kelly! You'll do great & you're going to make an awesome mom! I hope you get tons of sleep tonight!!

Stacey said...

I am so very happy for you and Scott! I can't wait to see pictures of your little angel!

Staci said...

God is so good! You are an amazing woman of God and I know Harper will follow in your footsteps. God has great things planned for her...and it all starts tomorrow :)

Anonymous said...

I'll be thinking of you and praying for you tomorrow! I can't wait to see pics!!!

julie & joe said...

You were lucky to get snow. It's just cold here! We will be thinking about you and praying for you tomorrow.

Carri said...

Praying for you tomorrow! Soooo exciting! I can't wait to see her!

Anonymous said...

Hope you are enjoying your last night being pregnant with Harper! I will be praying for you tomorrow, and can't wait to see some pictures! :)

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

I have so enjoyed following your pregnancy and re-living my own pregnancies through your wonderful blog. I have 2 grown daughters. Your day tomorrow is going to be so amazing!!! Us Moms could talk all day about it, but until you have your own child, no one can tell you how you are going to feel when you see that precious miracle from God! I have always said that I don't know how people cannot believe in our awesome God when they see a new baby!!! Just think, Harper is almost ready to meet her new Mom and Dad.
My thoughts & prayers will be with you and your family all day on Friday. I can't wait to see pictures of the new family!
Love & blessings!

Heather said...

I'll be thinking of you and Scott tomorrow and praying for a safe and peaceful delivery. So happy for you guys and both of your families!! And can't wait to see that precious babies face.

Carrie said...

Good luck tomorrow!!! I can't wait to see pictures of your little angel!!

Anonymous said...

I'm de-lurking to say that I hope it all goes the way you want it to tomorrow, that I will send prayers up for you, and that, like the rest of your faithful readers, I can't wait to "see" Harper!


Jill said...

I'm so excited for you guys! Can't wait to see pics of little Harper!

Get some rest, tonight...tomorrow is a big day. :)

Becky said...

Just a quick note to say that I'll be praying for you, Scott, and Harper tomorrow. I can't wait to see pictures!!

Lord, please encamp your angels around Kelly, Scott, Harper, and the medical staff tomorrow. Help Kelly to enjoy this experience as much as possible! Safe delivery for baby Harper!

Amy said...

Many prayers for you, Scott and Baby Harper! It has been so fun being there with you through your writing during this pregnancy and it will be so great to watch Harper be loved so much when she gets here. God bless you!

Lindsay said...

So excited for you! Best wishes!

pinkmommy said...

I hope you are getting a little sleep tonight. You will never sleep the same again after tomorrow.

And, just so you know, it is totally normal to check to make sure she is still breathing 100 times when she is asleep. I'm not sure why us mommys think they will just decide to stop. :)

Can't wait to see her!

Rhonda said...

Kelly, We are so excited for you! I can still remember how tough it was to sleep the night before we had to check in at the hospital. The last 5 weeks w/ Thomas have flown by way too fast. So savor every precious moment of tomorrow and each day after. We will be praying for you and can't wait to see a photo of your precious angel.

Nancy Hood said...

Okay, so normally I'm one of the hundreds of stalkers :) that usually do not leave comments BUT today has to be an exception. I found your blog while just blog hopping around one night and thought you were just the cutest thing. I told my daughter about you, who told her friends, etc. and now we're all "Kelly Watchers" ha ha We are in prayer for you, Scott, and sweet Harper. We also have connected with your father's blog and just recently your mom's!
Thank you for sharing this beautiful part of your life with us, Kelly, and we all look forward to watching her grow :) It will be well tomorrow ~ just think of the hundreds of prayers being sent up in your behalf tonight?!!!
tight hug,
Prattville, Alabama!
Roll Tide!!

Lauren said...

Can't wait to hear the news that Harper has finally made it into the world :) :)

Chele said...

Praying for your strength Kelly! I am so excited for you. I can't wait to see your precious baby girl! Cherish every moment!
God Bless you and your family!!
Chele in KS

Ashley said...

I cant wait to meet Miss Harper!! Praying for ya'll!!

Jacquie said...

It's so hard to believe that it's time for Harper's arrival. I'll be praying especially for y'all tomorrow.

(I'm thinking Scott can Tweet for you during your labor tomorrow.)

Meagan said...

I can't wait!!!!! Know that you and your family and most of all Harper are being lifted up in prayer!!!!

Laura said...

I dont even know you, but I can't wait for tomorrow!!! I am so excited for you guys. Just remember to try and enjoy tomorrow as much as possible...I remember being sad when Brody's birth was over. I will be thinking about you guys tomorrow...and checking this blog all day!!!

Stephanie said...

Kelly and Scott,

We are praying for a wonderful day tomorrow as you labor through sweet Harper's arrival!! I can't believe it's time already! I know you are so excited and grateful and ready for her to be here. We wish you a wonderful day and of course will be asking the Lord for a safe and smooth delivery. Enjoy your sleep tonight....I can't wait to check in on you tomorrow!!!

Jamie said...

I've been following your blog, but never commented.

Congratulations!! You are all in my prayers. Get some rest tonight because you won't for a long time to come.

I know how you feel though because I'm expecting our 4th (2nd biological) in 9 days and I am soooooo ready!!

Melinda Browning said...

Congratulations, Kelly!! I started reading your blog when you were 13 weeks along. Every good wish for a wonderful life with your sweet angel. Enjoy her!!

Taylor said...

Yay!!! I'm so, so, so, so excited for you guys! I can't believe tomorrow is the big day. I know you won't see this till who knows when because you're going to be so busy, but I hope everything goes smoothly and I'll be praying for you guys!!

Meredith said...

Praying for a smooth and quick delivery. You are about to begin the most wild and wonderful journey. Best wishes sweet friend!

Heather Bug said...

Thrilled for you!!! Just think, tomorrow at this time, you'll be holding precious baby Harper in your arms!!! I'll be praying for you!

Momofgirls said...

What an exciting day! I will be praying for you throughout the night and morning tomorrow!!

Enjoy very moment!

Janet said...

Such an exciting time for you and Scott! Looking forward to meeting your precious daughter and will be popping in for updates! YEAH!! By the way, that tutu is tooooo precious for words! Clever Mum!

Anonymous said...

Just have fun tommorow, let everyone baby you and watch over you and little Harper! Can't wait to see the sweet one! You and the family will be in my prayers. Hope all goes well and she makes it easy
on momma. Before each of my childrens birth we would make a video of us on the way to the hospital and tell the baby good luck. Then we had one on the way home and we would show them around our home. A little thing you might like to pass on. Good Luck!

Amy said...

Hello Kelly,
I have been following your blog for awhile and I have to say it has brought a lot of memories. Six years ago next week, my first daughter was born... so we shared similiar pregnancies and excitement. Reading your posts these past few months brought back memories of where I was six year ago... thanks for sharing and helping me remember what an amazing time that as for me. .. Amy P.

krislyn. said...

Kelly-- I am sure there are so many emotionals running through your head. But what an exciting time, just think your answered prayer will be arriving in less than 24 hours. Many blessings on a "easy" and smooth delivery! Can not wait to see photos!!

Kim said...

It is 12:15 am where I'm at and I bet you are still awake! Go to bed!! Get some rest, the time is ticking!!

I wish you the best of luck!! Can't wait to see pictures!

A said...

Hi Kelly,

I am kind of de-lurking. I am a regular reader but have only commented a once or twice.

I have loved following your pregancy and wish you all the best for your delivery! I can't wait to see pics of little Harper in her cute tutus...

Take care

Anonymous said...

Lifting you up Kelly today. I pray this is a beautiful expirence and that you will soon be holding H in your arms.

djp said...

Been following your journey for awhile, and been praying along the way! Harper is going to be sooooo stinkin' cute! can't to "meet" her!

Rebecca Jo said...

praying for you all this morning

Stacia said...

Your journey has been so wonderful to share...
I will be praying for each of you today. Can't wait for pics =)

Gigi said...

Love the monogrammed green beans!

Sending lots of prayers and good wishes your way for a wonderful birth-day.

Anonymous said...

You look beautiful Kelly! Lots of prayers and love being sent your way from a college student in Oregon! Can't wait to see her!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you Kelly! Also I am so happy that when Harper sees her daddy for the first time, she will see an Arkansas Razorback on his shirt. No doubt who she will be cheering for. Start them young! Take care and I am praying for you all.

Mike, Kacy & Wells said...

Just so you know, I've been at work today following your progress by Mike, whose company does not block blogs. I'm so glad it's going well! Keep up the hard work!