I just wanted to share a few things today:
1. This is Steve and Judy (with my brother and SIL)
They are in Nicaragua this week on a mission trip. Mission work is a passion of my parents and I love that about them. You can check in on their blogs this week to see what they are up to and you can pray for them if you think about.
2. While doing my "Stepping Up" Bible Study this week - we looked at a verse that I'm sure I'd read before but didn't mean much to me at the time. Right now I'm just reflecting on the goodness of God and His perfect timing. If you are in a waiting status now - just have hope in this verse - God has a plan for you!
Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." John 13:7

gosh that bible verse was just what i needed to read this morning, thank you!!
Yeah! Go Hogs! I love that pic with the noses! Thanks for the verse!
What a great verse!! I loved looking at all the wedding pictures. What a perfect spot to get married! You look adorable as a pregnant bridesmaid!!
Wanted to let you know that I didn't make that birthday outfit for Taylor (I think I typed that sentence wrong!) I only wish I could sew...things would be so much cheaper! I can't wait to see Harper's outfit!! You know...I thought Taylor's was going to be big and it turned out perfect! I'm definitely having her pictures made in it soon!
Wow, ok, so i'm in tears right now. that verse is soo meaningful to me right now in my life. Next month, Oct. 16 to be exact, will be the 1 year anniversary of us trying for a baby and last night i got really down and upset about that and questioned God. However, I knew this a.m. that He would direct me and show Himself to me and He has now, through you and this verse. thanks so much kelly. this means more than u know.
Thank you for sharing that verse, that's just what I need right now.
the perfect verse for me at the perfect time!!!!! oh thank you!...and i am so praying for your parents....wish i was there with them!
I heard about your blog from a friend and have been following it. I am due March 3, and I love to see where you are, how you look and what you are thinking. I have kept my own blog, but it's not nearly as expressive as yours. I appreciate your effort in keeping up your blog.
That verse = exactly what I need to keep remembering. I love it!
I will def be praying for your sweet parents! How neat that they are so involved with missions. They are awesome, and I know God will use them in a big way!
And the hog picture is so so so cute. Framer!
I love that verse! I read it last week and it made me feel so much better, it was just what I needed! I will be praying for your parents. Also, I am loving the hog pic, too cute!!!
I am in a waiting period right now after being diagnosed with Chron's disease and this very is so very true. Thanks for sharing!!
That photo is too cute!
What do you use to edit your photos?
I love that different verses catch us at different times in our lives. So powerful!
Thank you for that verse!! I'm very much in a holding pattern with a lot of things in life right now and it's very frusterating. So, thank you!
Love the Hog Nose pics!!!!!!
Y'all are precious and beautiful with the Hog noses on!!! :) LOVE IT!! Who cares if the team is stinkin....we bleed red right?
Don't you love Stepping Up? Its the perfect place for me in Bible study right now. I love that when it happens that way. Very tender to my heart.
Hope you have a good day!
Such a great pic of your parents and brother & SIL.
How exciting to go to all the foreign places and to be helping others. I hope to be able to go on a mission trip through our church soon.
The hog nose picture is hilarious. I love the idea.
Praying for your parents and the others on the team in Nicaragua! Even though you know I'm a Gator fan...I'll give a Whooooooooo Pig Sooie for that picture!!!
I will keep your parents in my prayers!
I did Stepping Up last semester and loved it! Thank you for the verse! You have no idea how much I needed to read that today!
Great verse! Thanks for sharing it. Isn't it so hard to know that "waiting" is sometimes what we are supposed to do?! This verse makes it possible, though. Happy Monday!
Thank you for that verse, Kelly! This waiting thing is NOT the easiest :)
I will pray for your parents! I know they will have a great trip! I love Beth Moore studies. Every one of them I have done I loved! The picture of the bridesmaids and Hillary is soo great!
I wish your parents safe travels and I know their message will touch many lives. I can't wait to hear all about it!
I really love the verse you shared. It's so perfect for what we've been facing with Chris' job loss and all. Thankfully, we're finally getting answers to our prayers and we knew that we just had to be patient...God knew what was best.
Your picture is too funny! So original! I love those HOGS, too!
I love that Bible verse. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.
So many others have said it already, but thank you so much for the verse. I needed to read that today.
Ahhh..thanks for the verse...I needed to hear it. I wrote it down and will look over it later to really soak it in.
Thanks Kelly!
Thanks for the verse --I really needed that reminder today. Great picture of your family, too!
thanks for sharing this verse...going to post that one to read, daily.
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