Monday, December 29, 2008

38 weeks

I thought I should let everyone know that I married a computer nerd! Therefore - we are pretty high tech. Our hospital has wireless and we will have our laptop (um we have 5 computers at our house for 2 people if that tells you anything), camera, and video camera (and Scott's iphone) so we will for sure do some live blogging once I get that epidural! I'm sure I'll put it on facebook and twitter too so you won't miss the fact that Harper is on her way! :-)
(It could be today or another month - who knows?)
38 weeks
Harper weighs almost 7 lbs.
I had to get one picture of me in my maternity jeans. I have worn these so much.
Tonight we went to Wal-Mart and people constantly walk by me and just smile with this pity look like "Bless your heart - you are so big".
I had a few contractions last night. They lasted for about an hour and were about 15 min apart.

I can't wait to see my little girl.................I just wonder if she'll have dark hair and eyes like her momma (yes I have ALWAYS loved food and the HOGS!)
Or big blue eyes and blond hair like her daddy? Or (what I'm hoping for) dark hair and blue eyes? It's so awesome to think that she is part me and part Scott. Such a miracle!
Tonight is my precious neice Emily's THIRD birthday!! It seems like just yesterday I spent the night at the hospital in a cold waiting room with both sets of grandparents anxiously waiting for Emily to be born and she made her arrival around 3 a.m. She was so perfect! And I love her more every day! We went with Laurie and Steve to (where else?) Chuck E. Cheese.
This sweet girl just gets more precious every day
How much do I love watching Scott play with these girls???? It makes me so anxious to see him interact with Harper.
Me and the birthday girl!

I love you Emily- Happy Birthday!!!!!

post signature


Vicki said...

You will probably think I'm nuts, but I read your blog everyday and I can't wait until your sweet little girl is born. I know just from reading your blog that you will be a wonderful mother and she is so lucky to have you. I'm not real sure how I stumbled upon your blog, but I loved it from the start, watching you through your pregnancy. I have one grandson who is 10, and can't wait for more grandchildren. I'm anxiously waiting for your sweet Harper to make her debut and you and she both will be in my prayers for an easy and quick arrival!

Leigh Ann said...

Speaking of what she will look like. Doug and I both have always been dark hair, I have bluish eyes and he has hazel. Addy is BLONDE with Dark eyes, like buttons! I love it. Everyone ask her, "Where did you get that blonde hair" when she's with us. Her reply is God made me that way! We keep waiting for the dark to shine through, but not yet! Hey, I'm praying for and a tad bit jealous. There is nothing in the world like holding your first born. Looking forward to seeing the long awaited post!

Unknown said...

I think you look great for 38 weeks! You are in my prayers as you prepare to deliver Harper. I look forward to the day that we in "blog" world get to me your precious daughter. Best wishes to you and Scott over these next few days.


Staci said...

You still look adorable no matter how big you get!

I hope this doesn't sound "stalker-ish", but I am on pins and needles waiting to see a "We're-on-the-way-to-the-hospital" post or a new Facebook status. Sometimes when I see you're on, I want to instant message you and ask is anything's happening.

Again, sorry to sound like a stalker. Just know that Harper's got prayers down in Georgia :)

Meredith said...

Kelly-I know you are so ready for Harper to come! I know it is so exciting to think about such a precious miracle! I know ya'll had a fun time with the birthday girl, Emily! And of course, Laurie, Steve and little Sarah Kate! I love Em's earrings in the pic!

Leigh Ann said...

I have always loved blue eyes and dark hair, too. Whatever combination, she will be gorgeous! That Emily is PRECIOUS! How fun for your girls to grow up together.

Mary Avery said...

Sarah Kate is looking so big here lately! It's getting to be very soon! I know y'all are ready!

Jill said...

Isn't it so neat to respond to everyone's question about when you're due, "In two weeks." I remember that milestone very clearly, and it just seemed so weird...suspended between pregnancy and having an actual baby to cuddle in my arms. You are about to have your own birth story to tell, and it will be awesome. Enjoy all of these moments!

Laurie said...

We are so happy that ya'll joined us at Chuck E Cheese. Emily LOVES ya'll. She always says, "My Kelly."
I just can't wait to see Harper.

His Doorkeeper said...

Happy Birthday Emily! She is just a precious little girl and I can't believe she is three years old already!!

The two girls and Harper will all be playmates soon!

Anonymous said...

Everyday I rush to turn on my computer and check in on you. I pray that you are feeling good and sweet Miss Harper comes when she is ready. You and Scott will be two of the cutest parents ever. She is so blessed to have waited till yall came along, hehe. Yes, God knows what he is doing. What a blessing you are to all of us. Thank you for sharing your precious story with us~

Anonymous said...

You look so great Kelly! It was neat to see you in something other than a dress! ;) I too am hoping that Harper has dark hair and blue eyes! I can't wait to see her!!! Take it easy the next two weeks! :)

Julia said...

Oh my, you were having contractions!!! WOW, what was that like? Time is drawing near, I will be praying for you every single day!!!

Jenna said...

You look GREAT at week 38 (what is with me rhyming lately, haha)! But really - just gorgeous, my dear!!

Loved seeing the pictures from the birthday party!! How cute are those girls!?! Can't wait for the 3rd musketeer to come on the scene. :-)

Kendra said...

Look how cute you are in your jeans!!!
What a precious little doll that sweet Emily is, and her little sister too! Can't wait to see what Harper looks like...any day now!!!!

laura said...

You look amazing, Kelly! Praying for you!

petrii said...

The baby pics of you and Scott are so cute. This little girl is going to be just gorgeous!!!

Have a Blessed day,

Immeasurably More Mama said...

Seeing this picture of you just brought a smile to my face. 38 weeks! What an amazing miracle and testimony of God's faithfulness!!!

It's so sweet to see you guys with Emily and SK. I'm sure they love you both like family!

Amanda Ledford said...

You are looking too cute and I promise NOT as big as you feel! Tell us more about these maternity jeans, where did you get them? Very cute!

Emily and SK are too cute! Emily always looks so happy and full of energy! I hope she had a great Birthday!

Beki said...

You look great!!! And yes please tell us where you got your maternity jeans.

Sending prayers for safe and quick delivery!!!

Olde Town Style Guide said...

I am so so very excited for you guys!!! You may be very pregnant but you are certainly one of the cutest pregnant ladies I have ever seen!! Strut your stuff mama! You are certainly glowing!

Candy said...

You look great, but I remember the miserable feeling at the end! Can't wait for sweet Harper to get here! VERY exciting times!!! :)
P.S. Found out baby #3 is a sweet boy! :)

Michele said...

You look fabulous for 38 weeks! I love reading your blog and can't wait to hear "the news"!

Lori said...

You're looking great, Kelly! SO excited for you!!!

The Allens said...

I am so excited for you as you get closer to meeting your daughter. Your blog has been a huge blessing to me.

Rebecca Jo said...

What a beautiful niece.... pretty soon she's going to have a cousin celebrating birthday's pretty close to each other!! HOW FUN!

Megan L Hutchings said...

38 weeks and you are still glowing with beauty ;).

Web and I often wondered what Vance would look like. We never imagined red, curly hair and blue eyes, but we love him so much. No matter what, Harper will be beautiful inside and out!!!

Kelly said...

You are looking so great. Like others, I quickly check your blog daily to see if there is any news. I can't wait to "meet" Harper. Our prayers are with you!

Jacquie said...

Wow! It's so hard to believe 38 weeks have come and gone!!! Harper is really poking out there. This may sound weird, but you might actually miss having Harper all to yourself tucked neatly inside your belly after she's born. I had moments of it. Being pregnant is a beautiful thing!

Heather said...

That outfit with the jeans is SO CUTE! As always, I think you look great and I think you are getting close to going into labor!!! :)
Laurie's girls are adorable...and just think- the next time you go out to eat with them...there might be THREE sweet little girls!

Sarah said...

I think I checked your blog about 100 times yesterday waiting to see if there was a post saying that Harper had arrived! And I'll probably check it about that many times today, too. :) Don't you just feel so loved to have so many people on pins and needles, eager to hear your wonderful news?


Lianna Knight said...

The people at Wal-mart are not smiling at you because they feel sorry for how big you are...they are smiling because you look like the PERFECT mother. YOu seem to get prettier and prettier as Harper grows.

No matter what hair and eye combination Harper will have she is going to be GORGEOUS!!! Can't wait to see her :)

Sarah said...

Wow, you look so good for being 38 weeks. Seriously.
Can't wait to see pictures of your precious girl. I am betting she'll look like you.:)
Good luck, you'll do great!

Lulu said...

You look great in that picture! You are all belly! Emilie is adorable! I can't wait to see pics of Harper, she will be GORGEOUS no matter what color hair or eyes she has!

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

You are just the cutest little thing! I love looking at the baby pictures you added, so cute! I am anxious to see what little Harper looks like to, she will be adorable!

Jennifer said...

You look amazing at 38 weeks! You're so close to meeting your sweet girl!

creative gal said...

YEAH!! I am so excited for you!! Can't wait to "meet her!"

Lisa said...

38 weeks and you look GREAT!! You are really out there, but you look beautiful and you still have that pregnancy glow. Can't wait to see little Harper!!


HAPPY 38 WEEKS! you look beautiful :)

Rathi said...

The baby pics are adorable! Either way she will be adorable, can't wait to see her pics!! Hope E had a wonderful birthday!!!

The Garners said...

38 weeks--I can't believe how fast it's gone!!! (to me at least!)

Happy Birthday to Emily--she's such a cutie!!!

I'm really glad y'all are going to be high-tech at the hospital--we'll love keeping up with the labor and delivery! Thank goodness for epidurals!

Anonymous said...

You look precious! It made me tear up hearing how excited you are to meet her...honestly the best day of my life when Kaleb was born. Cannot wait to hear you're in labor!!!

Melanie said...

Your note about Facebook is too funny. Here's a small world moment for you - I recently found an old high school friend of mine on FB, and I saw you on her friends list there. But I didn't want to sounds stalkerish or anything! Anyway, the friend is Tammy Northcutt. We actually went to different high schools, but we were in a singing group together, as well as a couple pageants.

Taylor said...

You are sooo stinking adorable!! I can't believe she's almost here! I hope everything continues to go smoothly!

Amber said...

What a fun time of anticipation! You look great and we can't wait to see little Harper!

Jennifer said...

What a blessing to have such great friends around you!

I remember thinking what my kids would look like and it's so funny when you see them for the first time you can tell. Both of my boys have brown hair and brown eyes like their Momma. Then Shelby has blonde hair and bright blue eyes, just like her Daddy! Oh will she ever be a heartbreaker. ROFL

Have a great day!

Serah said...

You look fabulous and yes, please share where you found your maternity jeans?

I can't wait to check in and see the announcement that you're at the hospital! We'll be praying for you guys!

Mama's the Boss said...

I must be the twin of the first commenter. I have your site saved as a favorite on my work computer and check up on you every day--I have now added you to my blog roll too.

I am expecting my first little girl in April. We have decided to name her Stella Kate.

BTW, I hope I look as cute as you at 38 weeks.

Jennifer said...

Hello Kelly. This is my first time to comment on your blog I think. I don't know how I found you but I absolutely love your sweet blog. You look so adorable. My daughter is almost two so reading your blog is bringing back so many memories. I can't wait to "meet" Harper. She is going to be so beautiful! Congratulations!

Mike, Kacy & Wells said...

I am cracking up at the picture of you in the hospital bed & Scott on the pullout thing they claim is a bed, both with your computers/ IPhone, typing away.

Kara said...

That sweet Harper is going to be GORGEOUS!!! I mean just look at her Mama and Daddy! ;-) She is going to be sooooo loved and I know you are more than ready to finally meet her! Like I've said before, I hope Blogger is ready for the influx of all the eager "aunties" checking your blog 1,000 times a day! They better get ready!


Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

You look adorable!! I love reading your blog and have followed your journey to Harper. I'm so excited for you to soon meet your little girl!!

Kim said...

I still kick myself for leaving the hospital at 1:00am thinking it was going to be a long while before Emily came! Looks like you all had fun! You look GREAT! REally, you do! Take care!

JenB said...

What a cute and stylish pregnant girl you are! Best wishes for the upcoming weeks!

Faith said...

Happy Birthday to Emily!!! That baby picture of you is so cute! I'm picturing Harper to look like that...but no matter what, she'll be just adorable!

Jessica said...

Scott looks so cute in his baby picture! : )

Mrs. Jenk said...

Hi Kelly- it is your blog stalker from Austin :) We had our baby girl yesterday and my husband used the iphone to time contractions. Tell Scott to check out the stop watch feature. It tracekd it all wonderfully! Good luck!

PS- for this post, the word verification is "paingel". How ironic!

In His Army said...

Still looking great, Kelly! It is always so fun to wonder how your babies will look! Who would've thought Jeryn would've been born with red hair! I remember someone saying it looked like a brand new shiny penny! I would have never dreamed that--but I loved it and it made it that much neater!!

NO matter what eye/hair color combination she will be just perfect--the little precious miracle that she is! And happy Birthday to Emily! Laurie's babies are so adorable!!!

Kayce said...

Hey! I've been following your blog for awhile now and thought I'd leave a comment and tell you how wonderful you look pregnant. I know you probably don't feel like you do, but you look gorgeous! I love the first picture in this post. Hope everything goes well with Harper's birth and y'all have a Happy New Year!

Maddy said...

you look great i love pregnant bellies!

Jen said...

Ha! I knew you must have been somewhere around my age because I had that exact same high chair as a baby! :)