Sunday, December 14, 2008

2008 Boomama's tour of homes

It's the best of the year again - Boomama's Christmas tour of homes! This is my third year to participate. I love looking at every one's houses all decorated. I'm afraid mine is a little small this year. Last year - I did a lot more (see here).
and next year I expect to go way overboard - but for this year we are keeping it simple.
Come on in and let's start the tour! I did manage to at least get a wreath up!
Can I just say now that the decorating mesh HAS to be the best invention ever!!! I love it so much and think it makes everything look better and more festive!
This thing of red and green balls is sitting on our coffee table

I love these cylinders on my sofa table and I filled them up with Christmas balls

These cute package goes with my tree this year

The "h" ornament I made for our daughter Harper and I also got a lot of big balls and tied them with zebra ribbon

Two more of my favorite ornaments - the zebra balls and the big presents

I always do theme trees - I normally have a gold tree in my kitchen, a big 9 ft tree in my living room with browns, golds, reds and greens and last year I got this smaller tree to stick in our dining room window. I wanted to do kind of a fun whimsical theme of bright reds and greens and black and white zebra print. I love how it turned out - it's little and our main tree this year but I think it's so cute!

The season is all about JOY for me - God's gift to us of his son!
(Do ya'll know the song "You are my joy" by David Crowder? I love it so much and just want to jump and down and "mosh" when I hear it!!! This just made me think about it.)
My favorite thing about Christmas - Christmas CARDS!!!! We have already received SO many cute ones. I keep them in this basket in our kitchen.
I didn't decorate our mantle this year - but my favorite decoration is our stockings. I bought them a few years ago - one for me, my husband Scott and our dog Dawson. I also bought two that aren't monogrammed in hopes that we could put our children's names on them one day. Last year in the tour we were in the midst of fertility treatments and I was praying that by this year we would have a name for one of the stockings! And we do!!! But I haven't monogrammed it yet - it will be ready to go for next year. Hers will be the red damask stocking!
This is mine and I LOVE IT! I got them at Ballard's on sale one year! They have the BEST stuff!
The reason we haven't decorated much this year is that we are expecting our first child in a few weeks!!! After praying for years - God has given us the most precious gift ever besides his Son - our daughter Harper! She will be here soon and I can't wait to meet her! This verse is the one that means the most to me because God really CAN do more than all we could ask or imagine!

I've spent most of my time this season decorating in here instead of putting up trees!

This Christmas has been more special and magical than ever because we are getting ready for her! Next year I'm already envisioning the white tree I'm going to put in her room with pink, lime green and brown ornaments!!!! Ahhhhhhh...... can't wait!

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!!! Thank you for visiting us!
Please come again!!!!
(our card is by

Now go to Boomama's blog and check out the rest of the tour!!!!
and also checked out Hooked on Houses tour!

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Patty said...

I love your wreath. It is beautiful! All of your ornaments and decorations are pretty. Harper's room is adorable!

Merry Christmas!

Lauren said...

I love it all! Especially the card! So CUTE!

Amy said...

The tree is too cute! I love the Christmas card as well! Harper is going to have so much fun helping decorate next year (or by that time she will be trying to see what she can get into!)

Kristi said...

Your home is so beautiful and I am so excited for you. May God continue to bless you and keep you!

Mrs. Valente said...

That wreath is GORGEOUS! It looks like you're gonna have a very merry Christmas!

Jill said...

I'm a regular reader and I'm so excited for you in the coming weeks. I love your tree (and those zebra ornaments!) This is my 3rd year participating in The Tour, too. Merry Christmas to you!

Whitney Caroline Designs said...

EVERYthing is SO cute! I just loved it!

Cyndi said...

you did more than you probably feel like doing this close to baby Harper coming. Everything looks great and I can't wait to see Harper soon. Merry Christmas

Jackie said...

I have to admit I have never seen that decorating mesh...but I love it! Your house always looks so lovely...your little tree is super cute.

Domestic Goddess..Diva sometimes said...

Very beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

Totallyscrappy said...

Very whimsical! Congrats on the upcoming birth. May God grant you guidance and wisdom as you lead her on the path He has laid out.
Seeing you love Christmas cards I thought I would offer this tip... At our house we take the Christmas cards and put them in a big bowl and each night we choose a card from the bowl and pray for that family. Keep's the Christmas cheer all year!

Leslie Ruth Petree said...

Delurking to say that your home is too cute. So sassy...thanks for sharing the initial ornament idea! I'm using this as sweet but simple gifts for my best girlfriends this year :) Just curious, where did you get those cylinders that your put ornaments in? They are fabulous...

Ashley said...

Your front door wreath and the urns filled with balls are my favorite! I'm expecting our first child, a little girl, in February! Come visit me at my house (blog)--it looks like we have a lot in common! :o)

Anonymous said...

your home looks great! i love christmas cards too - it is so fun to see how people change each year. yours is beautiful.

Lori said...

Just think... you have all year to collect red and green 'plastic' balls for your dish next year!

Candy said...

I love it all!!! :) Your Christmas card is just the cutest! I'll have to check out that site for the future. :) I can't believe Harper will be here so soon! SO exciting!!! :)

In His Army said...

Oh Kelly, your decorations are wonderful adn still put mine to shame. So far, mine consist of a nice looking tree that is decorated well, 2 Christmas cookie jars, and the Thanksgiving wreath that is still hanging on my front door. Pitiful isn't it? LAst year I did a little tree in Jaiden's room decorated in pink & green with little cowgirl ornaments and it was so cute. But this year I've really been slacking!!

Angie said...

So cute!!! I love the Christmas balls in the bowl on your table and the Joy platter adorable!! Harper's room is cute too, congrats and Merry Christmas!

Faith said...

Your house looks so pretty as always! I love what you've done this year. And, how exciting that next year Harper will be here to share in all the Christmas fun. I can't believe that it's almost time for her arrival!!

Heather said...

Your house is gorgeous, so is your little girls room! TOo cute! COngrats and have a Merry Christmas! I love the "h" ornament!

Megan L Hutchings said...

From beginning to end, it sounds like your weekend was GREAT ;)! I hope that you had a wonderful time at Scott's office party.

I absolutely LOVE your wreath! You Arkansas ladies were born with pure TALENT!

vaneblu said...

Droping by from the tour of homes!! and OH MY I LOVE your Christmas Deco and Nursery :)

Brittany said...

I love your tree and your little girl's room! I can't wait to see it all next year!

The Shabby Princess said...

Your decorations are lovely! And your card is sooo cute! Merry Christmas!

Bamawhitney said...

Love all of your decorations and your Christmas card too! I will have to remember that blog for next year. The zebra ribbon on your trees are great!

Shannon said...

Everything is so cute! I love your card!

Kelli said...

i love the zebra tree and your card!! Did you do it yourself???

Amanda said...

Your house looks wonderful! I love your whimsical stockings. And your Christmas card is the cutest ever.

Spicy Magnolia said...

yeah for keeping things simple this year, huh!? :) I love the festive colors in your home; I particularly really like the glass cylinders filled with Christmas balls. You do such a great job decorating! And the Christmas card is awesome!

Lauren said...

Beautiful as always! I have some "jealousy issues" over your stockings! Ha!

Jennifer Owens said...

I love your wreath, stockings and fun Christmas tree!! Harper's room has really come together. (o: Beautiful! And great Christmas card - Love it!

Jordan said...

Your tree is so cute!
I love Harper's room. So adorable =]

His Doorkeeper said...

I thought you weren't going to decorate this year???Things look pretty good to me! Next year will be such fun, won't it?

I can't wait to start looking for toddler toys from "Santa" to Harper!! Mom

3CHEERS4MOM said...

Everything looks just stunning! You have done a beautiful job. I love the name Harper, it is too cute.
-Cheers, Amy

Erika said...

I love your jars and bowl of ornaments! And congrats on the baby!!

Kristin said...

I'm so happy that your prayers were answered and sweet Harper is almost here. Christmas is so fun when you have little ones to spoil!

Thank you so much for the ornament idea! I made them for my daughters' dance teachers, we did them for a craft project with all their little friends, I've made different variations to give to teachers and friends....they really were the perfect idea for me this year! I really appreciate it!

Merry Christmas! I can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks holding your precious little girl!

Kristin from TX

Jenna said...

Girl you just make me smile!

I absolutely love everything you did - it looks amazing and you can just feel the love in that house! And I am very much loving the JOY plate. It is just what I feel when I think about Christams, and it definitely what I feel for you and your family - and that sweet Christmas present in your tummy! :-)

annalee said...

love it all, but specially miss harper's nursery and your christmas card! what an especially joyful season!

Adventures of Laura said...

Your home is beautiful as usual! Love your Christmas card - can't wait to see Harper in the picture next year!

Melissa Stover said...

I LOVE your christmas card. that is so cute!

Heather Bug said...

Your house looks great! I LOVE those stockings from Ballard Designs. Okay, I know that I am a little bias :), but Zach really is an amazing guy! They created an award at PA (his high school) called the Zach Pate award for the man with the most integrity. Whenever I am talking to high school/college girls and they think it's hopeless to find a godly man, I always tell them about Zach. I think it is so neat that you know Hannah! What fun! We already have them married off, too! HA! :) Have a great Monday!!

Heather said...

The decorations you have up are lovely! I'm sure that next Christmas will be even more special for you and your family - congratulations!

KarenW said...

How exciting to be expecting your little one. The nursery is beautiful.

Mike, Kacy & Wells said...

Charlie Brown's Christmas tree never looked that good.

Jennifer said...

It looks so cute! I expected you to only do a wreath and that be it, but you honestly have as much as I do!!:) It was a little hard to decorate with a newborn and having just recovered from a c-section! Your card is too cute! I love it and I love the picture on the card too!

Anonymous said...

Your home is beautiful and the baby's room....over the top cute. She will be a princess! Blessings, Jill

{K} said...

Everything looks beautiful! I really love the zebra stuff on your tree!

Very cute Christmas card too! :)

Melodie Norman Haas said...

How beautiful! Congrats on Harper and thanks for sharing!

Rathi said...

Love all the decorations, especially the wreath! Harper's tree will be fabulous next year!! Can't believe you only have a few more weeks, excited to see her pics! Happy Monday!!

Meredith said...

I love the whimsical theme, Kelly! I love your tree! I'ts so cute! the wreath looks great on the door and i love that little package! Your Christmas card was fabulour by the way! Loved it!

Jessica said...

I love all of the decorations. You are so crafty!!

The Garners said...

What a great tour! I think you still decorated more than me this year, even with your "scaled down" version! :) I love your whimsical, fun tree this year, and your card is so cute! MERRY CHRISTMAS! I'm soooo thankful that in addition to the joy of a Savior this Christmas, you and your family (and friends) are also celebrating the upcoming arrival of your own baby, sweet Harper! Do you think she still might make it in time for Christmas '08? My friend Leslie had her baby today, Avery Reese.

michelle said...

i love your tree it is so cute and i really love Harpers room!! Pink and brown are my favorite colors! what a cute Christmas card!! Next year you will be holding Harper for the picture! yay!!

pcb said...

Congratulations on Harper! Love the name. Merry Christmas.

Darla DiStefano said...

Love your Christmas decorations and nursery! Congratulations and can't wait to see your sweet, lucky, little Harper!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your beautiful family, and much anticipated baby girl!

I love your tree this's adorable! And the nursery is magnificent!

Erin said...

I found your blog thru BooMama's tour and I love your decorations! Harper is one of the names on our "Future Baby Name" list (no babies yet) - and I can't wait to see you holding that sweet baby!

Carrie said...

i LOVE the bright greens & reds! and the nursery...super cute!!!

~Bekah said...

aww well thanks for ur sweet blog comment on my decorations! your decor is simply stunning! i love the zebra and present accents to your tree!! Very modern and cutesy!! Yeah, one day the wild tree will be the tree in Baby Kee's room; course the decor of it depends on what we find out Dec. 23rd!! :) God Bless & Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

Your home is beautiful! (I love, love the nursery!) Thanks for sharing - congrats and good luck being a mommy - I have a new one too - it's lots of work, exhausting but SO SO worth it! Merry Christmas!

"J" said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww GREAT tour!!! I love it!!!!! =) Yalls stockings are so CUTE!

Merry Christmas to yall!!!!

Julia said...

Everything is so beautiful. I know you didn't want to decorate in case you go into labor, or need to rest after Christmas! I would have done the same thing! Your tree is so adorable though :)

Leah said...

I have no idea how I found Kelly's Korner, but I did! I have enjoyed so much over the last several weeks reading about your life and your expectancies!!! You really seem to have a love for the Lord and you find a way to glorify Him in everything! I just started my blog today from the beginning and I am choosing to put you as a blog I follow. I can't wait to see your future entries!! Praying for ya Sister!!!
Leah in Nashville

Julee said...

Kelly! Our kitchen cabinets are just alike! I did notice that before you commented! Your home looks beautiful and I love the nursery. Good luck in these last few weeks!

Anne said...

Your home is so pretty; I especially liked the "joy" platter. Praise the Lord for answered prayer regarding your little one... Merry Christmas!

Keetha Broyles said...

Your decorations are just plain fun!!! I've enjoyed looking at them

Merry Christmas!!!

Meg said...

Hi Kelly...I read your blog often!
Thanks for allowing me to tour your cute home!!

Meredith said...

I thought you weren't decorating this year. ;) It all looks so pretty. I especially love the zebra tree. The card is adorable! Merry Christmas!

jill jill bo bill said...

Hey Kelly!! I found you thru, ummm who knows! I have flipped around here and am so glad I ended up here. I am amzed at how much we have in common, only I am much older and have lots of kids. My husband is from Little Rock and a huge Razorback fan, my son attended OBU for track, I LOVE vanilla diet cokes, browns,etc etc. Your blog, home and family is beautiful. Come visit sometime!

J said...

I love the decorations in your home especially the wreath on the door, the tree, the jars on your sofa table, well, just everything! Have a great Christmas!

Leigh Ann said...

Love all your decorations, Kelly! I especially love that there will be a name on that stocking! :) I adored your Christmas card. It was SOOOO cute! Ella Grace has carried around your card from last year. I LOVES Dawson!

Lindsey said...

Love it, love it, love it ALL! I adore those gift ornaments. And your Christmas absolutely adorable;)

Staci said...

Beautiful as always! Your cards are great! Just think...this time next month you could be holding Harper :)

kate said...

I can't wait for Harper to be under your tree next year!

Regarding the wrapping...I know! I saw that one post on how much you disliked it - and it broke my heart (tears)! kidding....we had to find a few things that seperated us!

someone has a bday next week...hmmmmm

Marybeth Whalen said...

Wow-- I really loved reading your entry in BooMama's tour-- I am so glad I stopped by!

Congrats on Harper-- she is obviously one loved little girl. Love her name and her room!

sandra/tx said...

I love all your whimsical decorating. So fun! Thanks for inviting us into your lovely home.

The Coach's Wife said...

Everything you do is so fun and so cute! You will have lots of fun doing all the crafts with Harper! Congrats! You will have her in your arms soon!

Unknown said...

Love all the decorations!

Best wishes to you and your family this Holiday season. May God bless Harper!

Anonymous said...

The ballards stockings rock my world! They are gorgeous! All of your other decorations are too precious! And your baby's nursery is soo cute! Good luck with your delivery! Baby girls are truly the best!

Kasey said...

Your home is so pretty! Good luck with having your baby. They are such a blessing. Her room is so sweet and beautiful.

Kaitlyn said...

Your home is so gorgeous, and your tour so sweet!

Amy @ Living Locurto said...

What a pretty home. I love your baby's name. That's a cool girl name:-) Her zebra and pink room is so cute. I love that look, I just created some wall art design with that same style. Fun! Good luck with the baby, that's exciting!

Jerri at Simply Sweet Home said...

Everything is beautiful!

jill said...

Thanks for sharing your holiday home. Merry Christmas!

Jenny said...

Thanks for the tour of your beautiful home. I might have to borrow the "h" ornament idea - so cute! I love Ballard too.

Congratulations on the pending arrival of your baby girl - her nursery is gorgeous! Love her name too.

Jennifer said...

You are so good at decorating!

Mrs. Shelton said...

Your home is so beautiful. Thanks for the tip on the card...she is creating mine now! They are so cute!

Melissa Miller said...

Hi Kelly,

What a gorgeous home you have. Thanks for all the inspiring Christmas ideas.

Your future daughter's room is just so serene and magical. She will love it. I see the white tree for next year as well.

Come and visit my new blog if you have a moment.
You're always welcome.

~Warmly, Melissa :)

Missy said...

So cute! I love your zebra print ornaments and precious Christmas card.

KellyB said...

I love your card!! I went to her blog and she made our card as well!! She saved me - I waited to the last second to have xmas cards made! Thanks for sharing!!

Kara said...

I LOVE all your chic decorations and that wreath is just gorgeous! Harper's room is soooo precious and all your hard work really shows in there! Merry Christmas to the Stamps Family! (& cutie pie Dawson too!)

lisa@littlesliceoflife said...

Merry Christmas from a fellow OBU'er. I think I'm a lot older than you...Class of '92.

You have a beautiful home. Congrats on baby Harper! Children are such a blessing!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Kelly, thanks for stopping by my Christmas tour too! Your house looks SO good, you've been really busy. Love your lime green & red & I've used a lot of that this year. It's all beautiful. Hope your family has a wonderful Christmas!

JudyBug said...

I am so addicted to the mesh! I have used it in a light green inside along with pink. Outside, I've used the red and the red plaid.
Love all of your pics and congratulations on the coming bundle of joy!

RosyRose said...

Very cute Kelly! I love the Cylinders too! They are beautiful. I may have to find me some....:) Thanks for the tour!
Merry Christmas!

LindaSue said...

Your decorations are unique and joyous. Hooray about the upcoming blessed addition to your family - how exciting! Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year.

Party of 5 said...

Beautiful home and I love the nursery. Congrats on your wonderful blessing.

Jacquie said...

Your decorations are so cute! Just think, next year will be a whole new set of decoration rules with a NEARLY ONE YEAR OLD!

Jane said...

All is lovely. I like the joy plate. Hope all goes well with the new baby.

Thrifty Decor Chick said...

I love all the Christmas decor but my favorite part is the baby girl room! You are very talented! Congrats to you on your sweet patoot -- just wait -- each Christmas will just get better and better. :)

Michelle said...

I love it all! Especially those stockings! Congratulations on you soon-to-be baby. Merry Christmas!

Jenny Lynn said...

Your house looks fantastic! I love the vases full of ornaments! I totally would have spent my time decorating Harper's room instead too. It looks great :)

MatersandMelons said...

It all looks great! I love looking into other people's homes! My sister is having twins in March, and the girl twin is going to be named Harper! Y'all both have great taste in names!

KarenB said...

Congratulations on your precious little girl. That verse has been my favorite since High School (that was a long time ago). Blessings on your family in the New Year!

Unknown said...

How pretty. Your wreath is lovely and so welcoming!

And that nursery is darling. Man congratulations for the 'wee one' on the way!

Merry Christmas!

Michie said...

Thank you for the tour - and congratulations on the little one on the way!

Pam said...

Congratulations on your anticipation of Harper's arrival! We had a similar "story" 12 years ago. The Christmas I was expecting our first after such a long wait was so very exciting!! We now have 5, so I know very well that nothing is impossible with God! I love her nursery - so pretty. Merry Christmas!

S'more of my Thoughts said...

So beautiful!! We also had a similar story 12 years ago - but he came 2 weeks before Christmas! Congratulations on the new baby!!!

Oh - and I'm off to check out that "You are My Joy" Crowder song now ...

visiting from Boomama's site.