Am I trying to get back in touch with my cheerleading days at 40.5 weeks pregnant?
No - it's because I just got the call from my dr's office that by Friday afternoon - I should meet Harper!!!!
The morning started off not too great. I went to the dr and asked for an inducement but because of the way things are set up and because I wasn't way overdue or in trouble - she didn't think I would be able to be induced until next week. I think she could tell how sad I was so she said she would do some begging and have her nurse call me back. She finally called and I get to go in at 5:30 a.m. on Friday. My doctor is off and I'm so sad but my second favorite doctor (Dr. Hinton for you locals) is the one who will deliver and that is a HUGE answer to prayer because they are the main two I have seen and there are 6 or 7 others who I wouldn't have really known.
So I'm going to kick back and relax and really, really try to just stay in my pj's tomorrow and enjoy my last minutes of freedom and I can't wait to meet my girl!
Please pray for a safe delivery and a healthy baby!

Please be in prayer for my friend Jenna who had her baby yesterday. She had a very tough delivery and Brayden's lungs quit developing around week 36 so he is in a different hospital in the NICU. She's not able to be with her son because she's recovering from a c-section. I know she must be having such a hard time so lift them up!
Oh and if you want to see the changing table my dad is building me.......it's ALMOST done....you can get a sneak peek here.
It will be a day you'll never forget. Wishing for all the best to you and your husband and of course Harper.!!!!
Hey Kelly! I have been reading your blog for awhile now and have never commented. I enjoy reading your posts! Good Look Friday!! I am sure everything will go wonderful! I must say you have a lot more patience than I did. By the way...I love the name Harper!
So excited that you'll get to meet Harper on Friday!! Glad that you both are doing well! Congratulations agin on everything. You will be a great mommy. Your friend is in my thoughts and prayers and her little baby boy recovers.
I know that you will look back on this week and be thankful that you had this time with Harper IN you! Friday will be great...(I like birthdates with even numbers!)...treasure the last day you have tomorrow and enjoy those jammies!!!
Good! I am so glad to hear that you know when you will meet your baby!
Congrats....Friday will be a wonderful day!!
I just came to your blog form another....
Prayers will be said for Jenna and her family. I can't imagine what she has went thru.
Can't wait to see pictures of Harper!!
I've only left a comment once before but have enjoyed following your story. I know you must be SO excited to know that you FINALLY get to meet your little girl! Good luck on Friday! Praying that everything goes smoothly and you have a happy, healthy little Harper!
How exciting. I can't wait to see pictures. Enjoy your pj day tomorrow.Treat yourself......put your feet up and relax. good luck with the delievery. courtney
I love this picture!! you look so excited.. Yes try and enjoy your last day of freedom. I hope you have a safe and easy delivery and know that Friday will be the BEST day of your life. Words can not describe the way you will feel when you first hold your precious little girl!! Can't wait to see pics!!
Congratulations! Enjoy your day tomorrow - and double check that you have everything packed! We'll be praying that all goes well for you and sweet Harper on Friday! Grandma and Grandpa will be So Excited!
I am soo excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been praying for Jenna. I can't image what she is going through. She is strong.
I love the new flowers.
So glad to hear that Friday will be the big day. We will be praying for you that the labor and delivery will go smoothly. And we will continue to lift up Jenna and Brayden. Hopefully, I can stop by on Saturday and meet Harper. You have a look of relief on your face.
Awesome! That is so exciting. I'll pray for a quick and easy delivery.
SO exciting!!! Ms. Harper is almost here!!!!!
Jenna and her family are in my prayers. Poor thing. That's got to be rough!!
Praying that sweet Harper comes out safely!!! So ready for pictures!!!
YEA! You finally know a day. That is awesome. What a relief. I am happy for you! I'll be praying for a healthy and wonderful delivery.
What wonderful news! I know the next two nights will both be like Christmas Eve - especially tomorrow night! January 16 is a beautiful birthday for a beautiful little girl. Can't wait to see her pic! What a blessed child to be born into so much love. So excited for you!
I have checked your blog a thousand times today and when I saw your update on facebook I knew you would post soon ;)!!!
I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU! I will definitely pray that your days are relaxing and the delivery goes well ;).
Ok, Friday it is. Fridays are great days to be born on Miss Jesscia M' was born on a Friday. I wish I could come & see you & Harper, what hospital are you deliverly at? I think you said WC where Jessica was. I know you are so excited. This gives you parents & Scott's time to drive up. Best wishes Kelly. I'll say a prayer for you. Karen Barnes= Jessica M's mommy
I am soooo excited for you!!!! I remember that feeling like it was yesterday...the waiting to meet that baby! I also, really loved the whole hospital experience with all four as well...call me crazy! :)
Many prayers for you, Harper, Scott & Dawson! Also, prayers for your friend Jenna as well.
Can't wait to meet that precious bundle of joy through updates!
YAYYY!!!! Praying for you, your sweet hubby and Harper!!
Yippee!!! Yay!!!!!
I'm sure I could almost be classified as a stalker because I have checked the blog and fb throughout the day. I was feeling a little strange so I'm so glad you got the news and now we can just wait.
Yea! How exciting!! I can't wait to read all the news!
Have a safe delivery and I pray for a happy healthy baby Harper!
Can't wait to see the first pics of your cutie!
HOORAY for Friday!!!!!!!!!!! You look so excited (and relieved!). Yipee!!! BTW, the changing table looks spectacular. ;)
Will keep little Brayden in my prayers. I read his mom's blog earlier today. That must be so devastating not to be near her baby boy! Give her an extra squeeze from me.
Yay for having Harper on Friday! Praying all goes smoothly.
Will also be praying for your friend, Jenna and her son.
Exciting! I hope you have a smooth delivery and can't wait to see your pictures of baby Harper!
I am so excited for you. Guess what? With my first daughter she was over a week late and the doctor arranged for me to call the hospital on a designated day and see if I could come in to be induced. Well, Lauren decided that she was going to pull one over on us and my water broke earlier than my scheduled time to go in. When I called the hospital, they told me they were full and I coudn't come in for my induction. When I told them that my water had broken, they said that was a different story - COME ON IN!!! I ended up having an emergency C-section, since Lauren was breech, but everything was fine. My second daughter I had by a regular delivery!
Who knows, Harper may decide that she wants to come before Friday too!! Wouldn't you all be thrilled? Please enjoy your last time together with just the 2 of you and try to get some rest. I am praying for you and also your friend and her sweet new baby boy! Best of luck with your delivery. We will all be waiting patiently on Friday. Love & blessings!
Whoohoo, Kelly!! That is wonderful news and I am so excited for you! May tomorrow be a restful, joy-filled and beautiful day for you as you anticipate little Harper's birth! Will very much be thinking of you!!
Yay!! Praying for you and Harper!! Love Love Love reading your blog!!! I started my blog because I loved reading your soo much!!
January 16th is a GREAT birthday, and she will thank you later for having her as far away from Christmas as possible! Good luck, Kelly!! And thank you so much for sharing your journey... I've loved every minute of it!
Yeah for Friday!!! Praying for you!
YAH!!! Harper!!!
(you look stunning!)
I have been following your blog for sometime now and love it! I am very excited for you & your new arrival! We will all be praying that everything goes smoothly! Best wishes!
Sarah in TX
I will pray for you to have an easy delivery. Friday is my daughter's birthday so I think it is the perfect day to have a baby.
Your father is so funny and the table is beautiful! I am so happy for you and I thank God for giving you favor! Enjoy your next few days!
I will be praying and the changing table is AMAZING!!!!
Blessings to you!
Yippee!!! The changing table is going to be GORGEOUS and oh, so special!
I've been praying for Jenna and Brayden today, too.
Yay for ya'll!
This is the week for inductions. Our really good friends were induced yesterday. Their little girl Ava was born just after midnight.
I have been super attached to my computer and phone trying to get updates on all the babies this week!
You should go on one last date night!
Lots of prayers!
Kelly- I have loved every single picture of you, but I think today's is my favorite! I am so excited for Friday to get here! Enjoy your PJ day tomorrow (and catching up on Idol tonight!) and know that lots and lots of prayers are being prayed!!! I saw the changing table on your Dad's blog earlier today and it is GORGEOUS!!
Love you friend!!!
You totally don't even look pregnant in your "cheerleader" picture!! The changing table is so gorgeous, and that is so special that your Dad made it! I am super excited for Friday and Harper's arrival! :)
Yay for Friday!! Praying for a wonderfully easy labor.
Amy Rincon
So Jan 16th will be little Harper's Birthday!!
I will be praying for you to have a safe and healthy delivery!!
I'm so excited for you! I know what it's like to be past your due date and anxious to meet your little girl! I've been induced twice and was fine. It tends to go a little faster once that medicine kicks in. I will pray for an easy delivery for you and as pain-free as possible.
The changing table is beautiful and such a wonderful gift!
Enjoy tomorrow!
We're all saying a cheer!! Can you believe you're almost there??
Adorable headbands. You find the cutest stuff.
I'll be praying for Jenna and Brayden...
Good luck Friday! You will be in my prayers.... I am so excited for you and you know we cannot wait to see beautiful Harper! Enjoy this little time you have left of peace and quiet :)
HOORAY FOR FRIDAY!! Oh girl I am SO excited for you!!!!!!
I am praying for you and Harper, and for Jenna and sweet Brayden.
Hope you are able to relax =-)
Congratulations! I know Friday will be a very exciting day for everyone. I know your mom is so ready to be a grandma....and hold Harper.
It is so nice to be able to know the exact day Harper will get here! Now you can just relax and it's all taken care of!
I can't wait to meet her, too! She is going to be so beautiful. I will be praying for you all day on Friday!!
Lots of love and hugs to you. You are about to start the most wonderful journey of your life!!!
best to you kelly! i do hope you take it the natural way with delivery as drugs can be damaging to the baby. also, hope your blog does not turn into a 'baby-blog' but continues to be a bit about everything, including your cute dog.
YAY!!!!! Friday will be one of the best days of your life!! I pray that you have a safe and healthy delivery!!!
That's so great! Good Luck
btw..your dad is a very talented man building that changing table!
I'll be praying and I'm also going to be petition the Lord for wonderful nurses to go along with the doctor you like!
Happy Birth-day to your whole family!
God Bless you and your precious family.
So excited for you! I know you are so ready to have her in your arms!!!
I am so excited for you!!!! I will be praying everything goes perfect!
I will be praying for Jenna too. I can't imagine...
YEY!!!! I'm doing a cheer for you right now!!! So the 16th should be her birthday unless she decides to just really be a little stink and come tonight or tomorrow after you've made the plans to induce--ha! :) That would be fine, too! ENJOY TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!! Will be SOOOOOO excited to check in Friday and see what's going on! Do you think your parents will be able to sleep before then with all the excitement!? Praying everything goes perfectly!!!
Kelly I pray you have a calming peace about you tomorrow that will allow you to relax and enjoy what's to come. Praying for you and the family to have an easy labor on Friday. Can't wait to see this baby girl we're all praying for!
That is so exciting! I am ready so I know you are so ready.
Funny story- I was doing a lady's hair today and we were talking about blogs and she said that she was following this girl that was about to have her baby and her name was Kelly! I sort of freaked out and said ME TOO! So we had a little fun moment talking about you and Harper! Is it weird that so many people you don't know are so interested in your life?! :)
Anyways hope you get lots of rest tonight and tomorrow. Its going to be really cold (like 4 degrees) when you go to the hospital on Friday so bundle up!!
Glad you get to be induced on Friday! I wish you (Harper and Scott too) a quick and easy birth, and I hope everything goes perfectly! I can't wait to see pictures of Harper! Good luck! :)
YEAHHHH!!! It will be a beautiful, unforgetable day!! I remember knowing that I had to go in @5:30 am on a Friday to deliver Thomas. The anticipation made the days long, but the reward is a little miracle. We will be praying for you and can't wait to see Harper.
Oh, I'm so excited for you!!... and I'm a little jealous. I still have a good 2 weeks to go, or more! :)
I hope everything goes well for you and baby Harper!!
Yay! I am so excited for Friday. I had the best induction experience, so I'll be hoping for the same thing for you.
What doctor is going to deliver you?
Yay! Congratulations =]
I just recently found your blog and I am SO excited that there is an end in sight! I have been there...and knowing that you have a date is such a great feeling! Many prayers to you and your family of (soon-to-be) three!
Your dad's post cracked me up too...the changing table looks beautiful! Congrats on your miracle!
YAY!!!!! How exciting! Does it seem completely surreal?!?! I had a great induction experience (and know LOTS who have)... I hope you do too! Are you making an EXTRA big gift bag for your anestheisiologist?! Ha! They will be your new best friend! Praying for you... Can't wait to see sweet Harper in all of her adorable clothes!
So happy for you and Scott! It will be a wonderful day and one you will never forget! Best Wishes and I am glad our students dismiss early Friday so we can all be watching for HARPER's debut!
Woo hoo! I will certainly be praying!
And a 'good Friday' it will be:) I am thrilled for you and cannot wait to see Baby Harper!
And, very thankful she will be a January baby vs. a December baby:)
Enjoy this time.
With His Love,
Matthew 21:22
I'm so excited Kelly. Pack that computer girlfriend bc we are all going to be dying to see that precious bundle of beauty! ;)
Hang in there and I know you'll just enjoy every bit of tomorrow.
Love ya,
YAY! Friday was my pick in the poll! :-)
congrats and really try and enjoy the day because your life will be unrecognizable starting on Friday!
Best wishes!
Congrats!! Enjoy your day tomorrow:)
I got back from work and just felt it in my gut that the baby was coming and soon, so I came over to check for an update.... I wish you all of the best tomorrow, and Friday, and everyday of your life (lives) afterward. Praying for speedy, safe, and easy delivery for you and baby Harper!
I'm getting my my party hat on and my streamers ready for a birthday celebration on FRIDAY! Yay!
{Insert Jenna doing a herky!}
Hi! I jumped to your blog from my sister-in-law's (Jill Averitt). And in reading your post, I looked at the changing table your dad is making... are you from Flippin? I'm from Mountain Home... just down the road from Flippin, AR! Great changing table, by the way. Anyway, you are adorably cute pregnant and I wish you a smooth delivery Friday! Love your blog!
Jen Averitt
Ohh yay!!!! I love those headbands also! You better not forget to call me if you need any meals or ANYTHING after she is born! Actually I am going to bring you a meal or dessert whatever you like best once you get all situated! :)
What a crazy, small world! Are you in NWA now? My sister lives in Fayetteville and LOVES shopping at Bella Jacks for my baby girls. Love your blog... and after reading your dad's post about the changing table I may become a frequent reader of his as well! Good Luck Friday!!! And enjoy your last day of "freedom". :)
How exciting! I know you are just beside yourself at this point! I had a scheduled c-section with my daughter Emma Kate and I remember trying so hard to sleep the night before...IT WASN'T HAPPENING! LOL Maybe you will have better luck! I will be praying for you and Harper and her safe arrival! I can't wait to see her cute little face!
Yay for Friday!! Can't wait to hear that Harper is here safe and sound!! That will be such a wonderful day...the best day ever for you and Scott! You are making me want another baby :)
Take care of yourself, and stay in your jammies (or ju-jammas as Lucy would say) ALL day tomorrow. Prop your feet up, and eat whatever you want!!
The changing table is beautiful. Your Dad seems like a wonderful man...reading his blog entries over the last few days made me almost cry. He is so excited about Harper coming, and I think that is just wonderful. He reminds me of my Daddy...who absolutely adored my girls...it is just the sweetest thing. I cannot wait to get all caught up with the Bible reading and leave him a comment.
May God bless you on you and Harper's (and Scott's) BIG DAY and every day following!!
Kelly- You don't know me, but I am sort of "bloggy" friends with Brittani. I live in Alabama (Tuscaloosa to be exact) try not to hold that against me! Anyway- I love reading your positive blog. Watching you await Harper's birth has been such a joy to me. You are going to make an INCREDIBLE mother! It's so nice to see Godly women out there having their prayers so faithfully answered. I have a son that is two, but also recently had a daughter, Lydia, about 6 months ago. Girls are so incredibly fun!! I, along with what seems like the rest of the free world, will be tuning in Friday to see your precious news. God bless you and keep you!
So excited for you! What a cute picture!
The changing table is beautiful!!! Your dad is SO talented!
Prayers for you as you rest on Thursday and prepare physically and emotionally to meet your little Harper on Friday! I can't wait to see pictures of her!
Dr Hinton is my doctor and I love her!! Her son Cooper and my daughter Rylie were in Gymnastics together!! She didn't get to do my C-section, Dr. Hix did but he is great too!!! Good luck!!!
Can't wait to meet that sweet Harper. I'm still praying for you!
there are some good things about being induced and the best one is that you can be prepared. have everything packed, everyone there and everything taken care of. i hope it all goes very well. i know you are so excited.
Good luck with everything!! I will keep you and Harper in my prayers!
Hi Kelly!
Just dropping by to wish you and Scott the very best tomorrow as you welcome Harper into the world! You'll never forget the moment you see her, face to face, for the very first time! I'll be praying for you all!
Take good care!
YAY!!!!!! I'm soooooo excited for you Kelly and the whole family..... Harper sure is taking her sweet little time, haha!!!! I hope you have a great birthing experience and pray all goes well.. We love ya girl!!! :)
What great news! That is so exciting!
Good luck!
Can't wait to see pictures of the precious one!
YEAH! That's only a day away! Wohoo! I pray that all goes well.. I'm ready for an update in the morning! :) Hopefully it is quick and "painless" - a girl can hope! Best wishes!
Congrats!!! I am so happy for you!!
Friday is my daughter's 4th b-day...yay! I have been hoping it would be Friday!
Just read your Daddy's blog! Precious!!! He is so in love with you and Harper. And the changing table is gorgeous!
Good luck Friday. You are so blessed to have so many prayers from people you know and don't know. Cherish every moment with Harper. It took me a while and several miscarriages to finally have my precious baby and I think that makes her even more priceless to me. She's almost a year now and I can honestly say every morning has been like Christmas morning. I know that because of Him, she is with me and that is why her name is Grace (blessing from God).
SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!
And I saw a headband very similar to these on a little girl the other day - it was the most precious thing!!!
Kelly~I have been reading your blog since Aug. and have gotten hooked! I found it through Mary Lindsey Blanton, who is a friend of my brother and sis-in law the Hickman's. Ever since then, i have loved reading, and have prayed for Harper's safe arrival, and your enjoyment of pregnancy! Whenever she decides to make her apperance-whether it be Friday or before-know that she is in His Precious Hands until then, and take complete comfort in that! In His Unfailing Love~ Bari
Kelly, I have been following your blog for months now. It is so exciting that "we all" have come to the day of Harper's arrival with you. I was induced for both my children. It was such a great feeling going into the hospital those mornings and knowing, today I'm having my baby! I pray for a good/safe labor and delivery. Can't wait to see beautiful Harper.
Yay!! So excited for you!!!! Can't wait to hear about how it goes!! Good luck!
Just stumbled upon your blog! Best of luck to you on Friday =)
Pray you sleep like a baby tonight. Harper will be in your arms tomorrow night. Life will never be the same. You are blessed.
Congratulations! I enjoy your blog and hope to start my own!
Hi Kelly. I know I'm just another of your hundreds of commenters, but I do read faithfully and I did want you to know how I will be thinking of you and patiently awaiting the arrival of your Harper. I know this is a time you have waited for for a very long time and you and Scott are going to be wonderful parents.
My prayers are with you. Best of luck.
Terri (Scrapper Mom)
I am so excited for you! I cant imagine how wonderful it feels to know you will be meeting your new best friend in just a few short hours! Thank you for allowing all of us to share in the progression of your little miracle! You are in my prayers!
Congratulations Kelly!! I would be jumping for joy too!! I see that you have gotten several things from your blogging friends. We would like to send something as well from "The Other Kid." We sell dog collars and scarves and we have made something very special for Dawson! Although you are having a new baby (one that looks like you) we know how important the first kid still is!! contact us if you can theotherkid.nc@gmail.com
oh goodness, now i can stop checking your blog 65 times a day! let's be real, who am i kidding... just like everyone else, then i will probably check MORE for pics of sweet harper!
praying for you -- thank you for sharing yourself with all of us through this entire process. i stumbled upon your blog somehow right before you announced you were pregnant, so it has been amazing to follow your journey!
That's great, Friday will be a wonderful day! :)
Congrats! I'll be praying for you and your friend. :)
Sending you thought and prayers for a quick and easy delivery! So excited for you and your husband. You've waited for tomorrow for so long and I know that you are beyond excited. I've really enjoyed following along with you on your journey. It's been great to "get to know you." Congrats Mama--you're almost there.
Josh would die if he knew I was telling you this, but it's just too funny! He was on the computer this morning before he went to work and he popped his head in the bathroom where I was getting ready and very excitedly he said, "Harper is coming on Friday afternoon!!" I'm not even joking! The Lord heard it to! I told him that was old news!! haha! Good thing I was in the bathroom because I almost wet my pants! See Kelly, EVERYONE is waiting for Miss Harper to get here!!:)
I am so happy that they called you back!!! OMG, I think I might wet my pants!
Can I just say that you look GREAT! I swear, when we were in the hospital I looked such a hot mess! But you look great!
You look so beautiful and READY! I put on your mom's blog that my friends at Baylor are watching too! We are all so excited! Epidurals are wonderful!!! Love you lots!
Aunt Sacky
Harper is such a cute baby! Love, Skylar
Hey Kelly! You don't know me, but I just wanted you to know that I am praying for you and Harper and more importantly that my my 3 year old son, Will, is praying for y'all too.
Jenna Tyson babysists for me and well is actually part of my family and one of my very best friends. She shared with Will that "Baby Harper" needed us to pray for her and well, we haven't said one night night prayer or morning prayer on the way to school(daycare) without praying for Harper, ever since. I do think his sweet little prayers are heard as quick as anyone's (as well as my sweet 6 year old, Brannen's) so just know that prayers are being lifted EVERYWHERE for your precious little girl by people you don't even know!!
May God continue to give you strength and may you feel His love through your family and friends and may he heal your daughter completely and fully like only HE can.
Ashley Ellis
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