Thursday, March 06, 2008

Babies and Recipes

Tonight on Lost there was a new character and she had our baby's name. :-)

We have had two names picked out since we first got married (maybe even before we got married). We have a firm boy and girl name. I don't know what we'll do if we have two boys or two girls because we can't agree on anything else.

But these are our names and why we chose them:

We wanted to name our children after our grandparents to honor them because they all meant so much to us.

Our children's last name will be the same as Scott's paternal grandparents so that is their legacy. Scott's paternal grandfather passed away when Scott was very young but his grandmother lived right down the road from Scott his whole life. She was a very interesting, funny woman. She was also Laurie's great aunt and I used to hear stories about her in college before I ever even knew about Scott. She passed away right before we got married.


Hudson Walker

Hudson is Scott's maternal grandparents last name. They have each passed away since we got married but they played an important role in his life and I was blessed to have known them. They were very sweet people. Scott grew up in the same town with them and spent a lot of his younger years with them.

Walker was my pap-pa's middle name. My pap-pa was the sweetest man you would ever meet with a smile that would light up the room. He never met a stranger and I don't think there could have possibly been a person alive who didn't just love him. He was a prisoner of war during WW2 for four years. I loved him so much. He passed away several years ago.


Harper Brown

I wanted to use a name from my paternal grandparents. My cousin already named his son after my grandpa so I wanted something to honor my grandmother. Her maiden name was Harlan. I didn't know how that would be for a girl's name so we modified a little and are using Harper. I have always loved that name and I'll always know that it also represents my grandmother. My dad's parents are the only grandparents Scott or I have left and I love them so much. My cousins, brother, and I used to spend our summers with them and those summers are some of my most favorite childhood memories. My grandpa was a colonel in the army and lived all over the world. And my grandmother has always reminded me of a 50's movie star.

My middle name is Lee and my mam-ma's middle name was Lee. My mom really wanted me to use Lee but if I named her Harper Lee - everyone would think it was after the author of "To Kill a Mockingbird" (which is my favorite book). So I decided to use my mam-ma's maiden name, Brown. It's also my favorite color.
My mam-ma was the epitome of a Proverbs 31 woman. She's everything I aspire to be and everything I hope that little Harper will be.

The names are ready - we just need a baby to go with them!


Tonight I set up a recipe blog with all the recipes I've had on my blog before and I plan to add to it. It will be a good reference for me and if you want to try anything - the link is on the right.
Or here is the address:


a boy a girl and a pug said...

Love those names!! Praying for that baby for you guys.

And oh how I love that "Lost". It's so hard to think we have another week until next week's.

Leigh Ann said...

That is so sweet to honor your grandparents by naming your babies after them! You know, if you wanted to incorporate the Lee, you could just name her Harper LeeAnn! I would just love that! Ha! The names you have picked are just adorable. Oh, and I'm so glad you posted those recipes!

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

You've chosen beautiful names! I love that they have special significance to your families too.

My middle name is Lee too!

Amanda said...

Those are such great names. I hope you get one of each.

The Garners said...

I'm hoping you get to use BOTH names very soon! Great names!

What a good idea with the recipe blog--thanks for sharing!

Jenna said...

I love them both!

And I love that there is so much meaning behind them. Special names for the special babes of some special people :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so impressed that you guys already have names! Wow. We still can't find a girls name that we like. I was thankful after the delivery to see that Schäfer was a boy. (we didn't know before hand) We have no clue what we will name our adopted daughter.

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

I love the names you and your husband picked out! Now I will just continue to pray for a baby.

Fran said...


Candy said...

I LOVE the names you have picked out and the meaning behind each of them. So sweet! I can't wait to check out the recipe blog. :)

Caroline said...

I love your names!!!!! I am a huge fan of family names. My mom's mother was Carolyn but signed all her painting, she was an artist too, Caroline. She died of cancer 4 months before I was born and I am honored to carry on her name! My middle name is Burns after my great grandmothers last name and my last name is Hughes. So my dad's mother was a burns hughes and so am I. I have all my grandmother's names. I adore it because they all passed away before I was here and so I never had grandmothers. I am praying with all I have for those babies!!!! I even have gifts picked out for you! Just keep dwelling in the land Kelly. HE IS GOOD!

Jessica said...

I will use Harper for a boy when I ever have one! I love Harper! : )

Hillary said...

You know I've ALWAYS loved those names! And I wouldn't know what to do if you ever changed them b/c I refer them as such often!!!
LOST is crazy! I can't keep up!

What a great idea...a recipe blog! Love it!

Megan L Hutchings said...

I love the names you have chosen! They are so unique yet they are so special b/c they honor those whom you love and admire. I am praying sweet Kelly, I am praying. Could we do a Blogging Baby great would that be?!

LOST is so crazy...what is going on?

Angela said...

I like your names...they have beautiful meanings. I hope you get those babies you are praying for!

Thanks for the recipe blog! Can't wait to check it out.

Unknown said...

Recipe blog I can't wait to take a peak. Love the names I had my daughter's name picked out years before I had her.

Adrienne said...

How funny! My hubby and I have thought about using Walker as a middle name too, because its my husband's maternal grandfather's last name. They had a very special relationship too just like you and your husband did with your grandparents. My g'parents all died when I was young, so I don't have many memories of them.
Also, I agree totally with your American Idol picks! Too much in common! Happy Two Week Wait!

Anonymous said...

Okay - I LOVE the names! I especially love names that carry meaning behind them! Can't wait to check out your recipe blog!

Living to Love said...

I absolutely love both names!! Hudson is a strong name!! I love strong names for boys. Harper is just sooo cute!

Mandy said...

I love both names too!! I also love how they have so much meaning. It was important for me to have a name with some meaning for Tayson too. My sisters names are Taylor and Allyson...Which is where Tayson comes from. Justin's sisters name is Jaclyn, which is where his middle name Jac came from!! Now I am just praying for the baby/babies!!!

The Proctors said...

After watching Lost last night, I told Kyle that "Harper" is such a cute name for a girl! Of course, we could never use it with our last name "Proctor". To many "p" and "r" sounds. I just love Hudson too! I love that you have neat meaning behind the names!

Amy said...

Kelly, I love the names you picked out. It's cool that they have so many meanings behind them. I have a nephew named Harlan (I just posted a pic of him today). My sister and brother-in-law just fell in love with the name they saw in a baby book. It's obviously a very different name and my sister had so many people say to her, "Harlan!?! That must be a family name...". Ha! She just laughs, because she and her husband love it and that's all that matters. She's only met a few other Harlans and they were all over 75! But she couldn't have picked a better name for him! It's so fitting, but you are right not to put it on your little girl. Still praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Love the names. Hopefully you can use them very soon. Both of my girls names are family names. What a great idea for a recipe blog-I've already tried several recipes that you had posted and my husband loves them.

His Doorkeeper said...

We don't care if you call them Joe Bob and Susie Q as long as they are here and healthy! By the way, they can call us anything they want;we will answer to any name!!! Mom and Dad

Ashley said...

LOVE the names! We almost used Walker for our little boy's name. They are beautiful!

And I love the idea of a recipe blog. I bake all the time. I might just start one...


Cena @ Unexpected Necessities said...

I LOVE the names, too. Jancie is named after my 2 grandmothers. I turned 2 letters around in Janice to make Jancie and my other grandmother's name is Jean. So Jancie Jean.....and it fits her. Her 2 great-grandmothers are very proud of their namesake.

Lindsey said...

Still praying for you! Also you KNOW how I feel about your names. They are precious...especially the name Harper *wink*!!!

RRR said...

Great names! Perfect for twins! I want to use our fathers' names as middle names when we have kids if we have boys!

Megan said...

Cute names! And I love that they mean something.

Rebecca (Sam's wife) said...

i hope you get to post baby pics very soon as well!!

Megan said...

Good idea to start a recipe blog...hummm you've got me thinking now.

annalee said...

what BEAUTIFUL names with a BEAUTIFUL legacy. love them both.

Jessica said...

Those names are awesome! I love them! I also love how they are family names, so special. Now you need those twins to be a girl and a boy, right!?!

Thanks for the recipe blog. That will be great! I have already made the recipe with new potatos and green beans and chicken. Kyle LOVED it! He said that recipe is a keeper!

CAMoore said...

The names you have picked out are precious! Clarke & I have always talked about baby names (since we were dating in college). We have our two names (one for if it's a boy and our girl name).
I really like the name Harlen though- that is so unique!
I hope you get your baby(s) soon. I know how hard it is to wait for it it happen. I guess that is why patience is a virtue.

Charity said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the names! I am getting so excited for you!

Charity said...

Oh yeah...I am TOTALLY JAZZED about your recipe blog! I am dying to make the cupcakes with the cookie dough, AND the nutter butter balls!


Betsy said...

I love your names! I really love using family names. That makes them so much more special I think. I'm excited about your recipe blog! I'm always looking for new ideas to cook for my family!

Robyn Beele said...

I love both names. They very unique also which is great. It is so sweet that you wanted to use family names. "To kill a mocking bird" is one of my favorites also!

Tiffani said...

LOVE both names...I can't wait to see the cute faces that go with each one of them!

Anonymous said...

I love those names. Very beautiful and meaningful. My kids love it when I tell them how I made up their names.
Also, I love the idea of your recipe blog. I have used quite of few of yours recently and they have been a huge hit! (So thankyou)
Praying for you and your baby journey.

Staci said...

I'm so excited about your recipe blog because you always great recipes!!

LOVE the names! There's nothing more fitting than family names! And don't're going to get to use those names soon!

Lauren said...

Ah... Love those names and love the fact that they are "in the family"! Hudson is actually a family name for us too and was what we had picked for a middle name if we had had a boy. I actually like Harlan too...

Mrs. Shelton said...

I love both of those names! They are so classy!!!

Meredith said...

Cute, cute names. I think it's wonderful to use names with such special meanings. We named our boys after family too:

Graham Washburn (Washburn is my MIL's maiden name-she was one of 3 girls, so no males to carry on the name)

Thomas Patrick (Thomas is Justin and his grandfather's middle name, as well as several others in both of our families; Patrick is my daddy's middle name)

Jennifer said...

Beautiful names, Kelly!

Hope all is going well. I'm praying for you and the eggs! :)

Anonymous said...

Just in case you have those twin girls...there is a precious little girl in Annie's class at Miss Selma's named Harlan. So you could have Harper AND Harlan. Love reading about your life. Just can't keep up. It will be interesting to see if you can keep up this pace once little Hudson or Harper get here!

Anonymous said...

LOVE the names!!

taralynn819 said...

My friend Leah is actually overdue with her first child and is naming her Harper! I like unique names like that!

kinsey said...

someone above suggested Harper LeeAnn and that is my niece's name! too funny... i like your name choices :-)

kinsey said...

by the way, if you happened to have 2 boys, you could use both of your names! i know several boys named harper too...and brown is very unisex. just a thought :-)

Judy said...

Kelly, please forgive me for taking so long to respond to your comment on my blog about Taylor's big girl stripes. I try and respond to ALL comments but I've been overwhelmed at work lately (our office just moved, we've had painters and sheetrock guys for almost two weeks now) and can't find anything. Working for an attorney, that's not a good thing!

Anywhoo, I love the idea of doing your future baby's room in brown and green. You could do soft colors and toile patterned fabrics and it would look wonderful. We did Taylor and Jackson's baby room in a soft mint green; Jackson's bedding was of mint green and creme toile and Taylor's was the pink and creme toile - it looked fabulous.

I want to tell you a funny story about baby names (btw I love the two names you've picked out and how you came about them). My SIL always joked that if they had two boys they would name them Horace and Hector (last name Horsley) and I just cringed thinking about that combination of names...but of course he was just joking!

Oh, love your glasses....

XOXO - Judy

B said...

We talked about Walker for a first name for our boy (if we have one), I really like it! Harper is cute too!!

I know we dont' "know" each other, but I pray for you and will continue to do so.

Blue-Eyed Bride said...

kelly-- you, scott, and harper have been in my constant thoughts and prayers the last couple of days. i started reading back into your blog because i just love you so much! :)

my dad is from arkansas and his name is hudson. my brother's name is walker. my grandmother's maiden name was hudson and she grew up in strong, arkansas. her father's name was thomas walker hudson. anyway-- i just thought it was very interesting. :)

i'm pregnant and due in june. if this baby is a boy his name will be hudson. :)

Anonymous said...

I like Hudson Walker...personally...ha ha.
My last name is Hudson and my Mother's maiden name was Walker...So I had also planned to use Hudson Walker if I ever had a son. I hope you have a Hudson Walker!

Allison said...

Hi Kelly, I am not sure if you read all of your comments or if you will get this one (because it is from your blog entry in March I think).

I found your blog the other day because a lot of my friends have been writing to tell us updates about your sweet Harper. Not a moment has passed that I have not thought of you, your husband, and your baby girl. I have begun praying for you nonstop since.

I decided I wanted to 'get to know you' a bit, so I have been reading your blog over the last few months. (I have loved it).

My heart stopped when I got to this entry. You see I have a 3 and 1/2 little boy named Hudson, and I have an 18 month old baby girl named Harper.

What are the chances??

I pray BOLDLY for God's miraculous healing on your Harper. I believe in full faith that God is going to use her for mighty things. Your story of faith will also touch the lives of (it already has) of so many.

Thank you for sharing your life on here.

Love, Allison

Holly said...

Hi Kelly!
I have only been following your blog for a little while and linked to this post from your most recent question and answer post. I was already amused when you named your daughter Harper. My sister in law named her baby Harper back in November of '08. At that time, I had not heard of Harper as a girl's name (except for Harper Lee). Now I am hearing it everywhere! It is such a cute name. What I thought was really amusing though was your choice for a boys name. The same sister in law has a 4 year old name Hudson! So she had the same idea as you and named her sweet babies Hudson and Harper. Great minds think alike!

Paige said...

I love how picked out your names! My daughter Charli (Charlie) Beth is named after my Papaw which passed away whenever I was 3 yrs. But made such a HUGE impact on my life! I had no idea what I would of ever named a boy! I'm glad you had both names picked out! I left you a comment before telling you that I had picked out Harper Caroline about a year ago for a girl if I ever have another. So it was very odd whenever I ran across you page and seen a harper =) I love the name it's SO adorable!!

you did a wonderful job decorating her bedroom!

Unknown said...

Gosh - you are going to think I am stalking you with 3 comments in one evening - but I also wanted to say that the thoughtfulness that you put into these baby names is a great legacy and an awesome way to remember your loved ones! I had always loved the name Logan and for a girl loved Camryn - but no matter what the sex - my child would be given the middle name "Bailey" in honor of my Daddy who passed when I was 15. I had my Logan Bailey and it's so special to have a child with a family name! Hudson is super cute, too - and time and God will tell what's in store for you in giving Harper a sibling! You and Harper are just too cute! Tessa

PS - you see why I can't blog - my thoughts are too unorganized and I tend to ramble - thus leaving 3 comments in one sitting! Be blessed!