Secondly - we have had a pretty good response on getting all the NWA bloggers together but unfortunately - August and September are pretty booked up and there were a lot of conflicts. Plus we couldn't get the Jones Center where we had hoped to have it. So if it's okay - we may postpone it for a little while - but we will have to for sure try to all meet up soon! I'd love to meet all of you in person.
Is anyone going to Siesta Fiesta in San Antonio in a few weeks? I SOOOOOOO wish I was going but it just won't work out this year. My mom and I were talking last night about how badly we wish we could go and hear Beth Moore and meet all of our favorite bloggers.
And last but very important....................................

WILL YOU WATCH THE NEW 90210?????????
I'm honestly very sad that they are trying to re-do one of the greatest shows ever and I am pretty sure I will never like the new one. (Then again - I'm a little older than the demographic they are shooting for). But I have a feeling I may sneak a peek.
I so have to sneak a peak of 90210. I lived with my Granny when the original was on and I couldn't watch the show!! :( So now that I'm a big girl, I'll have to catch at least one episode. But I don't even know when it comes on!!! Ha!!
Oh I wish I could have made it to ya'll's study! I have MK meetings on those nights! Sounds like it was an awesome study. I don't know if I will watch that show.....hmm
Thanks for your prayers, friend!! I'm always looking for new Bible study ideas and will definitely check out that Bible study. I'm sorry you had to postpone your blogging get together, but you can still meet one blogger in September ;) And, I, too, will have to sneak a peek at the new 90210.
Don't you think it will be hard to see Aunt Becky from Full House (Lauri L. in yellow?) in a different role?
I am a lover of 90210- watch everyday on Soapnet- I hope that is it is not really corny but especially since they are having some of the old characters come back that is why I am having to watch! Love your blog and signed up for you to be my friend on Facebook! :)
I heard about this a few months ago, and yes, I think I'll be one of the ones sneaking a peak!! I also heard that Jeannie Garth, Tori Spelling and Shannon Daughtry (sp?) would be making special guest appearances. We'll hafta see! Nothing could compare to the old 90210, though! Can you believe they are now selling the individual seasons on DVD in Target?!? I feel so OLD!!!
Good question about 90210...I'm just not sure I could handle something other than the real deal. I was in 7th grade when the show started and literally grew up watching the whole 10 years! It'll never be the same! :-) (wow, what a really silly thing to say...)
I am going to check out the new 90210, but I am not sure how much it will match up to the old show? I get the impression that it will be a new, seperate show with nods to the old show.
I hope you enjoy your week!
in response to 90210-i am not sure about it. i may sneak a peek, but i agree with you. why make another one? i am not sure about the cast?? plus really do i need to add another show to my long list of ones i already watch!!
oh i am so not sure about watching. i mean the first one was soooooooo good and i just hope they do this one right and not make is cheesy you know. ok so it would be sooooo fun to meet at a beth conf for sure....my two favorite things....beth and bloggers...SHUT UP SHUT UP
ps. i heard that tori spelling is going to be on it...is that true????
Yes, I am going to the Siesta Fiesta in a few weeks...I can't wait! Can't believe I've been registered for the LPM event for nearly a year! My mom lives in San Antonio, so the two of us are going to the conference and Siesta Fiesta together. Wish you could be there!!
As for 90210, I might check out the pilot, but probably won't watch more than that...I'm already up to almost 7 hours a week of TV shows that are on my list to watch. :)
Had our 16 week appointment yesterday and our baby "Polka" was curled up in a little ball, so it was a good thing we want to wait to know the "flavor" because it would have been really hard to tell, if we could have at all. And I found a pair of Citizens of Humanity jeans on ebay, too! They should arrive tomorrow and I'm excited to try them out. Hopefully they'll work. :) Hope you have a great day and stay cool. :)
90210 will not be the same, however, I will give it a try.
I can't imagine how the new 90210 will be anywhere near as good as the original, but I will tune into the show for a while just to see what it's like. Is it weird that I'm most excited to see Lori Laughlin in it?? I was such a Full House fan, too. :)
Thank you so much for sharing this book with us. I am going to order a copy and see about doing a book study with some girlfriends. Only 16 more days and we find out if it is Harper or Hudson ~ I can't wait. I am so very excited for you and your family. Thanks for adding me to your Baby Buddies ;O). I will continue to pray for you and a healthy full term baby.
Keeping the Faith
Laura Ann
You bet'cha I will be watching the new 90210...or at least I will give it a try!
I am like you...I think that they'll be shooting for a younger demographic which means 2 things: Sex and Sex...so I'm going to say, no thanks...I saw The O.C. (which I didn't think was that good) and Gossip Girl just scares me, this is bound to be just another show like that. Sad. Very, Very Sad.
Well SHOOT about San Antonio! I was really hoping you were coming!
I wanted to get on your nerves about rubbing your precious belly and talk about baby H! :)
And yes I'll watch that 90210 stuff bc it was the greatest show of my time. I love the reruns. Good, good stuff.
Hope you are having a good day.
Hum, I need a good Bible study. Might have to check this one out. Thanks! What, a new 90210?! How did I miss this news? I have been watching the reruns of the original on soapnet every afternoon. It drives Charlie crazy, he's not a fan for some reason. I need more info on this new show!
I have to admit, I want to watch the first episode but I can't imagine that it will be as good as the original! I'm also scared they are going to try to make it really racy like Gossip Girls, but then again, it was contraversial in its own time back then, too! Watch me get hooked anyway!
I agree with everyone else...I will have to watch once but I don't think it will be anywhere near as good as the original...but then again...what ever is??? Very few things are as good the second time as they are the first go around!
i'm on the fence about 90210, but it could be a car wreck situation...where you know you shouldn't look, but you just HAVE to!
in college, we seriously set our class schedules around Young and the Restless and 90210 reruns. Sick, I know! Shh...don't tell my parents. :0)
I think I will give the new 90210 three episodes to decide if its good or not. I was a sucker for 90210 and The OC and this looks to be a combo of both.
I'm totally bummed about 90210. They will tramp it out, i'm sure. When they say it will be edgier, I think that just means more skin. : ( Sad day... I'm excited to see the old Brenda and Kelly, but it will never be the same. I may watch the opening credits just to hear the music though... ha, ha!
Oh, a new 90210 makes me feel old! What's next, a New Saved by the Bell? Yeah I'll have to watch it at least once. :) I kind of like teenie bopper drama shows.
You look beautiful, my dear! Such a pretty pregnant girl!
Uh, Kelly Taylor is a guidance counselor? What happened to her career in fashion or working with that doctor guy? I will watch but I will probably be disappointed. I once taped over me (when I was in Brownies) playing a game on the Bozo show with 90210, what was I thinking?
Laura :)
I think I'll watch it to find out what has happened with Kelly, Donna, and Brenda. I wish they would do a follow up of the real 90210 instead. I'm nervous this will be all skin and sex, which really wasn't the the theme of our show.
I didn't know they were coming out with a new 90210. Is that "Aunt Becky" from Full House in the yellow dress? I will definitely have to take a peak at this show!
Yes, I'm going to Siesta Fiesta and I am SO EXCITED!!! I so wish you were going so we could meet! It would be so fun! It's funny 'cuz I talk about you like my friend in real life. I'll tell my mom, "My friend, Kelly..." It's funny!
i love your blog! its really cute, and im always encouraged, and my faith is always boosted after i give it a read. god bless!
and i think im gonna watch the pilot episode, then see what i think about the new 90210
What 90210 lover won't sneak? I just don't think it will live up to the first one OR Luke Perry!
I know I'm getting old when I watched 90210 in HS and they are already doing a remake.
I'm a TV junkie.....I'll wacth...at least once.
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