Nothing is happening
Me and Harper are still hanging out
I could be doing something productive with my time while I wait
but instead
I've got my pj's on and I'm getting in bed with
Me and Harper are still hanging out
I could be doing something productive with my time while I wait
but instead
I've got my pj's on and I'm getting in bed with

I can't imagine a more perfect night.
Take your time sweet Harper! :-)
P.S. I got a report today of another PRAISE!!!!! Someone else you have been praying for is pregnant. I can't share who just yet but that is 13 girls!!!!
To God be the Glory Great Things HE has done!!!!!
Yummy! : ) Enjoy your night.
How yummy! I tried a recipe today from the newest Southern Living, the hot fudge brownie cake and yumo. I'm getting the baby in bed and the hubby is in the bedroom watching TV so I am curling up with that cake and The Bachelor myself! Enjoy!
Does sound like a perfect night! I've had my milk chocolate chips and am watching the UT bowl game...sitting in a nice recliner. I'm with you, Polka can take his/her time!! :) Had a doc appointment today and nothing is happenin'! It would be fun to eat some ice cream with you!
You go, girl. I think we should all stand up and applaud the inventor of magic shell. So worthy of the pregnant woman's praise.
I'm sure Harper will enjoy it, too!
Magic Shell is amazing! I can't believe I didn't discover it for the first 21 years of my life. :-)
I LOVE The Bachelor. So excited to watch it tonight.
You're cracking me up!
And, yet, Magic Shell Chocolate is the bomb! lol
That DOES sound like a perfect night!
I had forgotten The Bachelor was coming on tonight. Thanks for the reminder.
Hope you and Harper enjoy your evening!
Love the Bachelor! Watching it as I type! So Excited, he is so cute!!!
Harper will come soon :) Can't wait to see her sweet self!!
We always had magic shell at my grandma's. Right before bed!
The Bachelor and I are hanging out as well! And now I am really wishing I had invited your other two friends to MY pj party! :-) That is some GOOD company right there, my dear.
And BIG YAY for another praise. Amazing!!
You and Harper have a wonderful night!
That's my kind of night! We're out of icecream, but mint chip sure does sound AMAZING right now!!
Next week, you may be watching The Bachelor with beautiful Harper in your arms! Kale refuses to watch any of those shows so I have to watch them online when I get back to my apartment!
Wow, God is great!! 13 VERY happy women!!!
Enjoy your relaxing evening!!
YUMMY!! Enjoy the ice cream!! :o)
I miss those nights. However, nursing I crave sweets all the time and eat more than I did when I was prego, so I can do some magic shell and still get away with it, sometimes. :-)
Sounds like the perfect night and yahoo on that praise!!...Lord keep m coming~
I am watching the bachelor too and I am seeing a few who need to go tonight. lol
Enjoy your time watching t.v. tonight and you can't beat Blue Bell! Yum.
Also, praising God for the 13 girls!! God is Able.
watching some bachelor myself and I am cracking up at girls that can't stop giggling! It's like Middle school all over again! That ice cream sounds yummy! Enjoy your evening!
I've been popping over to your blog from "Bring the Rain" for half of your pregnancy and wanted to say hello and good luck this next few weeks! You are truly blessed and I have enjoyed your excitement these past months. I am expecting baby # 3 in June and it's been a while (5 years) between our daughter and this new one, so it is like starting over for us in a way.
Anyways, I'll be sending you good thoughts these final days and will be sitting down to enjoy the Bachelor tonight also (after I get the kiddos in bed!)
I LOVE Magic Shell!!! Such a yummy treat to eat in your PJs! I could really use some of that tonight. (: Enjoy!
Sounds yummy! I *LOVE* The Bachelor! :)
I am watching the Bachelor right now too!! I was rooting for him last time because he seems like such a great dad, and a nice guy! Now if only I could have some of that ice cream... That is SOOO encouraging to hear about another praise!
Mmmmm....this blog post made me want some ice cream. Can't wait to read about Harper, what a cute name!
Praise the Lord, that is such wonderful news!
Oh my goodness. I miss Blue Bell ice cream SOOOO much!
My ice cream days have come to an abrupt halt! But, yay for you!!
Thanks for keeping us posted on the answered prayer!! That is amazing!
Lots of Bachelor fans tonight. I really liked him on the last show! Enjoy your last days before Harper! We are anxiously waiting to meet her.
hi sweet friend!
received your/my thank you after arriving home to Norman. Made me giggle...
Love that we put the same picture of Jason on our blogs...I stinkin love this show. the human behavior is awesome.
Harper is loving your magic shell!
I'm watching the Bachelor as I type. I have a blog award for you on my blog.
I love the Bachelor and ice cream too... Great taste :) Hope you have a great week!
i think you should do this every nite until harper comes. and revel in every second, and every bite!
Yeah for the answered prayer!!! That's awesome news!
Wish I could hang out and eat ice cream with you tonight! I went to the gym this evening for the first time in weeks and weeks and I thought I was going to pass out after simply walking a mile around the track--sad! I tried to do the rowing machine, but that was awkward and a bit painful, so I quit after 5 minutes--I didn't really want to go into early labor at the gym!
Our computer processor crashed a few days ago, so I'm very stressed out about only having access to a computer/email/blogs at night when L gets home with his laptop! I'm checking in on you and Harper as often as I can to see if you've gone to the hospital. I told L he might have to start checking your blog for me during class because he takes his computer there!
Enjoy your ice cream.
good for you--resting and relaxing is just what you need these few days leading up to harper's arrival!
i don't believe i've ever tried magic shell! but i think this pregnant gal may need to try some! :0)
Haha...I was listening to the radio on the way home today and the topic was the bachelor. He is from around here and everybody is talking about him. Funny. Now I want some ice cream...thanks;)
I LOVE magic shell!!! Man...wish I had some now!!!
Kelly, I have been so excited reading about you and your sweet life while waiting for Harper- I love the monogramming frenzy and am so excited to see Harper when she is born. Keep writing and I'll keep reading and loving every word!
I just finished watching the Bachelor - and I think this season may have to drive me crazy - drama!! But I just have to know how it goes for him! :)
Also wanted to tell you - I'd just read your praise update about the answer to someone's baby prayer - and about five minutes later, I started reading my devotions. One of my study topics this year is prayer, and right now I'm reading about how Abraham's servant prayed for God's guidance and intervention in choosing a wife for Isaac. The verse up for study tonight was Genesis 24:15 - where the servant shared with the family how he was still praying when Rebekah appeared. I was journaling about how important it is to share the answers to prayer (as being just that) when they happen...and I remembered God had just given me a great example of that in your blog!
Sounds like my kind of night! You do all of that that you can until that sweet baby girl gets here!
I'm watching too ... minus the yummy ice-cream & chocolate. I "love" Jason!!!
The best nights of all - you deserve it. And I see you love David Crowder. He's coming to our church for a concert this month - yipee!!
So exciting about the new pregnancy! I cant wait to email you when its my turn! God is so good.
Hey Kelly, I am coming out, been a lurker for way to long now.
Just wanted to wish you good luck all the way from South Africa (in case something happens, hey you never know).
Love your blog!
And what wonderful news on another girl being pregnant.
Oh girl, there were six girls at my house watching The Bachelor tonight-I love Monday nights!!! And you can never go wrong with ice cream and magic shell!
Hope you enjoyed your night!
Sounds like a perfect night!
I LOVE magic shell! I am thrilled about the prayer blog and how well it is working!
I'm so glad you posted something about the Bachelor, as well!! I thought people would think I was crazy, but seriously, THE BACHELOR...come on! I guess I didn't care what people thought, but still glad you mentioned something and put a picture of Jason on your blog, too!! I also, sort of, wish that I was one of the Bachelorette's on the show...but that can just stay between the 2 of us (well, and the other tons of people reading your comments, I guess)! ;) I'll just keep praying that God will bring that "special" guy into my life!!!
Hopefully you saw my Homemade Kit-Kat Bar recipe that I sent. :) Just thought you might like to add one to your collection.
Enjoy your day today!!
Jess :)
Go ahead and laugh, I am a major loser! I fell asleep just an hour into the show! Haha! :-)
How is Harper watch '08 today?
Okay, is the bachelor not absolutely adorable or what.... sounds like you had a very nice and relazing evening. My kind of evening Kelly, but you could have shared some of the ice cream :) :)
I LOVE Magic Shell!!! So glad to hear another woman is pregnant. Congrats to her!!
Sounds fabulous! Praying for smooth transitions for you and Baby Harper.
BTW- I love your blog!! Just thought I would leave some comment love for you :) You are super creative and fun! THanks for the daily inspiration!
That looks like heaven ;)! I am glad you are able to enjoy a little down deserve it!
Can you believe they are going to bring Deanna back??? I was shocked. My family was asleep upstairs because I had DVR'd it to watch after they went to bed but I bet they could have heard me gasp all the way up there. :) Hope this next week passes quickly for you. I love reading your blog and can't wait to see Harper!!! I made your Cherry Limeade punch on New Year's Eve and kept talking about Kelly this and Kelly that and my BFF wanted to know when did I run off and get a new best friend. :)
Oh my gosh I miss Blue Bell & Yarnell Ice cream! You know they don't have that stuff out here in Las Vegas! What is up with that? No Cracker Barrell either & my e-mails are NOT working :(
Anywho, I watched the Bachelor & I think I will really like this season. He seems so good with Ty, his son.
And, PRAISE THE LORD for another gal pregnant. That is so awesome. I know we will all have our time when God decides to bless us with a baby :) Until then, we are still hangin' in there...
Sounds great to me! Enjoy it! And PRAISE THE LORD on the praises!!!
So happy for another praise! About the bachelor, I can't believe that they are bringing Deanna back, that's just crazy. But hopefully he won't pick her!! I have not tried that magic shell yet, but that is on my list to buy soon! Have a great week!
You make me want to pregnant again! Our Sophie turned one in November. She makes my heart jump! I pray blessings over you and your sweet family. Also, someone gave me a book a week before I had Sophie called Supernatural Childbirth, by Jackie Mize. Do you have a copy? I would love to send you a copy. It has the sweetest prayers and confessions on desiring to conceive, fullfillment over barrenness and the acutual pregnancy and labor. I was so afraid of labor. I am not exxagerating when I tell you that my labor was the best experience of my life. My nature is to panic and freak out, but it was one of the calmest days of my life. The Lord is awesome. I would love to send you this book. Email me if you are interesed and I can drop it in the mail.
Many blessings,
Your comment did crack me up, which was good after the emotional day I had! :) Thanks!!!
Girl, I totally thought of you and this post tonight.. did you see Biggest Loser!? The little PSA they did at the beginning about not eating ice cream while watching the show! I laughed bc of this post and I know you love BL. Anyway, I posted about the show because their is a girl on the show with my name, and it's total paybacks I think for when I told a girl she looked like someone on Biggest Loser. Anyway, hope baby Harper comes soon!! You look as beautiful and radiant as ever!
How did you like the Bachelor last night? I think he has a lot of nice women to choose from. Of course there is that one "twist" in the mix. I wonder why she is back. The Biggest Loser was on tonight. It's going to be good. So HAPPY Michelle won the last one. Vicki was so mean I almost couldn't watch it. I bet when she got home and seen herself on tv she was a little ashamed of herself. I know your ready to have Harper but try to ENJOY the few days you have left, feeling her inside her. That part is such a blessing and you will forget it later.
LOL I meant feeling her inside of YOU! Sorry
hey kelly! I love reading your blog and am so excited for you! I know you have a completely adorable blog design already...but if you would be interested, I'd love to give you a free deluxe makeover when your little on arrives! (or before!)
take a look @ my blog and let me know if you'd like one!
congrats on your amazing blessing!!
I hope you are watching Arkansas beat the number 7 team in the country!! Thought of you all :) Hope you're feeling great!
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