So I received one more praise today!!! That's 11 pregnant girls in 6 weeks! And the thing I love the most is ever since yesterday - when I posted all the praises - I have had more than 20 people asking to be included on the prayer list! I love how when God answers prayers - it increases our faith!
I found this boppy cover on Etsy and it was a great price and I needed one more cover so I ordered it and then realized the girl making it lives here in my town. So I met up with her at (where else) Sonic to pick it up (NO Shipping! YEAY!) I love deals! It's way cuter in person - black and white polka dots on the back!

All summer I kept seeing on people's blogs that they were reading "Twilight" and then the movie came out and it seems like every person on earth was into this (but me). I just have been curling up my nose and saying "I have no interest in vampires". Which is true. But at our Christmas party - my boss' wife just kept telling me she knew I would love it and she would let me borrow her book just to see and then my doctor went on and on about it on Monday and she told me she had turned up her nose also and told everyone "I'm a Christian - I don't read about vampires" and then on her one day off she stayed in bed and read the whole thing and then read the other books and dragged her husband to the movie. So last night I caved. I read the first 100 pages.
Have you read it? What do you think? Are you in on the craze?
I was the same way at first. I had no interest. Then I read the first one. Now I have read all four of them!!!! Love it! Can't wait for the next movie!
Oh, and the boppy cover is toooo cute!
I heard the same thing about "Twilight". And I said, I'm not reading that!! Everyone talks about it being a wonderful love story, though. I DID like reading Dracula though. It's a good story and not at all goth-like, so maybe I'd like Twilight. You'd better read up now, though, because there will be NO reading a book for you this next year! Hey, I'm first to post!
Cute boppy cover!!! No shipping sounds great to me!
I haven't joined the craze over Twilight. Let us know what you think.
I've heard a lot about that but don't really know anything about it. Is it good?
Cute cover!!
OH! I almost forgot! The other day, I was flipping through my latest issue of Country Living, and they had the full moon schedule for January. There is a full moon just before your due date. I had guessed you would go late on your I am wondering if you will go either just before or on your due date. I know it sounds totally crazy buuuutttt...when there is a full moon, we are loaded in the ER with "crazies." They come out of the woodwork during the full moon...I'm serious! AND the girls in L&D always say that there are more babies born then, too. So, it doesn't seem to be just an old wives' tale. I'm so curious to see when you go! hehe! ;o)
That boppy cover is too cute ;)!
I have not read the books yet but my mom LOVES them ;). I have heard once you start you can't stop.
I've been reading your blog for a while and it's soooo cute! I had to comment on this because I was the same about Twilight--couldn't figure out what the big deal was. I broke down about 6 weeks ago and started reading. I was done with all four books within a week. Loved them and hope you enjoy them too!
I've never even heard of it!
Obviously you probably already know this, but Bon and I are obsessed with anything and everything Twilight! ha..ha.. The author is a mormon, but the basis on the books is self control and abstinence and she encourages that in this series, which is good for young girls. I'm so glad you joined the Twilight craze! Enjoy the ride! I read all four in two weeks!
Wow, 11 now! That is so wonderful!!
I am a BIG fan of Twilight. I read all 4 books...loved them!!
ADORABLE boppy cover! :)
And yes, definitely on the Twilight train. Read all 4 in 3 days (my poor husband!). So good!!
I just started reading this week! I bet we stopped at the same place. I am excited to get back to it tonight. I will also be taking my Young Life girls this weekend to see the movie.
Ooooh! I love the Twilight books. My kids at school got me started on them, after I finally caved. =)
Your boppy cover is really, really cute!
I said the same thing repeatedly about the Twilight books. I am a ninth grade English teacher, and my kids kept begging me to read them. Finally, after I started to catch boys sneaking the books during class and realized that more of my students were reading them than anything I assigned, I broke down about Thanksgiving, and finished them all in one week. They were enjoyable, and not what I expected. I hope you enjoy them!
I gave in to the "Twilight craze" and bought the book. I have not started reading yet because I needed to finish my two Christmas books. I am anxious to read it and get "in the loop". Adorable boppy cover!
What a sweet cover! Would be totally cute with a hot pink monogram-ha! I have so far stayed away from the Twilight temptation. I just don't have time for it.
Nope. . .no Twilight for me. . .and yes, it's because of my faith. Being a Christian, I am very aware of the things I allow into my life. Magic, vampires, witches, ghosts (no matter how cute) are all off limits for me. We don't celebrate Halloween because it represents the "dark" side of the world. I know, not everything is dark and evil, some things even appear harmless and fun, however I look at the spiritual battle that goes on in the spiritual realm. I want to be in the world not of the world. I feel the same about Oprah. Anything that has the potential to lead someone away from Jesus, or trick them into thinking that evil is harmless, has no place in my life! Please remember everyone, that these are my convictions! It is how I live MY life! I am not judging anyone!
Be Blessed!
Amy (Honestly)
Read Blessings and Curses by Derek Prince - it will make you rethink many things in your life!
Oh Kelly I'm in the "curved up nose" stage about Twilight. I'm sure I'll read it here pretty soon because like you said everyone is talking about the book and the movie~my students included.
I haven't been bitten by the Twilight bug yet, but I'm curious what all the fuss is about. I went on your recommendation to see Fireproof and loved it, so I'll take your word about this. Tell us what you think.
Sarah in FL (where it doesn't snow, but I really wish it would)
I actually felt similar to you about Twilight. I finally decided that I would give it a try - I'm in need of a good read - it's hard for me to find a book that I REALLY like!
I got the book for my birthday recently and can't wait to dig in! I hope it's gripping!!!
Yep...don't like anything about vampires but someone gave me the book and I am on the third one now. I don't understand the hysteria but they are definitely a good read.
And I just love that all these prayers are turning into praises...I have been praying about this...if I should ask to be put on your prayer blog but I think I will jsut keep praying and I will know if the timing is right. Why can't God just send us letters in the mail to tell us what to :)
Hi Kelly-
I've been following your blog for a couple months now, but I don't think I've commented before. I was the exact same way with Twilight. I finally got the first book and within two weeks had read all four! I loved the movie too!
I'm so happy for you and your husband on your upcoming arrival of Harper! I also think it is so great that you started the prayer blog to encourage and help others.
Hope you have a blessed Christmas!
Kelly, you should for sure read it! I read Twilight in 24 hours and then the next 3 in less than 2 weeks! They are a very easy read and you just want to know more! I tried to hold off and said I didnt want to fall into the craze but I finally caved and loved them!!
Some of us girls from our Sunday school class are starting a book club in January. Shannon Davis is hosting the first one so she got to pick the book and she picked Twilight! I borrowed the book from a friend, but I haven't started to read it yet. I'm afraid that if I do I will forget to feed Brody,do laundry, pick up the house, cook supper, etc...Haha!! It's in my bedroom waiting on me!
I can just hear Lindsey talking about it now!
I think you would really like the books! My husband and I have read them, and we were skeptical at first too! :)
Love the boppy cover & yes I'm an Edward Cullen fan.
I wasn't going to read them either but once I got started it didn't take me long to complete all four books.
You'll be glad you did it - they're really good.
I read a lot of books to "keep up with the kids" I work with and know, and so when I saw a middle schooler in the Sunday School class I teach repeatedly have these books with her on Wednesday nights, I asked her about them. She immediately started gushing, and so I knew I had to see what the craze was all about.... oh. my. gosh. I read all 4 books, taking only 1 day for each (and the last 2 I actually sat at a Borders to read). I haven't seen the movie since I have a 6-week-old, but I've thought about sticking her in the sling and going during the day sometime.
By the way, I love your blog! I came across it when a friend, Natasha, posted some pictures of presents she sent to you for little Harper! Congrats! I love your blog, especially the prayer blog you have up and running! I'll definitely be praying for these women and I'll let you know when we're ready to start trying for #2! God bless!
Love the boppy cover. And I'm totally into Twilight. I didn't think I would like a vampire book, but I love them. I'm just finishing the fourth one.
I would love to be added to your prayer blog! We lost our son when he was 17 wks they said SIDS. We have been dealing with secondary infertility since. IVF, IUI, nothing. Please add us to your prayer list.
Danielle - SC
ok so i read the book and really liked it. it is a great read and i honestly couldn't put it down. i read it while i was feeding calleigh. how silly is that?! ie very entertaining, but having a baby girl has changed my perspective on things and there were some things that bothered me...then i read is interesting food for thought...
would love to hear your thoughts.
I read the first one and just started the second one. I read the first one in 2 days and I have 2 kids under 3. They are fun, easy reads and don't require much thought or attention ... but still really engrossing.
A new mom tip-I read a ton the first 6 weeks of both my babies lives ... while I was feeding them. I always kept a book by the rocker in the nursery.
I was the same! I couldn't believe all my friends would think that I would like a book about vampires!! But I finally caved in....and read them all! Love them!!!
As Becky said above - we are NUTS about Twilight! I even flew to Dallas so we could see the movie together. Edward (Robert Pattinson) is easy on the eyes too ;) Ha. The movie is not nearly as good as the books, but I think once you get into them, you won't be able to stop! The books are addictive. My husband has read all of them too. Let us know what you think!
I am just about where you are on the first 100 pages of Twilight. I'm taking the time over the break to read all of them. My students are absolutely crazy over the Meyers' books. So, to be in the know, i'm reading them too.
I was the same way!! I was like I dont want to read a teenage vampire love story NOT GONNA HAPPEN.. Well like you I caved and I read the 1st book in one night then next day I went and bought the 2nd book and well I couldnt put that one down either. I read the entire series in 1 week.
Then on opening weekend I made my husband take me to see the movie I have now seen the movie 3 times with different friends. After your done let us know how you liked it!!!
I never knew a Boppy cover could be so stylish!
And yes, I'm 100% addicted to Twilight AND I'm a woman of faith! :) All the girls in my class at church are Twilighters as well. The books are fantastic!!!
kelly ~ i LOVE reading your blog....i am due feb. 12th and realizing VERY quickly that it's not too far away!
just wanted to say hi and thanks for blogging!
I haven't read much of anything lately, so I haven't read the Twilight books yet.
I liked "Katie's" comment. My baby doctor used to tell me all the time that he delivered more babies by moon changes and storms. Although neither of mine came due to a moon change or a storm.
I'm LOVING being a part of praying for all these girls ... and it's such a blessing hearing about the answered prayer!!!!
Totally not a book I'd ever read either, but I did last year before the movie came out and love it!
Thanks for the link to the Boppy covers. I think I'm going to have to order me one!
I found your blog through a friend and just love reading your post. What an encouragement you are. As far as Twlight and the whole series goes, I caved in too after my cousin an elementary school teacher said I just had to read it. I couldn't put it down.
Oh no--you became "one of those" reading "Twilight"!!! :) I've given my friend Ali such a hard time about it because she talks about it all the time and has been to see the movie twice (went on opening night) and volunteers to go back to see it again with anyone who might need a movie buddy! :) Since I'm not a reader at all, I think it would take me until 2015 to get through the first book. So, I guess I'll continue to fight the social pressure to read it for now!
I had no interest. But I love to read and decided to pick up a copy of the first book a few weeks ago. I didn't really like it. Edward was a fun character. But Bella drove me crazy. All of the teenage angst and just immaturity ruined it for me. I ended up just hoping on Google and finding out how the other three books went rather than read the others. I am the only person I know who didn't like the books.
i was going to ask for my friend nikki to be added to the prayer list--she has a 2-yr-old son and they just resorted to IUI a few weeks ago so they could have another baby--and she called me today to tell me she's pregnant!! so she never even made it to the list.
nope, i'm not reading "twilight". mostly out of faith convictions. just doesn't seem like anything edifying, and the Spirit is telling me no. but when my girls (3 and 1) are older, i'll probably try to read what they read so i can be relevant and relatable.
Read them all. Loved them all.
But I wasn't too keen on the movie.
Cute boppy cover!
And I love hearing about answers to the women's prayers. Our God is SO faithful!
I am on the third book right now and love them!
Totally in on the craze... read all four books within a few weeks... I think its just the lure of having someone there that would do anything to protect you, love you, want to watch over you... I'm telling you - I really want to turn this into a lesson for teen girls about how we can find that "perfect" man in Jesus!!!
Cute boppy cover!!
I've read all the books plus Edward's version of Twilight that is on the author's website. That was my favorite by far. I went to see the movie at midnight on opening night with about 70 other women from my neighborhood (a friend rented out the theater) - ALL 20 showings were sold out and there were some ODD people there. But we went just in fun and it was a blast.
I was sceptical (I don't read that genre at all) and it sat on my nightstand for at least a month. Once I started reading it I wondered why I waited so long!
i did it all backwards, i seen the movie then read the books, and the movie leaves sooo much out. but i wasnt into it at first but you read the book and your hooked :) enjoy.
Cute cover!
I refuse to read the books...a lot of the pricipals from them are based on the writers personal beliefs which I don't agree with. Not saying that you shouldn't read it, just that it's not for me.
I have been reading your blog now for about 1 month! It is so inspiring! I am so glad to see that God has blessed your life with soon-to-be Harper! I too strugled to get pregnant and prayed for a baby, and God blessed me with the birth of my little angel this April! I pray that things go smoothly for you during the birth!
The boppy cover is sweet and I have not read the Twilight book yet, I was like you, but maybe I should check it out!
God Bless,
I missed this post yesterday but I have to comment! I started reading Twilight early summer and I could not put them down. I read the first three in a month which is huge for me. I had to wait for the 4th and it did not disappoint! Loved the series and loved the movie! It's so not what you think when you think of vampires! Such a great love story!
It took me awhile to be convinced to read it, too. I did read it, but I'm probably not as crazy about it as some. Overall, it is a good read.
That is so funny because i was the the same as you and wanted nothing to do with vampires, but kept hearing so much about it. Then, about a month ago, I finally caved and bought the book...and never looked back! I read all of them in a week and have seen the movie twice! LOL!
I haven't read it either. The vampire thing doesn't appeal to me, but so many people swear that it's good! You'll have to let us know what you think.
I'm addicted. Blew through all 4 books in 3 weeks. I finished them 2 weekends ago!
I was addicted after about the first 20 pages and have read all four in about 2 weeks time! Love them!
I am laughing because I totally have the same Christmas card as you this year! I don't think we have any people that would get the same card!
Although, I do think I saw pictures of you on Christy Cox's facebook! She and I go to church together. Our hubs are both on staff!
Blessings to you! I enjoy your blog!
I said the very same thing...I was so not interested in reading a book about vampires, but my mom and I have the same reading taste and all the teachers at her school had read them and finally talked her into them. After she did, she told me she knew I would love them too. Oh my word!! I was hooked from the get go, and have read all 4 of them and am waiting for the 5th to be finished. I haven't seen the movie because I keep hearing mixed reviews. Most people have said to just wait till it comes out on DVD because the books are so much better. They are amazing!!!
Twilight and the series are incredible! I'm not trying to spoil anything but I have to say that it really just consumes you and makes you appreciate the wonderful love in your own life (Oh Edward...). It really isn't about the vampire angle as much as it is the relationships. Once you start it's hard to tear yourself away- I promise!! Read it now while you have the free time :)
I have fought the Twilight bandwagon for over a year now, but a girlfriend let me borrow her book and last night I stayed up til 3 AM (shocking) just so I could finish the book. I read the entire thing last night. Seriously. It was that good. It is really a love story. I don't like the vampire part but I did enjoy the book and plan on reading the next ones.
My Bestie is a Chrstian and loves the series. I'm not into vampires though so I doubt I'll give into pressure to read it. Hope you enjoy it and make it to see the movie.
I was the same way too! I am so not into vampires. But these books were awesome. Loved them! Read them all in less then a week. You definitely need to finish the whole series. It just gets better and better.
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