Thank you for all of your sweet words and wishes! It has been such a blessing to me to be able to share this with all my blog friends!!! I love you all!!!
Probably one of my very favorite parts of yesterday (beside sharing it with our families) was when I called Laurie to tell her the news and she just cried and cried - which made me cry and cry. I'm just so amazed how God has made all of our dreams come true - of marrying Godly men who have become best friends and to both have daughters who we hope will become best friends for life as well. God's delay has become our delight!
And now that I know it's a girl - I have to share with you my other treasures from my secret baby closet. I showed these to my mom last night and I know she thought I was crazy but I have just known for a long time that God was going to give me a daughter. Kind of like Noah building the ark - I had faith that I could buy these sweet things and that I would have a little precious girl to fill them one day.

I had it all planned out to do our nursery neutral - no matter what. I wanted it to be chocolate brown and green. But I woke up this morning and thought - "I must have pink". So I've started developing a new plan and I'm ready to get going!!!!
I was driving to work this morning and heard "Butterfly Kisses" on the radio this morning. Now - I really hate that song - but this morning I started just sobbing. I was picturing Harper and Scott and taking her to school and her getting married. I'm losing it. :-)
Miss Harper is going to be the best dressed little girl. I LOVE the sassy pink pillowcase dress. Everything is adorable. Yay! A pink nursery-ha!
you're not losing it, you're just pouring all your love into sweet little harper already...and it only continues, trust me.
I am loving the baby clothes! Where did you get them? I a still so excited for you!!! I can't wait to see what you choose for the nursery.
Congratulations!!! The dresses are ADORABLE. :)
Erica (A fellow blogger--found yours from Angie's)
Congrats Kelly & Scott!! The clothes are just adorable. And I know your mom and dad is very excited!! Good Luck and get lots of will need it before long!
Those pillowcase dresses are precious! I've made a few of those for my niece and they always look adorable...especially with a pretty matching hair bow. You are going to have so much fun dressing up your new baby girl! crack me up!! I cannot believe how many "Harper" outfits you already have!!! You are too funny! They are all precious.
Just one word for it all -PRECIOUS!!
Well I just about lost it myself over that last dress! Oh my goodness! Kelly, it is ALL so precious!!!!!!! Which is good because it will match perfectly with sweet Harper :)
Precious, precious, precious. I love all of them!
You are too cute!! I was so certain that Drew was a boy, that I bought his bedding and painted his room!
That last dress nearly gave me heart failure... it is TOO CUTE!! I can't wait to see her little sassy self in it! ;)
Cannot wait to hear what you're going to do with the room!
I love those dresses!! Especially the last one! I must have one now! LOL... Where did you get them? :)
There is nothing more fun than dressing a little girl. ENjoy every moment of it. I love everything you had hidden away!
I LOVE those outfits! They are too precious! What sweet things for your sweet baby girl! I can't wait to see pictures of the PINK, green and brown nursery!
I am so happy for you!
oh girl why are we not sisters!!!!! THis is sooooooooooooooooooooooo something i would do!!!!!!! I am just in love with each dress and I am in love with monogramed things!!!!!!!! oh she is going to be the best looking little girl!!!!!!!! ok let the fun begin with the nursery decor!!!!!! i am sooooo excited!!!!!!!!!
ps....God's delay has become our delight....this has to be the best thing i have read all day.....i believe you just gave me my new saying.....but i will say.."God's delay will BE my delight"!!!!!!! OH HE IS SOOO GOOD GIRL!!!!!love you friend!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Butterfly Kisses" will never sound the same again, I promise! And, yes! You MUST have pink!!
ok - me again! I found that last one so I had to get it. I love it!!! Thanks for showing those! :)
The dresses are adorable. My husband cried when he heard Cinderella by SCC. We were prego at the time with our girl. Now he changes the station if that song comes on. He can't handle it. :-)
You are so funny!!! Harper is going to be the best dressed baby for sure! Please do share where you got the dresses! :) I LOVE them all, but the last is my fave. :)
Indeed Miss Harper will be the best dressed little girl ever! This is so sweet that you have this already! You're blog is so sweet and refreshing to read! I can't wait for your next posts!!! :)
I LOVE those adorable little outfits!!! Would you mind sharing where you got them?? (Future Grandma's whining here)
I visit your blog daily but have commented only a time or two (sorry). I was on pins and needles yesterday waiting to hear about your ultrasound (does that scare you?). Congratulations!
Now, I have some serious business to take care of. I NEED to know where you got all that cute stuff. I have boys but I am crazy over buying cute stuff for my two nieces and I don't think that we can go on another minute without those onesies.
Little Miss Harper is going to be one precious dressed little girl!! I love these kinds of dresses...they are my favorite!
You aren't losing it...these are your 1st steps to being a fabulous momma! :)
Praying for you Kelly. I'll miss you in SA. We are flying out 1st thing in the morning. Pray for us if you think of it.
Big hugs and many blessings,
You have such a huge heart I just know you're going to be a great mom!
Love the darling, you'll just have to go for the smocked one's next!
it's not crazy - it's motherhood! i bought all girl stuff before I knew too - i just had this feeling and it was right! everything is just too precious, she will be beautiful!
Hey! I found your blog from Mary Kates. I have a 15 month old little girl and like you, I knew she was a girl before I was even pregnant!!!!! My husband thought I was completely nuts the day we found out she was a girl and I brought out a whole tub of pink I secretly had been purchasing! Glad to know I am not the only one out there like that!!! :) Little girls are such a blessing and I cant wait for you to start this journey! Check out my blog to see all the exciting stuff you have ahead!!! :) You and Little Harper are in my prayers! God Bless!
I'm glad that sweet little clothes will get to be worn. I LOVE the white monogrammed one. Oh my goodness. SO cute!
That is too funny,I heard that song this morning and started crying like a baby!! I had just dropped my son off at Pre-K. I am glad I am not the only one that gets emotional listening to the radio!!
Thank you for faith on this blog. I am struggling with getting pregnant and it is a blessing to me and reminder as well to always trust in God's perfect plan!
Kelly in Tennessee
Oh my goodness Kelly!!!! Those clothes are JUST SOOOO CUTIMOUS!!!! I can't wait to see Baby Harper Brown Stamps wearing those precious outfits! Kelly, I just keep thinking of how I am so glad that ya'll are so happy!!!! A Baby is such a miracle! I can go on and on! I wanna come over sometime so I can see all of your collection for Harper!
I completely forgot to check in yesterday! Congratulations on your sweet Harper! After 3 boys, there was no way I was not going to have pink, and we have plenty of it! her birthday is in 2.5 weeks, and it will be all pink, right down to the strawberry cake! you aren't crazy at all :) enjoy it!
So exciting. Little girls are SO much fun to dress up!
1st...can't wait to see the nursery!! I also know would be more practical to do a neutral nursery...I'm just not sure I want to be practical when the time comes!
Ok...I've got to know WHERE you got that dress?? The last one??
She is already styling!!! Where did you order all those dresses? A friend of mine has the denim with red bows and she told me where she ordered it online but I can't remember.
i love the onsies with the ribbon and bow... kind of like a sweet little gift...exactly what sweet baby girls (and boys) are! :)
I love the dresses! Are you sharing where you got them? I'd love to know!
Celebrating with you,
Those are so cute! Make sure to keep us updated where you find all this cute stuff! I love looking at baby sites.......for someday ;)
This is the "other" twin! I just wanted to say that with yesterdays post the first thing I noticed was in picture no. 2 how HAPPY your hubby looks. You two are in store for some of the best times and memories of your life. Just have fun and ENJOY :o) All of your outfits are so CUTE!!
As much as I loved those sweet outfits, my very favorite thing about this post was this line...
"God's delay has become our delight!"
I am so thankful to serve a God who is bigger than what my limited vision and timetables can comprehend. Kelly, you spoke to me tonight.
I LOVE pillowcase dresses! I made my girls a BUNCH this past spring. Unfortunately for my baby, I forgot to plan in room to grow, lol. They look like shirts on her. Oh well. My 3 year old's still look great.
Girl stuff is FUN!
I wasn't going to use pink either, but couldn't control myself. If you need help picking out a color for the room, let me know. I have just the tool to help you! :)
Congrats on the sweet you must tell us all where you got that last dress. It is precious!
These are all CUTE CUTE CUTE!!! Love the white one--that will make a perfect beach picture!!!
I always wanted to buy girl clothes. (Kale did try a dress on for Jodi one time when he was about 4 or 5 years old - to see if it would fit Jessica)
I never had an ultrasound, but I KNEW Kale was a boy (it was a God thing)... I painted his room blue when I was 4 months pregnant.
PRECIOUS CLOTHES!!! And congrats on a healthy baby girl!! Praise God for blessing you with a child!! BTW where did you get these dresses, especially the white one? Very cute!
Well, the girl will have not shortage of cute clothes, that's for sure! :)
I'm so happy for you!
your little girl is going to have the cutest outfits and definitely be the talk of the town!
Those outfits are adorable!! All I have to say is your heart will NEVER be the same again.
I don't often comment, but I always read your blog, and I have been praying for you and Scott for some time. I wanted to share this story with you.
Our Senior Associate Pastor Curt and his wife moved here about 2 years ago and their house didn't sell. So they just kept on believing God that it would. And he got up in church about 3 or 4 months ago and announced that it finally sold; PRAISE THE LORD!!! He said his wife had been keeping a praise report card in her Bible just for that occasion. She knew God would come through, and she couldn't wait to be able to fill out that praise card telling how God came through for them!!
That is how I see your baby closet. Those are some of the cutest baby clothes I've ever seen!!!!!!!!!! To step out in faith like that when I know there had to be many moments when you felt it might never happen is truly amazing. You are a remarkable woman!!
Thank you for sharing your faith in our Blessed Jesus in such a tangible way.
Blessings to you dear one,
How Adorable!!! I can't wait to see her in these cute outfits!
Such adorable clothes abd Harper is going to look so cute in them! :-) Reading your blog today has given me new inspiration. I also have a "secret closet" in my life going on!! I am storing up things believing in faith for this particular event to happen!!! I know that most people would think I am crazy....but I know in my heart that I am "building my ark!!"
Thank you Kelly for your blog. I have enjoyed reading it and feel as if I know you! You are beautiful inside and out. :-)
I love love love all the cute outfits...Because my name was so different growing up and I could never find anything with my name on it, I am infatuated with monograms. The little white outfit with her initials is my favorite!!!
Can't wait to see pics of her cute little nursery!
Your not losing it you are just becoming one of "us". Welcome to the world of being a Mommie! It's such a blessing , tears and all. That sweet little Harper is one blessed baby... I cant wait to see how you design her nursery. That was always so much fun for me.
I would just sit in there for hours rocking and dreaming and praying about when that baby would arrive. Now when I walk in the rooms they are filled with... Big boy stuff cause he is almost 18...and makeup and purses and shoes oh my she is almost 16 and we have a countdown on the frige(smile and tears) and we have barbies and dolls and purses and wanna be makeup (smiles and tears) she growing so fast Just turned 8.
Sorry so long Kelly you just bring back so many sweet memories. Thank you for allowing us to take this journey with you and Scott. Take care!
You know you're going to have to share where you got all of these!!! They are all absolutely adorable!!
I'm so happy you are having a girl!! I LOVE all of your outfits for her! Did you get them locally? I'm always looking for a good monogram place. So cute!!
Those outfits are ABSOLUTELY adorable ;)! I think it is really special how you have been collecting these items over the years, how the friendship you & Laurie share is so special, and how elated you sound...even in a post!
I can't wait to see the nursery! I laughed to myself when you said that you were picturing Harper with Scott and her getting married etc...I do this too and I am not even pregnant! (hopefully soon!) But, I can 'see' my daughter too and I can even picture her and I playing in a field with tall grass - we are both wearing sundresses! I feel silly sometimes...but it is so much fun to 'dream' about these things!
What a beautiful wardrobe little Harper already has! Your sweet little girl will look adorable in those clothes. Where did you get them?
I can't wait to see the is a must for little girls to have some PINK in their lives!
Harper already has the cutest stuff! I'm so excited for you!
It's so funny that you posted that comment about Noah and the Ark...I just went and saw NOAH the musical several weeks ago in Branson and I couldn't stop thinking about how much it reminded me of my journey with infertilty. I actually posted about it because it really struck me how I felt so hopeful for something I've never even seen before (like Noah and the rain), but I knew it would happen some day.
I'm so happy for you!
I love it! All those dresses and onesies are just precious. I can't wait to see what else you get (and the nursery!) in the coming weeks and months.
Congratulations, Kelly and Scott! We're so excited about Miss Harper! God is so good!
Oh my, you did have some things stored up for the future! I love them all, especially the last dress!
Loved that you said God's delay has become your delight. I'm praying for that too!
I really loved where you said "God's delay was our delight." I'm in the middle of His 'delay' with my own longings. THat felt encouraging to me as I continue to wait for God to bless us with a child.
Love all of the cute things you have picked out. SHe will be a doll!
She will LOVE her pink room!
I think that your having bought these shows a tremendous amount of faith, faith which I soooo did not have while I was waiting. Thank you for encouraging me just by showing these pictures of the wonderful faith that you had in God that he would give you what you prayed for.
Hebrews 11:1-2
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.
I think the white sun dress is my fav!!! So so so very CUTE!!!!!
I can't wait to see how you plan her room!!!! =) I know it's going to be GREAT!!!!!!
I know a lady that does homemade children's clothing. I have heard nothing but great things about what she has made. Here is the link-- Congrats on the little girl!
congratulations Kelly! I am so excited for you. The outfits are adorable!! She'll be a 'mini me' in all those dresses! You will be a wonderful mom to this precious little girl!
I have read your blog once or twice my friend Natalie thinks your precious and for what it's worth I agree. After seeing the excitement from both you and your Dad ~ his blog made me cry~ I had to post a comment.
It seems that you had to wait for some time for this joy to come to you so I want to share a quick story that my Mom tells ANYONE and EVERYONE who will listen about me.
I am the youngest of 4 by 7, 11, and 13 years. I often thought I was a mistake, I'm sure that came with a little help from my dear siblings, so one day I asked my Mom. After she asked who had told me that because there would be a price to pay for that one this is how she answered me. "God knows everything and He has a plan for everyone. He knew that one day your sisters would be gone, your brother would be busy being a "boy", that your Daddy would be forced to work long hours and that I would be lonely so He, in His infinite wisdom, sent me you". My parents wanted 6 children but due to finances stopped at 3. One day when my Dad came home from work my Mom gave him the "Honey I think you need to sit down" talk. She told me I was her Blessing and never a mistake! I have thought of myself just as that, a blessing, ever since. My Mom and I have a amazing relationship and she is my best friend (usually).
My husband and I were done having children. We had 1 perfect little girl when almost 5 years later I had to give him the same "Honey I think you need to sit down' talk she gave my Dad 29 years earlier. Now I cannot wait to see what God has planned for my youngest and me, you see we are separated by the exact same number of years as my Mom and I. Dang, that God, He really is something huh?
Enjoy every stage of your pregnancy and the "baby-years", one day ~ sooner than you can even imagine ~ you will have a teenager as beautiful as her momy and then you will so want to reverse the hands of time just as I do.
God Bless and Congratulations!
I don't usually comment, but I read your blog daily. I just wanted to tell you CONGRATULATIONS! Little girls are truly a blessing, and buying for them is very addictive (there's just way too much cute stuff out there). I love everything you've picked out--especially the last dress!
So beautiful Kelly!! I don't usually comment, but I wanted you to know that I have been praying for you and your husband and baby girl. Congratulations!!! And, please do share ~ where did you buy those adorable outfits??? I have a newly turned 3 year old (after two boys) and I just would love to dress her in those!!!
Kelly, CONGRATS on little Harper. I can't wait to see how precious she will be.
I love the description about your ark. GOD is so good!
SO cute!!!! BTW, I've decided that Harper needs to marry Jenna's baby boy :). When it happens, please invite me to the wedding! :)
I don't think your nuts for buying the dresses in hopes of a girl oneday, I just laugh that you bought monogrammed items. My husband and I never managed to name any of our daughters until they after they were born. I knew God would be bless us with girls and did buy a few dresses before we found out for sure, if I had a name before she was born it would have gone broke.
Did you buy Hudson outfits, too?
Congratulations! I have to tell you that I think the name Harper Brown is just beautiful, and what great initials! My first was a boy but when I found out that my second was a girl you would have thought I'd had 6 boys, I was so excited to buy frilly pink girly things. Have fun, oh what a precious time in your life. Brings back memories for that time in my life. Thank you so much for sharing.
I love you little outfits! The little white one is my favorite! You are so cute and Harper will be too!
Oh my, those are the cutest dresses ever!! Harper is going to be just like her mommy and heart dresses. Please tell us where you purchased them, I'd love to know in case we have a girl next and to purchase for gifts. My fav is the last one too!!
I SO have to get the pattern to make those dresses that tie with a bow! TOO precious!
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