- Corrie ten Boom
Every year I like to do a little recap of the previous year on NYE. I would have to say that 2008 started out pretty rough for me but looking back - it's probably been one of the best years of my life - even the bad times. Those times drew me closer to Jesus and defined me as a person.
Here are a few of my highlights:
May 5th (Cinco de mayo) - the day I found out I was pregnant! God had answered our prayers!
The 10 days in May we spent in Kauai (the most beautiful place on earth) - it will be a LONG time before we get back to Hawaii but I'm glad we had the chance to do this before our family grew!
June 14th - Sarah Kate was born!
July 19th - my brother and Carrie were married
August 19th - hearing the words "It's a girl!"
September 19th - being a bridesmaid in Hillary's wedding
Getting ready for Harper's arrival
- Corrie ten Boom
Every year I like to do a little recap of the previous year on NYE. I would have to say that 2008 started out pretty rough for me but looking back - it's probably been one of the best years of my life - even the bad times. Those times drew me closer to Jesus and defined me as a person.
Here are a few of my highlights:

The other highlights are meeting so many of my BLOG friends, recieving so many sweet cards, presents, and well wishes from friends and all of you wonderful bloggers for Harper. We have been overwhelmed this year by the kindness of others. We are SO blessed that it makes me cry just thinking about it. I have SO much to be thankful for.
What was the best thing that happened to you in 2008?
Sounds like you had a great year--even with some trials along the way. Looks like 2009 will be even more amazing for you!! Can't wait to see pictures of little Harper!
THe best thing for me in 2008 was buying a house with my husband and getting settled in my job. Hopefully, one day, we'll have little ones to fill our house with :)
Happy New Year, Kelly!
This is a great idea for a post Kelly ;)! Thank you again for sharing your journey with us. I can't wait to watch and read about Harper growing up!!!
Some of my 2008 highlights include:
Building our house, going on a galz trip, getting pregnant with #2, spending a weekend with Leigh Ann, watching Vance grow, and meeting so many amazing people through blogging!
Great post...you have had a very blessed year and I am sure that 2009 will be even better for you and your family!
That was such a sweet post! I am in the midst of trying - desperately to organize my baby's room. I don't know where you put everything! I have tons of binkies and teethers and rattles and STUFF! Where did you hide it all to make that room look so beautiful and organized?
I am so glad God has blessed you with sweet Harper and that it is almost time for you to meet her! I bet next year will be your best year yet. This may sound silly, but one of the best things I did this year was to start blogging. I have learned so much from all of you sweet bloggers and my faith has grown. I always look forward to your posts each day. Happy New Year!
Kristin from TX
I am going to have to do a post like this when I get home from work! What a great idea!
Happy New Year!
I remember when I opened your blog up the day you announced you were pregnant. I shouted for joy and praised the Lord!
The best thing that happened to me this year was, of course, the Prince's arrival. He is such a joy. I am so blessed to have 2 wonderful kids.
It has been a great year.
I did a similar post...My 2008 Top-10.
I am sending you "easy delivery" prayers. I had the worst pregnancies ever so God blessed me with incredible deliveries, I pray the same for you!
Happy New Year!
The Stamps have had a GREAT year. 2009 will be even better with sweet Harper here. I'm so glad you got me blogging. It's fun to look back on the year. Otherwise, I would forget all the small stuff and usually that is the best! Love you and Happy New Year! I can't wait to come see you and Harper in January!
One of my favorite memories of 2008 is watching the JOY on your face as HE has answered 'believing' prayers for your sweet family. Thanks for sharing your life with us.
Cannot wait to see precious Harper.
Blessings today and always,
Matthew 21:22
PS Yes, we DO have to stick together, us December babies! Thanks for the sweet birthday wishes.
What a difference a year can make!I'm so glad the Lord brought so many blessings to you and Scott this year! Harper will be a wonderful way to start out 2009! Or end 2008 if she really hurries!:)
By far the VERY BEST thing about our year was finding out we were pregnant with Brody and spending the entire year getting ready for him and then, him FINALLY getting here! It was the best day of our lives! And then celebrating our one year anniversary 5 weeks later!!!:) A year made a big difference at our house!
I did a post like this too!
I love yours.. I like looking at all your pictures. So cute!
I think the year I find out I'm pregnant and have my first baby will be one of my best years ever, and I'm sure that's true for you too!
Good luck and prayers over the next couple weeks!
Kelly, I've followed your blog for some time now, but this is the first comment I've left. I loved how you did the recap last NYE, so I borrowed the idea for my blog. Can't wait to read all about Harper in the next few weeks. Hope you have a smooth delivery. Happy New Years!
What a great post! I would have to say that moving back home to Texas and buying our house would be the best thing that happened to us this year! Hopefully 2009 will bring more blessings!! Glad to have met you this year too!! Happy New Year Stamps family.. Can't wait to "meet" Harper!
I would have to say that the best thing that has happened to me this year was being put under the test of learning what true perservance is and getting through all the years difficulties, big or small. God is good :) :)
The adoption of our daughter. By far the best ever....nothing will top that. Courtney
Happy New Year Kelly!! 2008 was one I know you'll never forget! :)
I did a similar post about my year!
Happy New Year to you and your family! I am so happy that 2008 has been such an amazing year for you. I know 2009 will bring lots of joy and love into your life. Harper will be a very blessed little girl!
The best things that happened to me in 2008:
1.) Getting married on October 4th.
2.) Finding out our new family will be expanding in July 2009.
3.) Receiving my M.A. in professional counseling.
Have a great New Years Eve and I wish you all God's blessing in the new year of 2009 :)
Great post!!! You have had a wonderful year and I know 2009 will be even sweeter as you experience the joys of motherhood and welcome your precious Harper!
Happy New Year Kelly!!!
I am so glad that 2008 turned out to be such a blessed year for you! I am looking forward to sweet little Harper's arrival in 2009!
The best thing that happened this year to me would probably be my graduation from the masters in accounting program. I am so thankful to had the opportunity.
Happy New Year! I am looking forward to following along with you in 2009!
What a special year for you! I look forward to reading about all that 2009 holds for you and having some of those things in common. :) I just posted some of my most special 2008 moments in pics as well. http://www.spicymagnolia.com/spicy_magnolia/2008/12/best-of-2008.html
It was really meaningful to look back and see all that it's held, and I'm hopeful for 2009! Happy New Year!
I have a link on my page for you!
God is good!!! Enjoy your special blessings and the special ones to come!
It has been a year of great delights from God and it has been a rough year but through it all God has been faithful to me and my family. It was certainly a rough year w/ my college football team. ;) I am ready to welcome 2009. Happy New Year!!!
I love looking back and seeing what God has done over the year. Our highlight is definitely baby K...but there are others, too. Sometimes the toughest times turn out to be the ones that bear the most fruit! I am looking forward to posting about my year sometime soon.
I love this post idea!! I may just have to steal it!!
The Lord has truly blessed you this year! And, what a wonderful servant of Him you are to not forget to praise Him, and give Him all the credit!!
You will just have to read my blog to find out what the BEST THINGS this year were for me!!!
Thanks for sharing! 2008 has been a year of ups and downs, but certainly an amazing one!! Check out my blog for my good news of 2008!!
I had a very big year myself. I got married in June and although we werent planning it, I got pregnant in July. We are expecting our baby girl Bailey in April. 2008 will always be a special year to me!
Wishing you a Happy New Year! If you thought 2008 was great...wait until 2009. It will be the best year of your life! :)
Kelly, you're just so darn cute & I'm so happy that all your dreams are coming true. What a blessing you have had in 2008 & I can't wait for this little girl to get here for you. I've had a good year too, just starting my new little business that I've always wanted to do. I'm not getting rich, but the blessings sure have been rich & making so many wonderful blogfriends this year has been a highlight.
Happy New Year!
Congrats on 2008! I am looking forward to seeing Ms.Harper in 2009!
You are so blessed, I have tears in my eyes just thinking about Harper's arrival!!! Cheers to 2009!!!
Oh, I love your recap-- what a great year. Hope '09 is just as wonderful :)
Hi Kelly,
I have been lurking for a few months now, and have added you to my favorites. I enjoy reading your honest faith. In reading todays post I just had to go back and read what lead up to you becoming pregnant. And if I already did'nt just adore you enough, you are even more sweeter now. I am so excited for the priceless gift god is giving. The love that this little gift will bring is incredible. I had no idea that I had that much love inside me. What a way to start off a "New Year".
As for me and 2008.....I lost my dad in March and it has been very difficult to say the least. But what I gained out of this huge loss is the trust I now have in God. If it were not for him and his unconditional love, I would be a complete mess. His love and comfort is what I learned this year and that it is always with me, and that his love will never die.
I have to say that this was a pretty big year for the both of us ......... :)
Many Sweet Blessings to you,
Steph in CA.
The best thing that happened to me in 2008 was hands down the birth of my beautiful little girl. I am so thankful and God is so good!
Awwww The best is yet to come for yall. You have so many first to experience with Harper. Hope your New Year keeps showering yall with blessings. Cant wait for that "Harpers coming" post. Take care~
Loved this, my friend!! Oh what a happy year it was. And here's to an even HAPPIER '09 for that sweet and growing family of yours. Love ya girl!
Happy New Year!!!!
Oh how time flies! Thanks for sharing your life and journey with everyone. I enjoy reading your blog when I get time. Cherish every moment you have with your baby. It really does fly by!
The absolute best thing that happened to me in 2008 was the birth and adoption of my sweet baby girl! She is God's sweet gift to us. We are having a blast and you will too!
Ok, I have a confession to make. I have been blog stalking you tonight. Seriously, I have been on here for well... a long time. I have been reading your blog for awhile, but tonight I totally got sucked in and have read post after post. I have laughed, I have cried, and I have been blessed.
I am so glad that God has given you such a gift this year. I can not wait for Harper to make her lovely apperance so we can all see your little angel.
Trust me, having a little girl is such an amazing thing! My baby girl is 21 months. Each day brings so many smiles.
May God continue to be bless you and your little family in 09!
Thank you for your post. It was amazing to see God's perfect timing in your life to bless you with Harper.
Thank you also for being so transparent about your faith! You are inspiring.
Happy New Year!
Great post, Kelly. I've enjoyed your recap... but sharing it along the way with you has been really special.
I'm looking forward to what God has in store for you in 2009. Happy New Year to you, Scott, Dawson, and the soon to arrive Harper.
PS - Did the doctor have much to say??
I was thinking about you as I did my 2008 recap post. This past year was a good one for you but next year will be even better with Miss Harper finally here!!! Happy New Year!
Great post!! You've really had a wonderful year. The thing I'm most thankful for this year is finding out I'm pregnant...we found out Christmas Eve!! I have truly enjoyed following your journey and can't wait to see pics of little miss Harper!
HEY!!!! I'm just now reading blogs for the week. It's been a wild week! Thanks for adding me to the memorable moments of 2008! I think my most memorable is obviously getting married! We've prayed for that for a while, haven't we?!?!
I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God has certainly worked mightily in your lives over the past year...praise His Name!
I'm so thankful that the Lord has brought me together with so many amazing women through this blog world, and I'm looking forward to even more rejoicing in 2009!
Happy New Year!
2008 was a great year because I met the man I believe God has for me to marry!! I also lost 30 pounds and feel great!! We will see what 2009 brings. :-)I am praying for an engagement and a wedding!! I am reading your blog every day in anticipation of Harper's arrival!! I cannot wait.
Wonderful post! I have so enjoyed getting to "know" you through your blog!! I look forward to more fun times and adventures in the blogging world in 2009!!
How fun!! What a great year.
Can't wait to see your wrap up of 2009 =-)
I know you had a great year! But especially from May on! And 2009 will be even better with Harper!
Hi Kelly,
I just found your blog by doing a random search for "Bunco Buns". I made some sandwiches yesterday and my mother in law referred to them as Bunco Buns and I had never heard of that so I wanted to see how similar the recipies are. How random that you are in Arkansas too! AND expecting a baby...so are we...on February 25th. We are so excited! Good luck with everything and I love your recipes so I'll be sure to visit your blog for new ones!
Happy New Year!
the best thing for us was finding out in Sept. that our #3 would arrive in May '09, and then Dec. 30 finding out that he's our first SON! :0) our girls are so excited.
you are so stinkin' cute! i just found you through naptime is the new happy hour and i'm bookmarking you asap! congrats on baby harper! i look forward to seeing more of you guy son here. :0) jenny
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