I have had a VERY busy, very fun weekend and now I'm trying to get caught up on e-mail, blogs, laundry and rest. I'm sorry if I haven't commented on your blogs in a week or so - life has been CRAZY!
This weekend was my friend Hillary's wedding and it was just perfect! She got married in a beautiful outdoor location on the highest spot in Arkansas. Her colors were black and lime green and it was just a perfect weekend! Here is me with the bride at the rehearsal. (Keep in mind that I'm six months pregnant in these pictures - not your usual bridesmaid pics).

We had the rehearsal dinner at a pavilion in the park we were at and we had YUMMY BBQ and brownies and ice cream for dessert. It was all soooo good!

It has been unusually cool for September in Arkansas and the mountain we were on is always 10 degrees cooler than the rest of the state so we were COLD Thursday night. Most of us brought jean jackets to wear so we had to get a picture.

After the rehearsal dinner - we went back to one of the cabins (we all stayed in these awesome cabins that had unbelievable views) to have a lingerie shower. Of course - I had to bring up the bras and panties petit fours in the wedding colors - so cute!

Hillary scored a ton of nighties! She will look fancy at bed time for a long time! They are going to Maui for their honeymoon - I'm sure they will have the best time! (That seems to be a popular place for honeymoons!) We named each of the nightgowns as she opened them and then wrote them each on a little card and Josh is going to get to go through the cards and pick a "name" out and that will be what she wears that night. Isn't that a fun idea?

The next morning we had a bridesmaid breakfast and it was so good and fun but we all came in our pj's with no make-up and I refuse to share those pics. But we had the BEST quiche and fruit and pumpkin bread. Here are a few of us before the wedding - this is Katie, me, Megan and Laurie.

This is a side view of where the wedding took place. It was so pretty and they got married right as the sun went down. Just so beautiful.

Poor Laurie had two sick girls this week and she had already planned to bring Sarah Kate so she could nurse her but then she got terribly sick so her mother came along to help. It was not easy trying to be a bridesmaid and be at all the activities and also tend to a sick newborn on a feeding schedule and worrying about her sick two year old at home. But she was a trooper and kept her cool.

Hillary was just gorgeous!

This was the entrance to the wedding! All the decorations they had were so cute!
We ran into a couple from our church while we were taking pictures that had driven down for the day to stay at the lodge. It was fun to see familiar faces in a strange place.

I loved our green roses. This is Hillary and her bridesmaids.

And one of the whole wedding party.

Hillary loves cupcakes so instead of a wedding cake - she had these cute cupcakes!

My favorite thing was they had a photo booth set up and all the guests could go in and have their pictures made and you got to keep 3 and pick 3 to give to a scrapbook they made for Hillary and Josh. You could write messages to them next to your picture. It was so fun! I did my picture with Megan and Laurie but I also loved having my picture made with the bride.

We had fun getting down on the dance floor!
I met three different people at the wedding who came up and told me they read my blog (shout out to Hillary's cousins and Holly). That was really fun to meet them.

I left early this morning to drive back home so I could make it to the 11:30 Arkansas -Alabama game. (I'm thinking I should have stayed in bed). We got romped and it was SO hot in the noon sun. We ended up leaving after the 3rd quarter because I was so hot and miserable and we were down 42-7. The one highlight was the band performing "Thriller" at halftime and they actually put their instruments down (except for the drums) and did the Thriller dance. It was really neat. I don't think the band has ever received that many cheers and applause.
Congrats to Hillary! The view and wedding looked so beautiful! The photo booth was such a great idea...and how fun?!
You look amazing for being 6 months along. I couldn't even tell you were expecting by the pics!
Sorry to hear about your hogs...hot games and bad loses are definitely no fun.
Hope you have a great rest of the weekend!
Kelly, you are so beautiful. You are really wearing your pregnancy well!!!! I am just to happy for you and continuing to pray for a safe and healthy baby and mommy all the way thru!!!
That wedding looks gorgeous. I have never been to Mt. Magazine; but hear it is wonderful! You looked great... love those bridesmaids dresses!
And the Hogs... UGH! We decided not to go... and I'm so glad we didn't. I have a feeling it's going to be a long season. As long as we can beat Ole Miss... :)
Thanks for posting pics of Hillary's wedding. She was simply stunning! A year ago today Charlie and I were making our way back from honeymooning in Maui. C and I quit watching the Hogs game after the 3rd quarter, sad, sad.
Wow, I wish I looked that good when I was 6 month pregnant. (black is slimming, got to love it)
Such a beautiful wedding. I love the lime green.
I enjoy reading your blog each day.
Sorry your team lost. We are Buckeye fans here and we went through that last week. It is not fun.
Tennessee's band did thriller at the half too, except they got booed by their own fans
The location for Hillary's wedding looks absolutely AMAZING!!! All of you were stunning in your black dresses and Hillary made a beautiful bride. (:
We watched your game here in Florida and I wondered how you were doing...sorry about the end result.
Now go get some much needed rest!!!
What a beautiful wedding!
I thought about you today at the game! Who would have thought it would have been so bad? I sure didn't, but Roll Tide, anyway!
What beautiful pictures! Congratulations to Hillary too. I think that you look absolutely amazing! I hope that you get some rest this evening and tomorrow. When we were watching the game this afternoon, I too wondered how you were hanging in there!
You are such a trooper and die-hard fan....I see you making it to all the games this season!!! (today's game was bad though...and I don't see them getting much better)
Hillary's wedding was so pretty!
Before you know it, you will be about to pop! Time has FLOWN since May for me!
That wedding looked beautiful! LOVE the bright green. I always like to see what creative red outfit you will come up with for your Arkansas game!
The wedding was so beautiful! I love her dress!!
The game was sad for us too, but I have some cutie pictures of my girls in their Hog shirts on my blog!!
Hope you can rest on Sunday!!
The game was so sad...rebuilding year, that's what we keep telling ourselves. I think the wedding was at the lodge close to my town! Isn't it amazing?
I continue to keep you in my prayers!
What a beautiful wedding! Everyone looked so pretty and you are looking great!!! Obviously one of those people with the pregnancy "glow" about you! I on the other hand had a nice full face (was actually told that by one of my clients :) with a terrible complexion the entire time! :) Hope you get catch up on some rest the next couple of days! Take care of yourself and congrats to Hillary!
What a gorgeous wedding! I love the colors- that lime green was just awesome! You look AMAZING for 6 mo. pregnant!!!! Seriously. You are so beautiful!
We were sad about the Hogs today. Todd went to the game all the way from Conway and it was a LONG drive home, he said. We'll just keep saying "It's a rebuilding year!"
Glad you're home where you can get some rest!
Your life sounds about like mine right now...non-stop! You all looked soooo cute at the wedding. The location was absolutely GORGEOUS! And I love the colors!! You are adorable being 6 months pregnant!
Get some rest tomorrow!
You are such a beautiful Mommy! I thought about you when my husband yelled, "they got killed"! Sorry.
It is so great too see you now in all of your pictures holding your stomach knowing what you went through to have this precious little girl! Congratulations! I am so happy for you both, and your friend looked beautiful!
WOW! The location where the wedding took place looks like it must have been incredible! I am so thankful that the weather was nice.
Hillary was a beautiful bride and I love the pictures of her with all of her bridesmaids. You look AMAZING for 6 months! I also loved the green roses and the photo booth.
Thanks for sharing with us. Hope you can get some much-needed rest tomorrow and I'm sorry about your Razorbacks.
Great pictures! Hillary looks beautiful and so do you and Laurie! I love Mt. M. It is so gorgeous there. The photo booth was a cute idea. Weddings have come a long way since I planned mine in 1994! Ha!
What a fun wedding weekend! Your friends have the neatest weddings. Y'all looked beautiful in your black bridesmaids dresses. Also, I will need to figure out how to get me some petit fours this week!
The wedding looked beautiful and I swear you don't even look pregnant at all. I'm surprised we didn't run into you leaving the game. We left after the 3rd quarter too. It was AWFUL.
Three things...
1.)I have the outfit you are wearing with the blue dress and tights underneath, but i have the greenish/turquoise one instead!
2.) We did the SAME thing with the menu idea at my lingerie shower and it was a blast to hear some of the names people came up with! It was even funnier to see Richard's face when he was choosing the names. He was like, "Where did these names come from?" And when I told him what we did, he just died laughing!!
3.) You look beautiful!
such great pics of beautiful girls and a beautiful wedding...the view does look breathtaking!
sorry your saturday morning was a bust, tho...roll tide baby! ;)
Congrats to Hillary--loved all the wedding photos. Her wedding looked gorgeous. I love the black & lime green and the cupcakes! You look so pretty in all the pictures!
Lane was glad he skipped driving up for the game today.
What a fun weekend! Love, love, love the photo booth idea! I will definitely have that at mine...one day :)
Everything was beautiful!
The wedding looks like it was gorgeous!! I love the black & lime green! You look great!!
Looks like a good time was had by all. Glad to ahve you back. I was so excited to wake up and check reader to see you had posted. Welcome back!
The wedding looked beautiful! I love her colors. The pic booth was a sweet idea.
That's where my niece got married a few years ago and one of Kale's favorite spots in Arkansas. Don't you love the drive up there? The tail end of your car meets the front end on several turns!
Glad ya'll had fun.
Looks like your folks are still trying to get out of the States!
Too too fun!!! The jean jackets were hilarious...I saw the picture and first and wondered if you guys planned that one :) The colors for the wedding were so pretty...I never would have come up with that combination, but I loved it...and the flowers...beautiful! The lingerie idea was cute too...her hubby will have a great time with that one :)
Glad you had fun and had time to enjoy all your friends!!
Somehow I don't remember looking like that at six months pregnant. I'd like to pretend I did but nope, don't think so. You are radiant! Since I'm an Arkansan I recognize that lodge - I hadn't thought about it for a wedding but it's perfect. :) blessings, marlene
I LOVE her cupcakes!!!!
You girls all looked beautiful and the wedding was gorgeous!
It was so great to meet you too! I told Mom that I was excited about the wedding so that we would finally get to meet you.
I didn't get a chance to tell you then, but Congratulations on the little Miss Harper! We're praying for a healthy and safe delivery!
That view you put up for the wedding spot was absolutely amazing!!! And the photo booth idea was GREAT! Thanks for sharing!
I mean, could that have been a more beautiful wedding?!?!? The location leaves me speechless, Hillary looked so amazing, and all the cool touches were awesome!!! And oh my word at her dress - I am tucking that image in the back on my head for future reference. Loved it!
Glad you had a wonderful time! And, girl, you are just the cutest thing. I am especially loving the blue dress at the rehearsal! Gorgeous!
Thanks for sharing all the pics!!
Hey, Kelly...my hubby was sure happy with the outcome of that game. :)
the wedding was beautiful & you look adorable in those pics.
I am one of Hillary's cousins that talked to you at the wedding. I do love reading your blog on a regular basis. You have some pictures of the wedding that none of us were able to get and I would love to have copies of. If you uploaded them to Wal Mart by any chance I would love for you to send them to me at jttm28@hotmail.com. Everyone looked absolutely beautiful at the wedding!
She was such a beautiful bride! What a gorgeous view!!!! I love the colors! :) Glad you had a good weekend. I know how tired you are!! :)
Great pictures! Glad you had a fun weekend. Thanks for sharing with us.
Hi, came via Bless This Nest and will be back~the pics are awesome and I love the colors she chose for the wedding! We live in Prattville, AL and are diehard Bama fans :) so yesterday we were pumped!! Then to have LSU beat Auburn was icing on our cake. It's been a long trip, but we're back. Hope your Hawgs beat 'em October 11th!
i love reading your blog and check on it daily. i need to improve on the updating my blog part...so far i think that i'm about a week behind. congrats on the new baby...we're expecting our second after 3 years of trying. what they say is true-once you quit trying, you'll get pregnant and that is what happened to us. i'm am also a BAMA fan, so i had to leave this comment for you...ROLL TIDE!
have a good week!
Hey Kelly!
I just found your blog! My 'Google reader' account thought I might like reading it...and google was right! :):) Seriously, thanks for sharing your beautiful site!
Congratulations on the pregnancy-- you look awesome! :)
Hi there! I found your blog through a friends. I am due in Feb and love your blue dress and leggings. Is that maternity? I am looking for some fun things for Fall. - Jennie
Hillary's wedding was absolutely gorgeous! I love her dress and what a great color scheme! The location was amazing!
I agree with you on the Hog game. The most exciting part was definitely the band's performance. We left during the 3rd quarter, first play, Alabama got an interception and scored...couldn't take anymore!!!
You look great in your dress! It looks like the wedding was beautiful! I'm sure you were exhausted after your weekend. It sounds like "Thriller" was the highlight of the game. I wish they had shown that on TV. I might have felt like the game was worth watching if I had seen that!!:)
You've had a busy weekend! I LOVE the photobooth- so cool! You look very cute in your pics!
Have a great week~
Yeah I can't believe Bama won the way they did. I really didn't expect that! I am really sorry you got stuck by our fans, being one of them I know how annoying we can be :) I got stuck by some Tennessee fans once and HATED IT! Then again, I really hate Tennessee and am sooooo glad they aren't doing that well this year! :)
The wedding looked wonderful and you are an adorable pregnant bridesmaid (can't even tell!).
Love, love, love the picture booth idea. Very cute.
Hillary's wedding was BEAUTIFUL!!
Another crazy connection...maybe I already told you this, but I worked on a team with one of Hillary's cousins, Joyce, for three years at JOKMS. I still keep up with that family, and have heard all about Hillary's engagement/wedding through them, too!
You are a beautiful pregnant lady! Seriously, aren't you so glad leggings work right now for maternity wear?!?!?! I lived in them with Kendall!
I have been waiting all weekend to see the highlights/pictures from Hillary's wedding ;)! Everything was beautiful, unique, and so perfect.
LOVED the photo booth idea!
So sorry the Hogs lost! I always look for Arkansas scores now b/c of all of my blogging friends!
The wedding pictures are adorable! You and Hillary look fab!
Everyone is just gorgeous!
I love the little lingerie treats & the photo booth is an AWESOME idea!!!
I have been reading for a little while now and I am so glad I came across your blog! Those petit fours are too cute! I have several friends that are engaged / about to get engaged and I will definitely have to remember those! The ceremony location was absolutely gorgeous and you look fab for being pregnant!
Very fun wedding pics...wish I was in Hawaii with them!! I too love her colors and the cupcakes.
PS..I laughed about the "football" scheduling conflicts for the birthing classes. Bryan is the exact same way...
I LOVE Mount Magazine! We saw a wedding there the last time we visited. It is absolutely beautiful!
Love the naming the nighties! What a great idea :) Also, the photo booth pics were too cute... what a great favor!
You look great... can't wait to see Harper :)
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