Tomorrow is our BIG day. I don't know if I'll sleep tonight I'm so excited. The biggest thing I'm looking forward to is finding out our baby is okay and healthy. I have a HUGE peace that everything is okay. I know we have had a lot of prayers for us and I thank you.
It's also a big day - because it is going to tell us just what direction our family is about to take.
Will we have a future cheerleader and have our house filled with barbies and big bows and dresses and baby dolls and will her daddy hate all the boys who try to date her and how will we survive when she cries all the time and starts the hormonal teenage angst years and how will we pay for her wedding? Will she be my best friend as she grows into an adult? Will she have a lot of sweet friends who will walk through life with her? Will we give her the self esteem she needs to not worry about how she looks or her weight and to wait for the right boy to marry? Will she go to OBU and follow my legacy as a tri chi? Will we teach her to not be a "mean girl" but to love the unloved and to put others before herself? Will we teach her to count her blessings every day and to see how fortunate she is compared to most of the world? Will we help her to love Jesus more than anything else in the world?
Or will we have a future football player? And will our house be filled with cars and trucks and balls and loud noises and rowdy friends and wrestling and video games? And how will I keep up with all of his dirty clothes? And how on earth will I afford to feed both him and Scott when he becomes a teenager? ha! Will we teach him how to treat girls with respect? Will we teach him to choose his friends wisely? Will we show him how to be a spiritual leader? Can we show him that you can be macho and kind at the same time? Will he be the first Razorback to win the Heisman trophy? (ha!) Will we show him how to be tenderhearted and nice to the kids who don't have friends or come from less fortunate homes? Will he be able to stand up for what's right and not give in to peer pressure? Will he choose ministry over money because his first love has been God all of his life?
We honestly will be THRILLED either way. I think Amanda put it best when she said that even if she COULD choose - she would want God to choose for her. God has supremely planned out our family for us and I can't wait until tomorrow to see what the beginning of that is.
It's also a big day - because it is going to tell us just what direction our family is about to take.

Or will we have a future football player? And will our house be filled with cars and trucks and balls and loud noises and rowdy friends and wrestling and video games? And how will I keep up with all of his dirty clothes? And how on earth will I afford to feed both him and Scott when he becomes a teenager? ha! Will we teach him how to treat girls with respect? Will we teach him to choose his friends wisely? Will we show him how to be a spiritual leader? Can we show him that you can be macho and kind at the same time? Will he be the first Razorback to win the Heisman trophy? (ha!) Will we show him how to be tenderhearted and nice to the kids who don't have friends or come from less fortunate homes? Will he be able to stand up for what's right and not give in to peer pressure? Will he choose ministry over money because his first love has been God all of his life?
We honestly will be THRILLED either way. I think Amanda put it best when she said that even if she COULD choose - she would want God to choose for her. God has supremely planned out our family for us and I can't wait until tomorrow to see what the beginning of that is.
Our appointment is in the afternoon and then we are going to eat with my family to celebrate whatever it is! So when I get home tomorrow night - I'll post right away and let you know.
That was such a sweet post Kelly. I loved it! I know you are so thrilled and I can't wait to hear the good news :)
Looking forward to hearing about it tomorrow night!!
can't wait to hear!!!!!
How exciting... I know the anxiousness that you are feeling! I don't know if I'LL sleep tonight (Ha!)... I am so excited for you! Cannot WAIT to hear!
I laughed out loud when I read the first Heisman part. Hilarious!!!
And you better let me know BEFORE the blog post. I'll be DYING to find out! I can hardly wait! I'll pray you have a wonderful night's sleep and that Baby H waves to you tomorrow!
Oh Lordy, I'm tearin up already after reading this! Kelly that was just beautiful (as are you in that sweet baby bump picture!!!)
Baby H, we can't wait to know who you are!! Praying for you and your mommy and daddy tomorrow!!! You are all very loved!
I am so excited! I can't wait to know if baby H will be more into big bows or balls!! Do you know what I already know? This baby will be loved by wonderful parents who will give him or her everything they have and more!
Kelly, I am soooo excited for you and your hubby!!! I can't wait to hear if you are having a boy or a girl!!! You and Scott are going to make wonderful parents!
I cannot wait to hear what it is and I pray for a very healthy baby most of all!!! Get some rest tonight. Your body needs it! Love ya dear!
I can't wait to find out! One thing I know for sure: either way, you'll cry. :-) There's just nothing sweeter.
Either way baby "H" is already an incredible gift from God! And except for the future Heisman Trophy winner - you have just described you and Scott. You will make perfect parents for my grandchild and insure that "H" fulfills God's wonderful plan for his/her life.
Dad (See I can make a comment.)
You look adorable!!! Good luck tomorrow.
What a sweet post! I love reading your Dad's sweet comments, also! I know you are so excited about tomorrow - can't wait to hear the news!
I will make a comment since your Dad made one! We are so excited about coming over to see Baby H tomorrow that I don't know if we will sleep tonight either!
We really don't care if it's a boy or girl....we will love them as if they are our very own! In fact, your Mam-ma use to say she couldn't tell any difference between her children and her grandchildren. The love is so strong!
Tomorrow is just a great beginning of planning for the child God has already ordained to be a special girl or boy!
We can't wait! We love you three,
Eww I am so excited for you to find out! I'll be checking the blog.
What a beautiful post and a beautiful mommy! I can't wait to hear the big news!
Can I just tell you that I absolutely ADORE looking at your weekly pictures holding the item that is the same size as your sweet baby :) How special. I also loved this post...very cool! Congratulations!!
ok i am crying about reading what your mom and daddy wrote. crying!!!!!!!!!! so sweet really! I am so excited for tomorrow!!!!!!! counting the hours!!!
I am so happy for you!! We have been so blessed to have one of each. I was so nervous and excited at the same time before we found my ultrasounds. Just think at this time tomorrow you will know!
I know that you and your husband must be so excited! Can't wait to find out whether it is Harper or Hudson!!
Oh I cannot wait to find out. It is one of the sweetest moments. I'll never forget how hard I cried when they told me Caroline was a girl.
Can't wait to find out!!!
Have fun tomorrow!!
Love reading your blog.
YEAH Kelly!!!! I cannot wait to hear!!! It'll be such a wonderful day!
Ok Kelly...
Can you call me real quick after the Dr's appt and just tell me???
I promise not to tell! :)
I'll be praying for you. This baby has been prayed for by so many and God's sweet hand is already doing His beautiful thing.
I thank Him in advance for the work He is doing.
Love you girl. I hope I can sleep.
Everyone has already said it but its true...
There is nothing sweeter!
Oh, what a sweet moment it is going to be...I love your perspective on it, because God has chosen PERFECTLY for you. Can't wait to hear, and I can only imagine how excited you must be!
I remember when we found out we were having a girl. My parents and I cried, my husband was thrilled. We celebrated at the Cheesecake factory and then went and bought her a little outfit. That is a day I'll never forget. And I know you will never forget tomorrow. Have a great time. Can't wait to hear!
ooh that is so exciting!! I'm still guessing girl. Either way, it's going to be awesome!
This was such a sweet post. Whether you are having a girl or a boy you seem well prepared! So excited for you!
Kelly, this is the sweetest post. Oh my word, I am sitting here in tears after reading it and then seeing your parents comments. What an incredible blessing you are carrying, whether boy or girl. I can't wait to hear the news and will be thinking of your family tomorrow and praying for you all on this awesome day!
I can't wait to find out if "it's" a Harper or a Hudson! No matter what, your baby wll be loved!
Where are you getting all of these cute dresses????
Oh, Kelly, what a sweet post! I have just loved reading all your thoughts on this precious baby. I just know you are going to be such an incredible mama! Have fun tomorrow, we're praying for y'all, and I can't wait to hear the results!!
That is the sweetest post EVER!!! You need to print off what you just typed and put that in a scrapbook/babybook for Baby H! I can't wait until tomorrow night...Baby H better cooperate!!!
I absolutely loved what your wrote! You really have a way with words. I know tomorrow will be such a special day for you all. I will be looking foward to reading all about it. You have been very blessed.
Take care!
Aw, this is a great post! Finding out is so wonderful and makes everything seem even more real. I can't wait to find out, so I know you can't. Ha!
That was a very beautiful post Kelly.
Looking forward to the news!
I just read what your mom and dad wrote, and I am bawling. I love what Amanda said about wanting God to choose anyway. That IS perfect! I can not stinkin' wait to hear. I know you will have such a joyous time tomorrow sharing this wonderful news with your family. I'll be thinking about you all day. Love and hugs!
How exciting!!! This is a GREAT post!!! Can't wait to find out! Funny, seeing that Mag. jersey. :)
Praying for ya'll!! :)
Im so exicited for yall. It brings back so many memories... I can remember that feeling...3x's.... Overjoyed all 3x's... God is so good! Whatever that sweet little bundle may be.... many blessinds yall way!
what an exciting day tomorrow! either way i know you'll be thrilled.
How exciting! I can not wait til tomorrow night!! I'll be thinking of you!
I so cannot wait to find out! I bet you don't sleep at all tonight! Praying for you and Baby H!
I am so excited for you! I cannot wait to hear boy or girl! Either way it he/she will be one very lucky baby!
What a great post!! I know either way, this baby will be loved so much! I can't wait to hear if its going to be Hudson or Harper!!! I will be thinking of you! You know, they say to drink a little caffeine before your appt. so the baby is moving around. I am not sure if it works but a few of my friends did and they found out the sex. Hopefully the legs won't be crossed! I am so excited for you both! Can't wait til tomorrow!!! Take care!! :)
What a great post!! I know either way, this baby will be loved so much! I can't wait to hear if its going to be Hudson or Harper!!! I will be thinking of you! You know, they say to drink a little caffeine before your appt. so the baby is moving around. I am not sure if it works but a few of my friends did and they found out the sex. Hopefully the legs won't be crossed! I am so excited for you both! Can't wait til tomorrow!!! Take care!! :)
Have a wonderful appointment and a wonderful dinner with your family...but please HURRY HOME TO THE COMPUTER because I'm SOOOOOO excited to hear!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Tomorrow will be such a special day and you'll remember the moment forever--the second they tell you boy or girl it seems like you instantly bond to that idea and your mind goes in that direction for your family. It makes the whole process seems more real, too! Praying for you tomorrow!!!!
Ditto to will be the most wonderful & emotional day. Kelly, it is just undescribable to look on that screen and see what God has created inside of you. And to have your parents there with you is icing on the cake!! Can't wait to hear.
What a cute little pregnant girl!!! I'm so excited for y'all and will be praying for you throughout the day. You will be great parents with SO much to give to either a little cheerleader OR football player. I will warn you that boys like to wrestle and make strange bodily noises!
I loved this post! :) And I can totally relate to having grown so much over the past's crazy how our bellys took off! :) It's been really fun, huh!?
Can't wait to hear your news tomorrow, and I'm so thankful you're filled with peace about your appointment tomorrow. Blessings!
this was just beautiful - definitely a baby book page! one of the sweetest moments is the ultra sound and hearing "it's a ...." and seeing it and knowing it's a.... congratulations!
Awesome post, Kelly. It is such an awesome responsibility to raise Godly children, which is my number one goal. No matter what happens with our kiddos - the twists and turns of life - if they will put the Lord first...everything else will fall right in to place.
Excited for your special day tomorrow! ENJOY it! I know it will be incredibly emotional for you...praying for a very healthy baby!
Sweet, sweet, sweet! You brought back so many memories and feelings for me in this post.
I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow and I can't wait to check back and hear your exciting news!
I'll be thinking of you tomorrow! How exciting! Our daughter had her ultra sound on July's a boy!! And of course, I would have been just as thrilled if the baby was a girl. It's just so much fun knowing "who" it is =)
When my daughter and son-in-law put the baby's pics on the computer screen, I was sooooo moved watching his little heart beat. I makes me cry just telling you that. He looks so perfect....praise the Lord for His wonderful love and mercy!!
I pray that your day, and I know it will be, will be just as exciting as our's.
Oh, my! I just cannot wait to hear the BIG news. You and Scott must be so excited. Praying for the three of you.
I can't wait to hear if it will be a boy or a girl!
You look beautiful and glowing in this picture! I cannot wait to hear the good news!
Treasure this day.....
Can't wait to hear!
Oh I'm just crying over your words! (and it's probably a little pregnancy hormones too, haha)...but I'm going to be checking your blog a million times to day to find out!!! I am so happy to be walking through this with you!!! I also love what Amanda said, that is so wise.
So excited for you guys!! I can't wait to find out. Coming from having a boy and a girl, it will be so exciting either way! Landon is such a momma's boy and I love it!! Taylor is a daddy's girl but she is so fun to dress up. So...either way...they are both so much fun!! I'll be waiting tonight to see what the baby is!!
Oh, How EXCITING!!!! I know when I was pregnant I felt like I was having a boy and I didn't want to know but my hubby did. I thought after all theses years and all we went through that was the least I could do for him so we found out too and yes it was a boy. No matter what the sex of this child it is already SO loved and wanted. Every time you look down at your baby you will think he/she was so worth the wait and all the tears. God Bless :o)
Kelly ~ you look beautiful pregnant! Can't wait to find out if you are having a little cheerleader or football player!
What an amazing post! I love it!!! I'm sooooooooooooooo excited! I can't wait to hear what yall are having!!! A cheerleader or a football player?!?!?!
So excited to hear! Have fun at this appointment, and celebrate with some good food afterwards!
Kelly, I know today is a very special day for all of you! God has wonderful plans! Hope ya'll have a lot of fun together!
Thinking of you this afternoon. A very good friend of mine is going at 2:40 to find out what she is having so I will be praying for both of you!
How exciting! You are glowing!
BTW, I'd love to send you a little something special for baby H. If you don't mind sending me your addy, I'd appreciate it. :)
Woo Hoo!
I can't wait to hear the news! I might have to stay up late so I can hear about it! We are 6 hrs. ahead of you so hurry home to let us know! :)
I am so excited Kelly and I will be thinking about you all day tomorrow ;)!
No matter what, I know that you and Scott will be the best parents to Baby H!
My heart just fluttered at the thought of having Magnolia written on a football jersey... wonder if I could get one for myself somewhere - or even better, for my hubby!
I cannot wait to find out whether you will have a cheerleader or a football player! Long time reader...
I am so crazy excited!!! I can hardly contain myself!!! I feel like I have been waiting forever to find out if you are having a cheerleader or a football player!! I'm thinking of you often!!!
I may be in your area in October!!!!!
The suspense is killing me!! I can't wait to hear if it is Harper or Hudson!!
I so enjoy reading your blog! I can't wait to hear if you get your cheerleader or the football players! So exciting! I know you are cherishing every minute of this pregnancy! How wonderful! I enjoy the fruit pictures. That is so neat. Thanks for sharing with us always!
I can't wait to see/hear what you are having!!!
Kelly, I love reading your blog and I have loved going through these moments in your pregnancy with you.
I thought what you said in this post was so precious...and so true. Having one of each, I have experienced all the things you talked about. We can only teach them these morals and values, then give them over to the Lord and pray they keep them.
I'll be checking back. So exciting!
This is the funny thing about blogging....I don't even "KNOW" you, yet I'm DYING to hear if it's a boy or girl :) Love your blog and am excited to hear the news...
This post is so special. One to be treasured for the ages. Won't it be neat to reflect on 18 years from now?
Praying for your appointment today!
I am probably going to win Stalker of the Day because I keep checking back hoping for an update! I am so excited!!
What a sweet post Kelly! I am so excited for you! Baby 'H' is truly blessed already!!
What a sweet, unique post! Best Wishes!
I'm so excited! I can't wait to find out what it is!!!
Either way, you are blessed beyond measure and I know this baby...boy or going to bring you a lifetime of happiness!!
I'm so excited to hear! Good luck with the sleep!
The suspense......!!!!!!
Can't wait to hear the results - cheerleader or football stud!
I found your blog and think you are the sweetest least your posts are sweet!! HA!!! I wish you luck with your new adventure. I have only been married 1 1/2 years and am 31 years old about to be 32. I stress about the right time for a baby, but leave that up for God to decide. Your site has been a thrill to read!
I have waited all day now and the suspense is killing me. :) Hope it was a great visit and I am looking forward to your post.
Love this post! You've covered all the highlights of being a boy and a girl :)
Can't wait to hear the results!!!
That is so sweet! It is so precious to see the "wonderfuls" of both a little boy or a little girl! FLint and I say a lot of the same things that you posted about! We have such big responsiblities with both!!! Either way the Lord has perfectly planned out your family for you guys! I am dying to know! I know it is a big day. Lots is checked out...I have been praying and will continue to do so!!! I will be checking in!
TAG! Your it, sister! I Tagged you... check out my blog for instructions!
What a sweet Blog Kelly, I can't wait to find out what it is!
I can't wait to hear! Whatever sex the baby is, I hope that it is healthy! I am just so happy for you guys (and I don't even know that weird?! ha!)!
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