Thursday, June 19, 2008

Tis So Sweet To Trust in Jesus

Two years ago we started trying to start a family. We got pregnant very easily and then miscarried just as quickly. So we kept trying but nothing happened. After a year – we sought medical help and I started on fertility drugs and tried a few different procedures. Because of my age – we moved things along quickly.

In March – we met with a fertility specialist from Little Rock and we were told that our only hope was to do in vitro and even then our chances were 50/50 and it really didn’t paint that rosy of a picture for us. I left that appointment feeling lower than I have ever been. I was devastated. I remember calling my mom and crying and just saying over and over “I just don’t know what to do”.

So we decided to take a break. The past year had been a horrible roller coaster of emotions and I just needed a rest. So we planned a dream vacation in Hawaii and I knew after some R&R and the beach – either we would get pregnant or I would have clarity of what to do next. I didn’t have a peace about in vitro and I didn’t have a peace about adoption. But I also knew that I would never feel complete without children.

So in April – not only did we take a break from focusing on trying but I took a break from TV and the internet. I needed to take all of my time and spend it with Scott and with Jesus. I needed it to be quiet so I could hear Him speak. At the time we were doing “Experiencing God” in our Sunday School classes and our chapter that week was on FAITH. I also had been praying for God to give me a book of the Bible to focus on that week and He kept saying “Hebrews”. And in Hebrews – there is a chapter that speaks of all the men in the Bible who had great faith and because of their faith – God did amazing things. During this time – I started to feel this peace and joy come over me that I could not explain except to know that God was holding my hand and whispering “Wait on me – have faith that I can do anything”.

Three days before we left for Hawaii – I took a test.

God is able to do immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine. Eph 3:20

I can’t even begin to tell you how shocked we were. But I know how big my God is. I also know how many of you have prayed for us for so long and I will never begin to be able to show you my gratitude.
I have prayed for the past few months that when I got pregnant – that God would get all the glory – and He did it in such a way that only HE and HE alone can be the reason.

I almost hate to share this news because I know there are so many of you who will read this and be happy for me but your heart will hurt because you are still waiting for your turn. I pray that I will give you some hope. I hope you know that there are so many of you that I am praying for daily by name and I pray for all others to cover any I don’t know of. I hope that all of you who are moms will commit yourself to pray for those who aren’t and are having trouble. It’s one of the worst pains in the world to not be able to get pregnant. It’s a grief that few will understand. I know that my infertility wasn’t near as long as some of you have waited – know that I still have faith that God WILL do a work in you also. Please don’t give up hope.

Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this. Psalms 37: 3-5
I am almost 11 weeks and due on January 13th . We are overjoyed at God’s blessings. I have been very tired and very sick but just like I said when I wrote my post about Mother’s Day – even in my sickness – I thank Him. I am so thankful that God is entrusting us with a child.

We had one ultrasound at 6 weeks because my levels were so high my doctor thought I might be having TWINS! (there is just one!) My doctor and nurse (both are girls my age and I ADORE them) hugged both of us and cried as we saw the ultrasound. It was one of the best moments of my life.

We had planned to wait until after this Friday to tell everyone because that is when we will hear the heartbeat – but people were starting to ask questions and we just couldn’t keep it in any longer. Also – if you don’t mind – I would covet your prayers for us on Friday that everything would be okay. I feel deep in my soul that it will be.

Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him, "So shall your offspring be." Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead--since he was about a hundred years old--and that Sarah's womb was also dead. Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised. Romans 4: 18 – 22
I’m thankful that our God still does miracles! I’m thankful He hears and answers our prayers. He doesn’t need medicine or doctors or for the economy to change to answer our prayers. He created the universe – can’t we believe that anything is possible with Him? All He needs is for us to put our complete trust in Him.

Jesus, Jesus, How I Trust HIM
How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er
Jesus, Jesus, PRECIOUS Jesus



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boomama said...

Well, Melanie and I are sitting in a hotel room in Charlotte with tears in our eyes and goosebumps all the way down to our toes. We are so excited for you. Ephesians 3:20 - over and over again. Love you!

Guy and Julie said...

I can't even find words to tell you how happy I am for you and Scott! Every time I've thought about ya'll, I've teared up--God is so good! I will continue to pray for your sweet baby!

Big Mama said...

I have chills and I'm sitting here crying with Sophie because we are just so happy for you and Scott. I am so excited for y'all. God is so awesome and I am so thrilled that He has blessed y'all with this new little life.

Will be praying for you.

Heather said...

To God be the glory!!!! I can't put into words my excitment for you. God is so good!! Congratulations friend! I will continue to pray for you and your baby!!! And, you've got a care package coming your way!!

Lauren said...

I am bawling like a BABY!!!! God is so good... He answers prayers! What a testimony of His faithfulness! Congratulations!!!!!!!

Jennifer said...

YAYYYYY!!!!!!! I'm soo happy for you and Scott! Praise the Lord!

Anonymous said...

hi kelly,
CONGRATULATIONS!!! this is my first comment to you. i started reading your blog a few weeks ago and i love it. i also passed it on to my sis-in-law, susan. she and her husband just went through in vitro and it didn't work out. if you could add her to your prayer list i'd really appreciate it.

again, congratulations. praise God. He is so good, and faithful. I pray that you have an excellent pregnancy and delivery... parenting is an amazing adventure! :)

Anonymous said...

Kelly-Chris and I are soooo excited for you! We hoped and prayed that this time would come for you. We can't wait to be your baby's aunt and uncle! I am so thrilled to be joining such a wonderful growing family. We love you!
-Carrie and Chris

Angela said...

Congrats! I am so happy for you and your husband. Enjoy pregnancy and parenthood, it's the best!

Jenn said...

I have been lurking at your blog for several months now. I wanted to leave a comment to let you know that I will be praying for Scott, you and the baby as you prepare for your appointment on Friday.

Congrats to you both! Praising God for y'all this morning.

Stacy said...

Praise God, Kelly!! I am in tears as I read this wonderful news. I am so thrilled for you and your husband and so glad that God has answered "yes"!!!

Maranda said...

I'm so excited for you! Our God is HUGE and can do absolutely anything. Children are His biggest blessings and I'm so glad you will get to experience the immeasurable joy they bring to your life...Life will never be the same, it will be BETTER!

Jennifer said...

I knew something was up when you were not posting as often and saying you didn't have anything to post about - almost like you were keeping a secret or something!!!!! Congrats - we serve an amazing God!!!!

Natalie said...

Kelly ~

HOW WONDERFUL! I have been following your blog for about 4 mths now and have been praying for you and Scott. WHAT AN AMAZING GIFT you have have been given! We will continue to pray for you and a healthy pregnancy!


Romans 12:12

RRR said...

Yay! Congratulations to you and Scott! I can't wait to hear all about it over the next few months! I know y'all must be completely overjoyed!

Anonymous said...

Yipppeee!!!!! It is such a faith builder to see God answer this prayer! You will look upon all aspects of pregnancy and babyhood with joy, even sickness, late nights, dirty diapers. The trust journey is far from over, and Friday is just another reminder that we have to trust Him constantly. I am confident that "He who began a good work in you is able to complete it" I loved that verse when I was pregnant. I love it when God brings glory to Himself through us in such obvious ways. To God be the glory GREAT things He has done!!!

Shannon said...

I'm pretty sure my neighbors are calling the cops as we speak because I have been screaming and jumping up and down the whole time I read this!!!!!!! What a MIGHTY God we serve!!!! I am beyond thrilled for you and Scott and can't wait to give you a hug!

Kristen said...

Kelly, I am SO happy for you! God is faithful and His timing is perfect even when we don't understand it!
I am THRILLED to hear your news and will definintely be praying for you, Scott, and the little one!

Jenna said...

Oh, Kelly-girl, I am just crying tears of joy all over again along with everyone else! Overjoyed does not begin to describe my feelings for you and Scott. It is a true miracle, and I am so thankful God keeps His promises!! I will continue to pray pray pray for y'all! Love you!!

His Doorkeeper said...

Even though Dad and I have known for a little while, we both cried buckets when we read your post!!

Mercy me, how will our hearts keep from bursting when that precious baby comes???

I always have thought, "When you can't see His hand, trust His heart" and God has a heart for you and Scott and your faithfulness to His Word. We are blessed! Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

Sincere Congratulations! Yes, HE answers 'believing prayer'. I will continue to pray for you and your 'family'! Kaye

Amanda said...

Girl, I am crying a river right now! This amazing news made my whole weekend. Praise God and congratulations to you guys! Y'all are going to be wonderful parents.

Kristin said...

I gasped so loud with joy that I thought I woke my husband up in the other room! I can't even tell you how thrilled I am for you and Scott.

This blogging world can make complete strangers feel like the best of friends. I'm so excited to "walk" through this journey with you through your blog.

Covering you in prayers.

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

Oh, Kelly. I am SO happy with you, and for you!

Hey, remember that rainbow you saw in Hawaii...that's all I can think of right now...a kiss from God and a reminder that He is good and true and faithful!

Oh, and you know what? It's fun to be pregnant at Thanksgiving and Christmas! You get to eat a LOT and not feel so guilty! :)

Karin said...

Hard to see my keyboard through my tears, so I will just say

THANK YOU, JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

for this wonderful blessing on this wonderful person who I don't even know!! Boo hoo! So happy to read this. Thank you Jesus!!!!

Jessica said...

Wow, even though I only know you from your blog, this is such an amazing testament to God's faithfulness that brought tears to my eyes. I pray an extremely healthy pregnancy for you and the most easy breezy delivery you will ever hear about!

Huse Yo Mama said...

What more can be said? I am so happy for you and Scott. Who knows why God chose to bring you down this path. But, you know after your angel is born, you'll look back and think "this was perfect timing!" I was due on January 3rd. It is nice to be pregnant during the holidays!

By the way, I'm sure you are going to want to be shopping for maternity clothing asap. has a lot of cute stuff at a pretty good price (better quality and price than Motherhood) and you can find them even a little cheaper (still new) on ebay.

Praise the Lord! I am so happy for you! Congratulations!

I'm still praying for you.

Melissa said...

I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy for you!! You and Scott deserve a baby and will be WONDERFUL parents! It does give me hope when I read your blog............I pray that everything continues to go well for you guys. again, CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!

Mary B said...

Oh my word I am sobbing! GOD IS SO GOOD! What a testimony of faithfulness!
I have been praying for you a long time and have read too many fertility disappoinments lately. I'll continue to pray for your little one and this new journey!

Andi said...

I know you don't know me but I love reading your blog! I just wanted to say congratulations on your new baby and wish you all the best of luck! May God continue to bless you!

beckylbranch said...

Yeah!!! Praise the Lord!!! What wonderful news and I'm so happy for you and Scott! You both will be in my prayers and I know everything will go wonderful for you guys! God is SO good! Becky

Leigh Ann said...

As I have already told you, I am SOOOO happy for you and Scott. What a blessed baby he is already to have parents like you and Scott! I am so excited for you! I look forward to all your posts as you prepare a nursery and have showers and show your growing belly. Nothing is too big for God! Thank you for sharing your story from the beginning. You have been an encouragement to so many and I pray others see hope in this blessing. I love you!

Wendy said...

I've enjoyed reading your blog for several months now and today I am commenting! WOW, I am SO happy for you guys! God is good!

kinsey said...

congratulations. i am so happy for you and have waited for this post since i started reading your blog a few months ago.

Anonymous said...

WOOOOHOOOO!!! That is such wonderful news! You have such a sweet heart and will be such a great mommy. I'll be praying for you and your family through these 9 months!

Candy said...

Kelly, Kelly, Kelly!!!! I am SO excited for you and Scott and for your whole family!!!! May you be blessed for praising God and giving him ALL the glory!!! You have such an AMAZING testimony to share and you have touched SO many lives through this!!! I am just SO happy for you that I can't even describe it!!! I am SLOW to catch on to things, so I didn't have a CLUE of what you were hiding. :) I have been praying for you and will continue to do so. I can't wait to follow along in your pregnancy and baby planning through your blog. :) I'm so happy!!! Congrats!!! Praise the LORD!!!

Jacquie said...

Kelly, I could hardly read your blog through the tears. I want you to know that I have been praying for you for so long. God is so GOOD! You are going to be the sweetest mother!!

Jodi said...

Congratulations Kelly! What an AWESOME God we serve! I am so thrilled for you!!!

Lisa Sherrill Roach said...

I've been checking your blog many times a day ever since the exchange of emails about my dream. I'm thrilled you can share the news now. God is so good!

Anonymous said...

I can't stop crying! That is so wonderful. I am so happy for you and your husband. I can't wait to tell my sister! Your due dates are only dates (i think 5) apart. Enjoy this special time! Congratulations

SLS said...

I have goose bumps and tears in my eyes and I am just sooooo happy for you and Scott! God is so good! I can not even begin to express how excited I am for you two! When I saw that picture I yelled out loud and began to cry! You are so right, trust in God and he will provide! I am so thrilled for you! We are only weeks apart too! I am due Jan. 31st! How exciting! I will continue to pray for you and your baby!
Congrats again!
Much love,

His Girl said...

Just swung over here from Meridith's blog...

What a wonderful first post to read!


Betsy said...

It was so exciting reading this blog today and just thanking God again for His faithfulness. I wish I could be there to give you big hugs! Having a baby is just the most miraculous thing God ever lets you be a part of. I can't wait to hear about every step of the journey with you!!


ocean mommy said...

Praise the Lord!!! WOW!! What an awesome God we have. He is so faithful to us isn't he! What a legacy this little one already has. He or she will be able to say "By faith my parents trusted and waited on God. They kept the faith when others would have given up."

I'm so excited for you both!

Many Blessings!

Anonymous said...

I just jumped out of my seat! How awesome is our God!!!! I am so excited for you! God bless! Carrie M.

Rachel said...

I don't think there is a dry eye in the house. I don't know how you kept quiet for so long. God is so good. I'm excited for you both, enjoy the pregnancy.
I'll be praying for you.
(if you are wondering who i am, and how I found you. Leigh Ann and i went to high school together.

Amber said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I am so excited for you and your hubby and the sweet little baby that is growing inside you! His faithfulness truly is great! I pray that God will remove your sickness quickly and that you will experience such joy throughout your pregnancy as you anticipate the birth of your little one. What a precious gift from your Father!

Rachel said...

I just realized DAWSON'S GONNA BE A BIG BROTHER! you gotta make him a tshirt!
;) I'm so excited for ya'll!

MiMi said...

Tears are streaming down my cheeks as I read this and I really barely even know you, Kelly. It's funny, because I thought that in the picture of you at your desk recently, that you definitely had a "glow" about you. You are such a beautiful girl anyway and now you are just beaming! I am so thrilled for you and your husband (and your parents!) and am thankful to the Lord for answering your prayers. He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think!
You have definitely encouraged me and increased my faith with your post. Please continue to pray for my precious little, Faith. I can hardly wait for the day when she shares the same news!

Flo and Grace said...

How Amazing!!! We both get to walk this journey together and have little ones in the same month! I'm so happy for you guys....God is so....surprising sometimes isn't he? I'm really happy for you.

David said...

AMAZING!! I seriously looked on your blog and showed my husband the chills that I had! Praise God for this sweet, sweet miracle. Congratulations!

Jill said...

YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are going to be an amazing mommy!!! I will now change my prayers to God protecting you & the baby! Praise Jesus, He is so good!!!!

Melissa Stover said...

oh kelly i have been praying for you since i started reading your blog and this is just the best news! i'm so excited for you and your family.

Ashley said...

I have been reading your blog for the past few months, and have commented a few times....and been praying for you alongside so many others. Congratulations! Our God truly is an awesome God.

Heather said...

Praise God for His goodness and His timing. It is so hard to wait, but He is faithful.
Congratulations, Kelly! You are going to be a wonderful mother!

Strawberry Rose said...

I am so happy for y'all! Thanksgiving and Christmas will be even more exciting!! Praise the Lord.

Cena @ Unexpected Necessities said...

Okay, I know this is going to sound very weird, but I have totally expected you to write that post any day now. I had a dream a couple of weeks ago that you were pregnant. I also dreamed that I was pregnant with a little girl right before I found out that I was expecting Jancie(and we were not trying). I've had several dreams over the past years that have come true in a BIG way, so I guess that is God's way of communicating with me and directing me in an area that I need to pray about.

I am so excited for you both!!! I know that everything will be fine and you will love every minute of it. I can totally relate with the sickness part of it. That just means that it "took" really well, especially since your levels were so high.

The Garners said...

I'm beyond thrilled for you guys, and I'm reminded once again how faithful God is. Thank you for sharing your journey with us, even through the challenging and sad parts...I look SO forward to walking through this happy part with you now...lots and lots of baby posts, nursery idea posts, etc.! Congratulations again--we love y'all!

kinleymarie said...

Kelly, I seriously couldn't be more happy for someone, esp. someone I don't even know. I have been praying for you ever since I started reading your blog a few months ago. Your testimony of faith is amazing and now you are being so abundantly blessed for it! GOD IS SO GOOD!!! I will continue to pray for a healthy pregnancy and baby. Congrats to you and your hubby!!!

Anonymous said...

Kelly, today is a big, giant clean the house day for me and I almost decided to not get on the computer so as not to get distracted. Boy am I glad I did! I am so unbelievably happy for you!!! As I told you before, God IS good!! Congrats to you and I will be praying for a happy and healthy pregnancy for you! I will continue to keep you and all hopeful woman in my prayers.


Marc and Charity said...

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! How exciting! I have tears in my eyes and I'm so thrilled for you! You are right, tis so sweet to trust in Jesus! I'm praying for you!

Stephanie said...

OH MY GOODNESS......big, huge congratulations to you and Scott. I will be praying that all goes well at your dr appt on Friday.

God is SO good!

Ashley said...

Oh my goodness, glory be! Hallelujah!!! I have been praying that it would happen for you! AAHHHH I am so excited! The Lord is faithful. I am so happy for you and Scott.

The Garners said...

For months I've been praying for you and looking forward to the day when I'd see this wonderful post on your blog and see all the comments from people rejoicing with you--what a neat day!!! I'm so glad it's finally here FOR YOU!!! I've got the song "To God be the glory" stuck in my head now--and that's a good thing!!!

Anonymous said...


My dream that I wrote you about came true!! I am so happy for you as I know what the struggle is like. Enjoy EVERY moment of this pregnancy that you have worked so hard for. You truly deserve this blessing.

Melissa said...

Kelly, Congratulations!!! Caroline slipped your secret to me, so I've been praying for you. every week I'd have to have an update just to make sure everything was okay! i've been waiting to see this post ever since I started reading your blog! That is such exciting news. God is good!!!!

Tanya said...

I am so happy for you!

Yoli said...

Kelly! When I found your blog, I instantly loved you! I love your creativity and your recipes. You are just so like-able. I've had you on my heart and in my prayers for a baby for you and Scott. AND I was beginning to wonder if you were pregnant when you talked of being so tired lately!!! I'm praising our faithful heavenly father for His goodness to you! Luv ya!!

Natasha said...

Kelly, I am SO HAPPY for you and Scott! I have been praying for you since I started reading your blog a couple of months ago.

My husband and I tried for several years to have a baby and now we have a sweet 3 year old girl. I would just love to have another child in the next few years- I am putting my trust in God.

That would be so cool if we could have a Blogsite Baby Shower for you somehow!!

You have touched my heart and have been such an inspiration to me! I will continue to pray for a healthy pregnancy.


Lindsey said...

So excited. I knew it in my heart! I can't wait for you to document this process!

Still praying! With love!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you! I've been following your blog since you posted pictures of your house around Christmas. I have prayed for you, and I am SO thankful that God has answered your prayers!

Ann Marie said...

I found your blog about a month ago and I have been encouraged by your faith. Congratulations! God bless you and the little one!

Monica said...

Kely, the tears are flowing girl.....I am soooooo excited for you and Scott! I will be praying for your family;) You are so right, God can do anything and anything is possible with Him! Glory to God in the Highest!

Anita Pope said...

OH Kelly! I am so, so happy for you. I got chills when I saw the picture. It is amazing how God will answer your prayers in his time. I wish you both the best!!

Meagan said...

Congratulations!!!! I am so happy to hear your good news and I am confident that it will bring hope to others and remind us all that miricles still happen every single day and that God's timing is perfect! You two are going to excellent parents! I can't wait to read and see pictures as you plan, grow, and prepare for your new little one!

Sarah said...

You already KNOW how happy I am for you!!! :) So glad you posted this...I swear I thought I'd give it away if I left a post that even said "Hi!" :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Even as a new reader, it is a testament of God's faithfulness and yours to him. Enjoy every second and tell us all about it. Your haircut's perfect for being pg. God Bless!

Kelly B. said...

YEAH!!!! I'm so excited for you and Scott! I have been praying for you along with many others and it is so awesome to know that God answers the prayers of those who love Him! You have received a ton of prayers for your little one. I can't wait to hear more about your baby!

Anonymous said...

Whooooooooooo!! Hooooooooooo!!! I am so pumped for you guys! Even though I knew what you were going to say, I cried as I read your post. God is amazing, and His timing is perfect! To Him be ALL the glory! You guys are going to be wonderful parents! You are an encouragement to so many people. Thanks for being real! Love ya! XP :)

Charla (SHar-la) said...

Yay, blogger friend! I'm so, so, so excited for you! The hubs and I have just started a "break" too, because we just didn't feel at peace with our fertility journey. Thank you for the prayers for all of us who are still trying to get to where you are! I imagine God is thinking right now, "Well, done, good and faithful one..." Woo hoo!

Lauren said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! What a wonderful mother you will be. Hearing the heartbeat for the first time will be a moment you will never, ever forget. The thing I love most about being a mom is knowing that the amazing love I have for Dawson is just an inkling of the love that God has for me. I will be praying for you and the baby! (Preggie Pops for morning sickness? Are AWESOME).

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so HAPPY for you. I come to your blog often and love it very much. I know exactly how you feel. We started to try for children the night of our wedding and finally had our son Logan was born 8 1/2 years later!!! We wanted 3 but we feel GOD has really blessed us. He has just been a joy and will be 13 in Dec. I some times think I will burst with love for him. He has been a wonderful gift from GOD and I am thankful every day. Enjoy :o)

Anonymous said...

When you were pregnant the first time, God was good.

When you lost that baby, God was still good.

While you waited on Him, He was good.

When He restored your joy and chose to make you parents in this way, He was good.

He is good ALL THE TIME.

He just cannot be otherwise!


Faith said...

OH MY WORD!!! I was at your mom's blog and saw her "Grandma Judy" post and thought "What have I missed?" I came straight over here and saw your amazing news! Kelly, I am praising the Lord with you for this miracle! He is good and He is faithful! I will be praying for you, Scott and this precious baby that the Lord has blessed you with. What a miracle indeed!

Michele said...

A big huge congrats to you!!!! I'm thrilled for you two and am so excited to watch as you become parents. God is good, all the time, God is good.

Anonymous said...

Your story is such an inspiration. I have been reading your blog for the last month and I visit everyday. When I first saw your blog I was super depressed and I knew God helped me navigate toward your page. I thank God for having people like you who are such an inspiration. I am so happy that God has blessed you and Scott with a precious gift. I will be praying for you to have a healthy pregnancy and delivery. Praise God.

Lansing, MI

Stephanie said...


Yeah!!!!!! I've also been wondering, along with everyone else, if our sweet Kelly wasn't hiding something?? You just haven't been the same lately and now I know why!!!! And I also know why you've just about GLOWED in every single picture since Hawaii! I am thrilled for you, praising God for this miracle that He did, and asking for the same faith to trust Him with our desire for a baby. I've loved you from the minute my girlfriend sent me to your blog. Please consider this a big hug from Minnesota!! Isn't God good??? Now for those nursery plans....too bad Ballard doesn't have a baby line, huh???

Anonymous said...

I couldn't get to your blog fast enough! And I cheated, I scrolled down to the bottom to see what I was hoping to see! Yeah!!!! Now, I'll read the rest. :) Congrats, Kelly! We are so happy for you guys! Here's to morning sickness!

Charity said...

Kelly, I could not be more overjoyed for you! I am so desperately excited for you! I just want to jump up and down!! God is so good! I look forward to keeping up with you and your pregnancy! Congratulations!!

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

CONGRATULTIONS! God is great! I am so excited for you! I have been praying for you and Scott to have a baby and I knew you would! I am so excited and can't wait to hear all about your pregnancy!

Anonymous said...

Praising God along with you - I am so happy for you and Scott!

Kara said...


When I saw the pictures of you and your husband holding Lauries new baby, I cried out to the Lord in prayer for you guys to be able to get pregnant! Praise the Lord! What a miracle and huge blessing! I will be praying for yall. Thank you Jesus, you truly are so faithful!

Love you lot's,
Kara Jer. 29:11-13

Jen said...

God is so good. I'm having a hard time typing through the tears. Congratulations! I will be praying for a happy and healthy 9 months!

B said...

I just saw your facebook status and started crying even before I could get over to the blog! Congrats! I can't wait to hear how everything goes and see what cute maternity clothes you model for us! Your faith is strong and you are such a blessing to so many. God is GOOD!

Angela said...

How wonderful, Kelly! So happy for you and Scott.

JenB said...

How awesome is HE!!! Congratulations Kelly! So happy for you guys.

Anonymous said...

What exciting news!!! I have been thinking about you so much lately and am thrilled to be reading this. You are Scott are going to make great parents!!

MeaganMusing said...

Yay!!! Congratulations Kelly!!! I've been praying for you ever since I started reading your blog a few months ago. I can't wait to read all about your pregnancy and road to motherhood. God is so good when we're faithful!

Anonymous said...

I don't know you but have been reading your blog for a while now. I so admire your strength, patience and positive spirit. I too have been praying and praying and praying something...a quality man to share my life with and create a family with. I have been feeling really down and forgotten, but I know that is not true. God is good and does hear our prayers, answering in HIS time. Many, many congratulations to you and your family!!!
Take care...E in TX

Meredith said...

Praise the Lord! Congratulations Kelly (and Scott)! I didn't even finish reading the post-so exciting! You are going to be the best parents. Praying for a happy and HEALTHY pregnancy!! *Hugs* Now I'm off to finish reading-ha!

Becky said...

Congratulations Kelly!!! I am soooo excited for you and Scott! I know your parents are so happy too! Your mom always has the sweetest things to say about my grandbabies on my blog. Now it's my turn. God is so good!!!!!

Anonymous said...


I knew when I read the title of the post that your news was good! I have been reading your blog for three months or so and I have prayed for you and thought of you often! God is Good! And is timing is always, always, perfect!

Kelly in Tennessee

Anonymous said...

I found your blog through another blog online. i am form Arkansas, too. Just wanted to say I am so happy for you and Scott. A baby is a blessing, and you both will make great parents!God Bless You Both!! ~Shannon

Mississippi Girl said...

Can't tell you excited I was for you when I read this post!!!!! YAY!!! I will be praying for you and this little one... you are only about 5 weeks behind me! Praise God for his goodness!!
Jennifer R.

Leslie said...

Yay! Kelly I have been praying for you this Jill showed me your blog over a year ago! I am so excited for you it's like you a personal girlfriend of mine!!! Praise Jesus!!!

~aj~ said...

I was overjoyed to read of your wonderful news. Heartfelt congratulations to you and Scott!!

Rebecca (Sam's wife) said...

oh my word!!! i had a feeling-you weren't blogging as much but i didn't want to hope too much!( plus I have been there done that) I am so excited for you and your husband! how exciting! i am speechless!! I can't believe you knew before you want to Hawaii! I bet your parents are so excited!!!
when you feel that baby kick it will be so worth it!

Jennifer said...

Oh girl, I'm over the moon happy for you! Although we don't know each other personally, I feel like we know each other. LOL I can't wait to be on this journey with you and Scott! Woo Hooo

Julie said...

Your blog was recommended to me by my mother, and it has been a great source of encouragement. We are both thrilled for you and your husband!


Virginia said...

Congratulations! Praying for a healthy pregnancy and for a healthy baby. Your words a so genuine and share such strength about who God is. He is the Author of Life, its so hard to wait for that sometimes, but it is so worth trusting Him. I'm so excited for you!

Holly said...

What very good news, Kelly! Praise God for your great faith to trust Him and seek Him, as you did. My prayers will be with and for you and your family every day, as I spend time (by faith) in exercise.

Much love,

Shannon said...

Praise the Lord!! I am so happy for you!!

Jenny said...

When I first started reading the beginning of your post I kept thinking, "Is she pregnant...I wonder if she's pregnant!" I had to stop myself from skipping to the end to find out!

This is SO EXCITING! I've prayed for you since I started reading your blog back in September. I am so happy for you and Scott.

God is good and He provides everything we need in His timing.


Jessica said...

Ahhh!!!!!! Holy Cow!! I'm sobbing as I read this!!!! Congrats my friend!!!! I'm so, so, so happy for you. God is awesome! : )

Deidre said...

Kelly, I am so over the moon happy for you and Scott!!! I love that it happened in such a way that you have no choice but to give God all the glory instead of doctors (not that you would, but that's what happened for me - after having so much trouble, I got pregnant without our doctors help and I love it that is was ALL God and I don't have the slightest temptation to praise a doctor). You are going to be a wonderful Mother!

I will be praying diligently for you!!! Praise His Holy Name!

April said...

Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Kelly, over the last 2 weeks with the special surprises we're still hoping for and have been praying for I've prayed several times a day for our special opportunity but I also pray for you, my friend Hannah, and my friend Adrienne who is pregnant for the 5th time and hoping that the Lord will bless them with their first biological child as a result of this pregnancy. I can praise God all the way to marking this answered prayer off in my prayer journal. Now, I'll start praying for a healthy baby for you guys! CongratS!! I know it has been a long time coming!

Snappy Casual Snippets said...

Bawling like a baby ready your wonderful news. I have been praying for you to be blessed with a child and will continue to pray everything goes fine. Congratulations! You and Scott will make amazing parents.

LOVE YOU A GOOGLE... said...

Praise God! Kelly, I am so excited for you and Scott! I have mostly been a silent lurker, but definitely have you as a must read daily! I have prayed for this! You will be blessed beyond measure and you and Scott will both be amazing parents! Trust in God always! Amazing news! Nothing is too big! Our God is awesome!

Anonymous said...

PRAISE BE TO GOD!!!! We are so thankful for you Kelly & Scott, and for this precious baby! We are praying continuously for baby and mommy&daddy! What an amazing journey you are embarking on...CONGRATULATIONS! micaela&family

Jennifer said...


I have been reading your blog for quite some time. Whether I've commented before, I can't recall. I don't even remember how I came upon your blog, but I loved it from the beginning. You have such an AWESOME spirit & a tremendous faith. Every time I read, I am inspired. I'm a little behind on my feeds, but was just catching up.

I am THRILLED for you & Scott. I will continue to pray for you, Scott & this precious little blessing. You are an inspiration to all of us, whether we're facing infertility or something different (for me, it's something different). This post was so motivational, inspiring & just plain EXCITING!

Congratulations! I look forward to reading more about your journey to becoming a Mommy!

Jennifer in SC

Katie said...

Kelly, I've added you to my praise list! There are just no words. Your love and faith in the LORD are evident, and He will continue to bless you and Scott and your little baby!! CONGRATS!

The Rowe Crew said...

PRAISE GOD for this incredible miracle!!! I have been following your blog for some time now and have constantly been struck by your amazing faith and willingness to wait on the Lord! I am just THRILLED for you guys that He has chosen to answer your prayers in this way! I have no doubt that HE will receive the glory because you all are such faithful servants! I have been praying for you and will continue to do so. I will lift you and that precious baby up on Friday!!! Oh and I can't wait to see what you do with the nursery...I loved the post you did with all the nursery pics :o). One more thing, I LOVE your recipe blog, have tried most of them (and loved them) and have passed it on to so many of my friends!
Be blessed!

CathyBB said...

Here's another silent lurker saying HALLELUJAH! I am so happy for you!

I don't even remember how I found your blog the first time, but I have just loved it. I think the first post I caught was your "hair-u-mentary" - one of the funniest posts I have ever seen anywhere. =) I must admit, I would have been so envious of your 1990 big hair!

When I "saw" you on my cousin's blog (Somer Clark-Day), I thought perhaps it would be safe to say hey as a someone-who-knows-someone, rather than a completely random stranger from Nebraska. =)

Anyway, I just wanted to say that your posts about wanting a child really touched me, and I have been praying for you. This wonderful, wonderful news made my day. =) I will now be praying for you to have a healthy pregnancy - and I'll keep up the prayers for anyone else out there who's still waiting for their blessing.

Maggii said...

Oh Wow!! I am sooooo Happy for you! This post actually brought tears to my eyes and I don't even know you...LOL. But I've read your blog for a while now and read about your struggle to have a baby and felt so inept wishing there was something, anything I could do for you. I will definately keep your family in my prayers....

Preppy Mama said...

Congratulations! I am so happy for you. I know you are going to be a wonderful mother!!!!

Morris Family said...

Congratulations Kelly and Scott!! You have a long, eventful, loving journey ahead of you. We will keep praying for you guys!!

Bella said...

Congratulations Kelly! I am so happy for both you and Scott!

Gordon Family said...

Congrats! I will be praying for the health of the baby and for you. Being parents is the best thing ever! xp-Jen Gordon

Fran said...

Oh Kelly! I can hardly type. My hands are moving so much faster than I want them too! :) I truly sat on the edge of my seat excited and scared as I read every paragraph!! Seriously!!

I'm beyond thrilled for you. Just absolutely thrilled. This is a huge spiritual milemarker for you both and will definately shape your faith from this point on.

Glory glory hallelujah!!
Praising Him with ya. Big time!

tootie said...

Congrats!! I'm SOO excited for you. You are going to be a great mom!!

Linda said...

My computer is down and I am out of town. I am using someone else's and just had a few minutes to look around. I am so glad God directed me here. I am just in awe of Him. Congratulations and thank you sooo much for sharing and allowing us to be a part of praying and seeing God work. In light of some events that have happened in my life today I needed the reminder that He does answer prayer!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!! I am soo happy for you guys!!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you and Scott! I have been reading your blog since December, when you posted pictures of your Christmas decorations. I guess it is high time that I delurk, and what better time than now, in order to congratulate you on your pregnancy!:) I will continue praying for y'all. God is so good! Liz

Allikaye's Mama said...

Woohoo! Oh Praise the LORD! I want you to keep us posted on EVERYTHING!!!

Megan said...

Congratulations Kelly! I am so happy for you and Scott! I will be praying for you during this time!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Francine said...

I am sitting here in my office bawling my eyes out. I am soooo happy for you .... What a precious thing to know this sweet baby came in God's time. What a story to share with that sweet baby one day.
Praying always for you.

Caroline said...


i AM so glad that this finally made it to the blog!! I am enjoying all the reactions!!!!!! you look beautiful in the picture!!!!! Baby glow looks good on you girl!!!!

love you!!!!

Jennifer Mills said...

Kelly- I can't tell you how excited I am... I checked your blog tonight & I just knew it based on the title of your entry!! CONGRATS to you & Scott... what a blessing!!!

Andrea said...

I am so happy for you Kelly! To God be the Glory! That is just wonderful news and I can tell through your blog that you will be a fabulous mommy!!! CONGRATS!

Pam said...

Congratulations. I am so happy for you both. You will be wonderful parents. Exciting testimony.

Anonymous said...

WhooooHooo, Wow.... Kelly what wonderful news. I'm not surprized at all. I knew in God's time he would give you the desire's of your heart. What a fun trip you & Scott & even little Dawson is in store for. If you should ever need anything, let me know. My love & prayers are with you guys. Hope you feel good & the sickness pass's. You look great, the baby glow looks good on you,Ha!!!WhoooHoo...K.Barnes (J.McCash's Mom)

Anonymous said...

Oh Kelly...I am so excited for you and Scott. This is going to be such a wonderful time in your lives. Soak up every minute!! To God be the Glory. What an awesome testimony you will have to share with your child one day. I will continue to be in prayer for you!

ashleydiggs said...

Brandy texted me and told me the news...I had to turn around and go back to mom and dad's house so I could read your blog!!! Congratulations Kelly and Scott! God is and awesome God!

Etiquettely Correct said...

I started crying when I read your post. I am sooo happy for you and Scott! You will be a wonderful mom. Congratulations!

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

God is GOOD! Can't wait to hear about the of the most beautiful, breathtaking sounds! Congratulations to you & Scott who will be fabulous parents! What wonderful news, and such a showing of God's Faithfulness. I don't know if I can go to sleep now!

TriciaNae said...

oh kelly...I am so excited for you guys. God is SOOOO good!!! I've only been reading your blog for a few months...but knew that this was something that was heavy on your heart. I am so happy reading your blog today I almost cried!! Congratulations over and over and over to you and your family!!! I will be continuing to pray and can't wait to see how you decorate that nursery!!!!

Tammy Lou said...

Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!This is the first time I have commented on your blog, but I have visited daily since the Christmas Tour.....You will make a great parents...Again Congrats!!!
Tammy Lou

Anonymous said...

Kelly - We are so excited for you and Scott. I know you will be a wonderful Mommy :) Congrats!! God is sooooo good!
-Kristy Binns

Heidi Zawisza said...

Hi Kelly!
I just wanted you to know that I love your blog, and I nominated you for a blogger award!
I promise I'm not a stalker....just love your blog! ha!ha!
You can check out the award on my blog,
keep bloggin'! I love it!

Heidi Zawisza said...

Sorry, I totally forgot to congratulate you!!

M.E. said...

Wow, Congrats!
I was wondering if you were going to say you were pregnant. I actually patiently read everything & didn't scroll down to see a headline!
So, so happy for you both!
You are truly blessed and more prayers coming your way.

Anonymous said...

Bless your little heart! Im so happy for both of you, Susie H~

Brittani's Holding Little Hands said...

After a week long break from blog reading, I opened your site and cried tears of joy! Kelly, I am so happy for you. What a beautiful picture of God's faithfulness. I absolutely love that you not only praise Him for your pregnancy, but you praised Him in your infertility. Either way, you knew He was worthy! That baby is one blessed little sweet pea. Thank you for allowing me to share in your inspiring journey.

a boy a girl and a pug said...

I can hardly see amongst the tears of joy for y'all! Praise the Lord!! I will be praying hard for you both!


Bonnie said...

Oh my gosh Kelly! This is such a blessing! I'm SO happy for you & Scott! I know Becky & I are so happy for you! We are both still trying...we will keep you in our prayers. You are going to be an AWESOME mommy! I can't wait to read your blogging on the baby.
<3 Bonnie

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO SO SO excited for you!!!!! MANY prayers for you and for this baby... for a safe, easy pregnancy and a healthy, happy baby! Congrats again! :)

Raquel said...

woo-hoo! to god be the glory, i am so excited for you. a very good friend of mine just found out she is expecting too after 14 years of trying!

Hillary said...

I already typed you a comment but not sure what happened to it! Anyway, you know I'm thrilled! Even more excited than I was when you found out. The shock has wore off and now I'm just PUMPED! And see....I told you you'd get a lot of comments. I'm still hoping for 300. I love you and I KNOW I'm going to love this baby! I already do!

Hillary said...

I just went back and re-read this post. I guess I overlooked what you said about how God doesn't need...the economy to change to answer our prayers. I needed to be reminded of that! :)

taralynn819 said...

YAY! What an incredible surprise! Of course you and your little bean will be bathed in prayer all the way!!!

Must go buy more baby shoes!!!!

taralynn819 said...

LOL - What a way to get your readers to de-lurk!

petrii said...

In the peace that can only come from my Jesus I write this to you. Faith is the catalyst to our dreams, wthout faith it is impossible to please God and it is so clear that your first priority is pleasing Father God. You stepped back and looked up, bless you dear one. What a walk of faith you've been taking. Thank you for sharing this struggle and joy with us your readers. As someone who has struggled with this issue which eventually led to a son and a hysterectomy (many years later); I can truly say God is God and He is good. I love Him from the depths of me. Thank you for being such an inspiration to those fighting this battle. Will continue to pray for you and Scott and your baby ~~ Praise You Jesus!!

Jennie said...

Oh, Kelly, I'm so happy for you and Scott!!!

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog for several months and praying for you and your husband. God is so good!!!! I had tears of joy streaming down my face when I read your post this morning. Your daily walk of faith has helped me so much when I have wanted to give up hope and I praise the Lord for his little miracle for you and your husband. You will continue to be in my prayers.

amy (metz) walker said...

Kelly! I am so happy to click over to your blog and see your wonderful news!!!! Even though I don't know you personally, I feel so invested in your desire for a child! I struggle with infertility and know the desire for a child well...but I am so overjoyed for your miracle!

I'll be praying for you!!!

Unknown said...

I am so happy for you both!

Tangee said...

Congrats and thank you for the spirit in which you shared this!

Jessica said...

I keep trying to leave a comment, but it doesn't seem to be working. Disregard if my other comment has come through.

I am overjoyed for you. Email me at: I have a book that you need to read. You'll love it. I'll mail it to you.

Kristen said...

I know you don't know me, I think I've only commented once or twice. We are not of the same faith but I have included you in my prayers regardless. I have an absolute faith that God hears and answers our prayers if we are just willing to put our trust in Him. Not on our time, but in His perfect timing. I have seen this over and over in my life. My two little boys just walked in and want to know why mommy has tears on her face - I am so thrilled for you and your husband! I wish you all the joys of a healthy and happy pregnancy and pray that it will continue to go well for you!!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS many times over to you and Scott. I started reading your blog a few months ago, and have walked the same path of pregancy struggles and miscarriages as you have endured. God blessed us with a precious baby girl seven years ago, and then one amazing boy through adoption. Waiting on His timing can sometimes be difficult but always gives us the most precious and amazing rewards. He is a good God, and we are praying that His hand will bless your pregnancy, your lives, and your home as you prepare for the pitter patter of YOUR little one who God created within you. May you have a safe and blessed pregnancy. I look forward to reading your blog over the next several months as we stand in amazement at what a great thing our Great God has done. I also look forward to hearing about your pregnancy and seeing how you choose to decorate this precious bundle's nursery. All the best to you and Scott as you begin this next step in your journey toward parenthood. Enjoy the ride!

Hugs from Michigan,

Amy said...

I have been reading your blog for a few months and I am so excited for you and Scott. I will keep you in my thoughts and hope that all goes well on Friday! CONGRATULATIONS!


Anonymous said...

What am amzing blog! Kelly, my name is Laura Colclasure, my mom, Cathey Siever is your mom's best friend--I sure who remember. Your mon told my mom about your blog and I read it evach day, you are such a great inspiration to me. Your faith is so strong and you seem like a wonderful person! Anyway, I have kept up with you and Scott through my mom and knew you were trying, God is so good.I am so happy for you. We tried for 2 years and had to do in vitro and were now have a 3 year old son and a 11 month old daughter. Life is so good and I will pray for you each day. Can't wait for you to be a mom-you'll love it! Take care of youself and I'll keep up with you through your blog.

Laurie said...

This is your best post ever! I am so thankful to God for this miracle. You and Scott will be wonderful parents. I can't wait to meet this baby and hold him or her.

Mrs. Shelton said...

Congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you both! I knew where your post was going and couldn't read the rest until I scrolled down to see the words "I'm Pregnant!" God is so awesome! You are so deserving! I can't wait to read more posts about this awesome miracle!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Scott and Kelly. So happy for you both!!


Martha said...

I just stopped by to read your blog. A few of my friends are readers of your blog and commented on how much they enjoyed reading. Just wanted to say Congratulations! May God Bless you richly throughout your pregnancy and motherhood!

Amy said...

Congratulations!!! I have been praying for y'all ever since I started reading your blog and will continue to pray for a healthy pregnancy. God is SO GOOD!

adolphus23 said...

Congrats Kelly! I just knew when I saw the title. I've said many prayers for you and I'm so excited to hear about your pregnancy journey. Thank you for sharing this wonderful miracle with us. Best of luck this week! Thinking about you and your little blessing.

Heather said...

I keep opening up your blog to see that sweet picture of you holding the "I'm pregnant" sign. It puts a big smile on my face each time!! This was a beautiful are a beautiful woman inside and out and are going to make a beautiful mommy. I am praising God for this blessing and can't wait to follow your 9 month journey through pregnancy.

Kara said...

Just landed on your blog. My hubby and I tried for 7 years to get pregnant. Our journey did however lead us to the most bless-ed gift ever in adopting our daughter nearly 3 years ago! Congratulations to you on your pregnancy! Only those who have struggled as well can understand the kind of joy that comes with FINALLY getting your baby! Congrats!

SuperMom said...

De-lurking so that I congratulate you in "person!"

Couldn't be happier for you.


Julie said...

Glory and Honor to Our God!!!!! When I began reading this post I just knew what you were leading up to!! God is good!!! His timing is perfect!!! He has worked it out according to HIS plan!! My heart is jumping for joy for you and Scott!!!

Bryan and I were watching Gettysburg as I read this post. His jaw dropped when I read it and showed him the picture!! It is marvelous!!! We are excited for you. What a wonderful testimony of God's divine and soverveign plans you will have to tell your little one!!

You already have 180+ posts so I don't know if you will even have a chance to see this post. Please know my heart is full for you and Scott.

Jenny said...

I am thrilled for you!!! God is so good!

Michelle T said...

Congratulations!!! What a blessing. Prayer really works.

Jennifer said...

Kelly, I am just sobbing reading this entry! I am so happy for you and I just had a feeling that you were pregnant but I wasn't sure. I will continue to pray for you and Scott. You both will make wonderful parents!

Holly Mathis Interiors said...

CONGRATULATIONS...God is so good and his timing so perfect! I thought you looked extra beautiful in those Hawaii we know neat for your children to have those photos to look back and remember. A huge stone/ebenezer he has provided for your family!

and look at all of the comments..He is truly getting BIG GLORY via the that..

and isnt Experiencing God just awesome..i heard Blackaby preach while i was in college and then we did the study years it!

Praying for you and CONGRATULATIONS again!


CAMoore said...

Congratulations!!! i have so many tears in my eyes, I hope I am spelling everything right! :)

I know that we don't know each other, but I feel so happy for you and Scott! When I found your blog earlier this spring, I had this feeling that you guys would recieve a baby soon. (weird that I felt that without even knowing you, huh?) But all I can say right now, without blurring my vision too much to see is I am sooo soo happy for you guys!

God is so good- being pregant is really the best gift from God. Enjoy all of it!!

Anonymous said...

My husband and I have been "trying" for over a year and are going to a fertlitiy specialist tomorrow for a consultation. I'm so glad things have worked out for you! Your faith is an inspiration. If you don't mind, would you put us in a little prayer tomorrow morning? It's comforting to know that other people have been in similar situations. Thanks for your willingness to share.
Natalie K.

The Walkie Talkie said...

Praise God from whom all blessings flow! I am still a faithful reader and am so greatful you have shared this process with us. Thank you for allowing me to experience the faithfulness and mightiness of our God. Praise Him, praise Him, praise Him! Prayers! Love, Jenny Beth

Kelly said...

Praise God!!!!

I am just so thrilled for you, and sitting here with tears in my eyes- what a testimony to God's goodness and faithfulness.

Sara S. said...

I just know you from friends' blogs, but I check in on you every now and then. I've been praying for you, too, and I am thanking God for blessing you with the sweetest of his miracles. Wonderful news.

The McLain Family said...

I am so happy for you both. My husband and I have a similar story and I understand just how sweet it is to stop and just trust that God is going to take care of everything. And then be given such a special gift. WOW!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful post! I am so incredibly happy for you and Scott! God has truly blessed you, and what an amazing story of faith!

Goldsworthy Family said...

Congratulations, that almost made me cry. My and my husband tried for 5 years before we decided to leave it up to God. In March 2006 we found out I was pregnant, and our son was born in Nov. I will keep you in my prayers for Friday, but I am sure everything will be fine!! How exciting!!!

Beki said...

Congrats!!!! I have been reading your blog for a few months and have been praying for you & your hubby!!! Praise God for His faithfulness. And what a wonderful testimony you have to share!!!! So excited about your good new!!!

Rachel said...

Congrats, Kelly! I have been humming that hymn since I read this blog yesterday. Thank you for sharing your story with us!

Anonymous said...

I just knew it!! I had shared my fertility issues and commented on how we finally just said, Lord, it is yours and we know that you would not have put that desire in our hearts, if He wasn't going to fulfill it someway, someday and somehow. 3 children in 3 years is how He answered!! It is amazing!! ANd I puked each day but thanked God as I wiped my face because I was FINALLY pregnant. I too remember crying for others who were trying along with us because I knew their pain. I am soooo happy for you and will lift you up each day as your name comes to mind. Take care, lemonade and ginger snaps work wonders on the nausea.

capegirlindc said...

Congratulations - wishing you a healthy and enjoyable pregnancy!

Have been reading your blog for a while so I am happy to hear you happy news!

Kim said...

{for me} Being a mom is the most wonderful thing - that is probably why I've had soooo many! hehe


Anonymous said...

Congrats Scott & Kelly! I just had to run & tell Hubs because I wanted to give God all the glory for His miracle & this awesome testimony. We hope the morning sickness will subside soon. You're going to love being pregnant in the winter! We're coming back to the states Sept. - Jan. I hope I can see you & your beautiful belly!

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