This picture made me laugh because just last night I told Scott I was really worried because I didn't feel like I was showing much and I've only gained 2 lbs and what if the baby wasn't growing? And then I looked at this picture and I think things are probably okay. I think the baby is sticking out both ends. ha!
(I don't know where Dawson was - I guess he doesn't like avocados? He is usually no less than 4 inches from me at all times)
I got a new "Southern Living" this weekend and thought I would try a recipe in there. It was a different version of the meat cupcakes I got off of Annalee's blog earlier this year.

Lasagna pizza cups
1/2 lb lean ground beef
1 small onion, chopped
2 garlic gloves, minced
1 jar pizza sauce
1 can refrigerated buttermilk biscuits
1/2 cup ricotta cheese
3/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
Preheat oven to 375. Cook first 3 ingredients in a large skillet over medium heat until meat crumbles and is no longer pink. Drain well. Stir in 1 cup pizza sauce and remove from heat.
Press biscuits on bottom and sides of a lightly greased muffin cups. Spoon 1 tbls meat mixture into each biscuit cup. Top with ricotta cheese (about 1 tsp) and sprinkle with shredded cheese.
Bake at 375 for 18-20 minutes or until golden. Warm up remaining sauce and serve with the cups.
This was very tasty and something I think kids would probably really like.
Press biscuits on bottom and sides of a lightly greased muffin cups. Spoon 1 tbls meat mixture into each biscuit cup. Top with ricotta cheese (about 1 tsp) and sprinkle with shredded cheese.
Bake at 375 for 18-20 minutes or until golden. Warm up remaining sauce and serve with the cups.
This was very tasty and something I think kids would probably really like.
That's really cute, an avocado already! Oh, your last post was so awesome too! My Cooking Light subscription ran out (it wasn't that great) so I just got a subscription to Southern Living, so I'll be looking out for some YUM recipes too :)
You're so cute!! Love the "both ends" comment!! (Where's Dawson??)
The recipe looks so good... I'll have to wait til "free day" to try it!
The picture is very cute!!! :)
Thanks for the recipe. I will for sure be trying it. It sounds great! We all loved the other meat cupcakes. :)
Funny... I tried a new recipe tonight for Ricotta cups! Similar concept I think, but totally different too! I'll post about them soon!
I love your prego-picutre updates! Too cute! Baby H is growing and you are glowing - you look wonderful!
Did anyone else notice that the spaghetti sauce you picked was Prego? Funny. The recipe looks great. My lil peanut and I have both been craving italian food and mexican food!
On another note I feel exactly the same way you do about your pregnancy and about the other women we know out there going thru IF. I have a special place in my heart for them. Its so common! We had a couple in our church just adopt and it warmed my heart to see that sweet baby and reignited my heart for adoption. Maybe one day the Lord will lead us there!
You are so cute pregnant!!!
You are way too cute pregnant. I love the lasagna idea. I make the same things but as little Mozzarellas Meatloaf Cups. The lasagna would be yummy as well.:)
You are too cute! And that recipe sounds DELICIOUS!!
You are so adorable pregnant! The recipe looks yummy!
Don't worry about not gaining much weight. I stressed SO much about it because I was worried about John Michael not getting enough nutrients, vitamins, etc to grow! I had only gained around 3 lbs up until around week 20. After that, it gets better and then you really have to watch it!
I want to try this recipe, but I can't have dairy or tomato products right now while I'm nursing!
Kelly you look adorable! Those meat cups are tempting...might have to try them!
Never fear...Baby H is coming along just fine...and you can be glad you have only gained 2 pounds thus far. :) You are just adorable.
That recipe looks fantastic and so easy...I'll have to give it a try.
Oo! I will have to try those! You do look so cute!
i see a tiny bump!
I love your weekly pictures...and the food comparison!!! You look SO good--you're doing great!
What a cute little baby bump you got going on!
I can't wait to try this recipe. It looks delicious!
I love how you're posting pregnant pics every week! You will have fun looking back on all those!
I really didn't show much, either, until about 20 weeks. Then I just started growing like crazy!
You always know exactly how big the baby is this week! I guess you'll be holding a basketball at the end. haha
What pregancy books do you like the best or have been the most helpful to you? I was just wondering for future gifts!
You look adorable! Too cute! I love the idea to have an example of the baby's size in your belly pics! Fabulous idea, you'll be so glad you did that!
Cutest little baby bump I have ever seen. :) I SO love these weekly pictures--they make my heart so happy!!
Oh, and thank you for sharing a recipe that brings 2 of my greatest loves together in one little cup. :)
What an adorable baby bump! I love how you use props to show the baby's size :)
That recipe looks easy & yummy!
My co-worker and I read your blog each morning and our first reaction was "Where's Dawson??"
You're looking so cute and just glowing!
Still looking good! I can't imagine how excited yall are. I was reading my Southern Living lastnight and noticed this recipe. Glad to know the recipe is tasty!
You are too cute!! Mmmm..that recipe sounds tasty! I will have to make it for my boys.
I'm going to have to try that recipe. Graham is so picky these days, but he just might eat that. :)
You look great!
You are so adorable! I love that you are posting baby pictures every week ;)! I took a new picture every three weeks. It is amazing how fast the time goes by and how much you really start showing!
Those Lasagna Cups sound DIVINE ;)! I think I will try these this week!
You look so cute! I was wondering....where is Dawson in the pic?
You look wonderful!! Those lasagna cups look so good...I think I am really hungry right now! I might have to try them tomorrow night!!
You look great! Recipe looks good also.
Cute picture! So excited for you.
I have made a similar recipe. When I made them I doubled the recipe and then froze a bunch. Making it an easy lunch for hubby to take to work or another supper.
You look adorable!! I am so excited you are getting to experience a pregnancy. Enjoy every minute of it as I know you are! I like watching for updates. Did you wear those jeans yet??!! :) I cannot wait to see what you are having!!!
I had not read your blog since you posted The Waiting Game. Thank you for praying for women who want children. Sometimes I do so good to accept God's plan but I hurt so much to know what a baby created with my DNA and Bryan's would look like. I wish I could know what our two would have looked like! It's crazy I know but I have an idea in my head!
I loved Blessed Be Your Name. I shout it out each time I hear it!! You are going to be blessed so greatly because you bless others so much.
You look so cute! I loved being pregnant! I am going to have to try that recipe it sounds and looks like something my kids will eat.
I love how you compare your baby to fruits/veggies. I did that at the beginning of my pregnancy too, but for some reason I've stopped. I think my baby's the size of a cabbage. Anyway - you look super cute in your picture and I look forward to reading more about your pregnancy as it progresses!
You are such a cute preggie! I was never that cute. I think EG & I ate too much Chik-fil-a! Ha!
You and your "little avocado" look so cute! I was noticing that Dawson was not in the picture this week. Tell him we missed him!
I saw that recipe in Southern Living and also wanted to try it. Glad to hear that it was yummy!
Have a great week.
You are way too cute. And, I'm so fixing that for dinner this week!
Hey...are you coming to SA?? I really wish you were. :)
Blessings over that precious baby H!
You look Beautiful!! I can't wait to try out your dish! Thanks for sharing!
you are looking awesome- and those pizza cups look so yummy!! i cant wait to see the next round of photos!
Thanks for stopping by, Kelly! Love your pics and recipes - so great. You are darling and absolutely glowing.
Come back to see me anytime...This sassy southerner would love to have you visit!
Blessings to you and baby..
Your baby is getting so big..........an avacado already! ROFL How cute!!! I can't wait to see you holding up the watermelon! ROFL
These lasagna pizza cups look delish! I'm going to have to try these.
So how's the nursery plans? Anything in mind yet??
Kelly, I gave you some bloggy love!! (Check out my blog entry from today (7-29-08) to see what I am talking about.) By the way I love your idea of taking photos of your growing belly (what a miracle!) and the fruit. Too cute!
Hey Kelly! I don't know about you but your pregnanct is FLYING by for me! haha You look beautiful as always! I've missed your blog while we were away for Kennedy's surgery. SO glad to be back! We were praying for you while we were gone though! :)
okay - call me crazy - but I got this theory that if your booty is sticking out further than normal {Or I should say further than in the "not-pregnant" days!!} - it's a girl!!
Uhmmm - I'm assuming "sticking out both ends" meant you think your booty looks bigger!
Now not wider - but out, straight out the back!! haha - I guess we will see if I'm right in a few weeks!
You are getting cuter and cuter by the day!! I think that I may have to drive to NWA instead of fly in September so I have room for some stuff I have for you!!
Isn't it amazing to know that something that size is growing inside of you? I wonder what fruit mine would be? I am 19weeks...a banana? I hope you are having a blast during this time!
Keri Campbell
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