Hey - it's Dawson! I've taken over my mom's blog today because her friend Faith and her dog Calie tagged me to list 6 random facts about myself.
1. I am a big baby. I pretty much love my momma and daddy and that's it. When people come over - I just like to cling to my momma. I'm not real interested in other people or animals. You might call me a snob - I like to think of myself as loyal.

2. NOTHING makes me happier than going for a walk. If my momma says "where's your leash?" - I usually go nuts and start jumping for joy. Can you blame me? A person likes to get out of the house now and then. I don't so much like to walk as I like to smell every blade of grass along the way. My mom keeps telling me next spring we are going to go on a ton of walks with Harper in her stroller. I can't figure out who this "Harper" is???

3. My mom messed up when I was a puppy and fed me "people food". YEAH BUDDY! Why on earth would I ever want to eat gross "dog" food again after that? I'm pretty much obsessed with food. I will eat ANYTHING. If something is real good - I'll think about it in the middle of the night and come lay in the kitchen or try to lure my parents into the kitchen to open the refrigerator for me.

4. I LOVE to get hair cuts? Hey - who doesn't? I look so cute after I get my hair cut. I DO NOT like baths. Every time I hear my dad turn on the bath water with the door open - I know my number is up - so I go and hide under the bed or a chair. But after the bath - I always feel so spunky and I like to run around the house real fast!

5. I'm not going to lie - I like dressing up. My momma puts me in costumes every Halloween and sometimes sweaters in the winter. You know what they say - "every girl is crazy about a sharp dressed man!"

6. I sleep with my parents right between them on my own pillow. I like to lay right next to one of them but they are always telling me to "scoot over". When it's cold - I get under the covers. We like to snuggle right before bed and first thing ever morning.
Mom and Dad keep telling me my life is going to change when the baby comes. I don't know who this "baby" is or what all this new stuff is around our house. As long as they share their food with me and take me for walks - I'm okay with the "baby". She just better not eat all my food.

I tag any of you who love your dogs like my parents love me to let them blog for a day!

P.S. Have any of you seen this movie yet? Did you like it? My mom wants to go see it tomorrow night. She has heard it is sad and that she will cry. She said she's been pregnant and/or on fertility drugs for the last year and a half. She cries EVERY day - at least this time she won't look crazy!

What a spoiled fluff! Who doesn't want to spoil their little puffer? I want another one so badly. Too bad Dawson doesn't think he's a dog or else Jackson could come over and play with him. He's got a big change coming. I hope he adjusts well!
P.S. Marley and Me the book was sad and I cried at the end.
Dawson is so cute and very photogenic!!
Dawson you are just too cute. You will love your new baby Harper. Just think of all the goodies she will drop to you.YUM! take care of your Mommy and I want to go and see that movie soon. Be sweet Dawson~
Love all the pics but the last one is my favorite! Where did you get that top, very cute and love the colors! Can't wait to see pics of Harper and Dawson together soon! Hope you have a great Tuesday!
Derek and I saw it the other day. It really is a great movie. After it was over I told Derek I didn't think you needed to see it until after the baby comes. It is so "REAL" regarding starting a family and having a pet, I'm afraid it might just put you into labor. It is a tear jerker. I'm going to blog about it soon, but I'll tell you first...Derek cried, too!
Marley and Me is wonderful. I read the book and loved it so I couldn't wait to see the movie. My husband and I have a very naughty yellow lab so the movie was like our life! My very manly man husband who never ever cries even teared up. I would rent it if I were you. I only had 4 napkins and that was NOT enough! After the movie you will love your dog more than ever.
I'm with the last comment person...It is very touching and sweet. It is also sad-not tragic sad but real life sad. It might be a great thing to watch when Harper is here and you're looking for a good movie to rent!
Dawson, it was so nice learning more about you, you spunky little fella. You are just so cute and with those nice parents, your nice pad, and lots of food and fashionable clothes at your disposal - you seem to be livin the good life, my man!
Dawson, you are too cute. I think you would like my doggie (Trixie Lulu). She also hates baths & likes long walks.
That was the cutest post ever! :) Our dog, Tikka, loooooves baths! And our boys adore her! Harper and Dawson will be best buds before ya know it! And I can't wait to see Marley & Me!!
Tell your mom that Marley & Me is great but to buy a BIG box of Kleenex to take to the movies. You are precious and spoiled just like my dog!
Aw, Dawson, you are sooo cute!! I haven't seen Marley & Me yet because my precious Hanna Banana pupu is sick and won't be around much longer, so, I don't think I can watch it right now. But, it looks like a fabulous movie.
Dawson, you will love baby Harper! My best friends dog felt the same way before baby Zoe came, and now Zoe and Minnie (the dog) are best friends. Minnie gaurd Zoe and Zoe shares food--it's the best of both worlds! You'll have a new person to love on you, Dawson!
HI Dawson!
My name's Pacey,(we both have names like the characters on Dawson's Creek, my mom named me after the boy on that show!) I dont like baths either and run like a mad man around my house too just like you once I am out of the tub, my mom and dad laugh everytime!
i liked your post.
~Pacey (maltese)
PRECIOUS pictures of Dawson!! And I cried at Marley & Me...bawled like a baby! But it was such a good movie!
Dawson, you look adorable and COMPLETELY spoiled... as it should be!
what a CUTE post!
i saw marley and me.. good movie BUT way TOO TOO TOO sad. i will probably never watch it again.
Dawson ~ you are such a cutie and one lucky dog to live with such loving parents. I hope you enjoy little Harper and all the joy she will bring to your life!
Dawson is adorable! I love this post! So good to read about other crazy dog lovers like me :)
Kelly- this is adorable! Your Dawson is too precious, and Harper and he will be good friends, haha :):) Can't wait for her arrival :)
Dawson is such a cutie! Marley and Me was soo good! But I cried and cried and I'm not even pregnant! Bring lots of tissues!!
Its such a cute movie but you will CRY!!! Its really funny though but just prepare yourself to really cry at the end. I went with my family and my dad and, Matt and brother all cried!!!
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Not too much longer until HARPER is here! Yeah!
We have two labs so the movie really hit home for us. Our black lab is Marley all over. As a matter of fact my husband has now started calling him Marley. Great movie but a huge tear jerker for dog lovers. My husband cried like a baby which he has NEVER done. We looked like we had just left a funeral as we walked out :) Dawson is adorable!
love this. murphy can definitely relate to dawson A LOT! ha. and on marley and me, i say skip it! i read the book, knew exactly what was going to happen, and then cried ALL THE WAY THROUGH IT. it's just not fun to cry that much, in my opinion ;-) read the book instead! i still cried through that, but at least it's a little at a time. plus it hits very close to home on several levels...anyway, let us know if you do see it!
Oh, love this post, I am going to get to it tonight! Saw the movie and bring the kleenex!
Hi Kelly,
Loved this post. Too cute.
I saw Marley and Me yesterday.....
and cried...lots. But it was really good. Just do like the others have said...bring lots of kleenex if you go.
Can't wait until Harper arrives!
Hi, Dawson! I enjoyed learning new things about you. I'm not crazy about other dogs either, but I'm pretty sure we could be buddies. I hate baths and hide when I hear the water, too. After I'm out of the water, I run around like crazy and rub my beard on things like the TV to try to dry off faster. Did you get good stuff in your stocking this year? I got some awesome wet-food meals, but I fear they were only a Christmas treat...I wish I could eat them every day, but the vet always tells my parents that I'm a few pounds overweight as it is. You'll like having a baby around the house--it will give you some entertainment and when she gets old enough to eat table food, you'll be SET because you can steal snacks from her all the time (that's how I got overweight, but I've enjoyed every calorie of it. I like to steal whole PopTarts and eat them in one bite!). Happy New Year, and good luck with your new sibling!
Your friend,
Bogart Garner
Great post, Dawson! My doggie was tagged and wrote a cute post as well. Happy New Year to you and your parents!!
Dawson, you are one cute dog! Happy new year!
Dawson, you should so meet my dog, Memory. She is a Bichon and loves to dress up too! She likes to sleep with her momma and looooves McDonald's french fries!
Cute post Kelly, I mean, Dawson!
P.S. - I heard Marley and Me is super sad.
Love it!! Dawson is so cute and I'm glad to know that my little baby isn't the only one spoiled...ha!! I know that Harper will love Dawson just as much as y'all do. They will be great buds! I seriously can't believe she will be here in 12 days or less...wow!!
So glad you played along!!
Dawson is so cute :)
It's nice to know that I'm not the only person with a super spoiled dog on their hands!!
Dawson, that was too cute! You are such a sweet faced angel. Our first "baby" Hercules would like for me to tell you that even when his new baby came, he still got to sleep in the middle of his parents at night. Life may have changed, but he is still a spoiled pup!
Sweet post. We're going to see a movie tomorrow night~maybe Marley and Me!
We saw Marley & Me today. It IS SAD and you WILL CRY. We took a box of tissues to share (a friend of mine with our girls, so six of us). My head still hurts from the crying! But, a good movie!
Girl, I saw the movie Christmas evening. I had read the book. I knew what happened. I cried like a crazy woman. I was not the only one in the theater sniffling, but I was worried I was going to audibly boo hoo! Its not a bad sad, nothing sudden or tragic happens, but there is a sad pregnancy reference in it. Otherwise very cute, good movie!
i cried! like sobbed loudly to the point where people thought i was a crazy women. and even some man turned around and said. honey its okay, its just a movie! haha. its very good though, great family movie.. and dawson. you are too cute!
OMG I love your blog! I read it daily, it is as addicting as chocolate. I own a online childrens boutique I would love for you to check out! Harper would look great in one of our creations. Message me on our website and we would love to make you a free tutu of your choice! Check me out at www.cottoncandytutus.com:)
So funny Kelly! What a mess that dog is! They are just like real people and pretty much know what's going on!
I just stumbled upon this blog via blabber & blunder. Dawson, I'm impressed - I didn't know dogs could blog! Great post & best wishes to you, your momma, daddy & Harper (the unknown wee little one who arrives soon) in the new year!
Cute little Dawson! Snuffy said he loved your Hawaiian outfit and that having a baby around the house isn't all that bad once you get used to it. It's one more person to lick!
Do you really cry every day? The hormones didn't hit me like that. I haven't cried, but I did get really anxious. I still have fits of anxiety.
That is one cute puppy.
Hey, you should go check out this dad's pictures of his daughter's birth - it will give you some idea of what they'll do with Harper once she's born. This couple had a c-section but the baby part is the same.
Hope you're feeling well.
Dawson...you are so precious! I hope our sweet Macy will become more like you. She is only 5 months old now and she is definitely a puppy...very playful and likes to chew everything...even your fingers. Anyway, maybe you two can meet one day! Happy New Year!
awww he's soo adorable! I think Dee Dee and Dawson have the same mentality when it comes to their lives! haha... he doesn't get who this "baby" is either. haha.. OH, btw , we saw Marley and Me and it's soo funny but SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SAD at the end. EVERYONE, including the guys and my hubby, cried at the end. it's a good movie though!!
Happy New Year!
Your dog is adorable. And yes I have seen Marley and Me. It is soooooo good. Sad but good.
Question, my friend was looking over my shoulder when we were looking at the pics of your cute pup and she wants to know how you keep Dawson's mouth so clean. It is not all discolored. She has a shitzu so she was curious.
hi Dawson, its's Dax. My mom read your post today and then said I should do one too, so I did!
what an incredibly cute and creative way to join others in the blgging world! you have a wonderful mother who will continue to show you love after the 'little one' arrives!
and kelly, what a creative and sweet way to include your lovely dawson in blogging. perhaps he can write more after the 'little one' arrives since you'll be busy!
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