Monday, January 12, 2009

40 weeks and NO Harper

40 weeks

This is my last belly picture - all pictures from here on out will be Harper pics.
It's been fun. :-)

I thought I better get on here and give a little update. I've had a MILLION e-mails, facebook messages, texts, and calls today and it has just delighted me. In fact I wanted to write it on here so I would remember how great this day has been. Ya'll are so sweet - judging from my sitemeter (which has basically BLOWN UP) - I love how many people want to know if Harper is here yet. I'm afraid she is a stubborn little girl - I can't imagine where she gets that from. (Don't ask Scott or my parents - they'll tell you). ha!

So for the last few weeks - I have had to drag myself out of bed and most of the time I don't even get up until after 7 (and I need to be at work by 8). This morning - my first day off - I was wide awake at 5:45. Isn't that the way it always works? I had to take Dawson to the vet at 9 anyway. He has a little wart in his mouth and doggie daycare wouldn't let him come back until it was fixed. It turned out to be okay - not a contagious doggie STD like they thought. ha! But the vet was most concerned about our current only child with the new baby coming. She gave me a lot of handouts about preparing him. :-)
I came home and made lunch for Scott. That was really fun. I felt like a regular Donna Reed to greet him at the door with lunch. Of course life will not be that easy starting next week! :-) I got these little flowers glued to clips so Harper can wear them on bands and hats! I was going to make a razorback tutu but the day has just flown by. My friend Kacy and sweet Wells came walking by so I got to visit with them for a while - another highlight of the day!
Oh and I ordered this little dress off e-bay for about $15 before Christmas and it came today!!! I realize the child does not need anymore clothes but I couldn't resist and I thought she needed some green in her wardrobe. Maybe she could wear it for St. Patty's day. ha!

So basically - nothing is really happening. I feel really great actually. I go to the doctor on Wed and I'm going to request to be induced Thursday or Friday (preferably Thursday). I'm hoping that can happen. I REALLY want that to happen actually. So if you could - please pray that Harper continues to enjoy her stay and we can calmly check in to the hospital early Thursday morning and I can receive my epidural as early as possible and the delivery will be just fine. Please pray that all is well with Harper and that she is a healthy little baby. AND please don't worry - I will update on here as SOON as anything big happens!!! Thank you for being so interested in our little life! I love all my blog friends (and my real friends) - ya'll are a blessing!!!!! And if Harper comes out and she's the ugliest baby you've ever seen - just tell me she's pretty and we can continue on! ha ha ha! (as long as she's pretty on the INSIDE - that's all that matters to me).

post signature


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear/see the news! You look great. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

taralynn819 said...

One day she's gonna get you for the "ugliest baby" comment!

We can't wait for the pics!!!

Lilly's Mommy said...

Hi! I have been checking your blog all day long at work. Hope I don't get in trouble :)
I am glad you are posting...we are all so curious to meet your little girl.
Wish you a peaceful labor!
Agata from IL

Patty said...

You look great and I have been praying for you all day and I have been praying for Harper. :) I love the dress,,,sooooo cute!! I will pray for every request you mentioned. Enjoy the bachelor tonight! I can't wait for tonights show and A.I. tomorrow night.

Anonymous said...

You are too funny! You know that child is going to be BEAUTIFUL. I mean she was a special order from the LORD for petes sake. How could he skimp on this sweet girl. Thats probably why she took a little extra time in the making. You know perfection takes time my friend. Now go sit and put your little feet up and hang in there till Thursday. Tonight Im off to take My Miss Madison to dance class. She is 8.... see what fun you have ahead of you. Take three.. opps you four. Sorry Dawson!

Stephanie said...

I can't imagine she'll be anything short of adorable! Enjoy these last few days of quiet and rest...can't wait to meet Harper when she decides to come!! And please let me know what your vet told you about preparing Dawson, I'm wondering what I should do for Ryley :)

Faith said...

There is no way that baby will be anything but gorgeous! Can't wait to see pics of that sweet Harper girl!!

petrii said...

What a cutie you are!!!!! And that child is absolutely beautiful!! Can't wait to see pics of her in "person" =)

Have a Blessed evening,

Kristy said...

Oh my.... there is no way that she will be ugly!! I worried that my #2 would look like me and not be as cute as #1 who looks like her daddy. They are both cute, though! Ha ha.
My friends and I at school couldn't WAIT until a break in our staff development to check and see if she was here yet! =)

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

Hey Kelly, this last little bit is the hardest when you are waiting for the baby to be born. Harper will be here soon!!! Your sweet Mom left me a message on my blog today and then I realized that I had been reading your blog already. Small world, isn't it? You read my daughter's blog (Adventures of a Southern Newlywed). We are all just one big happy "blog" family. I love your name for the baby and don't worry, she will be the most beautiful baby ever. Wait until you see her for the first time. It will just melt your heart! Being a Mother is the most awesome thing in the world. I have 2 amazing daughters!! You were talking about Harper's new dress. My daughters will tell you, a girl can NEVER have too many dresses, shoes or pocketbooks. Best of luck with your delivery. I am praying for you! Love & blessings!

R said...

i always hear that the first child is often late! if it makes you feel better, my firstborn was induced on her due date and she moved UP instead of DOWN! so we went home and decided to just wait. a week later we had a scheduled c-section--she STILL had not come on her own! it all turned out great. and so will harper!!

Mrs. Wife said...

You are too cute! Are those Citizens Maternity jeans? Love! I will be praying for you and your family!

Kari Wright said...

Well I was expecting your next post to say "She's HERE", but I guess she would rather be fashionably late and take her time! Glad you are still feeling least you get to relax and watch Batchelor tonight! Ha! That sweet little girl will be here before you know it..Enjoy your last few nights alone with hubby!

amy said...

I am new to your blog...over from Bring the Rain. I have spent the last several days getting up to date by reading through your blogs. How fun they are! My husband & I are big SEC fans (War Eagle!), no one up here quite gets it. :) My birthday is on Thursday! Tell Harper it is a great day to be born on! We always get a day off b/c of the holiday!
Good luck!

Immeasurably More Mama said...

She will be beautiful...I'm sure of it!

Thanks for keeping us posted.

Mrs. Valente said...

You are just the cutest! It sounds like you are doing your absolute best to enjoy the wait. I feel for you though. I have ten more weeks and I'm already feeling soooo ready!;)


Good luck Kelly! My sweetie was induced on her due date and we did just fine. I'll be thinking about you Thursday. God Bless!

Jordan said...

Harper will NOT be ANYWHERE near ugly! She's going to be beautiful like her mama =] Enjoy your last few "childless" days!

julie & joe said...

I keep waiting. It's almost worse than waiting for my first niece to come. I'm sure she will be beautiful.

a boy a girl and a pug said...

you crack me up! you and all your energy. i just cannot wait to see pics!

Leigh Ann said...

I had lunch with Kandi today. Wish you and Harper could have joined us! I CANNOT wait for this girl to get here! I swear you are all baby. You are not swollen at all! How'd you do that??? That dress for Harper is DARLING! Don't you worry, this Harper will be beautiful Ms. America material. I just know it! Afterall...look at her mommy and daddy!

kate said...

the first thing I did tonight...sitting down with my salad...was check on you! you look great, of course! can't wait to see her sweet face in your arms...just where she'll forever belong! loves, k8

JennaDK said...

I'll admit I visited your brother and sisters page to see what their Twitter said and then continued to ask if you were in labor! I'll be praying for a fast delivery and in no time you'll be holing your precious Harper!

Kari said...

I have such a blast reading your blogs! I look forward to seeing a new one all the time!!! You look fab-U-lous! And, I am positive that your daughter will be beautiful! And, even if she isn't, even ugly is cute on a baby!!
Anywho..I will be praying for you for sure!

the day's said...

ok, so i confess...half of the counter is me!! ;) as someone who carried BOTH of her babies for nearly 42 weeks (and i wasn't nearly as smart as you, they were both born in august...HOT HOT HOT!) you have been on my mind constantly. even little vivian has added baby harper and miss kelly to her prayer list!! hang in there and thanks for the updates!

Glitter & Bliss said...

Good luck to you. I know your little one will be aprecious doll!!! They are all wonderful gifts. I can't wait to see a picture of her.

Kaitlyn said...

Thanks for the update. That dress is too adorable! Can't wait to have Harper with you! :)

Kelly said...

You are too funny. I admit I have been one of the ones hopping onto your site all day long to check and see if there are updates! I will be praying for the labor and delivery, I can't wait to hear some news! And I know for sure she will be beautiful!!

Heather said...

I love the 40-week belly pic! You are adorable and I knew you would DIE when you saw your sitemeter!!! So cool! Also FYI- I got my first pair of maternity jeans today and they are FAB and SO COMFORTABLE that I could sleep in them and I decided (like you) that I will just go ahead and wear these for the rest of my life!!!! :) I love them!!! It also makes things "real" even more and I am so thankful that there is a sweet baby inside me!
I almost texted you today, but I figured you were getting inundated. I love you and am praying for you guys! said...

you are just glowing. Such a pretty young woman. That baby will be beautiful just like its mama. You just enjoy your time at home and relax and rest...

We've Got Scents said...

Praying all goes well for all of you. Cannot wait to see your beautiful baby.
You look fantastic! Oh, the pure joy!
Blessings to all of your family,
Matthew 21:22

Kelly said...

Thanks for the update! We're all SO excited for you! You are such an amazing person. Here you are so far along into your pregnancy when most women and miserable and uncomfortable you find the energy to make gifts for the nurses, cookies for the visitors and even write updates for your faithful blog friends. I am so glad I found your blog! Your posts always brighten my day and encourage me to think of others, be grateful for God's blessings and always have FAITH!

Mrs. Shelton said...

There is no way sweet Harper will be ugly...she has no chance of it! She will be the cutest thing (and the best dressed I may add!). I will be praying for you!

Jenny said...

there's no way harper could be any less than gorgeous w/ you as her mommy! and i personally would love to raid her closet! happy (almost) baby!!!

Sarah said...

Lost count of how many times I've checked your blog today. lol! Glad to see a post up and get an update on precious Harper!

creative gal said...

Praying for ya!

Ashley said...

I honestly checked your blog 100 times today! I'm so glad for you that your feeling well and that Harper is healthy and still growing. Lots of prayers for you and Harper for sure!

Danielle said...

Thanks for updating...And can I just say, you still look AMAZING!! Harper is so lucky to have you as a mommy. I've been checking all day for an update. I can't wait to see "THE UPDATE". Continue to rest and enjoy the down time. God bless you!

StephanieG said...

You still look fabulous at 40 weeks! Been so excited each day when I see a new post in my reader. I'm sure that THE post will be any minute now and Harper will be so gorgeous...outside too! Keeping you in my prayers..

Kayla said...

Cute dress! You'll never have to pick out her clothes. You could just go down the line in her closet!!

I have been checking Jacquies blog to see if you or your parents have posted "Today's the Day!!" all day long!!!I Guess I need to add you to my blog roll to make it a step shorter! Ha!!

I just can't wait to see that precious girl!! Who, by the way, could NEVER come out ugly!!!!

The Shabby Princess said...

Kelly--you look amazing!!!! I can't believe you're 40 weeks! I thought for sure you'd had her because we hadn't heard from you early today. Ha! Glad you got to enjoy a nice day off and finish preparing for the arrival of Harper. I will pray that everything will go well with being induced and that delivery will go well. I'm sure it will :) Congratulations on this great time in your life. I can't wait to read about your journey in motherhood!

Anonymous said...

I was wrong last week, I am so glad that we got one more week of belly pics!! You look fantastic! Praying that everything goes well! And I can't wait to see baby Harper! :)

Elizabeth said...

When I logged on tonight your blog is the first one I checked. I'm so excited for your little one to get here.

wendy said...

You know she will be beautiful. Just keeping up with your blog I can tell what a wonderful person you are and you will be an amazing mom! I will keep checking on you and I wish you the best-also an easy labor and delivery!

Megan said...

You look amazing for 40 weeks!! Thank you so much for sharing your story with all of us. I'm praying for you and little baby Harper, as well as the rest of your family! Thanks again :)

Michelle T said...

I just wanted to let you know I will be praying for you this week. I can't wait to see pictures of baby Harper!

Katie said...

Hahahahaha! Kelly, I am SURE that Harper is NOT going to be an ugly baby. I'm one of the people, though, that firmly believes there are no such things as ugly babies. Some of my friends, and my sister, are of the opposite belief. But I know Little Miss Harper is going to look just as cute as, and we all know she already has a fabulous wardrobe, so she has a good head start. I was wondering how many visitors you were getting these days, since I know I am checking all the time, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. I'm glad Dawson doesn't have a contagious STD...that could have been scandalous. And, as always, y'all are getting lots of prayers! Take care & rest up, missy!

Leah said...

How long do you have to search for those cute things on ebay? I always get frustrated and quit! $15 is a great deal on a monogrammed dress! Do you have some favorite ebay stores? Just curious. Those hats with interchangeable bows would make great gifts!

C♥ said...

You should update via twitter, that way we all know and you don't have to worry about writing a whole post.

I am due on Feb 14th and I feel like days are dragging by, can't imagine being 40 weeks and waiting! Haha.

Good luck, we wanna know as soon as something happens!!! :D

Jill said...

There's no way that baby is going to be ugly. LOL That made me laugh out loud though.

I'll be praying you have a smooth delivery and that you and Harper come through it happy and healthy!


Gigi said...

You really have the most beautiful pregnancy glow!
I'm laughing on the inside because I voted in your poll that Harper would be past her due date. I didn't do that to be mean, it's just that I think first babies are often stubborn about arriving.
So excited to see little Harper's first pictures. Best wishes!!

Jacquie said...

I've been (like the rest of the world) wondering about you all day and how you're feeling.

Last belly picture... I can't believe it. It's flown for me, don't know about you.

Well, I've got to get back to Jack Bauer...

Tracy said...

Glad to know I am not the only one checking incessantly today to see if Sweet Harper has arrived! Praying for an easy delivery and a healthy little girl. Her story has been amazing so far ... how could her getting here be any different!

Anonymous said...

There is just no way possible that Harper will be ugly ...

Am praying a VERY EASY delivery for you!

Mary said...

You look absolutely wonderful! I can't wait to meet baby Harper through this blogosphere! And she will definitely be gorgeous!

Nicki said...

You look so beautiful!!!! I'm getting really excited... I love reading you blog. You have such a sweet spirit, and I cannot wait to see pictures of Harper and read about all your experiences. God Bless!!!!

Julee said...

You look so good! I cant believe you made it to 40 weeks! I am praying for Thursday for you. I remember when Jennifer had a induce date and we started praying for Brody to hold on until then. Having it all planned out was so easy!
I LOVE the new dress. I was looking at her closet pic and I really cant wait to see her in all those cute clothes!
Also I am seriously AMAZED at your blog counter! You and Harper are so loved!

Kendra said...

With a Momma like you, I am sure she will just be GORGEOUS!!!
I will pray for your requests... that you get to be induced on Thursday morning, epidural in place =)

Hillary said...

No more belly pics?? So sad! I have enjoyed them so! I'm sure I'll enjoy Harper pics even more though.

Tonya said...

Kelly, you don't know me, but I have visited your site for about a year. I am waiting on your baby like it is mine- LOL. You, Scott and Harper are in my prayers. I just know everything will work out fine.
Harper will be beautiful inside and out. God is going to give you nothing less for your faithfulness and your love for him, your family and others.

Can't wait to see the fabulous and beautiful Harper!

Jen said...

I've never checked one blog so many times in my life! :) Praying for everything to go smooth and timely!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I admit it, I was one of the ones who checked in a couple of times today. I cannot beleive that you actually made it to 40 weeks. And you look so awesome and perky. I am so jealous. I never made it anywhere close to any of my due dates and beleive me by the time the doctors decided it was time for baby to be here, I looked like death warmed over. I can't wait to see pictures of your beautiful little girl!

Unknown said...

i know Harper will be BEAUTIFUL!!

i will continue to pray extra hard over the next few days that everything will go smoothly.

can't wait to see pics!!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear all about your labor and how precious your baby girl is!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping us posted!!! I check your blog like 10 times a day waiting to see pictures of BEAUTIFUL Harper, there is NO way she will be ugly with you as her mamma! I will be praying for a smooth and fast delivery. Love you! -Hannah Smith- :)

Natalie said...

You look ADORABLE!! I have to admit, I was CHECKING like crazy today -- just waiting for an update.

Good Luck ~ here's praying the timing is just perfect!

Lots of love from Tampa ~

Julie said...

WHAT???!!!!! This is my 188th click on here today and still no Harper!!! Could you please tell her we are all getting anxious!!!

Love ya!!

Whitney Vanderbilt said...

You have nothing to worry about, Miss Harper will be beyond beautiful :) I too have been checking your blog all day for news. Don't worry, she will be here before you know it. You are in my prayers and thoughts. I truly am elated that your dream of motherhood is finally becoming a reality. The whole world is on Harper watch! Enjoy this beautiful season in your life! Blessings, Whitney

Anonymous said...

Praying for you! You look great in your new picture!

Kim said...

She is definitely sitting lower! Thursday was my day I thought she would come!!!

I'm so excited for you!!

ellen said...

Praying for you and little Harper. Can't wait to "meet" her!

Amy H said...

isn't it funny to see "Harper is 1 day old" on your side bar? I remember when my due date came...and went...with my first child. It is such a weird feeling because you have this one date in mind and you keep telling yourself to hold on until that date...and then you don't know what to do with yourself once it comes and goes.

hang in there and enjoy these last few days before your whole life changes forever.

Danielle said...

I just wanted to say you are the cutest pregnant momma! I am so excited for you and your family! I just know you will be wonderful! Congratulations, and may sweet Harper continue to grow with wisdom, stature, and favor!

Jenna said...

Yay 40 weeks!! You look awesome, my friend!!

And while I know that with a mama like you Harper-babe will most certainly be pretty on the inside, I have a sneaky suspicion she will be JUST as gorgeous on the outside - which is ALSO a result of having you as her mama!

Praying for Thursday, an easy easy delivery, and a healthy baby! Love ya friend!


i'm really sad this is your last belly pic but glad that harper will be here soon. and i dont think its possible for you to have an ugly baby, she will be beautiful inside & out just like her mama. :)

The Garners said...

I went to Pokeno tonight and couldn't wait to get home and check for updates. Good luck with everything!!! THINKING OF YOU!

Kandi West said...

Well you don't look miserable, that's for sure!
I had lunch with LAH and EG today and we're dying to come see Harper soon. I mean, we'll give you a while to get adjusted but we're ready to hold her. You can bake us some cookies or something since we'll miss all the goodies you have cooked up for people coming to the hospital!
I'm sure others have told you this already, but...even if Harper IS ugly, and let's face it, some newborns just are, you won't know it. I don't think either one of mine were really UGLY, but they sure weren't the princesses I thought they were at birth. I look back at those pictures they took for the hospital web site and think 'really? i thought that was a good picture?' Ha. Of course, I was not prepared with all of the hair accessories that lucky Miss Harper will have! Who can look anything but angelic with a flower half the size of your head in the picture???
I cannot wait! I'm kind of liking you having to wait though...every day of you at home with nothing to do is amusing to see what you come up with next. Someone that does not know you but reads your blog told me at Church Sunday..."Kandi, your friend Kelly has just outdone herself now!" That was the cookies.
Love you!

Anonymous said...

Just to let you will be a wonderful mommy!!! Can't wait to see that girl! Come on Harper!

Stephanie said...

I have been reading your blog for a few months. You have such a fun is really a good read! You are classy and have such good recipes and style. I wish you the best with your delivery. What a blessing to finally be having your little sweet pea. My sweet peas (I have two) took a long time to come to us also...first one after 12 years of marriage, 2nd after 18!! Both came through the blessing of adoption :)! Good luck and God Bless!

Jennifer said...

I have watched you site meter all day. I am amazed!! Seriously, the entire world must be checking on you! It goes up like 1000 everytime I check! I'm probably 100of those today though!!:) I looked for you in the lobby at WC when I went to visit my friend today!Haha!!

Enjoy having her all to yourself for a few more days! It's kind of hard to share them when you are used to having them all to yourself! Just in case you were wondering, I voted for Friday as soon as you put the poll up!! Sorry! But, I think I might have picked a winner!

Jackie said...

I positively cannot wait to see Harpers beautiful, sweet face! (How can she be anything but beautiful with parents like hers???) Praying for a safe delivery, and I know you are going to be blown away when you first see her sweet face. Big hugs, girl!

Bella said...

I can't wait to meet Harper!!!

Praying for you guys! :-)

pinkmommy said...

Isn't the waiting awful? But, just think, this time next week you will be an old pro at this mom thing!

And she will be a beautiful baby!

TheFancyFritter said...

Hehe! Kelly you crack me up! She is going to be beautiful!! I have to admit that I have been checking like crazy to see if little Harper is on her way yet! I can't wait to see her and for you to experience the joy of her arriving! It is going to be such a wonderful day. The birth of my daughter has been one of the best days of my life, so just soak it in and enjoy every new and exciting moment! :) You are so loved by everyone and we are praying for you and sweet baby Harper! Keep us posted! :)


Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...


I have never commented on your blog, but have read it for months and LOVE IT. The last week I have checked it sooooo many times, hoping to hear that Harper has arrived. Last night I went back and read the last couple of YEARS...What a blessing you are...and what a gifted writer. Praying for a quick and easy delivery.

Teresa P

Sara Campbell said...

Kelly, you have been on my heart these last couple of days when I wake up in the morning. Wonder why, ha ha! But I just had something I really wanted to tell you. You are about to have the most wonderful day of your life. The day I married Ross and the day my children were born are the very best days I've ever lived. I wasn't sure what I'd think when I saw my firstborn...mostly I thought I'd be focused on boy or girl since we didn't find out...but all I could think when I saw her was that I'd give my life for her. I cry now when I think about it! But it gave me a glipse of the deep love of God. And this will be hard to wrap your brain around, but no matter how much you love her, God loves her more. It will give you a depth of understanding Him you have never had before. And the amazing thing is, Kelly, it never waned. With each baby, I had that immense deep deep love the minute I saw them. Which is why I have 5, ha ha! But I think we ARE done, since we were officially done at 4! I laughed and cried at the same time when they were born,as did Ross. You are VERY blessed and Harper is very blessed. I am so happy for you. I have a little happy for her to send back when Ross flies in Feb. When you have time, will you send me your mailing address?

Janet said...

Ah! I can't wait anymore - can't imagine how you're all feeling! I so look forward to reading your blog everycday and am so excited for you and Scott (my maiden name!!)
Good luck and I'll keep looking in.
With love from South Africa.

LeeAnn said...

I saw this and had to let you know!!!
Also, I pray that everything goes well!

Denise said...

I'm going to de-lurk to tell you how excited I am for the two of you. My hubby and I had to wait for our little man but he was SO worth it and Litte Miss Harper will be, too. We were also induced and I enjoyed not having to worry about going into labor at the Kroger!

I was terrified of the epidural, but it didn't feel any different from any other shot to me and I felt like a million bucks afterward. I hope it all goes well for you and you remember every small detail about her birthday years from now. It's amazing what you do remember, too. What always stands out to me were the graham crackers they left for me in my recovery room. To this day, they were the BEST graham crackers EVER!

Thanks for your blog! You are such a sweet spirit and that is so very evident from your blog and all of the people you reach from it.

God Bless!

Mandy said...

Praying for GREAT delivery and a healthy baby girl. Harper will be just beautiful!! Congratulations!

Lauren said...

Haha! I would agree Kelly; the people who frequent your page are growing by the day, lol!!!! You look GREAT my friend for being at 40 weeks. Soon enough you’ll be holding precious Harper in your hands, we cannot wait to see pictures of that sweet girl!!!! P.S. Enjoy American Idol tonight if you’re not in labor yet, haha!!!! Be blessed today girl!!!

The Allens said...

Kelly, you are just so cute!

Michele said...

You look precious! Enjoy these last few days! I love, love, love the green dress with zebra stripes! SOOOO cute!

ilovepink said...

You are amazing! 40 weeks pregnant and making gifts for everyone else! How thoughtful! I can't wait to see Harper. My little girl will be born right behind her. I can't wait to see her too. Love and prayers being sent your way!

crystal2008 said...

Hey Kelly! You look absolutely gorgeous! And baby Harper will be beautiful too! So excited to hear that she is here and all is well!

Kim H. said...

With a Mom as beautiful as you are - inside and out... an even at 40 weeks pregnant!! Harper will be absolutely breath-taking.

I can't wait to hear that she's made her appearance!

LWLH said...

it seems weird to me but we're all following your blog like "where's the baby?" and we don't even know you in "real life" but I enjoy following your blog, and I feel like I have a little glimpse into your life. I hope she comes soon and dont worry she'll be a beautiful baby inside and out.

Anonymous said...

Please tell me the link you got the dress from!! i LOVE IT!! you have the best taste! congrats & i will pray she gets here soon.

Candice said...

You are so sweet and so patient Kelly! I really admire you for waiting on God's all situations! I think it is wonderful the way you are handling these last days of waiting - enjoying time with Scott and Dawson, doing tons of things for other people (nurses, visitors etc). I hope I am as good at being pregnant as you are!

Can't wait to meet Harper!

Stacia said...

Thinking of you and patiently waiting =)
She will be a beautiful baby!!

Rebecca Jo said...

Can't believe its already 40 weeks!!! Enjoyed all the belly shots.. but cant wait for the pictures of Harper now!!!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to pull up the blog and she is actually here! Everyone is praying for you and Harper! I hope all goes well!


Danielle said...

What are you looking under on Ebay to find those darling dresses? I want to go look for my girls.

CAMoore said...

I can't remember if I already posted a comment or not (between checking your blog from my iphone to the computer, I lose track!)

Anyhow....I am so excited Harper is almost here! She is going to be the sweetest most precious little girl! Don't you worry - she couldn't be anything but beautiful!

I remember when they put Cyler on my tummy for the first time, I was so tired and worn out from pushing, but looking at him just made me bawl! He was perfect!

I am bursting with joy for you and Scott. I know how exciting this time can be and it makes me want to do it all over again!


Jennifer Owens said...

So glad you updated - I wondered yesterday if you were in labor or not!! Praying for you and that things go smoothly the next few days! SO excited!!!

MMM said...

You look fabulous and I hope you are feeling okay! You are so, so close!!!!!! Hang in there! Good thoughts and prayers heading down your way from NYC!

Marci @All Things Wonderful said...

Thinking of you! May you and Scott enjoy every minute this week.

Becky said...

I recently found your blog and have had SO much fun reading it. My eldest daughter also struggles with infertility. She had one invitro and God said, 'Yes, Yes, Yes!' That's right - triplets!

Too bad you did not look into a doula. You might do really great without an epidural! Don't give up on yourself.

Harper will come! Enjoy her while you know right where she is.

Mrs. McB said...

I'll be praying for you and Harper! I love the dress you bought her!

Mandy said...

I am praying for Thursday!! That is actually Tayson's 2nd birthday! January 15th is a great day!!

The Hickmans said...

We're definintly praying!! She is going to be beautiful!!

Kelly | Fabulous K said...

I keep checking!! thinking of you!!

Momofgirls said...

Glad you updated! You look great! I will be praying for a smooth, easy, enjoyable delivery of your little angel!

Jessica said...

Can't wait to hear the news!!!

Megan L Hutchings said...

I am so glad that you have had a couple of days to get everything done :)!

Can't wait to hear the big news and I will be praying all goes well!

Julia said...

Oh my gosh I'm welling up!!!! I cannot WAIT to come check your blog and see that little cutie...and judging by how cute both you and Scott are...i KNOW she is just going to be beautiful :) Inside and out!
I'll say a prayer for the 4 of you (Dawson too).

Serah said...

Your 40 week picture is a lot better than mine was! We can't wait to hear the big news!

Mandy said...

You look great at 40 weeks! I was 10 days late with my first son. I understand EXACTLY how you are feeling now! I worked until my due date and then sat around the house. But at least you are active and doing things! I wish I did more. Oh well. :) I hope things go the way you want them to! Can't wait to hear/see. Good luck!

Josh and Kate said...

You look great! I'm praying for you and sweet Harper this week!

Rathi said...

Can't wait to see Harper's pics soon!!!

Rachel DeCarolis said...

Wow - that's a lot of comments to scroll through! I've never commented before, but I've been following your blog for a little while (love it - especially the recipes!). I don't have any kids so I can't give any advice, but I wanted to wish you luck over the next few days! You will be in my thoughts.

Karen Needham said...

I've been reading your blog for some time now but just posting. I hope and pray that you have a wonderful birthing experience. Looking forward to pictures as a family of three!

Karen Needham

Stacy said...

You look fantastic! I'm so excited to for you to meet Harper. I know you love her already, but I can't even explain the love you are going to have for her once you hold her in your arms!

Anonymous said...

I am just checking in as if I am in the waiting room! You look beautiful and will do wonderful! Put your feet up and enjoy some time of being STILL!

Staci said...

Not that Harper could ever be ugly, but you've got enough bows, hats, ribbons, dresses, onsies, bibs, flowers, etc. to compensate :)

Can't wait to see her!!

smcvicker said...

I am so sure Harper will be beautiful inside and out! You have such a sweet spirit.

Caroline said...

what an ADORABLE dress!