24 weeks
Harper is the length of an ear of corn
Good grief this pregnancy is flying by fast

I got my hair done on Thursday morning before we left for the wedding and my hair stylist gave me this precious dress. I love it so much. I told her I had been wanting a special dress to bring Harper home from the hospital in and now I can check that off my list. She said she brought her daughter home in the same dress and then later framed it and hung it in her room. I told her I was totally copying that idea. So sweet!

She also gave me this precious smocked dress (it's pink but looks white in the pic) and some REALLY cute newborn shoes. She knows how much I love girly, smocked dresses.

My friend Kacy let me borrow this book. She said her husband, Mike, got a kick out of reading it and thought Scott might enjoy it. Scott wanted to know what we were doing on the cover of the book. ha! It's got some really funny stuff in there for husbands to read about. (For the record - our "miracle" isn't making us miserable - but Scott needs to know about all the things going on with me) ha!
I plan to call and schedule our child birth class tomorrow. Scott is not thrilled about the classes but I told him if I was going to carry and birth this baby - the least he could do was go to the classes with me. It was a tough choice because our hospital offers a series on Monday nights (Sorry Harper - your daddy loves you but he's not giving up monday night football to find out how you are coming out) or Wednesday nights (and I can't miss choir) or a couple of all day Saturdays (we can't miss a whole day of football). So I finally found one week where we can go on a W, TH, and F night. It will be a long week but at least we can get it done in one week. I'm excited about the classes. I've been waiting on these for a long time!
The book looks so funny, but very beneficial! :)
Can't wait to hear about the child birth classes!
I love that picture of you! That is so special that you have such a thoughful hairdresser! She was so sweet to give you 2 precious girly dresses!
Those dresses just make me so happy! Too cute, and so sweet of your hair stylist! You are looking beautiful on your 24th week, my friend!
I can't believe you're already 24 weeks--it's going by so fast!
That white dress is beautiful--what a cute idea to frame it.
I laughed about your birth class scheduling conflicts! We opted not to go AT ALL because we were too lazy to give up a whole Saturday to go and sit in a class--ha ha!
You are so cute!
I love that dress on you!
It is so hard to believe that you are 24 weeks already. Harper's birthday will be here before you know it. The dresses are just precious and I love the framing idea!
I want to hug and kiss those dresses they are so cute! Oh my word!
As for the classes, Derek and I decided we would just get "on the job training" and skipped them all together! Hee hee!
Awwww those dresses are absolutely beautiful! I LOVE smocked dresses and I know that Harper will bebeautiful in both of these. What a sweet hairdresser you have.
BTW...you look absolutely fabulous pregnant!
It DOES feel like it's going fast, doesn't it!? When I saw your post recently about being "six months" pregnant, it made me freak out a little bit. I thought I was still five months (the whole weeks versus months confuses me) and I couldn't believe I was actually that far, too! Man oh man!
Oh how I love that dress...so precious! That's a great idea to frame it.
Those dresses are so cute, Harper is going to be one lovely dressed baby.
I loved our child birth classes and my husband did also. He did a good job paying attention and was FABULOUS during my LONG labor! Hopefully, y'all will have a good instructor and it won't be too much torture.
Love the precious dresses!
Those dresses are PRECIOUS! The crazy thing is even though the dresses seem small now...your baby will still be so tiny in them! And I never could keep those cute shoes on newborn baby feet. There are some really tiny little sock-type footies that were the only things that would stay on their little bitty feet! I can't wait to see Harper in those sweet outfits.
Oh, I love the dresses! Little smocked bishops dresses are my all-time favorite...I could put Amelia in one every day if I could afford it! :o) I have Amelia's blessing gown hanging in her room, and I would love to have it framed one of these days. I saw somebody frame the outfit their baby came home in, and even though it was just a onesie...it was ADORABLE! She had put a picture with it, too, in the frame. Precious! Just wait till you put Harper in the dress...it will look huge on her...and then a couple weeks later, you won't believe she ever fit in it! They grow. way. too. fast.
I loved my childbirth course! It was actually 12 weeks long (only three hrs. once a week though), and Mike & I both learned soooooo much! It's exciting when you learn about how your body is working during labor, and how miraculous that process is. God is incredible! You will be so glad you took one. Mike is definitely the guy who would think a class like that would be "hokey" but he actually paid attention, and he was a perfect labor coach. Have fun, Kelly!
I love girly, smocked dresses, too. Unfortunately, the price of one is about the amount of money I get for Kendall's seasonal clothing! HA! We have had several given to us, which I am so thankful! I actually got a package with two precious ones in the mail the other day-a peach one and a yellow one. So sweet.
I also came over here mainly to say that I thought of you when I was out walking today. I remembered a post a while back you did about "things you can't live without for babies" and I wanted to add Praise Baby DVDs to your list. They are the best. If you aren't familiar, it's basically the same thing as Baby Einstien, only praise and worship music. As much as you like Christian music, you would love these. And Harper would, too!
I was the the laughing stock of the childbirth class because I did not take them with my first, but did with my second. How backward is that?! I took the breastfeeding class with both but for some reason I thought I had the childbirth thing under control the first time around. When I told Mario we were going before Jeryn was born, he was like, "shouldn't you do that before the first child?" Everyone thought I was crazy but Jaiden's birth went by so fast that I worried what if I was in labor for 14 hours with Jeryn!! Yikes. Thankfully they both went smooth, but we had a lot of fun inthe class anyway and met some neat people!!
The dresses are just priceless! I think it would look so cute in a pretty shadow box. Her little hospital bracelet might look cute in it too.
The dresses are precious!
You look beautiful! Those dresses are too cute!
Those dresses are precious!! I hope that you have a great time at child birth classes. We never made it to the classes because Caroline came early! :)
I love the weekly update!!
Isn't it amazing that at the beginning of your pregnancy you just think 9 months is going to take FOREVER, and then it all just flies by?
The dresses are adorable and Leigh Ann just cracks me up!
Kelly, you look so great in your picture!! I can't believe you are 24 weeks already...you're right, this is flying by! Kind of makes me sweat a little to think how quickly pregnancy progresses!! Whether we're ready or not, these babies are coming! I love those little dresses too, what a nice hairdresser! Hope you have a great night reading your book with Scott...Looks funny!!
I love those dresses! So sweet!
You look super cute as usual and I L-O-V-E those precious dresses. B & I took an all day Sat class in late winter. I'm really glad we did b/c I was in labor with Brooks for 20 some odd hours.
I'm praying for your parents this week!!
We did our childbirth classes with Sunni and Janelle and their hubbies. It was so much fun. We have some of the craziest memories from those two Saturdays led by Nurse Nancy. I'm actually sad we won't get to do it again! The class is totally worth it, in my opinion.
I love the "coming home" dress--my Sofia wore it home as well! As a matter of fact, I later found another of the same at a thrift shop--brand new and just sold it on eBay--it is a great one to have!!! my daughters is in a shadow box.
I love the sweet dresses! You look wonderful!
That book looks hilarious! Too bad I didn't know about that book before now. I guess I will need to get Josh that for the next pregnancy!
What cute dresses! Love the frame idea =-)TOTALLY understand about the hubby and the Monday nights. I will start praying now that Harper is born on Tue-Fri!! HA!
I honestly think you keep getting prettier and prettier as this pregnancy goes along...it really is true when you hear pregnant women have that "glow"...you've GOT it :)
I also can't believe how BIG Harper is already.....an ear of corn???? WOW!!!
The dresses are soo sweet!!! and You look so good at 24 weeks!!!!
Those little dresses are adorable! I can't wait to hear about childbirth class! That is one thing I can't wait to do when my times comes...how crazy is that?
I would probably skip the birthing classes if I were you, particularly if the scheduling thing is that big of a deal. (Which btw cracks me up...SOMEONE is going to wake up in a whole new world when little Miss Harper gets here!) It's not like you haven't been to the hospital before. You have no control over any of it anyway. They spend forever talking about whether you want an epidural. Hello! You DO! Now, what irked me about all the class stuff was that the class to teach you how to actually CARE for the baby is only 2 hours long. You can literally take a six week class on how to HAVE the baby, but only 2 hours on how to take care of it??? I needed much more! I did think the breastfeeding class was good...not that I ended up needing it with my worthless jugs. But it was good to be prepared.
- KW
I LOVE the dresses! We are not finding out the sex of the baby, so I need two going home outfits and I have no idea what to get.
As far as the birthing classes go, my husband is excited about them because he really doesn't know what to expect and he likes to be prepared for things. However, to sweeten up the deal for your husband, several bed and breakfasts offer weekend birthing classes in a very nice setting (with yummy meals!).
You look GREAT at 24 weeks!
Those dresses are so precious! And, I love that dress tha tyou are wearing--you are a beautiful mommy to be! Good luck on the birthing classes, that's so exciting.
I just love your creativity in showing Harper's growth! Very cute w/ the corn!
Ahh, i love the dresses! My mom smocks and hopefully one day she'll be able to put that talent to use again (she smocked almost EVERYTHING I wore as a kid and made EVERY outfit I wore until I was 13!). I thought every little girl's mom made her outfits so when I was with a friend and her mom BOUGHT her clothes, I flipped out and had NO IDEA you bought clothes! I thought you just bought material and your mom pinned newspaper all over you and then magically your closet was filled! haha... yes, I was a creative, imaginative child...haha...
i'm thrilled to see how great you're doing and you're right, your pregancy is FLYING BY! :( Love ya and thx for your prayers... God is still the same God that He was for Hannah and Sarah so why should I fret?!
love ya
You look MARVELOUS! Just glowing! And I have to say - I LOVE the name Harper!!! What an original name. Those dresses are just too sweet too! They make the most beautiful clothes for girls!
We had that same problem scheduling our birthing classes- but we finally found a Saturday that worked. (It was in Feb., so no football conflict!) You are such a cute pregnant lady! I love the pics!
Enjoy every minute- it does go by SO FAST!
OH- and those dresses are so fantastic!!!
Those dresses are too cute and that was so sweet of your hairdresser ;).
I must admit that I reccommend the classes to EVERYONE! My labor went great and Web was such a big help b/c he knew what was going on and what to do. Besides, it is a great way for him to feel like he is a part of the day too!
I don't think I've commented yet, but I just wanted to say that you are such a pretty, glowing pregnant woman! Best wishes for all the wonderful days ahead!
You look great and the dresses are just adorable! Have a great Tuesday!
JW - seems to know what she is talking about..let your hubby have his Monday night football before the baby comes..cause..well, let's just say things change when you have a new baby in the house..mostly for the good of course..but your life will not be your own..ever again..someone better tell him that! Did you have an amnio to determine the gender of your baby? You look like you are having a boy to me!!! I had an ultrasound at 19 weeks..Girl..oops bought too many pink things..had another one at 32 weeks..BOY!! We love him..but he didn't look that great in all the pink dresses!
Traci in CA
Precious Dresses!!! I have been looking for something to dress our little one in also, boys newborn stuff is harder than girls. I think when he's a toddler dressing him will be easier! I'll have to see if our library has that book, it looks hilarious.
We had sooooo many friends tell us to skip those classes and to only take the tour and get some DVD's for child-birthing classes. So I ordered some DVD's from the library. We'll see how that goes.
Oh and also, it's OK if you pull for UGA, I understand...I love Mark Richt too. He is a good Christian coach and I love that! He was mentoring Mike Shula until Bama up and fired the poor guy. I'm still bitter about that!
You look wonderful! I LOVE the dresses! I think I need to buy that book also!
Love, love, love the dresses! I can't believe how big she is getting. You look great Kelly!
Hey if you like smocked clothing you should check out this site...it is so cute! You look great as always! :)
I think my Harper had that precious white Carriage Boutique dress. It was a favorite of mine.
You look fabulous, darling!!!!
The cover of that book is so funny!
Love those sweet dresses! You have a nice hairdresser. :)
Precious dresses! I'm a sucker for ANYTHING SMOCKED! A good friend gave the baby a turquoise/brown smocked dress this week. I love it!
You are looking so cute!
You're a beautiful preggo! God bless you and your little miracle.
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