Scott's parents came Wednesday afternoon to spend Christmas with us. I made chili and we ate dinner and then Scott's mom brought me a pretty birthday cake and we ate that and she gave me this awesome silver Razorback tray! I love it - I'm going to have to have a HOG party next fall to use all my great razoraback dishes!!!Thursday morning we got up and had breakfast and then did our Christmas. This year - we decided to just do stockings for each other. It was fun to just buy a lot of small things.

We all got a lot of fun stuff! Scott's aunt and uncle sent an entire basket full of stuff of Harper!

I know time is getting close because nesting has majorly set in. I can't sit still - I just keep finding things to clean. I've been cleaning out my e-mail this morning which is a major feat - I had almost 4000 e-mails in my in box. YIKES! I'm going to spend the rest of the day putting away Christmas and checking off anything else I have left on my list of to dos. I go back to the doctor on new years eve so we'll see where I am then. We kept kidding Scott's parents that they would get home today after their 6 hour trip and Scott would call them and say I'm in labor and they'd have to turn around and come right back. Hopefully they'll at least get a few days in between!
Edit:I am having MAJOR Braxton Hicks contractions today so I've confined myself to the bed and I'm watching TV and reading magazines and Dawson is keeping me company. I'll take Christmas down tomorrow - today I'm going to rest and try not to go into labor. I can't believe I could have her anytime in the next 2-3 weeks!!!! Scott is freaking out that he can't remember anything we learned in childbirth classes.
so glad that you had a blessed christmas. i love the stocking only idea, think i will mention that to my family next year. enjoy your nesting phase... i think i need to start also. take care and god bless.
That is a great idea to exchange stockings only. I really love little things like what you got your mother-in-law anyways! Every year we seem to get further away from the true meaning of Christmas, and I think doing the stockings would be a lot of fun and would be a chance to get creative with our gifts.
I truly hope this last few days are magical and fun for you and Scott as you await your precious little Harper. She's going to be the most loved baby in the world! I can't wait to "meet" her!!
Kristin from TX
we saw marley and me on Christmas... :)
That little monogrammed change purse is adorable. I saw those in the Jacksonville airport just yesterday, and actually thought of you!
So glad you had a fun Christmas! Can't wait to meet Ms. Harper! : )
I'm so glad y'all had a great time together! The stockings-only idea is great...I think stockings are fun!
Happy Nesting! :)
How fun! I found a really cool company called Thirty-One Gifts, which is a Christian direct sales company that features all sorts of monogrammed items. So cool!
Can't wait to meet Harper! Maybe if you walk around and do a lot, Scott will get his tax deduction!..... LOL
Have a great weekend!
We just did stockings for each other too! It was much easier this year than trying to actually buy gifts.
I am hoping you can keep her in there just another few days. Stay hydrated and off your feet!
Take it easy!!! I can't believe it either - we're going to see Harper soon!!!! Scott may get that tax write off afterall!
I was born on Dec 30th & my parents said they were so excited that year - just for that reason!!!
Glad to hear you had a wonderful Christmas...your lunch looks yummy!!!
Looks like a wonderful Christmas. The stockings are a great idea! Get some rest!
I'm sorry that I had to laugh at your little edit.
I can just picture him sleeping in his clothes ready to go at a moments notice - Father of the Bride II is popping in my head.
Does he have the route to the hospital mapped out?
Harper will be here soon....yay!
Rest up.
I hope your contractions are not too bad!! Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. I am praying for you friend!! I am praying that your delivery goes extra smooth and pain free. I believe in being very specific when I pray. :-)
Love and Hugs,
Yay for a very merry Stamps Christmas! Sounds like a great one, and I loved seeing all the pictures. Cute, cute!
We just got back from seeing that movie and we really like it too! But you are right, it was really long. I felt like ole Benjamin B (in the beginning of the movie) by the time it was all over, haha!
Hope you are getting some good rest, my friend! =And that last line about Scott made me laugh out loud. :-) I'm sure it will all come back to him!
For the past two years we have only exchanged stockings and I really like it!
Going to the movies is a special treat these days. The previews for that movie got me interested...we just might have to wait until the DVD comes out so we can rent it! (:
Hopefully Miss Harper will stay put long enough for all of you to recuperate from Christmas celebrations. Happy resting!
Oh, and I'm sure Scott will do great!
Hello! I've been keeping up with your blog for a couple of weeks now... to be honest I can't even remember how I stumbled upon it! :) I had to comment today after I read that you wanted to see Marley & me....
just a word of warning, I too am prego (9wks) so my hormones are raging... I bawled through most of it:) So if you feel like a good bawl go for it haha:)
It's nice to finally meet you!
I am glad you had a wonderful Christmas. By all means if you can go see Marley and Me. We went Christmas day with the whole family and loved it. Can't wait for Ms. Harper to arrive. My niece had a baby girl, Molly Jo, last week so I am all about baby girls right now.
Sounds like you are getting close to meeting your little sweetie pie! That is so exciting!!! I know I can't wait to see her! :)
I love the idea of stockings for everyone! All your monogrammed stuff is so cute.
Just try to get some R & R and don't overdo. Tell Scott not to worry....he will do great!!
Glad to see you had a nice Christmas! We went and saw Marley and Me on Christmas. A great movie, but I'll warn you now it is a MAJOR tear jerker. Take it easy, and don't work too hard taking Christmas down!!
So glad you had a nice Christmas! :) I kept popping on here to see if Miss Harper made her debut as a Christmas baby- I told my husband I needed to see if Kelly had her baby-he said "What??I didn't know she was pg again" (refering to our friend Kelly from church) lol! I told him it was a girl from a blog I read. He just sighed. lol! Anyway, you were the subject at dinner one night! :) We are praying for the safe and healthy arrival of Miss Harper. I bet it will be very soon.
Anne in TN
PS. Love the stocking idea.
Just hang in there Kelly! I cannot believe you are going to have this baby soon! What a blessing. How painful are those contractions anyway, just trying to get myself prepared. Any idea on how to get rid of morning sickness, I have been unable to get out of the bed!
ou try to stay comfortable!
Glad you had a great Christmas! Can't wait to meet Harper soon! Have a great weekend!
Kelly girl! I know you can't wait to meet Harper! (Judy & Steve can't wait either!) Take it easy & she'll come when she's ready. Tell Scott not to'll all come back when he needs it. :) Love ya girl! Dea
Hey, Kelly! Your Christmas sounds like it was so special! I am like Scott: freakin' out that I can't remember details from our childbirth class either!! We had a very unexpected thing happen to us earlier this week with a house flood and so my emotions are off the charts. I'm trying to be ok with Polka coming any time now because I'm also having major Braxton Hicks contractions, but oh, we can use all the time we can get! I'm now unexpectedly in the throes of trying to get the house ready again when it was ALL done, but need to be doing what you're doing: resting! Have a great night!
You might get that tax break after all!!
Glad ya'll had a Merry Christmas :)
Hi Kelly,
Just a word to the wise.....from personal experience (with twins and a single baby), those childbirth classes won't mean a THING when labor hits! Everyone deals with pain in their own way and those "hee-hee's, hoo-hoo's and ha-ha's" will go right out the door!
Labor really isn't too never got bad enough for me to ask for any meds...I thought the nurses would ask if I wanted some, but they never did, so au-natural it was!
Good luck!
Tell Scott not to worry--you'll both forget everythig anyway! Ha! Not really, bu they will coach you through everything and you are both going to do fine.
I can't wait for you to start posting pictures of that sweet girl!!! Can't believe it's almost here! Glas you had a nice Christmas!
Wow...I know by the time I found your blog, the counter at the top said 20 weeks...but I still can not believe it says 37 weeks! Only 16 days!??! How is that possible!??!? I am just so excited for you guys! Can't wait to "meet" your little miracle =)
Take it easy!
Hope you are still resting and doing look so pretty in the pics- very peaceful. (And I think your hair looks extra great...did you get it cut/colored lately? It looks so full and shiny! I did that right before I had Connor and I was SOO glad!)
Can't wait til Harper gets here! WOO HOO! It is SOON!
I really want to see that movie too. May have to wait till it comes out on video so I can pause it. We watched "Burn After Reading" - Worst movie I have seen in a long time! Just Awful! Take it easy and rest now. Just how far apart are those Braxton Hicks? Love you.
It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas! You are so good about taking pictures to capture the moment! You must always have your blogger friends in mind! You are almost there! Hang in there in these last few weeks! You will be a mommy before you know it! :)
I love the stocking idea. I wondered about the Brad Pitt movie... but Tyler says I need to go see "Marley and Me". I hope you get that date.
I honestly don't think any class can truly prepare you for childbirth... but, thankfully, God just gives you instincts and grace through it all.
I'm praying for y'all.
Sounds like y'all had a nice Christmas! I couldn't figure out what that is around Scott's first, the white thing looked like another Dawson dog back there. Haha! And doesn't his momma look cute in her festive vest!
When you start getting lots of those strong BH contrx, if you drink water sometimes they will go away, which will tell you you're not really in labor. Then, you can avoid going to the hospital and them hooking you up to some saline, and having to come back home again when it stops! And if they don't stop when you drink lots of water, YEA! You'll need the water anyway for labor! How exciting! It's getting close!!!! I cannot wait to log onto your blog and see that..."She's Coming!!" post! And especially the "She's Here!" one! I'm so genuinely giddy and excited for y'all, Kelly! Soak up these last little bits of pregnancy!
Hang in there! Not long now.
I just got home from the hospital myself, suspected pre-term labor. I was having major braxton hicks- not unusual for me- but they were 6 min. apart. I went in to get checked and then they started me on mega meds to stop the contractions. I seem okay now and I've got another 24 hours of meds to take from home, after that who knows what will happen. They've told me they will not try and stop it if it happens again! :( I'm only 34 weeks so I'm going to try and sit down as much as I can...kinda hard with a 4 year old and 2 year old.
I can't wait to hear your news!!!
Marley & Me is good, but take your kleenex. It might do a pregnant girl in! I was in your shoes this time last little girl will be 1 January 10th & kept thinking each day could be the one. I was so thankful to get past Christmas that she could've come any time after that, but she hung in until her due date. I saw your comment about nursing pajamas & wanted to recommend a sleep nursing bra. I didn't have one with my first baby, but lived in one with the 2nd. I know Medela makes them & they also sell them at Motherhood, but Medela's is a bit more supportive. They're so comfortable & great for wearing around the house! Good Luck!
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