And at 14 weeks - our baby is the size of a lemon!
So many of you have asked me if we will find out the sex and if we have names picked out.
YES and YES!
I am not a patient person (thus why God seems to like for me to wait for things like husbands and babies) and I'm also a planner (another reason God laughs at me) so I can't WAIT to find out what the baby is. We will find out in five more weeks if we will be having a future football player or a future cheerleader. (or as Scott loves to say - if they want to play in the band that's okay too) ha! You will have to vote on the top of my blog and tell me what you think it is - I swap back and forth every day. We really don't care - we are so excited either way!
And we have had names since before we got married. You can read here about why we chose the names we did but if it's a boy - it will be Hudson Walker and if it's a girl - it will be Harper Brown. So I refer to it as "Baby H" right now!
I am not a patient person (thus why God seems to like for me to wait for things like husbands and babies) and I'm also a planner (another reason God laughs at me) so I can't WAIT to find out what the baby is. We will find out in five more weeks if we will be having a future football player or a future cheerleader. (or as Scott loves to say - if they want to play in the band that's okay too) ha! You will have to vote on the top of my blog and tell me what you think it is - I swap back and forth every day. We really don't care - we are so excited either way!
And we have had names since before we got married. You can read here about why we chose the names we did but if it's a boy - it will be Hudson Walker and if it's a girl - it will be Harper Brown. So I refer to it as "Baby H" right now!
Hi Kelly! Congratulations! I have been reading your blog for a few months now and I am so happy for you! By the way, I was shocked when I found out one day you were 34...I thought for sure you were 28 at most!
Anyway, just wanted to say Hi and that you were one of the blogs that inspired me to start my own so I hope you can get a chance to stop by and see it.
Ooh, I don't know...but, I'm going to say girl for now! Your pictures are so cute! What a sweet idea!!
Cute pictures Kelly! Love the fruit, but I'm not sure I realized that a lemon is bigger than a peach...we must have small lemons in Minnesota!! Anyway, love the names, maybe you'll have twins and get to use them both!! Wouldn't that be fun??
Baby H will be loved by many... you and Scott will be awesome parents! Drew can't wait to have a little cousin to play with (once Baby H is big enough to hold his/her own with him!) We love ya'll and we can't wait to see Baby H!
Melissa, Andy, and Drew
I voted. I think he's a Hudson! But for heaven's sake, your Daddy needs a GIRL grandbaby!! Although, he'll do fine with either, I'm sure! Ha!
I don't know--boy or girl--???? I'm not a good guesser, I'm always wrong. I can't WAIT to find out though!!! You look great!
Your pictures are so cute and I can see the excitement on your face.
I love both of the names that you have picked out. What a neat story behind why you picked each one of them.
Looks like Dawson might be hoping you'll feed him that peach! Is he already getting jealous of this baby?
I predict a girl! I'm always half right too! HA! :)
Hmmmm...I'm not the best at this, but I'm going with girl. I don't really know why though! I do have a theory (and I know this is weird)and it doesn't apply to Scott obviously...but I think bald men have more girls. Hahahaha...no seriously! It's just an observation I've made. But who knows???
I can't wait to see what it is, though! :)
Kelly, you are so cute! I love reading your blog everyday. I just started mine last month. Anyway, congrats on your new baby!
Angie :)
Aww I am so sure ya'll are having so much fun preparing for Baby H to come! I can't wait to meet the baby in a few months! You look so cute!
I voted for a girl but only because as someone who loves being the mom of two little ladies I want everyone to have a girl! But I've been told boys are nice too :). I love the names!
You look so cute! I love your fruity pictures! You already know I think you and Scott are expecting Hudson to make his appearance. I guess we'll all know for sure in five weeks. Is it a regular ultrasound or are you doing something like Baby Views? I can't wait to find out for sure! I love that Scott finds the band acceptable. That cracked me up!
Those are both such great names! Very cute and unique without being too ultra trendy.
I'm with Stephanie...I hope you get to use them both at once :)
you look great!! I love both the names! Oh and I just think it is so funny how Dawson is looking up at you in that first picture...so sweet!
Love the names...maybe it will be twins and you can use both! (ha!)... I voted for a girl though..
And...I love the purple dress...so cute!
So exciting! I have always thought a peach was bigger than a lemon. Maybe Texas lemons are particularly small. I love the names you have picked!
I have been following your blog for many months now, and I am so happy for you and your sweet husband. I have written your name in my prayer journal many times, and I am not surprised that God has blessed you with a baby! Ask and you shall receive! Congratulations! Because I have 4 girls, I have to guess- Boy! You look beautiful!
I LOVE those names!!! I think it will be a little girl but I know you will be excited either way. I want you to check out this website:
www.thepaisleymoon.etsy.com. This is my cousins website for her business. She makes the absolutely neatest things for babies and kids. I would like for you to pick something out once you know the sex so I can have her make it for you. Just email me at Ridgley51405@aol.com with your address. I am so excited for you!
Kelly.. I love both of the names you have picked out! Ok.. we might be related somehow if your grandparents are from AR as well. My maiden name is Harlan too, small world! I too tried to incorporate that name for one of my girls.. but, it didn't work. I like how you changed it up a bit! Good luck!
Whatever name you pick will be fabulous! But, I guess it depends on what this baby is first. I'm glad you are finding out. I could never wait either. Just too impatient. You'll be thrilled regaradless.
Praying for you always Kelly!
You look adorable! Are your pants starting to get tight any? I know you wear dresses a lot...they are more comfortable when you're pregnant. And I love the names. My sister just had a baby and his middle name is Walker. In fact, we almost used Walker for our boy's middle name but decided on something else. I can't wait to find out what you're having...I have no gut feeling...no idea.
And I'm like Amanda...I thought peaches are bigger than lemons.
I think it's a Harper!
You look darling! I initially thought girl; but for some reason I am leaning towards boy! I have no clue why... My guesses haven't been very accurate as of late! And I love the names!!! Hudson is a family name for us... And if we ever have another boy, that will be his middle name!
I love the name Harper for a girl. One of my best friends has a boy named Harper..he's named after her maiden name. Anyway, both those names are adorable. Cute dresses, too. Hope your day has been great!
My son's name is Hunter and I've always thought Hudson & Harper were other "H" names I'd use (If I'd gone with the all H names thing)...so I let out a little girly shriek when I saw those names...I love them both, and they're even better b/c they have such meaning to them. SOOO happy for you!
Cutest fruit ever!!!!!!!!!!!
Well you know how very much I love the name Harper so I hope you are having a Harper. I need to know what the heart beat has been....then I will make my very uneducated guess about the baby's sex.
You are a darling pregnant girl. Glowing, really you are!
You look too cute! I love the way you are showing the size of the baby by fruits. That's a great idea! I LOVE the names you have picked out! Can't wait to find out what you are having!
I guessed Harper, but a Hudson would be perfect as well! :)
I am with you, I want to know as soon as possible!! I hope you just have a healthy baby! You look great by the way.
Kelly - I found your blog through Big Mama's a couple of weeks ago, and have really enjoyed reading it. I love that you are going to use family names for you baby. Our girls, Piper and Emery, share middle names with their grandmothers'.
Also, after seeing some of the things you found at Oops!, I think I'll check it out. We live just down the road from it!
Hmmm...I am not 100% sure but for some reason I am going to go with GIRL! I absolutely LOVE Harper Brown for a name ;)!
Your fruit pics are absolutely precious...keep them coming!
I like the names you picked out and the meanings behind them!
I just read the backstory on the names and I really like Harlan! I have never heard that before. But I know you have your mind made up LOL
I love different names!! When I named my son Logan 12 years ago I did not know another Logan but, now theres some popping up here and there. I love that your sharing your journey with us. I'm so excited for the two of you!! :o)
Before I could decide on the sex I have one question. Are you gaining weight all over or just in the belly. If all over I vote boy.
Yesterday when I logged on to your blog Firefox was being wonky so I couldn't see any pictures, but I read the post anyway....
Today, I got Firefox to shape up and now I see the pictures!
Those dresses that you're wearing in the pictures are great! Where did you get them?? They look comfy!
Congratulations on getting to 14 weeks! 6 more weeks and you'll be halfway there!!!
I love that you chose names that have great significance for you both.
Until next time,
Leanne in Longview
PS: You ought to share with us some of your cravings and the weird stuff you've been experiencing due to pregnancy!
What a radiant mommy-to-be!!!!!
These pictures are sooooo sweet! Waiting 5 more weeks will seem like a lifetime! I am a planner and want to know what's going on just like you, so I know you'll be so excited to find out if it's Hudson or Harper. My friend just named her son Hudson Edward...Hudson is such a cute name! And Harper is so southern, like Steel Magnolias...I love it!!!
Looking great! Just wait until those grapefruit and watermelon weeks. :)
Where did you find those cute dresses?
I love both names they are great. I can just see a little Harper in school wearing her cute little dresses and dancing around to Thriller on her ipod. Just like mom. :)
I love Harper. That is my one of my friends babies name. He is just trying one. I have Walker on our list, I love it. You are so cute. I love the fruit pictures.
Hi Kelly,
I posted here before...like your blog a lot!
You look so pretty pregnant! I was surprised to learn how old you were. I thought you'd be closer to my age (i'm 27).
Anyway I think it will be a baby boy :))
Wish you all the best!
Agata from IL
Hudson and Harper are both darling names! Names are so stressful to pick out - but you have two great ones right from the start!
I love both names, but I voted for a girl. I can totally see you with a little girl. Harper is especially cute.
Cute names Kelly! I think Jason & I "kinda" have our names picked out when we have a baby. I like "Blaine Coleman" for a boy. (Coleman is my papa's name & we are debating on making this a first name). I like "Eden" for a girl, but not to sure about a middle name. But, who knows...my mind could totally change by then!
Where did you get those cute dresses your wearing? (the purple & black)
Bonnie :)
I thought a peach was bigger than a lemon?!?! You look so cute!
I love the names you have picked out - and looking forward to finding out who it will be!
You just look so cute..I love both names. I voted boy and can't wait to find out what you are having. Hope you have a fun and safe trip to your brother's wedding!!
I think it is a Hudson. I don't know why, but I have a feeling you are having a boy! I love both names and can't wait to find out if it is a boy or girl! :)
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