Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Monogrammed Stable?

Who watched the "Biggest Loser" finale last night and what did you think? I don't want to give it away in case you haven't watched your DVR yet but we'll just say I was very happy! I love the finale - I love seeing how dramatically people have changed. I might have shed a few tears! I was also so excited to find out a new season starts in January - my DVR is going to blow up!!!
I was also fixated on the fact that Allison Sweeny and I are due at the same time and how her stomach was half the size that mine is. ha!

This is my blogger friend, Sarah. I found her blog at the exact time I needed to. We were both going through fertility treatments and she was so funny about the whole thing. She gave me a lot of laughs when I could have been crying instead. She made me look at some of the things we were going through in a whole new way. I got in some giggles in the doctors office. And then we both got pregnant - with girls! And she had her baby girl, Blake, last night! I'm so excited for her!
In fact - being 9 months pregnant at this time of year has really made me think a lot about Mary. She was this pregnant with Jesus and was about 20 years younger than I am now. I can't imagine how scared she must have been. I think about if right this minute I had to get on a donkey and ride for several days and then end up having Harper in a barn in the hay. No epidural, no precious outfit to put her in, no monogrammed blankets, no grandparents to ooh and aah over her, no camera to take her picture..........................I can't imagine. She had no idea that that sweet baby would grow up and die on a cross to take away the sins of the world. She probably just hoped he would be a carpenter and learn from Joseph and not be a tax collector. I think all pregnant women have dreams for what their children will be.............once again God did more than she could ask or imagine with her son.

More than WE could ask or imagine.

I'm so thankful He was born so that I might live!

Oh and P.S. are ya'll looking at all the homes on the tour of homes? I'm on #260 out of 820. I'm thinking by Easter I MIGHT be done! :-)

Ya'll - I am about to explode with excitement!!!!! I felt very strongly that I really needed to pray for everyone waiting this morning and do you know that since 8:00 this morning -I've received THREE e-mails of praises for girls on the blog who are now pregnant. I'm checking with each one to see if it's okay to move them to a praise (some still need to tell families first). If you don't think God answers prayers - try NINE pregnant girls in less than 6 weeks!!! KEEP PRAYING!


post signature


Cathi said...

Wow, am I actually the first to leave a comment? I'm just so happy you have Jesus and that you aren't afraid to acknowledge Him in your life. I'm praying for Little Harper! We have never met and may not till we are with Him, but I love ya girl! Cathi

Amanda Ledford said...

What a great way to look at Christmas. It definitely makes you look at Mary and at being pregnant a whole new way! Hope you are having a great week!

Jill said...

Your comments about Jesus' birth remind me of the Christmas song, "Labor of Love"'s one of my favorites and makes you think about what it was really like for Mary that night. If you haven't heard it, you should look it up. Get ready to cry though. :)

Have a wonderful Christmas, girl!

Julie said...

We did watch the Biggest Looser and I was pulling for the winner!! I was thrilled, squealed, jumped up and down, and boxed the air!! I think Bryan thought I had lost my mind. I love watching the Biggest Looser. It always seems though we watch it right after we eat very unhealthy. For instance, we had fried potatoes and beans last night!!!! :)

It is a beautiful thing God did in your life! How you can completely relate to Mary!!!

You bless me!!

Jill said...

Was glued to the TV last night and loved the Biggest Loser finale, too! Btw, if for some reason you were not able to have an epidural, you so could do it, Kelly...don't underestimate yourself. And, God's grace and mercy would be right there with you. Can't wait to see pics of little Harper soon!

Leigh Ann said...

Hey, love your post. I had my little girl during the Christmas season as well. There is just somehting magical about this time of year. Just think about how sweet a one year old will be next Christmas....a great age for a first Christmas! Just know that as the time is drawing near for you, I'm praying things will go smoothly and that you and Scott will be full to the brim with God's grace!

Kandi West said...

That tour of homes must be why you skipped blogging yesterday. I've been home sick and was getting a little concerned that Harper had decided to make an early arrival! I mean, I really have nothing to do but check blogs, right? :-) Glad she's still safe and sound where she belongs for now.
We had a real donkey for the preschoolers to ride during SS two weeks ago and all of the kids got off and said "It was bumpy!" and I kept thinking "Poor Mary!" and "I wonder if Jesus was a preemie?".

Charla (SHar-la) said...

Oh my, I think this season finale was the best so far! The results were ASTOUNDING! Were you not completely shocked when Phil and Amy P. walked out? I was floored! They were amazing! And yes, without being a spoiler, I was so happy with the results and the big winner! You look great, by the way! Oh, and speaking of Allison Sweeney...did you happen to catch a glimpse of those heels she was sporting? Now that is what I call a fashion victim! LOL

Megan L Hutchings said...

I can't believe your friend just had her baby. I promise it feels like yesterday you told us she was pregnant...WOW!

The Allens said...

I really loved that post - that was wonderful!

Holly Mathis Interiors said...

i love the title! yep, I bet Mary wasnt depressed she couldnt order that $1500 Pottery Barn rocker..i need to remember this.

and honestly, during those early days of constant crying and no sleep and getting so many parenting books and advice thrown my way, one person told me "just think what would Mary do" and i suddenly stopped feeling "guilty" about holding my baby so much.

Blessing on you and Harper..everything is going to be FAB!

a boy a girl and a pug said...

Love this post Kelly!

and so watched the Biggest Loser. Loved the winner and I think I cried even when they almost slipped coming out because that would have been devastating.

Lauren said...

This was a beautiful post Kelly! What a wonderful way to look at things! I'm always touched and blessed by your words and by your blog!!! We love ya girlie and have a GREAT day!!!

Jenna said...

I definitely cried at the finale last night - it was so awesome! I thought about you when they announced it was coming back in January. :-)

And that is so exciting about Sarah and Blake!

I am sure being pregnant brings a whole new perspective on Mary - especially this time of year. So cool! I am so thankful that Jesus was SO much more than anything Mary could have ever imagined. :-) I loved this post, Kelly!

Jennifer said...

I had so many thoughts about Mary during the Christmas pageant Sunday when I was watching Brody. It just felt so different this year. I cannot even imagine what she felt like.

Loved the Biggest Loser! It is amazing how they can just drop that weight!

Bethany said...

Kelly, I read your blog every day through my bloglines and I enjoy it very much. Reading this entry reminded me of a new Christmas song that came out this year. If you go on Youtube and look up "Faith Hill - A Baby Changes Everything" you will find a BEAUTIFUL song about almost exactly what you wrote about!!! It really touched my heart - I am also a Christian and I also have a Christmas-time baby. December 5th, 2006. So take a listen to that song if you have a minute, I think you will really like it!!!! Have a great day!!!


Chele said...

My hubby and I are both big fans of the biggest loser and we were both very pleased with who won! Can't wait for the next season of it already.

Praise God for the "praises" and all the new babies/pregnancies! Prayer works and I will continue praying!

Keep resting and enjoying these last few weeks of your pregnancy. Your sweet baby will be here before you know it! Thanks for your message today! And thank you GOD for Mary and her precious son, JESUS!

Because of Love said...

First, I have been reading your blog for a while, but have never left a comment. I have to tell you that I love it!

Second, you are one of the cutest pregnant ladies I have ever seen! :)

Third, I love the line - I am so thankful that he was born so that I might live! Me too!

Lastly, I am #290 on Boomama's Tour of Homes, so maybe you will be stopping by for a visit soon. Can't wait to have you over!

Suburban prep said...

What a great post.

My sister just had her baby on Monday. This was her third boy in 3 1/2 yrs but still as special and as joyful as the first of her sons.

My mother has been tending to the 2 and 3 yr old (while I live only 14 miles away the weather in the Chicago area hasn't been the best).
My mother is 75 and has rheumatoid arthritis and has had both knees replaced and the two little guys are like energizer bunnies.
The boys and my mother though are going to see the new baby later today. (my sister had a c-section and is therefore in the hospital longer).
Wishing you all the best in this joyful time of year and in your life.

Marci @All Things Wonderful said...

I really enjoyed this post. I'm just so thankful for God's grace.
Thank you for the help with the cake balls...they turned out perfect. Thank you.

Kelly said...

One of my favorite Christmas songs is "Breath of Heaven". So true isn't it? What a great song for this time of year.

You look great, don't be silly. I too watched BL and was so glad to see the new season in January!

Hope you keep on feeling good and you are getting some rest!

Immeasurably More Mama said...

Being a mom definitely helps you understand Mary's perspective a little better.

What great news...9 new pregnancies!!!

Great post!

Anonymous said...

What a great post today Kelly! I too LOVE Biggest Loser, and I was very pleased with the winner! And that is so exciting about all the praises!! :)

Bella said...

I actually JUST got into The Biggest Loser this season and I LOVE IT! I wish I had the dedication to working out as them! I think I might try the Power Scult DVD by Jilian...I need some sculpting! hehe!

I also have to say...where did you get your top in that picture?! I love it and I love the beading on the neck of it! So cute!!! You always have cute clothes! :-)

Claire said...

I love the biggest loser but we don't get as many seasons in New Zealand as you get over there... plus they come late... garrrrrrr....

Wow - 9 pregnant gals! That is AMAZING! What a wonderful christmas present to those 9 couples who have been waiting.


Heather said...

OH....I love this post and love you so much! I am finally back in blogland....and SO EXCITED about all the answers to prayers! God is so good...I have just been reveling in all the blessings from the "Prince of Peace" this Christmas!

Rhonda Bryant said...

Dear Kelly,

You do not know me, I stumbled upon your blog a while back! Now I am addicted! I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!!! Your walk with our Lord and Saviour is such a testimony! I love your style, your spunk and how you love to have fun and share it with all of us! My husband and I have 2 girls, so I know all to well the fun you are about to have!!!! Bailee is 10 and Brooklyn is 4. Bailee loves all of your cute zebra stuff! You are very talented!! Well, I wanted to introduce myself! We are praying for you and all of these ladies!

Have a great night!!!

Lauren said...

That is AWESOME! What a mighty God we serve!

Melissa said...

I just had tears come to my eyes as I read your post. It's so good and comforting to know that God answers prayers! Miracles still happen everyday.
My husband and I aren't ready for babies yet, but I pray that when we are we have no problems getting pregnant. That has always been something I have thought about. Maybe one day, you will add me to that list!

Also, since this is my first time commenting, I wanted to say congratulations on your sweet blessing, Harper!

Caroline said...

Praise Him

Praise Him

Praise Him!!!!

"The LORD REIGNS, let the nations tremble: he sits enthroned between the cherubim, let the earth shake.


PS 99

Kristina said...

I was excited about the results for the "Biggest loser" and will also have an exploding DVR come Jan!
(speakin in code as to not give away the winner) Did you notice that the person that came in 4th, and did not get to compete in the finale b/c of viewers votes, would have won if she had been in it?!?! We did the math and her % was higher than the winners. Just fun to think about...stinks for her, though! At least she won something!!

Please keep praying for us...we were waiting until Jan to start IVF, but it looks like my insurance wont kick in for a LONG while...if at all. I am a bit devistated today. I know that a few more months is not much in the grand scheme, but you know as much as I do, that one more month that ticks on is a little more of my heart/hope that gets chipped away.

Unknown said...

God is GOOD!! i watched the finale this afternoon. YEAH!! clay and i love that show. i'm so jealous that you will be off during the next season:)

Robyn Beele said...

I am so happy many people have been blessed! I watched the finale and was very happy to see who won!!

Patty said...

I just wanted to praise God with you for the 9 girls that are pregnant. Now, while my pregnant days are long past me, I am waiting for something else and this truly gives hope to me in my waiting.


Kendra said...

9 praises?!?! God is SO good!! That one woman has been trying for 7 years????? How great is our God?!!!

Erin said...

I loved the finale of Biggest Looser! I just started watching it this season and was crying almost every episode! I actually watched a marathon of the season 4 biggest looser!

Thinking about you and praying for you!

Caryn C. Foresee said...

Just cried about the other girls that have become pregnant in the past few weeks. It is so incredibly wonderful.

Sarah said...

Great post today, Kelly!

I am soo happy for those girls who have gotten pregnant after so many are praying for them...God is awesome!

Kelly said...

Oh my goodness Kelly! I can't believe how many girls have gotten pregnant! I am on your list and while we are not pregnant (we are actually taking a 5 month break) I did get really great news from my doctor that now they are thinking I do NOT have PCOS! In the past 6-8 weeks my cycles have started to regulate and the cyst that was causing me so much pain no longer bothers me at all. In fact, it might even be going away!!! I am so glad I found your blog! You are such an inspiration. I can't wait till we start trying again...I have such a good feeling about it this time, thanks to you and all the bloggers who are praying with me and all the others! God is truly amazing! THANK YOU KELLY!

Heather said...

I know I already commented, but I just went to the prayer blog and my heart is just overflowing with praises to God for His promises coming true for so many! AMAZING! I am praying for you in these last few weeks, Kelly. Love you!

Leigh Ann said...

I'm dying to hear from Sarah! Have you talked to her? Just wondering how she is doing and all the details on little Blake!

That prayer blog is amazing, Kelly. What a great testimony to the power of prayer!

Jacquie said...

What a Mighty God we serve!! I'm so excited for answered prayer!!

I almost tweeted you last night when Allison Sweeney said she had 4 weeks left!!

Our Story said...

Praise God! That's such awesome news...9 new little ones on the way!

I'm also praying for you during these final weeks as you prepare to welcome your sweet baby girl.

Pam said...

I am crying just thinking about Mary and baby Jesus. I have so many questions for her when I get to heaven. Praise the Lord for all those babies coming!

The Garners said...

I loved reading the good news about the praises, Kelly! That is so wonderful--what wonderful Christmas news for those families!!!

Also, we did watch Biggest Loser last night and I was so excited for everyone on there--they all did great!!! As of April '09, I'm on a "biggest loser" quest of my own! I wish I could book Bob our Jillian for a trainer (well, actually Bob because I'd be scared of Jillian, but they'd both be GREAT help, I'm sure!) It's amazing to see the transformations in the contestants--I was really happy for all of them! That's such a great show!

Kiss My Tiara said...

I am speechless at how amazing God is. I am so glad that you started that blog. I am so happy for those women! I am overcome with Joy! Good luck in the next couple weeks :)

Vashti said...

AWESOME post! And thats amazing news about all those I said before my time must be close!!!!!

Kelly thankyou for keeping us in your prayers.
V xx

petrii said...

What a beautiful post. I've often thought of sweet Mary but I'd never thought about it in comparison to how we have babies today, amazing.

Hallelujah!!!!! God is so GREAT and GREATLY TO BE PRAISED!!!!!

Chelsa said...

Kelly~ I'm amazed @ your kindness and your big heart for others who are trying! We struggled w/ infertility and a miscarriage last year & I wish I would of found your blog then! I just recommended it to a friend going through fertility treatments yesterday. I hope she is as blessed by you as I have been! I'm so excited for all the girls who have gotten moved to the "praise" list! I k now that is such an amazing feeling!

Meredith said...

Praise the Lord for all the praises! 11 in 6 months is definitely the work of our Father. Your faith is such a wonderful example and blessing to these girls.

Erin said...

How do I get added to the prayer blog??

annalee said...

what awesome lessons we can learn from mary, joseph, and of course jesus! i love the way you connected it to modern day motherhood. soak it all up this season!

Jessie Weaver said...

I thought you might be interested in my recent post on the same topic (identifying a lot more with Mary after having a baby!):

One of my friends made an interesting comment. Can you imagine how embarassed Mary must have been to have Joseph deliver the baby when they had never been intimate? Wow.