It's FRIDAY - can I get a hallelujah????
However, this Friday did not get started off too great. I woke up at 4 a.m. this morning and have been up ever since. We had a terrible storm come through. It was blowing and hailing and raining very hard but I didn't realize there were also tornado rotations very near our house. SCARY! Our power went out about 4 so I was running around our house with a flashlight in the middle of the dark. We have a huge dining room window in our house and we have had a constant problem with it leaking. Our builder re-did most of it and it seemed to fix it and we haven't had too many problems since but of course it leaked some this morning. So I was stressed about that. I sat down with my Bible around 5:30 and started reading Psalms by flashlight. And I thanked God for the blessings in our lives. We have a house to live in, we both have good jobs, we have loving families and wonderful friends. We have MORE than enough to eat. We are healthy. So our window leaks and last night I realized another month passed and I'm not pregnant. God is still in control.
I read this verse and it really helped - The steps of the godly are directed by the LORD. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will not fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand. Psalms 37:23-24. Isn't it good to have a God who holds our hands through our trials?
So I had to get ready in the dark and I took a shower but just kept my hair in a ponytail - yes - I look lovely this morning. Our power did come back on RIGHT before I left the house.

There is nothing to be sad about! :-)
We have a low key weekend planned (on purpose). I have so many last minute things to do this weekend (mostly packing).

Those storms were scary!! I couldn't go back to sleep either! I got Tayson and cuddeled up with him in our bed because I was so afraid something was going to happen! I am totally sporting a pony tail today too! Lookin' great!! :)
I so wish I was going to be in Hawaii next week but instead I will be sitting in my office :( I hope you guys have a great time!! I know you will!
((((((((((hugs)))))))))) to you, after a scary (and frustrating) night.
And those invitations are cool!
We were just in Corpus a few weeks ago for my hubby's birthday. It's steamy hot in the afternoon, but even in August, the evenings are balmy and quite pleasant.
ooooooooooooooooooooooooo the storms. yes, I saw that on the news!!!!!!! Praise Him for protection in the storm.....And PRAISE HIM FOR SUCH A GREAT TIME IN HIS WORD THIS MORNING....MY HAIR IS IN A PONY TOO!!!! NOT MY BEST HAIR DAY....I OVER SLEPT HAHAHAHAHH. hAVE GREAT WEEKEND.......hey does your brother have any cute friends? hehehehhe he lives in plano right???
I am so glad that you survived the scary storms! I think they are headed here...not my favorite all! Have a great weekend getting everything packed for Hawaii. I am so jealous!
Oh, I hate bad storms. I really hate loosing power too. Ours went out one morning this week right in the middle of blow drying my hair. Thankfully I was nearly done, so I just got to work early and used my flat iron. You are right though, we have SO much to be thankful for. God has blessed more than I deserve.
I LOVE that verse from Psalms. Thank you for sharing that. What comfort there is in knowing that He is right beside us, carrying us through and holding tight to our hands. Wow, what a mighty God we serve!
Hope you have a great weekend getting ready for your trip! Those views and the beaches are incredible! Oh, to be there too!
Sending hugs your way ~ praying for you too =)
Oh. my. word. I just went to your brothers wedding site...I am in tears after reading about the proposal! That has to be one of the sweetest, coolest, most unique proposals I have ever heard of. They are just adorable! Congratulations to them!
Kelly, I am sending you a big hug! I know that God has an amazing plan for you. It will happen one way. You WILL be an absolutely amazing mother one day.
Sorry about the leaky window.
Congrats to your brother.
And lastly, have you started packing yet??? And do you have room in your suitcase for me?? HA!
We are getting the storms you had last night. It is raining like crazy right now :( My hair is not in a ponytail today, but like Caroline, I overslept, and all I can say is PTL for hair powder ;) I am praying for you. Hope you have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!
Don't be too startled if I pop up out of one of your suitcases when you get to Hawaii! :)
Our front dining room window leaks in heavy rain, too!?!?! I just put a towel under it, and then I tend to forget about it until the next heavy rain. Probably something I should try to get fixed.
Thanks for sharing that verse!! :) UGH, sorry about the storms! I think one is headed our way now.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Wow, Hawaii is getting close. How exciting!!
Yuck...sorry to hear about the nasty storms. We are praying for rain right now.
I am always a last minute packer, but I do compile a list of stuff together before hand, so its not too crazy!
By the way your brother's proposal was awesome!
Hi Kelly, I am with you on the storms. We were in the cellar(sp) at 4:20am until after 5am. I saw alot of trees and signs down on the way to work. I wanted to thank you for the cake ball recipe. I made them for a wedding shower here at work today and they were a big hit.
Oh, I hate storms - terrified of them. So glad you didn't have Major damage.
I love that verse. I wrote it down to read this weekend. I need to read that! What an awesome trip to look forward to - I am envious. You deserve some relaxation and time to 'not think', right?
Have a great weekend, Kelly!
I thought of you this morning when I saw where the line of storms went. No tornado in my area but we did get some large hail.
Don't you love the Psalms in the midst of what you are going through. They have been so direct to me.
I got your sweet sweet card yesterday and it was God's timing. I needed such a nice note.
Have a great weekend!
I went to your brother's wedding website and I swear just last weekend my friend who went to UT was telling me about someone they knew (who might have got to UT also, I can't remember) who got engaged in NYC and her fiancee proposed by using Bob Dylan CD's! It has to be your brother and his fiancee that she is talking about. What a small world!
Thinking of you today and sending you hugs.
I know...the storms have been really bad in some other places. Just rain here. I LOVED your brother's wedding site. It is so cute and they are such a cute couple!
I just talked to my friend and it turns out that she was a Kappa with Carrie. She is going to be at the wedding this summer so you'll have to look out for Carrie's sorority sister named Melissa!
Your brothers proposal was awesome!
I know what you mean about those storms, they were scary!
Hey Kelly, I live in Corpus Christi - I've been thinking that your brother and his fiance look reallly familiar. I wonder if I've seen them around? That's crazy. And it's STEAMING HOT down here today so I hope your parents packed summer stuff! :)
I know,....those storms were scary! Hawaii really is coming quick for ya'll! Aww and that pic of your brother and your soon to be sister-in-law are sooo cute!
Just wanted to tell you that I feel you on the "another month passing and not being pregnant"... I've wanted to comment before about it and tell you that we have a similar struggle, but it not the easiest thing to talk about. I admire your openness and your willingness to give your desires over to the Lord. It's HARD!
There's alway that hope inside even thought the other part of you starts to hold a reserve because it hurts too bad to see "NO" again.
Praying for you!
Praise the Lord that you are ok!! God is so good :)
I'm sending you a great big hug and thank you for thinking of us when you donated to autism research at TJ Maxx! It means the world me to me!
Girl, sending you a big hug from GA. :) That was quite the way to start out a morning--hope y'all have had a nice relaxing evening to start a nice, calm weekend! Yay for Hawaii VERY SOON!
Wow, i am glad you are safe. sounds like it was a rough morning. the photo's from hawaii look fabulous.... so dreamy.
Have so much fun in Hawaii. I'm glad that you didn't have anymore damage from the storm. Love you thoughts on being thankful for everything we have..we are truly blessed. Still praying for that baby!!
Those same storms are rolling in here right now...sounds like it should be fun from the way you describe it!
I so admire you for your faith, thank you for displaying that, it helps to see!
Only 5 days to go!!!
i would much rather worry about snow storms than tornadoes. this has been an awful season for thunderstorms and tornadoes. i have not liked that since i just moved back to the south after living in south dakota for almost 2 years.
have fun in hawaii. i am insanely jealous but in a good way. i hope it is a good time and magical too. can't wait to see pics and hope it is fun packing. i remember i brought way too much when i was there.
Hey! We got that paint at Lowe's and it is called Mud Slide. I'm warning is like a 3-4 coater!! :) But it is worth it. What room do you want to paint? In answer to your previous question, yes, we leave on Thursday for Riviera Maya Mexico. We can't wait!
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