36 weeks
I went to the first of my weekly exams today. Harper's heartbeat was 155 and she measured at 35 weeks. Not sure what that means - hopefully that she's not already at 10 lbs. ha! I wasn't dilated at all which is fine by me because I don't want her coming until mid January (despite all you pollsters who think she will come early! ha!) Dr. Seale did say that her head was really low so I think that's good news because
1. She's not breech
2. Maybe it will only take a few pushes to get her out. ha!
I have forced myself to REALLY slow down. I'm trying to just work and come home and rest as much as possible. I hate missing fun things and not getting everything done I think I should but I also want Harper to stay inside and grow as long as possible.

My mom sent me a picture today of a pillow she had made for the day bed in the nursery! I think it is so cute. This very talented lady, Sharon, in her church made it! I just love it! It will add a little something to the bed!

The only thing we had left that we needed after our wonderful showers was our swing so we ordered that last week (and I had a GREAT coupon) and it came today. Scott will have to put it together maybe this weekend. It matches our pack and play. This week I plan to try and get my bags packed (as much as I can) and get our car seat installed and then I think I will take a deep breath and feel ready. I have other small things I would like to do before she comes but they aren't anything that would really matter if they didn't get done.

Scott has been wanting somewhere he could sit and put up his feet. We found this ottoman for a great price at
I.O. Metro this weekend so we decided to get it. I think it will make a great place for me to sit and feed Harper in the wee hours and watch tons of DVR'd shows! (How excited am I about all the great shows coming in January - it's perfect timing - it will be cold, can't leave the house, lots of time feeding a baby and I have "The Bachelor", "Lost", "American Idol", the reality show for Miss America!)

And I'll leave you with a picture of me and my first baby. I tell him every day that "Mommy is having a baby but YOU are our first baby and will always be and we will still love you when Harper comes".

Kelly, you look so beautiful! You are really glowing. I am so excited to meet Harper! Take it easy until then.
Wonderful photos Kelly! You look wonderful and you will manage to get everythign done. You must be "nesting" as they call it! I remember cleaning my fridge for about four hours one day thinking that it might be the last time I would clean it for at least a year! HA! Dawson will make a good big brother! :)
love the picture of you and dawson. is it weird that it made me tear up ;-) i will be telling my murphy the VERY same thing when my time comes...everyone tells me that i will forget about him, but i know i won't!
You look positively radiant, my friend! I love the pillow and the swing, and the picture of you and Dawson is SO cute!
And big high five to God for scheduling that Harper-girl's arrival to coordinate with the new January shows. He wasn't kidding when He said His timing was perfect. :-)
Hey girl! It's been a while.
You look amazing, of course. I love the picture of you and Dawson and I can't wait until it's a pic of your family of four! ;-)
Hang in there... just for the record I think it'll be in January!
Oh Kelly, everything looks wonderful, including you! I have a Bichon so I completely understand your attachment to Dawson. My dog, Memory, is wonderful with my niece who absolutely loves her so I am sure Dawson will be the same way!
I love Dawson! I've had such puppy fever lately...especilly a Bichon! Can't you see him named Shamrock Stanton with a big green S on his coller? Dawson will love his new friend Harper...
you look beautiful, friend! blessed be your heart tonight! stay warm! k8
You are the definiton of "pregnancy glow". That pillow is adorable, and so is your Dawson!
you look radiant! i believe that you will include dawson in the care and love of your new baby. he will feel continual love from you too!
The picture of you and Dawson is so cute!! He's going to be a good big brother. :)
ahhh, yes...i remember installing the carseat finally before our first child arrived. any ounce of "cool" my car had before that flew out the window at that point. :0)
now come May '09 we'll have THREE car seats in the back! crazy...
I borrowed the same swing from a friend, and it is super easy to put together! Funny enough, Alexandra slept all the way through the night the first time by sleeping in that swing. That was at 4 1/2 weeks, and she has slept through the night ever since. Perhaps the swing is magical, so I wish that same magic upon Harper. :)
So very sweet! You look beautiful. Love the pillow...just perfect for Harper's room :)
You know we are going to miss the weekly tummy shots when Harper is here.....I am thinking that instead of tummy shots we will have to have weekly Harper shots!!
THe pillow is adorable, and how comfy does that chair look?!!
Your pic is so cute!! I love the pattern of your swing and pack and play!
You look GREAT!! Can't wait to see you in that big chair with Harper! Merry Merry!
I love the Bachelor too and am excited about the new one. I just loved him last year when he was on the Bachelorette. Your pictures look great. The pillow is very cute. What a talented lady.
Getting closer.... can't wait! That belly is just adorable!
Yes! Get that cute swing put together ASAP!! Alise utterly lived in hers the first three months of her life!
You are still all baby, no matter what you think! ;-)
I love that swing, that is the cutest pattern, I think anyway!
You look beautiful! I hope I look THAT good when I'm at 36 weeks! I felt great up until delivery of my first baby, but #2 is proving to be a different story.
I love when people treat their pets so wonderful. I'm a huge pet lover. Our animals are treated just as well as our children. I refer to myself as "mommy" too. :)
My pets are really important to me. I'm glad Dawson has your love. Will he be wearing a "I'm a big brother" shirt? ha ha ha
Kelly S. (Michigan)
I may just have to make a roadtrip and come see that darling Harper when she's here. I'll hold her while you take a shower and I'll love her to pieces while you fix some food and we'll just stare and talk and stare and talk! :)
You look great!!! I'm truly so happy for you Kelly.
Oh, would you say a prayer for my precious Bible study friend, Allison?? She miscarried at 12 weeks and is devastated. Bless you.
Big hugs,
You look so cute :) I hope you get your wish and she comes in January :)
I love the swing and pillow so cute! And her room is gorgeous by the way!
Your first baby is a doll! :) I often worry will my furbabies be sad when I have a baby! :) I don't want them to get jealous :)
AWw I love that picture of you and Dawson! That is so cute and sweet what you tell him! I love the "h" pillow and the swing! Precious!
You look absolutely radiant in your picture ;). I know it is hard, but I am so proud of you for slowing down!
I love that pic of you & Dawson!
We have that swing!!! K loves it! It vibrates, swings and makes noises...and he slept in it ALOT those first few weeks!!
Looking great!!!
Oh, how I understand the puppy dog love! I almost cried when we boarded our two last night before coming to the hospital today! I too have constantly been reassuring them they are our "number one boy" and "number one girl" which I am sure sounds like "blah blah blah" to their little ears. :) Makes me feel better tho!
You are just looking great and glad to hear all is well at the Dr. office! Merry Christmas!
Someone told me at church on Sunday that whatever you're "measuring" means what week you're going to deliver...obviously they were wrong! haha.
I have to ask; where did you get the coupon for the swing? And, where did you order it? I have a few things to get and need to find a less expensive way of getting them.
I had my 37 week appointment today and no progress yet...which like you, I'm totally fine with! And oh how I can 100% relate to our puppies being our first babies! I'm always telling Molly the same thing as what you tell Dawson...they're such gifts!! I think I've cried more over the change that will come for Molly than anything else! I hope you have a great day and happy week 36...we're almost there, Kelly!!
You look ready to go! I love the pillow as well :)
Are you still going to work once Harper comes or are you going to stay working? I like how you are including Dawson in all the baby stuff...it's so cute!
I agree, i think we will need weekly Harper photos.. Love the pillow. It will look cute in her glamourous nursery! The swing is cute too, love the polka dots.. The pic of you and Dawson is cute too! I'm also excited to see the bachelor too, can't believe she didn't pick jason last time.. Have a great Tuesday!
What a fun time for you! Enjoy it all!
I can't believe you have less than a month! You are looking so great! That pillow is adorable!
Oh my word! That is so fun! I actually just called her and told her how jealous I was! Ha! Anyways, her exact words were, "She's a tiny little thing... She is ALL baby!" So I hope that makes you feel good in these last pregnant weeks! :) I love Final Touch... They have some of the cutest things!
We have this swing, carseat, pack-n-play and high chair. We love all of it and have been really pleased with them. I love your blog...i think i found it thru boomama. I LOVE all the monograms...I monogram anything I can. I have a boy so it's a little harder. Merry Christmas!
I had a December baby and I just loved being able to snuggle up inside (for several weeks!) and not feel like I had to get myself and the baby out because it was warm and sunny. Too bad back then I wasn't the DVR Queen like I am now. I missed out on some great shows!
I am laughing because I know exactly how you feel about the TV! I told Flint the other day that if our child decides to come on a night when American Idol is on...we will have to have it on!! He of course just rolls his eyes over the fact that I still am sucked in by reality TV! I am also laughing because I always tell Sophie, who thinks she is a little girl and not a puppy dog, that I will always love her and she was my very first baby! I do not think Katie will go into shock like Sophie will when we bring home our Little Bit! I LOVE the pillow! Mrs. Martin...you are so cute!!!
When I was pregnant with my first child I was so worried about how my furry children were going to react to the babies coming into there world. I didn't want them to feel replaced or left out. 3 kids and 7 yrs later, I still tell them that same thing, you were my first babies, and I haven't forgotten that. You are gonna be fine and so are Harper and Dawson
You and Dawson look so cute and happy together!
The pillow is perfect for the bed in Harper's nursery.
The swing is a GREAT purchase! Baby D would only sleep in his swing or the bouncy seat for the first couple of weeks...our arms were also perfectly acceptable to him!!! (:
That pillow is perfect for the room--how sweet!!! Such a cute picture of you and Dawson at the end!
You will be so thankful for that swing! That was one thing a friend of mine told me that I had to have a boy was she right!
You look wonderful! All of our living room furniture is from IO Metro. I love that store!
Oh my gosh! She's almost here!! And so is LOST! Woo hoo!
I've been reading every since the very beginning of your pregnancy...I love the pillow, I just had to email a pic of it to my mom-n-law, so she can hopefully make me one! Happy holidays!
I love the picture of you and Dawson. I bet he will love the new addition to the family!!!
I am a BIG American Idol Fan...I can't wait for the new season!
That pillow is just precious and will be perfect in her room. I love your picture with Harper AND your picture with Dawson. I know he will be just fine!
You look so AWESOME. I am so glad you have slowed down and are resting. You will need all the rest you can get before baby Harper gets here.
I could not help but smile when you talked about all the great shows and your DVR...girl, those things are going to be so unimportant to you in a few weeks. We rarely even turn our TV on anymore. Life is about to change...but for the better my sweet friend!
You'll be glad to know I read this post this morning while I was at work to Jack and your DAD! Ha!
Let me know how #2 works out for you! ha!
I'm so ready for some American Idol and 24, myself!!
I'm excited for the new TV, too! I am SO glad to hear that someone else is excited about the Miss America show...I was keeping it a secret!
I love the pillow!! :o)
I love that picture of you and Dawson!! He is so cute. Our beagle would never sit still long enough to have her picture taken. She's just not as sophisticated as Dawson!
I hope you do have opportunities to relax and just take in this last month!
I loved seeing the Christmas decor you put out this year!
I just adore that picture of you and Dawson! And I am glad to hear you are resting and staying home some....you'll never have this time again, so enjoy it!!!
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