First of all - thank you SO VERY MUCH for all of your wonderful comments! I am so overwhelmed with all of the things you have written and how many of you took time to leave comments. I have treasured every single word you have written and I will probably go back and re-read those comments 100 times. I plan to somehow print them all out to keep in my baby book. Most of all - I'm completely blown away by how many "strangers" have been praying for me. THANK YOU! You have no idea how much that means to me. Something I said a lot in my prayers over the last year was "God, I know we have a lot of people praying for us - PLEASE hear them. I know in your word that you say when two or more ask anything in your name - that it will be answered" and I claimed that promise over and over. I believe that we have to claim the promises God has given us in His word. He knows our needs - but He wants to hear us ask for them so we can see His hand and give Him the glory when He answers them.
Last Sunday, on Father's day - our associate pastor did something very different for our church. He started by talking about our senior pastor who just had surgery on his arm after tearing his bicep. This came right after he a time when he has been recovering from surgery on his foot and his wife needs back surgery and is still recovering from cancer. He said our pastor was just really down and in pain and we needed to be praying for him. Then he went on to name several other families in our church who are hurting - a lady who was recently diagnosed with a very scary illness, a faithful member who is one of my friend's dads who has Lou Gehrig's disease and is dying, a family who's daughter has cerebal palsy and needs a surgery their insurance won't pay for .........and our pastor said he just felt led to ask anyone who was in pain physically or emotionally and just needed prayer to come forward so we could pray for them. I didn't expect more than a hand ful of people to go up front but probably 1/3 of our church went to the altar. It was a very emotional time for me because I was overwhelmed with how many people in our church were hurting and just how important it is to make a list of needs and pray over them. I was also overcome with emotion when I thought about how 3 months ago - I would have wanted to go down there to have prayer because I was in so much emotional pain over not being able to have a child and I just suddenly was so overwhelmed with thankfulness that God answered my prayers. I don't deserve for him to have answered me but He did anyway.
NOW - what have I been up to that I couldn't blog about - these are some things I wanted to share about but couldn't until now:

This is Scott and I (and Dawson) the day we shared the news with my parents. We drove over on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend and surprised them. I'm pretty sure they knew something was up when we showed up on their doorstep. I had framed our ultrasound picture and wrapped it up and we told them we brought them something from Hawaii. As soon as they opened it - they both started sobbing.

Here they are crying some more. I'm pretty sure they cried the whole three or four hours we were there. My parents are emotional people - I guess that's where I get it.

They are SOOOOO excited. They have wanted to be grandparents for such a long time. I think this has been harder on them than it has been on us.

This weekend we finally got to tell Scott's parents. We wanted to tell them in person and we knew we would be seeing them this past weekend so we tried to wait. We got there on Friday night and went out to eat and to play minature golf and got ice cream and didn't get back to the condo until 11. So it was so late when we told them and I was so tired that I didn't even think to take a picture of their reaction. We gave them a picture just like my parents and they were sooo excited. It was so fun to tell both of our parents.

My mom sent me a box of baby goodies and something I loved was she sent me the pregnancy journal she kept with me. It's so sweet to read what she was thinking when she was pregnant with me. What's not so sweet is that what she weighed when she delivered me was what I weighed pre-pregnancy. But she was 10 years younger than me and several inches shorter than me (I'm trying to justify here). She also sent me my own pregnancy journal and I've had fun trying to record all the events!

I spilled the news to a fellow blogger,
Jenna, a little early and she sent me two precious onesies - I had to show you this one - I knew ya'll would love it as much as I did!

My aunt Linda and uncle Bob sent me this razorback outfit and sippy cup. I'm sure our child will have a lot of HOG wear!
Thank you again for your sweet responses but especially for your prayers!
Heather is doing a giveaway on her blog - you have to go check it out!
KELLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am so glad that you are able to now share everything!!!!!! and you should have told me jenna knew cause i was dying to talk to someone about it!!!!!!!!! OH PRAISE GOD, PRAISE GOD!!!! that is what we will continue to say!!! We will GIVE HIM ALL PRAISE AND HONOR!!!!!! what a beautiful sound it must have been for Him to hear all those people praying in unison over you!!!!! OH HOW I LOVE THE BODY OF CHRIST!!!!!
I love the onesie! So cute!!!! And you better believe that baby will have a lot of hog stuff. Yea! I get to attend the first hog game the baby will go to (in the womb but who cares). I bet it will call the hogs in your tummy!
Love the blogger onesie-so cute! What a special moment with your parents to capture on film. Congratulations again! I have written a small post sending any of my readers over to read your story-what an amazing testimony you are of God's faith faithfulness.
OH MY WORD!! Your mother is the sweetest thing!! I love her and your dad's reaction ~~ again CONGRATULATIONS!! You and Scott look absolutely overjoyed, and peaceful!! I'm so thankful. I've been praying for you and Scott and will continue to do so + baby!! Hallelujah!!!
I love the picture of your mom crying, so sweet!!!! I'm tearing up!!! I have a feeling your little precious is going to be spoiled, and rightfully so!!!!!! Yea, I'm so excited for you!!!! It was so exciting to write PRAISE over your name on my prayer card this morning!!!! So excited for you & Scott!!!!
You are going to be a wonderful mom! Take care of yourself and get lots of rest. You will hear all kinds of advice, but just remember to enjoy your pregnancy and don't forget to love on your hubby now and after baby!!
:0 Oh my GOSH! I am SO excited for both of you!!!! When I started ready your blog from Thursday (I'm apparently a little overdue on reading) I knew from the first few statements that you were possibly going to say you were expecting! GOD IS SO AWESOME and he's ALWAYS ON TIME! You need to throw a party! Any excuse for a party! CONGRATULATIONS!
"Praise the Lord! For the Lord is good: sing praises to His name, for He is gracious and lovely"
Psalm 135:3
Many Blessings to you tonight! :)
I am totally crying right now like I was there with your mom! I love those pictures. SO Sweet! I thank you for the reminder, too, from your church service. I guess regardless what you are going through, pain is pain. I am so thankful prayers were answered for you. What a testimony you have and I thank you for sharing it!
I am so happy for you, Kelly & Scott. From reading your blog, I think you will make wonderful parents. I loved the little Razorback stuff! I was going through my closet last week and peeked into my youngest's (now 11) keepsake box...I loved seeing her little things including her Razorback embroidered bib and her diaper cover with "I Back the Hogs" printed on it. Again, congratulations.
How wonderful for your parents! I love how excited they are! I'm still praying for you, friend. And, I love all the stuff you are getting!! So cute. I can't wait for the updates!
I SOOO look forward to hearing about everything now! :) My eyes filled with tears when I saw your parents' reactions. Your mom is the sweetest thing. I just love her! And I love you too! I feel like I know you! Hopefully one day we will get to meet!
Oh, that picture of you with your parents brought me to tears. I'm sure they have hurt over the past few years because you have! What joy now!
I love the onesie!
A pregnancy journal is certainly worth your time. I started keeping a journal the day I found out I was pregnant with my first. We had waited so long to get pregnant, so I wrote in it as if I was writing to the baby. I've kept it up now (and she's 6). It's so neat to go back and read what we were thinking then.
Congratulations, Kelly! I cannot wait to read more about your journey to this new little blessing.
I love the onesie...and the Hog stuff. You're going to have a well-outfitted baby!
The picture of your parents is SO sweet. I'm so happy for all of you.
Hope you're feeling well.
Oh yeah, I love the baby ticker at the top of your blog! Fun.
Congratulations on the wonderful news! We are so very happy for you!
Your name was brought up tonight at dinner with friends--you have several fans in my circle! =)
I cried (AGAIN) when I saw the pictures of your Mom and Dad crying. I'm beyond happy for you and Scott, but I'm also so thrilled for both sets of parents to be grandparents!! It's so exciting that you can start posting about this now and showing us the stuff your getting, nursery ideas, etc.!!!
This is ALL so exciting!!! I'm just so happy for your whole family. :)
So happy for y'all! I kept a journal of letters to my boys when I was pregnant with them, but I'm sorry to say I didn't keep up as well with them after they were born.
Your parents are the best... you come from good stock!! You will be just as selfless and thoughtful as your momma is ... and don't get me started on your Dad - I've seen him melt when you've called the church (remember a few of those calls???) - I can't imagine how his heart will melt at a grandbaby!
We love y'all!
I came to your blog from a blog that I read and I wanted to say Congratulations!! I look forward to reading your blog! Feel free to stop by and read mine also.
YEAH!!!!!!!! i could not be happier for you! this is crazy weird blog stalking...BUT i have had you on my heart, and in my mind since mother's day, and have kept you in my prayers. NOW here is the MOST strange stalker-esque part...your due date in the 33rd anniversary of my older sister's death. what a wonderful blessing to have new life on that day! i will continue to keep you in my prayers (i feel we have some sort of strange six degrees of separation thing going on, my husband is an obu grad... haha!). god bless you, your sweetie, and the new life growing inside! :)
Found your blog through Life at 7000 Feet--I am thrilled for you and your husband. What exciting news! I look forward to reading updates over the upcoming months.
Kelly, these pics with your parents are beautiful. What a good momento to be able to keep the rest of your life. I am so happy for you! Congrats, again!
I love all the pictures! I am sure your family is very excited! I love the pregnancy journal - it will definitely be something worth doing! Still praying for you :)
Ok, those pictures with your parents are PRICELESS. I am just tearing up with how sweet that is and how happy I know they must be. And don't get me started on your mama's baby book she wrote when she was pregnant with you--what a precious gift!
So glad you like the onesies! The phrase on that one could not be more true--that little sweetbabe is definitely loved GREATLY on the blog circuit already. :)
It's a whole new world of JOY and BLISS -
I know you will count every moment of your waking hours as a ministry to your child..... so soak up your remaining days that are for YOU.
I've just been reading your blog for a couple of weeks now~ I first saw you on Big Mama's closet post. Then I found you again from another blog. I kept thinking, "that girl looks familar"!
You've had me worried when you didn't post for a few days. I was praying that you and baby were doing just fine!
Enjoy this precious time and may God continue to bless you and your family (and everyone else!)
Tracy :-)
Kelly...I just cried when I saw the pictures from telling your parents! So so special!
I'm praying for you sweet friend.
I hope to hug your neck in real life one day! :)
I don't even know you, and I am tearing up just reading this. My sister is going through the same thing you have gone through, and is heartbroken over not having a baby yet.
Anyways, God is so good ALL THE TIME! Praise the Lord for you and your love for Him.
Have a GREAT week!
I love reading your blog and I think you and your husband are so freaking cute, I am so happy for you!!! :)
The picture of your mom and dad is precious. The feeling of telling your parents that you're pregnant is one of the BEST!!! As far as the weight thing goes, I was as worried about it as you are, I'm sure. Here's what my doctor told me: You need to gain a pound for every week that you're pregnant. That's it. So don't worry about how much you gain when. And? If you breastfeed, it will fall right off. Promise.
Oh kelly and scott...I am so excited for you both! I hadn't been able to read and so when i read today's I was like what...oh...then the tears started flowing like a river.
I can't wait to watch this part of the journey. I was thinking reading over the hawaii entries and she has a glow. :)
But honestly as I sit here tonight I most look forward to hearing your voice in your blog entry about the day of birth. I will never forget the day g was born. I have always known God loves me but that that love of giving your son...let me tell you. Wow that is some kinda love and that was the day for me that it truly hit home.
Congrats and big, big hugs!
Can I just say that I love, love, love that your mom has a pregnancy journal that she wrote in when she was pregnant with you--and that she passed it on to you. That is just too special. What a testament to the loving bonds your family shares.
And that onesie from Jenna is too darling.
i love the blogger onesie! i want one!
when we were in seattle we saw a onesie that said, "surrender the boobie." my husband almost bought it for our baby.
this post made me cry too. i just love your mom. she sounds wonderful.
Yeah! This post made me cry again. I'm SO EXCITED for you guys. I LOVE how you told your parents! You are going to love all these blog post & your baby journal. I didn't keep a journal with Schäfer & I totally regret it now. Of course, you think you'll never forget any of that stuff, but somehow you do. You are being such a great Mommy already. Yeah!
I was doing fine until I saw the picture of your mama crying. You give her a big ole hug from me.
Those pictures made me cry all over again! The one of your mom is precious!!!
I am so thrilled for you all over again. Your parents sweet tears had me crying again, and lifting my hands in praise to God.
He is so good and faithful, and what a testimony this child will be, all the days of his (or her!) life.
Praise God!
What a sweet post! Your story is so moving. I love the first "family photo" and the bloggers onesies...I look forward to hearing all about your journey to motherhood. Congrats again, I have been amazed by your story and the power of prayer.
I don't check out your blog for about a week and look what I missed!
Congratulations. I am so thrilled for you guys.
Congrats Kelly!! I am so excited for you and your family - your words brought me to tears. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for continued good will!
Awwww....those are the BEST pictures!!! Your parents could possibly be even happier than you and Scott (ok...maybe not, but close!) I know they have just had you so heavy on their hearts and praying that God would give you this one thing that you wanted more than anything else! And He did! That is just so sweet. And I love the little Razorback stuff you got. Oh my goodness...this baby is going to be so "Hogged out!" haha
That precious little onesie says it all!! :)
So excited for you!
It is so good to see that lilypie at the top of your page!
The pictures of your parents are priceless. They are going to spoil your baby rotten!
That onesie is perfect!!!
I got the link to your page from my BFF Meredith..we have been best friends since we both moved to AR in the 6th grade..I just love her! I just wanted to say Congratulations on your pregnancy! There are no words to describe the feeling of being a mom and I'm so happy you are finally going to experience that! BTW...I love your's addicting! LOL I have read SEVERAL pages back already.
That is so precious of your mother crying. I am sure she was overjoyed! Congratulations again! That onsie is too cute and very appropriate.
I loved the pictures of your parents - especially your mom! How sweet! Congratulations again! I am so happy for you!!!! It's been the buzz here in TN... I actually called Lauren and said, "Have you seen Kelly's blog today????" and then Megan called me and said, "Have YOU seen Kelly's blog today??????" So funny - we were so excited!
Priceless moments--all of them. Congrats!
What a precious day to tell your parents you are going to have a baby. So sweet! I know you must have dreamt about this moment...
The other night I was praying for you, and I love to think now what God was thinking as I prayed...maybe something like "Oh Laura, little do you know I have already given them what you ask for...I have delivered Kelly from this trial and blessed her with a miracle!" Thank you, Jesus, for walking through the darkness with us, and carrying us to the mountaintop!
I found you from another blog [Baby Bangs] and you are just too precious! Since then I visit when I can and I am a bit behind on blog reading. Having a 5 year old will do that to you. Since Lil Miss Firecracker is at VBS, I am catching up. WOW, what I have missed the last few days!!
I became a mother at age 41 through the miracle of adoption, and I tell you what, my progressive lenses [a girl turns 45and all of a sudden she needs bi focals] are just so fogged up that I had to take a moment and clean the fog so I could see the family reaction pictures clearly and I got all fogged up again!
Psalm 86:13 was a great comfort to me when we were approved by our agency to begin the adoption process and it comes to mind immediately reading your wonderful news. "For great is Your steadfast love toward me; you have delivered my soul from the depths of Sheol." [ESV]
Congratulations again--
Mommy Firecracker
Hi, you are linked on several of my friends blogs so I look at your blog all the time. It's so interesting and uplifting! My husband and I also went to OBU and I'm from Arkansas so we have that in common. I have been praying for you and I'm so excited for you that God has answered our prayers. I have a 10 month old now and have loved every minute of being a mom. Enjoy your pregnancy. Thanks for being so open and honest on your blog. I will continue praying for you and your baby. God bless you!
The pictures of your parents' reaction are priceless! And that onesie is awestoo cute.
Ok now you have made all of us "stranger" blogger's tear up. I'm so happy for all of yall. I know your parents must still be smiling. What a blessing! God does answer prayers... He was just waiting for this child to give! Thank you for letting all of us share in your excitement. I will keep on praying... May you have a wonderful few months ahead and a sweet bundle to love! Take care and you are sooo glowing my sweet friend, Susie H~
Kelly!!!! I love that you are able to share!! The pictures of your parents are just precious! SO exciting! The journal is such a wonderful idea ***note to self! Your mom is way too cute!
Your parents are so sweet!! I love the Hog gear!! Tayson actually had that same Hog outfit and has that same sippie cup!!
I am still so excited for you guys, I can hardly stand it!
I just love the pictures of your parent's reaction!!! Your mom is so sweet!!!!
Oh, and that onesie is too cute!
Please keep us all updated during this journey ;)!
I just read this posting and the one before, saw you have 200 plus comments on the first one! I have been reading your blog for a while and loved the Hawaii pictures.
I was 40 when I had Kasey, didn't have all the problems getting pregnant like you have, but my husband had a vasectomy so we did a reversal and then my age was a concern. I certainly knew that I wanted children and being 40 made it even trickier. I had always wanted to make sure that I was with the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.
My Kasey is such a blessing and such a joy.
Congratulations to you and your entire family.
Congratulations! I am so excited for you and your family. I am a freind of Leslie Fodge (her sister is Jill Brannon). I have been praying for you for several months. In April when I found out I was pregnant w/ our first I knealt to pray and praise God... in that moment you were laid on my heart and I asked God to bless you w/ the same feeling of excitement and joy. I don't know you but God certainly laid you on my heart after months of reading your blog. I am due Dec 13 one month before you. SO it will be fun to have a blog friend to share this pregnancy walk with. If you are ever in Dallas let Leslie and I know.. we would love to buy you lunch. Are you having yucky morning, noon, and night sickness too? It is all worth it, I just keep my eye on that sweet prize.
God Bless You,
i am so excited for you - oh how we serve a might and amazing God. Praise Him for the great miracles He has done!
Kelly-I loved the pictures of you and your parents, it made me cry! I am still just rejoicing and giving praise to Him for this wonderful blessing. We sang the song "How great is our God" by Chris Tomlin in church on Sunday and the whole time I sang I just thought of your story and gave Him complete praise for it. It is just a wonderful testimony of HOW GREAT OUR GOD IS!!! I am so glad you have shared your journey. It has given me encouragement. My husband and I have been trying for almost 2 years now(w/o anything-just the "natural" way). I am going for my yearly in a few weeks and am planning on talking to my doctor about it, which I haven't done yet and I am seeing a new doctor since we have moved recently. I am nervous b/c I don't know what to expect or what he will say or what the plan will be. I am just going to continue to trust God and pray for direction and wisdom. Again, your blog has truly blessed me and inspired me. Thank you so much and I can't wait to hear about your journey as being pregnant and being a mom. You will continue to be in my prayers.(so sorry, I didn't realize how long this was!)
Kelly, I have tried every thinig for the nausea and sickness..meds, acupunture, ginger, peppermint, etc.. I just bought "seabands" from CVS yesterday. They are suppose to help w the nausea and highly recommended. I really think it might be helping me w the nauesa. $10 @ walgreens... And of course i feel better after eating so I snack in between meals. Hope the seabands help!
Kelly, I am so excited for you and Scott!!! I started tearing up when I saw this post and your mom and dad's reaction!!! I love it! I know that you guys are all so excited! It made me so excited to put a YES by y'all's name on my prayer list! God is so good!!! I hope you get to feeling better soon!
I haven't checked your blog in a few days and I was SO excited today when I read your news. I have been praying for you and Scott, that God would give you the same miracle He gave us. And He did! God is so good!! Congratulations!! I will be praying for you guys on Friday, but I already know everything will be great!!
There were so many things about your 'Tis So Sweet Post' that I loved. First, when you said that "you didn't feel a peace about invitro or adopting..." I always want to solve everyone's problems, so it's easy for me to say, "Well, why don't they just adopt?" You are SO RIGHT about having to do what God leads your family to do, not just what YOU think is the best or convenient. I was so convicted about my attitude/behaviors/opinion towards others after reading what you wrote. I want to be so much better and sensative to those things!
The other thing that I love is that it happened on your break...not just your "trying" break, but your internet and TV break. That's amazing. It's just more evidence that when we seek God and desire to know Him more, he WILL make himself known.
And just the testimony of prayer. Look at all these people who have prayed for you!!! INCREDIBLE!!! I'm so encouraged that God works.
What an amazing story you have to tell your child some day!
Sorry for the book! I just really wanted you to know what an encouragement your story is to me!
ps. Love the Razorback stuff. SO SO SO cute. Evan was singing the Fight Song to Kendall in the delivery room!!! :)
Oh...and I will pray for your ultrasound on Friday. I know that is huge.
I am so happy for the two of you! I knew this would happen soon!
I will continue to cover you and your little one in prayer. When I first typed "one" I accidently added an s and deleted it. Are you sure you are not having twins!!
I'm so excited for your parents! What a neat surprise for them!!!
I almost called you last night!!
I'm still just crying over here!!! I am going to email you later on tonight. This is just too exciting!
What a sweet post and thanks for the email! Ready to see how you decorate your nursery as well!
The pictures of your parents are SO cute! When my sister told us she was pregnant I was at a friend's rehearsal dinner that lasted really late and my dad had to basically beg me to come over at 11PM (when I'm usually fast asleep) to their house since I didn't know that there was going to be such big news!
Your mother's reaction is priceless!!
We'll have to get our "Razorback babies" together Fall '09!! I loved hearing about your parents reactions....and I am SO excited to hear your "daily preggo updates"!!!
I found you through chickadee's blog....
I am almost crying for you!!
Congratulations. To say the least!
I've bookmarked you and will be a regular reader.
If you want to read my blog, go to
That's me, and I'd love to be friends.
Leanne in Longview
I love seeing the picture of your parents. That onesie is really cute!
Thank you SO much for sharing these sweet moments...I LOVE the pictures, how your mom couldn't even lift her head and your dad kissing you. Precious, precious. Still praising the Lord and thanking Him for the gift of life growing in you!
I don't know you, but I really feel like I need to tell you that I came across your blog yesterday, and I KNOW that God wanted me to read it. I have been trying to conceive for a year, now. I also had a miscarriage in Feb. Lately, I have been so discouraged and mad that I have to go through this. I have been crying a lot, and just feeling alone. I came across your blog yesterday, and I cried as I read it. You probably don't even realize what an impact your words have on people like me that are going through the same thing.
Thank you so much for your encourgaing words. I really needed to hear those things. God is so awesome!
Oh, Kelly, I'm so happy for you!!! I've been out of town at a leadership conference and I'm just now catching up reading my favorite blogs. Don't worry, I'm still praying for you. However, this time it's for you and the baby, and a healthy pregnancy!
The onesie is the cutest. Great update and I can just imagine how happy you were to share the news with your mom and dad.
I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy for you! Just seeing the pictures with you and your family made me tear up! That is so sweet! The way you told them and everything! I love it! I'm so so so so so so so so sooooooooooooooooooooo HAPPY for yall! God did answer your prayers! =)
The bloggers onesie is the cutest ever!! I love~love~love the pics with your parents..they made me teary eyed. J and I talked today about how happy we are for you all. What a true testament to the power of me chills. Wish all non-believers could read your story!!
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