I prayed for this child and the Lord has given me what I asked of him. 1 Samuel 1:27

Today has been just one of the best days ever. I can't quit smiling. Scott and I met my parents at my doctor's office this afternoon. Mom greeted us with two bags - one for either sex.

Luckily (because I had a very full bladder) - we got in quickly and the ultrasound tech was so great! I was so nervous to know if the baby was okay - and it is PERFECT! We all cried as we watched the precious baby on the screen and saw the heart and the spine and the brain and the feet and hands.

This is a picture of me and my WONDERFUL doctor - I ADORE her! I look terrible because at this point I had cried all of my make-up off.

This is our beautiful, beautiful baby! Although in the top picture - we think it looks like a one eyed pirate. ha!

After our appointment - we went to eat at P.F. Changs with my parents to celebrate.
Oh - are you wondering what this precious baby is????
It's a .....................
GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I screamed and bawled when she told us. I have wanted a girl so badly. I would have been THRILLED with a boy but my heart just longed for a daughter. And deep down - I have known it was a girl all along.
Harper Brown will join our family in 5 short months and I could not be more excited about anything in the entire world!
Praise the Lord - Great things HE has done!!!!!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 212 Newer› Newest»AHHHHHHHHH!!!! Girls are so wonderful and you will be such a terrific girl momma! I am absolutely THRILLED for you!
Congratulations!!! Your little girl will be a very luck little lady! Harper is a great name, too!
YAY!!!!! I am so excited for you!!! God is so GREAT!!!!
Congratulations. I am so excited for you....beth
EXCITING NEWS!!! I could not WAIT to find out!!! What a perfect family--can't wait for HER to arrive!!!!!!!!! Congratulations again! I'm glad this has been such a wonderful, special day for you and your family. How cute that your mom brought a pink and a blue gift!
So happy! Let the decorating begin!!
AAAAHHHH!!!Yippeee!!! A precious little girl...that suits you so well because you love dresses and are a girlie girl! Congratulations I'm so excited for you both! Praise the LORD!
I completely knew it was a girl! You just seem like a "girl's mom"! God is good...all the time! Congrats!
Congrats!!!! Girl stuff is SO much fun...(Well boy stuff can be too)!!! You know you are going to have to set up a post office box or something so all of us "strange" blog people can send you presents!!! LOL
I don't even know you but I feel like I do :)
I am so happy!!!
Little girls Rock!
CONGRATULATIONS! I was on the phone just now with my mom while I pulled your page up, and I was like, I have to go! Kelly's about to tell us the sex of her baby! And my mom was like, Kelly who??? So funny! I'm so excited for you!
God IS great, isn't He?? :)
(I've got happy goosebumps for you!)
How exciting! That's so exciting. I'm glad all the cute things in her closet won't go to waste-ha! Congratulations!! Let the REAL shopping begin.... :)
you just don't know how happy i am. ya'll will be wonderful parents to harper. i can't wait to see her and hold her!
CONGRATS!!!! my first was a girl - oh what shopping fun! i still tear up anytime i see an ultrasound pic - they are so beautiful!
Congratulations...I have been waiting all day to hear the news. I am so excited for you and your family. Girls are so amazing and I am happy that you got exactly what your heart desired. You will be a perfect girl Mommy. I will never forget the day we find out Emma was a girl...let the shopping begin. Most importantly, I am glad that Harper is healthy. You both looked so excited during the ultrasound. Oh, you have so much to look forward to. Being a Mommy is the greatest blessing in the world. The days just continue to get sweeter and sweeter.
What a blessing!!! Yay for a girl!!! That is so exciting, you'll be a great mom! Can't wait to see all the cute girl stuff that will be coming! Congrats again and thank you for sharing your journey with us!
ps. This makes me so excited to find out what we are having - Sept. 11th is our big day!
God Bless!
Yayyyyyyy!!!!!!! Congratulations, Kelly!!! I had a feeling it was a girl! That is so great! You will absolutely LOVE being a mom to a sweet little bundle of sugar and spice! I am so happy for you!! :)
Harper is going to be a precious little girl and she'll be lucky to have you as a mom! I am SOOOOOOOO happy for you guys!!! yay!!!!
Congratulations! Girls are SOOOO much fun! Have fun shopping.
May God continue to bless you during the rest of your pregnancy.
I saw your Dr. a couple of times with my first pregnancy. She is super nice!!!
YAYAYAYAY!!!!! Oh I knew it was a girl! I am soooo excited for you! And you know that I think Harper is a wonderful wonderful name!!! ;-) Can't wait to see who she looks like!
I am sooooooo excited for you and Scott!!!!! You both look like you are going to burst with joy!! :-)
What a wonderful blessed day you have had.
P.S. I guessed a girl!!
Welcome to the girl club! I just had my little Caroline 2 weeks ago today, and I can't tell you how excited I was when I found out I was having a daughter! My husband tried to act macho about it, and make jokes about hoping for a boy, but he is the best daddy a little girl could ask for!
You are going to be a GREAT mommy!
Congrats!! I have been reading your blog and was anxious to hear. You are going to have so much fun buying pink everything!!
Such awesome news. I know you are ecstatic!! Go read my post from Sunday (the night before school) to see what you have to look forward to!! HA.
I love how you posted those pictures and included all of your bloggy friends!!
What a great journey.
Yeah!!!! How exciting!!! I am so excited for you and Scott! :) Harper Brown will be one lucky girl!
Congrats Kelly! I have to say that I truly thought it was a boy.....which means it is DEFINITELY a girl. I always choose the sex of an unborn baby wrong. It's a gift....ha!!! I could have sworn that my daughter was a son!!! : )
Having a daughter is a wonderful blessing........words just can't describe it.
Congratulations again!
Praise God for tiny, precious, adorable Harper Brown!
Oh, tears are flowing for you, sweet Kelly. I am so very very excited for you! God is GOOD!
YAY -- I just knew it was a girl (and what a lucky little girl she is) and have been waiting for this moment all day. Congratulations to you both! I love Scott's expression, by the way, while you're getting your ultrasound.
Harper is a very blessed little girl! So happy for you :)
Congrats!!! I voted "girl" on your poll. Love the name, too!
So very thankful for you that it has been a wonderfully blessed day. Praising Him for answered prayers once again! Matthew 21:22
I am so so happy for you! You will LOVE having a little girl.
Congratulations! So happy for you and you are going to love having a little girl!!
Congratulations!!!!! Girls are wonderful...so much fun. My little one is all in to shoes, bracelets, and beads, pushing strollers around and talking up a storm now. Time really does go fast...I can't believe she will be two this year!!!
Praise the Lord...I'm so happy for you!
Tell your husband to keep going to the gym so he can beat the guys up!! :) That's what my husband plans to do! :) Ha!
Congratulations!!!! That is so exciting.
YEAH!!!! Now you can pull out all those things from the "secret closet"!!! I'm so happy for you :)
This is so exciting!!! I'm thankful that Harper is healthy and growing perfectly! God is so good!
Now that I know it's a girl, I can work on some monogramming =)
Oh yeah, what was in the pink bag!?!?!
Oh how fun! I am truly so excited for you....and I absolutely love the name:) After all, I have a little Harper myself:)
So excited for you! God is so good!
That is WONDERFUL! I am so excited for you. Girls are so much fun!
I remember the afternoon we found out we were having our first daughter! It had been such an emotional road to stay pregnant and when that sweet Dr. said...SHE looks great, my heart melted...
God is so good isn't He!
Harper is already stunning. :)
Yay! What a precious little girl!! I'm so excited for you and so thankful she is perfectly healthy!
Lindsey Seale is my doctor too and I love her as well!!! :)
So happy for you! Congratulations, let the pink-a-thon begin...or continue :)
A sweet baby girl. Yaay for you! (btw I voted boy, I was wrong)
YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! I'm so excited! You are going to think I'm a dork...I was thinking you found out yesterday and kept wondering all day why you didn't post. I was stressing! I called Leigh Ann! Ha! She called me as soon as you sent out the text. I couldn't wait!
I love these verses. Psalms 139:13-14 says, "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."
So excited for you and Scott!
Oh I could NOT be more happy for you! What a sweet story for Harper to one day experience...true love has never been so evident!!
Praise the Lord! GREAT NEWS!!!!!! We are so thankful and excited for you! You are so blessed--little girls are SOOOOOOO precious!!! Congratulations!
YAY!!!!!!!!!! I'm so so so excited for you and Scott!!!! Let the planning begin!!!!!
We are so excited and happy for all of you. Can't wait to meet and hold my great niece Harper "Mango" Stamps. We love you lots!!!!!
PS I am an official blogger as of today!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Harper is such a blessed little girl to have you as her mama! By the way, I absolutely adored your last post describing some of your vision in parenting either a son or a daughter. So beautiful and so moving! God bless you and that precious baby girl!
Congratulations on your wonderful news! A precious little girl...there is nothing sweeter! You will love having a daughter to spoil! I know your mom and dad must be elated! You have some fun times ahead and they'll be the very best of your life!!
What great news!!! Girls are SO much fun! :) How exciting!!!! :) :)
Glad your ultrasound went great!
Congratulations! I know you are so excited to know it's a girl!
A hug delights and warms and charms. It must be why God gave us arms. So delighted that you will soon be hugging Harper, your very own, precious dream come true. Congrats!
Congratulations! Lance & Lindsay found out yesterday that they are having a boy! My new nephew, Landon Ray, is due January 4th.
We couldn't be more happy for a more precious family! You're Dad will be DONE, simply DONE, now!! Should I bring tissue to work tomorrow??
Congratulations!! (Are you glad you waited now?)
wow, Harper Brown it is!!!!! so excited for you two! I couldn't wait to get home tonight to read the post!
Congratulations! God has blessed you with a beautiful little baby girl! I enjoy your blog so much and I am happy for you!
Congrats on the little girl!!
you will absolutely love having a GIRL! bows and monogrammed dresses and tutus! it IS wonderful!
and yes in 5 short months you will know what it's like for your heart to live outside your body!
Congrats, Friend!
YEAH!!!!!!! I am soooo excited for you...and I totally guessed it correctly on the poll! I think I knew because you were so sick and I've heard that those with boys don't get that sick (old wives tale). But oh it's a girl, and I am so excited for you! Now get thee to Babies R Us and register so we can all get you fabulous things!!!
I have looked at your blog a million times today waiting for this announcement. How on earth did 61 people comment before me???? I am thrilled for you. Although I do not have a girl I truly believe God gives as he sees fit and you are going to be blessed beyond measure to just get the opportunity to raise a precious daughter for the King.
Congratulations to you Scott and sweet Harper.
Congrats!! I am so happy that you are having a girl, that's the way I voted in your poll. Your pics from today are adorable! I kept checking in to see if you had posted. You will love having a little girl!!
Congrats! May God continually bless you and keep you and Harper healthy. Welcome to the world of hairbows, lacy socks, hannah montanna, jonas brothers, attitudes, sweet kisses, warm hugs, hormones, CLOTHES, etc..hahah..its all so worth it!
Harper will be one lucky little girl to have you as her mommy! Congratulations! I am so happy for you! I guessed a girl! Congratulations!!! I wish I could give you a great big hug. My friend that had her appointment today is having a boy!
WOOOO HOOOOOO! oh, all things pink and green. tee hee! I am so excited for you.
I am almost just as excited to see you nursery...I know it is going to be so adorable!!
Congratulations! I am so happy for you. Now you can pull all that cute girl stuff out of your secret closet and put it on display :)
I am so excited to hear all about your awesome experience as a new momma to Harper!
Congratulations!!! I just started reading your blog - I have a 4 month old little girl and she is just the sweetest blessing in the world. Your sweet little Harper will be too!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just signed another friend's blog who found out she's having a boy today! I'm SO excited for both of you. This journey is going to be so amazing. I know it already is! :)
i had a feeling! congratulations to your precious family.
CONGRATS KELLY!!!! I am thrilled for you guys!!!
Congrats on the perfect little GIRL!!!
Love the name!!!
How exciting!!!! I got tears in my eyes reading your post. This is going to be one loved baby girl.
Congratulations and I LOVE the name Harper.
How exciting!!!!! Knowing the gender was the boost that got me to the end of the pregnancy- and you can call that sweet baby girl by name now!!
Thoughts and Prayers-
Bek King Phelan
Congrats! I'm so very excited for you. As a mom of a girl, I can tell you they are so wonderful and fun! I agree with everyone else that you will be a wonderful girly girl mom!
Congratulations! :)
I bet she will be beautiful!
Congratulations!!! I love the name Harper!!
That's AWESOME! I have 4 daughters and was thrilled with each one. I would have adored a son, but God knew I needed to dress girls.Let the fun(shopping) begin!!!
I've waited all day to find out it was a girl!!! I'm very excited for you!!! I thought of you often throughout the day and I've check at least twice since I've been home. Congratulations Kelly & Scott! I'm excited for you.
Hi Kelly! Congrats!! I've been reading your blog for a while now, even though I don't have one of my own and I remember dreaming last night that I was back in school and I was a cheerleader (which I actually was) so I woke up knowing somehow it was going to be a girl. You've been in my prayers and I've been enjoying your story so far because I'm 34 and not a mommy yet and I've been just in awe of how things just happen when HE knows you can handle it, and I guess I'm just not ready yet?! Someday though right?? Anyway have fun because the time will just fly by and little Harper will be here before you know it !! Take care-Tam from Ohio
Congratulations! You will have so many fun mother-daughter things to do! Let the decorating begin!
I am so excited for you. I prayed for all to go well for you today. Congrats! Love the name Harper Brown!
Congratulations! How exciting! I have been praying for you and your family. I found your blog from Jill's and I love reading all your posts! Harper will have such wonderful, loving parents and can't wait to continue reading about your journey!
I am SO HAPPY for you!!! Girls are so much fun! And I can't wait to see all the things in your" secret closet"!
You are in my prayers!
congratulations! thats so exciting...
Ok Kelly...Seriously...I came here 20 times today...knowing that you wouldn't have it posted yet...but, just prayed..."Lord, I pray for that precious gift to be simply perfect in every way possible."
I'm just crying here at my computer and so wish I could call you up and scream over the phone with you. :)
So, when is the blogosphere baby shower???!!!
Please tell that sweet man of yours...AKA daddy...how excited I am for you both. God is the giver of perfect gifts.
Much love,
So exciting!!! Now you can use all of those cute things monogrammed with Harper! Congratulations!
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! I am so thrilled for you! I was praying it would be a girl. What fun news. I had a random ultrasound today but the baby's legs were crossed. We have to wait four more weeks to find out. I am dying! Knowing we would get this fun news from you today helped me not be too disappointed. Three cheers for sweet Harper!
I KNEW IT WAS A GIRL! You are going to be a terrific girl mommy! I am so happy that this baby is on her way. Congrats!!
Kelly! I don't even know you, but I'm crying for happiness for you!! I know, that I know, that I know how excited you are about your daughter! A miracle from our Lord Jesus! Thank you for sharing with us all about your wonderful news! Many continued prayers!
Kelly you have a knack for bringing people together--I think in talking to 4 people today from different circles your name/blog came up and we were all so excited to hear...a little girl. Congratulations on your healthy baby!
I told my son I had to check on a blog about a woman that I thought was having a girl to see if I was right. I didn't have a sonogram with my first two and knew in my heart what they were too! Congratulations to the whole family and hopefully you will get some rest!
Oh my word, I could not get home fast enough tonight to get on this thing and check in on little Baby H!!! I am just so excited SHE is healthy and perfect and wonderful and that she is going to be sweet little Harper Brown. Congrats Kelly and Scott! I know ya'll are excited beyond words! I am going to bed with a HUGE smile on my face tonite!
Tears, tears, tears. I am so happy for you, Kelly! I can't wait to meet little Miss Harper Brown!
Congrats!! God Bless!!!
Congratulation! How exciting. I don't comment much but I follow your blog daily and my heart just swelled when I read this!!! God Bless :)
As a mother of two girls, I am THRILLED when other people have girls. I think they are the best! Of course, that is all I know, but I LOVE it.
So congrats on the baby girl, and I just love the name!
I'm still smiling!!
Congratulations!!! That is great news.
Congratulations! She's a beautiful little Pirate. and Harper is a fabulous name!
YAY!!! Congratulations! Harper will be here before ya'll know it! 5 months will go by quick! I know ya'll are soooo happy!
Woohoo!!! Hey...where can I get your address?? I have something for that cute girl!!
GIRLLLLL - you just proved my theory!! I sooo knew you were having a girl after that comment you said about the baby sticking out both ends!! I'm telling ya' - when the booty is pooching out further - it's a girl!!!
You are going to have soooo much fun with a girl - AND I would know!! And trust me when I say, "This will be the one time you will be really excited about a blind date!" hehe - I'm so happy for you!
If I buy her a Mississippi State cheerleader outfit, will you let her wear it? :-)
Yeah! How exciting!!! You look absolutely beautiful! You're glowing!!!! You have to have one of the most popular blogs! 108 comments! whew! :)
I couldnt wait to get home all day just to find out. Yeah!!!It's a girl... Im so happy for yall!
I am sooo excited for you!! You will have soooo much fun raising a girl. I raised two and now am excited to say, we had our third grandson just this morning! God is so good! Congratulations!
A GIRL! Your post made me cry! I am very happy for you and Scott! Enjoy every moment!
Congratulations. I read your blog a few times months ago after I got the link from another blog. I so understood your infertility battle as we struggled with infertility for four years before getting pregnant with the aid of clomid. We were lucky to conceive two babies with clomid after they told us we would never have children. We tried it again several times to no avail. Lo and behold this June I found out I was pregnant with our third baby. Totally natural and totally a suprise. We have been married 13 years and never done anything to prevent pregnancy. We never expected this. Anyway, I ran across your blog again a few days ago and was so happy to see that you are pregnant. What a blessing. We also found out today that we are having a girl. We already have two and I am so excited for this third little princess. Our baby will be Olivia Katherine. I love the name you have chosen. Wow, this is long. Sorry!
I have been waiting all day to find out if your baby was a boy or girl and I am just so thrilled for you as well as your family!
congratulations! I cheered out loud when I read GIRL! :)
Congratulations Kelly!
I know Pops amd Moms are very excited as well.
Congratulations Kelly! Your post brought tears to my eyes! I know you will be a fantastic mother to this sweet little girl! :)
Praise the Lord for this healthy baby!
Congratulations! I am the mommy to two girls and know you are in for such a special treat with this little darling.
Thanks for letting us share your joy. God is so good!
Congratulations Kelly. You have no idea how much fun you will have with your daughter. Chloe is the apple of my eye!
Yay! Congrats to you both!
Congratulations Kelly!! I'm SO excited for you & Scott! You are going to be an AWESOME mommy! I can't wait until your blog is filled with photos of little "Harper". God Bless!!
Congrats! I was dying of curiousity by the end of the post! Nice set up! ;-)
Congratulations on a new princess in the house! Boy, won't this sweet little one have daddy wrapped around his finger! Wishing you all the best - love the name!
my heart just jumped for joy with y'all! congratulations on the big news. baby harper is loved and blessed already! now bring on the bows!
Congratulations!!!! What wonderful news that she is healthy and doing well too. Having a daughter is the most amazing thing ever. And get ready to shop...baby girl clothes shopping is the most fun ever!!
YEAH!!!! I am sooooooooo excited for you two!! I am glad everything is fine with little Harper as well!!!
congratulations! girls are so much fun!!
i love reading your blog, kelly. it is such a joy to read about your pregnancy. little harper is very blessed! :)
Congratulations! This post made me cry I am so excited for you. I had this feeling in my heart last night when I read your post that it would be a girl. How exciting! God is so good!
Congratulations! Although I don't know you I read your blog regularly. I know that you are so excited. My first was a girl (32 years ago). God is good...you will be a WONDERFUL mother.
Yea...I knew it would be a girl!! Congratulations!!
Woo Hoo! How awesome! Congrats!!! A boy is wonderful and I love my son's with all my heart but having a daughter is totally different. You'll enjoy it for sure!
How cute that your Mom had the girl and boy gifts!
And how great is it that you have all the girl stuff from that earlier post! :)
woo-hoo! yeah i am so excited for you! girls are great!
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!! I am soo glad all that pink will be put to good use! :) Congrats, Kelly!!
YEAH! I'm so glad the sono was good and that little Harper is healthy!
Congratulations y'all! What a blessing.
Yay! A girl! I knew it was a girl. I'm so thrilled for you. I struggled with infertility for 4 years, so finding out I was pregnant was such a blessing - then finding out I was having a girl was icing on the cake!
Yeah! I was right in my voting! I'm so excited for you both. There is just something so special about little girls. Congrats!
Congratulations Kelly and Scott. Although I don't know you at all. I feel like I do. I've been on this journey with you for some time. Praying and hoping for the blessings of God to shine on your family and He has done exceedingly great things.
And Kelly, didn't God just bless your socks off, after you trusted him and waited for this ultrasound rather than go for the other one a few weeks ago? Your day was so special and fun, and God sure blessed you for trusting HIM!
Kelly S.
First I said a boy but after a couple of weeks I changed my vote to a girl. How wonderful for the two of you. Daddy's little girl. Now all those wonderful girl things you have already received you will be able to put to great use. It will be so much fun to go shopping for her! They have so many adorable girl clothes and of course you will need the matching bows...shoes...hats...lol :o)
I'm so excited for you!! I was hoping for you to have a girl..I have 2 nieces and they're SOOOO much fun!! Bring on the bows and lace! :) Congrats!
YAY!!!!! Deep down I just knew it would be a girl!! I am just so thrilled for you and Scott!! You will LOVE having a daughter!! Praise God that everything looked great!!! What a wonderful day!!!
Yea!!! I'm so happy for you!!
PS I voted for a girl! :)
I am so excited for you, I know that God will do great things to bless you and your precious little family!
Congratulations! That is so exciting for y'all!
I am so happy for you! You and Scott will be such wonderful parents! I can't wait to see pics of Harper once she arrives!
I just knew it too!! :) Congratulations!!!
I'm so very excited for you & Scott! A baby girl!!
I know she will be adorable all decked out in her pink ribbons and curls! :)
Congratulations! You little girl is lucky to have such a wonderful role model as a mother. I just adore the name Harper.
so fun! congrats!!!! glad she is healthy and doing well! can't wait to see all the planning in process! congrats on your little miracle!
Yeah!!!!!! I could not imagine you with anything but a girl. You are going to be a wonderful mom!
Yippie!!! Congrats and I'm so happy for you both.
I have been a lurker for a while now and have loved following you on this journey!! I had my baby girl 8 1/2 months ago and it has been the most amazing ride! Can't wait to read more about your sweet family!
Baby Harper is going to be so lucky to have you and Scott as parents. She will be a beauty!
Many coongrats over and over again!!!!
I am so excited for you...a healthy baby girl! God is so good!
How Wonderful! I am so excited that you will have a daughter who can look up to her mom and see a woman of faith that she can grow up to become.
I'm so glad that you had such a special day that you will remember forver.
Congrats on your sweet little girl!! We find out in 24 hours and I am beside myself!
What an exciting day! I know you are thrilled beyond belief...congratulations!!!
Congrats!! What a blessing! I'm so excited for you and your family!
Congrats! I love the name you've chosen, by the way!
That is wonderful! I am so happy for ya'll! You both will be amazing parents to a little girl! Praise the Lord that she is healthy! That is the best news of all! God has known all along what he was doing and now you are getting to reap the benefits of trusting in Him!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I am SO VERY EXCITED for you guys! Your hubs looks so excited in the picture of you getting the ultrasound! SO SWEET! I know you are busting at the seems! Congratulations!!!!
Kelly, what a precious day for you!! And now we know that little Harper was just waiting for you to find out that SHE was going to be your daughter. I am so happy for you and I know you must be over the moon right now! I love that God keeps pouring out the blessings on this journey...just think, this is only the beginning of a lifetime with your precious little girl! We love you! Please pass my congratulations on to Scott as well, is there anything sweeter than a daddy and his daughter?? Happy pink shopping!!!
How delightful! Praising the Lord with you for the blessing of a healthy daughter!
And you look beautiful...even after the tears. Motherhood agrees with you!
Congratulations Kelly---Sugar and spice and everything nice!!! I am so very excited for you!
WAHOOO!!!!! Congrats and I can't wait to see all the cute decorating you will do...and of course can't wait to see pictures of Harper!!
Congratulations!! I don't even know you and I still got tears in my eyes - I'm so excited for you and what is in store for you! My little girl is now 12 years old and we have a blast together - she is such a girly girl.
Here's to the best of everything!
Wow, ok so 1st, CONGRATS! and 2nd, a dear friend of mine told me to read your blog b/c my husband and I (which we live in Magnolia, AR and my husband also played football for Magnolia in high school and graduate in '97) have been trying for our 1st baby for 10 1/2 months now and have been prescribed Clomid, Josh has taken "the tests" and found out HE'S TOTALLY FINE (PRAISE GOD) and so this is our first month trying w/ the fertility drug and my heart is so full of anxiety and uncertainty. My friend recommended i read your blog and follow it for encouragement and upliftment and girl, PRAISE BE TO GOD for your wonderful blessing. Please keep us in your prayers. God Bless you and CONGRATS ON UR BABY GIRL!! :)
Congratulation!!!! I an so excited for the both of you. I just gave birth to a baby girl 4 weeks ago. Love every moment. I also have a 2 year old son. Fun,Fun, Fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kelly, we are so happy for you and Scott. Little girls are so sweet. We adore our little granddaughter and I know your parents will fall in love with their grandbaby too. Congratulations!!!
Oh my gosh...I can't congratulate you two enough!! I voted girl!! I just had a feeling! You will be such wonderful parents to a sweet little girl! I can't wait for her to get here so we can see her sweet little face!!
Congrats on your baby girl!!
That's soo exciting! And your mom is incredibly excited too I see!!
YIPPEEEE!!!!! I knew it would be a little girl as well!! In fact Jill and I would always refer to your baby as a she, haha! I know you are thrilled! Congratulations Kelly and Scott!
I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy for yall!!! Your excitement is a joy to all of us!!!! Thank you for letting us all be a part of your lives!!!! I love the name yall picked out! Your mom is such a DOLL to bring you the two gifts! What a great idea!
Congrats, Congrats, Congrats!
You are going to be a GREAT mom!!!!!
oh kelly....YAYYYYYY!! I'm so excited for y'all...I could tell how much you wanted a girl...and I know you are beyond excited!!! Congratulations!!!
I am so excited for you guys! That little girl is so lucky to have such a wonderful mommy to look up to! I am so glad your day was perfect!
YAY!! So happy for you and Scott!! Haper will have wonderful parents!
Praise the Lord, indeed!!! You know I am beyond thrilled for you. Now, please don't go out and buy every pink thing that's out there. Please leave some for us to buy, too! I'm praying for you and Harper!! Love you, friend!!
Congrats!! I'm so happy for you. I remember when I found out we were having a baby girl, my grandmother was so excited. She told me "Amy, she will be your best friend and be with you forever and always". That comment still tears me up! God is good!
She is going to be one beautiful girl! And, so lucky to have such a great family. Congratulations!!!!!
Oh I am so excited for you! I know she will be the most darling girly girl ever! I can't wait to see all her adorable outfits and her room!!!
Congrats Kelly! Baby girls are precious!
(Mine started middle school on Monday!)
AHHH I am so excited. Now you get to start getting more PINK!!!! I love the name. You look great.
Congratulations!! I am so happy for you!!!
God is so awesome and faithful. You inspire me with your faith more than you will ever know.
What a perfect name! Motherhood is a job like none other! Sweet blessings!
Congratulations Kelly! Girls are wonderful ... I have three of them!!! May the Lord bless you and your husband as you raise up your daughter in the Lord. You're in my prayers!
I am thrilled for you guys! I would have been a shame to see all your fabulous style being wasted on a boy:)
Harper Brown, you are one prayed for little angel!
I am a long time reader (lurker) who has finally stepped into the blogworld myself. I know that so many before me have said this but, you have truly touched my heart. I cannot tell you how many tears of absolute happiness I shed while reading this post. I am so grateful that God has blessed you and your husband in this way and answered your many prayers for this beautiful baby GIRL! I am truly overwhelmed and inspired by your story, your perserverance, your grace, and most of all your FAITH! CONGRATULATIONS! Even though I don't "know" you I am so HAPPY for you!
Ok- I need to know where you got the red top in this post and the grey dress in the previous post!!! I love them- and I think you look sensational! Congratulations on the healthy girl news! I have to wait 5 weeks until I find out- but I am very excited!
Congratulations again!
Thank you, Jesus, for giving Kelly this precious baby girl. How You know the desire of our hearts! I praise Him for this precious gift; we will be praying for you and Harper!
Oh Kelly! I have been wondering all day...
CONGRATULATIONS! I had a feeling little Harper it was going to be ;)! We are all so happy for you!
Girl, I have the biggest knot in my throat and tears running down my face! I am soooo happy for you- you deserve everything!
P.S. I cannot believe you have almost 200 comments!
CONGRATULATIONS! a hundred times over! I am so happy that God has given you the desires of your heart. Your faith has encouraged and inspired so many, and I've been where you are - and where you were - and we to, were blessed beyond measure at the birth of our precious baby girl (who is now seven :-) what a Great God we serve. Yeah for you - Precious memories, happy moments, the sweetest hugs, and the most wonderful kisses, sweet baby toes and fingers, all of these and so much more are about to become a part of your every day life. What a joy! So happy for you in Michigan!
With all the comments that you have gotten I don't know that you will see mine but I just wanted to tell you and Scott how thrilled I am, not only that you are pregnant but that you have a healthy baby girl! I have been following your blog for a few months and couldn't be happier for ya all.
Being a first time gamma myself, I am thrilled for your parents, they are going to have a ball with that baby.
God Bless all three of you,
i am so happy for you
Congrats!!! You will make a wonderful mommy. Harper is such a lucky & blessed little girl.
Congratulations! You will love having a girl. My little girl is 2 and 1/2. It is a lot of fun!
Congratulations, Kelly! I am so happy for you...and you will have a wonderful, godly , beautiful daughter- just like her momma!
I was so sick last night, but I just HAD to log on and see your news! Then I came back today to comment! Congrats, again!
I could not be more happier for you - seriously!!! I could not WAIT to get home and log on and find out what Baby H would be! You are going to be an incredible Mommy and Harper is going to be one lucky little girl!!!!
Ohhhh..it's a girl! Congratulations on little Miss Harper! A beautiful name for a beautiful gift from God!
Congrats! Girl shopping is soooooooo much fun too :)
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