Before our wedding five years ago - I got this perfume - Beyond Paradise by Estee Lauder. I liked it because it smells tropical and I knew it would be great for our Maui honeymoon. I haven't really worn it since but every time I wear it - I think about our wedding day and that wonderful week that followed and it brings back wonderful memories.
My mother-in-law saw on here somewhere that that was my favorite perfume and she put some in my stocking this year. Which is great because I had just ran out of perfume. I was thinking today that it will be so special because now I can wear this scent on the biggest day of my life - Harper's birth. And now all the most important days will all tie back to this one perfume.
I'm wondering if I should stockpile because I'll want to wear it on Harper's first day of school, Harper's graduation, Harper's wedding day......................... :-)
What is your favorite perfume or do you have a scent that reminds you of a special day? I'm also a huge fan of Bath and Body Works and I've worn certain scents over the years that remind me of things also. Do you have a favorite lotion from there? My two favorites are Coco Cabana for summer and Cinnamon pumpkin for fall/winter. They usually only sell those in their two semi-annual big sales so I'll be going this week to stock up!!!
The "LOTness" of it All
1 year ago
YAY for Bath and Body! The best place to work, if I do say so myself. My favorite perfumes are Celine Dion, Sunflower, and Lucky You by Lucky Brand and of course, anything Bath and Body!
what a sweet post. your mil sounds thoughtful! i adore 'amazing grace' from philosophy. i first ordered it from qvc and was a bit scared of what it might smell like. but i have been wearing it now for years and love it! it is so clean and fresh, people now stop and ask what it is that i'm wearing!
I remember being told not to wear any perfume, scented lotion around my newborn because they are really sensitive to smell. Just something to keep in mind...
I love Bath and Body Works, and so glad that their sale is this week! Hope you have a great Sunday!
i had a friend suggest having a new perfume for my wedding day too! it was CREED Love in White...very fitting for a bride, and it definitely reminds me of that day. i wear a different CREED scent on an everyday basis...but i wear the special one when we dress up. i love it.
I wore Eternity by CK on my wedding day and hubby worn the guy stuff - whenever he wears it I go all giddy at the knees!!
My favorite is Happy by Clinique! It smells so fresh and clean!
I love BBW! I love Coconut Lime Verbena! It is summery. I often wear it during the makes me think of summer! I also love a grapefruit lotion that have...again, just very fresh and summery.
During college I always wore Happy perfume by Clinique. Now, anytime I smell that it takes me back to the days of college.
I'm going to check out Coco Cabana!
I love Ralph Lauren Romance, like you, I wore it on my wedding day and brought it with me to Jamaica on our honeymoon, and when my water broke I too used a quick spray of it because I really wanted that smell around me. I also wore it on my little man's first birthday as well. Like you, I am going to need to stockpile!!
Hope you are feeling good, can't wait for that belly shot tomorrow!
What a fun, sweet post!!
I used to where Ysatis by Givenchy for years. Then a few Christmas' ago my parents got me Amazing Grace by Philosopy. Like Nicole, I think it has a fresh, clean smell.
But as far as BBW, I have always like their Warm Vanilla Sugar. But lately, have been ♥'n their Japenese Cherry Blossom.
what a sweet post!
sadly, i'm allergic to scented bath products, so no BBW for me. :0(
my skin can only tolerate one spritz of eau de toilette on the back of my neck, and for the last several years i've worn brighton "laugh". i used to have several scents that i kept and rotated, but as i've gotten older i've decided to streamline it to one signature fragrance.
for a long time before i was engaged, i wore "cabotine". then i got engaged and found out my man doesn't really like it!
my aunt has worn chloe for years, so it always brings back memories. her house and everything in it smell like it!
my mother wore narcisse, and i could always smell "her" for days even after she'd left my apartment!
safari for men is my favorite guy's scent. my daddy wears it, and so does my man!
i read jessica's comment, and it reminded me that i'd read that newborns recognize their mothers' natural scents even right at birth, and discern their mothers by that scent when other people are holding them, so i opted not to wear fragrance at all in the hospital when i had my girls. it was hard because even if i don't put any makeup on, i always wear some perfume!
I like Red by Giorgio. My husband and I dated in college, broke up before our senior year and went separate ways for 5 years (I was in Atlanta and he ended up in Anchorage). The first Christmas we were married, he put this in my stocking and I was shocked that he had remembered I liked this scent. He told me he'd smell it now and again during those years of separation and think of me.
As an aside, we were engaged at Petit Jean outside of Little Rock while he was doing some training at the base.
The perfume "Pleasures" by Estee Lauder has the memories of getting married... so I understand what you mean..
And yep - just hit Bath & body works yesterday with their annual sale & stock piled up on Warm Vanilla Sugar... MMMM.. makes me feel all "sweet"
First of all, I about busted out when I saw the title of this post. Cute, Kelly... haha! ;o)
I'm a HUGE fan of perfume! I love, love, love to wear it. I have several that I wear (depending on mood and occasion), but my all-time scent, my go-to, my "This is *my* scent," is Rapture by Victoria's Secret. If they ever stop making it, I'll just...I don't know what I'll do...
And I love B&BW, too. Right now, I'm using Velvet Tuberose. Several of their scents (some of which they don't make any more, sadly enough) are ones I associate with having Amelia, being a newlywed, etc. I love how scents take you back!
I've worn the same perfume for what seems like 10 years. It's called 8 by Abercrombie. I started wearing it when I was much younger. Now that I'm 32, I feel so stupid going into that terribly loud, juvenile store to buy my perfume but it's the only thing I like. It's really light and fresh and doesn't give me a headache like many perfumes. I'm also a creature of habit when it comes to things like that...I'll probably be an 85 year old woman, walking into Abercrombie, buying my perfume.
Estee Lauder PLEASURES!!! I wear no other!
I have been wearing Coco Cabana since I was 16. I usually buy 3-4 of each thing. ( Spray, Shower Gel, Lotion.) I am on my last bottle of the Lotion and Spray. I am currently in love with Mariah Carey's perfume, and I like Jessica Simpson's too.
My mother works at BBW so I get soo much stuff for cheap from there. Right now I love Velvet Tuberose! My summer scent is Tropical Fruit passion! Both different yet awesome! Perfume wise I love Pink by Victoria Secrets- I have been wearing it since high school!! Great post!
Cute post! I love Body by Victoria for everyday wear, and Hot Couture by Givenchy when I get dressed up.
Hey, Dawson got tagged on my blog, but no pressure to participate ;-)
Tea Rose! I don't know who makes it but it's my most favorite scent EVER! :)
I love Coco Cabana and didn't know they still made that one! I wore it on my honeymoon cruise.
My scent is Clinique "Happy!" I love it so much!
I have big-time memories of B&B Works flowering herbs, Victoria's Secret "Pear Glace", Estee Lauder "Beautiful" etc. from various times in my life!
I think all kids remember the scent their mom wore most.
As for my children, they will probably associate the smell of HAND SANITIZER with me!
Hey Kelly, just checking in to see if the little one has arrived.
For years I wore Beautiful by Estee Lauder....loved that stuff. But a few years ago, I noticed that it just didn't seem to smell the same when I wore it. From what I understand, your body changes and scents can smell differently on you from what they did before (does that make sense?) So now I have a great big bottle that I got for Mother's Day two years ago that I really don't use. I want to find another "signature" fragrance but haven't yet.
Take care sweet one!
very sweet post! every christmas since my husband & i were dating he buys me a new perfume :) my favorite so far has been burberry brit. & my faveee lotion from bbw is candy apple, i love all their christmas collection & stock up every year.
I am cracking up at Lori's comment about smelling like hand sanitizer! That is so true! In college, I wore Aspen for women, but I don't think it exists anymore. From BBW, I love sweet pea!
For Christmas back in 83, my parents gave me "Lauren" by Ralph Lauren. I had put it on my Christmas list and was thrilled when I saw that my parents had given it to me. I was about 2 months pregnant at the time. I opened the box and took out the perfume bottle to smell how wonderful it was and immediately had to run and throw up! I have not been able to smell it since without feeling nauseated.
I have been using Tommy Bahama perfume for the last year. I love the way it smells.
I LOVE perfume and I have had several favorites through the years. Let's very first perfume was Charlie. haha Then in middle school I wore Love's Fresh Lemon and Love's Baby Soft and Sweet Honesty. In high school I had moved on to Clinique's Aromatics Elixer. In college it was Lauren. Then I started wearing Georgio. Now it's Clinique's Happy! And all those smells take me right back to a place and time in my life!
I actually love the Beyond Paradise. . . I like the idea of a new perfume for your wedding day. Kind of a cool idea. Not big on wearing perfume around newborns/infants. Thanks for a cool post and getting us thinking on our fav. Smellers!
I wore Hevenly from VS on my wedding day and on our honeymoon in Mexico. I also wore it the day Brody was born. I now think of both days when I smell it! When I was in the hospital after I had Brody, my MIL brought me a big gift set of Vera Wang, so now I have been wearing that perfume since we brought him home. I think of Brody when I wear it! It makes me really think of the first week we had him home and all the wonderful "first times" of that week!
B&BW Lotion: Coconut Lime in the summer and Sensual Amber in the fall!
Coco Cabana from Bath & Body Works is what I wore on my honeymoon to St. Lucia, so it brings back great memories for me. And, it is always the first lotion I dig for at Bath & Body Works' semi-annual sale!
Armani Mania by Georgio Armani is my favorite perfume, though. I'm also partial to Pear Glace lotion from Victoria's Secret.
I can totally realte to the bath and body works...County apple takes me back to the middle school days...
I am the biggest smell person on the planet...I love them!!! Although a little bit embarrasing, my favorite smell right now is Britney Spears Fantasy. It smells GREAT!! People stop me and ask me what I'm wearing all the time and I have to tell them it's Britney Spears perfume! HA! :) I love almost all Bath and Body Works scents. I love to combine smells, favorite combination is Vanilla Bean Noel lotion, Victoria Secret's Love Spell lotion, and Clinique's Happy Heart perfume. :) I can't wait to read all your comments and see what everyone wrote...I'm sure I'll get some new ideas for great smells! :) Hope you're having a great night!
Dolce and Gabana Light blue and Beach by Bobbie Brown........LOVE IT........Courtney
My absolute favorite is D&G Light Blue. Seriously, the best! And it stays on alllll day! My second favorite is probably Ralph Lauren Romance. I don't wear that one much...I'm trying not to wear it out before my wedding day! :)
I'm so ready for little Harper to be here!!!
OK, i had to comment because i am a perfume freak. i cannot adequately describe my obsession here.... currently my 2 faves are "Scent of Peace" by Bond #9 and "Jasmin Noir" by Bvalgari. Don't google them, because you will judge me.
It's not perfume, but Victoria's Secret scent "Pure Seduction" reminds me of good times...
And they tell you not to bring valuables to the hospital, but I wore my diamond stud earrings when having my son because my husband gave them to me on our 5th anniversary. I for sure want to wear them whenever I have another child. Silly, but sentimental!
I wore D&G light Blue on my wedding it. I also took it on my honeymoon so like you it makes me weak at the knees everytime i smell it. I love EVERYTHING from BBW but sadly cant get it here in South Africa!
I love any apple scent from bbw, I cannot get enough of the winter candy apple. I love it.
The smell of old spice brings back memories of my grandpa. I have stood in the asile at wal-mart and smelt a bottle for the longest. He passed away about 9 years ago.
I found your blog through another and just wanted to leave you a quick comment to let you know that I really enjoy reading your posts and I'll be following your blog from now on :)
Oh, and good luck with your new bundle when she finally arrives. I am a new mom and all the cliches about parenthood are true! It really it wonderful beyond belief!
I have worn Este Lauder (Pure Fragrance) since I was 15. It is my "signature" scent. My clothes smell like it and I am known by it. People identify me by it. I have had several people over the years stop me and ask what I am wearing. The worst line I have ever gotten is, "You smell just like my grandmother." I still love it anyway. I have my stash. Right now I have 3 full bottles under my cabinet. I don't ever want to run out.
My mom ALWAYS gets perfume in our's a tradition now :) This year, because I like men's cologne...yes, it's weird, but I LOVE the smell of men's cologne...she bought me Thalium. When I wear it, it smells like a women's perfume...fresh and warm...yum!
my favorite lotion from B&BW is Coco Cabana too! I have some right here on my desk! It reminds me of a particular summer spent with my husband when we were dating and all the fun memories we made. I also remember him wearing Pleasures for Men and now each time I smell it I seem to go back in time for a moment!
I just got through reading all of your holiday posts and it sounds like you had a fabulous Christmas ;)! I think it is so sweet how everyone in your family puts so much thought in their gifts. Your family is definitely one of love!!!
I hope that you are able to enjoy the rest of your time off ;)!
Sweet Pea is my favorite! It is AMAZING how closely scent can tie us to a memory... sometimes a smell can just transport me to another time and place for a moment!
I'm glad to see you are still pregnant! I have been out of town for a while, so it was great to catch up on your blog! How are you feeling?
My husband bought me Coach Perfume when we were dating and I thought that was so sweet. So, that's my favorite.
I love the symbolism of the perfume fragrance! That is just something really neat to establish.
It was very sweet for your families to come visit you so you did not have to travel.
Do you use the Bath and Body works wall flowers? They are also on sale this week!! :)
I like the smell of anything fruity or clean. I can't stand the smell of anything that smells like food! Oh by the way, my friend told me about your blog and I am so glad to have found you! Bless you and your new addition! I just had a baby in September and there is just nothing like it Kelly! I'll be thinking about you during this wonderful time! God Bless!
Haha...I wanted to smell good at my girls birth too. I figured they smelled it on my all the time in the womb. My scent is Pleasures.
Okay...this made me cry! Harper is making me so emotional. Ha! I need to get a scent to remind me of things. That's a great idea. I love Pleasures like Laurie and also Japanese Cherry Blossom at Bath and Body.
Hi Kelly,
I was just meandering through some blog pages and they brought me to you ~ Sweet place to visit. I met my husband on a blind date too ~ we were married 33 years in October :) Best wishes as you await the arrival of your new baby!
I love Aromatics Elixir by Clinique and Coco Chanel. And, I think I am one of the very few who has never gone into bath and body works...can you believe it???
Came across your blog recently and am so excited for you as you are getting closer to meeting Harper! I love this post! I am the same way...I wore Halo (Vic Secret) at my wedding, and so it's always there for special days/etc. I also LOVE Ralph Lauren Romance!
How sweet of your mil to remember your fav. perfume. My fav. B&BW smell is black raspberry vanilla. I wear is year round if I'm not wearing perfume. Girl you need to try it!
I wear Imari from Avon believe it or not. I'm in the process of looking for a new scent for the new year. I'm anxious to try the scents everyone mentioned in your comments.
I love the BBW sale!
i love reading your blog! Guess i'm a bit of a stalker. :) I know you are so excited about Harpers arrival.
about perfume... my mom(you may know parents work at obu...sharon cosh anyway...) tried this "experiment" when Karoline was born. She wore the same perfume every time she was around her so that she would know her scent. So funny! She didn't wear it one day that she was keeping Karoline and swears that she was unsettled all day. haha
I love B&BW coconut lime b/c it reminds me of my honeymoon and just the beach in general. Best Wishes on the baby.
I wore Clinique Happy on my wedding day and both my husband and I are taken back to that wonderful day every time I wear it! It will always be a special perfume for me.
One more comment -- I encourage you to wear your perfume when Harper is born! My mom's "smell" is baby lotion and a perfume called Anais Anais. The instant I smell that combination of fragrance I feel comforted and soothed!
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