When I got home on Friday, I had a package in the mail. Betsy had sent me the sweetest thing - a baby blanket that says "I prayed for this child" - she wrote me a sweet card and told me she thought of the verse from 1 Samuel 1:27-28 where Hannah says "I prayed for this child and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life, he will be given over to the Lord". I couldn't think of a more perfect verse to describe how I feel about this baby God has blessed us with. Thank you Betsy - that was such a sweet and thoughtful gift. Betsy has four beautiful teenagers and I like to read her blog because I hope for the kind of family she has one day, you can tell what a special mom she is.
Thankfully - this was another very laid back weekend with no plans. It was pretty cloudy and stormy yesterday so it was a good day for another Lifetime movie marathon - yesterday's theme seemed to be cheating husbands. Which worked as a nice life lesson for me to point out the importance to Scott that he never cheat on me or as in the movies - I would kill him, humiliate him or leave him. :-) Just kidding. I mean - all those things are true - but I'm pretty sure I never have to worry about Scott cheating on me.
I did get manage to get a few things accomplished. I pulled weeds until I worked up several blisters on my hands. ( I really need to invest in some garden gloves).I realize Christmas was almost 7 months ago - but I FINALLY got around to taking all of our cards out of the basket I keep them in for the holidays and putting all the picture cards in a scrapbook album. I have been doing this since we got married. It's a fun way to look at how all of our friends' families grow each year.
Last night - we went and got a little patio set. We have been wanting something for us to sit on outside and maybe eat out there when it's cooler (as in NOT July). I really like the way it looks and our little patio looks so much better now that it's not so bare.
We went outside this afternoon and there was this HUGE turtle on our patio. I have no idea where it came from but Dawson was obsessed with it. I'm very surprised the turtle didn't snap his nose. It was fun to watch him watch the turtle.
Next weekend will be a lot more interesting for me to report on because we will be in Corpus Christie, TX for my brother's wedding! I'm so excited! I know we will have so much fun and I'm excited to see some of my family I don't see very often. I'm also excited to finally get my new sister-in-law in the family. And I've never been to south Texas so I'm excited about the heat and humidity. My hair isn't - but I am!
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
I remember you doing a post a while back about searching for a dress for the wedding. Just curious if you ever found a dress? If so, you should post it. I would love to see what you decided on, because I am sure it is really cute!
Sounds like you had a nice, relaxing weekend! That baby blanket is adorable!! I can't wait to see what you are wearing to your brother's wedding!! How fun.
What a beautiful thoughtful gift that blanket is. You will cherish it always.
Love the patio set too!
Oh, and by the way - have you seen this? http://www.deannaandjesse.com/
What a precious verse for your baby :) And I love the idea of the christmas cards in the scrapbook. Might have to steal that from you!!
I totally agree. Betsy IS a special mom! I have loved reading her blog and have come to adore her! That is a beautiful blanket! Cute patio set, and of course I love the green and brown cushions. Oh my goodness, that is one big turtle and it kind of freaks me out! Yeah for your brother getting married. In my mind he still should be in eighth grade, so this kind of makes me feel old! I can't wait to see pictures from the wedding! Oh, and I noticed you are linked on Angie's Bring the Rain blog. I thought that was SO neat! Have a great week, Kelly!
I LOVE the Christmas card scrapbook idea!!! I might try that this year. I never know what to do with all the cards, but I never want to throw them away. Thanks for the idea!
Have a ball at the wedding. can't wait to see pics.
I love that scripture. It's part of the reason we're naming this baby Samuel. He was definitely prayed for (all 3 of my kids were). We always pick a Bible name and a family name. We've got Samuel now we have to decide on the family name - NOT easy. Do you have names picked out yet? If so, are you telling? = )
Love the Christmas card idea!! How clever!
I LOVE the patio set!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOO cute of D and the turtle.
I love the Christmas card idea--great keepsake for each year!
Dawson is so funny looking at the turtle!
I can't wait for the post after next weekend--I know the wedding will be perfect!
I scrapbook my Christmas cards, too. I started the year Evan and I got married! I still haven't put this year's cards in! Sadly, they are all still in a crystal bowl on a shelf--where I put them when they started coming in the mail! Isn't that terrible?!?!
Adorable blanket and cute patio set!
How exciting for the wedding! It's hard to believe it's already here. LOL Can't wait to see the pics! Best wishes to your brother and soon to be new sister-in-law!
Beautiful patio set--of course, I love the green cushions! :) I keep meaning to do that with my Christmas cards, but still haven't gotten around to it. Maybe next year-ha!
What a wonderful weekend!!! I seriously love the new patio set! Mine is all worn out and faded and I have been thinking about getting new stuff as well! Last year I added a fire pit - which I love and can't wait to use the fall - but I am thinking I need some new chairs and things to go around it! The turtle picture cracked me up! So fun when pets get to interact with real "wildlife"! Too cute!
Sounds like a really relaxing weekend....
We had a surprise gathering for my husband's 40th birthday today at the lake! Lots of our friends were there and the food was plentiful! Beautiful, breezy weather and sunshine galore. A good time was had by all.
I plan on relaxing lots this week....
Take care and have a GREAT time in TX!
Leanne in Longview
Sounds like you had a very nice weekend! What a beautiful gift you received! I love your Christmas card scrapbook idea. I never know what to do with all the Christmas cards we get, and I always hate throwing them away. Now I know what to do! Have a great week!
I love the baby blanket. It is absolutely precious. The patio set is great also!!!
I started that with the Christmas cards about a year after I got married. It's a great idea isn't it?
I laughed when I saw your patio set. I have the settee and chairs that match and have been raving about it since I got them. You'll have to go to my blog and see the pics I posted. I didn't get to enjoy my patio this weekend, too many thunderstorms :(
Also, I just got my first Ballard designs catalog and I am in love! LOL I am seriously thinking of getting a new rug for my dining room. One of the indoor outdoor ones since I have messy children :)
I LOVE your idea for the Christmas card album! I feel so guilty throwing the cards away each year because I know people paid money for them and it just doesn't feel right to toss them out. Good for you keeping all of them. What a great way to remember your friends and family - and see answered prayers too.
I totally agree with you...Betsy is the type of woman I hope I am on a daily basis. That blanket is so precious ;)! I am loving the Christmas Card album idea...your are brilliant!!!
The patio furniture is very nice ;)!
I love the Christmas Card in a scrapbook idea!! And...we are getting married right before Christmas...so this is a great little tradition to start!!
Hi Kelly!
Love the baby blanket, what a sweet gift! I also laughed because I do the exact same thing with Christmas cards, in a cranberry Creative Memories Album, since we've been married!! Yet more proof that we are kindred spirits. Cute patio set, looks good with your house and the mystery turtle is funny too! Ryley would have gone crazy over that!!
I never got a chance to thank you for praying for me two weeks ago, at 4 am I believe! That was sweet of you and much appreciated. You are a great blogging friend! Hope you have a fun Monday today.
Sometimes I am amazed at how much we have in common...I watched Lifetime movies this weekend, too, and totally noticed the cheating husband theme. Yes, thank you Lord for faithful men!
My brother is getting married in 2 weeks on the beach, and I am sort of freaking out about the humidity too. What are you going to do with your hair? I thought about pulling mine back to avoid the whole issue, but I always wear my hair down for dressy things, so I don't know...Ahhh, life's little challenges! :)
What a great idea for Christmas cards!I am glad you had a relaxing weekend.
I loved your Christmas card idea - I never know what to do with mine afterwards! And I live in San Antonio, where it's just as humid as Corpus. Gotta say, I've never heard anyone say that they were excited about the heat and humidity!! Hope you have fun in it - there will be plenty of humidity for sure!
PRECIOUS blanket, awesome patio set, such a cool christmas card idea, and a wonderful way to spend a weekend!
Hope you're having a great monday, friend!
Such a sweet blanket for baby H! What a great weekend! Have a great week!
Love the Christmas card idea!
I also love the picture of Dawson and the turtle! Too cute!
LIFETIME MOVIES...YES!!! :) That is a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon I tell you what!
I love the verse. I going to steal it for my blog. Every year I scan my Christmas card pics into my laptop. I have a powerpoint that I add them too. So all season I can have a scrolling screen saver of all my Christmas pics from the past 5 years or so. I keep them all in order by family oldeset to most recent. I also put the family name and year on it if they don't have one. People just love to see themselves on the screen when they drop by.
Love your patio furniture!
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